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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file output.cxx
1 // TRENTO: Reduced Thickness Event-by-event Nuclear Topology
2 // Copyright 2015 Jonah E. Bernhard, J. Scott Moreland
3 // TRENTO3D: Three-dimensional extension of TRENTO by Weiyao Ke
4 // MIT License
6 #include "output.h"
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <cmath>
10 #include <iomanip>
11 #include <iostream>
13 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
14 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
15 #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
17 #include "event.h"
18 #include "hdf5_utils.h"
20 namespace trento {
22 namespace {
24 // These output functions are invoked by the Output class.
26 void write_stream(std::ostream& os, int width,
27  int num, double impact_param, const Event& event) {
28  using std::fixed;
29  using std::setprecision;
30  using std::setw;
31  using std::scientific;
33  // Write a nicely-formatted line of event properties.
34  os << setprecision(10)
35  << setw(width) << num
36  << setw(15) << fixed << impact_param
37  << setw(5) << event.npart();
38  if (event.with_ncoll()) os << setw(8) << event.ncoll();
39  os << setw(18) << scientific << event.multiplicity()
40  << fixed;
42  for (const auto& ecc : event.eccentricity())
43  os << setw(14) << ecc.second;
45  //for (const auto& psi : event.participant_plane())
46  // os << setw(14) << psi.second;
48  os << '\n';
49 }
51 void write_text_file(const fs::path& output_dir, int width,
52  int num, double impact_param, const Event& event, bool header) {
53  // Open a numbered file in the output directory.
54  // Pad the filename with zeros.
55  std::ostringstream padded_fname{};
56  padded_fname << std::setw(width) << std::setfill('0') << num << ".dat";
57  fs::ofstream ofs{output_dir / padded_fname.str()};
59  if (header) {
60  // Write a commented header of event properties as key = value pairs.
61  ofs << std::setprecision(10)
62  << "# event " << num << '\n'
63  << "# b = " << impact_param << '\n'
64  << "# npart = " << event.npart() << '\n'
65  << "# mult = " << event.multiplicity() << '\n';
67  for (const auto& ecc : event.eccentricity())
68  ofs << "# e" << ecc.first << " = " << ecc.second << '\n';
70  for (const auto& psi : event.participant_plane())
71  ofs << "# psi" << psi.first << " = " << psi.second << '\n';
72  }
74  // Write IC profile as a block grid. Use C++ default float format (not
75  // fixed-width) so that trailing zeros are omitted. This significantly
76  // increases output speed and saves disk space since many grid elements are
77  // zero.
78  bool is3d;
79  if (event.density_grid().shape()[2] == 1) is3d = false;
80  else is3d = true;
83  for (const auto& slice : event.density_grid()) {
84  for (const auto& row : slice) {
85  for (const auto& item : row) {
86  ofs << item << " ";
87  }
88  if (is3d) ofs << std::endl;
89  }
90  if (!is3d) ofs << std::endl;
91  }
92 }
94 #ifdef TRENTO_HDF5
97 class HDF5Writer {
98  public:
100  HDF5Writer(const fs::path& filename);
103  void operator()(int num, double impact_param, const Event& event) const;
105  private:
107  H5::H5File file_;
108 };
110 // Add a simple scalar attribute to an HDF5 dataset.
111 //template <typename T>
112 //void hdf5_add_scalar_attr(
113 // const H5::DataSet& dataset, const std::string& name, const T& value) {
114 // const auto& datatype = hdf5::type<T>();
115 // auto attr = dataset.createAttribute(name, datatype, H5::DataSpace{});
116 // attr.write(datatype, &value);
117 //}
118 template <typename T>
119 void hdf5_add_scalar_attr(
120  const H5::Group& group, const std::string& name, const T& value) {
121  const auto& datatype = hdf5::type<T>();
122  auto attr = group.createAttribute(name, datatype, H5::DataSpace{});
123  attr.write(datatype, &value);
124 }
126 HDF5Writer::HDF5Writer(const fs::path& filename)
127  : file_(filename.string(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC)
128 {}
130 void HDF5Writer::operator()(
131  int num, double impact_param, const Event& event) const {
132  const auto& grid1 = event.density_grid();
133  const auto& grid2 = event.TAB_grid();
135  // The dataset name is a prefix plus the event number.
136  const std::string gp_name{"/event_" + std::to_string(num)};
137  const std::string sd_name{gp_name + "/matter_density"};
138  const std::string tab_name{gp_name + "/Ncoll_density"};
140  // create a group called event_i
141  auto group = H5::Group(file_.createGroup(gp_name));
142  // Write event attributes.
143  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "b", impact_param);
144  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "npart", event.npart());
145  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "ncoll", event.ncoll());
146  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "mult", event.multiplicity());
147  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "dxy", event.dxy());
148  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "deta", event.deta());
149  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "Ny", grid1.shape()[0]);
150  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "Nx", grid1.shape()[1]);
151  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "Nz", grid1.shape()[2]);
152  for (const auto& ecc : event.eccentricity())
153  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "e" + std::to_string(ecc.first), ecc.second);
154  for (const auto& psi : event.participant_plane())
155  hdf5_add_scalar_attr(group, "psi" + std::to_string(psi.first), psi.second);
158  // Define HDF5 datatype and dataspace to match the density (3D) grid.
160  const auto& datatype1 = hdf5::type<Event::Grid3D::element>();
161  std::array<hsize_t, Event::Grid3D::dimensionality> shape1;
162  std::copy(grid1.shape(), grid1.shape() + shape1.size(), shape1.begin());
163  auto dataspace1 = hdf5::make_dataspace(shape1);
165  // Set dataset storage properties.
166  H5::DSetCreatPropList proplist1{};
167  // Set chunk size to the entire grid. For typical grid sizes (~100x100), this
168  // works out to ~80 KiB, which is pretty optimal. Anyway, it makes logical
169  // sense to chunk this way, since chunks must be read contiguously and there's
170  // no reason to read a partial grid.
171  proplist1.setChunk(shape1.size(),;
172  // Set gzip compression level. 4 is the default in h5py.
173  proplist1.setDeflate(4);
175  // Create the new dataset and write the grid for matter density
176  auto dataset1 = file_.createDataSet(sd_name, datatype1, dataspace1, proplist1);
177  dataset1.write(, datatype1);
180  // Define HDF5 datatype and dataspace to match the Ncoll (2D) grid.
181  const auto& datatype2 = hdf5::type<Event::Grid::element>();
182  std::array<hsize_t, Event::Grid::dimensionality> shape2;
183  std::copy(grid2.shape(), grid2.shape() + shape2.size(), shape2.begin());
184  auto dataspace2 = hdf5::make_dataspace(shape2);
186  // Set dataset storage properties.
187  H5::DSetCreatPropList proplist2{};
188  // Set chunk size to the entire grid. For typical grid sizes (~100x100), this
189  // works out to ~80 KiB, which is pretty optimal. Anyway, it makes logical
190  // sense to chunk this way, since chunks must be read contiguously and there's
191  // no reason to read a partial grid.
192  proplist1.setChunk(shape2.size(),;
193  // Set gzip compression level. 4 is the default in h5py.
194  proplist1.setDeflate(4);
196  // Create the new dataset and write the grid for matter density
197  auto dataset2 = file_.createDataSet(tab_name, datatype2, dataspace2, proplist2);
198  dataset2.write(, datatype2);
199 }
201 #endif // TRENTO_HDF5
203 } // unnamed namespace
205 Output::Output(const VarMap& var_map){
206  // Determine the required width (padding) of the event number. For example if
207  // there are 10 events, the numbers are 0-9 and so no padding is necessary.
208  // However given 11 events, the numbers are 00-10 with padded 00, 01, ...
209  auto nevents = var_map["number-events"].as<int>();
210  auto width = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(std::log10(nevents)));
212  // Write to stdout unless the quiet option was specified.
213  if (!var_map["quiet"].as<bool>()) {
214  writers_.emplace_back(
215  [width](int num, double impact_param, const Event& event) {
216  write_stream(std::cout, width, num, impact_param, event);
217  }
218  );
219  }
221  // Possibly write to text or HDF5 files.
222  if (var_map.count("output")) {
223  const auto& output_path = var_map["output"].as<fs::path>();
224  if (hdf5::filename_is_hdf5(output_path)) {
225 #ifdef TRENTO_HDF5
226  if (fs::exists(output_path) && !fs::is_empty(output_path))
227  throw std::runtime_error{"file '" + output_path.string() +
228  "' exists, will not overwrite"};
229  writers_.emplace_back(HDF5Writer{output_path});
230 #else
231  throw std::runtime_error{"HDF5 output was not compiled"};
232 #endif // TRENTO_HDF5
233  } else {
234  // Text files are all written into a single directory. Require the
235  // directory to be initially empty to avoid accidental overwriting and/or
236  // spewing files into an already-used location. If the directory does not
237  // exist, create it.
238  if (fs::exists(output_path)) {
239  if (!fs::is_empty(output_path)) {
240  throw std::runtime_error{"output directory '" + output_path.string() +
241  "' must be empty"};
242  }
243  } else {
244  fs::create_directories(output_path);
245  }
246  auto header = !var_map["no-header"].as<bool>();
247  writers_.emplace_back(
248  [output_path, width, header](
249  int num, double impact_param, const Event& event) {
250  write_text_file(output_path, width, num, impact_param, event, header);
251  }
252  );
253  }
254  }
255 }
257 } // namespace trento