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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file KdtSurfacesProvider.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
18 #include <array>
19 #include <stdexcept>
20 #include <tuple>
21 #include <vector>
23 namespace Acts {
25 namespace Experimental {
32 template <size_t kDIM = 2u, size_t bSize = 100u,
33  typename reference_generator =
34  detail::PolyhedronReferenceGenerator<1u, false>>
35 class KdtSurfaces {
36  public:
38  using KDTS =
42  using Query = std::array<ActsScalar, kDIM>;
45  using Entry = std::pair<Query, std::shared_ptr<Surface>>;
54  const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>>& surfaces,
55  const std::array<BinningValue, kDIM>& casts,
56  const reference_generator& rgen =
58  : m_kdt(nullptr), m_casts(casts), m_rGenerator(rgen) {
59  // Simple check if the dimension is correct
60  if (kDIM == 0u) {
61  throw std::invalid_argument(
62  "KdtSurfaces: dimension and/or cast rules are incorrect.");
63  }
64  // Fill the tree from surfaces
65  std::vector<Entry> kdtEntries;
66  kdtEntries.reserve(surfaces.size());
67  for (auto& s : surfaces) {
68  // Generate the references and the center of gravity from it
69  const auto references = m_rGenerator.references(gctx, *s);
70  std::vector<Query> castedReferences;
71  castedReferences.reserve(references.size());
72  for (const auto& r : references) {
73  // Now cast into the correct fill position
74  Query rc = {};
75  fillCasts(r, rc, std::make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, kDIM>{});
76  castedReferences.push_back(rc);
77  }
78  // Calculate the center of gravity in casted frame
79  kdtEntries.push_back({cog(castedReferences), s});
80  }
81  // Create the KDTree
82  m_kdt = std::make_unique<KDTS>(std::move(kdtEntries));
83  }
90  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> surfaces(
91  const RangeXD<kDIM, ActsScalar>& range) const {
92  // Strip the surfaces
93  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> surfacePtrs;
94  auto surfaceQuery = m_kdt->rangeSearchWithKey(range);
95  std::for_each(surfaceQuery.begin(), surfaceQuery.end(),
96  [&](auto& s) { surfacePtrs.push_back(s.second); });
97  return surfacePtrs;
98  }
105  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> surfaces(const Extent& extent) const {
107  for (auto [ibv, v] : enumerate(m_casts)) {
108  qRange[ibv] = extent.range(v);
109  }
110  return surfaces(qRange);
111  }
113  private:
115  std::unique_ptr<KDTS> m_kdt = nullptr;
118  std::array<BinningValue, kDIM> m_casts = {};
121  reference_generator m_rGenerator;
126  template <typename Array, std::size_t... idx>
127  void fillCasts(const Vector3& position, Array& a,
128  std::index_sequence<idx...> /*indices*/) const {
129  ((a[idx] = VectorHelpers::cast(position, m_casts[idx])), ...);
130  }
143  Query cog(const std::vector<Query>& cQueries) const {
144  // If there is only one position, return it
145  if (cQueries.size() == 1) {
146  return cQueries.front();
147  }
148  // Build the center of gravity of the n positions
149  Query c{};
150  float weight = 1. / cQueries.size();
151  for (auto& q : cQueries) {
152  std::transform(c.begin(), c.end(), q.begin(), c.begin(),
153  std::plus<ActsScalar>());
154  }
155  std::for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), [&](auto& v) { v *= weight; });
156  return c;
157  }
158 };
164 template <size_t kDIM = 2u, size_t bSize = 100u,
165  typename reference_generator =
166  detail::PolyhedronReferenceGenerator<1u, false>>
168  public:
175  std::shared_ptr<KdtSurfaces<kDIM, bSize, reference_generator>> kdts,
176  const Extent& kregion)
177  : m_kdt(std::move(kdts)), m_region(kregion) {
179  if (m_kdt == nullptr) {
180  throw std::invalid_argument(
181  "KdtSurfacesProvider: no KDTree structure provided.");
182  }
183  }
186  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> surfaces(
187  [[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext& gctx) const final {
188  return m_kdt->surfaces(m_region);
189  }
191  private:
192  std::shared_ptr<KdtSurfaces<kDIM, bSize, reference_generator>> m_kdt =
193  nullptr;
196 };
198 } // namespace Experimental
200 } // namespace Acts