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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SpacePointMaker.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020-2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <functional>
26 #include <iterator>
27 #include <ostream>
28 #include <stdexcept>
29 #include <utility>
30 #include <variant>
34  : IAlgorithm("SpacePointMaker", lvl), m_cfg(std::move(cfg)) {
35  if (m_cfg.inputSourceLinks.empty()) {
36  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing source link input collection");
37  }
38  if (m_cfg.inputMeasurements.empty()) {
39  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing measurement input collection");
40  }
41  if (m_cfg.outputSpacePoints.empty()) {
42  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing space point output collection");
43  }
44  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
45  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
46  }
47  if (m_cfg.geometrySelection.empty()) {
48  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing space point maker geometry selection");
49  }
55  // ensure geometry selection contains only valid inputs
56  for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
57  if ((geoId.approach() != 0u) or (geoId.boundary() != 0u) or
58  (geoId.sensitive() != 0u)) {
59  throw std::invalid_argument(
60  "Invalid geometry selection: only volume and layer are allowed to be "
61  "set");
62  }
63  }
64  // remove geometry selection duplicates
65  //
66  // the geometry selections must be mutually exclusive, i.e. if we have a
67  // selection that contains both a volume and a layer within that same volume,
68  // we would create the space points for the layer twice.
69  auto isDuplicate = [](Acts::GeometryIdentifier ref,
71  // code assumes ref < cmp and that only volume and layer can be non-zero
72  // root node always contains everything
73  if (ref.volume() == 0) {
74  return true;
75  }
76  // unequal volumes always means separate hierarchies
77  if (ref.volume() != cmp.volume()) {
78  return false;
79  }
80  // within the same volume hierarchy only consider layers
81  return (ref.layer() == cmp.layer());
82  };
83  auto geoSelBeg = m_cfg.geometrySelection.begin();
84  auto geoSelEnd = m_cfg.geometrySelection.end();
85  // sort geometry selection so the unique filtering works
86  std::sort(geoSelBeg, geoSelEnd);
87  auto geoSelLastUnique = std::unique(geoSelBeg, geoSelEnd, isDuplicate);
88  if (geoSelLastUnique != geoSelEnd) {
89  ACTS_WARNING("Removed " << std::distance(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd)
90  << " geometry selection duplicates");
91  m_cfg.geometrySelection.erase(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd);
92  }
93  ACTS_INFO("Space point geometry selection:");
94  for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
95  ACTS_INFO(" " << geoId);
96  }
97  auto spBuilderConfig = Acts::SpacePointBuilderConfig();
98  spBuilderConfig.trackingGeometry = m_cfg.trackingGeometry;
100  m_slSurfaceAccessor.emplace(
102  spBuilderConfig.slSurfaceAccessor
103  .connect<&IndexSourceLink::SurfaceAccessor::operator()>(
104  &m_slSurfaceAccessor.value());
106  auto spConstructor =
107  [](const Acts::Vector3& pos, const Acts::Vector2& cov,
108  boost::container::static_vector<Acts::SourceLink, 2> slinks)
109  -> SimSpacePoint {
110  return SimSpacePoint(pos, cov[0], cov[1], std::move(slinks));
111  };
114  spBuilderConfig, spConstructor,
115  Acts::getDefaultLogger("SpacePointBuilder", lvl));
116 }
119  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
120  const auto& sourceLinks = m_inputSourceLinks(ctx);
121  const auto& measurements = m_inputMeasurements(ctx);
123  // TODO Support strip measurements
126  spOpt.paramCovAccessor = [&measurements](Acts::SourceLink slink) {
127  const auto islink = slink.get<IndexSourceLink>();
128  const auto& meas = measurements[islink.index()];
130  return std::visit(
131  [](const auto& measurement) {
132  auto expander = measurement.expander();
133  Acts::BoundVector par = expander * measurement.parameters();
135  expander * measurement.covariance() * expander.transpose();
136  return std::make_pair(par, cov);
137  },
138  meas);
139  };
141  SimSpacePointContainer spacePoints;
142  for (Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
143  // select volume/layer depending on what is set in the geometry id
144  auto range = selectLowestNonZeroGeometryObject(sourceLinks, geoId);
145  // groupByModule only works with geometry containers, not with an
146  // arbitrary range. do the equivalent grouping manually
147  auto groupedByModule = makeGroupBy(range, detail::GeometryIdGetter());
149  for (auto [moduleGeoId, moduleSourceLinks] : groupedByModule) {
150  for (auto& sourceLink : moduleSourceLinks) {
151  m_spacePointBuilder.buildSpacePoint(
152  ctx.geoContext, {Acts::SourceLink{sourceLink}}, spOpt,
153  std::back_inserter(spacePoints));
154  }
155  }
156  }
158  spacePoints.shrink_to_fit();
160  ACTS_DEBUG("Created " << spacePoints.size() << " space points");
161  m_outputSpacePoints(ctx, std::move(spacePoints));
164 }