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Draw_EICRate.C File Reference
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>
#include <TGraphErrors.h>
#include <TLatex.h>
#include <TLine.h>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "SaveCanvas.C"
#include "sPhenixStyle.C"
+ Include dependency graph for Draw_EICRate.C:

Go to the source code of this file.


void Draw_EICRate (const TString infile="/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/sPHENIX_work/EIC/DAQ/pythia8_FixedTarget5/pythia8_FixedTarget5_3333.cfg_output/G4EICDetector.root_DSTReader.root", double xsection=26)
void TrackerRate ()
void CentralCalorimeterRate ()
void ForwardCalorimeterRate ()
void KinematicsChecks ()
void VertexChecks ()


TFile * _file0 = NULL
TTree * T = NULL
int total_event = 0

Function Documentation

void CentralCalorimeterRate ( )

Definition at line 172 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 172 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, assert, h, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::idx, leg, merge_hashes::p, SaveCanvas(), t, and Acts::UnitConstants::T.

Referenced by Draw_EICRate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Draw_EICRate ( const TString  infile = "/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/sPHENIX_work/EIC/DAQ/pythia8_FixedTarget5/pythia8_FixedTarget5_3333.cfg_output/G4EICDetector.root_DSTReader.root",
double  xsection = 26 

Definition at line 27 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 27 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, assert, CentralCalorimeterRate(), Acts::UnitConstants::e, ForwardCalorimeterRate(), infile, KinematicsChecks(), n, SetsPhenixStyle(), t, Acts::UnitConstants::T, Acts::Test::time, total_event, TrackerRate(), and VertexChecks().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void ForwardCalorimeterRate ( )

Definition at line 299 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 299 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, assert, h, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::idx, leg, merge_hashes::p, SaveCanvas(), t, and Acts::UnitConstants::T.

Referenced by Draw_EICRate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void KinematicsChecks ( )

Definition at line 427 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 427 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::idx, merge_hashes::p, SaveCanvas(), t, Acts::UnitConstants::T, and total_event.

Referenced by Draw_EICRate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TrackerRate ( )

Definition at line 102 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 102 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, assert, h, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::idx, leg, merge_hashes::p, SaveCanvas(), t, and Acts::UnitConstants::T.

Referenced by Draw_EICRate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void VertexChecks ( )

Definition at line 463 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 463 of file Draw_EICRate.C

References _file0, ambiguity_solver_full_chain::idx, merge_hashes::p, SaveCanvas(), t, and Acts::UnitConstants::T.

Referenced by Draw_EICRate().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

TFile * _file0 = NULL

Definition at line 23 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 23 of file Draw_EICRate.C

Referenced by AmplitudeCheck(), CentralCalorimeterRate(), ChannelCheck(), ChargeCheck(), ChargePerLayer(), Check(), Check1(), Check2(), ClusterQA(), Clusters3D(), DataRate(), DCACheck(), dNchdEta(), dNdeta(), DNL_CorrectionArray(), Draw_EICRate(), Draw_HFJetTruth(), Draw_HFJetTruth3yr(), Draw_HFJetTruth_DrawCrossSection_PR(), Draw_HFJetTruth_InvMass(), Draw_HFJetTruth_InvMass_DrawCrossSection_PR(), DrawCrossSection(), DrawEcal_Likelihood(), DrawEcal_pDST(), DrawEMCalTower(), DrawFieldMap(), DrawFluence(), DrawPrototype2EMCalTower(), DrawPrototype2MIPAnalysis(), DrawPrototype2ShowerCalib(), DrawPrototype3EMCalTower(), DrawPrototype3ShowerCalib(), DrawPrototype4EMCalTower(), DrawPrototype4ShowerCalib(), DrawTPCDataStreamEmulator(), DrawTPCFEE(), DrawTPCIntegratedCharge(), DrawTpcPrototypeGenFitTrkFitter(), DrawTpcPrototypeUnpacker(), DrawTrackingEval(), DrawUECentralityPlots(), Edep_Checks(), Edep_Distribution(), Edep_LL_Distribution(), EMC_HodoScope_Calibration(), EMCDistribution(), EMCDistribution_ADC(), EMCDistribution_Fast(), EMCDistribution_HCalCalibration(), EMCDistribution_PeakSample_Fast(), EMCDistribution_ShowShape(), EMCDistribution_SUM(), EMCDistribution_SUM_RawADC(), EMCDistributionVSBeam_SUM(), Ep_Checks(), EP_LL_Distribution(), EventCheck(), Example(), FEEDataSize(), FitVerticalScan(), ForwardCalorimeterRate(), FullCyl(), FullCylEIC(), FullCylRProj(), FullCylRProjPHENIXComparison(), FullCylZProj(), Get_Res_linear_Summmary(), Get_Res_linear_Summmary_Sim(), GetBeamMom(), getMeanRMS(), GetResolution(), GetSTAR2019(), HitPositionCheck(), HodoscopeCheck(), KinematicsChecks(), LineShapeData(), LineShapeSim(), MakeRadiusCut(), Occupancy(), OccupancySim(), PositionDependenceData(), PositionDependenceSim(), RecoCheck(), Resolution(), SectorDataSize(), ShowerShape_Checks(), SimPositionCheck(), Track3D(), TrackClusterEnergy(), TrackDistortion(), TrackerRate(), TrackProjection_Checks(), TrackQA(), TriggerMultiplicity(), UpsilonPair_Checks(), VertexChecks(), VertexCyl(), and WaveletCheck().

TTree* T = NULL

Definition at line 24 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 24 of file Draw_EICRate.C

int total_event = 0

Definition at line 25 of file Draw_EICRate.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 25 of file Draw_EICRate.C

Referenced by Draw_EICRate(), and KinematicsChecks().