Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Example.C
1 // $Id: $
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TPad.h>
13 #include <TString.h>
14 #include <TSystem.h>
15 #include <TTree.h>
16 #include <cassert>
17 #include <cmath>
19 // it is good to load the libg4dst lib and the header files,
20 // which allow us to use the compiled function in the output class
21 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
22 #include <calobase/RawTowerv1.h>
23 #include <g4main/PHG4HitEval.h>
24 #include <g4main/PHG4Particlev1.h>
25 #include <g4main/PHG4Particlev2.h>
26 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPointv1.h>
27 using namespace std;
29 // allow you to access them in command line after running this macro
30 TFile *_file0 = NULL;
31 TTree *T = NULL;
34 void CheckItOut()
35 {
36  // This print out the content of the first event to screen.
37  // It contain a bunch of nodes here:
38  // G4Hit_*.* - PHG4Hit for various subsystems,
39  // TOWER_*.* - RawTower for calorimeters,
40  // PHG4Particle.* - Geant4 particles,
41  // PHG4VtxPoint.* - Vertex point Geant4 particles were produced,
42  T->Show(0);
44  // Anything you see from the last print can be directly plotted using T->Draw();
45  new TCanvas("CheckItOut", "CheckItOut");
46  T->Draw(
47  "Sum$(G4HIT_HCALOUT.edep) + Sum$(G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALOUT.edep)>>hSum_CEMC(30,0,30)");
48  TH1 *hSum_CEMC = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("hSum_CEMC", "TH1"));
49  hSum_CEMC->SetTitle(
50  "Total energy deposition in Outer HCal;Energy deposition (GeV)");
51 }
55 {
56  // I am interested in first particle in the array, which is the generated pion.
57  // Here our life would be easier with some new definition of variables
58  T->SetAlias("PHG4Particle_p",
59  "1*sqrt(PHG4Particle[].fpx**2+PHG4Particle[].fpy**2+PHG4Particle[].fpz**2)");
60  T->SetAlias("PHG4Particle_eta",
61  "0.5*log((PHG4Particle_p+PHG4Particle[].fpz)/(PHG4Particle_p-PHG4Particle[].fpz))");
62  T->SetAlias("PHG4Particle_pT",
63  "1*sqrt(PHG4Particle[].fpx**2+PHG4Particle[].fpy**2)");
65  new TCanvas("AcessGeant4Particles", "AcessGeant4Particles");
66  T->Draw("PHG4Particle_pT>>hPHG4Particle_pT(30,0,50)",
67  "PHG4Particle[].trkid>0" // select only the primary particle to draw (positive track ID)
68  );
69  TH1 *hPHG4Particle_pT = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("hPHG4Particle_pT", "TH1"));
70  hPHG4Particle_pT->SetTitle("pT for the first Geant4 particle;pT (GeV/c)");
71 }
77 {
78  new TCanvas("WhereIsTheHits", "WhereIsTheHits");
79  gPad->DrawFrame(-250, -250, 250, 250,
80  "Geant4 Hit distribution;X (cm);Y (cm)");
82  T->Draw("G4HIT_SVTX.get_avg_y():G4HIT_SVTX.get_avg_x()", "", "* same");
83  T->Draw(
84  "G4HIT_ABSORBER_CEMC.get_avg_y():G4HIT_ABSORBER_CEMC.get_avg_x()>>hG4HIT_ABSORBER_CEMC(500,-250,250,500,-250,250)",
85  "", "scat same");
86  T->Draw(
87  "G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALIN.get_avg_y():G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALIN.get_avg_x()>>hG4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALIN(500,-250,250,500,-250,250)",
88  "", "scat same");
89  T->Draw(
90  "G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALOUT.get_avg_y():G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALOUT.get_avg_x()>>hG4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALOUT(500,-250,250,500,-250,250)",
91  "", "scat same");
92 }
95 {
96  // Here our life would be easier with some new definition of variables
97  T->SetAlias("CEMC_Sample",
98  "Sum$(G4HIT_CEMC.edep)/(Sum$(G4HIT_CEMC.edep) + Sum$(G4HIT_ABSORBER_CEMC.edep))");
99  T->SetAlias("HCALIN_Sample",
100  "Sum$(G4HIT_HCALIN.edep)/(Sum$(G4HIT_HCALIN.edep) + Sum$(G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALIN.edep))");
101  T->SetAlias("HCALOUT_Sample",
102  "Sum$(G4HIT_HCALOUT.edep)/(Sum$(G4HIT_HCALOUT.edep) + Sum$(G4HIT_ABSORBER_HCALOUT.edep))");
104  new TCanvas("PlotCalorimeterSamplingFraction", "PlotCalorimeterSamplingFraction");
106  T->Draw("CEMC_Sample>>CEMC_Sample(30,0,.15)");
107  TH1 *CEMC_Sample = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("CEMC_Sample", "TH1"));
108  CEMC_Sample->SetLineColor(kRed);
109  T->Draw("HCALIN_Sample>>HCALIN_Sample(30,0,.15)", "", "same");
110  TH1 *HCALIN_Sample = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("HCALIN_Sample", "TH1"));
111  HCALIN_Sample->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
112  T->Draw("HCALOUT_Sample>>HCALOUT_Sample(30,0,.15)", "", "same");
113  TH1 *HCALOUT_Sample = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("HCALOUT_Sample", "TH1"));
114  HCALOUT_Sample->SetLineColor(kBlue);
115  CEMC_Sample->SetTitle("Sampling fraction for three calorimeters; E_{Scint}/(E_{Scint} + E_{Absorber})");
116 }
119 {
120  new TCanvas("AccessCalorimeterTowers", "AccessCalorimeterTowers");
122  T->Draw("TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT.get_bineta()>>hTowerBin(22,-0.5,21.5)", "TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT.get_energy()");
123  TH1 *hTowerBin = static_cast<TH1 *>(gDirectory->GetObjectChecked("hTowerBin", "TH1"));
124  hTowerBin->SetTitle("HCal tower eta bin distribution; Eta Bin # ; Sum energy in scintillator (GeV)");
125 }
127 /*
128  * \brief Example macro to use output for PHG4DSTReader
129  *
130  * (s)PHENIX DST files are designed for high speed IO for batch computing,
131  * the content is not necessarily easily readable through ROOT commandline.
132  * This maybe some headache during testing/development stage.
133  *
134  * PHG4DSTReader is designed to solve this problem, by exporting a copy of
135  * DST tree into a ROOT readable TTree file. User can directly inspect the content
136  * using ROOT commandlines or simple macros.
137  *
138  *
139  * PHG4DSTReader is by-default disabled in sPHENIX simulation, but can be enabled
140  * for small-scale test simulation runs by following switch in Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C
141  * bool do_DSTReader = true;
142  *
143  * This example macro work on its output, usually named *_DSTReader.root.
144  * A test file is prepared at
145  * which is output of the default Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C macro with 100 events and do_DSTReader = true;
146  *
147  * */
148 void Example( //
149  const TString infile =
150  "" // this is output of the default Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX.C macro with 100 events and do_DSTReader = true;
151  )
152 {
153  gSystem->Load("");
155  // open file, get the tree
156  _file0 = TFile::Open(infile);
157  assert(_file0);
158  T = (TTree *) _file0->GetObjectChecked("T", "TTree");
159  assert(T);
161  // Now I have bunch of example to show how to use this file.
162  // They are self-explanatory
163  // and all the lines can be copy-paste in ROOT command lines too
164  CheckItOut();
166  WhereIsTheHits();
169 }