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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file extractMIPEnergy.C
1 #include <string>
2 #include <TString.h>
3 #include <TFile.h>
4 #include <TH2F.h>
5 #include <TH1F.h>
6 #include <TF1.h>
7 #include <TCanvas.h>
8 #include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <fstream>
12 float ErrorAdd(float x, float y)
13 {
14  return sqrt(x*x+y*y);
15 }
17 float ErrTimes(float x, float y, float dx, float dy)
18 {
19  return x*y*ErrorAdd(dx/x,dy/y);
20 }
22 float ErrDiv(float x, float y, float dx, float dy)
23 {
24  return x/y*ErrorAdd(dx/x,dy/y);
25 }
28 {
29  string inputenergy[4] = {"5GeV","8GeV","12GeV","60GeV"};
30  string runId[4] = {"1087","0422","0571","0821"};
31  float mean_energy[4] = {5.0,8.0,12.0,60.0};
33  TH2F *h_mAsymmEnergy_pion[4];
34  TH1F *h_mMIPEnergy_pion[4];
35  TFile *File_InPut[4];
37  for(int i_energy = 0; i_energy < 4; ++i_energy)
38  {
39  string inputfile = Form("/sphenix/user/xusun/TestBeam/ShowerCalibAna/Proto4ShowerInfoRAW_%s.root",runId[i_energy].c_str());
40  File_InPut[i_energy] = TFile::Open(inputfile.c_str());
41  h_mAsymmEnergy_pion[i_energy] = (TH2F*)File_InPut[i_energy]->Get("h_mAsymmEnergy_pion");
42  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_energy] = (TH1F*)h_mAsymmEnergy_pion[i_energy]->ProjectionY()->Clone();
43  }
45  TF1 *f_gaus_MIP[4];
46  float MIP_mean[4];
47  float MIP_width[4];
48  TCanvas *c_MIPEnergy = new TCanvas("c_MIPEnergy","c_MIPEnergy",1500,500);
49  c_MIPEnergy->Divide(3,1);
50  for(int i_pad = 0; i_pad < 3; ++i_pad)
51  {
52  c_MIPEnergy->cd(i_pad+1);
53  c_MIPEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
54  c_MIPEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
55  c_MIPEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetTicks(1,1);
56  c_MIPEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetGrid(0,0);
57  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->SetTitle(inputenergy[i_pad].c_str());
58  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tower Calibrated Energy (GeV)");
59  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->Draw("hE");
60  string FuncName = Form("f_gaus_MIP_%d",i_pad);
61  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad] = new TF1(FuncName.c_str(),"gaus",0,5);
62  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetParameter(0,1.0);
63  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetParameter(1,1.0);
64  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetParameter(2,0.1);
65  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetRange(0.4,0.9);
66  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->Fit(f_gaus_MIP[i_pad],"NQR");
67  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetLineColor(2);
68  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetLineStyle(2);
69  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->SetLineWidth(2);
70  f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->Draw("l same");
71  MIP_mean[i_pad] = f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->GetParameter(1);
72  MIP_width[i_pad] = f_gaus_MIP[i_pad]->GetParameter(2);
73  cout << "MIP for " << inputenergy[i_pad] << " is: " << MIP_mean[i_pad] << " +/- " << MIP_width[i_pad] << endl;
74  }
76  int i_MIP = 1; // use 8 GeV as defualt MIP cut
77  cout << "default MIP for all energy chosen to be " << inputenergy[i_MIP] << " is: " << MIP_mean[i_MIP] << " +/- " << MIP_width[i_MIP] << endl;
79  ofstream File_OutPut("MIPEnergy.txt");
80  File_OutPut << "default MIP at " << inputenergy[i_MIP] << " is: " << MIP_mean[i_MIP] << " +/- " << MIP_width[i_MIP] << endl;
81  File_OutPut.close();
83  c_MIPEnergy->SaveAs("../figures/HCAL_ShowerCalib/c_MIPEnergy.eps");
85 #if 0
86  TF1 *f_gaus_Reco[4];
87  float Reco_mean[4];
88  float err_mean[4];
89  float Reco_width[4];
90  float err_width[4];
91  float Reco_resolution[4];
92  float err_resolution[4];
93  TCanvas *c_RecoEnergy = new TCanvas("c_RecoEnergy","c_RecoEnergy",1500,500);
94  c_RecoEnergy->Divide(3,1);
95  for(int i_pad = 0; i_pad < 3; ++i_pad)
96  {
97  c_RecoEnergy->cd(i_pad+1);
98  c_RecoEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
99  c_RecoEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
100  c_RecoEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetTicks(1,1);
101  c_RecoEnergy->cd(i_pad+1)->SetGrid(0,0);
102  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->Draw("hE");
104  string FuncName = Form("f_gaus_Reco_%d",i_pad);
105  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad] = new TF1(FuncName.c_str(),"gaus",0,100);
106  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetParameter(0,1.0);
107  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetParameter(1,mean_energy[i_pad]/3.0);
108  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetParameter(2,1.0);
109  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetRange(MIP_mean[i_MIP]+2.0*MIP_width[i_MIP],0.5*mean_energy[i_pad]);
110  h_mMIPEnergy_pion[i_pad]->Fit(f_gaus_Reco[i_pad],"NQR");
111  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetLineColor(2);
112  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetLineStyle(2);
113  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->SetLineWidth(2);
114  f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->Draw("l same");
116  Reco_mean[i_pad] = f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->GetParameter(1);
117  err_mean[i_pad] = f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->GetParError(1);
118  Reco_width[i_pad] = f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->GetParameter(2);
119  err_width[i_pad] = f_gaus_Reco[i_pad]->GetParError(2);
120  cout << "Reco for " << inputenergy[i_pad] << " is: " << Reco_mean[i_pad] << " +/- " << Reco_width[i_pad] << endl;
122  Reco_resolution[i_pad] = Reco_width[i_pad]/Reco_mean[i_pad];
123  err_resolution[i_pad] = ErrDiv(Reco_width[i_pad],Reco_mean[i_pad],err_width[i_pad],err_mean[i_pad]);
124  }
126  TGraphAsymmErrors *g_lieanrity = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
127  TGraphAsymmErrors *g_resolution = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
128  for(int i_point = 0; i_point < 3; ++i_point)
129  {
130  g_lieanrity->SetPoint(i_point,mean_energy[i_point],Reco_mean[i_point]);
131  g_lieanrity->SetPointError(i_point,0.0,0.0,err_mean[i_point],err_mean[i_point]);
133  g_resolution->SetPoint(i_point,mean_energy[i_point],Reco_resolution[i_point]);
134  g_resolution->SetPointError(i_point,0.0,0.0,err_resolution[i_point],err_resolution[i_point]);
135  }
137  TCanvas *c_Linearity = new TCanvas("c_Linearity","c_Linearity",10,10,800,800);
138  c_Linearity->cd();
139  c_Linearity->cd()->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
140  c_Linearity->cd()->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
141  c_Linearity->cd()->SetTicks(1,1);
142  c_Linearity->cd()->SetGrid(0,0);
144  TH1F *h_play = new TH1F("h_play","h_play",100,0.0,100.0);
145  for(int i_bin = 0; i_bin < 100; ++i_bin)
146  {
147  h_play->SetBinContent(i_bin+1,-10.0);
148  h_play->SetBinError(i_bin+1,1.0);
149  }
150  h_play->SetTitle("");
151  h_play->SetStats(0);
152  h_play->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("input Energy (GeV)");
153  h_play->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
154  h_play->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
155  h_play->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,20.0);
157  h_play->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Tower Calibrated Energy (GeV)");
158  h_play->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
159  h_play->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,10.0);
160  h_play->DrawCopy("pE");
162  g_lieanrity->SetMarkerStyle(24);
163  g_lieanrity->SetMarkerColor(2);
164  g_lieanrity->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
165  g_lieanrity->Draw("PE same");
167  TF1 *f_pol = new TF1("f_pol","pol1",0.0,20.0);
168  f_pol->SetParameter(0,0.0);
169  f_pol->SetParameter(1,1.0);
170  f_pol->SetRange(0.0,20.0);
171  g_lieanrity->Fit(f_pol,"NR");
172  f_pol->SetLineColor(2);
173  f_pol->SetLineStyle(2);
174  f_pol->SetLineWidth(2);
175  f_pol->Draw("l same");
177  TGraphAsymmErrors *g_resolution_old = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
178  string inputresolution = "resolution.txt";
179  FILE *fres = fopen(inputresolution.c_str(), "r");
180  if(fres == NULL)
181  {
182  perror("Error opening file!");
183  }
184  else
185  {
186  float x, y, err_x_low, err_x_high, err_y_low, err_y_high;
187  char line[1024];
188  int line_counter = 0;
189  while(fgets(line,1024,fres))
190  {
191  sscanf(&line[0], "%f %f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &err_x_low, &err_x_high, &err_y_low, &err_y_high);
192  // cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", err_x_low = " << err_x_low << ", err_x_high = " << err_x_high << ", err_y_low = " << err_y_low << ", err_y_high = " << err_y_high << endl;
193  g_resolution_old->SetPoint(line_counter,x,y);
194  g_resolution_old->SetPointError(line_counter,err_x_low,err_x_high,err_y_low,err_y_high);
195  line_counter++;
196  }
197  }
198  TCanvas *c_Resolution = new TCanvas("c_Resolution","c_Resolution",10,10,800,800);
199  c_Resolution->cd();
200  c_Resolution->cd()->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
201  c_Resolution->cd()->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
202  c_Resolution->cd()->SetTicks(1,1);
203  c_Resolution->cd()->SetGrid(0,0);
205  h_play->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#DeltaE/<E>");
206  h_play->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
207  h_play->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,0.8);
208  h_play->DrawCopy("pE");
210  g_resolution->SetMarkerStyle(20);
211  g_resolution->SetMarkerColor(kGray+2);
212  g_resolution->SetMarkerSize(2.0);
213  g_resolution->Draw("pE same");
215  g_resolution_old->SetMarkerStyle(21);
216  g_resolution_old->SetMarkerColor(2);
217  g_resolution_old->SetMarkerSize(1.8);
218  g_resolution_old->Draw("pE same");
220  TLegend *leg_res = new TLegend(0.55,0.6,0.85,0.8);
221  leg_res->SetBorderSize(0);
222  leg_res->SetFillColor(0);
223  leg_res->AddEntry(g_resolution_old,"#pi- T1044-2017","p");
224  leg_res->AddEntry(g_resolution,"#pi- T1044-2018","p");
225  leg_res->Draw("same");
226 #endif
227 }