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G4_HcalIn_ref.C File Reference
#include <GlobalVariables.C>
#include <QA.C>
#include <g4calo/HcalRawTowerBuilder.h>
#include <g4calo/RawTowerDigitizer.h>
#include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderSubsystem.h>
#include <g4detectors/PHG4HcalCellReco.h>
#include <g4detectors/PHG4InnerHcalSubsystem.h>
#include <g4eval/CaloEvaluator.h>
#include <g4main/PHG4Reco.h>
#include <caloreco/RawClusterBuilderGraph.h>
#include <caloreco/RawClusterBuilderTemplate.h>
#include <caloreco/RawTowerCalibration.h>
#include <qa_modules/QAG4SimulationCalorimeter.h>
#include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
+ Include dependency graph for G4_HcalIn_ref.C:

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namespace  Enable
namespace  G4HCALIN




enum  G4HCALIN::enu_HCalIn_clusterizer { G4HCALIN::kHCalInGraphClusterizer, G4HCALIN::kHCalInTemplateClusterizer, G4HCALIN::kHCalInGraphClusterizer, G4HCALIN::kHCalInTemplateClusterizer }


void HCalInner_SupportRing (PHG4Reco *g4Reco)
 A rough version of the inner HCal support ring, from Richie's CAD drawing. - Jin.
void HCalInnerInit (const int iflag=0)
double HCalInner (PHG4Reco *g4Reco, double radius, const int crossings)
void HCALInner_Cells ()
void HCALInner_Towers ()
void HCALInner_Clusters ()
void HCALInner_Eval (const std::string &outputfile)
void HCALInner_QA ()


bool Enable::HCALIN = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_ABSORBER = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_OVERLAPCHECK = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_CELL = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_TOWER = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_CLUSTER = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_EVAL = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_QA = false
bool Enable::HCALIN_SUPPORT = false
int Enable::HCALIN_VERBOSITY = 0
double G4HCALIN::support_ring_outer_radius = 178.0 - 0.001
double G4HCALIN::support_ring_z_ring2 = (2150 + 2175) / 2. / 10.
double G4HCALIN::dz = 25. / 10.
bool G4HCALIN::inner_hcal_material_Al = true
int G4HCALIN::inner_hcal_eic = 0
RawTowerDigitizer::enu_digi_algorithm G4HCALIN::TowerDigi = RawTowerDigitizer::kSimple_photon_digitization
enu_HCalIn_clusterizer G4HCALIN::HCalIn_clusterizer = kHCalInTemplateClusterizer
 template clusterizer, RawClusterBuilderTemplate, as developed by Sasha Bazilevsky

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 3 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 3 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

Function Documentation

void HCALInner_Cells ( )

Definition at line 213 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 213 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

References PHG4HcalCellReco::Detector(), Enable::HCALIN_VERBOSITY, Fun4AllServer::instance(), Fun4AllServer::registerSubsystem(), verbosity, and Enable::VERBOSITY.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void HCALInner_Clusters ( )

Definition at line 302 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 302 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

References RawClusterBuilderGraph::Detector(), RawClusterBuilderTemplate::Detector(), G4HCALIN::HCalIn_clusterizer, Enable::HCALIN_VERBOSITY, Fun4AllServer::instance(), G4HCALIN::kHCalInGraphClusterizer, G4HCALIN::kHCalInTemplateClusterizer, Fun4AllServer::registerSubsystem(), RawClusterBuilderTemplate::SetCylindricalGeometry(), verbosity, Enable::VERBOSITY, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void HCALInner_Eval ( const std::string &  outputfile)

Definition at line 331 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 331 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

References Enable::HCALIN_VERBOSITY, Fun4AllServer::instance(), Fun4AllServer::registerSubsystem(), verbosity, Enable::VERBOSITY, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void HCALInner_QA ( )

Definition at line 343 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 343 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

References Enable::HCALIN_VERBOSITY, Fun4AllServer::instance(), Enable::QA_VERBOSITY, Fun4AllServer::registerSubsystem(), verbosity, and Fun4AllBase::Verbosity().

Referenced by Fun4All_AnaTutorial_sPHENIX(), Fun4All_AnaTutorial_sPHENIX_Jets(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_ForTrackCutStudy(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_ForTrackCutStudy_EmbedScanOff(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_ForTrackCutStudy_EmbedScanOn(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_ForTrackCutStudy_WithPileup_EmbedScanOff(), Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_ForTrackCutStudy_WithPileup_EmbedScanOn(), Fun4All_Pi0Gen_sPHENIX(), Fun4All_pi0tbt_SIMPLE_EMBED(), Fun4All_RunNewTruthMatcher(), Fun4All_SinglePhotonGen_sPHENIX(), and Fun4All_SinglePi0Gen_sPHENIX().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HCalInner_SupportRing ( PHG4Reco g4Reco)

A rough version of the inner HCal support ring, from Richie's CAD drawing. - Jin.

Definition at line 176 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 176 of file G4_HcalIn_ref.C

References G4HCALIN::dz, Enable::HCALIN_SUPPORT, i, G4HCALIN::inner_hcal_eic, PHG4Reco::registerSubsystem(), PHG4DetectorSubsystem::set_double_param(), PHG4DetectorSubsystem::set_int_param(), PHG4DetectorSubsystem::set_string_param(), PHG4DetectorSubsystem::SetActive(), PHG4DetectorSubsystem::SuperDetector(), Enable::SUPPORT, G4HCALIN::support_ring_outer_radius, and G4HCALIN::support_ring_z_ring2.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void HCalInnerInit ( const int  iflag = 0)