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1 #include "PHG4CylinderGeomv4.h"
3 #include <cmath>
5 void PHG4CylinderGeomv4::identify(std::ostream& os) const
6 {
7  os << "PHG4CylinderGeomv4: layer: " << layer
8  << ", layer_radius: " << layer_radius
9  << ", radius_stagger: " << radius_stagger
10  << ", N_sensors_in_layer: " << N_sensors_in_layer
11  << ", layer_NZ: " << layer_NZ
12  << ", segment_z_step: " << segment_z_step
13  << ", segment_phi_step: " << segment_phi_step
14  << ", sensor_x_offset: " << sensor_x_offset
15  << ", sensor_y_offset: " << sensor_y_offset
16  << ", N_strip_columns: " << N_strip_columns
17  << ", N_strips_per_column: " << N_strips_per_column
18  << ", N_staggers " << N_staggers
19  << ", strip_z_spacing: " << strip_z_spacing
20  << ", strip_y_spacing: " << strip_y_spacing
21  << ", strip_tilt: " << strip_tilt
22  << std::endl;
23  return;
24 }
26 void PHG4CylinderGeomv4::find_segment_center(int segment_z_bin, int segment_phi_bin, double location[])
27 {
28  double z_location = (double) (segment_z_bin - layer_NZ / 2) * segment_z_step;
30  // this determines the stggered layer radius
31  int istagger = segment_phi_bin % N_staggers;
33  // We need to stagger the radii at alternate phi values by radius_stagger, since the ladders overlap in phi
34  // The number of staggers is an input number, since it has to be the same for both parts of a double layer!
35  double R_layer = layer_radius + (double) istagger * radius_stagger;
37  // Place the ladder segment envelopes at the correct z and phi
38  double phi = (double) segment_phi_bin * segment_phi_step;
40  double x_location = R_layer * cos(phi);
41  double y_location = R_layer * sin(phi);
43  location[0] = x_location;
44  location[1] = y_location;
45  location[2] = z_location;
46 }
48 void PHG4CylinderGeomv4::find_strip_center(int segment_z_bin, int segment_phi_bin, int strip_column, int strip_index, double location[])
49 {
50  // Start by getting the ladder segment center location in the sPHENIX frame
51  find_segment_center(segment_z_bin, segment_phi_bin, location);
53  // Now calculate the strip x, y and z position in the frame of the ladder segment
54  // if N_strip_columns is even, the center of the sensor is a boundary between strip columns, the first sensor is 1/2 strip_z_spacing from zero
55  // if it is odd, the center of the sensor is in the middle of a strip column, one strip is centered at zero
57  double strip_sensor_z = 0.0;
58  if (N_strip_columns % 2)
59  strip_sensor_z = ((double) (strip_column - N_strip_columns / 2)) * strip_z_spacing;
60  else
61  strip_sensor_z = ((double) (strip_column - N_strip_columns / 2) + 0.5) * strip_z_spacing;
63  double strip_sensor_y = 0.0;
64  if (N_strips_per_column % 2)
65  strip_sensor_y = (double) (strip_index - N_strips_per_column / 2) * strip_y_spacing;
66  else
67  strip_sensor_y = ((double) (strip_index - N_strips_per_column / 2) + 0.5) * strip_y_spacing;
69  // The sensor is set forward of the center in the ladder segment volume
70  double strip_sensor_x = sensor_x_offset;
72  // If there is only an upper ROC, the sensor is not centered in the ladder segment
73  // Add the sensor offset to the strip_sensor_y value
75  strip_sensor_y += sensor_y_offset;
77  // Now we need to transform the position in the ladder segment frame to that in the sPHENIX frame
78  // this is just a rotation around the z axis in phi
79  double phi = (double) segment_phi_bin * segment_phi_step;
80  double x = strip_sensor_x * cos(phi) - strip_sensor_y * sin(phi);
81  double y = strip_sensor_y * cos(phi) + strip_sensor_x * sin(phi);
83  // now add these to the location of the sensor center in the sPHENIX frame
84  location[0] += x;
85  location[1] += y;
86  location[2] += strip_sensor_z;
88  return;
89 }