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1 //module for producing a TTree with jet information for doing jet validation studies
2 // for questions/bugs please contact Virginia Bailey
3 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllBase.h>
4 #include "JetValidation.h"
8 #include <phool/getClass.h>
9 #include <jetbase/JetMap.h>
10 #include <jetbase/JetContainer.h>
11 #include <jetbase/Jetv2.h>
12 #include <jetbase/Jetv1.h>
16 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
17 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
18 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
19 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
20 #include <calobase/TowerInfoContainer.h>
21 #include <calobase/TowerInfo.h>
23 #include <Pythia8/Pythia.h> // Include the Pythia header
26 #include <TTree.h>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
29 #include <sstream>
30 #include <iomanip>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <vector>
33 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
34 #include "fastjet/contrib/SoftDrop.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/SoftDrop.hh
36 using namespace fastjet;
38 // ROOT, for histogramming.
39 #include "TH1.h"
40 #include "TH2.h"
42 // ROOT, for interactive graphics.
43 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
44 #include "TApplication.h"
46 // ROOT, for saving file.
47 #include "TFile.h"
48 #include <TTree.h>
50 //____________________________________________________________________________..
51 JetValidation::JetValidation(const std::string& recojetname, const std::string& truthjetname, const std::string& outputfilename):
52  SubsysReco("JetValidation_" + recojetname + "_" + truthjetname)
53  , m_recoJetName(recojetname)
54  , m_truthJetName(truthjetname)
55  , m_outputFileName(outputfilename)
56  , m_etaRange(-1, 1)
57  , m_ptRange(5, 100)
58  , m_doTruthJets(0)
59  , m_doSeeds(0)
60  , m_doUnsubJet(0)
61  , m_T(nullptr)
62  , m_event(-1)
63  , m_nTruthJet(-1)
64  , m_nJet(-1)
65  , m_id()
66  , m_nComponent()
67  , m_eta()
68  , m_phi()
69  , m_e()
70  , m_pt()
71  , m_sub_et()
72  , m_truthID()
73  , m_truthNComponent()
74  , m_truthEta()
75  , m_truthPhi()
76  , m_truthE()
77  , m_truthPt()
78  , m_eta_rawseed()
79  , m_phi_rawseed()
80  , m_pt_rawseed()
81  , m_e_rawseed()
82  , m_rawseed_cut()
83  , m_eta_subseed()
84  , m_phi_subseed()
85  , m_pt_subseed()
86  , m_e_subseed()
87  , m_subseed_cut()
88 {
89  std::cout << "JetValidation::JetValidation(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << std::endl;
90 }
92 //____________________________________________________________________________..
94 {
95  std::cout << "JetValidation::~JetValidation() Calling dtor" << std::endl;
96 }
98 //____________________________________________________________________________..
100 {
101  std::cout << "JetValidation::Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing" << std::endl;
103  std::cout << "JetValidation::Init - Output to " << m_outputFileName << std::endl;
105  // configure Tree
106  m_T = new TTree("T", "MyJetAnalysis Tree");
107  m_T->Branch("m_event", &m_event, "event/I");
108  m_T->Branch("nJet", &m_nJet, "nJet/I");
109  m_T->Branch("cent", &m_centrality);
110  m_T->Branch("zvtx", &m_zvtx);
111  m_T->Branch("b", &m_impactparam);
112  m_T->Branch("id", &m_id);
113  m_T->Branch("nComponent", &m_nComponent);
115  m_T->Branch("eta", &m_eta);
116  m_T->Branch("phi", &m_phi);
117  m_T->Branch("e", &m_e);
118  m_T->Branch("pt", &m_pt);
119  if(m_doUnsubJet)
120  {
121  m_T->Branch("pt_unsub", &m_unsub_pt);
122  m_T->Branch("subtracted_et", &m_sub_et);
123  }
124  if(m_doTruthJets){
125  m_T->Branch("nTruthJet", &m_nTruthJet);
126  m_T->Branch("truthID", &m_truthID);
127  m_T->Branch("truthNComponent", &m_truthNComponent);
128  m_T->Branch("truthEta", &m_truthEta);
129  m_T->Branch("truthPhi", &m_truthPhi);
130  m_T->Branch("truthE", &m_truthE);
131  m_T->Branch("truthPt", &m_truthPt);
132  }
134  if(m_doSeeds){
135  m_T->Branch("rawseedEta", &m_eta_rawseed);
136  m_T->Branch("rawseedPhi", &m_phi_rawseed);
137  m_T->Branch("rawseedPt", &m_pt_rawseed);
138  m_T->Branch("rawseedE", &m_e_rawseed);
139  m_T->Branch("rawseedCut", &m_rawseed_cut);
140  m_T->Branch("subseedEta", &m_eta_subseed);
141  m_T->Branch("subseedPhi", &m_phi_subseed);
142  m_T->Branch("subseedPt", &m_pt_subseed);
143  m_T->Branch("subseedE", &m_e_subseed);
144  m_T->Branch("subseedCut", &m_subseed_cut);
145  }
148 }
150 //____________________________________________________________________________..
152 {
153  std::cout << "JetValidation::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing for Run XXX" << std::endl;
155 }
157 //____________________________________________________________________________..
159 {
160  std::cout << "JetValidation::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Processing Event" << std::endl;
161  ++m_event;
163  // interface to reco jets
164  JetContainer* jets = findNode::getClass<JetContainer>(topNode, m_recoJetName);
165  if (!jets)
166  {
167  std::cout
168  << "MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find DST Reco JetContainer node "
169  << m_recoJetName << std::endl;
170  exit(-1);
171  }
173  //interface to truth jets
174  JetMap* jetsMC = findNode::getClass<JetMap>(topNode, m_truthJetName);
175  if (!jetsMC && m_doTruthJets)
176  {
177  std::cout
178  << "MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find DST Truth JetMap node "
179  << m_truthJetName << std::endl;
180  exit(-1);
181  }
183  // interface to jet seeds
184  JetContainer* seedjetsraw = findNode::getClass<JetContainer>(topNode, "AntiKt_TowerInfo_HIRecoSeedsRaw_r02");
185  if (!seedjetsraw && m_doSeeds)
186  {
187  std::cout
188  << "MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find DST raw seed jets "
189  << std::endl;
190  exit(-1);
191  }
193  JetContainer* seedjetssub = findNode::getClass<JetContainer>(topNode, "AntiKt_TowerInfo_HIRecoSeedsSub_r02");
194  if (!seedjetssub && m_doSeeds)
195  {
196  std::cout
197  << "MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find DST subtracted seed jets "
198  << std::endl;
199  exit(-1);
200  }
202  //centrality
203  CentralityInfo* cent_node = findNode::getClass<CentralityInfo>(topNode, "CentralityInfo");
204  if (!cent_node)
205  {
206  std::cout
207  << "MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find centrality node "
208  << std::endl;
209  exit(-1);
210  }
212  //zvertex
213  GlobalVertexMap *vertexmap = findNode::getClass<GlobalVertexMap>(topNode, "GlobalVertexMap");
214  GlobalVertex *vtx = vertexmap->begin()->second;
215  m_zvtx = vtx->get_z();
218  //calorimeter towers
219  TowerInfoContainer *towersEM3 = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC_RETOWER_SUB1");//_SUB1
220  TowerInfoContainer *towersIH3 = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALIN_SUB1");//_SUB1
221  TowerInfoContainer *towersOH3 = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALOUT_SUB1");//_SUB1 added at the ends but I am removing them for now
222  RawTowerGeomContainer *tower_geom = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
223  RawTowerGeomContainer *tower_geomOH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
224  if(!towersEM3 || !towersIH3 || !towersOH3){
225  std::cout
226  <<"MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find raw tower node "
227  << std::endl;
228  exit(-1);
229  }
231  if(!tower_geom || !tower_geomOH){
232  std::cout
233  <<"MyJetAnalysis::process_event - Error can not find raw tower geometry "
234  << std::endl;
235  exit(-1);
236  }
238  //underlying event
239  TowerBackground *background = findNode::getClass<TowerBackground>(topNode, "TowerInfoBackground_Sub2");
240  if(!background){
241  std::cout<<"Can't get background. Exiting"<<std::endl;
243  }
245  //get the event centrality/impact parameter from HIJING
246  m_centrality = cent_node->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
247  m_impactparam = cent_node->get_quantity(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
249  //get reco jets
250  m_nJet = 0;
251  float background_v2 = 0;
252  float background_Psi2 = 0;
253  if(m_doUnsubJet)
254  {
255  background_v2 = background->get_v2();
256  background_Psi2 = background->get_Psi2();
257  }
258  /* for (JetMap::Iter iter = jets->begin(); iter != jets->end(); ++iter) */
259  for (auto jet : *jets)
260  {
262  if(jet->get_pt() < 1) continue; // to remove noise jets
264  m_id.push_back(jet->get_id());
265  m_nComponent.push_back(jet->size_comp());
266  m_eta.push_back(jet->get_eta());
267  m_phi.push_back(jet->get_phi());
268  m_e.push_back(jet->get_e());
269  m_pt.push_back(jet->get_pt());
270  /*
271  if(m_doUnsubJet)
272  {
273  Jet* unsubjet = new Jetv1();
274  */
275  float totalPx = 0;
276  float totalPy = 0;
277  float totalPz = 0;
278  float totalE = 0;
279  int nconst = 0;
281  // for (Jet::ConstIter comp = jet->begin_comp(); comp != jet->end_comp(); ++comp)
282  for (auto comp: jet->get_comp_vec())
283  {
284  TowerInfo *tower;
285  nconst++;
286  unsigned int channel = comp.second;
288  if (comp.first == 15 || comp.first == 30)
289  {
290  tower = towersIH3->get_tower_at_channel(channel);
291  if(!tower || !tower_geom){
292  continue;
293  }
294  unsigned int calokey = towersIH3->encode_key(channel);
295  int ieta = towersIH3->getTowerEtaBin(calokey);
296  int iphi = towersIH3->getTowerPhiBin(calokey);
298  float UE = background->get_UE(1).at(ieta);
299  float tower_phi = tower_geom->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_phi();
300  float tower_eta = tower_geom->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_eta();
302  UE = UE * (1 + 2 * background_v2 * cos(2 * (tower_phi - background_Psi2)));
303  totalE += tower->get_energy() + UE;
304  double pt = (tower->get_energy() + UE) / cosh(tower_eta);
305  totalPx += pt * cos(tower_phi);
306  totalPy += pt * sin(tower_phi);
307  totalPz += pt * sinh(tower_eta);
308  }
309  else if (comp.first == 16 || comp.first == 31)
310  {
311  tower = towersOH3->get_tower_at_channel(channel);
312  if(!tower || !tower_geomOH)
313  {
314  continue;
315  }
317  unsigned int calokey = towersOH3->encode_key(channel);
318  int ieta = towersOH3->getTowerEtaBin(calokey);
319  int iphi = towersOH3->getTowerPhiBin(calokey);
321  float UE = background->get_UE(2).at(ieta);
322  float tower_phi = tower_geomOH->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_phi();
323  float tower_eta = tower_geomOH->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_eta();
325  UE = UE * (1 + 2 * background_v2 * cos(2 * (tower_phi - background_Psi2)));
326  totalE +=tower->get_energy() + UE;
327  double pt = (tower->get_energy() + UE) / cosh(tower_eta);
328  totalPx += pt * cos(tower_phi);
329  totalPy += pt * sin(tower_phi);
330  totalPz += pt * sinh(tower_eta);
331  }
332  else if (comp.first == 14 || comp.first == 29)
333  {
334  tower = towersEM3->get_tower_at_channel(channel);
335  if(!tower || !tower_geom)
336  {
337  continue;
338  }
340  unsigned int calokey = towersEM3->encode_key(channel);
341  int ieta = towersEM3->getTowerEtaBin(calokey);
342  int iphi = towersEM3->getTowerPhiBin(calokey);
344  float UE = background->get_UE(0).at(ieta);
345  float tower_phi = tower_geom->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_phi();
346  float tower_eta = tower_geom->get_tower_geometry(key)->get_eta();
348  UE = UE * (1 + 2 * background_v2 * cos(2 * (tower_phi - background_Psi2)));
349  totalE +=tower->get_energy() + UE;
350  double pt = (tower->get_energy() + UE) / cosh(tower_eta);
351  totalPx += pt * cos(tower_phi);
352  totalPy += pt * sin(tower_phi);
353  totalPz += pt * sinh(tower_eta);
355  }
356  }
357  /* //get unsubtracted jet
358  unsubjet->set_px(totalPx);
359  unsubjet->set_py(totalPy);
360  unsubjet->set_pz(totalPz);
361  unsubjet->set_e(totalE);
362  m_unsub_pt.push_back(unsubjet->get_pt());
363  m_sub_et.push_back(unsubjet->get_et() - jet->get_et());
364  */
367  m_nJet++;
368  }
370  //get truth jets
371  if(m_doTruthJets)
372  {
373  m_nTruthJet = 0;
374  for (JetMap::Iter iter = jetsMC->begin(); iter != jetsMC->end(); ++iter)
375  {
376  Jet* truthjet = iter->second;
378  bool eta_cut = (truthjet->get_eta() >= m_etaRange.first) and (truthjet->get_eta() <= m_etaRange.second);
379  bool pt_cut = (truthjet->get_pt() >= m_ptRange.first) and (truthjet->get_pt() <= m_ptRange.second);
380  if ((not eta_cut) or (not pt_cut)) continue;
381  m_truthID.push_back(truthjet->get_id());
382  m_truthNComponent.push_back(truthjet->size_comp());
383  m_truthEta.push_back(truthjet->get_eta());
384  m_truthPhi.push_back(truthjet->get_phi());
385  m_truthE.push_back(truthjet->get_e());
386  m_truthPt.push_back(truthjet->get_pt());
387  m_nTruthJet++;
388  }
389  }
391  //get seed jets
392  if(m_doSeeds)
393  {
394  for (auto jet : *seedjetsraw)
395  {
396  int passesCut = jet->get_property(Jet::PROPERTY::prop_SeedItr);
397  m_eta_rawseed.push_back(jet->get_eta());
398  m_phi_rawseed.push_back(jet->get_phi());
399  m_e_rawseed.push_back(jet->get_e());
400  m_pt_rawseed.push_back(jet->get_pt());
401  m_rawseed_cut.push_back(passesCut);
402  }
404  for (auto jet : *seedjetssub) //JetMap::Iter iter = seedjetssub->begin(); iter != seedjetssub->end(); ++iter)
405  {
406  int passesCut = jet->get_property(Jet::PROPERTY::prop_SeedItr);
407  m_eta_subseed.push_back(jet->get_eta());
408  m_phi_subseed.push_back(jet->get_phi());
409  m_e_subseed.push_back(jet->get_e());
410  m_pt_subseed.push_back(jet->get_pt());
411  m_subseed_cut.push_back(passesCut);
412  }
413  }
415  //fill the tree
416  m_T->Fill();
419 }
421 //____________________________________________________________________________..
423 {
424  //std::cout << "JetValidation::ResetEvent(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Resetting internal structures, prepare for next event" << std::endl;
425  m_id.clear();
426  m_nComponent.clear();
427  m_eta.clear();
428  m_phi.clear();
429  m_e.clear();
430  m_pt.clear();
431  m_unsub_pt.clear();
432  m_sub_et.clear();
434  m_truthID.clear();
435  m_truthNComponent.clear();
436  m_truthEta.clear();
437  m_truthPhi.clear();
438  m_truthE.clear();
439  m_truthPt.clear();
440  m_truthdR.clear();
442  m_eta_subseed.clear();
443  m_phi_subseed.clear();
444  m_e_subseed.clear();
445  m_pt_subseed.clear();
446  m_subseed_cut.clear();
448  m_eta_rawseed.clear();
449  m_phi_rawseed.clear();
450  m_e_rawseed.clear();
451  m_pt_rawseed.clear();
452  m_rawseed_cut.clear();
454 }
456 //____________________________________________________________________________..
458 {
459  std::cout << "JetValidation::EndRun(const int runnumber) Ending Run for Run " << runnumber << std::endl;
461 }
463 //____________________________________________________________________________..
465 {
466  std::cout << "JetValidation::End - Output to " << m_outputFileName << std::endl;
469  m_T->Write();
470  std::cout << "JetValidation::End(PHCompositeNode *topNode) This is the End..." << std::endl;
472 }
474 //____________________________________________________________________________..
476 {
477  std::cout << "JetValidation::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode) being Reset" << std::endl;
479 }
481 //____________________________________________________________________________..
482 void JetValidation::Print(const std::string &what) const
483 {
484  std::cout << "JetValidation::Print(const std::string &what) const Printing info for " << what << std::endl;
485 }