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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ImpactPointEstimator.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
14 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
15  typename propagator_options_t>
19  const BoundTrackParameters& trkParams,
20  const Vector3& vtxPos, State& state) const {
21  auto res = getDistanceAndMomentum<3>(gctx, trkParams, vtxPos, state);
23  if (!res.ok()) {
24  return res.error();
25  }
27  // Return distance
28  return res.value().first.norm();
29 }
31 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
32  typename propagator_options_t>
36  const Acts::MagneticFieldContext& mctx,
37  const BoundTrackParameters& trkParams,
38  const Vector3& vtxPos, State& state) const {
39  auto res = getDistanceAndMomentum<3>(gctx, trkParams, vtxPos, state);
41  if (!res.ok()) {
42  return res.error();
43  }
45  // Vector pointing from vertex to 3D PCA
46  Vector3 deltaR = res.value().first;
48  // Get corresponding unit vector
49  deltaR.normalize();
51  // Momentum direction at vtxPos
52  Vector3 momDir = res.value().second;
54  // To understand why deltaR and momDir are not orthogonal, let us look at the
55  // x-y-plane. Since we computed the 3D PCA, the 2D distance between the vertex
56  // and the PCA is not necessarily minimal (see Fig. 4.2 in the reference). As
57  // a consequence, the momentum and the vector connecting the vertex and the
58  // PCA are not orthogonal to each other.
59  Vector3 orthogonalDeltaR = deltaR - ( * momDir;
61  // Vector perpendicular to momDir and orthogonalDeltaR
62  Vector3 perpDir = momDir.cross(orthogonalDeltaR);
64  // Cartesian coordinate system with:
65  // -) origin at the vertex position
66  // -) z-axis in momentum direction
67  // -) x-axis approximately in direction of the 3D PCA (slight deviations
68  // because it was modified to make if orthogonal to momDir)
69  // -) y-axis is calculated to be orthogonal to x- and z-axis
70  // The transformation is represented by a 4x4 matrix with 0 0 0 1 in the last
71  // row.
72  Transform3 coordinateSystem;
73  // First three columns correspond to coordinate system axes
74  coordinateSystem.matrix().block<3, 1>(0, 0) = orthogonalDeltaR;
75  coordinateSystem.matrix().block<3, 1>(0, 1) = perpDir;
76  coordinateSystem.matrix().block<3, 1>(0, 2) = momDir;
77  // Fourth column corresponds to origin of the coordinate system
78  coordinateSystem.matrix().block<3, 1>(0, 3) = vtxPos;
80  // Surface with normal vector in direction of the z axis of coordinateSystem
81  std::shared_ptr<PlaneSurface> planeSurface =
82  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(coordinateSystem);
84  auto intersection = planeSurface
85  ->intersect(gctx, trkParams.position(gctx),
86  trkParams.direction(), false)
87  .closest();
89  // Create propagator options
90  propagator_options_t pOptions(gctx, mctx);
91  pOptions.direction =
92  Direction::fromScalarZeroAsPositive(intersection.pathLength());
94  // Propagate to the surface; intersection corresponds to an estimate of the 3D
95  // PCA. If deltaR and momDir were orthogonal the calculation would be exact.
96  auto result = m_cfg.propagator->propagate(trkParams, *planeSurface, pOptions);
97  if (result.ok()) {
98  return *result->endParameters;
99  } else {
100  return result.error();
101  }
102 }
104 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
105  typename propagator_options_t>
106 template <unsigned int nDim>
110  const BoundTrackParameters* trkParams,
111  const ActsVector<nDim>& vertexPos) const {
112  static_assert(nDim == 3 or nDim == 4,
113  "The number of dimensions nDim must be either 3 or 4.");
115  if (trkParams == nullptr) {
116  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
117  }
119  // Retrieve weight matrix of the track's local x-, y-, and time-coordinate
120  // (the latter only if nDim = 4). For this, the covariance needs to be set.
121  if (not trkParams->covariance().has_value()) {
122  return VertexingError::NoCovariance;
123  }
124  ActsSquareMatrix<nDim - 1> subCovMat;
125  if constexpr (nDim == 3) {
126  subCovMat = trkParams->spatialImpactParameterCovariance().value();
127  } else {
128  subCovMat = trkParams->impactParameterCovariance().value();
129  }
130  ActsSquareMatrix<nDim - 1> weight = subCovMat.inverse();
132  // Orientation of the surface (i.e., axes of the corresponding coordinate
133  // system)
134  RotationMatrix3 surfaceAxes =
135  trkParams->referenceSurface().transform(gctx).rotation();
136  // Origin of the surface coordinate system
137  Vector3 surfaceOrigin =
138  trkParams->referenceSurface().transform(gctx).translation();
140  // x- and y-axis of the surface coordinate system
141  Vector3 xAxis = surfaceAxes.col(0);
142  Vector3 yAxis = surfaceAxes.col(1);
144  // Vector pointing from the surface origin to the vertex position
145  // TODO: The vertex should always be at the surfaceOrigin since the
146  // track parameters should be obtained by estimate3DImpactParameters.
147  // Therefore, originToVertex should always be 0, which is currently not the
148  // case.
149  Vector3 originToVertex = vertexPos.template head<3>() - surfaceOrigin;
151  // x-, y-, and possibly time-coordinate of the vertex and the track in the
152  // surface coordinate system
153  ActsVector<nDim - 1> localVertexCoords;
154  localVertexCoords.template head<2>() =
155  Vector2(,;
157  ActsVector<nDim - 1> localTrackCoords;
158  localTrackCoords.template head<2>() =
159  Vector2(trkParams->parameters()[eX], trkParams->parameters()[eY]);
161  // Fill time coordinates if we check the 4D vertex compatibility
162  if constexpr (nDim == 4) {
163  localVertexCoords(2) = vertexPos(3);
164  localTrackCoords(2) = trkParams->parameters()[eBoundTime];
165  }
167  // residual
168  ActsVector<nDim - 1> residual = localTrackCoords - localVertexCoords;
170  // return chi2
171  return * residual);
172 }
174 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
175  typename propagator_options_t>
177  input_track_t, propagator_t,
178  propagator_options_t>::performNewtonOptimization(const Vector3& helixCenter,
179  const Vector3& vtxPos,
180  double phi, double theta,
181  double rho) const {
182  double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
183  double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
185  int nIter = 0;
186  bool hasConverged = false;
188  double cotTheta = 1. / std::tan(theta);
190  double xO = helixCenter.x();
191  double yO = helixCenter.y();
192  double zO = helixCenter.z();
194  double xVtx = vtxPos.x();
195  double yVtx = vtxPos.y();
196  double zVtx = vtxPos.z();
198  // Iterate until convergence is reached or the maximum amount of iterations is
199  // exceeded
200  while (!hasConverged && nIter < m_cfg.maxIterations) {
201  double derivative = rho * ((xVtx - xO) * cosPhi + (yVtx - yO) * sinPhi +
202  (zVtx - zO + rho * phi * cotTheta) * cotTheta);
203  double secDerivative = rho * (-(xVtx - xO) * sinPhi + (yVtx - yO) * cosPhi +
204  rho * cotTheta * cotTheta);
206  if (secDerivative < 0.) {
207  return VertexingError::NumericFailure;
208  }
210  double deltaPhi = -derivative / secDerivative;
212  phi += deltaPhi;
213  sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
214  cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
216  nIter += 1;
218  if (std::abs(deltaPhi) < m_cfg.precision) {
219  hasConverged = true;
220  }
221  } // end while loop
223  if (!hasConverged) {
224  // max iterations reached but did not converge
225  return VertexingError::NotConverged;
226  }
227  return phi;
228 }
230 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
231  typename propagator_options_t>
232 template <unsigned int nDim>
236  const BoundTrackParameters& trkParams,
237  const ActsVector<nDim>& vtxPos, State& state) const {
238  static_assert(nDim == 3 or nDim == 4,
239  "The number of dimensions nDim must be either 3 or 4.");
241  // Reference point R
242  Vector3 refPoint = trkParams.referenceSurface().center(gctx);
244  // Extract charge-related particle parameters
245  double absoluteCharge = trkParams.particleHypothesis().absoluteCharge();
246  double qOvP = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundQOverP];
248  // Z-component of the B field at the reference position.
249  // Note that we assume a constant B field here!
250  auto fieldRes = m_cfg.bField->getField(refPoint, state.fieldCache);
251  if (!fieldRes.ok()) {
252  return fieldRes.error();
253  }
254  double bZ = (*fieldRes)[eZ];
256  // The particle moves on a straight trajectory if its charge is 0 or if there
257  // is no B field. In that case, the 3D PCA can be calculated analytically, see
258  // Sec 3.2 of the reference.
259  if (absoluteCharge == 0. or bZ == 0.) {
260  // Momentum direction (constant for straight tracks)
261  Vector3 momDirStraightTrack = trkParams.direction();
263  // Current position on the track
264  Vector3 positionOnTrack = trkParams.position(gctx);
266  // Distance between positionOnTrack and the 3D PCA
267  ActsScalar distanceToPca =
268  (vtxPos.template head<3>() - positionOnTrack).dot(momDirStraightTrack);
270  // 3D PCA
271  ActsVector<nDim> pcaStraightTrack;
272  pcaStraightTrack.template head<3>() =
273  positionOnTrack + distanceToPca * momDirStraightTrack;
274  if constexpr (nDim == 4) {
275  // Track time at positionOnTrack
276  double timeOnTrack = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundTime];
278  ActsScalar m0 = trkParams.particleHypothesis().mass();
279  ActsScalar p = trkParams.particleHypothesis().extractMomentum(qOvP);
281  // Speed in units of c
282  ActsScalar beta = p / std::hypot(p, m0);
284  pcaStraightTrack[3] = timeOnTrack + distanceToPca / beta;
285  }
287  // Vector pointing from the vertex position to the 3D PCA
288  ActsVector<nDim> deltaRStraightTrack = pcaStraightTrack - vtxPos;
290  return std::make_pair(deltaRStraightTrack, momDirStraightTrack);
291  }
293  // Charged particles in a constant B field follow a helical trajectory. In
294  // that case, we calculate the 3D PCA using the Newton method, see Sec 4.2 in
295  // the reference.
297  // Spatial Perigee parameters (i.e., spatial parameters of 2D PCA)
298  double d0 = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc0];
299  double z0 = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc1];
300  // Momentum angles at 2D PCA
301  double phiP = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundPhi];
302  double theta = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundTheta];
303  // Functions of the polar angle theta for later use
304  double sinTheta = std::sin(theta);
305  double cotTheta = 1. / std::tan(theta);
307  // Set optimization variable phi to the angle at the 2D PCA as a first guess.
308  // Note that phi corresponds to phiV in the reference.
309  double phi = phiP;
311  // Signed radius of the helix on which the particle moves
312  double rho = sinTheta * (1. / qOvP) / bZ;
314  // Position of the helix center.
315  // We can set the z-position to a convenient value since it is not fixed by
316  // the Perigee parameters. Note that phi = phiP because we did not start the
317  // optimization yet.
318  Vector3 helixCenter =
319  refPoint + Vector3(-(d0 - rho) * std::sin(phi),
320  (d0 - rho) * std::cos(phi), z0 + rho * phi * cotTheta);
322  // Use Newton optimization method to iteratively change phi until we arrive at
323  // the 3D PCA
324  auto res = performNewtonOptimization(helixCenter, vtxPos.template head<3>(),
325  phi, theta, rho);
326  if (!res.ok()) {
327  return res.error();
328  }
329  // Set new phi value
330  phi = *res;
332  double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
333  double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
335  // Momentum direction at the 3D PCA.
336  // Note that we have thetaV = thetaP = theta since the polar angle does not
337  // change in a constant B field.
338  Vector3 momDir =
339  Vector3(cosPhi * sinTheta, sinPhi * sinTheta, std::cos(theta));
341  // 3D PCA (point P' in the reference). Note that the prefix "3D" does not
342  // refer to the dimension of the pca variable. Rather, it indicates that we
343  // minimized the 3D distance between the track and the reference point.
344  ActsVector<nDim> pca;
345  pca.template head<3>() =
346  helixCenter + rho * Vector3(-sinPhi, cosPhi, -cotTheta * phi);
348  if constexpr (nDim == 4) {
349  // Time at the 2D PCA P
350  double tP = trkParams.parameters()[BoundIndices::eBoundTime];
352  ActsScalar m0 = trkParams.particleHypothesis().mass();
353  ActsScalar p = trkParams.particleHypothesis().extractMomentum(qOvP);
355  // Speed in units of c
356  ActsScalar beta = p / std::hypot(p, m0);
358  pca[3] = tP - rho / (beta * sinTheta) * (phi - phiP);
359  }
360  // Vector pointing from the vertex position to the 3D PCA
361  ActsVector<nDim> deltaR = pca - vtxPos;
363  return std::make_pair(deltaR, momDir);
364 }
366 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
367  typename propagator_options_t>
371  const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
372  const GeometryContext& gctx,
373  const Acts::MagneticFieldContext& mctx,
374  bool calculateTimeIP) const {
375  const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
376  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtx.position());
378  // Create propagator options
379  propagator_options_t pOptions(gctx, mctx);
380  auto intersection =
381  perigeeSurface
382  ->intersect(gctx, track.position(gctx), track.direction(), false)
383  .closest();
384  pOptions.direction =
385  Direction::fromScalarZeroAsPositive(intersection.pathLength());
387  // Do the propagation to linPoint
388  auto result = m_cfg.propagator->propagate(track, *perigeeSurface, pOptions);
390  if (!result.ok()) {
391  return result.error();
392  }
394  const auto& propRes = *result;
396  // Check if the covariance matrix of the Perigee parameters exists
397  if (not propRes.endParameters->covariance().has_value()) {
398  return VertexingError::NoCovariance;
399  }
401  // Extract Perigee parameters and corresponding covariance matrix
402  auto impactParams = propRes.endParameters->impactParameters();
403  auto impactParamCovariance =
404  propRes.endParameters->impactParameterCovariance().value();
406  // Vertex variances
407  // TODO: By looking at sigmaD0 and sigmaZ0 we neglect the offdiagonal terms
408  // (i.e., we approximate the vertex as a sphere rather than an ellipsoid).
409  // Using the full covariance matrix might furnish better results.
410  double vtxVarX = vtx.covariance()(eX, eX);
411  double vtxVarY = vtx.covariance()(eY, eY);
412  double vtxVarZ = vtx.covariance()(eZ, eZ);
414  ImpactParametersAndSigma ipAndSigma;
416  ipAndSigma.d0 = impactParams[0];
417  // Variance of the vertex extent in the x-y-plane
418  double vtxVar2DExtent = std::max(vtxVarX, vtxVarY);
419  // TODO: vtxVar2DExtent, vtxVarZ, and vtxVarT should always be >= 0. We need
420  // to throw an error here once
421  // is resolved.
422  if (vtxVar2DExtent > 0) {
423  ipAndSigma.sigmaD0 =
424  std::sqrt(vtxVar2DExtent + impactParamCovariance(0, 0));
425  } else {
426  ipAndSigma.sigmaD0 = std::sqrt(impactParamCovariance(0, 0));
427  }
429  ipAndSigma.z0 = impactParams[1];
430  if (vtxVarZ > 0) {
431  ipAndSigma.sigmaZ0 = std::sqrt(vtxVarZ + impactParamCovariance(1, 1));
432  } else {
433  ipAndSigma.sigmaZ0 = std::sqrt(impactParamCovariance(1, 1));
434  }
436  if (calculateTimeIP) {
437  ipAndSigma.deltaT = std::abs(vtx.time() - impactParams[2]);
438  double vtxVarT = vtx.fullCovariance()(eTime, eTime);
439  if (vtxVarT > 0) {
440  ipAndSigma.sigmaDeltaT = std::sqrt(vtxVarT + impactParamCovariance(2, 2));
441  } else {
442  ipAndSigma.sigmaDeltaT = std::sqrt(impactParamCovariance(2, 2));
443  }
444  }
446  return ipAndSigma;
447 }
449 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
450  typename propagator_options_t>
454  const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
455  const Acts::Vector3& direction,
456  const GeometryContext& gctx,
457  const MagneticFieldContext& mctx) const {
458  const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
459  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtx.position());
461  // Create propagator options
462  propagator_options_t pOptions(gctx, mctx);
463  pOptions.direction = Direction::Backward;
465  // Do the propagation to the perigeee
466  auto result = m_cfg.propagator->propagate(track, *perigeeSurface, pOptions);
468  if (!result.ok()) {
469  return result.error();
470  }
472  const auto& propRes = *result;
473  const auto& params = propRes.endParameters->parameters();
474  const double d0 = params[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc0];
475  const double z0 = params[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc1];
476  const double phi = params[BoundIndices::eBoundPhi];
477  const double theta = params[BoundIndices::eBoundTheta];
479  double vs = std::sin(std::atan2(direction[1], direction[0]) - phi) * d0;
480  double eta = -std::log(std::tan(theta / 2.));
481  double dir_eta = VectorHelpers::eta(direction);
483  double zs = (dir_eta - eta) * z0;
485  std::pair<double, double> vszs;
487  vszs.first = vs >= 0. ? 1. : -1.;
488  vszs.second = zs >= 0. ? 1. : -1.;
490  return vszs;
491 }
493 template <typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t,
494  typename propagator_options_t>
498  const Vertex<input_track_t>& vtx,
499  const Acts::Vector3& direction,
500  const GeometryContext& gctx,
501  const MagneticFieldContext& mctx) const {
502  const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
503  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(vtx.position());
505  // Create propagator options
506  propagator_options_t pOptions(gctx, mctx);
507  pOptions.direction = Direction::Backward;
509  // Do the propagation to the perigeee
510  auto result = m_cfg.propagator->propagate(track, *perigeeSurface, pOptions);
512  if (!result.ok()) {
513  return result.error();
514  }
516  const auto& propRes = *result;
517  const auto& params = propRes.endParameters;
518  const Vector3 trkpos = params->position(gctx);
519  const Vector3 trkmom = params->momentum();
521  double sign =
522  (direction.cross(trkmom)).dot(trkmom.cross(vtx.position() - trkpos));
524  return sign >= 0. ? 1. : -1.;
525 }