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2 //____________________________________________________________________________..
4 //our base code
5 #include "pythiaEMCalAna.h"
11 //Fun4all stuff
13 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
15 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
16 #include <phool/getClass.h>
17 #include <phool/phool.h>
18 #include <ffaobjects/EventHeader.h>
20 //ROOT stuff
21 #include <TH1F.h>
22 #include <TH2F.h>
23 #include <TH3F.h>
24 #include <TFile.h>
25 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
26 #include <TTree.h>
28 //for emc clusters
29 #include <calobase/RawCluster.h>
30 #include <calobase/RawClusterContainer.h>
31 #include <calobase/RawClusterUtility.h>
32 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
33 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
34 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
36 //caloEvalStack for cluster to truth matching
37 #include <g4eval/CaloEvalStack.h>
38 /* #include <g4eval/CaloRawClusterEval.h> */
40 //for vertex information
43 /* #include <g4vertex/GlobalVertex.h> */
44 /* #include <g4vertex/GlobalVertexMap.h> */
46 //tracking
49 /* #include <trackbase_historic/SvtxVertex.h> */
50 /* #include <trackbase_historic/SvtxVertexMap.h> */
52 //truth information
54 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
55 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPoint.h>
58 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
59 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
60 #include <HepMC/GenEvent.h>
61 #include <HepMC/GenParticle.h>
62 #include <HepMC/GenVertex.h>
63 #include <HepMC/IteratorRange.h>
64 #include <HepMC/SimpleVector.h>
65 #include <HepMC/GenParticle.h>
66 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
68 //____________________________________________________________________________..
69 pythiaEMCalAna::pythiaEMCalAna(const std::string &name, const std::string &oname, bool isMC, bool hasPythia):
70 SubsysReco(name),
71  clusters_Towers(nullptr),
72  truth_particles(nullptr),
73  m_tower_energy(0),
74  m_eta_center(0),
75  m_phi_center(0),
76  m_cluster_ID(0),
77  m_cluster_e(0),
78  m_cluster_eta(0),
79  m_cluster_phi(0),
80  m_cluster_ecore(0),
81  m_cluster_chi2(0),
82  m_cluster_prob(0),
83  m_cluster_nTowers(0),
84  m_cluster_maxE_trackID(0),
85  m_cluster_maxE_PID(0),
86  m_cluster_all_trackIDs(0),
87  /* m_truthBarcode(0), */
88  /* m_truthParentBarcode(0), */
89  m_truthIsPrimary(0),
90  m_truthTrackID(0),
91  m_truthPid(0),
92  m_truthE(0),
93  m_truthEta(0),
94  m_truthPhi(0),
95  m_truthPt(0),
96  m_truthMass(0),
97  m_truthEndVtx_x(0),
98  m_truthEndVtx_y(0),
99  m_truthEndVtx_z(0),
100  m_truthEndVtx_t(0),
101  m_truthEndVtx_r(0),
102  m_truth_all_clusterIDs(0),
103  fout(NULL),
104  outname(oname),
105  getEvent(-9999),
106  /* hasHIJING(isAuAu), */
107  isMonteCarlo(isMC),
108  hasPYTHIA(hasPythia),
109  n_primaries(0),
110  n_primary_photons(0),
111  n_direct_photons(0),
112  n_leptons(0),
113  n_neutral_hadrons(0),
114  n_neutral_hadrons_geant(0),
115  n_neutral_hadrons_pythia(0),
116  n_charged_hadrons(0),
117  n_charged_hadrons_geant(0),
118  n_charged_hadrons_pythia(0),
119  n_pythia_decayed_hadrons(0),
120  allTrackIDs(),
121  pythiaBarcodes()
122  /* n_direct_photons_in_acceptance(0), */
123  /* n_pythia_direct_photons(0), */
124  /* n_decay_photons(0), */
125  /* n_decay_photons_in_acceptance(0), */
126  /* n_pythia_decays(0), */
127  /* n_pythia_decays_in_acceptance(0), */
128  /* n_geant_decays(0), */
129  /* n_geant_decays_in_acceptance(0), */
130  /* n_primary_in_acceptance(0), */
131  /* n_pythia_decay_photons(0), */
132  /* n_pythia_decay_photons_in_acceptance(0), */
133  /* n_pythia_decayed_pi0s(0), */
134  /* n_pythia_decayed_pi0s_in_acceptance(0), */
135  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_hadrons(0), */
136  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_hadrons_in_acceptance(0), */
137  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_pi0s(0), */
138  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_pi0s_in_acceptance(0), */
139  /* n_geant_decay_photons(0), */
140  /* n_geant_decay_photons_in_acceptance(0), */
141  /* n_geant_primary_hadrons(0), */
142  /* n_geant_primary_hadrons_in_acceptance(0), */
143  /* n_geant_primary_pi0s(0), */
144  /* n_geant_primary_pi0s_in_acceptance(0), */
145  /* pythia_primary_barcodes(0), */
146  /* primaryBarcodes(0), */
147  /* secondaryBarcodes(0) */
148 {
149 std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::pythiaEMCalAna(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << std::endl;
150 }
151 //____________________________________________________________________________..
153 {
154  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::~pythiaEMCalAna() Calling dtor" << std::endl;
155 }
157 //____________________________________________________________________________..
159 {
160  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing" << std::endl;
162  fout = new TFile(outname.c_str(),"RECREATE");
164  clusters_Towers = new TTree("TreeClusterTower","Tree for cluster and tower information");
165  clusters_Towers -> Branch("towerEnergy",&m_tower_energy);
166  clusters_Towers -> Branch("towerEtaCenter",&m_eta_center);
167  clusters_Towers -> Branch("towerPhiCenter",& m_phi_center);
168  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterID",&m_cluster_ID);
169  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterE",&m_cluster_e);
170  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterEta",&m_cluster_eta);
171  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterPhi", &m_cluster_phi);
172  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterEcore",&m_cluster_ecore);
173  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterChi2",&m_cluster_chi2);
174  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterProb",&m_cluster_prob);
175  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterNTowers",&m_cluster_nTowers);
176  if (isMonteCarlo) {
177  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterMaxE_trackID",&m_cluster_maxE_trackID);
178  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterMaxE_PID",&m_cluster_maxE_PID);
179  clusters_Towers -> Branch("clusterAll_trackIDs",&m_cluster_all_trackIDs, 32000, 0);
180  }
182  if (isMonteCarlo) {
183  truth_particles = new TTree("TreeTruthParticles", "Tree for Truth Particles");
184  /* truth_particles->Branch("truthBarcode",&m_truthBarcode, 32000, 0); */
185  /* truth_particles->Branch("truthParentBarcode",&m_truthParentBarcode, 32000, 0); */
186  truth_particles->Branch("truthIsPrimary",&m_truthIsPrimary);
187  truth_particles->Branch("truthTrackID",&m_truthTrackID);
188  truth_particles->Branch("truthPid",&m_truthPid);
189  truth_particles->Branch("truthE",&m_truthE);
190  truth_particles->Branch("truthEta",&m_truthEta);
191  truth_particles->Branch("truthPhi",&m_truthPhi);
192  truth_particles->Branch("truthPt",&m_truthPt);
193  truth_particles->Branch("truthMass",&m_truthMass);
194  truth_particles->Branch("truthEndVtx_x",&m_truthEndVtx_x);
195  truth_particles->Branch("truthEndVtx_y",&m_truthEndVtx_y);
196  truth_particles->Branch("truthEndVtx_z",&m_truthEndVtx_z);
197  truth_particles->Branch("truthEndVtx_t",&m_truthEndVtx_t);
198  truth_particles->Branch("truthEndVtx_r",&m_truthEndVtx_r);
199  truth_particles->Branch("truthAllClusterIDs",&m_truth_all_clusterIDs, 32000, 0);
200  }
202  /* clusters_Towers->MakeClass("cluster"); */
203  /* truth_particles->MakeClass("truthParticles"); */
206 }
208 //____________________________________________________________________________..
210 {
211  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing for Run XXX" << std::endl;
213 }
215 //____________________________________________________________________________..
217 {
218  /* std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Processing event..." << std::endl; */
220  //Tower geometry node for location information
221  RawTowerGeomContainer *towergeom = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_CEMC");
222  if (!towergeom)
223  {
224  std::cout << PHWHERE << "singlePhotonClusterAna::process_event Could not find node TOWERGEOM_CEMC" << std::endl;
226  }
228  //Raw tower information
229  RawTowerContainer *towerContainer = nullptr;
230  // again, node has different names in MC and RD
231  if (isMonteCarlo) {
232  towerContainer = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode,"TOWER_CALIB_CEMC");
233  /* std::cout << "isMonteCarlo=" << isMonteCarlo << ", towerContainer=" << towerContainer << "\n"; */
234  /* else { */
235  /* std::cout << "Greg info: isMonteCarlo is false\n"; */
236  /* towerContainer = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode,"TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC"); */
237  /* std::cout << "Greg info: towerContainer is " << towerContainer << std::endl; */
238  /* } */
239  if(!towerContainer) {
240  if (isMonteCarlo) std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find node TOWER_CALIB_CEMC" << std::endl;
241  else std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find node TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC" << std::endl;
243  }
244  }
246  CaloEvalStack *caloevalstack = nullptr;
247  CaloRawClusterEval *clustereval = nullptr;
248  if (isMonteCarlo) {
249  caloevalstack = new CaloEvalStack(topNode, "CEMC");
250  caloevalstack->next_event(topNode);
251  clustereval = caloevalstack->get_rawcluster_eval();
252  if(!clustereval)
253  {
254  std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event cluster eval not available" << std::endl;
256  }
257  }
259  //Information on clusters
260  RawClusterContainer *clusterContainer = nullptr;
261  // Name of node is different in MC and RD
262  if (isMonteCarlo) {
263  /* clusterContainer = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_CEMC"); */
264  clusterContainer = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTER_POS_COR_CEMC");
265  }
266  else {
267  /* clusterContainer = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTERINFO_CEMC"); */
268  clusterContainer = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topNode,"CLUSTERINFO_POS_COR_CEMC");
269  }
270  if(!clusterContainer)
271  {
272  if (isMonteCarlo) std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event - Fatal Error - CLUSTER_POS_COR_CEMC node is missing. " << std::endl;
273  else std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event - Fatal Error - CLUSTERINFO_CEMC node is missing. " << std::endl;
274  return 0;
275  }
277  // Truth information
278  PHG4TruthInfoContainer *truthinfo = nullptr;
279  if (isMonteCarlo) {
280  truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
281  if(!truthinfo) {
282  std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find node G4TruthInfo" << std::endl;
284  }
285  }
286  //Vertex information
287  GlobalVertex* gVtx = nullptr;
288  PHG4VtxPoint* mcVtx = nullptr;
289  // Problem is MC has a PrimaryVtx but no GlobalVertex, while RD has the opposite
290  if (isMonteCarlo) {
291  PHG4TruthInfoContainer::VtxRange vtx_range = truthinfo->GetPrimaryVtxRange();
292  PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstVtxIterator vtxIter = vtx_range.first;
293  mcVtx = vtxIter->second;
294  }
295  else {
296  GlobalVertexMap *vtxContainer = findNode::getClass<GlobalVertexMap>(topNode,"GlobalVertexMap");
297  if (!vtxContainer)
298  {
299  std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event - Fatal Error - GlobalVertexMap node is missing. Please turn on the do_global flag in the main macro in order to reconstruct the global vertex." << std::endl;
300  assert(vtxContainer); // force quit
301  return 0;
302  }
303  if (vtxContainer->empty())
304  {
305  /* std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event - Fatal Error - GlobalVertexMap node is empty. Please turn on the do_global flag in the main macro in order to reconstruct the global vertex." << std::endl; */
306  /* return 0; */
307  std::cout << "Info: global vertex map is empty. Using (0,0,0) for vertex\n";
308  }
310  //More vertex information
311  else {
312  gVtx = vtxContainer->begin()->second;
313  if(!gVtx)
314  {
315  std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find vtx from vtxContainer" << std::endl;
317  }
318  }
319  }
321  /* PHG4TruthInfoContainer::Range truthRange = truthinfo->GetPrimaryParticleRange(); */
322  /* PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator truthIter; */
323  /* //from the HepMC event log */
324  /* for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++) */
325  /* { */
326  /* //PHG4Particle* part = truthinfo->GetParticle(truthIter->second->get_trkid()) */
328  //For eventgen ancestory information
329  PHHepMCGenEventMap *genEventMap = nullptr;
330  if (isMonteCarlo) {
331  genEventMap = findNode::getClass<PHHepMCGenEventMap>(topNode, "PHHepMCGenEventMap");
332  if(!genEventMap)
333  {
334  std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find PHHepMCGenEventMap" << std::endl;
336  }
337  /* std::cout << "genEventMap is " << genEventMap << " with size " << genEventMap->size() << "; more details:\n"; */
338  /* genEventMap->identify(); */
339  }
341  //event level information of the above
342  PHHepMCGenEvent *genEvent = nullptr; // = genEventMap -> get(getEvent);
343  /* if(!genEvent) */
344  /* { */
345  /* std::cout << PHWHERE << "pythiaEMCalAna::process_event Could not find PHHepMCGenEvent" << std::endl; */
346  /* return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; */
347  /* } */
348  /* std::cout << "genEvent is " << genEvent << " with size " << genEvent->size() << "; more details:\n"; */
349  /* genEvent->identify(); */
351  HepMC::GenEvent *theEvent = nullptr; // = genEvent -> getEvent();
353  //grab all the towers and fill their energies.
354  bool write_towers = true;
355  if (write_towers && isMonteCarlo) {
356  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange tower_range = towerContainer -> getTowers();
357  for(RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator tower_iter = tower_range.first; tower_iter!= tower_range.second; tower_iter++)
358  {
359  int phibin = tower_iter -> second -> get_binphi();
360  int etabin = tower_iter -> second -> get_bineta();
361  double phi = towergeom -> get_phicenter(phibin);
362  double eta = towergeom -> get_etacenter(etabin);
363  double energy = tower_iter -> second -> get_energy();
365  m_tower_energy.push_back(energy);
366  m_eta_center.push_back(eta);
367  m_phi_center.push_back(phi);
368  }
369  }
371  //grab all the clusters in the event
372  bool write_clusters = true;
373  bool apply_energy_cut = false;
374  float clusterMinEnergyCut = 0.3; // in GeV
375  if (write_clusters) {
376  RawClusterContainer::ConstRange clusterEnd = clusterContainer -> getClusters();
378  for(clusterIter = clusterEnd.first; clusterIter != clusterEnd.second; clusterIter++)
379  {
380  RawCluster *recoCluster = clusterIter -> second;
381  CLHEP::Hep3Vector vertex;
382  if (isMonteCarlo) vertex = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(mcVtx->get_x(), mcVtx->get_y(), mcVtx->get_z());
383  else {
384  if (gVtx) vertex = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(gVtx->get_x(), gVtx->get_y(), gVtx->get_z());
385  else vertex = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(0,0,0);
386  }
387  /* vertex = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(0., 0., 0.); */
388  CLHEP::Hep3Vector E_vec_cluster = RawClusterUtility::GetECoreVec(*recoCluster, vertex);
389  float clusE = recoCluster->get_energy();
390  float clusEcore = recoCluster->get_ecore();
391  float clus_eta = E_vec_cluster.pseudoRapidity();
392  float clus_phi = E_vec_cluster.phi();
394  if (apply_energy_cut) {
395  if (clusE < clusterMinEnergyCut) continue;
396  }
398  m_cluster_ID.push_back(recoCluster->get_id());
399  m_cluster_e.push_back(clusE);
400  m_cluster_eta.push_back(clus_eta);
401  m_cluster_phi.push_back(clus_phi);
402  m_cluster_ecore.push_back(clusEcore);
403  m_cluster_chi2.push_back(recoCluster -> get_chi2());
404  m_cluster_prob.push_back(recoCluster -> get_prob());
405  m_cluster_nTowers.push_back(recoCluster -> getNTowers());
407  if (isMonteCarlo) {
408  std::set<PHG4Particle*> all_parts = clustereval->all_truth_primary_particles(recoCluster);
409  if (all_parts.empty()) {
410  // noise cluster without any real particles creating the shower
411  m_cluster_maxE_trackID.push_back(-1);
412  m_cluster_maxE_PID.push_back(-1);
413  std::vector<float> all_cluster_trackIDs;
414  m_cluster_all_trackIDs.push_back(all_cluster_trackIDs);
415  }
416  else {
417  PHG4Particle* maxE_part = clustereval->max_truth_primary_particle_by_energy(recoCluster);
418  m_cluster_maxE_trackID.push_back(maxE_part->get_track_id());
419  m_cluster_maxE_PID.push_back(maxE_part->get_pid());
420  // next we want a vector with all the tracks contributing to this cluster
421  std::vector<float> all_cluster_trackIDs;
422  for (auto& part : all_parts) {
423  all_cluster_trackIDs.push_back(part->get_track_id());
424  allTrackIDs.insert(part->get_track_id());
425  }
426  m_cluster_all_trackIDs.push_back(all_cluster_trackIDs);
427  }
428  }
429  } // end loop over clusters
430  }
432  // Next grab the truth particles
433  if (isMonteCarlo) {
434  PHG4TruthInfoContainer::Range truthRange = truthinfo->GetPrimaryParticleRange();
436  /* std::cout << "\n\nGreg info: starting loop over Geant primary particles\n"; */
437  for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++)
438  {
439  PHG4Particle *truthPar = truthIter->second;
440  int track_id = truthPar->get_track_id();
441  // only interested in particles which produced a cluster
442  if (allTrackIDs.count(track_id) == 0) continue;
443  int embedID = truthinfo->isEmbeded(track_id);
444  genEvent = genEventMap -> get(embedID);
445  theEvent = genEvent -> getEvent();
446  if (truthPar->get_pid() != 22) {
447  // if it's not a photon, add it as a primary
448  addPrimaryFromGeant(truthPar, truthinfo, clustereval, theEvent);
449  }
450  else {
452  // if it is a photon, we have to check whether it's truly primary,
453  // or a decay photon handled in pythia
454  if (isDirectPhoton(truthPar, theEvent)) {
455  // if it's really a direct photon, add it normally
456  addPrimaryFromGeant(truthPar, truthinfo, clustereval, theEvent);
457  }
458  else {
459  // primary photon is actually a decay photon from a decay handled by pythia
460  // find the parent in pythia and add that as the true primary
461  HepMC::GenParticle* p = getGenParticle(truthPar->get_barcode(), theEvent);
462  HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = p->production_vertex();
463  // should only have 1 parent; otherwise print an error
464  if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) {
465  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin();
466  assert((*parent));
467  // parent's status and pdg_id tell us whether it's a direct photon
468  // or a decay photon
469  if ((*parent)->status() == 2 && abs((*parent)->pdg_id()) >= 100) {
470  // p is a decay photon and parent is the primary hadron
471  // check if we've already added the parent
472  if (pythiaBarcodes.count((*parent)->barcode()) == 0) {
473  // if not, add it
474  addPrimaryFromPythia((*parent));
475  }
476  }
477  else {
478  // weird case??
479  std::cout << "\nGreg info: weird combination of photon or parent status or PID... photon:\n";
480  p->print();
481  std::cout << "Parent:\n";
482  (*parent)->print();
483  std::cout << "\n";
484  }
485  }
486  else {
487  // weird photon -- they should only have 1 parent
488  std::cout << "\nGreg info: in PYTHIA check, found a photon with " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parent(s). Photon:\n";
489  p->print();
490  for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); parent != prod_vtx->particles_in_const_end(); parent++) {
491  std::cout << "Parent:\n";
492  (*parent)->print();
493  }
494  std::cout << "\n";
495  }
496  } // end decay photon case
497  } // end photon check
498  } // end loop over primary particles
499  } // end grabbing truth info
502  clusters_Towers -> Fill();
503  if (isMonteCarlo) {
504  truth_particles -> Fill();
505  delete caloevalstack;
506  }
508  // Below is some example code showing cluster->particle matching
510  /* // Start with clusters, and find the corresponding truth particle(s) that */
511  /* // produced the shower */
512  /* RawClusterContainer::ConstRange clusterEnd = clusterContainer -> getClusters(); */
513  /* RawClusterContainer::ConstIterator clusterIter; */
514  /* for(clusterIter = clusterEnd.first; clusterIter != clusterEnd.second; clusterIter++) */
515  /* { */
516  /* RawCluster *recoCluster = clusterIter -> second; */
517  /* CLHEP::Hep3Vector vertex = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(mcVtx->get_x(), mcVtx->get_y(), mcVtx->get_z()); */
518  /* CLHEP::Hep3Vector E_vec_cluster = RawClusterUtility::GetECoreVec(*recoCluster, vertex); */
519  /* float clusE = E_vec_cluster.mag(); */
520  /* // Ignore clusters below 300MeV */
521  /* if (clusE < 0.3) continue; */
523  /* // all particles that contributed energy to this cluster */
524  /* std::set<PHG4Particle*> all_parts = clustereval->all_truth_primary_particles(recoCluster); */
525  /* // need at least one particle; if not, cluster is just noise */
526  /* if (all_parts.size() < 1) continue; */
527  /* // particle which contributed the most energy to this cluster */
528  /* PHG4Particle* max_part = clustereval->max_truth_primary_particle_by_energy(recoCluster); */
529  /* /1* if (max_part->get_pid() > 0) continue; *1/ */
530  /* std::cout << "Greg info: printing cluster info:\n"; */
531  /* std::cout << Form("id=%d, (E, phi, eta) = (%f, %f, %f)\n", recoCluster->get_id(), clusE, E_vec_cluster.phi(), E_vec_cluster.pseudoRapidity()); */
532  /* /1* recoCluster->identify(); *1/ */
533  /* std::cout << "Corresponding particle info: (all_parts size=" << all_parts.size() << ", max_part=" << max_part << ")\n"; */
534  /* max_part->identify(); */
535  /* std::set<RawCluster*> max_part_clusters = clustereval->all_clusters_from(max_part); */
536  /* std::cout << "max_part contributed to " << max_part_clusters.size() << " clusters; printing those clusters\n"; */
537  /* for (auto& cl : max_part_clusters) { */
538  /* cl->identify(); */
539  /* } */
540  /* std::cout << "\n"; */
541  /* } */
544  // Below shows how to loop over all the different HepMC events in this Fun4All event
546  /* PHHepMCGenEventMap::Iter genEventIter; */
547  /* for (genEventIter = genEventMap->begin(); genEventIter != genEventMap->end(); genEventIter++) { */
548  /* int embedID = genEventIter->first; */
549  /* // For HIJING embedded samples, the PYTHIA event has a positive embedID */
550  /* if (hasHIJING && embedID < 1) continue; */
551  /* if (embedID < 1) continue; */
552  /* genEvent = genEventIter->second; */
553  /* /1* std::cout << "Greg info: embedID=" << embedID << "; printing genEvent\n"; *1/ */
554  /* /1* genEvent->identify(); *1/ */
555  /* theEvent = genEvent->getEvent(); */
556  /* /1* std::cout << "Greg info: printing theEvent\n"; *1/ */
557  /* /1* theEvent->print(); *1/ */
558  /* /1* std::cout << Form("Greg info: embedID=%d, genEvent->is_simulated()=%d\n", embedID, genEvent->is_simulated()); *1/ */
559  /* // now loop over PYTHIA particles */
560  /* for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = theEvent -> particles_begin(); p != theEvent -> particles_end(); ++p) */
561  /* { */
562  /* assert(*p); */
563  /* // look for photons only */
564  /* if ((*p)->pdg_id() == 22) { */
565  /* // only want final-state particles, i.e. status = 1 */
566  /* if ((*p)->status() != 1) continue; */
567  /* // get the photon's parent */
568  /* HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = (*p)->production_vertex(); */
569  /* if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) { */
570  /* HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); */
571  /* assert((*parent)); */
572  /* // parent's status and pdg_id tell us whether it's a direct photon */
573  /* // or a decay photon */
574  /* if ((*parent)->status() > 2 && abs((*parent)->pdg_id()) < 100) { */
575  /* // direct photon */
576  /* /1* addPrimaryFromPythia((*p)); *1/ */
577  /* n_pythia_direct_photons++; */
578  /* } */
579  /* else if ((*parent)->status() == 2 && abs((*parent)->pdg_id()) >= 100) { */
580  /* // decay photon */
581  /* n_pythia_decay_photons++; */
582  /* if (withinAcceptance((*p))) n_pythia_decay_photons_in_acceptance++; */
583  /* std::pair<int,int> embedBarcode = std::pair<int,int>(embedID, (*parent)->barcode()); */
584  /* if (! vector_contains(embedBarcode, pythia_primary_barcodes) ) { */
585  /* pythia_primary_barcodes.push_back(embedBarcode); */
586  /* n_pythia_decays++; */
587  /* if (withinAcceptance((*parent))) n_pythia_decays_in_acceptance++; */
588  /* if ( (*parent)->pdg_id() == 111 ) { */
589  /* n_pythia_decayed_pi0s++; */
590  /* if (withinAcceptance((*parent))) n_pythia_decayed_pi0s_in_acceptance++; */
591  /* } */
592  /* } */
594  /* } */
595  /* else { */
596  /* // weird case?? */
597  /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: weird combination of photon or parent status or PID... photon:\n"; */
598  /* (*p)->print(); */
599  /* std::cout << "Parent:\n"; */
600  /* (*parent)->print(); */
601  /* std::cout << "\n"; */
602  /* } */
603  /* } */
604  /* else { */
605  /* // weird photon -- they should only have 1 parent */
606  /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: in PYTHIA check, found a photon with " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parent(s). Photon:\n"; */
607  /* (*p)->print(); */
608  /* for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); parent != prod_vtx->particles_in_const_end(); parent++) { */
609  /* std::cout << "Parent:\n"; */
610  /* (*parent)->print(); */
611  /* } */
612  /* std::cout << "\n"; */
613  /* } */
614  /* } // end photon check */
615  /* else { */
616  /* // check for (final state) non-decayed pi0s */
617  /* if ( (*p)->status() == 1 && (*p)->pdg_id() > 100) { */
618  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_hadrons++; */
619  /* if (withinAcceptance((*p))) n_pythia_nondecayed_hadrons_in_acceptance++; */
620  /* if ( (*p)->pdg_id() == 111 ) { */
621  /* n_pythia_nondecayed_pi0s++; */
622  /* if (withinAcceptance((*p))) n_pythia_nondecayed_pi0s_in_acceptance++; */
623  /* } */
624  /* } */
625  /* } */
626  /* } // end PYTHIA loop */
627  /* } // end loop over embedID */
628  /* std::cout << "PYTHIA: " << n_pythia << " total particles, " << n_pho_pythia << " photons, " << n_pi0_pythia << " pi0s\n"; */
631  // Below is the old code I used to find truth photons
632  // Warning! Likely will not work after uncommenting. Should only be used as an example
634  // Next check for decays handled by Geant
635  // Start with primary particles from GEANT
636  // Look for photons and decide if they are direct or decay photons
637  /* PHG4TruthInfoContainer::Range truthRange = truthinfo->GetPrimaryParticleRange(); */
638  /* PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator truthIter; */
639  /* /1* std::cout << "\n\nGreg info: starting loop over Geant primary particles\n"; *1/ */
640  /* for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++) */
641  /* { */
642  /* PHG4Particle *truthPar = truthIter->second; */
643  /* int embedID = truthinfo->isEmbeded(truthPar->get_track_id()); */
644  /* if (hasHIJING && embedID < 1) continue; */
645  /* if (embedID < 1) continue; */
646  /* int geant_barcode = truthPar->get_barcode(); */
647  /* int pid = truthPar->get_pid(); */
648  /* // look for photons only */
649  /* if (pid == 22) { */
650  /* /1* std::cout << "\nFound a primary photon (embedID=" << embedID << ", barcode=" << geant_barcode << "); details:\t"; *1/ */
651  /* /1* truthPar->identify(); *1/ */
652  /* genEvent = genEventMap -> get(embedID); */
653  /* theEvent = genEvent -> getEvent(); */
654  /* // is it a direct photon? */
655  /* if (isDirectPhoton(truthPar, theEvent)) { */
656  /* /1* std::cout << "\tbarcode " << geant_barcode << " is a direct photon... adding to list\n"; *1/ */
657  /* n_direct_photons++; */
658  /* addDirectPhoton(truthPar, truthinfo); */
659  /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
660  /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(truthPar->get_px(), truthPar->get_py(), truthPar->get_pz(), truthPar->get_e()); */
661  /* float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity(); */
662  /* if (abs(eta) <= 1.1) n_direct_photons_in_acceptance++; */
663  /* } */
664  /* else { */
665  /* // decay photon */
666  /* /1* std::cout << "\tbarcode " << geant_barcode << " is a decay photon... check parent info\n"; *1/ */
667  /* n_decay_photons++; */
668  /* if (withinAcceptance(truthPar)) n_decay_photons_in_acceptance++; */
669  /* addDecayPhoton(truthPar, truthinfo, theEvent); */
670  /* // find the parent and add it as a primary */
671  /* // primary photon means geant doesn't know about the parent */
672  /* // so match this photon to the pythia photon */
673  /* HepMC::GenParticle* pho = getGenParticle(geant_barcode, theEvent); */
674  /* /1* assert(pho); *1/ */
675  /* if (!pho) { */
676  /* // problem -- we couldn't find the corresponding pythia particle */
677  /* std::cout << "\t\tGreg info: skipping Geant primary with barcode " << geant_barcode << " because corresponding pythia particle could not be found; more details:\t"; */
678  /* truthPar->identify(); */
679  /* continue; */
680  /* } */
681  /* // now find the parent in pythia */
682  /* HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = pho->production_vertex(); */
683  /* if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) { */
684  /* HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); */
685  /* assert((*parent)); */
686  /* /1* std::cout << "\t\tParent barcode=" << (*parent)->barcode() << ", id=" << (*parent)->pdg_id() << "... "; *1/ */
687  /* std::pair<int,int> embedBarcode(embedID, (*parent)->barcode()); */
688  /* if (! vector_contains(embedBarcode, primaryBarcodes) ) { */
689  /* /1* std::cout << "adding to primaries.\n"; *1/ */
690  /* primaryBarcodes.push_back(embedBarcode); */
691  /* n_primary++; */
692  /* if (withinAcceptance((*parent))) n_primary_in_acceptance++; */
693  /* /1* n_pythia_decays++; *1/ */
694  /* /1* std::cout << "adding primary from pythia. PID=" << (*parent)->pdg_id() << "\n"; *1/ */
695  /* addPrimaryHadronFromPythia((*parent), embedID); */
696  /* } */
697  /* else { */
698  /* /1* std::cout << "already added this primary.\n"; *1/ */
699  /* } */
700  /* } */
701  /* else { */
702  /* std::cout << "\t\tGreg info: pythia-decayed photon with " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parents. Skipping...\n"; */
703  /* } */
704  /* } */
705  /* } // end photon check */
706  /* else { */
707  /* if (pid > 100) { */
708  /* n_geant_primary_hadrons++; */
709  /* if (withinAcceptance(truthPar)) n_geant_primary_hadrons_in_acceptance++; */
710  /* } */
711  /* if (pid == 111) { */
712  /* n_geant_primary_pi0s++; */
713  /* if (withinAcceptance(truthPar)) n_geant_primary_pi0s_in_acceptance++; */
714  /* } */
715  /* } */
716  /* } // end loop over geant primary particles */
719  // Now loop over GEANT secondary particles, taking only the daughters
720  // of primary particles we already found
721  /* truthRange = truthinfo->GetSecondaryParticleRange(); */
722  /* /1* std::cout << "Greg info: starting loop over Geant secondary particles\n"; *1/ */
723  /* for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++) */
724  /* { */
725  /* PHG4Particle *truthPar = truthIter->second; */
726  /* int embedID = truthinfo->isEmbeded(truthPar->get_track_id()); */
727  /* if (hasHIJING && embedID < 1) continue; */
728  /* if (embedID < 1) continue; */
729  /* // only looking for decay photons and their corresponding primaries */
730  /* if (truthPar->get_pid() == 22) { */
731  /* // get the parent */
732  /* PHG4Particle* parent = truthinfo->GetParticle(truthPar->get_parent_id()); */
733  /* // make sure parent is a primary */
734  /* if ( truthinfo->is_primary(parent) ) { */
735  /* // make sure the "parent" isn't also a photon, i.e. the */
736  /* // same photon before and after an interaction */
737  /* if (parent->get_pid() == 22) continue; */
739  /* /1* std::cout << "\tFound a secondary photon (barcode=" << truthPar->get_barcode() << ")\n"; *1/ */
740  /* /1* std::cout << "\t\tParent is primary (barcode=" << parent->get_barcode() << ", id=" << parent->get_pid() << "), "; *1/ */
741  /* n_decay_photons++; */
742  /* if (withinAcceptance(truthPar)) n_decay_photons_in_acceptance++; */
743  /* n_geant_decay_photons++; */
744  /* if (withinAcceptance(truthPar)) n_geant_decay_photons_in_acceptance++; */
745  /* addDecayPhoton(truthPar, truthinfo, theEvent); */
746  /* int embedID = truthinfo->isEmbeded(parent->get_track_id()); */
747  /* std::pair<int,int> embedBarcode(embedID, parent->get_barcode()); */
748  /* /1* if (parent->get_pid() == 111) { *1/ */
749  /* /1* std::cout << "Found a primary pi0 with embedID " << embedID << ", barcode " << parent->get_barcode() << "\n"; *1/ */
750  /* /1* } *1/ */
751  /* if (! vector_contains(embedBarcode, primaryBarcodes) ) { */
752  /* /1* std::cout << "adding to primaries.\n"; *1/ */
753  /* primaryBarcodes.push_back(embedBarcode); */
754  /* n_primary++; */
755  /* if (withinAcceptance(parent)) n_primary_in_acceptance++; */
756  /* n_geant_decays++; */
757  /* if (withinAcceptance(parent)) n_geant_decays_in_acceptance++; */
759  /* /1* std::cout << "\tadded primary with embedID " << embedID << ", barcode " << parent->get_barcode() << "\n"; *1/ */
760  /* /1* std::cout << "Adding primary from geant. PID=" << parent->get_pid() << "\n"; *1/ */
761  /* addPrimaryHadronFromGeant(parent, truthinfo); */
762  /* /1* std::cout << "\nFound a geant-decayed primary:\n"; *1/ */
763  /* /1* parent->identify(); *1/ */
764  /* /1* std::cout << "Daughter photon is\n"; *1/ */
765  /* /1* truthPar->identify(); *1/ */
766  /* /1* std::cout << "\n"; *1/ */
767  /* } */
768  /* else { */
769  /* /1* std::cout << "already added this primary.\n"; *1/ */
770  /* } */
771  /* } */
772  /* /1* else { *1/ */
773  /* /1* std::cout << "\t\tParent is *not* primary. Skipping!\n"; *1/ */
774  /* /1* } *1/ */
775  /* } //end photon check */
776  /* } // end loop over geant secondaries */
780 }
782 //____________________________________________________________________________..
784 {
786  m_tower_energy.clear();
787  m_eta_center.clear();
788  m_phi_center.clear();
789  m_cluster_ID.clear();
790  m_cluster_e.clear();
791  m_cluster_eta.clear();
792  m_cluster_phi.clear();
793  m_cluster_ecore.clear();
794  m_cluster_chi2.clear();
795  m_cluster_prob.clear();
796  m_cluster_nTowers.clear();
797  m_cluster_maxE_trackID.clear();
798  m_cluster_maxE_PID.clear();
799  m_cluster_all_trackIDs.clear();
800  m_truthIsPrimary.clear();
801  m_truthTrackID.clear();
802  m_truthPid.clear();
803  m_truthE.clear();
804  m_truthEta.clear();
805  m_truthPhi.clear();
806  m_truthPt.clear();
807  m_truthMass.clear();
808  m_truthEndVtx_x.clear();
809  m_truthEndVtx_y.clear();
810  m_truthEndVtx_z.clear();
811  m_truthEndVtx_t.clear();
812  m_truthEndVtx_r.clear();
813  m_truth_all_clusterIDs.clear();
814  allTrackIDs.clear();
815  pythiaBarcodes.clear();
818 }
820 //____________________________________________________________________________..
822 {
823  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::EndRun(const int runnumber) Ending Run for Run " << runnumber << std::endl;
825 }
827 //____________________________________________________________________________..
829 {
830  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::End(PHCompositeNode *topNode) This is the End..." << std::endl;
831  if (isMonteCarlo) {
832  std::cout << Form("Total primary particles: %ld\n", n_primaries);
833  std::cout << Form("Total primary hadrons decayed by pythia: %ld\n", n_pythia_decayed_hadrons);
834  std::cout << Form("Total \"primary\" photons: %ld\n", n_primary_photons);
835  std::cout << Form("Total direct photons: %ld\n", n_direct_photons);
836  std::cout << Form("Total neutral hadrons: %ld (%ld geant, %ld pythia)\n", n_neutral_hadrons, n_neutral_hadrons_geant, n_neutral_hadrons_pythia);
837  std::cout << Form("Total charged hadrons: %ld (%ld geant, %ld pythia)\n", n_charged_hadrons, n_charged_hadrons_geant, n_charged_hadrons_pythia);
838  std::cout << Form("Total primary leptons: %ld\n", n_leptons);
839  }
840  fout -> cd();
841  std::cout << "Writing clusters_Towers\n";
842  clusters_Towers -> Write();
843  if (isMonteCarlo) {
844  std::cout << "Writing truth_particles\n";
845  truth_particles -> Write();
846  }
847  fout -> Close();
849 }
851 //____________________________________________________________________________..
853 {
854  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode) being Reset" << std::endl;
856 }
858 //____________________________________________________________________________..
859 void pythiaEMCalAna::Print(const std::string &what) const
860 {
861  std::cout << "pythiaEMCalAna::Print(const std::string &what) const Printing info for " << what << std::endl;
862 }
864 // PID stuff to print info on how many of each truth particle there were
865 // Mostly useful as a sanity check
867 bool IsBaryon(int pdg_id) {
868  /* std::cout << Form("Entering IsBaryon(%d)\n", pdg_id); */
869  bool ret = false;
870  // baryon ids are 4-digit numbers
871  if (abs(pdg_id) > 999 && abs(pdg_id) < 10000) ret = true;
872  /* std::cout << Form("In IsBaryon(%d): returning %s\n", pdg_id, ret ? "true": "false"); */
873  return ret;
874 }
876 bool IsNeutralBaryon(int pdg_id) {
877  /* std::cout << Form("Entering IsNeutralBaryon(%d)\n", pdg_id); */
878  if (!IsBaryon(pdg_id)) return false;
879  // baryon ids are 4-digit numbers
880  int base_id = abs(pdg_id) % 10000;
881  // the last digit is the angular momentum state
882  // the first three digits are the quark flavors
883  int q1 = (int)(base_id/1000);
884  int q2 = (int)(base_id/100 % 10);
885  int q3 = (int)(base_id/10 % 10);
886  // odd numbers 1,3,5 are d,s,b; even numbers 2,4,6 are u,c,t
887  float charge = 0.;
888  if (q1%2 == 0) charge += 2./3.;
889  else charge -= 1./3.;
890  if (q2%2 == 0) charge += 2./3.;
891  else charge -= 1./3.;
892  if (q3%2 == 0) charge += 2./3.;
893  else charge -= 1./3.;
894  /* std::cout << Form("In IsNeutralBaryon: base_id=%d, charge=%f\n", base_id, charge); */
895  if (abs(charge) < 0.05) return true;
896  else return false;
897 }
899 bool IsNeutralMeson(int pdg_id) {
900  /* std::cout << Form("Entering IsNeutralMeson(%d)\n", pdg_id); */
901  // excited states are >3 digit numbers; first reduce them to the base quark content
902  int base_id = pdg_id % 1000;
903  // meson ids are 3-digit numbers
904  // the last digit is the angular momentum state
905  // the first two digits are the quark flavors
906  int q1 = (int)(base_id/100);
907  int q2 = (int)(base_id/10 % 10);
908  float charge = 0.;
909  if (q1%2 == 0) charge += 2./3.;
910  else charge -= 1./3.;
911  if (q2%2 == 0) charge -= 2./3.;
912  else charge += 1./3.;
913  /* std::cout << Form("In IsNeutralMeson: base_id=%d, charge=%f\n", base_id, charge); */
914  if (abs(charge) < 0.05) return true;
915  else return false;
916 }
918 bool IsNeutralHadron(int pdg_id) {
919  /* std::cout << Form("\nEntering IsNeutralHadron(%d)\n", pdg_id); */
920  bool ret = (IsNeutralBaryon(pdg_id) || IsNeutralMeson(pdg_id));
921  /* std::cout << Form("In IsNeutralHadron: returning %s\n", ret ? "true" : "false"); */
922  return ret;
923 }
925 void pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromGeant(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo, CaloRawClusterEval* caloEval, HepMC::GenEvent* theEvent) {
926  TLorentzVector truth_momentum;
927  truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e());
928  if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return;
929  int this_id = part->get_track_id();
931  PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo);
932  if (!end_vtx) {
933  std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for Geant-decayed primary:\n";
934  part->identify();
935  std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt());
936  return;
937  }
939  n_primaries++;
941  /* int embedID = truthInfo->isEmbeded(part->get_track_id()); */
942  /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, part->get_barcode())); */
943  /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, 0)); */
944  if (part->get_pid() == 22) {
945  /* n_primary_photons++; */
946  // check for direct photons is done in process_event
948  }
949  if (abs(part->get_pid()) < 20) n_leptons++;
950  if (abs(part->get_pid()) > 100) {
951  if (IsNeutralHadron(abs(part->get_pid()))) {
954  }
955  else {
958  }
959  }
961  m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1);
962  m_truthTrackID.push_back(this_id);
963  m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid());
965  m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E());
966  m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity());
967  m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi());
968  m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt());
969  m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M());
971  m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x());
972  m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y());
973  m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z());
974  m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t());
975  float x = end_vtx->get_x();
976  float y = end_vtx->get_y();
977  float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
978  m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r);
980  std::vector<float> allClusterIDs;
982  std::set<RawCluster*> clusters = caloEval->all_clusters_from(part);
983  for (auto& cl : clusters) {
984  allClusterIDs.push_back(cl->get_id());
985  }
986  m_truth_all_clusterIDs.push_back(allClusterIDs);
987 }
990 void pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromPythia(HepMC::GenParticle* part) {
991  /* std::cout << "Entering pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromPythia\npart=" << part << "\n"; */
992  HepMC::FourVector mom = part->momentum();
993  TLorentzVector truth_momentum;
994  truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.e());
995  if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return;
997  pythiaBarcodes.insert(part->barcode());
998  n_primaries++;
1000  if (IsNeutralHadron(abs(part->pdg_id()))) {
1003  }
1004  else {
1007  }
1009  m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1);
1010  // no track ID available from pythia
1011  m_truthTrackID.push_back(-999);
1012  m_truthPid.push_back(part->pdg_id());
1014  m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E());
1015  m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity());
1016  m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi());
1017  m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt());
1018  m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M());
1020  /* std::cout << "Getting end vertex\n"; */
1021  HepMC::GenVertex* end_vtx = part->end_vertex();
1022  assert(end_vtx);
1023  /* std::cout << "Found end vertex in pythia\n"; */
1024  HepMC::FourVector position = end_vtx->position();
1026  m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(position.x());
1027  m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(position.y());
1028  m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(position.z());
1029  m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(position.t());
1030  float x = position.x();
1031  float y = position.y();
1032  float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
1033  /* std::cout << Form("pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromPythia(): Vertex r=%f, perp=%f\n", r, position.perp()); */
1034  m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r);
1036  // no cluster matching available from pythia
1037  std::vector<float> allClusterIDs;
1038  m_truth_all_clusterIDs.push_back(allClusterIDs);
1039 }
1041 bool pythiaEMCalAna::isDirectPhoton(PHG4Particle* part, HepMC::GenEvent* theEvent) {
1042  /* std::cout << "\tGreg info: entering isDirectPhoton(). "; */
1043  /* std::cout << "G4 particle is " << part << ", barcode " << part->get_barcode() << "\n";//; printing info\n"; */
1044  /* part->identify(); */
1046  // Only bother with this check if we have PYTHIA information
1047  // Otherwise assume any photon is a "direct" photon, since we can't tell from HIJING alone
1048  if (!hasPYTHIA) return (part->get_pid() == 22);
1049  HepMC::GenParticle* genpart = getGenParticle(part->get_barcode(), theEvent);
1050  if (!genpart) {
1051  std::cout << "\t\tGreg info: in isDirectPhoton(), could not find pythia particle with barcode " << part->get_barcode() << "; returning true. (This may be an error!)\n";
1052  return true;
1053  }
1054  assert(genpart);
1055  /* std::cout << "\tFound corresponding pythia particle; printing info\t"; */
1056  /* genpart->print(); */
1057  /* else std::cout << "Greg info: found corresponding pythia photon (" << genpart << ")\n"; */
1058  HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = genpart->production_vertex();
1059  if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) {
1060  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin();
1061  assert((*parent));
1062  // parent's status and pdg_id tell us whether it's a direct photon
1063  // or a decay photon
1064  if ((*parent)->status() > 2 && abs((*parent)->pdg_id()) < 100) {
1065  // direct photon
1066  /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: found a direct photon. Photon:\n"; */
1067  /* genpart->print(); */
1068  bool printHistory = false;
1069  if (printHistory) {
1070  // print history of all ancestors
1071  // generation 0 is genpart, gen -1 is its parent, etc.
1072  int generation = -1;
1073  std::cout << "\tGeneration " << generation << " -- ";
1074  (*parent)->print();
1075  while (true) {
1076  generation--;
1077  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parentparent;
1078  HepMC::GenVertex* parent_prod_vtx = (*parent)->production_vertex();
1079  if (parent_prod_vtx) {
1080  parentparent = parent_prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin();
1081  std::cout << "\tGeneration " << generation << ": ";
1082  (*parentparent)->print();
1083  parent = parentparent;
1084  }
1085  else break;
1086  }
1087  parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); // reset parent to genpart's actual parent
1088  }
1089  return true;
1090  }
1091  else if ((*parent)->status() == 2 && abs((*parent)->pdg_id()) >= 100) {
1092  // decay photon
1093  /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: found a decay photon. Photon:\n"; */
1094  /* genpart->print(); */
1095  /* std::cout << "Parent:\n"; */
1096  /* (*parent)->print(); */
1097  /* std::cout << "\n"; */
1098  return false;
1099  }
1100  else {
1101  // weird case??
1102  std::cout << "\nGreg info: weird combination of photon or parent status or PID... photon:\n";
1103  genpart->print();
1104  std::cout << "Parent:\n";
1105  (*parent)->print();
1106  std::cout << "\n";
1107  return false;
1108  }
1109  } // single parent check
1110  else {
1111  // weird photon -- they should only have 1 parent
1112  std::cout << "Greg info: found a photon with " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parent(s). Photon:\n";
1113  genpart->print();
1114  for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); parent != prod_vtx->particles_in_const_end(); parent++) {
1115  std::cout << "Parent:\n";
1116  (*parent)->print();
1117  }
1118  /* std::cout << "\n"; */
1119  return false;
1120  }
1121 }
1123 HepMC::GenParticle* pythiaEMCalAna::getGenParticle(int barcode, HepMC::GenEvent* theEvent) {
1124  /* std::cout << "Greg info: in getGenParticle, looking for barcode " << barcode << "\n"; */
1125  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p=theEvent->particles_begin(); p!=theEvent->particles_end(); ++p)
1126  {
1127  assert(*p);
1128  /* std::cout << "\tpythia barcode " << (*p)->barcode() << "\n"; */
1129  /* if ((*p)->barcode() == 33) { */
1130  /* std::cout << "barcode 33 details: \t"; */
1131  /* (*p)->print(); */
1132  /* } */
1133  if ( (*p)->barcode() == barcode ) {
1134  // found the right particle
1135  return (*p);
1136  }
1137  }
1138  // reached end of loop... if we still haven't found the right particle,
1139  // we have a problem
1140  std::cout << "\t\tGreg info: in getGenParticle(), could not find correct generated particle!\n";
1141  return nullptr;
1142 }
1145  float max_eta = 1.1;
1146  float min_E = 1.0;
1147  TLorentzVector truth_momentum;
1148  truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e());
1149  float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity();
1150  if (abs(eta) > max_eta) return false;
1151  if (truth_momentum.E() < min_E) return false;
1152  else return true;
1153 }
1155 bool pythiaEMCalAna::withinAcceptance(HepMC::GenParticle* part) {
1156  float max_eta = 1.1;
1157  float min_E = 1.0;
1158  HepMC::FourVector mom = part->momentum();
1159  TLorentzVector truth_momentum;
1160  truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.e());
1161  float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity();
1162  if (abs(eta) > max_eta) return false;
1163  if (truth_momentum.E() < min_E) return false;
1164  else return true;
1165 }
1168  PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = nullptr;
1169  PHG4TruthInfoContainer::Range truthRange = truthInfo->GetSecondaryParticleRange();
1171  for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++)
1172  {
1173  PHG4Particle *decayPar = truthIter->second;
1174  int parent_id = decayPar->get_parent_id();
1175  if (parent_id == id) {
1176  end_vtx = truthInfo->GetVtx(decayPar->get_vtx_id());
1177  break;
1178  }
1179  }
1180  if (!end_vtx) {
1181  // couldn't find any daughter particles in secondary list
1182  // check primary list instead??
1183  truthRange = truthInfo->GetPrimaryParticleRange();
1184  for(truthIter = truthRange.first; truthIter != truthRange.second; truthIter++)
1185  {
1186  PHG4Particle *decayPar = truthIter->second;
1187  int parent_id = decayPar->get_parent_id();
1188  if (parent_id == id) {
1189  std::cout << "\tGreg info: found daughter in *primary* particle range!\n";
1190  end_vtx = truthInfo->GetVtx(decayPar->get_vtx_id());
1191  break;
1192  }
1193  }
1194  }
1195  return end_vtx;
1196 }
1198 // Old stuff
1200 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addDirectPhoton(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo) { */
1201 /* /1* std::cout << "Found a direct photon!\n"; *1/ */
1202 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1203 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1204 /* if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return; */
1205 /* /1* std::cout << "\tIs within acceptance!\n"; *1/ */
1206 /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1207 /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1209 /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1210 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1211 /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for direct photon:\n"; */
1212 /* part->identify(); */
1213 /* std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1214 /* return; */
1215 /* } */
1217 /* int embedID = truthInfo->isEmbeded(part->get_track_id()); */
1218 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, part->get_barcode())); */
1219 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, 0)); */
1220 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1); */
1221 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1223 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1224 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1225 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1226 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1227 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1228 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1229 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1231 /* // part->get_vtx_id() gives the *production* vertex, not the end vertex */
1232 /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = truthInfo->GetVtx(part->get_vtx_id()); // DOES NOT WORK *1/ */
1233 /* // get the end vertex from one of the daughter particles */
1234 /* /1* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); *1/ */
1235 /* /1* std::cout << "this_id = " << this_id << "; getting end vertex\n"; *1/ */
1236 /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); *1/ */
1237 /* /1* std::cout << "end_vtx = " << end_vtx << "\n"; *1/ */
1238 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1239 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1240 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1241 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1242 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1243 /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1244 /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1245 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1246 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1248 /* /1* primaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); *1/ */
1249 /* } */
1251 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addDecayPhoton(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo, HepMC::GenEvent* theEvent) { */
1252 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1253 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1254 /* if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return; */
1255 /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1257 /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1258 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1259 /* /1* std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for decay photon:\n"; *1/ */
1260 /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1261 /* /1* std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt()); *1/ */
1262 /* return; */
1263 /* } */
1265 /* int parent_barcode; */
1266 /* // If Geant handled the decay, we can get the parent directly */
1267 /* PHG4Particle* geant_parent = truthInfo->GetParticle(part->get_parent_id()); */
1268 /* if (geant_parent) { */
1269 /* parent_barcode = geant_parent->get_barcode(); */
1270 /* } */
1271 /* else { */
1272 /* // pythia handled the decay, so get the parent from there */
1273 /* HepMC::GenParticle* pho = getGenParticle(part->get_barcode(), theEvent); */
1274 /* assert(pho); */
1275 /* HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = pho->production_vertex(); */
1276 /* if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) { */
1277 /* HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator pythia_parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); */
1278 /* assert((*pythia_parent)); */
1279 /* parent_barcode = (*pythia_parent)->barcode(); */
1280 /* } */
1281 /* else { */
1282 /* std::cout << "Greg info: pythia-decayed photon with " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parents. Skipping...\n"; */
1283 /* return; */
1284 /* } */
1285 /* } // done getting parent barcode */
1287 /* /1* std::cout << "Adding decay photon with barcode " << part->get_barcode() << "; geant_parent is " << geant_parent << "\n"; *1/ */
1288 /* int embedID = truthInfo->isEmbeded(part->get_track_id()); */
1289 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, part->get_barcode())); */
1290 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, parent_barcode)); */
1291 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(0); */
1292 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1294 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1295 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1296 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1297 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1298 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1299 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1300 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1302 /* // part->get_vtx_id() gives the *production* vertex, not the end vertex */
1303 /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = truthInfo->GetVtx(part->get_vtx_id()); // DOES NOT WORK *1/ */
1304 /* // get the end vertex from one of the daughter particles */
1305 /* /1* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); *1/ */
1306 /* /1* std::cout << "this_id = " << this_id << "; getting end vertex\n"; *1/ */
1307 /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); *1/ */
1308 /* /1* std::cout << "end_vtx = " << end_vtx << "\n"; *1/ */
1309 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1310 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1311 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1312 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1313 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1314 /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1315 /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1316 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1317 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1319 /* /1* secondaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); *1/ */
1320 /* } */
1322 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryHadronFromPythia(HepMC::GenParticle* part, int embedID) { */
1323 /* // case where PYTHIA handles the decay and Geant never knows about the primary */
1324 /* HepMC::FourVector mom = part->momentum(); */
1325 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1326 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.e()); */
1327 /* if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return; */
1328 /* HepMC::GenVertex* end_vtx = part->end_vertex(); */
1329 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1330 /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for Pythia-decayed primary:\n"; */
1331 /* part->print(); */
1332 /* std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1333 /* return; */
1334 /* } */
1336 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, part->barcode())); */
1337 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, 0)); */
1338 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1); */
1339 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->pdg_id()); */
1340 /* if (part->pdg_id() == 22) std::cout << "Greg info: primary in addPrimaryHadronFromPythia is a photon!\n"; */
1342 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1343 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1344 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1345 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1346 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1347 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1348 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1350 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1351 /* HepMC::FourVector position = end_vtx->position(); */
1353 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(position.x()); */
1354 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(position.y()); */
1355 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(position.z()); */
1356 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(position.t()); */
1357 /* float x = position.x(); */
1358 /* float y = position.y(); */
1359 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1360 /* /1* std::cout << Form("pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromPythia(): Vertex r=%f, perp=%f\n", r, position.perp()); *1/ */
1361 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1363 /* /1* primaryBarcodes.push_back(part->barcode()); *1/ */
1364 /* } */
1366 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryHadronFromGeant(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo) { */
1367 /* // case where Geant handles the decay */
1368 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1369 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1370 /* if (! withinAcceptance(part)) return; */
1371 /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1373 /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1374 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1375 /* std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for Geant-decayed primary:\n"; */
1376 /* part->identify(); */
1377 /* std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1378 /* return; */
1379 /* } */
1381 /* int embedID = truthInfo->isEmbeded(part->get_track_id()); */
1382 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, part->get_barcode())); */
1383 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(embedID, 0)); */
1384 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1); */
1385 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1386 /* if (part->get_pid() == 22) std::cout << "Greg info: primary in addPrimaryHadronFromGeant is a photon!\n"; */
1388 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1389 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1390 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1391 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1392 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1393 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1394 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1396 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1397 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1398 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1399 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1400 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1401 /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1402 /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1403 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1404 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1406 /* /1* primaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); *1/ */
1407 /* } */
1409 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondaryFromPythia(HepMC::GenParticle* part) { */
1410 /* /1* std::cout << "Entering pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondaryFromPythia\npart=" << part << "\n"; *1/ */
1411 /* HepMC::FourVector mom = part->momentum(); */
1412 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1413 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.e()); */
1414 /* float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity(); */
1415 /* if (abs(eta) > 1.1) return; */
1417 /* HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = (*p)->production_vertex(); */
1418 /* HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator parent; */
1419 /* if (prod_vtx->particles_in_size() == 1) { */
1420 /* parent = prod_vtx->particles_in_const_begin(); */
1421 /* } */
1422 /* else { */
1423 /* std::cout << "Greg info: found a weird decay photon in pythia. Has " << prod_vtx->particles_in_size() << " parents. Skipping this photon!\n"; */
1424 /* return; */
1425 /* } */
1427 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(part->barcode()); */
1428 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back((*parent)->barcode()); */
1429 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(0); */
1430 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->pdg_id()); */
1432 /* /1* std::cout << "Getting momentum\n"; *1/ */
1433 /* /1* HepMC::FourVector mom = part->momentum(); *1/ */
1434 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1435 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom.px(),, mom.pz(), mom.e()); *1/ */
1436 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1437 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1438 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1439 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1440 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1442 /* /1* std::cout << "Getting end vertex\n"; *1/ */
1443 /* HepMC::GenVertex* end_vtx = part->end_vertex(); */
1444 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1445 /* /1* std::cout << "Found end vertex in pythia\n"; *1/ */
1446 /* HepMC::FourVector position = end_vtx->position(); */
1448 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(position.x()); */
1449 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(position.y()); */
1450 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(position.z()); */
1451 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(position.t()); */
1452 /* float x = position.x(); */
1453 /* float y = position.y(); */
1454 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1455 /* /1* std::cout << Form("pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromPythia(): Vertex r=%f, perp=%f\n", r, position.perp()); *1/ */
1456 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1458 /* primaryBarcodes.push_back(part->barcode()); */
1459 /* } */
1461 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromGeant(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo) { */
1462  /* /1* std::cout << "Entering pythiaEMCalAna::addPrimaryFromGeant\npart=" << part << "\n"; *1/ */
1463  /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1464  /* /1* std::cout << "Barcode is " << part->get_barcode() << "\n"; *1/ */
1465  /* /1* int vtx_id = part->get_vtx_id(); *1/ */
1466  /* /1* std::cout << "vertex id is " << vtx_id << "\n"; *1/ */
1467  /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* vtxpt = truthInfo->GetVtx(vtx_id); *1/ */
1468  /* /1* vtxpt->identify(); *1/ */
1469  /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1470  /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1471  /* float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity(); */
1472  /* if (abs(eta) > 1.1) return; */
1473  /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1474  /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1475  /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1476  /* /1* std::cout << "\nGreg info: no end vertex found for primary particle:\n"; *1/ */
1477  /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1478  /* /1* std::cout << Form("Mass=%f, pT=%f\n\n", truth_momentum.M(), truth_momentum.Pt()); *1/ */
1479  /* return; */
1480  /* } */
1482  /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1483  /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(0); */
1484  /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(1); */
1485  /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1487  /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1488  /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1489  /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1490  /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1491  /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1492  /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1493  /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1495  /* // part->get_vtx_id() gives the *production* vertex, not the end vertex */
1496  /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = truthInfo->GetVtx(part->get_vtx_id()); // DOES NOT WORK *1/ */
1497  /* // get the end vertex from one of the daughter particles */
1498  /* /1* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); *1/ */
1499  /* /1* std::cout << "this_id = " << this_id << "; getting end vertex\n"; *1/ */
1500  /* /1* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); *1/ */
1501  /* /1* std::cout << "end_vtx = " << end_vtx << "\n"; *1/ */
1502  /* assert(end_vtx); */
1503  /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1504  /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1505  /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1506  /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1507  /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1508  /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1509  /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1510  /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1512  /* primaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1513 /* } */
1515 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondaryFromGeant(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo) { */
1516 /* /1* std::cout << "Entering pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondary(), geant particle is " << part << "\n"; *1/ */
1517 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1518 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1519 /* float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity(); */
1520 /* if (abs(eta) > 1.1) return; */
1521 /* /1* std::cout << "Done checking eta\n"; *1/ */
1522 /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1523 /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1524 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1525 /* /1* std::cout << "\n\nGreg info: no end vertex found for secondary particle:\n"; *1/ */
1526 /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1527 /* /1* std::cout << "Particle eta=" << eta << "\n"; *1/ */
1528 /* return; */
1529 /* } */
1530 /* /1* std::cout << "Done checking end_vtx\n"; *1/ */
1532 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1533 /* PHG4Particle* parent = truthInfo->GetParticle(part->get_parent_id()); */
1534 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(parent->get_barcode()); */
1535 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(0); */
1536 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1537 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding pid to vector\n"; *1/ */
1539 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1540 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1541 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1542 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1543 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1544 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1545 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1546 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding kinematics to vector\n"; *1/ */
1548 /* /1* std::cout << "Asserting end_vtx= " << end_vtx << "\n"; *1/ */
1549 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1550 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1551 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1552 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1553 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1554 /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1555 /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1556 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1557 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1558 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding vertex to vector\n"; *1/ */
1560 /* secondaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1561 /* } */
1563 /* void pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondaryWithoutParent(PHG4Particle* part, PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthInfo, HepMC::GenParticle* genParent) { */
1564 /* /1* std::cout << "Entering pythiaEMCalAna::addSecondaryWithoutParent(), geant particle is " << part << ", pythia particle is " << genParent << "\n"; *1/ */
1565 /* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; */
1566 /* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); */
1567 /* float eta = truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity(); */
1568 /* if (abs(eta) > 1.1) return; */
1569 /* /1* std::cout << "Done checking eta\n"; *1/ */
1570 /* int this_id = part->get_track_id(); */
1571 /* PHG4VtxPoint* end_vtx = getG4EndVtx(this_id, truthInfo); */
1572 /* if (!end_vtx) { */
1573 /* /1* std::cout << "\n\nGreg info: no end vertex found for secondary particle:\n"; *1/ */
1574 /* /1* part->identify(); *1/ */
1575 /* /1* std::cout << "Particle eta=" << eta << "\n"; *1/ */
1576 /* return; */
1577 /* } */
1578 /* /1* std::cout << "Done checking end_vtx\n"; *1/ */
1580 /* m_truthBarcode.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1581 /* m_truthParentBarcode.push_back(genParent->barcode()); */
1582 /* m_truthIsPrimary.push_back(0); */
1583 /* m_truthPid.push_back(part->get_pid()); */
1584 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding pid to vector\n"; *1/ */
1586 /* /1* TLorentzVector truth_momentum; *1/ */
1587 /* /1* truth_momentum.SetPxPyPzE(part->get_px(), part->get_py(), part->get_pz(), part->get_e()); *1/ */
1588 /* m_truthE.push_back(truth_momentum.E()); */
1589 /* m_truthEta.push_back(truth_momentum.PseudoRapidity()); */
1590 /* m_truthPhi.push_back(truth_momentum.Phi()); */
1591 /* m_truthPt.push_back(truth_momentum.Pt()); */
1592 /* m_truthMass.push_back(truth_momentum.M()); */
1593 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding kinematics to vector\n"; *1/ */
1595 /* /1* std::cout << "Asserting end_vtx= " << end_vtx << "\n"; *1/ */
1596 /* assert(end_vtx); */
1597 /* m_truthEndVtx_x.push_back(end_vtx->get_x()); */
1598 /* m_truthEndVtx_y.push_back(end_vtx->get_y()); */
1599 /* m_truthEndVtx_z.push_back(end_vtx->get_z()); */
1600 /* m_truthEndVtx_t.push_back(end_vtx->get_t()); */
1601 /* float x = end_vtx->get_x(); */
1602 /* float y = end_vtx->get_y(); */
1603 /* float r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); */
1604 /* m_truthEndVtx_r.push_back(r); */
1605 /* /1* std::cout << "Done adding vertex to vector\n"; *1/ */
1607 /* secondaryBarcodes.push_back(part->get_barcode()); */
1608 /* } */
1611 /* bool pythiaEMCalAna::vector_contains(std::pair<int,int> val, std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> vec) { */
1612 /* unsigned int s = vec.size(); */
1613 /* if ( s == 0 ) return false; */
1614 /* unsigned int i; */
1615 /* for (i=0; i<s; i++) { */
1616 /* if ( == val) break; */
1617 /* } */
1618 /* if ( i == s ) return false; */
1619 /* else return true; */
1620 /* } */