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1 #include "BEmcRecCEMC.h"
3 #include "BEmcCluster.h"
4 #include "BEmcProfile.h"
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <iostream>
10 // : _emcprof(nullptr)
11 {
12  Name("BEmcRecCEMC");
14 }
17 {
18  // you can delete null pointers
19  // delete _emcprof;
20 }
23 {
24  // std::cout << "Infor from BEmcRecCEMC::LoadProfile(): no external file used for shower profile evaluation in CEMC" << std::endl;
25  _emcprof = new BEmcProfile(fname);
26 }
28 void BEmcRecCEMC::GetImpactThetaPhi(float xg, float yg, float zg, float& theta, float& phi)
29 {
30  theta = 0;
31  phi = 0;
33  // float theta = atan(sqrt(xg*xg + yg*yg)/fabs(zg-fVz));
34  float rg = std::sqrt(xg * xg + yg * yg);
35  float theta_twr;
36  if (std::fabs(zg) <= 15)
37  {
38  theta_twr = 0;
39  }
40  else if (zg > 15)
41  {
42  theta_twr = std::atan2(zg - 15, rg);
43  }
44  else
45  {
46  theta_twr = std::atan2(zg + 15, rg);
47  }
48  float theta_tr = std::atan2(zg - fVz, rg);
49  theta = std::fabs(theta_tr - theta_twr);
50  // phi = atan2(yg,xg);
51 }
53 /*
54 float BEmcRecCEMC::GetProb(vector<EmcModule> HitList, float ecl, float xg, float yg, float zg, float& chi2, int& ndf)
55 {
56  chi2 = 0;
57  ndf = 0;
58  float prob = -1;
60  // float theta = atan(sqrt(xg*xg + yg*yg)/fabs(zg-fVz));
61  float rg = sqrt(xg * xg + yg * yg);
62  float theta_twr;
63  if (fabs(zg) <= 15)
64  theta_twr = 0;
65  else if (zg > 15)
66  theta_twr = atan2(zg - 15, rg);
67  else
68  theta_twr = atan2(zg + 15, rg);
69  float theta_tr = atan2(zg - fVz, rg);
70  float theta = fabs(theta_tr - theta_twr);
72  float phi = atan2(yg, xg);
73  if (_emcprof != nullptr) prob = _emcprof->GetProb(&HitList, fNx, ecl, theta, phi);
75  return prob;
76 }
77 */
78 /*
79 float BEmcRecCEMC::GetProb(vector<EmcModule> HitList, float et, float xg, float yg, float zg, float& chi2, int& ndf)
80 // et, xg, yg, zg not used here
81 {
82  const float thresh = 0.01;
83  const int DXY = 3; // 2 is for 5x5 matrix; 3 for 7x7 matrix
84  const int Nmax = 1000;
85  float ee[Nmax];
86  int iyy[Nmax];
87  int izz[Nmax];
89  int ich;
90  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph = HitList.begin();
92  chi2 = 0;
93  ndf = 0;
95  int nn = 0;
97  while (ph != HitList.end())
98  {
99  ee[nn] = ph->amp;
100  if (ee[nn] > thresh)
101  {
102  ich = ph->ich;
103  izz[nn] = ich % fNx;
104  iyy[nn] = ich / fNx;
105  nn++;
106  if (nn >= Nmax)
107  {
108  std::cout << "BEmcRec::GetProb: Cluster size is too big. Skipping the rest of the towers" << std::endl;
109  break;
110  }
111  } // if( ee[nn]
112  ++ph;
113  } // while( ph
115  if (nn <= 0) return -1;
117  int iy0 = -1, iz0 = -1;
118  float emax = 0;
120  for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
121  {
122  if (ee[i] > emax)
123  {
124  emax = ee[i];
125  iy0 = iyy[i];
126  iz0 = izz[i];
127  }
128  }
130  if (emax <= 0) return -1;
132  int id;
133  float etot = 0;
134  float sz = 0;
135  float sy = 0;
137  for (int idz = -DXY; idz <= DXY; idz++)
138  {
139  for (int idy = -DXY; idy <= DXY; idy++)
140  {
141  id = GetTowerID(iy0 + idy, iz0 + idz, nn, iyy, izz, ee);
142  if (id >= 0)
143  {
144  etot += ee[id];
145  sz += ee[id] * (iz0 + idz);
146  sy += ee[id] * (iy0 + idy);
147  }
148  }
149  }
150  float zcg = sz / etot; // Here cg allowed to be out of range
151  float ycg = sy / etot;
152  int iz0cg = int(zcg + 0.5);
153  int iy0cg = int(ycg + 0.5);
154  float ddz = fabs(zcg - iz0cg);
155  float ddy = fabs(ycg - iy0cg);
157  int isz = 1;
158  if (zcg - iz0cg < 0) isz = -1;
159  int isy = 1;
160  if (ycg - iy0cg < 0) isy = -1;
162  // 4 central towers: 43
163  // 12
164  // Tower 1 - central one
165  float e1, e2, e3, e4;
166  e1 = e2 = e3 = e4 = 0;
167  id = GetTowerID(iy0cg, iz0cg, nn, iyy, izz, ee);
168  if (id >= 0) e1 = ee[id];
169  id = GetTowerID(iy0cg, iz0cg + isz, nn, iyy, izz, ee);
170  if (id >= 0) e2 = ee[id];
171  id = GetTowerID(iy0cg + isy, iz0cg + isz, nn, iyy, izz, ee);
172  if (id >= 0) e3 = ee[id];
173  id = GetTowerID(iy0cg + isy, iz0cg, nn, iyy, izz, ee);
174  if (id >= 0) e4 = ee[id];
176  float e1t = (e1 + e2 + e3 + e4) / etot;
177  float e2t = (e1 + e2 - e3 - e4) / etot;
178  float e3t = (e1 - e2 - e3 + e4) / etot;
179  float e4t = (e3) / etot;
180  // float e5t = (e2+e4)/etot;
182  float rr = sqrt((0.5 - ddz) * (0.5 - ddz) + (0.5 - ddy) * (0.5 - ddy));
184  float c1, c2, c11;
186  float logE = log(etot);
188  // e1 energy is the most effective for PID if properly tuned !
189  // Discrimination power is very sensitive to paramter c1: the bigger it is
190  // the better discrimination;
191  c1 = 0.95;
192  c2 = 0.0066364 * logE + 0.00466667;
193  if (c2 < 0) c2 = 0;
194  float e1p = c1 - c2 * rr * rr;
195  c1 = 0.034 - 0.01523 * logE + 0.0029 * logE * logE;
196  float err1 = c1;
198  // For e2
199  c1 = 0.00844086 + 0.00645359 * logE - 0.00119381 * logE * logE;
200  if (etot > 15) c1 = 0.00844086 + 0.00645359 * log(15.) - 0.00119381 * log(15.) * log(15.); // Const at etot>15GeV
201  if (c1 < 0) c1 = 0;
202  c2 = 3.9; // Fixed
203  float e2p = sqrt(c1 + 0.25 * c2) - sqrt(c1 + c2 * ddy * ddy); // =0 at ddy=0.5
205  c1 = 0.0212333 + 0.0420473 / etot;
206  c2 = 0.090; // Fixed
207  float err2 = c1 + c2 * ddy;
208  if (ddy > 0.3) err2 = c1 + c2 * 0.3; // Const at ddy>0.3
210  // For e3
211  c1 = 0.0107857 + 0.0056801 * logE - 0.000892016 * logE * logE;
212  if (etot > 15) c1 = 0.0107857 + 0.0056801 * log(15.) - 0.000892016 * log(15.) * log(15.); // Const at etot>15GeV
213  if (c1 < 0) c1 = 0;
214  c2 = 3.9; // Fixed
215  float e3p = sqrt(c1 + 0.25 * c2) - sqrt(c1 + c2 * ddz * ddz); // =0 at ddz=0.5
217  // c1 = 0.0200 + 0.042/etot;
218  c1 = 0.0167 + 0.058 / etot;
219  c2 = 0.090; // Fixed
220  float err3 = c1 + c2 * ddz;
221  if (ddz > 0.3) err3 = c1 + c2 * 0.3; // Const at ddz>0.3
223  // For e4
224  float e4p = 0.25 - 0.668 * rr + 0.460 * rr * rr;
225  c11 = 0.171958 + 0.0142421 * logE - 0.00214827 * logE * logE;
226  // c11 = 0.171085 + 0.0156215*logE - -0.0025809*logE*logE;
227  float err4 = 0.102 - 1.43 * c11 * rr + c11 * rr * rr; // Min is set to x=1.43/2.
228  err4 *= 1.1;
230  chi2 = 0.;
231  chi2 += (e1p - e1t) * (e1p - e1t) / err1 / err1;
232  chi2 += (e2p - e2t) * (e2p - e2t) / err2 / err2;
233  chi2 += (e3p - e3t) * (e3p - e3t) / err3 / err3;
234  chi2 += (e4p - e4t) * (e4p - e4t) / err4 / err4;
235  ndf = 4;
237  // chi2 /= 1.1;
238  float prob = TMath::Prob(chi2, ndf);
240  return prob;
241 }
242 */
244 void BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectShowerDepth(float E, float xA, float yA, float zA, float& xC, float& yC, float& zC)
245 {
246  /*
247  xC = xA;
248  yC = yA;
249  zC = zA;
250  */
252  float logE = log(0.1);
253  if (E > 0.1)
254  {
255  logE = std::log(E);
256  }
258  // Rotate by phi (towers are tilted by a fixed angle in phi by ~9 deg?)
259  // Just tuned from sim data
260  float phi = 0.002 - 0.001 * logE;
261  xC = xA * std::cos(phi) - yA * std::sin(phi);
262  yC = xA * std::sin(phi) + yA * std::cos(phi);
264  // Correction in z
265  // Just tuned for sim data ... don't fully understand why it works like that
266  float rA = std::sqrt(xA * xA + yA * yA);
267  // float theta_twr = GetTowerTheta(xA,yA,zA);
268  float theta_twr;
269  if (std::fabs(zA) <= 15)
270  {
271  theta_twr = 0;
272  }
273  else if (zA > 15)
274  {
275  theta_twr = std::atan2(zA - 15, rA);
276  }
277  else
278  {
279  theta_twr = std::atan2(zA + 15, rA);
280  }
282  float theta_tr = std::atan2(zA - fVz, rA);
283  float L = -1.3 + 0.7 * logE; // Shower CG in long. direction
284  float dz = L * std::sin(theta_tr - theta_twr) / std::cos(theta_twr);
286  dz -= fVz * 0.10;
288  zC = zA - dz;
290  return;
291 }
293 void BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectEnergy(float Energy, float /*x*/, float /*y*/,
294  float& Ecorr)
295 {
296  // Corrects the EM Shower Energy for attenuation in fibers and
297  // long energy leakage
298  //
299  // (x,y) - impact position (cm) in Sector frame
300  /*
301  float sinT;
302  float att, leak, corr;
303  const float leakPar = 0.0033; // parameter from fit
304  const float attPar = 120; // Attenuation in module (cm)
305  const float X0 = 2; // radiation length (cm)
307  *Ecorr = Energy;
308  if( Energy < 0.01 ) return;
310  GetImpactAngle(x, y, &sinT); // sinT not used so far
311  leak = 2-sqrt(1+leakPar*log(1+Energy)*log(1+Energy));
312  att = exp(log(Energy)*X0/attPar);
313  corr = leak*att;
314  *Ecorr = Energy/corr;
315  */
316  Ecorr = Energy;
317 }
319 void BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectECore(float Ecore, float /*x*/, float /*y*/, float& Ecorr)
320 {
321  // Corrects the EM Shower Core Energy for attenuation in fibers,
322  // long energy leakage and angle dependance
323  //
324  // (x,y) - impact position (cm) in Sector frame
326  const float c0 = 0.950; // For no threshold
327  Ecorr = Ecore / c0;
328 }
330 void BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectPosition(float Energy, float x, float y,
331  float& xc, float& yc)
332 {
333  // Corrects the Shower Center of Gravity for the systematic shift due to
334  // limited tower size
335  //
336  // Everything here is in tower units.
337  // (x,y) - CG position, (xc,yc) - corrected position
339  float xZero, yZero, bx, by;
340  float t, x0, y0;
341  int ix0, iy0;
343  xc = x;
344  yc = y;
346  if (Energy < 0.01)
347  {
348  return;
349  }
350  /*
351  float xA, yA, zA;
352  Tower2Global(Energy, x, y, xA, yA, zA);
353  zA -= fVz;
354  float sinTx = xA / sqrt(xA * xA + zA * zA);
355  float sinTy = yA / sqrt(yA * yA + zA * zA);
356  */
357  float sinTx = 0;
358  float sinTy = 0;
360  float sin2Tx = sinTx * sinTx;
361  float sin2Ty = sinTy * sinTy;
363  if (sinTx > 0)
364  {
365  xZero = -0.417 * sinTx - 1.500 * sin2Tx;
366  }
367  else
368  {
369  xZero = -0.417 * sinTx + 1.500 * sin2Tx;
370  }
372  if (sinTy > 0)
373  {
374  yZero = -0.417 * sinTy - 1.500 * sin2Ty;
375  }
376  else
377  {
378  yZero = -0.417 * sinTy + 1.500 * sin2Ty;
379  }
381  t = 0.98 + 0.98 * std::sqrt(Energy);
382  bx = 0.15 + t * sin2Tx;
383  by = 0.15 + t * sin2Ty;
385  x0 = x + xZero;
386  ix0 = EmcCluster::lowint(x0 + 0.5);
388  if (EmcCluster::ABS(x0 - ix0) <= 0.5)
389  {
390  x0 = (ix0 - xZero) + bx * asinh(2. * (x0 - ix0) * sinh(0.5 / bx));
391  }
392  else
393  {
394  x0 = x;
395  std::cout << "????? Something wrong in BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectPosition: x = "
396  << x << " dx = " << x0 - ix0 << std::endl;
397  }
399  // Correct for phi bias within module of 8 towers
400  int ix8 = int(x + 0.5) / 8;
401  float x8 = x + 0.5 - ix8 * 8 - 4; // from -4 to +4
402  float dx = 0.10 * x8 / 4.;
403  if (std::fabs(x8) > 3.3)
404  {
405  dx = 0; // Don't correct near the module edge
406  }
407  // dx = 0;
409  xc = x0 - dx;
410  while (xc < -0.5)
411  {
412  xc += float(fNx);
413  }
414  while (xc >= fNx - 0.5)
415  {
416  xc -= float(fNx);
417  }
419  y0 = y + yZero;
420  iy0 = EmcCluster::lowint(y0 + 0.5);
422  if (EmcCluster::ABS(y0 - iy0) <= 0.5)
423  {
424  y0 = (iy0 - yZero) + by * asinh(2. * (y0 - iy0) * sinh(0.5 / by));
425  }
426  else
427  {
428  y0 = y;
429  std::cout << "????? Something wrong in BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectPosition: y = "
430  << y << "dy = " << y0 - iy0 << std::endl;
431  }
432  yc = y0;
433 }
435 /*
436 void BEmcRecCEMC::CorrectPosition(float Energy, float x, float y,
437  float* pxc, float* pyc)
438 {
439  // Corrects the Shower Center of Gravity for the systematic error due to
440  // the limited tower size and angle shift
441  //
442  // Everything here is in cell units.
443  // (x,y) - CG position, (*pxc,*pyc) - corrected position
445  float xShift, yShift, xZero, yZero, bx, by;
446  float t, x0, y0;
447  int ix0, iy0;
448  // int signx, signy;
450  const float Xrad = 0.3; // !!!!! Need to put correct value
451  const float Remc = 90.; // EMCal inner radius. !!!!! Should be obtained from geometry container
453  *pxc = x;
454  *pyc = y;
455  // return;
457  SetProfileParameters(0, Energy, x, y);
458  // if( fSinTx >= 0 ) signx = 1;
459  // else signx = -1;
460  // if( fSinTy >= 0 ) signy = 1;
461  // else signy = -1;
462  t = 5.0 + 1.0 * log(Energy); // In Rad Length units
463  t *= (Xrad / Remc / GetModSizex()); // !!!!!
464  xShift = t * fSinTx;
465  yShift = t * fSinTy;
466  // xZero=xShift-(0.417*EmcCluster::ABS(fSinTx)+1.500*fSinTx*fSinTx)*signx;
467  // yZero=yShift-(0.417*EmcCluster::ABS(fSinTy)+1.500*fSinTy*fSinTy)*signy;
468  xZero = xShift; // ...Somehow this works better !!!!!
469  yZero = yShift; // ...Somehow this works better !!!!!
470  t = 0.98 + 0.98 * sqrt(Energy); // !!!!! Still from PHENIX
471  bx = 0.15 + t * fSinTx * fSinTx;
472  by = 0.15 + t * fSinTy * fSinTy;
474  x0 = x;
475  x0 = x0 - xShift + xZero;
476  ix0 = EmcCluster::lowint(x0 + 0.5);
477  if (EmcCluster::ABS(x0 - ix0) <= 0.5)
478  {
479  x0 = (ix0 - xZero) + bx * asinh(2. * (x0 - ix0) * sinh(0.5 / bx));
480  *pxc = x0;
481  }
482  else
483  {
484  *pxc = x - xShift;
485  std::cout << "????? Something wrong in CorrectPosition: x = "
486  << x << " dx = " << x0 - ix0 << std::endl;
487  }
489  y0 = y;
490  y0 = y0 - yShift + yZero;
491  iy0 = EmcCluster::lowint(y0 + 0.5);
492  if (EmcCluster::ABS(y0 - iy0) <= 0.5)
493  {
494  y0 = (iy0 - yZero) + by * asinh(2. * (y0 - iy0) * sinh(0.5 / by));
495  *pyc = y0;
496  }
497  else
498  {
499  *pyc = y - yShift;
500  std::cout << "????? Something wrong in CorrectPosition: y = "
501  << y << " dy = " << y0 - iy << std::endl;
502  }
503 }
504 */