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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SeedFinderConfig.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
16 #include <memory>
18 namespace Acts {
20 // forward declaration to avoid cyclic dependence
21 template <typename T>
22 class SeedFilter;
24 template <typename SpacePoint>
26  std::shared_ptr<Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>> seedFilter;
28  // Seed Cuts
29  // lower cutoff for seeds
31  // cot of maximum theta angle
32  // equivalent to 3 eta (pseudorapidity)
33  float cotThetaMax = 10.01788;
34  // minimum distance in r between two measurements within one seed
36  // maximum distance in r between two measurements within one seed
38  // minimum distance in r between middle and top SP
39  float deltaRMinTopSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
40  // maximum distance in r between middle and top SP
41  float deltaRMaxTopSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
42  // minimum distance in r between middle and bottom SP
43  float deltaRMinBottomSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
44  // maximum distance in r between middle and bottom SP
45  float deltaRMaxBottomSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
46  // radial bin size for filling space point grid
49  // radial range for middle SP
50  // variable range based on SP radius
54  // range defined in vector for each z region
55  std::vector<std::vector<float>> rRangeMiddleSP;
56  // range defined by rMinMiddle and rMaxMiddle
60  // z of last layers to avoid iterations
61  std::pair<float, float> zOutermostLayers{-2700 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm,
64  // cut to the maximum value of delta z between SPs
65  float deltaZMax =
66  std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
68  // enable cut on the compatibility between interaction point and SPs
69  bool interactionPointCut = false;
71  // non equidistant binning in z
72  std::vector<float> zBinEdges;
74  // seed confirmation
75  bool seedConfirmation = false;
76  // parameters for central seed confirmation
78  // parameters for forward seed confirmation
81  // FIXME: this is not used yet
82  // float upperPtResolutionPerSeed = 20* Acts::GeV;
84  // the delta for inverse helix radius up to which compared seeds
85  // are considered to have a compatible radius. delta of inverse radius
86  // leads to this value being the cutoff. unit is 1/mm. default value
87  // of 0.00003 leads to all helices with radius>33m to be considered compatible
89  // impact parameter
92  // how many sigmas of scattering angle should be considered?
93  float sigmaScattering = 5;
94  // Upper pt limit for scattering calculation
97  // for how many seeds can one SpacePoint be the middle SpacePoint?
98  unsigned int maxSeedsPerSpM = 5;
100  // tolerance parameter used to check the compatibility of SPs coordinates in
101  // xyz
104  // Parameter which can loosen the tolerance of the track seed to form to a
105  // helix, useful for (e.g.) misaligned seeding
106  float helixCut = 1.;
108  // Geometry Settings
109  // Detector ROI
110  // limiting location of collision region in z
113  float phiMin = -M_PI;
114  float phiMax = M_PI;
115  // limiting location of measurements
116  float zMin = -2800 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
119  // WARNING: if rMin is smaller than impactMax, the bin size will be 2*pi,
120  // which will make seeding very slow!
123  // Order of z bins to loop over when searching for SPs
124  std::vector<size_t> zBinsCustomLooping = {};
125  // Number of Z bins to skip the search for middle SPs
126  std::size_t skipZMiddleBinSearch = 0;
128  // average radiation lengths of material on the length of a seed. used for
129  // scattering.
130  // default is 5%
131  // TODO: necessary to make amount of material dependent on detector region?
132  float radLengthPerSeed = 0.05;
133  // alignment uncertainties, used for uncertainties in the
134  // non-measurement-plane of the modules
135  // which otherwise would be 0
136  // will be added to spacepoint measurement uncertainties (and therefore also
137  // multiplied by sigmaError)
138  // FIXME: call align1 and align2
141  // used for measurement (+alignment) uncertainties.
142  // find seeds within 5sigma error ellipse
143  float sigmaError = 5;
145  // derived values, set on SeedFinder construction
146  float highland = 0;
149  // only for Cuda plugin
150  int maxBlockSize = 1024;
151  int nTrplPerSpBLimit = 100;
154  // sPHENIX quantities for alignment bypassing cuts
155  float helixcut = 1.;
157  // Delegates for accessors to detailed information on double measurement that
158  // produced the space point.
159  // This is mainly referring to space points produced when combining
160  // measurement from strips on back-to-back modules.
161  // Enables setting of the following delegates.
163  // Returns half of the length of the top strip.
165  // Returns half of the length of the bottom strip.
167  // Returns direction of the top strip.
169  // Returns direction of the bottom strip.
171  // Returns distance between the centers of the two strips.
173  // Returns position of the center of the top strip.
176  bool isInInternalUnits = false;
179  if (isInInternalUnits) {
180  throw std::runtime_error(
181  "Repeated conversion to internal units for SeedFinderConfig");
182  }
183  // Make sure the shared ptr to the seed filter is not a nullptr
184  // And make sure the seed filter config is in internal units as well
185  if (not seedFilter) {
186  throw std::runtime_error(
187  "Invalid values for the seed filter inside the seed filter config: "
188  "nullptr");
189  }
190  if (not seedFilter->getSeedFilterConfig().isInInternalUnits) {
191  throw std::runtime_error(
192  "The internal Seed Filter configuration, contained in the seed "
193  "finder config, is not in internal units.");
194  }
196  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
197  SeedFinderConfig config = *this;
198  config.isInInternalUnits = true;
199  config.minPt /= 1_MeV;
200  config.deltaRMin /= 1_mm;
201  config.deltaRMax /= 1_mm;
202  config.binSizeR /= 1_mm;
203  config.deltaRMinTopSP /= 1_mm;
204  config.deltaRMaxTopSP /= 1_mm;
205  config.deltaRMinBottomSP /= 1_mm;
206  config.deltaRMaxBottomSP /= 1_mm;
207  config.deltaRMiddleMinSPRange /= 1_mm;
208  config.deltaRMiddleMaxSPRange /= 1_mm;
209  config.impactMax /= 1_mm;
210  config.maxPtScattering /= 1_MeV; // correct?
211  config.collisionRegionMin /= 1_mm;
212  config.collisionRegionMax /= 1_mm;
213  config.zMin /= 1_mm;
214  config.zMax /= 1_mm;
215  config.rMax /= 1_mm;
216  config.rMin /= 1_mm;
217  config.deltaZMax /= 1_mm;
219  config.zAlign /= 1_mm;
220  config.rAlign /= 1_mm;
222  config.toleranceParam /= 1_mm;
224  return config;
225  }
227  SeedFinderConfig config = *this;
228  // calculation of scattering using the highland formula
229  // convert pT to p once theta angle is known
230  config.highland = 13.6 * std::sqrt(radLengthPerSeed) *
231  (1 + 0.038 * std::log(radLengthPerSeed));
232  const float maxScatteringAngle = config.highland / minPt;
233  config.maxScatteringAngle2 = maxScatteringAngle * maxScatteringAngle;
234  return config;
235  }
236 };
239  // location of beam in x,y plane.
240  // used as offset for Space Points
243  // field induction
244  float bFieldInZ = 2.08 * Acts::UnitConstants::T;
246  // derived quantities
247  float pTPerHelixRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
248  float minHelixDiameter2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
249  float pT2perRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
250  float sigmapT2perRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
251  float multipleScattering2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
253  bool isInInternalUnits = false;
256  if (isInInternalUnits) {
257  throw std::runtime_error(
258  "Repeated conversion to internal units for SeedFinderOptions");
259  }
260  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
261  SeedFinderOptions options = *this;
262  options.isInInternalUnits = true;
263  options.beamPos[0] /= 1_mm;
264  options.beamPos[1] /= 1_mm;
266  options.bFieldInZ /= 1000. * 1_T;
267  return options;
268  }
270  template <typename Config>
272  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
274  if (!isInInternalUnits) {
275  throw std::runtime_error(
276  "Derived quantities in SeedFinderOptions can only be calculated from "
277  "Acts internal units");
278  }
279  SeedFinderOptions options = *this;
280  // helix radius in homogeneous magnetic field. Units are Kilotesla, MeV and
281  // millimeter
282  // TODO: change using ACTS units
283  options.pTPerHelixRadius = 1_T * 1e6 * options.bFieldInZ;
284  options.minHelixDiameter2 =
285  std::pow(config.minPt * 2 / options.pTPerHelixRadius, 2);
286  options.pT2perRadius =
287  std::pow(config.highland / options.pTPerHelixRadius, 2);
288  options.sigmapT2perRadius =
289  options.pT2perRadius * std::pow(2 * config.sigmaScattering, 2);
290  options.multipleScattering2 =
291  config.maxScatteringAngle2 * std::pow(config.sigmaScattering, 2);
292  return options;
293  }
294 };
296 } // namespace Acts