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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file collider.cxx
1 // TRENTO: Reduced Thickness Event-by-event Nuclear Topology
2 // Copyright 2015 Jonah E. Bernhard, J. Scott Moreland
3 // TRENTO3D: Three-dimensional extension of TRENTO by Weiyao Ke
4 // MIT License
6 #include "collider.h"
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
14 #include "fwd_decl.h"
15 #include "nucleus.h"
16 #include <iostream>
18 namespace trento {
20 namespace {
22 // Helper functions for Collider ctor.
24 // Create one nucleus from the configuration.
25 NucleusPtr create_nucleus(const VarMap& var_map, std::size_t index) {
26  const auto& species = var_map["projectile"]
27  .as<std::vector<std::string>>().at(index);
28  const auto& nucleon_dmin = var_map["nucleon-min-dist"].as<double>();
29  const auto& nucleon_width = var_map["nucleon-width"].as<double>();
30  return Nucleus::create(species, nucleon_width, nucleon_dmin);
31 }
33 // Determine the maximum impact parameter. If the configuration contains a
34 // non-negative value for bmax, use it; otherwise, fall back to the minimum-bias
35 // default.
36 double determine_bmax(const VarMap& var_map,
37  const Nucleus& A, const Nucleus& B, const NucleonProfile& profile) {
38  auto bmax = var_map["b-max"].as<double>();
39  if (bmax < 0.)
40  bmax = A.radius() + B.radius() + profile.max_impact();
41  return bmax;
42 }
44 // Determine the asymmetry parameter (Collider::asymmetry_) for a pair of
45 // nuclei. It's just rA/(rA+rB), falling back to 1/2 if both radii are zero
46 // (i.e. for proton-proton).
47 double determine_asym(const Nucleus& A, const Nucleus& B) {
48  double rA = A.radius();
49  double rB = B.radius();
50  double sum = rA + rB;
51  if (sum < 0.1)
52  return 0.5;
53  else
54  return rA/sum;
55 }
57 } // unnamed namespace
59 // Lots of members to initialize...
60 // Several helper functions are defined above.
61 Collider::Collider(const VarMap& var_map)
62  : nucleusA_(create_nucleus(var_map, 0)),
63  nucleusB_(create_nucleus(var_map, 1)),
64  nucleon_profile_(var_map),
65  nevents_(var_map["number-events"].as<int>()),
66  ntrys_(0),
67  bmin_(var_map["b-min"].as<double>()),
68  bmax_(determine_bmax(var_map, *nucleusA_, *nucleusB_, nucleon_profile_)),
69  npartmin_(var_map["npart-min"].as<int>()),
70  npartmax_(var_map["npart-max"].as<int>()),
71  stotmin_(var_map["s-min"].as<double>()),
72  stotmax_(var_map["s-max"].as<double>()),
73  asymmetry_(determine_asym(*nucleusA_, *nucleusB_)),
74  event_(var_map),
75  output_(var_map),
76  with_ncoll_(var_map["ncoll"].as<bool>())
77 {
78  // Constructor body begins here.
79  // Set random seed if requested.
80  auto seed = var_map["random-seed"].as<int64_t>();
81  if (seed > 0)
82  random::engine.seed(static_cast<random::Engine::result_type>(seed));
83 }
85 // See header for explanation.
86 Collider::~Collider() = default;
89  // The main event loop.
90  for (int n = 0; n < nevents_; ++n) {
91  if (n%1000 == 0 && n!=0) std::cout<< "# "<< n << " events generated" << std::endl;
92  // Sampling the impact parameter also implicitly prepares the nuclei for
93  // event computation, i.e. by sampling nucleon positions and participants.
95  // WK: an extra do-while loop, sample events, until it meets the Npart or
96  // Entropy cut provided from command lines
97  bool fullfil_Npart_cut=false, fullfil_Entropy_cut=false;
98  double b;
99  do{
100  b = sample_impact_param();
101  // Pass the prepared nuclei to the Event. It computes the entropy profile
102  // (thickness grid) and other event observables.
104  fullfil_Npart_cut = (npartmin_ < event_.npart())
105  && (event_.npart() <= npartmax_);
106  fullfil_Entropy_cut = (stotmin_ < event_.multiplicity())
107  && (event_.multiplicity() <= stotmax_);
108  }while( (!fullfil_Npart_cut) || (!fullfil_Entropy_cut) );
109  // Write event data.
110  output_(n, b, event_);
111  records this_event;
112  this_event.i = n;
113  this_event.b = b;
114  this_event.npart = event_.npart();
115  this_event.mult = event_.multiplicity();
116  all_records_.push_back(this_event);
117  }
118  double cross_section = nevents_*M_PI*(bmax_*bmax_ - bmin_*bmin_)/ntrys_;
119  double cross_section_err = cross_section/std::sqrt(1.*nevents_);
120  //std::cout << "# cross-section = " << cross_section
121  // << " +/- " << cross_section_err <<" [fm^2]" << std::endl;
122 }
125  // Sample impact parameters until at least one nucleon-nucleon pair
126  // participates. The bool 'collision' keeps track -- it is effectively a
127  // logical OR over all possible participant pairs.
128  double b;
129  bool collision = false;
131  do {
132  // Sample b from P(b)db = 2*pi*b.
133  b = std::sqrt(bmin_ * bmin_ + (bmax_ * bmax_ - bmin_ * bmin_) * random::canonical<double>());
135  // Offset each nucleus depending on the asymmetry parameter (see header).
136  nucleusA_->sample_nucleons(asymmetry_ * b);
137  nucleusB_->sample_nucleons((asymmetry_ - 1.) * b);
139  // Check each nucleon-nucleon pair.
140  for (auto&& A : *nucleusA_) {
141  for (auto&& B : *nucleusB_) {
142  bool AB_collide = nucleon_profile_.participate(A, B);
144  if (with_ncoll_) {
145  // WK: only init Ncoll and Ncoll density at the first binary collision:
146  if (AB_collide && (!collision) ) event_.clear_TAB();
147  // WK: to calculate binary collision denstiy, each collision
148  // contribute independently its Tpp. Therefore, if one pair collide,
149  // it calls the event object to accumulate Tpp to the Ncoll density
150  // Ncoll density = Sum Tpp
151  if (AB_collide) event_.accumulate_TAB(A, B, nucleon_profile_);
152  }
154  // update collision flag
155  collision = AB_collide || collision;
156  }
157  }
158  ntrys_ ++;
159  } while (!collision);
161  return b;
162 }
164 } // namespace trento