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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file UncorrelatedHitSmearerTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <array>
31 #include <cstddef>
32 #include <cstdint>
33 #include <iterator>
34 #include <limits>
35 #include <memory>
36 #include <ostream>
37 #include <random>
38 #include <utility>
40 namespace {
42 namespace bd = boost::unit_test::data;
44 using RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine;
46 struct SterileSmearer {
48  RandomGenerator& /*rng*/) {
50  std::make_pair<double, double>(value + 0., 0.));
51  }
52 };
54 struct AddSmearer {
55  double offset = 1.0;
58  RandomGenerator& /*rng*/) {
60  std::make_pair<double, double>(value + offset, 3.));
61  }
62 };
64 struct InvalidSmearer {
65  Acts::Result<std::pair<double, double>> operator()(double /*ignored*/,
66  RandomGenerator& /*rng*/) {
68  ActsFatras::DigitizationError::SmearingError);
69  }
70 };
72 struct Fixture {
73  RandomGenerator rng;
74  // identifiers
77  // geometry information
78  std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface> surface;
80  // local and global track parameters
81  Acts::BoundVector boundParams;
82  Acts::FreeVector freeParams;
83  // hit information
84  ActsFatras::Hit hit;
86  Fixture(uint64_t rngSeed)
87  : rng(rngSeed),
88  gid(Acts::GeometryIdentifier().setVolume(1).setLayer(2).setSensitive(
89  3)),
90  pid(ActsFatras::Barcode().setVertexPrimary(12).setParticle(23)),
91  surface(Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PlaneSurface>(
92  Acts::Transform3(Acts::Translation3(3, 2, 1)))) {
93  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
96  surface->assignGeometryId(gid);
98  // generate random track parameters
100  boundParams = par;
102  boundParams);
104  // construct hit from free parameters
105  Acts::Vector4 r4;
106  r4.segment<3>(Acts::ePos0) = freeParams.segment<3>(Acts::eFreePos0);
107  r4[Acts::eTime] = freeParams[Acts::eFreeTime];
108  // construct 4-momentum vector assuming m=0
109  Acts::Vector4 p4;
110  p4.segment<3>(Acts::eMom0) =
111  freeParams.segment<3>(Acts::eFreeDir0).normalized();
112  p4[Acts::eEnergy] = 1;
113  p4 *= std::abs(1_e / freeParams[Acts::eFreeQOverP]);
114  // same 4-momentum before/after hit
115  hit = ActsFatras::Hit(gid, pid, r4, p4, p4, 13);
116  }
117 };
119 // track parameter indices to test smearing with. q/p smearing is not supported
120 // in either case.
121 const Acts::BoundIndices boundIndices[] = {
124 };
125 const Acts::FreeIndices freeIndices[] = {
128 };
130 constexpr auto tol = 128 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
132 } // namespace
134 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(FatrasUncorrelatedHitSmearer)
136 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(Bound1, bd::make(boundIndices), index) {
137  Fixture f(123);
139  s.indices = {index};
141  // smearing does not do anything
142  {
143  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
144  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
145  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
146  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
147  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[0], f.boundParams[index], tol);
148  }
149  // smearing adds something
150  {
151  s.smearFunctions.fill(AddSmearer{-42.0});
152  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
153  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
154  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
155  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[0], f.boundParams[index] - 42.0, tol);
156  }
157  // smearing fails
158  {
159  s.smearFunctions.fill(InvalidSmearer{});
160  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
161  BOOST_CHECK(not ret.ok());
162  BOOST_CHECK(ret.error());
163  }
164 }
167  Fixture f(12356);
168  // without q/p
170  s;
171  std::copy(std::begin(boundIndices), std::end(boundIndices),
172  s.indices.begin());
174  // smearing does not do anything
175  {
176  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
177  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
178  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
179  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
180  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.indices.size(); ++i) {
181  BOOST_TEST_INFO("Comparing smeared measurement "
182  << i << " originating from bound parameter "
183  << s.indices[i]);
184  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[i], f.boundParams[s.indices[i]], tol);
185  }
186  }
187  // smearing adds something
188  {
189  s.smearFunctions.fill(AddSmearer{-23.0});
190  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
191  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
192  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
193  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.indices.size(); ++i) {
194  BOOST_TEST_INFO("Comparing smeared measurement "
195  << i << " originating from bound parameter "
196  << s.indices[i]);
197  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[i], f.boundParams[s.indices[i]] - 23.0, tol);
198  }
199  }
200  // one smearer fails
201  {
202  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
203  s.smearFunctions[3] = InvalidSmearer{};
204  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit, *f.surface, f.geoCtx);
205  BOOST_CHECK(not ret.ok());
206  BOOST_CHECK(ret.error());
207  }
208 }
210 BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(Free1, bd::make(freeIndices), index) {
211  Fixture f(1234);
213  s.indices = {index};
215  // smearing does not do anything
216  {
217  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
218  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
219  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
220  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
221  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[0], f.freeParams[index], tol);
222  }
223  // smearing adds something
224  {
225  s.smearFunctions.fill(AddSmearer{-42.0});
226  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
227  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
228  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
229  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[0], f.freeParams[index] - 42.0, tol);
230  }
231  // smearing fails
232  {
233  s.smearFunctions.fill(InvalidSmearer{});
234  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
235  BOOST_CHECK(not ret.ok());
236  BOOST_CHECK(ret.error());
237  }
238 }
241  Fixture f(123567);
242  // without q/p
244  std::copy(std::begin(freeIndices), std::end(freeIndices), s.indices.begin());
246  // smearing does not do anything
247  {
248  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
249  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
250  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
251  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
252  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.indices.size(); ++i) {
253  BOOST_TEST_INFO("Comparing smeared measurement "
254  << i << " originating from free parameter "
255  << s.indices[i]);
256  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[i], f.freeParams[s.indices[i]], tol);
257  }
258  }
259  // smearing adds something
260  {
261  s.smearFunctions.fill(AddSmearer{42.0});
262  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
263  BOOST_CHECK(ret.ok());
264  auto [par, cov] = ret.value();
265  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.indices.size(); ++i) {
266  BOOST_TEST_INFO("Comparing smeared measurement "
267  << i << " originating from free parameter "
268  << s.indices[i]);
269  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(par[i], f.freeParams[s.indices[i]] + 42.0, tol);
270  }
271  }
272  // one smearer fails
273  {
274  s.smearFunctions.fill(SterileSmearer{});
275  s.smearFunctions[3] = InvalidSmearer{};
276  auto ret = s(f.rng, f.hit);
277  BOOST_CHECK(not ret.ok());
278  BOOST_CHECK(ret.error());
279  }
280 }