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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CorrectedTransformationFreeToBound.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <cmath>
18 #include <cstddef>
19 #include <memory>
20 #include <ostream>
21 #include <type_traits>
22 #include <utility>
23 #include <vector>
26  ActsScalar alpha_,
27  ActsScalar beta_)
28  : apply(apply_), alpha(alpha_), beta(beta_) {}
31  : apply(apply_) {}
33 Acts::FreeToBoundCorrection::operator bool() const {
34  return apply;
35 }
38  ActsScalar alpha, ActsScalar beta, ActsScalar cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff,
39  ActsScalar cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff)
40  : m_alpha(alpha),
41  m_beta(beta),
42  m_cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff(cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff),
43  m_cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff(cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff) {}
46  const FreeToBoundCorrection& freeToBoundCorrection) {
47  m_alpha = freeToBoundCorrection.alpha;
48  m_beta = freeToBoundCorrection.beta;
49  m_cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff = freeToBoundCorrection.cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff;
50  m_cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff = freeToBoundCorrection.cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff;
51 }
53 std::optional<std::tuple<Acts::BoundVector, Acts::BoundSquareMatrix>>
55  const Acts::FreeVector& freeParams,
56  const Acts::FreeSquareMatrix& freeCovariance, const Acts::Surface& surface,
58  const Logger& logger) const {
59  // Get the incidence angle
60  Vector3 dir = freeParams.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
61  Vector3 normal = surface.normal(geoContext);
62  ActsScalar absCosIncidenceAng = std::abs(;
63  // No correction if the incidentAngle is small enough (not necessary ) or too
64  // large (correction could be invalid). Fall back to nominal free to bound
65  // transformation
66  if (absCosIncidenceAng < m_cosIncidentAngleMinCutoff or
67  absCosIncidenceAng > m_cosIncidentAngleMaxCutoff) {
68  ACTS_VERBOSE("Incident angle: " << std::acos(absCosIncidenceAng)
69  << " is out of range for correction");
70  return std::nullopt;
71  }
73  // The number of sigma points
74  size_t sampleSize = 2 * eFreeSize + 1;
75  // The sampled free parameters, the weight for measurement W_m and weight for
76  // covariance, W_c
77  std::vector<std::tuple<FreeVector, ActsScalar, ActsScalar>> sampledFreeParams;
78  sampledFreeParams.reserve(sampleSize);
80  // Initialize the covariance sqrt root matrix
81  FreeSquareMatrix covSqrt = FreeSquareMatrix::Zero();
82  // SVD decomposition: freeCovariance = U*S*U^T here
83  Eigen::JacobiSVD<FreeSquareMatrix> svd(
84  freeCovariance, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
85  auto S = svd.singularValues();
86  FreeMatrix U = svd.matrixU();
87  // Get the sqrt root matrix of S
88  FreeMatrix D = FreeMatrix::Zero();
89  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eFreeSize; ++i) {
90  if (S(i) > 0) {
91  D(i, i) = std::sqrt(S(i));
92  }
93  }
94  // Get the covariance sqrt root matrix
95  covSqrt = U * D;
97  // Define kappa = alpha*alpha*N
98  ActsScalar kappa = m_alpha * m_alpha * static_cast<double>(eFreeSize);
99  // lambda = alpha*alpha*N - N
100  ActsScalar lambda = kappa - static_cast<double>(eFreeSize);
101  // gamma = sqrt(labmda + N)
102  ActsScalar gamma = std::sqrt(kappa);
104  // Sample the free parameters
105  // 1. the nominal parameter
106  sampledFreeParams.push_back(
107  {freeParams, lambda / kappa,
108  lambda / kappa + (1.0 - m_alpha * m_alpha + m_beta)});
109  // 2. the shifted parameters
110  for (unsigned i = 0; i < eFreeSize; ++i) {
111  sampledFreeParams.push_back(
112  {freeParams + covSqrt.col(i) * gamma, 0.5 / kappa, 0.5 / kappa});
113  sampledFreeParams.push_back(
114  {freeParams - covSqrt.col(i) * gamma, 0.5 / kappa, 0.5 / kappa});
115  }
117  // Initialize the mean of the bound parameters
118  BoundVector bpMean = BoundVector::Zero();
119  // Initialize the bound covariance
120  BoundSquareMatrix bv = BoundSquareMatrix::Zero();
122  // The transformed bound parameters and weight for each sampled free
123  // parameters
124  std::vector<std::pair<BoundVector, ActsScalar>> transformedBoundParams;
126  // 1. The nominal one
127  // The sampled free parameters, the weight for measurement W_m and weight for
128  // covariance, W_c
129  const auto& [paramsNom, mweightNom, cweightNom] = sampledFreeParams[0];
130  // Transform the free to bound
131  auto nominalRes =
132  detail::transformFreeToBoundParameters(paramsNom, surface, geoContext);
133  // Not successful, fall back to nominal free to bound transformation
134  if (not nominalRes.ok()) {
136  "Free to bound transformation for nominal free parameters failed.");
137  return std::nullopt;
138  }
139  auto nominalBound = nominalRes.value();
140  transformedBoundParams.push_back({nominalBound, cweightNom});
141  bpMean = bpMean + mweightNom * nominalBound;
143  // 2. Loop over the rest sample points of the free parameters to get the
144  // corrected bound parameters
145  for (unsigned i = 1; i < sampledFreeParams.size(); ++i) {
146  const auto& [params, mweight, cweight] = sampledFreeParams[i];
147  FreeVector correctedFreeParams = params;
149  // Reintersect to get the corrected free params without boundary check
150  SurfaceIntersection intersection =
151  surface
152  .intersect(geoContext, params.segment<3>(eFreePos0),
153  navDir * params.segment<3>(eFreeDir0), false)
154  .closest();
155  correctedFreeParams.segment<3>(eFreePos0) = intersection.position();
157  // Transform the free to bound
158  auto result = detail::transformFreeToBoundParameters(correctedFreeParams,
159  surface, geoContext);
160  // Not successful, fall back to nominal free to bound transformation
161  if (not result.ok()) {
163  "Free to bound transformation for sampled free parameters: \n"
164  << correctedFreeParams << " failed.");
165  return std::nullopt;
166  }
168  auto bp = result.value();
169  transformedBoundParams.push_back({bp, cweight});
170  bpMean = bpMean + mweight * bp;
171  }
173  // Get the corrected bound covariance
174  for (unsigned isample = 0; isample < sampleSize; ++isample) {
175  BoundVector bSigma = transformedBoundParams[isample].first - bpMean;
177  bv = bv +
178  transformedBoundParams[isample].second * bSigma * bSigma.transpose();
179  }
181  return std::make_tuple(bpMean, bv);
182 }