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1 C*********************************************************************
2 C*********************************************************************
3 C* **
4 C* September 2007 **
5 C* **
6 C* The Lund Monte Carlo **
7 C* **
8 C* PYTHIA version 6.4 **
9 C* **
10 C* Torbjorn Sjostrand **
11 C* CERN/PH, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland **
12 C* phone +41 - 22 - 767 82 27 **
13 C* and **
14 C* Department of Theoretical Physics **
15 C* Lund University **
16 C* Solvegatan 14A, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden **
17 C* E-mail **
18 C* **
19 C* SUSY and Technicolor parts by **
20 C* Stephen Mrenna **
21 C* Computing Division **
22 C* Generators and Detector Simulation Group **
23 C* Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory **
24 C* MS 234, Batavia, IL 60510, USA **
25 C* phone + 1 - 630 - 840 - 2556 **
26 C* E-mail **
27 C* **
28 C* New multiple interactions and more SUSY parts by **
29 C* Peter Skands **
30 C* Theoretical Physics Department **
31 C* Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory **
32 C* MS 106, Batavia, IL 60510, USA **
33 C* and **
34 C* CERN/PH, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland **
35 C* phone +41 - 22 - 767 24 59 **
36 C* E-mail **
37 C* **
38 C* Several parts are written by Hans-Uno Bengtsson **
39 C* PYSHOW is written together with Mats Bengtsson **
40 C* PYMAEL is written by Emanuel Norrbin **
41 C* advanced popcorn baryon production written by Patrik Eden **
42 C* code for virtual photons mainly written by Christer Friberg **
43 C* code for low-mass strings mainly written by Emanuel Norrbin **
44 C* Bose-Einstein code mainly written by Leif Lonnblad **
45 C* CTEQ parton distributions are by the CTEQ collaboration **
46 C* GRV 94 parton distributions are by Glueck, Reya and Vogt **
47 C* SaS photon parton distributions together with Gerhard Schuler **
48 C* g + g and q + qbar -> t + tbar + H code by Zoltan Kunszt **
49 C* MSSM Higgs mass calculation code by M. Carena, **
50 C* J.R. Espinosa, M. Quiros and C.E.M. Wagner **
51 C* PYGAUS adapted from CERN library (K.S. Kolbig) **
52 C* NRQCD/colour octet production of onium by S. Wolf **
53 C* **
54 C* The latest program version and documentation is found on WWW **
55 C* **
56 C* **
57 C* Copyright Torbjorn Sjostrand, Lund (and CERN) 2007 **
58 C* **
59 C*********************************************************************
60 C*********************************************************************
61 C *
62 C List of subprograms in order of appearance, with main purpose *
63 C (S = subroutine, F = function, B = block data) *
64 C *
65 C B PYDATA to contain all default values *
66 C S PYCKBD to check that BLOCK DATA has been correctly loaded *
67 C S PYTEST to test the proper functioning of the package *
68 C S PYHEPC to convert between /PYJETS/ and /HEPEVT/ records *
69 C *
70 C S PYINIT to administer the initialization procedure *
71 C S PYEVNT to administer the generation of an event *
72 C S PYEVNW ditto, for new multiple interactions scenario *
73 C S PYSTAT to print cross-section and other information *
74 C S PYUPEV to administer the generation of an LHA hard process *
75 C S PYUPIN to provide initialization needed for LHA input *
76 C S PYLHEF to produce a Les Houches Event File from run *
77 C S PYINRE to initialize treatment of resonances *
78 C S PYINBM to read in beam, target and frame choices *
79 C S PYINKI to initialize kinematics of incoming particles *
80 C S PYINPR to set up the selection of included processes *
81 C S PYXTOT to give total, elastic and diffractive cross-sect. *
82 C S PYMAXI to find differential cross-section maxima *
83 C S PYPILE to select multiplicity of pileup events *
84 C S PYSAVE to save alternatives for gamma-p and gamma-gamma *
85 C S PYGAGA to handle lepton -> lepton + gamma branchings *
86 C S PYRAND to select subprocess and kinematics for event *
87 C S PYSCAT to set up kinematics and colour flow of event *
88 C S PYEVOL handler for pT-ordered ISR and multiple interactions *
89 C S PYSSPA to simulate initial state spacelike showers *
90 C S PYPTIS to do pT-ordered initial state spacelike showers *
91 C S PYMEMX auxiliary to PYSSPA/PYPTIS for ME correction maximum *
92 C S PYMEWT auxiliary to PYSSPA/.. for matrix element correction *
93 C S PYPTMI to do pT-ordered multiple interactions *
94 C F PYFCMP to give companion quark x*f distribution *
95 C F PYPCMP to calculate momentum integral for companion quarks *
96 C S PYUPRE to rearranges contents of the HEPEUP commonblock *
97 C S PYADSH to administrate sequential final-state showers *
98 C S PYVETO to allow the generation of an event to be aborted *
99 C S PYRESD to perform resonance decays *
100 C S PYMULT to generate multiple interactions - old scheme *
101 C S PYREMN to add on target remnants - old scheme *
102 C S PYMIGN to generate multiple interactions - new scheme *
103 C S PYMIHK to connect colours in mult. int. - new scheme *
104 C S PYCTTR to translate PYTHIA colour information to LHA1 tags *
105 C S PYMIHG to collapse two pairs of LHA1 colour tags. *
106 C S PYMIRM to add on target remnants in mult. int.- new scheme *
107 C S PYFSCR to perform final state colour reconnections - -"- *
108 C S PYDIFF to set up kinematics for diffractive events *
109 C S PYDISG to set up kinematics, remnant and showers for DIS *
110 C S PYDOCU to compute cross-sections and handle documentation *
111 C S PYFRAM to perform boosts between different frames *
112 C S PYWIDT to calculate full and partial widths of resonances *
113 C S PYOFSH to calculate partial width into off-shell channels *
114 C S PYRECO to handle colour reconnection in W+W- events *
115 C S PYKLIM to calculate borders of allowed kinematical region *
116 C S PYKMAP to construct value of kinematical variable *
117 C S PYSIGH to calculate differential cross-sections *
118 C S PYSGQC auxiliary to PYSIGH for QCD processes *
119 C S PYSGHF auxiliary to PYSIGH for heavy flavour processes *
120 C S PYSGWZ auxiliary to PYSIGH for W and Z processes *
121 C S PYSGHG auxiliary to PYSIGH for Higgs processes *
122 C S PYSGSU auxiliary to PYSIGH for supersymmetry processes *
123 C S PYSGTC auxiliary to PYSIGH for technicolor processes *
124 C S PYSGEX auxiliary to PYSIGH for various exotic processes *
125 C S PYPDFU to evaluate parton distributions *
126 C S PYPDFL to evaluate parton distributions at low x and Q^2 *
127 C S PYPDEL to evaluate electron parton distributions *
128 C S PYPDGA to evaluate photon parton distributions (generic) *
129 C S PYGGAM to evaluate photon parton distributions (SaS sets) *
130 C S PYGVMD to evaluate VMD part of photon parton distributions *
131 C S PYGANO to evaluate anomalous part of photon PDFs *
132 C S PYGBEH to evaluate Bethe-Heitler part of photon PDFs *
133 C S PYGDIR to evaluate direct contribution to photon PDFs *
134 C S PYPDPI to evaluate pion parton distributions *
135 C S PYPDPR to evaluate proton parton distributions *
136 C F PYCTEQ to evaluate the CTEQ 3 proton parton distributions *
137 C S PYGRVL to evaluate the GRV 94L proton parton distributions *
138 C S PYGRVM to evaluate the GRV 94M proton parton distributions *
139 C S PYGRVD to evaluate the GRV 94D proton parton distributions *
140 C F PYGRVV auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines *
141 C F PYGRVW auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines *
142 C F PYGRVS auxiliary to the PYGRV* routines *
143 C F PYCT5L to evaluate the CTEQ 5L proton parton distributions *
144 C F PYCT5M to evaluate the CTEQ 5M1 proton parton distributions *
145 C S PYPDPO to evaluate old proton parton distributions *
146 C F PYHFTH to evaluate threshold factor for heavy flavour *
147 C S PYSPLI to find flavours left in hadron when one removed *
148 C F PYGAMM to evaluate ordinary Gamma function Gamma(x) *
149 C S PYWAUX to evaluate auxiliary functions W1(s) and W2(s) *
150 C S PYI3AU to evaluate auxiliary function I3(s,t,u,v) *
151 C F PYSPEN to evaluate Spence (dilogarithm) function Sp(x) *
152 C S PYQQBH to evaluate matrix element for g + g -> Q + Qbar + H *
153 C S PYSTBH to evaluate matrix element for t + b + H processes *
154 C S PYTBHB auxiliary to PYSTBH *
155 C S PYTBHG auxiliary to PYSTBH *
156 C S PYTBHQ auxiliary to PYSTBH *
157 C F PYTBHS auxiliary to PYSTBH *
158 C *
159 C S PYMSIN to initialize the supersymmetry simulation *
160 C S PYSLHA to interface to SUSY spectrum and decay calculators *
161 C S PYAPPS to determine MSSM parameters from SUGRA input *
162 C S PYSUGI to determine MSSM parameters using ISASUSY *
163 C S PYFEYN to determine MSSM Higgs parameters using FEYNHIGGS *
164 C F PYRNMQ to determine running squark masses *
165 C S PYTHRG to calculate sfermion third-gen. mass eigenstates *
166 C S PYINOM to calculate neutralino/chargino mass eigenstates *
167 C F PYRNM3 to determine running M3, gluino mass *
168 C S PYEIG4 to calculate eigenvalues and -vectors in 4*4 matrix *
169 C S PYHGGM to determine Higgs mass spectrum *
170 C S PYSUBH to determine Higgs masses in the MSSM *
171 C S PYPOLE to determine Higgs masses in the MSSM *
172 C S PYRGHM auxiliary to PYPOLE *
173 C S PYGFXX auxiliary to PYRGHM *
174 C F PYFINT auxiliary to PYPOLE *
175 C F PYFISB auxiliary to PYFINT *
176 C S PYSFDC to calculate sfermion decay partial widths *
177 C S PYGLUI to calculate gluino decay partial widths *
178 C S PYTBBN to calculate 3-body decay of gluino to neutralino *
179 C S PYTBBC to calculate 3-body decay of gluino to chargino *
180 C S PYNJDC to calculate neutralino decay partial widths *
181 C S PYCJDC to calculate chargino decay partial widths *
182 C F PYXXZ6 auxiliary for ino 3-body decays *
183 C F PYXXGA auxiliary for ino -> ino + gamma decay *
184 C F PYX2XG auxiliary for ino -> ino + gauge boson decay *
185 C F PYX2XH auxiliary for ino -> ino + Higgs decay *
186 C S PYHEXT to calculate non-SM Higgs decay partial widths *
187 C F PYH2XX auxiliary for H -> ino + ino decay *
188 C F PYGAUS to perform Gaussian integration *
189 C F PYGAU2 copy of PYGAUS to allow two-dimensional integration *
190 C F PYSIMP to perform Simpson integration *
191 C F PYLAMF to evaluate the lambda kinematics function *
192 C S PYTBDY to perform 3-body decay of gauginos *
193 C S PYTECM to calculate techni_rho/omega masses *
194 C S PYEICG to calculate eigenvalues of a 4*4 complex matrix *
195 C S PYCMQR auxiliary to PYEICG *
196 C S PYCMQ2 auxiliary to PYEICG *
197 C S PYCDIV auxiliary to PYCMQR *
198 C S PYCSRT auxiliary to PYCMQR *
199 C S PYTHAG auxiliary to PYCMQR *
200 C S PYCBAL auxiliary to PYEICG *
201 C S PYCBA2 auxiliary to PYEICG *
202 C S PYCRTH auxiliary to PYEICG *
203 C S PYLDCM auxiliary to PYSIGH, for technicolor in QCD 2 -> 2 *
204 C S PYBKSB auxiliary to PYSIGH, for technicolor in QCD 2 -> 2 *
205 C S PYWIDX to calculate decay widths from within PYWIDT *
206 C S PYRVSF to calculate R-violating sfermion decay widths *
207 C S PYRVNE to calculate R-violating neutralino decay widths *
208 C S PYRVCH to calculate R-violating chargino decay widths *
209 C S PYRVGL to calculate R-violating gluino decay widths *
210 C F PYRVSB auxiliary to PYRVSF *
211 C S PYRVGW to calculate R-Violating 3-body widths *
212 C F PYRVI1 auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS integration for res. *
213 C F PYRVI2 auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS integration for LR-int.*
214 C F PYRVI3 auxiliary to PYRVGW, to do PS X integral for int. *
215 C F PYRVG1 auxiliary to PYRVI1, general matrix element, res. *
216 C F PYRVG2 auxiliary to PYRVI2, general matrix element, LR-int. *
217 C F PYRVG3 auxiliary to PYRVI3, to do PS Y integral for int. *
218 C F PYRVG4 auxiliary to PYRVG3, general matrix element, int. *
219 C F PYRVR auxiliary to PYRVG1, Breit-Wigner *
220 C F PYRVS auxiliary to PYRVG2 & PYRVG4 *
221 C *
222 C S PY1ENT to fill one entry (= parton or particle) *
223 C S PY2ENT to fill two entries *
224 C S PY3ENT to fill three entries *
225 C S PY4ENT to fill four entries *
226 C S PY2FRM to interface to generic two-fermion generator *
227 C S PY4FRM to interface to generic four-fermion generator *
228 C S PY6FRM to interface to generic six-fermion generator *
229 C S PY4JET to generate a shower from a given 4-parton config *
230 C S PY4JTW to evaluate the weight od a shower history for above *
231 C S PY4JTS to set up the parton configuration for above *
232 C S PYJOIN to connect entries with colour flow information *
233 C S PYGIVE to fill (or query) commonblock variables *
234 C S PYONOF to allow easy control of particle decay modes *
235 C S PYTUNE to select a predefined 'tune' for min-bias and UE *
236 C S PYEXEC to administrate fragmentation and decay chain *
237 C S PYPREP to rearrange showered partons along strings *
238 C S PYSTRF to do string fragmentation of jet system *
239 C S PYJURF to find boost to string junction rest frame *
240 C S PYINDF to do independent fragmentation of one or many jets *
241 C S PYDECY to do the decay of a particle *
242 C S PYDCYK to select parton and hadron flavours in decays *
243 C S PYKFDI to select parton and hadron flavours in fragm *
244 C S PYNMES to select number of popcorn mesons *
245 C S PYKFIN to calculate falvour prod. ratios from input params. *
246 C S PYPTDI to select transverse momenta in fragm *
247 C S PYZDIS to select longitudinal scaling variable in fragm *
248 C S PYSHOW to do m-ordered timelike parton shower evolution *
249 C S PYPTFS to do pT-ordered timelike parton shower evolution *
250 C F PYMAEL auxiliary to PYSHOW & PYPTFS: gluon emission ME's *
251 C S PYBOEI to include Bose-Einstein effects (crudely) *
252 C S PYBESQ auxiliary to PYBOEI *
253 C F PYMASS to give the mass of a particle or parton *
254 C F PYMRUN to give the running MSbar mass of a quark *
255 C S PYNAME to give the name of a particle or parton *
256 C F PYCHGE to give three times the electric charge *
257 C F PYCOMP to compress standard KF flavour code to internal KC *
258 C S PYERRM to write error messages and abort faulty run *
259 C F PYALEM to give the alpha_electromagnetic value *
260 C F PYALPS to give the alpha_strong value *
261 C F PYANGL to give the angle from known x and y components *
262 C F PYR to provide a random number generator *
263 C S PYRGET to save the state of the random number generator *
264 C S PYRSET to set the state of the random number generator *
265 C S PYROBO to rotate and/or boost an event *
266 C S PYEDIT to remove unwanted entries from record *
267 C S PYLIST to list event record or particle data *
268 C S PYLOGO to write a logo *
269 C S PYUPDA to update particle data *
270 C F PYK to provide integer-valued event information *
271 C F PYP to provide real-valued event information *
272 C S PYSPHE to perform sphericity analysis *
273 C S PYTHRU to perform thrust analysis *
274 C S PYCLUS to perform three-dimensional cluster analysis *
275 C S PYCELL to perform cluster analysis in (eta, phi, E_T) *
276 C S PYJMAS to give high and low jet mass of event *
277 C S PYFOWO to give Fox-Wolfram moments *
278 C S PYTABU to analyze events, with tabular output *
279 C *
280 C S PYEEVT to administrate the generation of an e+e- event *
281 C S PYXTEE to give the total cross-section at given CM energy *
282 C S PYRADK to generate initial state photon radiation *
283 C S PYXKFL to select flavour of primary qqbar pair *
284 C S PYXJET to select (matrix element) jet multiplicity *
285 C S PYX3JT to select kinematics of three-jet event *
286 C S PYX4JT to select kinematics of four-jet event *
287 C S PYXDIF to select angular orientation of event *
288 C S PYONIA to perform generation of onium decay to gluons *
289 C *
290 C S PYBOOK to book a histogram *
291 C S PYFILL to fill an entry in a histogram *
292 C S PYFACT to multiply histogram contents by a factor *
293 C S PYOPER to perform operations between histograms *
294 C S PYHIST to print and reset all histograms *
295 C S PYPLOT to print a single histogram *
296 C S PYNULL to reset contents of a single histogram *
297 C S PYDUMP to dump histogram contents onto a file *
298 C *
299 C S PYSTOP routine to handle Fortran STOP condition *
300 C *
301 C S PYKCUT dummy routine for user kinematical cuts *
302 C S PYEVWT dummy routine for weighting events *
303 C S UPINIT dummy routine to initialize user processes *
304 C S UPEVNT dummy routine to generate a user process event *
305 C S UPVETO dummy routine to abort event at parton level *
306 C S PDFSET dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB *
307 C S STRUCTM dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB *
308 C S STRUCTP dummy routine to be removed when using PDFLIB *
309 C S SUGRA dummy routine to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
310 C F VISAJE dummy functn. to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
311 C S SSMSSM dummy routine to be removed when linking with ISAJET *
312 C S FHSETFLAGS dummy routine -"- FEYNHIGGS *
313 C S FHSETPARA dummy routine -"- FEYNHIGGS *
314 C S FHHIGGSCORR dummy routine -"- FEYNHIGGS *
315 C S PYTAUD dummy routine for interface to tau decay libraries *
316 C S PYTIME dummy routine for giving date and time *
317 C *
318 C*********************************************************************
320 C...PYDATA
321 C...Default values for switches and parameters,
322 C...and particle, decay and process data.
324  BLOCK DATA pydata
326 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
329  INTEGER pyk,pychge,pycomp
330 C...Commonblocks.
331  common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
332  common/pydat2/kchg(500,4),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
333  common/pydat3/mdcy(500,3),mdme(8000,2),brat(8000),kfdp(8000,5)
334  common/pydat4/chaf(500,2)
335  CHARACTER chaf*16
336  common/pydatr/mrpy(6),rrpy(100)
337  common/pysubs/msel,mselpd,msub(500),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
338  common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
339  common/pyint1/mint(400),vint(400)
340  common/pyint2/iset(500),kfpr(500,2),coef(500,20),icol(40,4,2)
341  common/pyint3/xsfx(2,-40:40),isig(1000,3),sigh(1000)
342  common/pyint4/mwid(500),wids(500,5)
343  common/pyint5/ngenpd,ngen(0:500,3),xsec(0:500,3)
344  common/pyint6/proc(0:500)
345  CHARACTER proc*28
346  common/pyint7/sigt(0:6,0:6,0:5)
347  common/pymssm/imss(0:99),rmss(0:99)
348  common/pyssmt/zmix(4,4),umix(2,2),vmix(2,2),smz(4),smw(2),
349  &sfmix(16,4),zmixi(4,4),umixi(2,2),vmixi(2,2)
350  common/pymsrv/rvlam(3,3,3), rvlamp(3,3,3), rvlamb(3,3,3)
351  common/pytcsm/itcm(0:99),rtcm(0:99)
352  common/pybins/ihist(4),indx(1000),bin(20000)
353  common/pylh3p/modsel(200),parmin(100),parext(200),rmsoft(0:100),
354  & au(3,3),ad(3,3),ae(3,3)
355  common/pylh3c/cpro(2),cver(2)
356  CHARACTER cpro*12,cver*12
357  SAVE /pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pydat3/,/pydat4/,/pydatr/,/pysubs/,
358  &/pypars/,/pyint1/,/pyint2/,/pyint3/,/pyint4/,/pyint5/,
359  &/pyint6/,/pyint7/,/pymssm/,/pyssmt/,/pymsrv/,/pytcsm/,
360  &/pybins/,/pylh3p/,/pylh3c/
362 C...PYDAT1, containing status codes and most parameters.
363  DATA mstu/
364  & 0, 0, 0, 4000,10000, 500, 8000, 0, 0, 2,
365  1 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
366  2 2, 10, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0,
367  3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
368  4 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
369  5 25, 24, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
370  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
371  7 30*0,
372  1 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
373  2 1, 5, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
374  & 80*0/
375  DATA (paru(i),i=1,100)/
376  & 3.141592653589793d0, 6.283185307179586d0,
377  & 0.197327d0, 5.06773d0, 0.389380d0, 2.56819d0, 4*0d0,
378  1 0.001d0, 0.09d0, 0.01d0, 2d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
379  2 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
380  3 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
381  4 2.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.25d0, 2.5d0, 0.05d0,
382  4 0d0, 0d0, 0.0001d0, 0d0, 0d0,
383  5 2.5d0,1.5d0,7.0d0,1.0d0,0.5d0,2.0d0,3.2d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
384  6 40*0d0/
385  DATA (paru(i),i=101,200)/
386  & 0.00729735d0, 0.232d0, 0.007764d0, 1.0d0, 1.16639d-5,
387  & 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
388  1 0.20d0, 0.25d0, 1.0d0, 4.0d0, 10d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
389  2 -0.693d0, -1.0d0, 0.387d0, 1.0d0, -0.08d0,
390  2 -1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0,
391  3 1.0d0,-1.0d0, 1.0d0,-1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
392  4 5.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
393  5 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
394  6 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
395  7 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0,0d0,0d0,
396  8 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0,0d0,0d0,
397  9 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0/
398  DATA mstj/
399  & 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
400  1 4, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 20, 0, 0,
401  2 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0,
402  3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
403  4 2, 2, 4, 2, 5, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3,
404  5 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
405  6 40*0,
406  & 5, 2, 7, 5, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2,
407  1 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
408  2 80*0/
409  DATA parj/
410  & 0.10d0, 0.30d0, 0.40d0, 0.05d0, 0.50d0,
411  & 0.50d0, 0.50d0, 0.6d0, 1.2d0, 0.6d0,
412  1 0.50d0,0.60d0,0.75d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0,
413  2 0.36d0, 1.0d0,0.01d0, 2.0d0,1.0d0,0.4d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
414  3 0.10d0, 1.0d0, 0.8d0, 1.5d0,0d0,2.0d0,0.2d0, 0d0,0.08d0,1d0,
415  4 0.3d0, 0.58d0, 0.5d0, 0.9d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,1.0d0,1.5d0,1d0,10d0,
416  5 0.77d0, 0.77d0, 0.77d0, -0.05d0, -0.005d0,
417  5 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0,
418  6 4.5d0, 0.7d0, 0d0,0.003d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
419  7 10d0, 1000d0, 100d0, 1000d0, 0d0, 0.7d0,10d0, 0d0,0d0,0.5d0,
420  8 0.29d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 10d0, 10d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,1d-4,
421  9 0.02d0, 1.0d0, 0.2d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
422  & 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
423  1 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
424  2 1.0d0, 0.25d0,91.187d0,2.489d0, 0.01d0,
425  2 2.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.25d0,0.002d0, 0d0,
426  3 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0.01d0, 0.99d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0.2d0, 0d0,
427  4 10*0d0,
428  5 10*0d0,
429  6 10*0d0,
430  7 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, -0.693d0,
431  8 -1.0d0, 0.387d0, 1.0d0, -0.08d0, -1.0d0,
432  8 1.0d0, 1.0d0, -0.693d0, -1.0d0, 0.387d0,
433  9 1.0d0, -0.08d0, -1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0,
434  9 5*0d0/
436 C...PYDAT2, with particle data and flavour treatment parameters.
437  DATA (kchg(i,1),i= 1, 500)/-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,2*0,-3,0,-3,0,
438  &-3,0,-3,6*0,3,9*0,3,2*0,3,4*0,-1,41*0,2,-1,20*0,3*3,7*0,3*3,3*0,
439  &3*3,3*0,3*3,6*0,3*3,3*0,3*3,4*0,-2,-3,2*1,2*0,4,2*3,6,2*-2,2*-3,
440  &0,2*1,2*0,2*3,-2,2*-3,2*0,-3,2*1,2*0,3,0,2*4,2*3,2*6,3,2*1,2*0,
441  &2*3,2*0,4,2*3,2*6,2*3,6,2*-2,2*-3,0,-3,0,2*1,2*0,2*3,0,3,2*-2,
442  &2*-3,2*0,2*-3,0,2*1,2*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,-2,2*-3,2*0,2*-3,2*0,-3,2*0,
443  &2*3,4*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,4*0,2*3,2*0,2*3,3*0,3,2*0,3,0,3,0,3,
444  &2*0,3,0,3,3*0,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,-3,0,-3,0,-3,4*0,3,2*0,3,0,-1,2,-1,
445  &2,-1,2,-3,0,-3,0,-3,2*0,3,3*0,3,8*0,-1,2,-3,6*0,3,2*6,0,3,4*0,3,
446  &139*0/
447  DATA (kchg(i,2),i= 1, 500)/8*1,12*0,2,20*0,1,107*0,-1,0,2*-1,
448  &2*0,-1,3*0,2*-1,3*0,2*-1,4*0,-1,5*0,2*-1,4*0,2*-1,5*0,2*-1,6*0,
449  &-1,7*0,2*-1,5*0,2*-1,6*0,2*-1,7*0,2*-1,8*0,-1,56*0,6*1,6*0,2,7*0,
450  &6*1,9*0,2,3*0,2,0,5*2,2*1,17*0,6*2,133*0/
451  DATA (kchg(i,3),i= 1, 500)/8*1,2*0,8*1,5*0,1,9*0,1,2*0,1,3*0,
452  &2*1,39*0,1,0,2*1,20*0,3*1,4*0,6*1,3*0,9*1,3*0,12*1,4*0,100*1,2*0,
453  &2*1,2*0,4*1,2*0,6*1,2*0,8*1,3*0,1,0,2*1,0,3*1,0,4*1,3*0,12*1,3*0,
454  &1,2*0,1,0,12*1,0,1,3*0,1,8*0,4*1,5*0,3*1,0,1,3*0,2*1,139*0/
455  DATA (kchg(i,4),i= 1, 290)/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,
456  &16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,
457  &37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,
458  &58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,
459  &79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,
460  &100,110,111,113,115,130,211,213,215,221,223,225,310,311,313,315,
461  &321,323,325,331,333,335,411,413,415,421,423,425,431,433,435,441,
462  &443,445,511,513,515,521,523,525,531,533,535,541,543,545,551,553,
463  &555,990,1103,1114,2101,2103,2112,2114,2203,2212,2214,2224,3101,
464  &3103,3112,3114,3122,3201,3203,3212,3214,3222,3224,3303,3312,3314,
465  &3322,3324,3334,4101,4103,4112,4114,4122,4132,4201,4203,4212,4214,
466  &4222,4224,4232,4301,4303,4312,4314,4322,4324,4332,4334,4403,4412,
467  &4414,4422,4424,4432,4434,4444,5101,5103,5112,5114,5122,5132,5142,
468  &5201,5203,5212,5214,5222,5224,5232,5242,5301,5303,5312,5314,5322,
469  &5324,5332,5334,5342,5401,5403,5412,5414,5422,5424,5432,5434,5442,
470  &5444,5503,5512,5514,5522,5524,5532,5534,5542,5544,5554,10111,
471  &10113,10211,10213,10221,10223,10311,10313,10321,10323,10331,
472  &10333,10411,10413,10421,10423,10431,10433,10441,10443,10511,
473  &10513,10521,10523,10531,10533,10541,10543,10551,10553,20113,
474  &20213,20223,20313,20323,20333,20413,20423,20433,20443,20513/
475  DATA (kchg(i,4),i= 291, 500)/20523,20533,20543,20553,100443,
476  &100553,1000001,1000002,1000003,1000004,1000005,1000006,1000011,
477  &1000012,1000013,1000014,1000015,1000016,1000021,1000022,1000023,
478  &1000024,1000025,1000035,1000037,1000039,2000001,2000002,2000003,
479  &2000004,2000005,2000006,2000011,2000012,2000013,2000014,2000015,
480  &2000016,3000111,3000211,3000221,3000331,3000113,3000213,3000223,
481  &3100021,3100111,3200111,3100113,3200113,3300113,3400113,4000001,
482  &4000002,4000011,4000012,5000039,9900012,9900014,9900016,9900023,
483  &9900024,9900041,9900042,9900110,9900210,9900220,9900330,9900440,
484  &9902110,9902210,9900443,9900441,9910441,9900553,9900551,9910551,
485  &133*0/
486  DATA (pmas(i,1),i= 1, 217)/2*0.33d0,0.5d0,1.5d0,4.8d0,175d0,
487  &2*400d0,2*0d0,0.00051d0,0d0,0.10566d0,0d0,1.777d0,0d0,400d0,
488  &5*0d0,91.188d0,80.45d0,115d0,6*0d0,500d0,900d0,500d0,3*300d0,
489  &3*0d0,5000d0,200d0,40*0d0,1d0,2d0,5d0,16*0d0,0.13498d0,0.7685d0,
490  &1.318d0,0.49767d0,0.13957d0,0.7669d0,1.318d0,0.54745d0,0.78194d0,
491  &1.275d0,2*0.49767d0,0.8961d0,1.432d0,0.4936d0,0.8916d0,1.425d0,
492  &0.95777d0,1.0194d0,1.525d0,1.8693d0,2.01d0,2.46d0,1.8645d0,
493  &2.0067d0,2.46d0,1.9685d0,2.1124d0,2.5735d0,2.9798d0,3.09688d0,
494  &3.5562d0,5.2792d0,5.3248d0,5.83d0,5.2789d0,5.3248d0,5.83d0,
495  &5.3693d0,5.4163d0,6.07d0,6.594d0,6.602d0,7.35d0,9.4d0,9.4603d0,
496  &9.9132d0,0d0,0.77133d0,1.234d0,0.57933d0,0.77133d0,0.93957d0,
497  &1.233d0,0.77133d0,0.93827d0,1.232d0,1.231d0,0.80473d0,0.92953d0,
498  &1.19744d0,1.3872d0,1.11568d0,0.80473d0,0.92953d0,1.19255d0,
499  &1.3837d0,1.18937d0,1.3828d0,1.09361d0,1.3213d0,1.535d0,1.3149d0,
500  &1.5318d0,1.67245d0,1.96908d0,2.00808d0,2.4521d0,2.5d0,2.2849d0,
501  &2.4703d0,1.96908d0,2.00808d0,2.4535d0,2.5d0,2.4529d0,2.5d0,
502  &2.4656d0,2.15432d0,2.17967d0,2.55d0,2.63d0,2.55d0,2.63d0,2.704d0,
503  &2.8d0,3.27531d0,3.59798d0,3.65648d0,3.59798d0,3.65648d0,
504  &3.78663d0,3.82466d0,4.91594d0,5.38897d0,5.40145d0,5.8d0,5.81d0,
505  &5.641d0,5.84d0,7.00575d0,5.38897d0,5.40145d0,5.8d0,5.81d0,5.8d0/
506  DATA (pmas(i,1),i= 218, 500)/5.81d0,5.84d0,7.00575d0,5.56725d0,
507  &5.57536d0,5.96d0,5.97d0,5.96d0,5.97d0,6.12d0,6.13d0,7.19099d0,
508  &6.67143d0,6.67397d0,7.03724d0,7.0485d0,7.03724d0,7.0485d0,
509  &7.21101d0,7.219d0,8.30945d0,8.31325d0,10.07354d0,10.42272d0,
510  &10.44144d0,10.42272d0,10.44144d0,10.60209d0,10.61426d0,
511  &11.70767d0,11.71147d0,15.11061d0,0.9835d0,1.231d0,0.9835d0,
512  &1.231d0,1d0,1.17d0,1.429d0,1.29d0,1.429d0,1.29d0,2*1.4d0,2.272d0,
513  &2.424d0,2.272d0,2.424d0,2.5d0,2.536d0,3.4151d0,3.46d0,5.68d0,
514  &5.73d0,5.68d0,5.73d0,5.92d0,5.97d0,7.25d0,7.3d0,9.8598d0,9.875d0,
515  &2*1.23d0,1.282d0,2*1.402d0,1.427d0,2*2.372d0,2.56d0,3.5106d0,
516  &2*5.78d0,6.02d0,7.3d0,9.8919d0,3.686d0,10.0233d0,32*500d0,
517  &3*110d0,350d0,3*210d0,500d0,125d0,250d0,400d0,2*350d0,300d0,
518  &4*400d0,1000d0,3*500d0,1200d0,750d0,2*200d0,7*0d0,3*3.1d0,
519  &3*9.5d0,133*0d0/
520  DATA (pmas(i,2),i= 1, 500)/5*0d0,1.39816d0,16*0d0,2.47813d0,
521  &2.07115d0,0.00367d0,6*0d0,14.54029d0,0d0,16.66099d0,8.38842d0,
522  &3.3752d0,4.17669d0,3*0d0,417.29147d0,0.39162d0,60*0d0,0.151d0,
523  &0.107d0,2*0d0,0.149d0,0.107d0,0d0,0.00843d0,0.185d0,2*0d0,
524  &0.0505d0,0.109d0,0d0,0.0498d0,0.098d0,0.0002d0,0.00443d0,0.076d0,
525  &2*0d0,0.023d0,2*0d0,0.023d0,2*0d0,0.015d0,0.0013d0,0d0,0.002d0,
526  &2*0d0,0.02d0,2*0d0,0.02d0,2*0d0,0.02d0,2*0d0,0.02d0,5*0d0,0.12d0,
527  &3*0d0,0.12d0,2*0d0,2*0.12d0,3*0d0,0.0394d0,4*0d0,0.036d0,0d0,
528  &0.0358d0,2*0d0,0.0099d0,0d0,0.0091d0,74*0d0,0.06d0,0.142d0,
529  &0.06d0,0.142d0,0d0,0.36d0,0.287d0,0.09d0,0.287d0,0.09d0,0.25d0,
530  &0.08d0,0.05d0,0.02d0,0.05d0,0.02d0,0.05d0,0d0,0.014d0,0.01d0,
531  &8*0.05d0,0d0,0.01d0,2*0.4d0,0.025d0,2*0.174d0,0.053d0,3*0.05d0,
532  &0.0009d0,4*0.05d0,3*0d0,19*1d0,0d0,7*1d0,0d0,1d0,0d0,1d0,0d0,
533  &0.02911d0,0.01741d0,0.04536d0,0.09511d0,0.8686d0,0.62395d0,
534  &0.19192d0,123.27638d0,0.02296d0,0.18886d0,23.26819d0,2.86306d0,
535  &0d0,3.45903d0,2.59359d0,2.59687d0,0.42896d0,0.41912d0,0.14153d0,
536  &2*0.00098d0,0.00097d0,26.7245d0,21.74916d0,0.88159d0,0.88001d0,
537  &7*0d0,6*0.01d0,133*0d0/
538  DATA (pmas(i,3),i= 1, 500)/5*0d0,13.98156d0,16*0d0,24.78129d0,
539  &20.71149d0,0.03669d0,6*0d0,145.40294d0,0d0,166.60993d0,
540  &83.88423d0,33.75195d0,41.76694d0,3*0d0,4172.91467d0,3.91621d0,
541  &60*0d0,0.4d0,0.25d0,2*0d0,0.4d0,0.25d0,0d0,0.1d0,0.17d0,2*0d0,
542  &0.2d0,0.12d0,0d0,0.2d0,0.12d0,0.002d0,0.015d0,0.2d0,2*0d0,0.12d0,
543  &2*0d0,0.12d0,2*0d0,0.05d0,0.005d0,0d0,0.01d0,2*0d0,0.05d0,2*0d0,
544  &0.05d0,2*0d0,0.05d0,2*0d0,0.05d0,5*0d0,0.14d0,3*0d0,0.14d0,2*0d0,
545  &2*0.14d0,3*0d0,0.04d0,4*0d0,0.035d0,0d0,0.035d0,2*0d0,0.05d0,0d0,
546  &0.05d0,74*0d0,0.05d0,0.25d0,0.05d0,0.25d0,0d0,0.2d0,0.4d0,
547  &0.005d0,0.4d0,0.01d0,0.35d0,0.001d0,0.1d0,0.08d0,0.1d0,0.08d0,
548  &0.1d0,0d0,0.05d0,0.02d0,6*0.1d0,0.05d0,0.1d0,0d0,0.02d0,2*0.3d0,
549  &0.05d0,2*0.3d0,0.02d0,2*0.1d0,0.03d0,0.001d0,4*0.1d0,3*0d0,
550  &19*10d0,0.00001d0,7*10d0,0.00001d0,10d0,0.00001d0,10d0,0.00001d0,
551  &0.29108d0,0.17412d0,0.45362d0,0.95114d0,8.68604d0,6.23946d0,
552  &1.91923d0,450d0,0.22959d0,1.88863d0,232.68185d0,28.63059d0,0d0,
553  &34.59032d0,25.93594d0,25.96873d0,4.28961d0,4.19124d0,1.41528d0,
554  &0.00977d0,0.00976d0,0.00973d0,267.24501d0,217.49162d0,8.81592d0,
555  &8.80013d0,13*0d0,133*0d0/
556  DATA (pmas(i,4),i= 1, 500)/12*0d0,658654d0,0d0,0.0872d0,68*0d0,
557  &0.1d0,0.387d0,16*0d0,0.00003d0,2*0d0,15500d0,7804.5d0,5*0d0,
558  &26.762d0,3*0d0,3709d0,5*0d0,0.317d0,2*0d0,0.1244d0,2*0d0,0.14d0,
559  &5*0d0,0.468d0,2*0d0,0.462d0,2*0d0,0.483d0,2*0d0,0.15d0,18*0d0,
560  &44.34d0,0d0,78.88d0,4*0d0,23.96d0,2*0d0,49.1d0,0d0,87.1d0,0d0,
561  &24.6d0,4*0d0,0.0618d0,0.029d0,6*0d0,0.106d0,6*0d0,0.019d0,2*0d0,
562  &7*0.1d0,4*0d0,0.342d0,2*0.387d0,6*0d0,2*0.387d0,6*0d0,0.387d0,
563  &0d0,0.387d0,2*0d0,8*0.387d0,0d0,9*0.387d0,118*0d0,133*0d0/
564  DATA parf/
565  & 0.5d0,0.25d0, 0.5d0,0.25d0, 1d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
566  1 0.5d0, 0d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
567  2 0.5d0, 0d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
568  3 0.5d0, 0d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
569  4 0.5d0, 0d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
570  5 0.5d0, 0d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
571  6 0.75d0, 0.5d0, 0d0,0.1667d0,0.0833d0,0.1667d0,0d0,0d0,0d0, 0d0,
572  7 0d0, 0d0, 1d0,0.3333d0,0.6667d0,0.3333d0,0d0,0d0,0d0, 0d0,
573  8 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
574  9 0.0099d0, 0.0056d0, 0.199d0, 1.23d0, 4.17d0, 165d0, 4*0d0,
575  & 0.325d0,0.325d0,0.5d0,1.6d0, 5.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
576  1 0d0,0.11d0,0.16d0,0.048d0,0.50d0,0.45d0,0.55d0,0.60d0,0d0,0d0,
577  2 0.2d0, 0.1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
578  3 60*0d0,
579  4 0.2d0, 0.5d0, 8*0d0,
580  5 1800*0d0/
581  DATA ((vckm(i,j),j=1,4),i=1,4)/
582  & 0.95113d0, 0.04884d0, 0.00003d0, 0.00000d0,
583  & 0.04884d0, 0.94940d0, 0.00176d0, 0.00000d0,
584  & 0.00003d0, 0.00176d0, 0.99821d0, 0.00000d0,
585  & 0.00000d0, 0.00000d0, 0.00000d0, 1.00000d0/
587 C...PYDAT3, with particle decay parameters and data.
589  DATA (mdcy(i,1),i= 1, 500)/5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,1,5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,
590  &4*1,3*0,2*1,40*0,3*1,16*0,3*1,2*0,9*1,0,32*1,2*0,1,3*0,1,2*0,2*1,
591  &2*0,3*1,2*0,4*1,0,5*1,2*0,4*1,2*0,5*1,2*0,6*1,0,7*1,2*0,5*1,2*0,
592  &6*1,2*0,7*1,2*0,8*1,0,75*1,0,7*1,0,1,0,1,0,26*1,7*0,6*1,133*0/
593  DATA (mdcy(i,2),i= 1, 351)/1,9,17,25,33,41,56,66,2*0,76,80,82,
594  &87,89,143,145,150,2*0,153,162,174,190,210,6*0,289,0,311,334,420,
595  &503,3*0,530,539,40*0,540,541,545,16*0,554,556,561,570,579,581,
596  &583,590,598,604,613,615,617,620,630,636,639,650,656,667,673,736,
597  &739,747,808,810,818,851,853,857,858,861,863,899,900,908,944,945,
598  &953,992,993,997,1028,1029,1033,1034,1043,2*0,1045,3*0,1046,2*0,
599  &1049,1052,2*0,1053,1055,1058,2*0,1062,1063,1066,1069,0,1072,1077,
600  &1079,1082,1084,2*0,1088,1089,1090,1166,2*0,1170,1171,1172,1173,
601  &1174,2*0,1178,1179,1181,1182,1184,1188,0,1189,1193,1197,1201,
602  &1205,1209,1213,2*0,1217,1218,1219,1236,1245,2*0,1254,1255,1256,
603  &1257,1258,1267,2*0,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1289,1290,2*0,1299,
604  &1308,1317,1326,1335,1344,1353,1362,0,1371,1380,1389,1398,1407,
605  &1416,1425,1434,1443,1452,1453,1454,1455,1456,1461,1464,1466,1471,
606  &1473,1478,1485,1489,1491,1493,1495,1497,1499,1501,1503,1504,1506,
607  &1508,1510,1512,1514,1516,1518,1520,1522,1523,1525,1527,1541,1543,
608  &1545,1549,1551,1553,1555,1557,1559,1561,1563,1565,1567,1578,1592,
609  &1637,1661,1706,1730,1775,1802,1833,1859,1891,1917,1949,1975,2162,
610  &2331,2595,2826,3106,3402,0,3657,3706,3734,3783,3811,3860,3888,0,
611  &3924,0,3960,0,3996,4004,4012,4020,4023,4047,4073,4097,4103,4110,
612  &4117,4124,4130,4136,4145,4149,4153,4156,4158,4178,4200,4222,4244/
613  DATA (mdcy(i,2),i= 352, 500)/4259,4271,4278,7*0,4285,4286,4287,
614  &4288,4289,4290,133*0/
615  DATA (mdcy(i,3),i= 1, 500)/5*8,15,2*10,2*0,4,2,5,2,54,2,5,3,
616  &2*0,9,12,16,20,79,6*0,22,0,23,86,83,27,3*0,9,1,40*0,1,4,9,16*0,2,
617  &5,2*9,2*2,7,8,6,9,2*2,3,10,6,3,11,6,11,6,63,3,8,61,2,8,33,2,4,1,
618  &3,2,36,1,8,36,1,8,39,1,4,31,1,4,1,9,2,2*0,1,3*0,3,2*0,3,1,2*0,2,
619  &3,4,2*0,1,3*3,0,5,2,3,2,4,2*0,2*1,76,4,2*0,4*1,4,2*0,1,2,1,2,4,1,
620  &0,7*4,2*0,2*1,17,2*9,2*0,4*1,2*9,2*0,4*1,9,1,9,2*0,8*9,0,9*9,4*1,
621  &5,3,2,5,2,5,7,4,7*2,1,9*2,1,2*2,14,2*2,4,9*2,11,14,45,24,45,24,
622  &45,27,31,26,32,26,32,26,187,169,264,231,280,296,255,0,49,28,49,
623  &28,49,28,36,0,36,0,36,0,3*8,3,24,26,24,6,3*7,2*6,9,2*4,3,2,20,
624  &3*22,15,12,2*7,7*0,6*1,133*0/
625  DATA (mdme(i,1),i= 1,8000)/6*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,7*1,-1,
626  &7*1,-1,1,7*-1,8*1,2*-1,8*1,2*-1,73*1,-1,2*1,-1,5*1,0,2*-1,6*1,0,
627  &2*-1,3*1,-1,6*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,3*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,5*-1,3*1,-1,85*1,
628  &2*-1,6*1,8*-1,3*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,5*-1,3*1,4*-1,200*1,2*-1,2*1,-1,
629  &1249*1,2*-1,377*1,2*-1,1868*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,9*1,-1,3*1,-1,3*1,
630  &5*-1,3*1,-1,14*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,67*1,2*-1,6*1,2*-1,117*1,3710*0/
631  DATA (mdme(i,2),i= 1,8000)/43*102,4*0,102,0,6*53,3*102,4*0,102,
632  &2*0,3*102,4*0,102,2*0,6*102,42,6*102,2*42,2*0,8*41,2*0,36*41,
633  &8*102,0,102,0,102,2*0,21*102,8*32,8*0,16*32,4*0,8*32,9*0,62*53,
634  &8*32,14*0,16*32,7*0,8*32,16*0,62*53,8*32,13*0,62*53,4*32,5*0,
635  &18*53,6*32,4*0,12,2*42,2*11,9*42,0,2,3,15*0,4*42,5*0,3,12*0,2,
636  &3*0,1,0,3,16*0,2*3,15*0,2*42,2*3,18*0,2*3,3*0,1,11*0,22*42,41*0,
637  &2*3,9*0,16*42,45*0,3,10*0,10*42,20*0,2*13,6*0,12,2*0,12,0,12,
638  &14*42,16*0,48,3*13,2*42,9*0,14*42,16*0,48,3*13,2*42,9*0,14*42,
639  &19*0,48,3*13,2*42,6*0,2*11,28*42,5*0,32,3*0,4*32,2*4,0,32,45*0,
640  &14*42,52*0,10*13,2*42,2*11,4*0,2*42,2*11,6*0,2*42,2*11,0,2*42,
641  &2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,2*42,2*11,
642  &2*0,3*42,8*0,48,3*13,20*42,4*0,18*42,4*0,9*42,0,162*42,50*0,2*12,
643  &17*0,2*32,33*0,12,9*0,32,2*0,12,11*0,4*32,2*4,5*0,2404*53,4*32,
644  &3*0,6*32,3*0,4*32,3*0,4*32,8*0,8*32,14*0,16*32,12*0,8*32,8*0,
645  &46*32,3*53,12*0,8*32,12*0,66*51,6*32,9*0,9*32,17*0,6*51,3710*0/
646  DATA (brat(i) ,i= 1, 346)/43*0d0,0.00003d0,0.001765d0,
647  &0.998205d0,35*0d0,1d0,6*0d0,0.1783d0,0.1735d0,0.1131d0,0.2494d0,
648  &0.003d0,0.09d0,0.0027d0,0.01d0,0.0014d0,0.0012d0,2*0.00025d0,
649  &0.0071d0,0.012d0,0.0004d0,0.00075d0,0.00006d0,2*0.00078d0,
650  &0.0034d0,0.08d0,0.011d0,0.0191d0,0.00006d0,0.005d0,0.0133d0,
651  &0.0067d0,0.0005d0,0.0035d0,0.0006d0,0.0015d0,0.00021d0,0.0002d0,
652  &0.00075d0,0.0001d0,0.0002d0,0.0011d0,3*0.0002d0,0.00022d0,
653  &0.0004d0,0.0001d0,2*0.00205d0,2*0.00069d0,0.00025d0,0.00051d0,
654  &0.00025d0,35*0d0,0.153995d0,0.11942d0,0.153984d0,0.119259d0,
655  &0.152272d0,3*0d0,0.033576d0,0.066806d0,0.033576d0,0.066806d0,
656  &0.0335d0,0.066806d0,2*0d0,0.321369d0,0.016494d0,2*0d0,0.016502d0,
657  &0.320615d0,2*0d0,0.00001d0,0.000591d0,6*0d0,2*0.108166d0,
658  &0.108087d0,0d0,0.000001d0,0d0,0.000349d0,0.048707d0,0.768308d0,
659  &4*0d0,0.000227d0,0.064048d0,0d0,0.040621d0,0.002043d0,0.000615d0,
660  &0.006981d0,0.068099d0,62*0d0,0.145835d0,0.113276d0,0.145835d0,
661  &0.113271d0,0.145781d0,0.049002d0,2*0d0,0.032025d0,0.063642d0,
662  &0.032025d0,0.063642d0,0.032022d0,0.063642d0,8*0d0,0.251225d0,
663  &0.0129d0,0.000006d0,0d0,0.0129d0,0.250764d0,0.00038d0,0d0,
664  &0.000008d0,0.000465d0,0.215418d0,5*0d0,2*0.085312d0,0.08531d0,
665  &7*0d0,0.000049d0,0.000774d0,5*0d0,0.000074d0,0d0,0.000417d0/
666  DATA (brat(i) ,i= 347, 651)/0.000015d0,0.000061d0,0.30671d0,
667  &0.689011d0,0d0,0.002889d0,69*0d0,0.000001d0,0.000121d0,
668  &0.001924d0,4*0d0,0.000001d0,0.000184d0,0d0,0.003106d0,0.000015d0,
669  &0.000003d0,2*0d0,0.994646d0,66*0d0,0.000021d0,0.090135d0,2*0d0,
670  &0.000013d0,0.003714d0,0d0,0.906117d0,18*0d0,3*0.215119d0,
671  &0.214724d0,2*0d0,0.06996d0,0.069959d0,0d0,2*1d0,2*0.08d0,0.76d0,
672  &0.08d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,
673  &0.005d0,0.988d0,0.012d0,0.998739d0,0.00079d0,0.00038d0,
674  &0.000046d0,0.000045d0,2*0.34725d0,0.144d0,0.104d0,0.0245d0,
675  &2*0.01225d0,0.0028d0,0.0057d0,0.2112d0,0.1256d0,2*0.1939d0,
676  &2*0.1359d0,0.002d0,0.001d0,0.0006d0,0.999877d0,0.000123d0,
677  &0.99955d0,0.00045d0,2*0.34725d0,0.144d0,0.104d0,0.049d0,0.0028d0,
678  &0.0057d0,0.3923d0,0.321d0,0.2317d0,0.0478d0,0.0049d0,0.0013d0,
679  &0.0003d0,0.0007d0,0.89d0,0.08693d0,0.0221d0,0.00083d0,
680  &2*0.00007d0,0.564d0,0.282d0,0.072d0,0.028d0,0.023d0,2*0.0115d0,
681  &0.005d0,0.003d0,0.6861d0,0.3139d0,2*0.5d0,0.665d0,0.333d0,
682  &0.002d0,0.333d0,0.166d0,0.168d0,0.084d0,0.087d0,0.043d0,0.059d0,
683  &2*0.029d0,0.002d0,0.6352d0,0.2116d0,0.0559d0,0.0173d0,0.0482d0,
684  &0.0318d0,0.666d0,0.333d0,0.001d0,0.332d0,0.166d0,0.168d0,0.084d0,
685  &0.086d0,0.043d0,0.059d0,2*0.029d0,2*0.002d0,0.437d0,0.208d0/
686  DATA (brat(i) ,i= 652, 823)/0.302d0,0.0302d0,0.0212d0,0.0016d0,
687  &0.48947d0,0.34d0,3*0.043d0,0.027d0,0.0126d0,0.0013d0,0.0003d0,
688  &0.00025d0,0.00008d0,0.444d0,2*0.222d0,0.104d0,2*0.004d0,0.07d0,
689  &0.065d0,2*0.005d0,2*0.011d0,5*0.001d0,0.07d0,0.065d0,2*0.005d0,
690  &2*0.011d0,5*0.001d0,0.026d0,0.019d0,0.066d0,0.041d0,0.045d0,
691  &0.076d0,0.0073d0,2*0.0047d0,0.026d0,0.001d0,0.0006d0,0.0066d0,
692  &0.005d0,2*0.003d0,2*0.0006d0,2*0.001d0,0.006d0,0.005d0,0.012d0,
693  &0.0057d0,0.067d0,0.008d0,0.0022d0,0.027d0,0.004d0,0.019d0,
694  &0.012d0,0.002d0,0.009d0,0.0218d0,0.001d0,0.022d0,0.087d0,0.001d0,
695  &0.0019d0,0.0015d0,0.0028d0,0.683d0,0.306d0,0.011d0,0.3d0,0.15d0,
696  &0.16d0,0.08d0,0.13d0,0.06d0,0.08d0,0.04d0,0.034d0,0.027d0,
697  &2*0.002d0,2*0.004d0,2*0.002d0,0.034d0,0.027d0,2*0.002d0,
698  &2*0.004d0,2*0.002d0,0.0365d0,0.045d0,0.073d0,0.062d0,3*0.021d0,
699  &0.0061d0,0.015d0,0.025d0,0.0088d0,0.074d0,0.0109d0,0.0041d0,
700  &0.002d0,0.0035d0,0.0011d0,0.001d0,0.0027d0,2*0.0016d0,0.0018d0,
701  &0.011d0,0.0063d0,0.0052d0,0.018d0,0.016d0,0.0034d0,0.0036d0,
702  &0.0009d0,0.0006d0,0.015d0,0.0923d0,0.018d0,0.022d0,0.0077d0,
703  &0.009d0,0.0075d0,0.024d0,0.0085d0,0.067d0,0.0511d0,0.017d0,
704  &0.0004d0,0.0028d0,0.619d0,0.381d0,0.3d0,0.15d0,0.16d0,0.08d0,
705  &0.13d0,0.06d0,0.08d0,0.04d0,0.01d0,2*0.02d0,0.03d0,2*0.005d0/
706  DATA (brat(i) ,i= 824, 991)/2*0.02d0,0.03d0,2*0.005d0,0.015d0,
707  &0.037d0,0.028d0,0.079d0,0.095d0,0.052d0,0.0078d0,4*0.001d0,
708  &0.028d0,0.033d0,0.026d0,0.05d0,0.01d0,4*0.005d0,0.25d0,0.0952d0,
709  &0.94d0,0.06d0,2*0.4d0,2*0.1d0,1d0,0.0602d0,0.0601d0,0.8797d0,
710  &0.135d0,0.865d0,0.02d0,0.055d0,2*0.005d0,0.008d0,0.012d0,0.02d0,
711  &0.055d0,2*0.005d0,0.008d0,0.012d0,0.01d0,0.03d0,0.0035d0,0.011d0,
712  &0.0055d0,0.0042d0,0.009d0,0.018d0,0.015d0,0.0185d0,0.0135d0,
713  &0.025d0,0.0004d0,0.0007d0,0.0008d0,0.0014d0,0.0019d0,0.0025d0,
714  &0.4291d0,0.08d0,0.07d0,0.02d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,1d0,0.3d0,0.15d0,
715  &0.16d0,0.08d0,0.13d0,0.06d0,0.08d0,0.04d0,0.02d0,0.055d0,
716  &2*0.005d0,0.008d0,0.012d0,0.02d0,0.055d0,2*0.005d0,0.008d0,
717  &0.012d0,0.01d0,0.03d0,0.0035d0,0.011d0,0.0055d0,0.0042d0,0.009d0,
718  &0.018d0,0.015d0,0.0185d0,0.0135d0,0.025d0,0.0004d0,0.0007d0,
719  &0.0008d0,0.0014d0,0.0019d0,0.0025d0,0.4291d0,0.08d0,0.07d0,
720  &0.02d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,1d0,0.3d0,0.15d0,0.16d0,0.08d0,0.13d0,
721  &0.06d0,0.08d0,0.04d0,0.02d0,0.055d0,2*0.005d0,0.008d0,0.012d0,
722  &0.02d0,0.055d0,2*0.005d0,0.008d0,0.012d0,0.01d0,0.03d0,0.0035d0,
723  &0.011d0,0.0055d0,0.0042d0,0.009d0,0.018d0,0.015d0,0.0185d0,
724  &0.0135d0,0.025d0,2*0.0002d0,0.0007d0,2*0.0004d0,0.0014d0,0.001d0,
725  &0.0009d0,0.0025d0,0.4291d0,0.08d0,0.07d0,0.02d0,0.015d0,0.005d0/
726  DATA (brat(i) ,i= 992,1183)/1d0,2*0.3d0,2*0.2d0,0.047d0,0.122d0,
727  &0.006d0,0.012d0,0.035d0,0.012d0,0.035d0,0.003d0,0.007d0,0.15d0,
728  &0.037d0,0.008d0,0.002d0,0.05d0,0.015d0,0.003d0,0.001d0,0.014d0,
729  &0.042d0,0.014d0,0.042d0,0.24d0,0.065d0,0.012d0,0.003d0,0.001d0,
730  &0.002d0,0.001d0,0.002d0,0.014d0,0.003d0,1d0,2*0.3d0,2*0.2d0,1d0,
731  &0.0252d0,0.0248d0,0.0267d0,0.015d0,0.045d0,0.015d0,0.045d0,
732  &0.7743d0,0.029d0,0.22d0,0.78d0,1d0,0.331d0,0.663d0,0.006d0,
733  &0.663d0,0.331d0,0.006d0,1d0,0.999d0,0.001d0,0.88d0,2*0.06d0,
734  &0.639d0,0.358d0,0.002d0,0.001d0,1d0,0.88d0,2*0.06d0,0.516d0,
735  &0.483d0,0.001d0,0.88d0,2*0.06d0,0.9988d0,0.0001d0,0.0006d0,
736  &0.0004d0,0.0001d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.9954d0,0.0011d0,0.0035d0,
737  &0.333d0,0.667d0,0.676d0,0.234d0,0.085d0,0.005d0,2*1d0,0.018d0,
738  &2*0.005d0,0.003d0,0.002d0,2*0.006d0,0.018d0,2*0.005d0,0.003d0,
739  &0.002d0,2*0.006d0,0.0066d0,0.025d0,0.016d0,0.0088d0,2*0.005d0,
740  &0.0058d0,0.005d0,0.0055d0,4*0.004d0,2*0.002d0,2*0.004d0,0.003d0,
741  &0.002d0,2*0.003d0,3*0.002d0,2*0.001d0,0.002d0,2*0.001d0,
742  &2*0.002d0,0.0013d0,0.0018d0,5*0.001d0,4*0.003d0,2*0.005d0,
743  &2*0.002d0,2*0.001d0,2*0.002d0,2*0.001d0,0.2432d0,0.057d0,
744  &2*0.035d0,0.15d0,2*0.075d0,0.03d0,2*0.015d0,2*0.08d0,0.76d0,
745  &0.08d0,4*1d0,2*0.08d0,0.76d0,0.08d0,1d0,2*0.5d0,1d0,2*0.5d0/
746  DATA (brat(i) ,i=1184,1377)/2*0.08d0,0.76d0,0.08d0,1d0,2*0.08d0,
747  &0.76d0,3*0.08d0,0.76d0,3*0.08d0,0.76d0,3*0.08d0,0.76d0,3*0.08d0,
748  &0.76d0,3*0.08d0,0.76d0,3*0.08d0,0.76d0,0.08d0,2*1d0,2*0.105d0,
749  &0.04d0,0.0077d0,0.02d0,0.0235d0,0.0285d0,0.0435d0,0.0011d0,
750  &0.0022d0,0.0044d0,0.4291d0,0.08d0,0.07d0,0.02d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,
751  &2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,
752  &2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,
753  &4*1d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,
754  &0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,
755  &0.005d0,4*1d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
756  &0.015d0,0.005d0,1d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
757  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
758  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
759  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
760  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
761  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
762  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
763  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
764  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,
765  &0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0/
766  DATA (brat(i) ,i=1378,1580)/0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
767  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
768  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
769  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
770  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
771  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
772  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
773  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,2*0.105d0,0.04d0,
774  &0.5d0,0.08d0,0.14d0,0.01d0,0.015d0,0.005d0,4*1d0,0.52d0,0.26d0,
775  &0.11d0,2*0.055d0,0.333d0,0.334d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.28d0,
776  &0.14d0,0.313d0,0.157d0,0.11d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.28d0,0.14d0,
777  &0.313d0,0.157d0,0.11d0,0.36d0,0.18d0,0.03d0,2*0.015d0,2*0.2d0,
778  &4*0.25d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,
779  &0.333d0,4*0.5d0,0.007d0,0.993d0,1d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,
780  &0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,8*0.5d0,0.02d0,0.98d0,
781  &1d0,4*0.5d0,3*0.146d0,3*0.05d0,0.15d0,2*0.05d0,4*0.024d0,0.066d0,
782  &0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,4*0.25d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,
783  &0.333d0,2*0.5d0,0.273d0,0.727d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,0.667d0,0.333d0,
784  &4*0.5d0,0.35d0,0.65d0,2*0.0083d0,0.1866d0,0.324d0,0.184d0,
785  &0.027d0,0.001d0,0.093d0,0.087d0,0.078d0,0.0028d0,3*0.014d0/
786  DATA (brat(i) ,i=1581,4149)/0.008d0,0.024d0,0.008d0,0.024d0,
787  &0.425d0,0.02d0,0.185d0,0.088d0,0.043d0,0.067d0,0.066d0,2404*0d0,
788  &0.017431d0,0.054048d0,0.857694d0,2*0d0,0.00025d0,0.070578d0,0d0,
789  &0.022748d0,0.026576d0,0.359486d0,0.561581d0,2*0d0,0.000104d0,
790  &0.029504d0,0.011185d0,0.034681d0,0.550354d0,2*0d0,0.00016d0,
791  &0.045287d0,0.358333d0,0.445781d0,0d0,0.554219d0,0.144051d0,
792  &2*0.351902d0,0d0,0.082107d0,0.029566d0,0.001511d0,0.000726d0,
793  &0.004518d0,0.006522d0,0.004518d0,0.006522d0,0.004513d0,3*0d0,
794  &0.002908d0,0.000973d0,0.002908d0,0.000973d0,0.002908d0,
795  &0.000973d0,2*0d0,0.143982d0,0.489888d0,0.1951d0,0d0,0.114302d0,
796  &0.008426d0,0.014868d0,0.000763d0,2*0d0,0.000763d0,0.01484d0,
797  &0.000003d0,2*0d0,0.000027d0,0.001945d0,5*0d0,3*0.00503d0,0d0,
798  &0.133776d0,0.003284d0,0.37169d0,0.006838d0,2*0.030954d0,
799  &0.00163d0,0d0,0.047224d0,0.073737d0,0.047224d0,0.073732d0,
800  &0.047179d0,3*0d0,0.034761d0,0.009166d0,0.034761d0,0.009166d0,
801  &0.034759d0,0.009166d0,2*0d0,4*0.009069d0,0.510147d0,0.453576d0,
802  &6*0d0,1d0,6*0d0,1d0,4*0.001128d0,0.571047d0,0.382288d0,
803  &0.042153d0,4*0.016597d0,0.93361d0,0d0,4*0.016597d0,0.93361d0,0d0,
804  &4*0.05515d0,0.34469d0,0d0,0.228998d0,0.164208d0,0.041503d0,
805  &0.850973d0,0.005411d0,0.045025d0,0.098591d0,0.849898d0/
806  DATA (brat(i) ,i=4150,4280)/0.021617d0,0.030018d0,0.098466d0,
807  &0.294448d0,0.10945d0,0.596102d0,0.389906d0,0.610094d0,3*0.0633d0,
808  &0.063299d0,0.063295d0,0.056281d0,2*0d0,6*0.020495d0,2*0d0,
809  &0.327919d0,0.04099d0,0.045236d0,0.090112d0,0.19874d0,0.010204d0,
810  &0.000003d0,0.010205d0,0.198356d0,0.000151d0,0.000006d0,
811  &0.000367d0,0.081967d0,0.19874d0,0.010204d0,0.000003d0,0.010205d0,
812  &0.198356d0,0.000151d0,0.000006d0,0.000367d0,0.081967d0,4*0d0,
813  &0.198776d0,0.010206d0,0.000003d0,0.010207d0,0.19839d0,0.000151d0,
814  &0.000006d0,0.000367d0,0.081893d0,0.198776d0,0.010206d0,
815  &0.000003d0,0.010207d0,0.19839d0,0.000151d0,0.000006d0,0.000367d0,
816  &0.081893d0,4*0d0,0.199344d0,0.010234d0,0.000003d0,0.010236d0,
817  &0.198928d0,0.000149d0,0.000006d0,0.000368d0,0.080733d0,
818  &0.199344d0,0.010234d0,0.000003d0,0.010236d0,0.198928d0,
819  &0.000149d0,0.000006d0,0.000368d0,0.080733d0,4*0d0,0.184738d0,
820  &0.104588d0,0.184738d0,0.104587d0,0.184731d0,0.09582d0,0.022902d0,
821  &0.008429d0,0.015602d0,0.022902d0,0.008429d0,0.015602d0,
822  &0.022902d0,0.008429d0,0.015602d0,0.28959d0,0.01487d0,0.000008d0,
823  &0.01487d0,0.289061d0,0.000492d0,0.000009d0,0.000536d0,0.27911d0,
824  &2*0.037151d0,0.03715d0,0.090266d0,2*0.001805d0,0.090266d0,
825  &0.001805d0,0.812263d0,0.00179d0,0.090428d0,0.001809d0,0.001808d0/
826  DATA (brat(i) ,i=4281,8000)/0.090428d0,0.001808d0,0.81372d0,0d0,
827  &6*1d0,3710*0d0/
828  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i= 1, 377)/21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,4*24,25,
829  &21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,4*24,25,21,22,23,4*-24,25,21,22,23,
830  &4*24,25,37,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000021,1000039,21,22,
831  &23,4*-24,25,2*-37,21,22,23,4*24,25,2*37,22,23,-24,25,23,24,-12,
832  &22,23,-24,25,23,24,-12,-14,48*16,22,23,-24,25,23,24,22,23,-24,25,
833  &-37,23,24,37,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,1,2,
834  &3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,
835  &-15,-17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,24,1000022,
836  &2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,2*1000037,1000001,
837  &2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002,1000002,-1000002,
838  &1000003,2000003,1000003,-1000003,1000004,2000004,1000004,
839  &-1000004,1000005,2000005,1000005,-1000005,1000006,2000006,
840  &1000006,-1000006,1000011,2000011,1000011,-1000011,1000012,
841  &2000012,1000012,-1000012,1000013,2000013,1000013,-1000013,
842  &1000014,2000014,1000014,-1000014,1000015,2000015,1000015,
843  &-1000015,1000016,2000016,1000016,-1000016,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,
844  &13,14,15,16,17,18,24,37,2*23,25,35,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,
845  &-15,-17,3*24,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,24,23,25,24,
846  &37,23,25,36,1000022,2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,
847  &2*1000037,1000001,2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002/
848  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i= 378, 580)/1000002,-1000002,1000003,2000003,
849  &1000003,-1000003,1000004,2000004,1000004,-1000004,1000005,
850  &2000005,1000005,-1000005,1000006,2000006,1000006,-1000006,
851  &1000011,2000011,1000011,-1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,
852  &-1000012,1000013,2000013,1000013,-1000013,1000014,2000014,
853  &1000014,-1000014,1000015,2000015,1000015,-1000015,1000016,
854  &2000016,1000016,-1000016,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,13,15,17,21,2*22,23,
855  &24,23,25,24,37,1000022,2*1000023,3*1000025,4*1000035,2*1000024,
856  &2*1000037,1000001,2000001,1000001,-1000001,1000002,2000002,
857  &1000002,-1000002,1000003,2000003,1000003,-1000003,1000004,
858  &2000004,1000004,-1000004,1000005,2000005,1000005,-1000005,
859  &1000006,2000006,1000006,-1000006,1000011,2000011,1000011,
860  &-1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,-1000012,1000013,2000013,
861  &1000013,-1000013,1000014,2000014,1000014,-1000014,1000015,
862  &2000015,1000015,-1000015,1000016,2000016,1000016,-1000016,-1,-3,
863  &-5,-7,-11,-13,-15,-17,24,2*1000022,2*1000023,2*1000025,2*1000035,
864  &1000006,2000006,1000006,2000006,-1000001,-1000003,-1000011,
865  &-1000013,-1000015,-2000015,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,13,15,2,82,-11,-13,2*2,
866  &-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,2*22,211,111,221,13,11,213,-213,221,
867  &223,321,130,310,111,331,111,211,-12,12,-14,14,211,111,22,-13,-11/
868  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i= 581, 992)/2*211,213,113,221,223,321,211,331,
869  &22,111,211,2*22,211,22,111,211,22,211,221,111,11,211,111,2*211,
870  &321,130,310,221,111,211,111,130,310,321,2*311,321,311,323,313,
871  &323,313,321,3*311,-13,3*211,12,14,311,2*321,311,321,313,323,313,
872  &323,311,4*321,211,111,3*22,111,321,130,-213,113,213,211,22,111,
873  &11,13,211,321,130,310,221,211,111,11*-11,11*-13,-311,-313,-311,
874  &-313,-20313,2*-311,-313,-311,-313,2*111,2*221,2*331,2*113,2*223,
875  &2*333,-311,-313,2*-321,211,-311,-321,333,-311,-313,-321,211,
876  &2*-321,2*-311,-321,211,113,421,2*411,421,411,423,413,423,413,421,
877  &411,8*-11,8*-13,-321,-323,-321,-323,-311,2*-313,-311,-313,2*-311,
878  &-321,-10323,-321,-323,-321,-311,2*-313,211,111,333,3*-321,-311,
879  &-313,-321,-313,310,333,211,2*-321,-311,-313,-311,211,-321,3*-311,
880  &211,113,321,2*421,411,421,413,423,413,423,411,421,-15,5*-11,
881  &5*-13,221,331,333,221,331,333,10221,211,213,211,213,321,323,321,
882  &323,2212,221,331,333,221,2*2,2*431,421,411,423,413,82,11,13,82,
883  &443,82,6*12,6*14,2*16,3*-411,3*-413,2*-411,2*-413,2*441,2*443,
884  &2*20443,2*2,2*4,2,4,511,521,511,523,513,523,513,521,511,6*12,
885  &6*14,2*16,3*-421,3*-423,2*-421,2*-423,2*441,2*443,2*20443,2*2,
886  &2*4,2,4,521,511,521,513,523,513,523,511,521,6*12,6*14,2*16,
887  &3*-431,3*-433,2*-431,2*-433,3*441,3*443,3*20443,2*2,2*4,2,4,531/
888  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i= 993,1402)/521,511,523,513,16,2*4,2*12,2*14,
889  &2*16,4*2,4*4,2*-11,2*-13,2*-1,2*-3,2*-11,2*-13,2*-1,541,511,521,
890  &513,523,21,11,13,15,1,2,3,4,21,22,553,21,2112,2212,2*2112,2212,
891  &2112,2*2212,2112,-12,3122,3212,3112,2212,2*2112,-12,2*3122,3222,
892  &3112,2212,2112,2212,3122,3222,3212,3122,3112,-12,-14,-12,3322,
893  &3312,2*3122,3212,3322,3312,3122,3322,3312,-12,2*4122,7*-11,7*-13,
894  &2*2224,2*2212,2*2214,2*3122,2*3212,2*3214,5*3222,4*3224,2*3322,
895  &3324,2*2224,7*2212,5*2214,2*2112,2*2114,2*3122,2*3212,2*3214,
896  &2*3222,2*3224,4*2,3,2*2,1,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,4*4122,-11,-13,2*2,
897  &3*4132,3*4232,-11,-13,2*2,4332,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,
898  &2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,-11,-13,2*2,2*5122,-12,
899  &-14,-16,5*4122,441,443,20443,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,
900  &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,4*5122,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,
901  &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,2*5132,2*5232,-12,-14,-16,
902  &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,5332,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,
903  &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,
904  &2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,
905  &-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,
906  &-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,
907  &2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2/
908  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=1403,1713)/2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,
909  &-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,
910  &-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,-12,-14,-16,2*-2,2*-4,-2,-4,221,223,221,
911  &223,211,111,321,130,310,213,113,-213,321,311,321,311,323,313,
912  &2*311,321,311,321,313,323,321,211,111,321,130,310,2*211,313,-313,
913  &323,-323,421,411,423,413,411,421,413,423,411,421,423,413,443,
914  &2*82,521,511,523,513,511,521,513,523,521,511,523,513,511,521,513,
915  &523,553,2*21,213,-213,113,213,10211,10111,-10211,2*221,213,2*113,
916  &-213,2*321,2*311,113,323,2*313,323,313,-313,323,-323,423,2*413,
917  &2*423,413,443,82,523,2*513,2*523,2*513,523,553,21,11,13,82,4*443,
918  &10441,20443,445,441,11,13,15,1,2,3,4,21,22,2*553,10551,20553,555,
919  &1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,
920  &1000002,2000002,1000002,2000002,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,
921  &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,
922  &1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000001,
923  &2000001,1000001,2000001,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,
924  &1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,
925  &1000004,2000004,1000004,2000004,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,
926  &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,
927  &1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000003/
928  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=1714,1984)/2000003,1000003,2000003,1000021,
929  &3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,
930  &1000023,1000025,1000035,1000006,2000006,1000006,2000006,1000021,
931  &3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,
932  &15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,
933  &1000025,1000035,1000005,2000005,1000005,2000005,1000021,1000022,
934  &1000016,-1000015,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,
935  &-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000012,2000012,1000012,
936  &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-14,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,
937  &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000011,2000011,1000011,
938  &2000011,3*-13,3*-15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,
939  &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000014,2000014,1000014,2000014,
940  &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,
941  &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000013,2000013,1000013,
942  &2000013,3*-11,3*-15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,
943  &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000016,2000016,1000016,2000016,
944  &2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-14,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,1000024,
945  &1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000015,2000015,1000015,
946  &2000015,3*-11,3*-13,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,1000039,1000001,-1000001,
947  &2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,2000002,-2000002,1000003/
948  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=1985,2321)/-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,
949  &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,
950  &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,
951  &6*1000035,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,
952  &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,-12,12,-11,11,
953  &-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,
954  &-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,
955  &-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,
956  &-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,
957  &-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,
958  &-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,
959  &-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039,4,1,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,
960  &-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,
961  &-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,
962  &-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,
963  &-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,
964  &-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,
965  &-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,
966  &-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,
967  &-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4/
968  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=2322,2573)/4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039,
969  &16*1000022,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,
970  &1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000037,
971  &-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,
972  &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000024,-1000024,1000037,
973  &-1000037,1000001,-1000001,2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,
974  &2000002,-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,
975  &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,
976  &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,
977  &-2000011,1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,
978  &2000013,-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,
979  &-1000015,2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,
980  &5*1000021,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,
981  &14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,
982  &16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,
983  &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,
984  &12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,
985  &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,
986  &14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,
987  &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16/
988  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=2574,2892)/16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,
989  &-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,2*1000039,6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,
990  &6*1000035,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000002,2000002,
991  &-1000001,-2000001,1000004,2000004,-1000003,-2000003,1000006,
992  &2000006,-1000005,-2000005,1000012,2000012,-1000011,-2000011,
993  &1000014,2000014,-1000013,-2000013,1000016,2000016,-1000015,
994  &-2000015,2*1000021,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,
995  &-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-14,-13,-14,-13,-14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,
996  &-13,-14,14,-13,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,-16,-15,
997  &-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,
998  &-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-14,2*-13,14,
999  &-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,
1000  &-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,
1001  &-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,
1002  &-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,2,-1,2,-1,2*2,-1,2,-1,3*2,-1,2*4,-3,
1003  &3*4,-3,2*6,5*1000039,16*1000022,16*1000023,1000024,-1000024,
1004  &1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,
1005  &-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,
1006  &1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,
1007  &-1000037,1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000001,-1000001/
1008  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=2893,3182)/2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,
1009  &2000002,-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,
1010  &-1000004,2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,
1011  &1000006,-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,
1012  &-2000011,1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,
1013  &2000013,-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,
1014  &-1000015,2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,
1015  &5*1000021,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,
1016  &14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,
1017  &16,-16,16,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,
1018  &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,
1019  &12,-11,11,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,
1020  &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,
1021  &14,-13,13,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,
1022  &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,
1023  &16,-15,15,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,5*1000039,
1024  &16*1000022,16*1000023,16*1000025,1000024,-1000024,1000024,
1025  &-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,1000024,-1000024,
1026  &1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,
1027  &-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037,1000037,-1000037/
1028  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=3183,3459)/1000024,-1000024,1000037,-1000037,
1029  &1000001,-1000001,2000001,-2000001,1000002,-1000002,2000002,
1030  &-2000002,1000003,-1000003,2000003,-2000003,1000004,-1000004,
1031  &2000004,-2000004,1000005,-1000005,2000005,-2000005,1000006,
1032  &-1000006,2000006,-2000006,1000011,-1000011,2000011,-2000011,
1033  &1000012,-1000012,2000012,-2000012,1000013,-1000013,2000013,
1034  &-2000013,1000014,-1000014,2000014,-2000014,1000015,-1000015,
1035  &2000015,-2000015,1000016,-1000016,2000016,-2000016,5*1000021,-12,
1036  &12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-12,12,-14,14,-14,14,-14,14,-14,
1037  &14,-14,14,-14,14,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-16,16,-12,
1038  &12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,
1039  &11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-12,12,-11,11,-14,
1040  &14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,
1041  &13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-14,14,-13,13,-16,
1042  &16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,
1043  &15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-16,16,-15,15,-2,2,
1044  &-2,2,-2,2,-4,4,-4,4,-4,4,-6,6,-6,6,-6,6,2*1000039,15*1000024,
1045  &6*1000022,6*1000023,6*1000025,6*1000035,1000022,1000023,1000025,
1046  &1000035,1000002,2000002,-1000001,-2000001,1000004,2000004,
1047  &-1000003,-2000003,1000006,2000006,-1000005,-2000005,1000012/
1048  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=3460,3782)/2000012,-1000011,-2000011,1000014,
1049  &2000014,-1000013,-2000013,1000016,2000016,-1000015,-2000015,
1050  &2*1000021,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,-12,12,-11,
1051  &-12,12,-11,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,-13,-14,14,
1052  &-13,-14,14,-13,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,16,-15,-16,
1053  &16,-15,-16,16,-15,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,
1054  &2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,2*-11,12,-12,
1055  &2*-11,12,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,
1056  &2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-14,2*-13,14,-16,
1057  &2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,
1058  &2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,-16,2*-15,16,2,-1,2,-1,2*2,-1,
1059  &2,-1,3*2,-1,2*4,-3,3*4,-3,2*6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,
1060  &1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000001,1000002,2000002,1000002,
1061  &2000002,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,
1062  &14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,1000024,1000037,
1063  &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000002,1000001,2000001,
1064  &1000001,2000001,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,
1065  &-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000003,
1066  &1000004,2000004,1000004,2000004,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,
1067  &12,11,12,11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6/
1068  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=3783,4127)/1000039,1000024,1000037,1000022,
1069  &1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000004,1000003,2000003,1000003,
1070  &2000003,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,-3,1000039,-1000024,
1071  &-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000005,1000006,
1072  &2000006,1000006,2000006,1000021,3*-12,3*-14,3*-16,12,11,12,11,12,
1073  &11,14,13,14,13,14,13,16,15,16,15,16,15,2*-2,2*-4,2*-6,1000039,
1074  &1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000006,
1075  &1000005,2000005,1000005,2000005,1000021,3*-11,3*-13,3*-15,2*-1,
1076  &-3,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,
1077  &4*1000011,1000012,2000012,1000012,2000012,2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-14,
1078  &3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,1000022,1000023,
1079  &1000025,1000035,4*1000013,1000014,2000014,1000014,2000014,2*12,
1080  &2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-16,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,1000039,-1000024,-1000037,
1081  &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,4*1000015,1000016,2000016,
1082  &1000016,2000016,2*12,2*14,2*16,3*-12,3*-14,3*-2,3*-4,3*-6,3,4,5,
1083  &6,11,13,15,21,2*4,2,4,24,-11,-13,-15,3,4,5,6,11,13,15,21,5,6,21,
1084  &2*24,2*3000211,2*22,2*23,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,
1085  &2*24,3*3000211,24,4*-1,4*-3,4*-5,4*-7,-11,-13,-15,-17,22,23,22,
1086  &23,24,3000211,24,3000211,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,
1087  &1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,1,2,3,4/
1088  DATA (kfdp(i,1),i=4128,8000)/5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,21,
1089  &3100111,3200111,21,22,23,-24,21,22,23,24,22,23,-24,23,24,1,2,3,4,
1090  &5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,9*11,9*-11,2*11,
1091  &2*-11,9*13,9*-13,2*13,2*-13,9*15,9*-15,2*15,2*-15,1,2,3,4,5,6,11,
1092  &12,9900012,13,14,9900014,15,16,9900016,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,-11,-13,
1093  &-15,3*-11,2*-13,-15,24,3*-11,2*-13,-15,9900024,3*443,3*553,
1094  &3710*0/
1095  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i= 1, 339)/3*1,2,4,6,8,1,3*2,1,3,5,7,2,3*3,2,4,
1096  &6,8,3,3*4,1,3,5,7,4,3*5,2,4,6,8,5,3*6,1,3,5,7,6,5,6*1000006,3*7,
1097  &2,4,6,8,7,4,6,3*8,1,3,5,7,8,5,7,2*11,12,11,12,2*11,2*13,14,13,14,
1098  &13,11,13,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,2*-211,-321,
1099  &-323,-321,2*-323,3*-321,4*-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,-213,-211,
1100  &-213,-211,-213,3*-211,-213,4*-211,-323,-321,2*-211,2*-321,3*-211,
1101  &2*15,16,15,16,15,2*17,18,17,2*18,2*17,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,21,
1102  &-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,
1103  &-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,
1104  &12,14,16,18,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,
1105  &-24,2*1000022,1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000022,1000023,
1106  &1000025,1000035,-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,-1000037,-1000001,
1107  &2*-2000001,2000001,-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002,-1000003,
1108  &2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004,2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005,
1109  &2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,
1110  &2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,
1111  &2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,
1112  &2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,2*-2000016,2000016,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,
1113  &-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,-24,-37,22,25,2*36,2,4,6,8,
1114  &2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,23,22,25,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6/
1115  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i= 340, 533)/-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,
1116  &-24,2*25,-37,-24,3*36,2*1000022,1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,
1117  &1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,
1118  &-1000037,-1000001,2*-2000001,2000001,-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002,
1119  &-1000003,2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004,2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005,
1120  &2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,
1121  &2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,
1122  &2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,
1123  &2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,2*-2000016,2000016,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,
1124  &-7,-8,-11,-13,-15,-17,21,22,2*23,-24,2*25,-37,-24,2*1000022,
1125  &1000023,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,
1126  &-1000024,-1000037,-1000024,-1000037,-1000001,2*-2000001,2000001,
1127  &-1000002,2*-2000002,2000002,-1000003,2*-2000003,2000003,-1000004,
1128  &2*-2000004,2000004,-1000005,2*-2000005,2000005,-1000006,
1129  &2*-2000006,2000006,-1000011,2*-2000011,2000011,-1000012,
1130  &2*-2000012,2000012,-1000013,2*-2000013,2000013,-1000014,
1131  &2*-2000014,2000014,-1000015,2*-2000015,2000015,-1000016,
1132  &2*-2000016,2000016,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,25,1000024,1000037,
1133  &1000024,1000037,1000024,1000037,1000024,1000037,2*-1000005,
1134  &2*-2000005,1000002,1000004,1000012,1000014,2*1000016,-3,-4,-5,-6/
1135  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i= 534, 938)/-7,-8,-13,-15,-17,11,-82,12,14,-1,
1136  &-3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,22,11,-211,2*22,-13,-11,-211,211,111,211,
1137  &-321,130,310,22,2*111,-211,11,-11,13,-13,-211,111,22,14,12,111,
1138  &22,111,3*211,-311,22,211,22,111,-211,211,11,-211,13,22,-211,111,
1139  &-211,22,111,-11,-211,111,2*-211,-321,130,310,221,111,-211,111,
1140  &2*0,-211,111,22,-211,111,-211,111,-211,211,-213,113,223,221,14,
1141  &111,211,111,-11,-13,211,111,22,211,111,211,111,2*211,213,113,223,
1142  &221,22,-211,111,113,223,22,111,-321,310,211,111,2*-211,221,22,
1143  &-11,-13,-211,-321,130,310,221,-211,111,11*12,11*14,2*211,2*213,
1144  &211,20213,2*321,2*323,211,213,211,213,211,213,211,213,211,213,
1145  &211,213,3*211,213,211,2*321,8*211,2*113,3*211,111,22,211,111,211,
1146  &111,4*211,8*12,8*14,2*211,2*213,2*111,221,2*113,223,333,20213,
1147  &211,2*321,323,2*311,313,-211,111,113,2*211,321,2*211,311,321,310,
1148  &211,-211,4*211,321,4*211,113,2*211,-321,111,22,-211,111,-211,111,
1149  &-211,211,-211,211,16,5*12,5*14,3*211,3*213,211,2*111,2*113,
1150  &2*-311,2*-313,-2112,3*321,323,2*-1,22,111,321,311,321,311,-82,
1151  &-11,-13,-82,22,-82,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,20213,211,213,20213,
1152  &431,433,431,433,311,313,311,313,311,313,-1,-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,
1153  &-211,111,-211,111,-211,211,-211,211,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,
1154  &20213,211,213,20213,431,433,431,433,321,323,321,323,321,323,-1/
1155  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i= 939,1352)/-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,211,111,211,111,
1156  &4*211,6*-11,6*-13,2*-15,211,213,20213,211,213,20213,431,433,431,
1157  &433,221,331,333,221,331,333,221,331,333,-1,-4,-3,-4,-1,-3,22,
1158  &-321,-311,-321,-311,-15,-3,-1,2*-11,2*-13,2*-15,-1,-4,-3,-4,-3,
1159  &-4,-1,-4,2*12,2*14,2,3,2,3,2*12,2*14,2,1,22,411,421,411,421,21,
1160  &-11,-13,-15,-1,-2,-3,-4,2*21,22,21,2*-211,111,22,111,211,22,211,
1161  &-211,11,2*-211,111,-211,111,22,11,22,111,-211,211,111,211,22,211,
1162  &111,211,-211,22,11,13,11,-211,2*111,2*22,111,211,-321,-211,111,
1163  &11,2*-211,7*12,7*14,-321,-323,-311,-313,-311,-313,211,213,211,
1164  &213,211,213,111,221,331,113,223,111,221,113,223,321,323,321,-211,
1165  &-213,111,221,331,113,223,333,10221,111,221,331,113,223,211,213,
1166  &211,213,321,323,321,323,321,323,311,313,311,313,2*-1,-3,-1,2203,
1167  &3201,3203,2203,2101,2103,12,14,-1,-3,2*111,2*211,12,14,-1,-3,22,
1168  &111,2*22,111,22,12,14,-1,-3,22,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,
1169  &-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,12,14,-1,-3,2*-211,11,13,
1170  &15,-211,-213,-20213,-431,-433,3*3122,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,
1171  &4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,2*111,2*211,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,
1172  &13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,4*22,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,22,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,
1173  &1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,
1174  &3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3/
1175  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=1353,1815)/11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,
1176  &4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,
1177  &1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,
1178  &3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,11,13,15,1,4,3,4,1,3,
1179  &2*111,2*211,-211,111,-321,130,310,-211,111,211,-211,111,-213,113,
1180  &-211,111,223,211,111,213,113,211,111,223,-211,111,-321,130,310,
1181  &2*-211,-311,311,-321,321,211,111,211,111,-211,111,-211,111,311,
1182  &2*321,311,22,2*-82,-211,111,-211,111,211,111,211,111,-321,-311,
1183  &-321,-311,411,421,411,421,22,2*21,-211,2*211,111,-211,111,2*211,
1184  &111,-211,211,111,211,-321,2*-311,-321,22,-211,111,211,111,-311,
1185  &311,-321,321,211,111,-211,111,321,311,22,-82,-211,111,211,111,
1186  &-321,-311,411,421,22,21,-11,-13,-82,211,111,221,111,4*22,-11,-13,
1187  &-15,-1,-2,-3,-4,2*21,211,111,3*22,1,2*2,4*1,2*-24,2*-37,2*1,3,5,
1188  &1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-3,-5,-3,-5,-3,
1189  &-5,2,2*1,4*2,2*24,2*37,2,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,3,2*4,4*3,
1190  &2*-24,2*-37,3,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,
1191  &5,6,-1,-5,-1,-5,-1,-5,4,2*3,4*4,2*24,2*37,4,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,
1192  &2*-5,5,2*6,4*5,2*-24,2*-37,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,
1193  &4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1,-3,-1,-3,-1,-3,6,2*5,4*6,2*24,2*37,6,4,-15,
1194  &16,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,11,2*12,4*11,2*-24,-37,13,15,11,15/
1195  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=1816,2317)/11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,
1196  &1,3,5,12,2*11,4*12,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,
1197  &13,2*14,4*13,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,
1198  &5,1,3,5,1,3,5,14,2*13,4*14,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,
1199  &5,1,3,5,15,2*16,4*15,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,
1200  &13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,16,2*15,4*16,2*24,2*37,11,13,15,11,13,15,
1201  &1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,21,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,-4,4,-5,
1202  &5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,1,3,5,2,4,6,
1203  &1,-1,3,-3,5,-5,1,-1,3,-3,5,-5,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,
1204  &-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,
1205  &-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,
1206  &-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,
1207  &-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,
1208  &-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,23,25,35,36,-1,-3,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,
1209  &-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,
1210  &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,
1211  &1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,
1212  &6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,
1213  &5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,
1214  &4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3/
1215  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=2318,2770)/3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,
1216  &23,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,-24,24,11,
1217  &-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,
1218  &-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,-4,4,-5,5,-5,
1219  &5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13,-13,13,-14,14,-14,
1220  &14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,
1221  &-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,
1222  &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,
1223  &1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,
1224  &6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,
1225  &5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,
1226  &4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,
1227  &3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,24,37,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,
1228  &-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,4*37,
1229  &2*-1,2*2,2*-3,2*4,2*-5,2*6,2*-11,2*12,2*-13,2*14,2*-15,2*16,-1,
1230  &-3,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,14,-13,-15,16,2*-15,16,2*-15,16,-15,
1231  &6*-11,-15,16,2*-15,16,2*-15,16,-15,6*-11,6*-13,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,
1232  &-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,
1233  &-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,
1234  &-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1/
1235  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=2771,3221)/2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,
1236  &-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,2,-1,2,-1,
1237  &2*4,-3,4,-3,3*6,-5,2*4,-3,3*6,-5,2*6,22,23,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,
1238  &15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,
1239  &25,35,36,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,
1240  &-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,
1241  &-4,4,-4,4,-5,5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13,
1242  &-13,13,-14,14,-14,14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,
1243  &13,-13,13,-13,13,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,
1244  &15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,
1245  &-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,
1246  &-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,
1247  &-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,
1248  &-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,
1249  &-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,22,23,25,35,36,
1250  &22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,
1251  &16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,22,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,
1252  &-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,3,-3,-24,24,11,-11,13,-13,15,
1253  &-15,1,-1,3,-3,-37,37,-37,37,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-3,3,-3,3,-4,4,
1254  &-4,4,-5,5,-5,5,-6,6,-6,6,-11,11,-11,11,-12,12,-12,12,-13,13,-13/
1255  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=3222,3669)/13,-14,14,-14,14,-15,15,-15,15,-16,
1256  &16,-16,16,1,3,5,2,4,-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,
1257  &-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,-15,15,-15,15,-15,15,-11,11,-11,11,-11,11,
1258  &-13,13,-13,13,-13,13,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,
1259  &3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,
1260  &2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,
1261  &5,-6,6,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,4,-3,3,-4,
1262  &4,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-5,5,-6,6,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,1,-1,1,-3,3,-1,
1263  &1,-1,1,-3,3,24,37,23,11,13,15,12,14,16,1,3,5,2,4,25,35,36,24,-11,
1264  &-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,-13,-15,-1,-3,24,-11,
1265  &-13,-15,-1,-3,4*37,2*-1,2*2,2*-3,2*4,2*-5,2*6,2*-11,2*12,2*-13,
1266  &2*14,2*-15,2*16,-1,-3,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,14,-13,-15,16,2*-15,
1267  &16,2*-15,16,-15,-11,12,2*-11,12,2*-11,12,-11,-15,16,2*-15,16,
1268  &2*-15,16,-15,-11,12,2*-11,12,2*-11,12,-11,-13,14,2*-13,14,2*-13,
1269  &14,-13,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,
1270  &-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,
1271  &-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,
1272  &6,-5,-6,-5,6,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-1,-2,-1,2,-3,-4,-3,4,-3,-4,
1273  &-3,4,-3,-4,-3,4,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,-5,-6,-5,6,2,-1,2,-1,2*4,
1274  &-3,4,-3,3*6,-5,2*4,-3,3*6,-5,2*6,1,2*2,4*1,23,25,35,36,2*-24/
1275  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=3670,4136)/2*-37,2*1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,
1276  &6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-3,-5,-3,-5,-3,-5,2,2*1,4*2,23,25,35,
1277  &36,2*24,2*37,2,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,3,2*4,4*3,23,25,35,36,
1278  &2*-24,2*-37,3,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,
1279  &5,6,-1,-5,-1,-5,-1,-5,4,2*3,4*4,23,25,35,36,2*24,2*37,4,1,3,5,1,
1280  &3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,5,2*6,4*5,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,5,1,3,5,1,3,
1281  &5,1,3,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1,-3,-1,-3,-1,-3,6,
1282  &2*5,4*6,23,25,35,36,2*24,2*37,6,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,2*-5,11,
1283  &2*12,4*11,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,
1284  &13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,13,2*14,4*13,23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,
1285  &15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,15,2*16,4*15,
1286  &23,25,35,36,2*-24,2*-37,13,15,11,15,11,13,11,13,15,11,13,15,1,3,
1287  &5,1,3,5,1,3,5,-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-13,-15,21,-1,-3,2*-5,5,12,14,16,
1288  &-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-13,-15,21,-5,-6,21,-24,-3000211,-24,-3000211,
1289  &3000111,3000221,3000111,3000221,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,
1290  &-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,23,3000111,23,3000111,22,3000221,2,4,6,8,
1291  &2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,2,4,6,8,12,14,16,18,2*3000111,2*3000221,-3000211,
1292  &2*-24,-3000211,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,
1293  &-17,-18,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,
1294  &21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,21,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-1/
1295  DATA (kfdp(i,2),i=4137,8000)/-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,3*21,3*1,4*2,1,2*11,
1296  &2*12,11,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,
1297  &21,22,23,-24,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-13,2*15,3*-1,3*-3,
1298  &3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-11,2*15,3*-1,3*-3,3*-5,3*1,3*3,3*5,2*-11,
1299  &2*13,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-11,-12,9900012,-13,-14,9900014,-15,-16,
1300  &9900016,2,4,6,2,4,6,2,4,6,9900012,9900014,9900016,-11,-13,-15,
1301  &-13,2*-15,24,-11,-13,-15,-13,2*-15,9900024,6*21,3710*0/
1302  DATA (kfdp(i,3),i= 1,1021)/81*0,14,6*0,2*16,2*0,6*111,310,130,
1303  &2*0,3*111,310,130,321,113,211,223,221,2*113,2*211,2*223,2*221,
1304  &2*113,221,2*113,2*213,-213,113,2*111,310,130,310,130,2*310,130,
1305  &402*0,4*3,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,0,-11,8*0,-211,5*0,2*111,211,-211,211,
1306  &-211,10*0,111,4*0,2*111,-211,-11,11,-13,22,111,3*0,22,3*0,111,
1307  &211,4*0,111,11*0,111,-211,6*0,-211,3*111,7*0,111,-211,5*0,2*221,
1308  &3*0,111,5*0,111,11*0,-311,-313,-311,-321,-313,-323,111,221,331,
1309  &113,223,-311,-313,-311,-321,-313,-323,111,221,331,113,223,22*0,
1310  &111,113,2*211,-211,-311,211,111,3*211,-211,7*211,7*0,111,-211,
1311  &111,-211,-321,-323,-311,-321,-313,-323,-211,-213,-321,-323,-311,
1312  &-321,-313,-323,-211,-213,22*0,111,113,-311,2*-211,211,-211,310,
1313  &-211,2*111,211,2*-211,-321,-211,2*211,-211,111,-211,2*211,6*0,
1314  &111,-211,111,-211,0,221,331,333,321,311,221,331,333,321,311,20*0,
1315  &3,13*0,-411,-413,-10413,-10411,-20413,-415,-411,-413,-10413,
1316  &-10411,-20413,-415,-411,-413,16*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,5*0,111,-211,
1317  &111,-211,-421,-423,-10423,-10421,-20423,-425,-421,-423,-10423,
1318  &-10421,-20423,-425,-421,-423,16*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,5*0,111,-211,
1319  &111,-211,-431,-433,-10433,-10431,-20433,-435,-431,-433,-10433,
1320  &-10431,-20433,-435,-431,-433,19*0,-4,-1,-4,-3,2*-2,8*0,441,443,
1321  &441,443,441,443,-4,-1,-4,-3,-4,-3,-4,-1,531,533,531,533,3,2,3,2/
1322  DATA (kfdp(i,3),i=1022,2223)/511,513,511,513,1,2,13*0,2*21,11*0,
1323  &2112,6*0,2212,12*0,2*3122,3212,10*0,3322,2*0,3122,3212,3214,2112,
1324  &2114,2212,2112,3122,3212,3214,2112,2114,2212,2112,52*0,3*3,1,6*0,
1325  &4*3,4*0,4*3,6*0,4*3,0,28*3,2*0,3*4122,8*0,4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,
1326  &2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*0,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*0,4*4,1,4,3,
1327  &2*2,0,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,
1328  &4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,
1329  &3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,
1330  &4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,3,2*2,4*4,1,4,
1331  &3,2*2,31*0,211,111,45*0,-211,2*111,-211,3*111,-211,111,211,30*0,
1332  &-211,111,13*0,2*21,-211,111,199*0,2*5,210*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1,
1333  &-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,-6,-2,2,-4,4,-6,
1334  &6,-2,2,-4,4,-6,6,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,
1335  &-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,
1336  &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,
1337  &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,
1338  &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,
1339  &-5,5,-5,5,5*0,11,12,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,
1340  &-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,
1341  &-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3/
1342  DATA (kfdp(i,3),i=2224,2783)/-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,
1343  &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,
1344  &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,
1345  &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,
1346  &-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,7*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,
1347  &-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12,
1348  &-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,
1349  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,
1350  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,
1351  &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,
1352  &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,
1353  &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,
1354  &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,
1355  &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,3*0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,
1356  &4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,28*0,2,4,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,
1357  &-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,12,-11,11,
1358  &14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,12,11,14,13,16,15,2*2,1,-1,
1359  &2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,
1360  &2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,
1361  &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1/
1362  DATA (kfdp(i,3),i=2784,3354)/2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,
1363  &2*6,5,-5,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,3,7*0,
1364  &-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,
1365  &-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12,
1366  &-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,
1367  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,
1368  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,
1369  &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,
1370  &-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,
1371  &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,
1372  &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,
1373  &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,7*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,
1374  &-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,
1375  &-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,5*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,
1376  &-2,2,-4,4,2*0,-12,12,-14,14,-16,16,-2,2,-4,4,52*0,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,
1377  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,
1378  &11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,11,-11,13,-13,15,-15,1,
1379  &-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,
1380  &-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,
1381  &-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3/
1382  DATA (kfdp(i,3),i=3355,8000)/-3,5,-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,
1383  &-5,5,-5,1,-1,1,-1,3,-3,3,-3,5,-5,5,-5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,
1384  &-5,5,-3,3,-5,5,-5,5,3*0,-11,-13,-15,-12,-14,-16,-1,-3,-5,-2,-4,
1385  &4*0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,0,12,14,16,2,4,
1386  &28*0,2,4,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,
1387  &-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,
1388  &15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,12,-11,11,14,-13,13,16,-15,15,
1389  &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,
1390  &2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,
1391  &2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,
1392  &2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,2*2,1,-1,2*4,3,-3,2*6,5,-5,3,-3,5,-5,
1393  &1,3,-3,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,5,-5,1,3,5,-5,1,3,351*0,-5,169*0,2,4,6,2,
1394  &4,6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900014,2*9900016,2,4,6,2,
1395  &4,6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900012,2*9900016,2,4,6,2,
1396  &4,6,2,4,6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,-2,-4,-6,2*9900012,2*9900014,3757*0/
1397  DATA (kfdp(i,4),i= 1,8000)/94*0,4*111,6*0,111,2*0,-211,0,-211,
1398  &3*0,111,2*-211,0,111,0,2*111,113,221,2*111,-213,-211,211,113,
1399  &6*111,310,2*130,402*0,13*81,41*0,-11,10*0,111,-211,4*0,111,62*0,
1400  &111,211,111,211,7*0,111,211,111,211,35*0,2*-211,2*111,211,111,
1401  &-211,2*211,2*-211,13*0,-211,111,-211,111,4*0,-211,111,-211,111,
1402  &34*0,111,-211,3*111,3*-211,2*111,3*-211,14*0,-321,-311,3*0,-321,
1403  &-311,20*0,-3,43*0,6*1,39*0,6*2,42*0,6*3,14*0,8*4,4*0,4*-5,4*0,
1404  &2*-5,67*0,-211,111,5*0,-211,111,52*0,2101,2103,2*2101,6*0,4*81,
1405  &4*0,4*81,6*0,4*81,0,28*81,13*0,6*2101,18*81,4*0,18*81,4*0,9*81,0,
1406  &162*81,31*0,-211,111,6516*0/
1407  DATA (kfdp(i,5),i= 1,8000)/96*0,2*111,17*0,111,7*0,2*111,0,
1408  &3*111,0,111,597*0,-211,2*111,-211,111,-211,111,65*0,111,-211,
1409  &3*111,-211,111,7193*0/
1411 C...PYDAT4, with particle names (character strings).
1413  DATA (chaf(i,1),i= 1, 202)/'d','u','s','c','b','t','b''','t''',
1414  &2*' ','e-','nu_e','mu-','nu_mu','tau-','nu_tau','tau''-',
1415  &'nu''_tau',2*' ','g','gamma','Z0','W+','h0',6*' ','Z''0','Z"0',
1416  &'W''+','H0','A0','H+',' ','Graviton',' ','R0','LQ_ue',38*' ',
1417  &'specflav','rndmflav','phasespa','c-hadron','b-hadron',2*' ',
1418  &'junction',' ','system','cluster','string','indep.','CMshower',
1419  &'SPHEaxis','THRUaxis','CLUSjet','CELLjet','table',' ','reggeon',
1420  &'pi0','rho0','a_20','K_L0','pi+','rho+','a_2+','eta','omega',
1421  &'f_2','K_S0','K0','K*0','K*_20','K+','K*+','K*_2+','eta''','phi',
1422  &'f''_2','D+','D*+','D*_2+','D0','D*0','D*_20','D_s+','D*_s+',
1423  &'D*_2s+','eta_c','J/psi','chi_2c','B0','B*0','B*_20','B+','B*+',
1424  &'B*_2+','B_s0','B*_s0','B*_2s0','B_c+','B*_c+','B*_2c+','eta_b',
1425  &'Upsilon','chi_2b','pomeron','dd_1','Delta-','ud_0','ud_1','n0',
1426  &'Delta0','uu_1','p+','Delta+','Delta++','sd_0','sd_1','Sigma-',
1427  &'Sigma*-','Lambda0','su_0','su_1','Sigma0','Sigma*0','Sigma+',
1428  &'Sigma*+','ss_1','Xi-','Xi*-','Xi0','Xi*0','Omega-','cd_0',
1429  &'cd_1','Sigma_c0','Sigma*_c0','Lambda_c+','Xi_c0','cu_0','cu_1',
1430  &'Sigma_c+','Sigma*_c+','Sigma_c++','Sigma*_c++','Xi_c+','cs_0',
1431  &'cs_1','Xi''_c0','Xi*_c0','Xi''_c+','Xi*_c+','Omega_c0',
1432  &'Omega*_c0','cc_1','Xi_cc+','Xi*_cc+','Xi_cc++','Xi*_cc++'/
1433  DATA (chaf(i,1),i= 203, 332)/'Omega_cc+','Omega*_cc+',
1434  &'Omega*_ccc++','bd_0','bd_1','Sigma_b-','Sigma*_b-','Lambda_b0',
1435  &'Xi_b-','Xi_bc0','bu_0','bu_1','Sigma_b0','Sigma*_b0','Sigma_b+',
1436  &'Sigma*_b+','Xi_b0','Xi_bc+','bs_0','bs_1','Xi''_b-','Xi*_b-',
1437  &'Xi''_b0','Xi*_b0','Omega_b-','Omega*_b-','Omega_bc0','bc_0',
1438  &'bc_1','Xi''_bc0','Xi*_bc0','Xi''_bc+','Xi*_bc+','Omega''_bc0',
1439  &'Omega*_bc0','Omega_bcc+','Omega*_bcc+','bb_1','Xi_bb-',
1440  &'Xi*_bb-','Xi_bb0','Xi*_bb0','Omega_bb-','Omega*_bb-',
1441  &'Omega_bbc0','Omega*_bbc0','Omega*_bbb-','a_00','b_10','a_0+',
1442  &'b_1+','f_0','h_1','K*_00','K_10','K*_0+','K_1+','f''_0','h''_1',
1443  &'D*_0+','D_1+','D*_00','D_10','D*_0s+','D_1s+','chi_0c','h_1c',
1444  &'B*_00','B_10','B*_0+','B_1+','B*_0s0','B_1s0','B*_0c+','B_1c+',
1445  &'chi_0b','h_1b','a_10','a_1+','f_1','K*_10','K*_1+','f''_1',
1446  &'D*_1+','D*_10','D*_1s+','chi_1c','B*_10','B*_1+','B*_1s0',
1447  &'B*_1c+','chi_1b','psi''','Upsilon''','~d_L','~u_L','~s_L',
1448  &'~c_L','~b_1','~t_1','~e_L-','~nu_eL','~mu_L-','~nu_muL',
1449  &'~tau_1-','~nu_tauL','~g','~chi_10','~chi_20','~chi_1+',
1450  &'~chi_30','~chi_40','~chi_2+','~Gravitino','~d_R','~u_R','~s_R',
1451  &'~c_R','~b_2','~t_2','~e_R-','~nu_eR','~mu_R-','~nu_muR',
1452  &'~tau_2-','~nu_tauR','pi_tc0','pi_tc+','pi''_tc0','eta_tc0'/
1453  DATA (chaf(i,1),i= 333, 500)/'rho_tc0','rho_tc+','omega_tc',
1454  &'V8_tc','pi_22_1_tc','pi_22_8_tc','rho_11_tc','rho_12_tc',
1455  &'rho_21_tc','rho_22_tc','d*','u*','e*-','nu*_e0','Graviton*',
1456  &'nu_Re','nu_Rmu','nu_Rtau','Z_R0','W_R+','H_L++','H_R++',
1457  &'rho_diff0','pi_diffr+','omega_di','phi_diff','J/psi_di',
1458  &'n_diffr0','p_diffr+','cc~[3S18]','cc~[1S08]','cc~[3P08]',
1459  &'bb~[3S18]','bb~[1S08]','bb~[3P08]',133*' '/
1460  DATA (chaf(i,2),i= 1, 205)/'dbar','ubar','sbar','cbar','bbar',
1461  &'tbar','b''bar','t''bar',2*' ','e+','nu_ebar','mu+','nu_mubar',
1462  &'tau+','nu_taubar','tau''+','nu''_taubar',5*' ','W-',9*' ',
1463  &'W''-',2*' ','H-',3*' ','Rbar0','LQ_uebar',39*' ','rndmflavbar',
1464  &' ','c-hadronbar','b-hadronbar',20*' ','pi-','rho-','a_2-',4*' ',
1465  &'Kbar0','K*bar0','K*_2bar0','K-','K*-','K*_2-',3*' ','D-','D*-',
1466  &'D*_2-','Dbar0','D*bar0','D*_2bar0','D_s-','D*_s-','D*_2s-',
1467  &3*' ','Bbar0','B*bar0','B*_2bar0','B-','B*-','B*_2-','B_sbar0',
1468  &'B*_sbar0','B*_2sbar0','B_c-','B*_c-','B*_2c-',4*' ','dd_1bar',
1469  &'Deltabar+','ud_0bar','ud_1bar','nbar0','Deltabar0','uu_1bar',
1470  &'pbar-','Deltabar-','Deltabar--','sd_0bar','sd_1bar','Sigmabar+',
1471  &'Sigma*bar+','Lambdabar0','su_0bar','su_1bar','Sigmabar0',
1472  &'Sigma*bar0','Sigmabar-','Sigma*bar-','ss_1bar','Xibar+',
1473  &'Xi*bar+','Xibar0','Xi*bar0','Omegabar+','cd_0bar','cd_1bar',
1474  &'Sigma_cbar0','Sigma*_cbar0','Lambda_cbar-','Xi_cbar0','cu_0bar',
1475  &'cu_1bar','Sigma_cbar-','Sigma*_cbar-','Sigma_cbar--',
1476  &'Sigma*_cbar--','Xi_cbar-','cs_0bar','cs_1bar','Xi''_cbar0',
1477  &'Xi*_cbar0','Xi''_cbar-','Xi*_cbar-','Omega_cbar0',
1478  &'Omega*_cbar0','cc_1bar','Xi_ccbar-','Xi*_ccbar-','Xi_ccbar--',
1479  &'Xi*_ccbar--','Omega_ccbar-','Omega*_ccbar-','Omega*_cccbar-'/
1480  DATA (chaf(i,2),i= 206, 325)/'bd_0bar','bd_1bar','Sigma_bbar+',
1481  &'Sigma*_bbar+','Lambda_bbar0','Xi_bbar+','Xi_bcbar0','bu_0bar',
1482  &'bu_1bar','Sigma_bbar0','Sigma*_bbar0','Sigma_bbar-',
1483  &'Sigma*_bbar-','Xi_bbar0','Xi_bcbar-','bs_0bar','bs_1bar',
1484  &'Xi''_bbar+','Xi*_bbar+','Xi''_bbar0','Xi*_bbar0','Omega_bbar+',
1485  &'Omega*_bbar+','Omega_bcbar0','bc_0bar','bc_1bar','Xi''_bcbar0',
1486  &'Xi*_bcbar0','Xi''_bcbar-','Xi*_bcbar-','Omega''_bcba',
1487  &'Omega*_bcbar0','Omega_bccbar-','Omega*_bccbar-','bb_1bar',
1488  &'Xi_bbbar+','Xi*_bbbar+','Xi_bbbar0','Xi*_bbbar0','Omega_bbbar+',
1489  &'Omega*_bbbar+','Omega_bbcbar0','Omega*_bbcbar0',
1490  &'Omega*_bbbbar+',2*' ','a_0-','b_1-',2*' ','K*_0bar0','K_1bar0',
1491  &'K*_0-','K_1-',2*' ','D*_0-','D_1-','D*_0bar0','D_1bar0',
1492  &'D*_0s-','D_1s-',2*' ','B*_0bar0','B_1bar0','B*_0-','B_1-',
1493  &'B*_0sbar0','B_1sbar0','B*_0c-','B_1c-',3*' ','a_1-',' ',
1494  &'K*_1bar0','K*_1-',' ','D*_1-','D*_1bar0','D*_1s-',' ',
1495  &'B*_1bar0','B*_1-','B*_1sbar0','B*_1c-',3*' ','~d_Lbar',
1496  &'~u_Lbar','~s_Lbar','~c_Lbar','~b_1bar','~t_1bar','~e_L+',
1497  &'~nu_eLbar','~mu_L+','~nu_muLbar','~tau_1+','~nu_tauLbar',3*' ',
1498  &'~chi_1-',2*' ','~chi_2-',' ','~d_Rbar','~u_Rbar','~s_Rbar',
1499  &'~c_Rbar','~b_2bar','~t_2bar','~e_R+','~nu_eRbar','~mu_R+'/
1500  DATA (chaf(i,2),i= 326, 500)/'~nu_muRbar','~tau_2+',
1501  &'~nu_tauRbar',' ','pi_tc-',3*' ','rho_tc-',8*' ','d*bar','u*bar',
1502  &'e*bar+','nu*_ebar0',5*' ','W_R-','H_L--','H_R--',' ',
1503  &'pi_diffr-',3*' ','n_diffrbar0','p_diffrbar-',139*' '/
1505 C...PYDATR, with initial values for the random number generator.
1506  DATA mrpy/19780503,0,0,97,33,0/
1508 C...Default values for allowed processes and kinematics constraints.
1509  DATA msel/1/
1510  DATA msub/500*0/
1511  DATA ((kfin(i,j),j=-40,40),i=1,2)/16*0,4*1,4*0,6*1,5*0,5*1,0,
1512  &5*1,5*0,6*1,4*0,4*1,16*0,16*0,4*1,4*0,6*1,5*0,5*1,0,5*1,5*0,
1513  &6*1,4*0,4*1,16*0/
1514  DATA ckin/
1515  & 2.0d0, -1.0d0, 0.0d0, -1.0d0, 1.0d0,
1516  & 1.0d0, -10d0, 10d0, -40d0, 40d0,
1517  1 -40d0, 40d0, -40d0, 40d0, -40d0,
1518  1 40d0, -1.0d0, 1.0d0, -1.0d0, 1.0d0,
1519  2 0.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0, -1.0d0,
1520  2 1.0d0, -1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
1521  3 2.0d0, -1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0.0d0,
1522  3 -1.0d0, 0.0d0, -1.0d0, 4.0d0, -1.0d0,
1523  4 12.0d0, -1.0d0, 12.0d0, -1.0d0, 12.0d0,
1524  4 -1.0d0, 12.0d0, -1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
1525  5 0.0d0, -1.0d0, 0.0d0, -1.0d0, 0.0d0,
1526  5 -1.0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
1527  6 0.0001d0, 0.99d0, 0.0001d0, 0.99d0, 0d0,
1528  6 -1d0, 0d0, -1d0, 0d0, -1d0,
1529  7 0d0, -1d0, 0.0001d0, 0.99d0, 0.0001d0,
1530  7 0.99d0, 2d0, -1d0, 0d0, 0d0,
1531  8 120*0d0/
1533 C...Default values for main switches and parameters. Reset information.
1534  DATA (mstp(i),i=1,100)/
1535  & 3, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1536  1 1, 0, 1, 30, 0, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3,
1537  2 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1538  3 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 5, 2, 0,
1539  4 2, 1, 3, 7, 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1540  5 7, 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 7,
1541  6 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 0, 0,
1542  7 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1543  8 1, 4, 100, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 0,
1544  9 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/
1545  DATA (mstp(i),i=101,200)/
1546  & 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1547  1 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1548  2 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 100, 0, 0, 10, 0,
1549  3 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1550  4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1551  5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1552  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1553  7 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1554  8 6, 413, 2007, 09, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1555  9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/
1556  DATA (parp(i),i=1,100)/
1557  & 0.25d0, 10d0, 8*0d0,
1558  1 0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 0.01d0, 0.5d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.4d0, 2*0d0,
1559  2 10*0d0,
1560  3 1.5d0,2.0d0,0.075d0,1.0d0,0.2d0,0d0,1.0d0,0.70d0,0.006d0,0d0,
1561  4 0.02d0,2.0d0,0.10d0,1000d0,2054d0,123d0,246d0,50d0,0d0,0.054d0,
1562  5 10*0d0,
1563  6 0.25d0, 1.0d0,0.25d0, 1.0d0, 2.0d0,1d-3, 4.0d0,1d-3,2*0d0,
1564  7 4.0d0, 0.25d0, 5*0d0, 0.025d0, 2.0d0, 0.1d0,
1565  8 1.90d0, 2.0d0, 0.5d0, 0.4d0, 0.90d0,
1566  8 0.95d0, 0.7d0, 0.5d0, 1800d0, 0.16d0,
1567  9 2.0d0,0.40d0,5.0d0,1.0d0,0.0d0,3.0d0,1.0d0,0.75d0,1.0d0,5.0d0/
1568  DATA (parp(i),i=101,200)/
1569  & 0.5d0, 0.28d0, 1.0d0, 0.8d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1d0,
1570  1 2.0d0, 3*0d0, 1.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.6d0, 2.5d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0,
1571  2 1.0d0, 0.4d0, 8*0d0,
1572  3 0.01d0, 9*0d0,
1573  4 1.16d0, 0.0119d0, 0.01d0, 0.01d0, 0.05d0,
1574  4 9.28d0, 0.15d0, 0.02d0, 0.48d0, 0.09d0,
1575  5 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0,
1576  6 2.20d0, 23.6d0, 18.4d0, 11.5d0, 0.5d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 2*0d0,
1577  7 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1.0d0, 6*0d0,
1578  8 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 0.01d0, 0.01d0, 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 0.01d0, 0.01d0,
1579  8 0.3d0, 0.64d0,
1580  9 0.64d0, 5.0d0, 1.0d4, 1.0d4, 6*0d0/
1581  DATA msti/200*0/
1582  DATA pari/200*0d0/
1583  DATA mint/400*0/
1584  DATA vint/400*0d0/
1586 C...Constants for the generation of the various processes.
1587  DATA (iset(i),i=1,100)/
1588  & 1, 1, 1, -1, 3, -1, -1, 3, -2, 2,
1589  1 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2,
1590  2 -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2,
1591  3 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1,
1592  4 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
1593  5 -1, -1, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1,
1594  6 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 2,
1595  7 4, 4, 4, -1, -1, 4, 4, -1, -1, 2,
1596  8 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2,
1597  9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -2, -2, 8, -2/
1598  DATA (iset(i),i=101,200)/
1599  & -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, -2, 2,
1600  1 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2,
1601  2 5, 5, 5, 5, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
1602  3 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1603  4 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -2,
1604  5 1, 1, 1, -2, -2, 1, 1, 1, -2, -2,
1605  6 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2,
1606  7 2, 2, 5, 5, -2, 2, 2, 5, 5, -2,
1607  8 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2,
1608  9 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2/
1609  DATA (iset(i),i=201,300)/
1610  & 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1611  1 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1612  2 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1613  3 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1614  4 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1615  5 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, 2, -2,
1616  6 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
1617  7 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1618  8 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1619  9 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2/
1620  DATA (iset(i),i=301,500)/
1621  & 2, 39*-2,
1622  4 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1623  5 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
1624  6 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2,
1625  7 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1,
1626  8 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, -2,
1627  9 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5*-2,
1628  & 5, 5, 18*-2,
1629  2 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1630  3 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 21*-2,
1631  6 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
1632  7 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 21*-2/
1633  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,50)/
1634  & 23, 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 24, 0, 25, 0,
1635  & 24, 0, 23, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1636  1 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 21, 21, 22, 21, 23,
1637  1 21, 24, 21, 25, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 24,
1638  2 22, 25, 23, 23, 23, 24, 23, 25, 24, 24,
1639  2 24, 25, 25, 25, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 23,
1640  3 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 23,
1641  3 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 23,
1642  4 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 23,
1643  4 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 23/
1644  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=51,100)/
1645  5 0, 24, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1646  5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1647  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1648  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 21, 24, 24, 23, 24,
1649  7 23, 23, 24, 24, 23, 24, 23, 25, 22, 22,
1650  7 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 0, 211,
1651  8 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1652  8 443, 21,10441, 21,20443, 21, 445, 21, 0, 0,
1653  9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1654  9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/
1655  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=101,150)/
1656  & 23, 0, 25, 0, 25, 0,10441, 0, 445, 0,
1657  & 443, 22, 443, 21, 443, 22, 0, 0, 22, 25,
1658  1 21, 25, 0, 25, 21, 25, 22, 22, 21, 22,
1659  1 22, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1660  2 25, 6, 25, 6, 25, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0,
1661  2 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1662  3 0, 21, 0, 21, 0, 22, 0, 22, 0, 0,
1663  3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1664  4 32, 0, 34, 0, 37, 0, 41, 0, 42, 0,
1665  4 4000011, 0, 4000001, 0, 4000002, 0, 3000331, 0, 0, 0/
1666  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=151,200)/
1667  5 35, 0, 35, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1668  5 36, 0, 36, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1669  6 6, 37, 42, 0, 42, 42, 42, 42, 11, 0,
1670  6 11, 0, 0, 4000001, 0, 4000002, 0, 4000011, 0, 0,
1671  7 23, 35, 24, 35, 35, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0,
1672  7 23, 36, 24, 36, 36, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0,
1673  8 35, 6, 35, 6, 21, 35, 0, 35, 21, 35,
1674  8 36, 6, 36, 6, 21, 36, 0, 36, 21, 36,
1675  9 3000113, 0, 3000213, 0, 3000223, 0, 11, 0, 11, 0,
1676  9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0/
1677  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=201,240)/
1678  & 1000011, 1000011, 2000011, 2000011, 1000011,
1679  & 2000011, 1000013, 1000013, 2000013, 2000013,
1680  & 1000013, 2000013, 1000015, 1000015, 2000015,
1681  & 2000015, 1000015, 2000015, 1000011, 1000012,
1682  1 1000015, 1000016, 2000015, 1000016, 1000012,
1683  1 1000012, 1000016, 1000016, 0, 0,
1684  1 1000022, 1000022, 1000023, 1000023, 1000025,
1685  1 1000025, 1000035, 1000035, 1000022, 1000023,
1686  2 1000022, 1000025, 1000022, 1000035, 1000023,
1687  2 1000025, 1000023, 1000035, 1000025, 1000035,
1688  2 1000024, 1000024, 1000037, 1000037, 1000024,
1689  2 1000037, 1000022, 1000024, 1000023, 1000024,
1690  3 1000025, 1000024, 1000035, 1000024, 1000022,
1691  3 1000037, 1000023, 1000037, 1000025, 1000037,
1692  3 1000035, 1000037, 1000021, 1000022, 1000021,
1693  3 1000023, 1000021, 1000025, 1000021, 1000035/
1694  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=241,280)/
1695  4 1000021, 1000024, 1000021, 1000037, 1000021,
1696  4 1000021, 1000021, 1000021, 0, 0,
1697  4 1000002, 1000022, 2000002, 1000022, 1000002,
1698  4 1000023, 2000002, 1000023, 1000002, 1000025,
1699  5 2000002, 1000025, 1000002, 1000035, 2000002,
1700  5 1000035, 1000001, 1000024, 2000005, 1000024,
1701  5 1000001, 1000037, 2000005, 1000037, 1000002,
1702  5 1000021, 2000002, 1000021, 0, 0,
1703  6 1000006, 1000006, 2000006, 2000006, 1000006,
1704  6 2000006, 1000006, 1000006, 2000006, 2000006,
1705  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1706  6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1707  7 1000002, 1000002, 2000002, 2000002, 1000002,
1708  7 2000002, 1000002, 1000002, 2000002, 2000002,
1709  7 1000002, 2000002, 1000002, 1000002, 2000002,
1710  7 2000002, 1000002, 1000002, 2000002, 2000002/
1711  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=281,350)/
1712  8 1000005, 1000002, 2000005, 2000002, 1000005,
1713  8 2000002, 1000005, 1000002, 2000005, 2000002,
1714  8 1000005, 2000002, 1000005, 1000005, 2000005,
1715  8 2000005, 1000005, 1000005, 2000005, 2000005,
1716  9 1000005, 1000005, 2000005, 2000005, 1000005,
1717  9 2000005, 1000005, 1000021, 2000005, 1000021,
1718  9 1000005, 2000005, 37, 25, 37,
1719  9 35, 36, 25, 36, 35,
1720  & 37, 37, 78*0,
1721  4 9900041, 0, 9900042, 0, 9900041,
1722  4 11, 9900042, 11, 9900041, 13,
1723  4 9900042, 13, 9900041, 15, 9900042,
1724  4 15, 9900041, 9900041, 9900042, 9900042/
1725  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=351,400)/
1726  5 9900041, 0, 9900042, 0, 9900023,
1727  5 0, 9900024, 0, 0, 0,
1728  5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1729  5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1730  6 24, 24, 24, 3000211, 3000211,
1731  6 3000211, 22, 3000111, 22, 3000221,
1732  6 23, 3000111, 23, 3000221, 24,
1733  6 3000211, 0, 0, 24, 23,
1734  7 24, 3000111, 3000211, 23, 3000211,
1735  7 3000111, 22, 3000211, 23, 3000211,
1736  7 24, 3000111, 24, 3000221, 0,
1737  7 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1738  8 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 21, 0, 21, 0, 0,
1739  8 21, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1740  9 5000039, 0, 5000039, 0, 21,
1741  9 5000039, 0, 5000039, 21, 5000039,
1742  9 10*0/
1743  DATA ((kfpr(i,j),j=1,2),i=401,500)/
1744  & 37, 6, 37, 6, 36*0,
1745  2 443, 21, 9900443, 21, 9900441,
1746  2 21, 9910441, 21, 0, 9900443,
1747  2 0, 9900441, 0, 9910441, 21,
1748  2 9900443, 21, 9900441, 21, 9910441,
1749  3 10441, 21, 20443, 21, 445, 21, 0, 10441, 0, 20443,
1750  3 0, 445, 21, 10441, 21, 20443, 21, 445, 42*0,
1751  6 553, 21, 9900553, 21, 9900551,
1752  6 21, 9910551, 21, 0, 9900553,
1753  6 0, 9900551, 0, 9910551, 21,
1754  6 9900553, 21, 9900551, 21, 9910551,
1755  7 10551, 21, 20553, 21, 555, 21, 0, 10551, 0, 20553,
1756  7 0, 555, 21, 10551, 21, 20553, 21, 555, 42*0/
1757  DATA coef/10000*0d0/
1758  DATA (((icol(i,j,k),k=1,2),j=1,4),i=1,40)/
1759  &4,0,3,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,2,0,0,1,4,0,0,3,3,0,0,4,1,0,0,2,
1760  &3,0,0,4,1,4,3,2,4,0,0,3,4,2,1,3,2,0,4,1,4,0,2,3,4,0,3,4,2,0,1,2,
1761  &3,2,1,0,1,4,3,0,4,3,3,0,2,1,1,0,3,2,1,4,1,0,0,2,2,4,3,1,2,0,0,1,
1762  &3,2,1,4,1,4,3,2,4,2,1,3,4,2,1,3,3,4,4,3,1,2,2,1,2,0,3,1,2,0,0,0,
1763  &4,2,1,0,0,0,1,0,3,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,4,0,0,4,0,0,1,2,2,0,0,1,4,4,3,3,
1764  &2,2,1,1,4,4,3,3,3,3,4,4,1,1,2,2,3,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,4,2,1,4,0,0,1,2,
1765  &4,0,0,0,4,0,1,3,0,0,3,0,2,4,3,0,3,4,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,3,4,2,0,0,2,
1766  &3,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,2,0,0,0,2,0,3,1,2,0,0,0,3,2,1,0,1,0,0,0,
1767  &4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1768  &0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/
1770 C...Treatment of resonances.
1771  DATA (mwid(i) ,i= 1, 500)/5*0,3*1,8*0,1,5*0,3*1,6*0,1,0,4*1,
1772  &3*0,2*1,254*0,19*2,0,7*2,0,2,0,2,0,26*1,7*0,6*2,133*0/
1774 C...Character constants: name of processes.
1775  DATA proc(0)/ 'All included subprocesses '/
1776  DATA (proc(i),i=1,20)/
1777  &'f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> W+/- ',
1778  &'f + fbar -> h0 ', 'gamma + W+/- -> W+/- ',
1779  &'Z0 + Z0 -> h0 ', 'Z0 + W+/- -> W+/- ',
1780  &' ', 'W+ + W- -> h0 ',
1781  &' ', 'f + f'' -> f + f'' (QFD) ',
1782  1'f + f'' -> f + f'' (QCD) ','f + fbar -> f'' + fbar'' ',
1783  1'f + fbar -> g + g ', 'f + fbar -> g + gamma ',
1784  1'f + fbar -> g + Z0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> g + W+/- ',
1785  1'f + fbar -> g + h0 ', 'f + fbar -> gamma + gamma ',
1786  1'f + fbar -> gamma + Z0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> gamma + W+/- '/
1787  DATA (proc(i),i=21,40)/
1788  2'f + fbar -> gamma + h0 ', 'f + fbar -> Z0 + Z0 ',
1789  2'f + fbar'' -> Z0 + W+/- ', 'f + fbar -> Z0 + h0 ',
1790  2'f + fbar -> W+ + W- ', 'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + h0 ',
1791  2'f + fbar -> h0 + h0 ', 'f + g -> f + g ',
1792  2'f + g -> f + gamma ', 'f + g -> f + Z0 ',
1793  3'f + g -> f'' + W+/- ', 'f + g -> f + h0 ',
1794  3'f + gamma -> f + g ', 'f + gamma -> f + gamma ',
1795  3'f + gamma -> f + Z0 ', 'f + gamma -> f'' + W+/- ',
1796  3'f + gamma -> f + h0 ', 'f + Z0 -> f + g ',
1797  3'f + Z0 -> f + gamma ', 'f + Z0 -> f + Z0 '/
1798  DATA (proc(i),i=41,60)/
1799  4'f + Z0 -> f'' + W+/- ', 'f + Z0 -> f + h0 ',
1800  4'f + W+/- -> f'' + g ', 'f + W+/- -> f'' + gamma ',
1801  4'f + W+/- -> f'' + Z0 ', 'f + W+/- -> f'' + W+/- ',
1802  4'f + W+/- -> f'' + h0 ', 'f + h0 -> f + g ',
1803  4'f + h0 -> f + gamma ', 'f + h0 -> f + Z0 ',
1804  5'f + h0 -> f'' + W+/- ', 'f + h0 -> f + h0 ',
1805  5'g + g -> f + fbar ', 'g + gamma -> f + fbar ',
1806  5'g + Z0 -> f + fbar ', 'g + W+/- -> f + fbar'' ',
1807  5'g + h0 -> f + fbar ', 'gamma + gamma -> f + fbar ',
1808  5'gamma + Z0 -> f + fbar ', 'gamma + W+/- -> f + fbar'' '/
1809  DATA (proc(i),i=61,80)/
1810  6'gamma + h0 -> f + fbar ', 'Z0 + Z0 -> f + fbar ',
1811  6'Z0 + W+/- -> f + fbar'' ', 'Z0 + h0 -> f + fbar ',
1812  6'W+ + W- -> f + fbar ', 'W+/- + h0 -> f + fbar'' ',
1813  6'h0 + h0 -> f + fbar ', 'g + g -> g + g ',
1814  6'gamma + gamma -> W+ + W- ', 'gamma + W+/- -> Z0 + W+/- ',
1815  7'Z0 + Z0 -> Z0 + Z0 ', 'Z0 + Z0 -> W+ + W- ',
1816  7'Z0 + W+/- -> Z0 + W+/- ', 'Z0 + Z0 -> Z0 + h0 ',
1817  7'W+ + W- -> gamma + gamma ', 'W+ + W- -> Z0 + Z0 ',
1818  7'W+/- + W+/- -> W+/- + W+/- ', 'W+/- + h0 -> W+/- + h0 ',
1819  7'h0 + h0 -> h0 + h0 ', 'q + gamma -> q'' + pi+/- '/
1820  DATA (proc(i),i=81,100)/
1821  8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar, mass ', 'g + g -> Q + Qbar, massive ',
1822  8'f + q -> f'' + Q, massive ', 'g + gamma -> Q + Qbar, mass ',
1823  8'gamma + gamma -> F + Fbar, m', 'g + g -> J/Psi + g ',
1824  8'g + g -> chi_0c + g ', 'g + g -> chi_1c + g ',
1825  8'g + g -> chi_2c + g ', ' ',
1826  9'Elastic scattering ', 'Single diffractive (XB) ',
1827  9'Single diffractive (AX) ', 'Double diffractive ',
1828  9'Low-pT scattering ', 'Semihard QCD 2 -> 2 ',
1829  9' ', ' ',
1830  9'q + gamma* -> q ', ' '/
1831  DATA (proc(i),i=101,120)/
1832  &'g + g -> gamma*/Z0 ', 'g + g -> h0 ',
1833  &'gamma + gamma -> h0 ', 'g + g -> chi_0c ',
1834  &'g + g -> chi_2c ', 'g + g -> J/Psi + gamma ',
1835  &'gamma + g -> J/Psi + g ', 'gamma+gamma -> J/Psi + gamma',
1836  &' ', 'f + fbar -> gamma + h0 ',
1837  1'q + qbar -> g + h0 ', 'q + g -> q + h0 ',
1838  1'g + g -> g + h0 ', 'g + g -> gamma + gamma ',
1839  1'g + g -> g + gamma ', 'g + g -> gamma + Z0 ',
1840  1'g + g -> Z0 + Z0 ', 'g + g -> W+ + W- ',
1841  1' ', ' '/
1842  DATA (proc(i),i=121,140)/
1843  2'g + g -> Q + Qbar + h0 ', 'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + h0 ',
1844  2'f + f'' -> f + f'' + h0 ',
1845  2'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + h0 ',
1846  2' ', ' ',
1847  2' ', ' ',
1848  2' ', ' ',
1849  3'f + gamma*_T -> f + g ', 'f + gamma*_L -> f + g ',
1850  3'f + gamma*_T -> f + gamma ', 'f + gamma*_L -> f + gamma ',
1851  3'g + gamma*_T -> f + fbar ', 'g + gamma*_L -> f + fbar ',
1852  3'gamma*_T+gamma*_T -> f+fbar ', 'gamma*_T+gamma*_L -> f+fbar ',
1853  3'gamma*_L+gamma*_T -> f+fbar ', 'gamma*_L+gamma*_L -> f+fbar '/
1854  DATA (proc(i),i=141,160)/
1855  4'f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0/Z''0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> W''+/- ',
1856  4'f + fbar'' -> H+/- ', 'f + fbar'' -> R ',
1857  4'q + l -> LQ ', 'e + gamma -> e* ',
1858  4'd + g -> d* ', 'u + g -> u* ',
1859  4'g + g -> eta_tc ', ' ',
1860  5'f + fbar -> H0 ', 'g + g -> H0 ',
1861  5'gamma + gamma -> H0 ', ' ',
1862  5' ', 'f + fbar -> A0 ',
1863  5'g + g -> A0 ', 'gamma + gamma -> A0 ',
1864  5' ', ' '/
1865  DATA (proc(i),i=161,180)/
1866  6'f + g -> f'' + H+/- ', 'q + g -> LQ + lbar ',
1867  6'g + g -> LQ + LQbar ', 'q + qbar -> LQ + LQbar ',
1868  6'f + fbar -> f'' + fbar'' (g/Z)',
1869  6'f +fbar'' -> f" + fbar"'' (W) ',
1870  6'q + q'' -> q" + d* ', 'q + q'' -> q" + u* ',
1871  6'q + qbar -> e + e* ', ' ',
1872  7'f + fbar -> Z0 + H0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + H0 ',
1873  7'f + f'' -> f + f'' + H0 ',
1874  7'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + H0 ',
1875  7' ', 'f + fbar -> Z0 + A0 ',
1876  7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- + A0 ',
1877  7'f + f'' -> f + f'' + A0 ',
1878  7'f + f'' -> f" + f"'' + A0 ',
1879  7' '/
1880  DATA (proc(i),i=181,200)/
1881  8'g + g -> Q + Qbar + H0 ', 'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + H0 ',
1882  8'q + qbar -> g + H0 ', 'q + g -> q + H0 ',
1883  8'g + g -> g + H0 ', 'g + g -> Q + Qbar + A0 ',
1884  8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar + A0 ', 'q + qbar -> g + A0 ',
1885  8'q + g -> q + A0 ', 'g + g -> g + A0 ',
1886  9'f + fbar -> rho_tc0 ', 'f + f'' -> rho_tc+/- ',
1887  9'f + fbar -> omega_tc0 ', 'f+fbar -> f''+fbar'' (ETC) ',
1888  9'f+fbar'' -> f"+fbar"'' (ETC)',' ',
1889  9' ', ' ',
1890  9' ', ' '/
1891  DATA (proc(i),i=201,220)/
1892  &'f + fbar -> ~e_L + ~e_Lbar ', 'f + fbar -> ~e_R + ~e_Rbar ',
1893  &'f + fbar -> ~e_R + ~e_Lbar ', 'f + fbar -> ~mu_L + ~mu_Lbar',
1894  &'f + fbar -> ~mu_R + ~mu_Rbar', 'f + fbar -> ~mu_L + ~mu_Rbar',
1895  &'f+fbar -> ~tau_1 + ~tau_1bar', 'f+fbar -> ~tau_2 + ~tau_2bar',
1896  &'f+fbar -> ~tau_1 + ~tau_2bar', 'q + qbar'' -> ~l_L + ~nulbar ',
1897  1'q+qbar''-> ~tau_1 + ~nutaubar', 'q+qbar''-> ~tau_2 + ~nutaubar',
1898  1'f + fbar -> ~nul + ~nulbar ', 'f+fbar -> ~nutau + ~nutaubar',
1899  1' ', 'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi1 ',
1900  1'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi2 ', 'f + fbar -> ~chi3 + ~chi3 ',
1901  1'f + fbar -> ~chi4 + ~chi4 ', 'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi2 '/
1902  DATA (proc(i),i=221,240)/
1903  2'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi3 ', 'f + fbar -> ~chi1 + ~chi4 ',
1904  2'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi3 ', 'f + fbar -> ~chi2 + ~chi4 ',
1905  2'f + fbar -> ~chi3 + ~chi4 ', 'f+fbar -> ~chi+-1 + ~chi-+1 ',
1906  2'f+fbar -> ~chi+-2 + ~chi-+2 ', 'f+fbar -> ~chi+-1 + ~chi-+2 ',
1907  2'q + qbar'' -> ~chi1 + ~chi+-1', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi2 + ~chi+-1',
1908  3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi3 + ~chi+-1', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi4 + ~chi+-1',
1909  3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi1 + ~chi+-2', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi2 + ~chi+-2',
1910  3'q + qbar'' -> ~chi3 + ~chi+-2', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi4 + ~chi+-2',
1911  3'q + qbar -> ~chi1 + ~g ', 'q + qbar -> ~chi2 + ~g ',
1912  3'q + qbar -> ~chi3 + ~g ', 'q + qbar -> ~chi4 + ~g '/
1913  DATA (proc(i),i=241,260)/
1914  4'q + qbar'' -> ~chi+-1 + ~g ', 'q + qbar'' -> ~chi+-2 + ~g ',
1915  4'q + qbar -> ~g + ~g ', 'g + g -> ~g + ~g ',
1916  4' ', 'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi1 ',
1917  4'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi1 ', 'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi2 ',
1918  4'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi2 ', 'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi3 ',
1919  5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi3 ', 'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~chi4 ',
1920  5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~chi4 ', 'qj + g -> ~qk_L + ~chi+-1 ',
1921  5'qj + g -> ~qk_R + ~chi+-1 ', 'qj + g -> ~qk_L + ~chi+-2 ',
1922  5'qj + g -> ~qk_R + ~chi+-2 ', 'qj + g -> ~qj_L + ~g ',
1923  5'qj + g -> ~qj_R + ~g ', ' '/
1924  DATA (proc(i),i=261,300)/
1925  6'f + fbar -> ~t_1 + ~t_1bar ', 'f + fbar -> ~t_2 + ~t_2bar ',
1926  6'f + fbar -> ~t_1 + ~t_2bar ', 'g + g -> ~t_1 + ~t_1bar ',
1927  6'g + g -> ~t_2 + ~t_2bar ', ' ',
1928  6' ', ' ',
1929  6' ', ' ',
1930  7'qi + qj -> ~qi_L + ~qj_L ', 'qi + qj -> ~qi_R + ~qj_R ',
1931  7'qi + qj -> ~qi_L + ~qj_R ', 'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_L + ~qj_Lbar',
1932  7'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_R + ~qj_Rbar', 'qi+qjbar -> ~qi_L + ~qj_Rbar',
1933  7'f + fbar -> ~qi_L + ~qi_Lbar', 'f + fbar -> ~qi_R + ~qi_Rbar',
1934  7'g + g -> ~qi_L + ~qi_Lbar ', 'g + g -> ~qi_R + ~qi_Rbar ',
1935  8'b + qj -> ~b_1 + ~qj_L ', 'b + qj -> ~b_2 + ~qj_R ',
1936  8'b + qj -> ~b_1 + ~qj_R ', 'b + qjbar -> ~b_1 + ~qj_Lbar',
1937  8'b + qjbar -> ~b_2 + ~qj_Rbar', 'b + qjbar -> ~b_1 + ~qj_Rbar',
1938  8'f + fbar -> ~b_1 + ~b_1bar ', 'f + fbar -> ~b_2 + ~b_2bar ',
1939  8'g + g -> ~b_1 + ~b_1bar ', 'g + g -> ~b_2 + ~b_2bar ',
1940  9'b + b -> ~b_1 + ~b_1 ', 'b + b -> ~b_2 + ~b_2 ',
1941  9'b + b -> ~b_1 + ~b_2 ', 'b + g -> ~b_1 + ~g ',
1942  9'b + g -> ~b_2 + ~g ', 'b + bbar -> ~b_1 + ~b_2bar ',
1943  9'f + fbar'' -> H+/- + h0 ', 'f + fbar -> H+/- + H0 ',
1944  9'f + fbar -> A0 + h0 ', 'f + fbar -> A0 + H0 '/
1945  DATA (proc(i),i=301,340)/
1946  &'f + fbar -> H+ + H- ', 39*' '/
1947  DATA (proc(i),i=341,380)/
1948  4'l + l -> H_L++/-- ', 'l + l -> H_R++/-- ',
1949  4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- e-/+ ', 'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- e-/+ ',
1950  4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- mu-/+ ', 'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- mu-/+ ',
1951  4'l + gamma -> H_L++/-- tau-/+', 'l + gamma -> H_R++/-- tau-/+',
1952  4'f + fbar -> H_L++ + H_L-- ', 'f + fbar -> H_R++ + H_R-- ',
1953  5'f + f -> f'' + f'' + H_L++/-- ',
1954  5'f + f -> f'' + f'' + H_R++/-- ','f + fbar -> Z_R0 ',
1955  5'f + fbar'' -> W_R+/- ',5*' ',
1956  6' ', 'f + fbar -> W_L+ W_L- ',
1957  6'f + fbar -> W_L+/- pi_T-/+ ', 'f + fbar -> pi_T+ pi_T- ',
1958  6'f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0 ', 'f + fbar -> gamma pi_T0'' ',
1959  6'f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0 ', 'f + fbar -> Z0 pi_T0'' ',
1960  6'f + fbar -> W+/- pi_T-/+ ', ' ',
1961  7'f + fbar'' -> W_L+/- Z_L0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> W_L+/- pi_T0 ',
1962  7'f + fbar'' -> pi_T+/- Z_L0 ', 'f + fbar'' -> pi_T+/- pi_T0 ',
1963  7'f + fbar'' -> gamma pi_T+/- ', 'f + fbar'' -> Z0 pi_T+/- ',
1964  7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- pi_T0 ',
1965  7'f + fbar'' -> W+/- pi_T0'' ',
1966  7' ', ' ',
1967  7' '/
1968  DATA (proc(i),i=381,420)/
1969  8'f + f'' -> f + f'' (ETC) ','f + fbar -> f'' + fbar'' (ETC)',
1970  8'f + fbar -> g + g (ETC) ', 'f + g -> f + g (ETC) ',
1971  8'g + g -> f + fbar (ETC) ', 'g + g -> g + g (ETC) ',
1972  8'q + qbar -> Q + Qbar (ETC) ', 'g + g -> Q + Qbar (ETC) ',
1973  8' ', ' ',
1974  9'f + fbar -> G* ', 'g + g -> G* ',
1975  9'q + qbar -> g + G* ', 'q + g -> q + G* ',
1976  9'g + g -> g + G* ', ' ',
1977  9 4*' ',
1978  &'g + g -> t + b + H+/- ', 'q + qbar -> t + b + H+/- ',
1979  & 18*' '/
1980  DATA (proc(i),i=421,460)/
1981  2'g + g -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g ', 'g + g -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g ',
1982  2'g + g -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g ', 'g + g -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g ',
1983  2'g + q -> q + cc~[3S1(8)] ', 'g + q -> q + cc~[1S0(8)] ',
1984  2'g + q -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)] ',
1985  2'q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)] ',
1986  3'g + g -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g ', 'g + g -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g ',
1987  3'g + g -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g ', 'q + g -> q + cc~[3P0(1)] ',
1988  3'q + g -> q + cc~[3P1(1)] ', 'q + g -> q + cc~[3P2(1)] ',
1989  3'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)] ',
1990  3'q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)] ',
1991  3 21 *' '/
1992  DATA (proc(i),i=461,500)/
1993  6'g + g -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g ', 'g + g -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g ',
1994  6'g + g -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g ', 'g + g -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g ',
1995  6'g + q -> q + bb~[3S1(8)] ', 'g + q -> q + bb~[1S0(8)] ',
1996  6'g + q -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)] ',
1997  6'q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)] ',
1998  7'g + g -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g ', 'g + g -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g ',
1999  7'g + g -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g ', 'q + g -> q + bb~[3P0(1)] ',
2000  7'q + g -> q + bb~[3P1(1)] ', 'q + g -> q + bb~[3P2(1)] ',
2001  7'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)] ', 'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)] ',
2002  7'q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)] ',
2003  7 21 *' '/
2005 C...Cross sections and slope offsets.
2006  DATA sigt/294*0d0/
2008 C...Supersymmetry switches and parameters.
2009  DATA imss/0,
2010  & 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2011  1 89*0/
2012  DATA rmss/0d0,
2013  & 80d0,160d0,500d0,800d0,2d0,250d0,200d0,800d0,700d0,800d0,
2014  1 700d0,500d0,250d0,200d0,800d0,400d0,0d0,0.1d0,850d0,0.041d0,
2015  2 1d0,800d0,1d4,1d4,1d4,0d0,0d0,0d0,24d17,0d0,
2016  3 10*0d0,
2017  4 0d0,1d0,8*0d0,
2018  5 49*0d0/
2019 C...Initial values for R-violating SUSY couplings.
2020 C...Should not be changed here. See PYMSIN.
2021  DATA rvlam/27*0d0/
2022  DATA rvlamp/27*0d0/
2023  DATA rvlamb/27*0d0/
2025 C...Technicolor switches and parameters
2026  DATA itcm/0,
2027  & 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2028  1 89*0/
2029  DATA rtcm/0d0,
2030  & 82d0,1.333d0,.333d0,0.408d0,1d0,1d0,.0182d0,1d0,0d0,1.333d0,
2031  1 .05d0,200d0,200d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,
2032  2 .283d0,.707d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,1.667d0,250d0,250d0,.707d0,0d0,
2033  3 .707d0,0d0,1d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0,
2034  4 1000d0, 1d0, 1d0, 1d0, 1d0, 0d0, 4*0d0,
2035  4 49*0d0/
2037 C...Data for histogramming routines.
2038  DATA ihist/1000,20000,55,1/
2039  DATA indx/1000*0/
2041 C...Data for SUSY Les Houches Accord.
2042  DATA cpro/'PYTHIA ','PYTHIA '/
2043  DATA cver/'6.4 ','6.4 '/
2044  DATA modsel/200*0/
2045  DATA parmin/100*0d0/
2046  DATA rmsoft/101*0d0/
2047  DATA au/9*0d0/
2048  DATA ad/9*0d0/
2049  DATA ae/9*0d0/
2051  END