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1 /* Copyright 2019, Belle II Collaboration
2  Authors: Dmitrii Neverov
4  This file is part of GENFIT.
6  GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with GENFIT. If not, see <>.
18 */
20 #include "MplTrackRep.h"
22 #include <FieldManager.h>
23 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
24 #include <MeasurementOnPlane.h>
25 #include <Exception.h>
27 #include <math.h>
29 #include <TBuffer.h>
31 using namespace genfit;
33 MplTrackRep::MplTrackRep(int pdgCode, float magCharge, char propDir) :
34  RKTrackRep(pdgCode, propDir),
35  m_magCharge(magCharge),
36  m_mass(TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdgCode)->Mass()) // We could ofc use AbsTrackRep::getMass(state) but we have no state here to call on
37 {
38 }
41 {
42 }
46  if (dynamic_cast<const MeasurementOnPlane*>(&state) != nullptr) {
47  Exception exc("RKTrackRep::getCharge - cannot get charge from MeasurementOnPlane",__LINE__,__FILE__);
48  exc.setFatal();
49  throw exc;
50  }
52  double pdgCharge( m_magCharge * (this->getPDGCharge() > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0));
54  // return pdgCharge with sign of q/p
55  if (state.getState()(0) * pdgCharge < 0)
56  return -pdgCharge;
57  else
58  return pdgCharge;
59 }
62  M7x7* jacobianT,
63  M1x3& SA,
64  double S,
65  bool varField,
66  bool /*calcOnlyLastRowOfJ*/) const
67 {
68  // The algorithm is
69  // E Lund et al 2009 JINST 4 P04001 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/4/04/P04001
70  // "Track parameter propagation through the application of a new adaptive Runge-Kutta-Nyström method in the ATLAS experiment"
71  //
72  // where the transport of the Jacobian is described in
73  // L. Bugge, J. Myrheim Nucl.Instrum.Meth. 160 (1979) 43-48
74  // "A Fast Runge-kutta Method For Fitting Tracks In A Magnetic Field"
75  //
76  // and
77  // L. Bugge, J. Myrheim Nucl.Instrum.Meth. 179 (1981) 365-381
78  // "Tracking And Track Fitting"
79  //
81  // important fixed numbers
82  static const double EC ( 0.000149896229 ); // c/(2*10^12) resp. c/2Tera FIXME this 1/2 here is super sneaky
83  static const double P3 ( 1./3. ); // 1/3
84  static const double DLT ( .0002 ); // max. deviation for approximation-quality test
85  double sign = state7[6] > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
86  // Aux parameters
87  M1x3& R = *((M1x3*) &state7[0]); // Start coordinates [cm] (x, y, z)
88  M1x3& A = *((M1x3*) &state7[3]); // Start directions (ax, ay, az); ax^2+ay^2+az^2=1
89  double S3(0), S4(0), PS2(0);
90  M1x3 H0 = {{0.,0.,0.}}, H1 = {{0.,0.,0.}}, H2 = {{0.,0.,0.}};
91  M1x3 r = {{0.,0.,0.}};
92  // Variables for Runge Kutta solver
93  double A0(0), A1(0), A2(0), A3(0), A4(0), A5(0), A6(0);
94  double B0(0), B1(0), B2(0), B3(0), B4(0), B5(0), B6(0);
95  double C0(0), C1(0), C2(0), C3(0), C4(0), C5(0), C6(0);
96  // Additional variables for momentum evolution FIXME these are all cryptic in accordance with the rest of the code around
97  double D0(0), D1(0), D2(0), D3(0), D4(0), D5(0);
98  double F0(0), F1(0), F2(0), F3(0);
99  double AH0(0), AH1(0), AH2(0), AH3(0);
101  //
102  // Runge Kutta Extrapolation
103  //
104  S3 = P3*S;
105  S4 = 0.25*S;
106  PS2 = m_magCharge * EC * S * sign;
108  // First point
109  r[0] = R[0]; r[1] = R[1]; r[2]=R[2];
110  FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(r[0], r[1], r[2], H0[0], H0[1], H0[2]); // magnetic field in 10^-1 T = kGauss
111  H0[0] *= PS2; H0[1] *= PS2; H0[2] *= PS2; // H0 is PS2*(Hx, Hy, Hz) @ R0; effectively this is h/2 * Force
112  D0 = fabs(m_magCharge/state7[6]); // p_n
113  F0 = std::sqrt(m_mass * m_mass + D0 * D0) / (D0 * D0); // E / p^2
114  AH0 = A[0]*H0[0] + A[1]*H0[1] + A[2]*H0[2]; // A dot Force
116  A0 = F0 * (H0[0] - A[0] * AH0); B0 = F0 * (H0[1] - A[1] * AH0); C0 = F0 * (H0[2] - A[2] * AH0); // h/2 * k_1
117  A2 = A[0]+A0 ; B2 = A[1]+B0 ; C2 = A[2]+C0 ; // r'_n + h/2 * k_1
118  A1 = A2+A[0] ; B1 = B2+A[1] ; C1 = C2+A[2] ; // 2*r'_n + h/2 * k_1
120  // Second point
121  if (varField) {
122  r[0] += A1*S4; r[1] += B1*S4; r[2] += C1*S4;
123  FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(r[0], r[1], r[2], H1[0], H1[1], H1[2]);
124  H1[0] *= PS2; H1[1] *= PS2; H1[2] *= PS2; // H1 is PS2*(Hx, Hy, Hz) @ (x, y, z) + 0.25*S * [(A0, B0, C0) + 2*(ax, ay, az)]
125  }
126  else { H1 = H0; };
127  D1 = D0 + F0 * D0 * AH0; // p_n + h/2 * l_1
128  F1 = std::sqrt(m_mass * m_mass + D1 * D1) / (D1 * D1); // E / p^2
129  AH1 = A2*H1[0] + B2*H1[1] + C2*H1[2]; // A dot Force
131  A3 = A[0] + F1*(H1[0] - A2*AH1); B3 = A[1] + F1*(H1[1] - B2*AH1); C3 = A[2] + F1*(H1[2] - C2*AH1); // r'_n + h/2 * k_2
132  D2 = D0 + F1 * D1 * AH1; // p_n + h/2 * l_2
133  F2 = std::sqrt(m_mass * m_mass + D2 * D2) / (D2 * D2); // E / p^2
134  AH2 = A3*H1[0] + B3*H1[1] + C3*H1[2]; // A dot Force
136  A4 = A[0] + F2*(H1[0] - A3*AH2); B4 = A[1] + F2*(H1[1] - B3*AH2); C4 = A[2] + F2*(H1[2] - C3*AH2); // r'_n + h/2 * k_3
137  A5 = A4-A[0]+A4 ; B5 = B4-A[1]+B4 ; C5 = C4-A[2]+C4 ; // r'_n + h * k_3
138  D3 = D0 + 2.0 * F2 * D2 * AH2; // p_n + h * l_3
139  F3 = std::sqrt(m_mass * m_mass + D3 * D3) / (D3 * D3); // E / p^2
140  AH3 = A4*H1[0] + B4*H1[1] + C4*H1[2]; // A dot Force
142  // Last point
143  if (varField) {
144  r[0]=R[0]+S*A4; r[1]=R[1]+S*B4; r[2]=R[2]+S*C4; //setup.Field(r,H2);
145  FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(r[0], r[1], r[2], H2[0], H2[1], H2[2]);
146  H2[0] *= PS2; H2[1] *= PS2; H2[2] *= PS2; // H2 is PS2*(Hx, Hy, Hz) @ (x, y, z) + 0.25*S * (A4, B4, C4)
147  }
148  else { H2 = H0; };
149  A6 = F3 * (H2[0] - A5*AH3); B6 = F3 * (H2[1] - B5*AH3); C6 = F3 * (H2[2] - C5*AH3); // h/2 * k_4
150  D4 = F3 * D3 * AH3 - D0; // h/2 * l_4 - p_n
151  D5 = P3*(D1 + 2*D2 + D3 + D4); //p_n+1
153  //
154  // Derivatives of track parameters
155  //
156  if(jacobianT != nullptr){
158  // jacobianT //FIXME seems in magnetic case there are no shortcuts?
159  // 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x
160  // 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 y
161  // 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 z
162  // x x x x x x 0 a_x
163  // x x x x x x 0 a_y
164  // x x x x x x 0 a_z
165  // x x x x x x 1 q/p
166  M7x7& J = *jacobianT;
168  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
169  double dA0(0), dA2(0), dA3(0), dA4(0), dA5(0), dA6(0);
170  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
171  double dB0(0), dB2(0), dB3(0), dB4(0), dB5(0), dB6(0);
172  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
173  double dC0(0), dC2(0), dC3(0), dC4(0), dC5(0), dC6(0);
174  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
175  double dD0(0), dD1(0), dD2(0), dD3(0), dD4(0);
177  int start(0);
179 // if (!calcOnlyLastRowOfJ) {
181 // if (!varField) { // FIXME let's be honest and calculate everything everytime
182 // // d(x, y, z)/d(x, y, z) submatrix is unit matrix
183 // J(0, 0) = 1; J(1, 1) = 1; J(2, 2) = 1;
184 // // d(ax, ay, az)/d(ax, ay, az) submatrix is 0
185 // // start with d(x, y, z)/d(ax, ay, az)
186 // start = 3;
187 // }
189  for(int i=start; i<7; ++i) {
191  //first point
192  dD0 = -D0*D0/m_magCharge/sign*J(i,6);
193  dA0 = (1/(F0*F0*D0*D0*D0) - 2/D0)*A0*dD0 - (D1-D0)/D0*J(i,3) - F0*A[0]*(J(i,3)*H0[0] + J(i,4)*H0[1] + J(i,5)*H0[2]); // FIXME A true marvel of clarity
194  dB0 = (1/(F0*F0*D0*D0*D0) - 2/D0)*B0*dD0 - (D1-D0)/D0*J(i,4) - F0*A[1]*(J(i,3)*H0[0] + J(i,4)*H0[1] + J(i,5)*H0[2]);
195  dC0 = (1/(F0*F0*D0*D0*D0) - 2/D0)*C0*dD0 - (D1-D0)/D0*J(i,5) - F0*A[2]*(J(i,3)*H0[0] + J(i,4)*H0[1] + J(i,5)*H0[2]);
197  dD1 = dD0 + (1/(F0*F0*D0*D0*D0) - 1/D0)*(D1-D0)*dD0 + F0*D0*(J(i,3)*H0[0] + J(i,4)*H0[1] + J(i,5)*H0[2]);
198  dA2 = dA0+J(i, 3);
199  dB2 = dB0+J(i, 4);
200  dC2 = dC0+J(i, 5);
202  //second point
203  dD2 = dD0 + (1/(F1*F1*D1*D1*D1) - 1/D1)*(D2-D0)*dD1 + F1*D1*(dA2*H1[0] + dB2*H1[1] + dC2*H1[2]);
204  dA3 = J(i,3)+(1/(F1*F1*D1*D1*D1) - 2/D1)*(A2-A[0])*dD1 - (D2-D0)/D1*dA2 - F1*A2*(dA2*H1[0] + dB2*H1[1] + dC2*H1[2]); // FIXME it's only getting better
205  dB3 = J(i,4)+(1/(F1*F1*D1*D1*D1) - 2/D1)*(B2-A[1])*dD1 - (D2-D0)/D1*dB2 - F1*B2*(dA2*H1[0] + dB2*H1[1] + dC2*H1[2]);
206  dC3 = J(i,5)+(1/(F1*F1*D1*D1*D1) - 2/D1)*(C2-A[2])*dD1 - (D2-D0)/D1*dC2 - F1*C2*(dA2*H1[0] + dB2*H1[1] + dC2*H1[2]);
208  dD3 = dD0 + 2*(1/(F2*F2*D2*D2*D2) - 1/D2)*(D3-D0)*dD2 + 2*F2*D2*(dA3*H1[0] + dB3*H1[1] + dC3*H1[2]);
209  dA4 = J(i, 3)+(1/(F2*F2*D2*D2*D2) - 2/D2)*(A3-A[0])*dD2 - (D3-D0)/D2*dA3 - F2*A3*(dA3*H1[0] + dB3*H1[1] + dC3*H1[2]);
210  dB4 = J(i, 4)+(1/(F2*F2*D2*D2*D2) - 2/D2)*(B3-A[1])*dD2 - (D3-D0)/D2*dB3 - F2*B3*(dA3*H1[0] + dB3*H1[1] + dC3*H1[2]);
211  dC4 = J(i, 5)+(1/(F2*F2*D2*D2*D2) - 2/D2)*(C3-A[2])*dD2 - (D3-D0)/D2*dC3 - F2*C3*(dA3*H1[0] + dB3*H1[1] + dC3*H1[2]);
213  //last point
214  dA5 = dA4+dA4-J(i, 3); // }
215  dB5 = dB4+dB4-J(i, 4); // } = 2*(dA4, dB4, dC4) - dA
216  dC5 = dC4+dC4-J(i, 5); // }
218  dD4 = -dD0+(1/(F3*F3*D3*D3*D3) - 1/D3)*(D4+D0)*dD3 + F3*D3*(dA5*H2[0] + dB5*H2[1] + dC5*H2[2]);
219  dA6 = (1/(F3*F3*D3*D3*D3) - 2/D3)*(A4-A[0])*dD3 - (D4+D0)/D3*dA5 - F3*A5*(dA5*H2[0] + dB5*H2[1] + dC5*H2[2]);
220  dB6 = (1/(F3*F3*D3*D3*D3) - 2/D3)*(B4-A[1])*dD3 - (D4+D0)/D3*dB5 - F3*B5*(dA5*H2[0] + dB5*H2[1] + dC5*H2[2]);
221  dC6 = (1/(F3*F3*D3*D3*D3) - 2/D3)*(C4-A[2])*dD3 - (D4+D0)/D3*dC5 - F3*C5*(dA5*H2[0] + dB5*H2[1] + dC5*H2[2]);
223  // this gives the same results as multiplying the old with the new Jacobian
224  J(i, 0) += (dA2+dA3+dA4)*S3; J(i, 3) = ((dA0+2.*dA3)+(dA5+dA6))*P3; // dR := dR + S3*[(dA2, dB2, dC2) + (dA3, dB3, dC3) + (dA4, dB4, dC4)]
225  J(i, 1) += (dB2+dB3+dB4)*S3; J(i, 4) = ((dB0+2.*dB3)+(dB5+dB6))*P3; // dA := 1/3*[(dA0, dB0, dC0) + 2*(dA3, dB3, dC3) + (dA5, dB5, dC5) + (dA6, dB6, dC6)]
226  J(i, 2) += (dC2+dC3+dC4)*S3; J(i, 5) = ((dC0+2.*dC3)+(dC5+dC6))*P3;
227  J(i,6) = -m_magCharge*sign/D5/D5*P3*(dD1 + 2*dD2 + dD3 + dD4);
228  }
230 // } // end if (!calcOnlyLastRowOfJ)
232  }
233  //
234  // Track parameters in last point
235  //
236  R[0] += (A2+A3+A4)*S3; A[0] += (SA[0]=((A0+2.*A3)+(A5+A6))*P3-A[0]); // R = R0 + S3*[(A2, B2, C2) + (A3, B3, C3) + (A4, B4, C4)]
237  R[1] += (B2+B3+B4)*S3; A[1] += (SA[1]=((B0+2.*B3)+(B5+B6))*P3-A[1]); // A = 1/3*[(A0, B0, C0) + 2*(A3, B3, C3) + (A5, B5, C5) + (A6, B6, C6)]
238  R[2] += (C2+C3+C4)*S3; A[2] += (SA[2]=((C0+2.*C3)+(C5+C6))*P3-A[2]); // SA = A_new - A_old
239  state7[6] = m_magCharge * sign / D5; // g / p_n+1
241  // normalize A
242  double CBA ( 1./sqrt(A[0]*A[0]+A[1]*A[1]+A[2]*A[2]) ); // 1/|A|
243  A[0] *= CBA; A[1] *= CBA; A[2] *= CBA;
246  // Test approximation quality on given step
247  double EST ( fabs((A1+A6)-(A3+A4)) +
248  fabs((B1+B6)-(B3+B4)) +
249  fabs((C1+C6)-(C3+C4)) ); // EST = ||(ABC1+ABC6)-(ABC3+ABC4)||_1 = ||(axzy x H0 + ABC5 x H2) - (ABC2 x H1 + ABC3 x H1)||_1
250  if (debugLvl_ > 0) {
251  debugOut << " RKTrackRep::RKPropagate. Step = "<< S << "; quality EST = " << EST << " \n";
252  }
254  // Prevent the step length increase from getting too large, this is
255  // just the point where it becomes 10.
256  if (EST < DLT*1e-5)
257  return 10;
259  // Step length increase for a fifth order Runge-Kutta, see e.g. 17.2
260  // in Numerical Recipes. FIXME: move to caller.
261  return pow(DLT/EST, 1./5.);
262 }
264 void MplTrackRep::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
265 {
266  // I guess I have to reimplement this since it can not be taken from RKTrackRep?
267  typedef ::genfit::MplTrackRep thisClass;
268  UInt_t R__s, R__c;
269  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
270  ::genfit::AbsTrackRep::Streamer(R__b);
271  Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v) { }
272  R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA());
273  lastStartState_.setRep(this);
274  lastEndState_.setRep(this);
275  } else {
276  ::genfit::AbsTrackRep::Streamer(R__b);
277  R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE);
278  R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
279  }
280 }