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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hcalUtil.h
1 #ifndef __HCALUTIL_H__
2 #define __HCALUTIL_H__
3 //#include <TString.h>
4 #include <list>
5 #include <algorithm>
7 #include <TROOT.h>
8 #include <TFile.h>
9 #include <TTree.h>
10 #include <TGMsgBox.h>
11 #include <TCanvas.h>
12 #include <TGraph.h>
13 #include <TString.h>
14 #include <TText.h>
15 #include <TApplication.h>
16 #include <TStyle.h>
17 #include <TSystem.h>
18 #include <TGClient.h>
19 #include <TGWindow.h>
20 #include <TH1.h>
21 #include <TH1F.h>
22 #include <TH1D.h>
23 #include <TProfile.h>
24 #include <TF1.h>
25 #include <TH2.h>
26 #include <TH3.h>
27 #include <TMath.h>
28 #include <TSpectrum.h>
29 #include "TVirtualFitter.h"
30 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
31 #include <TSystemFile.h>
33 class hcalUtil;
34 class hLabHelper;
35 class hcalHelper;
36 class hcalTree;
37 class tileHelper;
38 class tileTree;
39 class hcal;
40 class stack;
41 class tower;
44 #include <hcalControls.h>
46 // **************************************************************************
48 extern "C" Double_t erfunc(Double_t *x, Double_t * par);
49 extern "C" Double_t erf_g(Double_t *x, Double_t * par);
50 extern "C" Double_t powerFun(Double_t *x, Double_t * par);
51 extern "C" Double_t power_g(Double_t *x, Double_t * par);
52 extern "C" Double_t ps( Double_t *adc, Double_t *par);
53 extern "C" Double_t sipmPeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par);
54 extern "C" Int_t sipmCalib(TString & hName, int mode=0);
55 extern "C" Double_t AsymToX(Double_t asym);
56 //extern "C" void pcPattern(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t run=0, Int_t mode=1);
57 extern "C" Double_t signalShape(Double_t *x, Double_t * par);
58 //extern "C" void fitShape(int chan);
59 //extern "C" void status();
60 //extern "C" Int_t evLoop(int run, int nevents=0, int nfiles=1);
61 //extern "C" void closeEvent();
62 //extern "C" void closeLoop();
64 // **************************************************************************
66 //#ifndef __CINT__
67 // ====================================================================================
69 struct rootfile{
70  rootfile(TString n, Int_t rn, TString rid) : name(n) ,runnumber(rn), runid(rid) {;}
71  rootfile(const rootfile & last){
72  this->name =;
73  this->runnumber = last.runnumber;
74  this->runid = last.runid;
75  }
76  void print(){
77  cout<<"<rootfile> "<<name<<" Run # "<<runnumber<<" RunId "<<runid<<endl;
78  }
79  TString name;
80  Int_t runnumber;
81  TString runid;
83 };
84 // bool operator() runnumberequal(rootfile & rf, Int_t run) const {return run==rf.runnumber;}
85 // ====================================================================================
87 struct prdffile{
88  prdffile(TString n, Int_t rn, TString rid) : name(n) ,runnumber(rn), runid(rid) {;}
89  prdffile(const prdffile & last){
90  this->name =;
91  this->runnumber = last.runnumber;
92  this->runid = last.runid;
93  }
94  void print(){
95  cout<<"<prdffile> "<<name<<" Run # "<<runnumber<<" RunId "<<runid<<endl;
96  }
97  TString name;
98  Int_t runnumber;
99  TString runid;
100 };
101 // bool operator() runnumberequal(prdffile & pf, Int_t run) const {return run==pf.runnumber;}
103 // ====================================================================================
107 protected:
108  hLabHelper();
109  virtual ~hLabHelper(){;}
110  static hLabHelper * single;
113 public:
114  static hLabHelper * getInstance(){if(!single) single = new hLabHelper(); return single;}
115  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
117  bool evDisplay(Int_t run);
119  void getFileLists();
120  void decoderun(TString & fname, Int_t & rn, TString & rid);
121  TFile * attachrootrun(Int_t rn);
122  void setRunKind(TString rK = "beam");
123  Bool_t setPRDFRun(int run, Bool_t bookH = kTRUE);
124  Bool_t setROOTRun(int run = 0);
125  Int_t runToRootFile(Int_t run = 0);
126  Int_t runToPRDFFile(Int_t run = 0);
127  void renameAndCloseRF();
128  void makeCanvasDirectory();
129  void updateMap();
130  void updateCalibration();
131  void initPRDFRun(Bool_t bookH = kTRUE);
132  void fitShape(int chan, Double_t & peakVal, Int_t & peakPos, Int_t mode);
133  void getDetectorTiming();
134  void displaySumEvent();
135  void dofixes();
136  void collect(Bool_t fitshape = kFALSE);
137  Bool_t reject();
139  Int_t runnumber;
140  TString runKind;
141  Int_t rfiles;
142  TString host;
144  TString rootfName;
145  TString prdfName;
146  TString rootdirname;
147  TString cDirectory; // directory to store TCanvases for Run#
148  list<rootfile> roots;
149  Int_t pfiles;
150  TString prdfdirname;
151  list<prdffile> prdfs;
152  Int_t eventseq;
153  Int_t eventsread;
155  Int_t * active; // list of active ADC channels
156  Float_t ** adc;
157  Float_t * pedestal;
158  Float_t * rawPeak, * rawTime;
160  Double_t ** fitResults;
161  Float_t * fitPeak, * fitTime, * fitInt, * fitChi2;
162  Float_t * fitPeakRMS, * fitTimeRMS;
164  Float_t * calibPeak; // units of SiPM pixels
166  Double_t ** shapeD;
168  TF1 ** shapes;
169  TF1 ** sigFit;
170  TF1 ** rvsc, **fmsc; // Single cell calibration
171  TGraph ** gpulse; // Graph of the pulse in indivuidual channel
172  TH1 ** ft, ** fm, ** fw, ** fint, ** fpd, **fchi2;
173  TH1 *** fitPar; // Actual fit parameters in every channel
174  TH1 ** rpeak, ** rtm;
175  TH2 * rdata;
177  // Event produced by separately summing up all detector data in High and Low gains
178  Double_t * evtadcsum[2];
179  Double_t * evtfitpar[2];
180  Double_t evtpedestal[2];
181  Double_t evttime[2];
182  Double_t evtpeak[2];
183  Double_t tChi2[2]; // Chi2 from signal fit of the total ampl sum
184  TF1 * evtShape[2], * evtSignal[2];
185  TGraph * evtGraph[2];
186  //
187  TFile * fhcl;
188  TTree * thcl;
190 };
192 // ====================================================================================
195 protected:
196  hcalHelper();
197  static hcalHelper * single;
198  virtual ~hcalHelper(){ ; }
200 public:
201  static hcalHelper * getInstance(){if(!single) single = new hcalHelper(); return single;}
202  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
203  // HCAL implementation for test beam
207  void setCTriggerOn(Bool_t ON = kTRUE); // program runs on cosmic data
208  void setCTriggerGRange(Int_t gain = 1); // Gain range used to trigger on cosmic
209  void setDisplayMode(Int_t mode = 3); // defult: show only summary
210  void setRunKind(TString rK = "beam");
211  Int_t evLoop(int run, int evToProcess=0, int fToProcess=1);
212  Int_t collectRaw();
213  void updateCalibration();
214  void hcalTrigger();
215  void hcalPattern(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t run, Int_t mod = 0);
216  void hcalImpact();
217  void fitHCalSignal();
218  void hcalDisplay();
219  void dofixes();
220  Int_t reject();
222  Double_t trThresholdBin;
223  Double_t twrThreshold;
226  Int_t runnumber;
227  Int_t eventseq;
228  Int_t eventsread;
229  Int_t displayMode; // amount and form of graphic data presented
230  Int_t triggerOn; // if kFALSE - cosmic trigger is disabled
231  Int_t triggerGain; // preamp range used for triggering if enabled
232  Int_t rejectRaw;
233  Int_t eventReject;
235  Int_t channels;
236  Int_t samples;
237  Int_t parameters;
238  // Energy sums from collectTileSummary()
239  Double_t uSum, cSum;
240  Double_t YF, YU, YC, XU, XC;
241  Double_t sumFU, sumFC;
242  Double_t muxU, muxC, muxFU, muxFC;
245  Int_t ** adc;
246  Int_t * activeCh;
247  // processing run summaries
248  TH2 * rdata;
249 };
251 // ====================================================================================
254 class hcal{
255  hcal();
256  ~hcal();
257  friend class hcalHelper;
258 public:
259  // currently number of stacks with reject codes
260  Int_t rejectEvent; // Event must be rejected
262  Int_t maxStacks; // may include scintillators between or upfront or what not
265  Bool_t * alive;
266  Int_t * kinds; // for now is just StackId
267  // Stacks belong to hcal and towers belong to stacks
269  void setCalibration();
270  Int_t getStackTiming();
271  Int_t update(Int_t displayMode = 3, Bool_t fitShapes=kFALSE); // returns reject
272  Int_t collectTrPrimitives();
273  void displayRaw(Int_t mode = 0);
274  void displaySummary(Int_t mode = 0);
275  void clean(); // clean all related objects for new event
276  // Summary
277  Double_t amplTotal;
278  Double_t eTotal;
279  Double_t calLCG;
280  Double_t scintLCG;
281  TH1 * totalamp, * totale, * totallcg, * scintlcg;
282 };
284 // ====================================================================================
286 class stack{
287  friend class hcal;
288  friend class hcalHelper;
290 public:
292  stack();
294  stack(const Int_t kind, const Int_t chnls, const Int_t xch, const Int_t ych);
295  ~stack();
296  void displayEvent(Int_t mode = 0);
297  void displayADCSum();
298  void displayTowerSummary(Int_t mode = 3);
299  void displayStackSummary(Int_t mode = 3);
300  void print();
301  void updateMap(Int_t stckloc); // Map Update in Towers is done Helper->HCal->Stack->Tower
302  Int_t update(Bool_t fitShapes = kFALSE); // EVent update. HCal, Stacks and Towers are updated from HCal
303  Int_t getStackTime();
304  Int_t getStackImpact();
305  Int_t getStackTrack();// returns reject code
306  Int_t getTrigger();
307  void clean(); // get ready for new event
309  Int_t reject;
310  // single energy scale calibration [GeV/ADC count [LG]) (copied into towers by setCalibration()). May became
311  // different later
313  Double_t stackECalib;
314  Int_t triggerFlag;
315  Int_t triggerHits;
316  Int_t triggerSum;
317  Int_t eventsSeen;
319  Int_t stackId; // from enum )HINNER etc)
320  Int_t stackKind; // Stack kind (CALOR, COUNTER)
321  Int_t gains; // number of gain ranges
322  Int_t twrsInStack; // Maximum number of active towers in this stack
323  Int_t stackLoc; // first tower location in activeCh lookup table
324  Int_t nTwrsX; // Stack geometry in units of Towers
325  Int_t nTwrsY; //
326  Int_t key; // (stackId*10+gains)
327  Bool_t mapUpdated;
328  Double_t totPed;
329  Double_t totAmpl; // total sum of amplitudes in stack (inits LG)
330  Double_t totCorAmpl; // fully corrected amplitude sum
331  Double_t avTwrTime;
332  Double_t rmsTwrTime;
333  Double_t E; // Fully calibrated energy in Stack [GeV]
334  Double_t xImpact; // x - Impact position in stack
335  Double_t yImpact; // y - Impact position in stack
338  // Event produced by separately summing up all detector data in High and Low gains
339  Int_t gainToUse;
340  Int_t twrsUsed[2];
341  Double_t * adcsum[2];
342  Double_t * fitPar[2];
343  Double_t fitPed[2];
344  // fit results for a total ADC sums (HIGH and LOW gains) in stack (exclude overflow towers)
345  Double_t fitTime[2];
346  Double_t fitPeak[2];
347  Double_t fitChi2[2]; // Chi2 from signal fit of the total ampl sum
348  TF1 * shape[2], * signal[2];
349  TGraph * graph[2];
350  // Muon Track in the stack
351  // counted towers with less then 3 samples in sat. region and above TWRAMPTHR
352  Int_t stackHits;
353  Int_t trackHits;
355  // Summaries
356  TH1 * stFGR;
357  TH1 * stFPed, * stFAmpl, * stFTime, * stChi2;
358  TH1 * stSPed, * stSAmpl, * stSE, * stAvT, * stTRMS;
360  TH2 * hitCG;
361  // cosmics summary
362  TH1 * trAmp, * trChi2, * trCr, * trSl;
363  TH2 * trAmpCh2, * trAstH,* trASl, * trATwr;
365  // saturation study
366  TH1 * satProb[2]; // High and Low gains
368 };
370 // ====================================================================================
371  // towers are created and updated by evloop in hcalHelper as readout objects,
372  // converted into physics entities by stacks when added to stacks but still -
373  // remain property of hcalHelper which updates them when new event is coming
375 class tower{
376  friend class hcalHelper;
377 public:
378  tower(){;}
379  ~tower(){;}
380  tower(Int_t stack, Int_t stkLoc, Int_t xSt, Int_t ySt);
381  void setChannel(Int_t channel, Int_t gain);
382  Int_t update(Bool_t fitShape=kFALSE); // channel energies, times and gain selection in new event
383  void clean(); // clean tower (we keep whole configuration stable, just update data)
384  void print();
385  void display();
387  Int_t reject; // for now just a signal of overflow in both (or single) ranges
388  Double_t twrECalib; // calibration coefficient (set by hcal->setCalibration()). Common to stack
389  Double_t twrEScale; // equalization coefficient
390  Int_t stackId; // stack which owns this tower
391  Int_t index; // index in the stack y*HCALCOLUMNS + x
392  Int_t key; // ((stackId*1000+index)*10)+gainToUse
393  Int_t x;
394  Int_t y;
395  Int_t gains;
396  Int_t gainToUse;
397  Int_t adcChannel[2]; // location in activeCh[] and adc[][] storage areas (-stackLoc)
398  Int_t satFlag[2];
399  Double_t rawPed[2]; // 2048 (PEDESTAL) subtructed
400  Double_t rawAmpl[2], rawTime[2];
401  Bool_t attached; // attached to muon track when calibrating
403  Double_t rped, rampl, rtime; // best raw values for amplitude and time (units LG)
404  Double_t cped, campl, ctime; // mixed & corrected peds&Amplitude (in units of LG) and time
405  Double_t E; // fully calibrated energy in Tower [GeV]
406  TF1 * shape[2], * signal[2];
407  TGraph * graph[2];
408  // data accumulated since beginning of processing run
409  TH1 * twrPed, * twrAmpl, * twrTime, * twrE;
411  // Double_t fitAmpl[2], fitTime[2];
414 };
416 // ====================================================================================
418 class hcalTree
419 {
421 protected:
422  hcalTree();
423  virtual ~hcalTree(){;}
424  static hcalTree * single;
427 public:
428  static hcalTree * getInstance(){if(!single) single = new hcalTree(); return single;}
429  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
432  // switching output file if so required: TBD
434  void updateRootFile();
437  int eventseq;
439  int channels;
440  int samples;
442  // 1 overflows in calorimeter amplitudes
443  // 10 tags outside range
444  // 100 HCal time is unreliable
445  // 1000
446  // 10000 Total energy in event is consistent with ZERO
447  //
450 };
453 // ====================================================================================
456 protected:
457  tileHelper();
458  static tileHelper * single;
459  virtual ~tileHelper(){
460  delete [] tileCalib;
461  delete [] tileCalPeak;
462  }
465 public:
466  static tileHelper * getInstance(){if(!single) single = new tileHelper(); return single;}
467  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
469  // **************************************************************************
470  // event data for a smartTile
474  evtGraph = new TGraph(NSAMPLES);
475  TString fitName = "det adc sum";
476  evtShape = new TF1(fitName, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, NPARAMETERS);
477  fitName = "det signal";
478  evtSignal = new TF1(fitName, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, NPARAMETERS);
479  }
480  Double_t times[TILECHANNELS];
481  Double_t chi2[TILECHANNELS];
482  Double_t evtadcsum[NSAMPLES];
484  Double_t evtpedestal;
485  Double_t evttime;
486  Double_t evtpeak;
487  Double_t tChi2; // Chi2 from signal fit of the tile total amplitude
488  Double_t evtpc; // event total pixel count (sum of calibrated counts in individual tile channels)
489  Int_t hitfiber; // fiber with highest signal
490  Double_t hitfiberpc; // pixel count in the hit fiber
491  Double_t hitfibertd; // time delta between hit fiber ends
492  Double_t yChi2; // CHi2 from fitting Y coordinate in the tile
493  Double_t ySigma;
494  TGraph * evtGraph;
495  TF1 * evtShape;
496  TF1 * evtSignal;
497  Int_t rejectCode;
499  void reset(){
500  for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) evtadcsum[is] = 0.;
501  for (int tch = 0; tch < TILECHANNELS; tch++) times[tch] = 0.;
502  evttime = 0.;
503  rejectCode = 0;
504  }
505  };
507  // **************************************************************************
508  // Run data for a smartTile
511  runtilesummary();
513  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
514  // Tile data (when calibrated - in units of fired cells)
515  TH2 * rmax; // [TILECHANNELS][2050]; // maximum uncalibrated amplitudes
516  TH2 * rfsum; // [TILEFIBERS][2050]; // raw fiber sum (only max fiber)
517  TH2 * rtsum; // [TILEFIBERS][2050]; // raw total sum (only max fiber)
518  TH2 * rfasym; // [TILEFIBERS][-1:+1] // raw asymmetry per fiber
519  TH1 * rtasym; // [-1 : +1] right-left asymmetry (using uncalibrated sums}
520  TH1 * rx; // uncalibrated X
521  TH1 * ry; // uncalibrated Y
522  TH2 * rimp;
523  TH2 * cdata; // [TILECHANNELS][2000]; // all calibrated data for further unalisis
524  TH2 * cmax; // [TILECHANNELS][2000]; // maximum calibrated amplitudes
525  TH2 * cfsum; // // calobrated fiber sum
526  TH2 * ctsum; // [TILECHANNELS][2000]; // calobrated total sum
527  TH2 * cfasym; // [TILEFIBERS][-1.-1.] // calibrated asymmetry per fiber
528  TH1 * ctasym; // [-1 : +1] right-left asymmetry (using calibrated sums)
529  TH1 * cx; // calibrated X
530  TH1 * cy; // calibrated Y
531  TH1 * fy; // fitted Y
532  TH2 * cimp;
533  TH2 * cx_pc; // calibrated total asymmetry (X) vs total pixel count
534  TH2 * cy_pc; // calibrated weighted Y vs total pixel count
535  TH2 * fy_pc; // fitted Y vs total pixel count
536  TH2 * cimpW; // Weighted (by total pixel count) impact points
538  // Trigger related
539  TH1 * trhits; // Raw total sum with binning similar to "hits_tpc"
540  TH2 * hits_tpc; // Number of triggerable hits (above threshold) vs total pixel count
542  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
543  // accumulated in the processing phase and must be written to .root file
544  TH3 * treff; // [HITMULTTHRESHOLDS][CHANNELTHRESHOLDS][0, 200]; // total pixel count (histogramm) vs cuts on total number of hits and hit amplitude in individual channels
545  TH3 * pc_imp; // total pixel count (histogramm) vs impact position
546  TH2 * pc_pat; // fitted positions of maxiuma in pc_imp pixel distributions
547  TH3 * pc_fimp; // total pixel count (histogramm) vs impact position (fitted Y)
548  TH2 * pc_fpat; // fitted positions of maxiuma in pc_imp pixel distributions (fitted Y)
550  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
551  // debugging muon impact computations
552  TH2 * XvsSl, * XY; // X value vs assumption about slope in the X vs Asymmetry
553  TH1 * Y0, * Y1, * Y2; // Parameters from the tile-Y fit
554  TH2 * y_yChi2, * s_y_Chi2; // Y in the tile vs Chi2 of the Y fit and Tile signal Chi2 vs Chi2 of Y fit
555  TH2 * y_ys, * yc_rcode;
556  TH1 * yCleaned, * yKept;
557  TH1 * trcode;
559  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
560  // attempts on timing resolution in tiles and towers
561  TH2 * td_r_l; // Time difference R/L vs total pixel count in the fiber
562  TH3 * td_t_tw; // Time difference tile to tower vs tile pc and tower ampl
565  };
567  // **************************************************************************
570  Int_t evLoop(Int_t run, Int_t evToProcess, Int_t fToProcess);
571  void status();
572  void updateMap();
573  void updateCalibration();
574  void evreset(); // reset last event data
575  void tileTrigger();
576  void tileTiming();
577  void tileDisplay();
578  void tileTriggerDisplay();
579  void tilePattern(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t run, Int_t mod = 0);
580  void collectTileSummary();
581  Double_t getYFit();
582  void tileImpact();
583  void fitTileSignal();
584  Int_t reject();
588  Int_t channels;
589  Int_t samples;
590  Int_t fibers;
592  Int_t parameters;
593  // Energy sums from collectTileSummary()
594  Double_t uSum, cSum, luSum, lcSum, ruSum, rcSum;
595  Double_t YF, YU, YC, XU, XC;
596  Double_t sumFU, sumFC;
597  Double_t muxU, muxC, muxFU, muxFC;
599  Double_t ras, cas, rtas, ctas;
600  Double_t * fiberY;
601  Double_t * fiberLY; // Calibrated Light Yields from individual fibers
602  Double_t * tileCalib; // Calibration coefficients for SiPM's currently in use (earlier measurements)
603  Double_t * tileCalPeak; // Fitted peak values scaled by tileCalib (tile channels)
606  TCanvas * fiberDisplay;
607  TCanvas * triggerDisplay;
608  TCanvas * impactDisplay;
609  TCanvas * lyPattern, * lyFits;
610  TF1 * yFit;
611  TGraph * fLY;
613 };
615 // ====================================================================================
619  tileLightYield();
620  void setrootfile(rootfile & rf){
621  // hcalHelper * hHelper = hcalHelper ::getInstance();
622  rfile = new rootfile(rf);
623  }
624  void setdivisions(Int_t nx, Int_t ny){
625  xdivisions = nx;
626  ydivisions = ny;
627  lightyield = new Double_t * [ny];
628  for(int iy =0; iy<ny; iy++) lightyield[iy] = new Double_t [nx];
630  }
633  Double_t ** lightyield;
634 };
636 // ====================================================================================
637 class tileTree
638 {
640 protected:
641  tileTree();
642  virtual ~tileTree(){;}
643  static tileTree * single;
646 public:
647  static tileTree * getInstance(){if(!single) single = new tileTree(); return single;}
648  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
651  // switching output file if so required: TBD
653  void updateRootFile();
656  // 1 overflows in calorimeter amplitudes
657  // 10 tags outside range
658  // 100 HCal time is unreliable
659  // 1000
660  // 10000 Total energy in event is consistent with ZERO
661  //
663 };
665 // ====================================================================================
667 class hcalUtil{
668 protected:
669  hcalUtil ();
670  virtual ~hcalUtil(){;}
671  static hcalUtil * single;
673 public:
674  static hcalUtil * getInstance(){if(!single) single=new hcalUtil(); return single;}
675  static void deleteInstance(){if(single) delete single;}
677  Float_t xPeak(TF1* f, Float_t x1, Float_t x2);
679  // Float_t xPeak(TF1* f, Float_t x1, Float_t x2);
680  Float_t width(TF1* f, Float_t x1, Float_t x2, Float_t peak);
682  bool shapeFit(TH1D * proj, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG, bool fine, bool MIP);
684  bool emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool fine, bool sing, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG, bool MIP);
685  bool emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool sing, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG);
686  bool emcFit(TH1D * proj, bool sing, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG, Float_t minx, Float_t maxx);
687  bool twrMipFit(TH1D * proj, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG);
688  bool twrTimeFit(TH1D * proj, Double_t * pE, Float_t & maxE, Double_t * pG);
690 };
692 // hcalUtil * hcalUtil :: single = 0;
693 // hLabHelper * hLabHelper :: single = 0;
694 // hcalHelper * hcalHelper :: single = 0;
695 // hcalTree * hcalTree :: single = 0;
696 // tileHelper * tileHelper :: single = 0;
697 // tileTree * tileTree :: single = 0;
700 //#endif // CINT
702 #endif // HCALUTIL_H_