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1 #include "TowerInfoDefs.h"
2 #include "RawTowerDefs.h"
4 #include <bitset>
5 #include <climits>
6 #include <cstdlib>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <string>
10 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
11 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
12 static const int emcadc[8][8] = {
13  {62, 60, 46, 44, 30, 28, 14, 12},
14  {63, 61, 47, 45, 31, 29, 15, 13},
15  {58, 56, 42, 40, 26, 24, 10, 8},
16  {59, 57, 43, 41, 27, 25, 11, 9},
17  {54, 52, 38, 36, 22, 20, 6, 4},
18  {55, 53, 39, 37, 23, 21, 7, 5},
19  {50, 48, 34, 32, 18, 16, 2, 0},
20  {51, 49, 35, 33, 19, 17, 3, 1}};
22 static const int hcaladc[8][2] = {
23  {0, 1},
24  {2, 3},
25  {4, 5},
26  {6, 7},
27  {8, 9},
28  {10, 11},
29  {12, 13},
30  {14, 15}};
31 static const int epdchnlmap[16][2] = {
32  {0, 0},
33  {1, 2},
34  {3, 4},
35  {5, 6},
36  {7, 8},
37  {9, 10},
38  {11, 12},
39  {13, 14},
40  {15, 16},
41  {17, 18},
42  {19, 20},
43  {21, 22},
44  {23, 24},
45  {25, 26},
46  {27, 28},
47  {29, 30}};
49 static const int epd_phimap[31] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
50 static const int epd_rmap[31] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15};
52 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_emcal(const unsigned int towerIndex)
53 {
54  static int phimap[64];
55  static int etamap[64];
56  static int etabinoffset[4];
57  static int ifirst = 1;
58  if (ifirst == 1)
59  {
60  for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
61  {
62  for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
63  {
64  etamap[emcadc[j][k]] = j;
65  phimap[emcadc[j][k]] = k;
66  }
67  }
68  etabinoffset[0] = 24;
69  etabinoffset[1] = 0;
70  etabinoffset[2] = 48;
71  etabinoffset[3] = 72;
72  ifirst = 0;
73  }
74  const int channels_per_sector = 64;
75  const int supersector = 64 * 12;
76  const int nchannelsperpacket = 64 * 3;
77  const int maxphibin = 7;
78  const int maxetabin = 23;
79  int supersectornumber = towerIndex / supersector;
80  int packet = (towerIndex % supersector) / nchannelsperpacket; // 0 = S small |eta|, 1 == S big |eta|, 2 == N small |eta|, 3 == N big |eta|
81  if (packet < 0 || packet > 3)
82  {
83  std::cout << "Attempting to access channel with invalid value in EMCal " << packet << std::endl;
84  exit(1);
85  }
86  int interfaceboard = ((towerIndex % supersector) % nchannelsperpacket) / channels_per_sector;
87  int interfaceboard_channel = ((towerIndex % supersector) % nchannelsperpacket) % channels_per_sector;
88  int localphibin = phimap[interfaceboard_channel];
89  if (packet == 0 || packet == 1)
90  {
91  localphibin = maxphibin - localphibin;
92  }
93  int localetabin = etamap[interfaceboard_channel];
94  int packet_etabin = localetabin + 8 * interfaceboard;
95  if (packet == 0 || packet == 1)
96  {
97  packet_etabin = maxetabin - packet_etabin;
98  }
99  unsigned int globaletabin = packet_etabin + etabinoffset[packet];
100  unsigned int globalphibin = localphibin + supersectornumber * 8;
101  unsigned int key = globalphibin + (globaletabin << 16U);
102  return key;
103 }
105 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_emcal(const unsigned int etabin, const unsigned int phibin)
106 {
107  unsigned int key = phibin + (etabin << 16U);
108  return key;
109 }
111 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_emcal(const unsigned int tower_key)
112 {
113  const int etabinoffset[4] = {24, 0, 48, 72};
114  const int etabinmap[4] = {1, 0, 2, 3};
115  const int channels_per_sector = 64;
116  const int supersector = 64 * 12;
117  const int nchannelsperpacket = 64 * 3;
118  const int maxphibin = 7;
119  const int maxetabin = 23;
121  unsigned int etabin = tower_key >> 16U;
122  unsigned int phibin = tower_key - (etabin << 16U);
123  int packet = etabinmap[(int) etabin / 24];
124  int localetabin = etabin - etabinoffset[packet];
125  int localphibin = phibin % 8;
126  int supersectornumber = phibin / 8;
127  int ib = 0;
128  if (packet == 0 || packet == 1)
129  {
130  localetabin = maxetabin - localetabin;
131  }
132  ib = localetabin / 8;
133  unsigned int index = 0;
134  if (packet == 0 || packet == 1)
135  {
136  localphibin = maxphibin - localphibin;
137  }
138  localetabin = localetabin % 8;
139  unsigned int localindex = emcadc[localetabin][localphibin];
140  index = localindex + channels_per_sector * ib + packet * nchannelsperpacket + supersector * supersectornumber;
141  return index;
142 }
144 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_hcal(const unsigned int towerIndex)
145 {
146  static int phimap[64];
147  static int etamap[64];
148  static int etabinoffset[4];
149  static int phibinoffset[4];
150  static int ifirst = 1;
151  if (ifirst == 1)
152  {
153  for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
154  {
155  for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
156  {
157  etamap[hcaladc[j][k]] = j;
158  phimap[hcaladc[j][k]] = k;
159  }
160  }
161  etabinoffset[0] = 0;
162  etabinoffset[1] = 8;
163  etabinoffset[2] = 16;
164  etabinoffset[3] = 0;
166  phibinoffset[0] = 0;
167  phibinoffset[1] = 2;
168  phibinoffset[2] = 4;
169  phibinoffset[3] = 6;
170  ifirst = 0;
171  }
173  const int channels_per_sector = 16;
174  const int supersector = 16 * 4 * 3;
175  const int nchannelsperpacket = channels_per_sector * 4;
176  // const int etabinoffset[4] = {0,8,16,0};
177  // const int phibinoffset[4] = {0,2,4,6};
178  int supersectornumber = towerIndex / supersector;
179  int packet = (towerIndex % supersector) / nchannelsperpacket; // 0 = S small |eta|, 1 == S big |eta|, 2 == N small |eta|, 3 == N big |eta|
180  if (packet < 0 || packet > 3)
181  {
182  std::cout << "Attempting to access channel with invalid value ih HCAL " << packet << std::endl;
183  exit(1);
184  }
185  int interfaceboard = ((towerIndex % supersector) % nchannelsperpacket) / channels_per_sector;
186  int interfaceboard_channel = ((towerIndex % supersector) % nchannelsperpacket) % channels_per_sector;
187  int localphibin = phimap[interfaceboard_channel] + phibinoffset[interfaceboard];
188  int localetabin = etamap[interfaceboard_channel];
189  int packet_etabin = localetabin;
190  unsigned int globaletabin = packet_etabin + etabinoffset[packet];
191  unsigned int globalphibin = localphibin + supersectornumber * 8;
192  unsigned int key = globalphibin + (globaletabin << 16U);
193  return key;
194 }
196 // convert from etabin-phibin to key
197 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_hcal(const unsigned int etabin, const unsigned int phibin)
198 {
199  unsigned int key = phibin + (etabin << 16U);
200  return key;
201 }
203 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_hcal(const unsigned int tower_key)
204 {
205  int channels_per_sector = 16;
206  int supersector = 16 * 4 * 3;
207  int nchannelsperpacket = channels_per_sector * 4;
208  int etabinoffset[3] = {0, 8, 16};
209  int phibinoffset[4] = {0, 2, 4, 6};
210  unsigned int etabin = tower_key >> 16U;
211  unsigned int phibin = tower_key - (etabin << 16U);
212  int packet = etabin / 8;
213  int localetabin = etabin - etabinoffset[packet];
214  int localphibin = phibin % 8;
215  int supersectornumber = phibin / 8;
216  int ib = localphibin / 2;
217  unsigned int index = 0;
218  localphibin = localphibin - phibinoffset[ib];
219  unsigned int localindex = hcaladc[localetabin][localphibin];
220  index = localindex + channels_per_sector * ib + packet * nchannelsperpacket + supersector * supersectornumber;
221  return index;
222 }
224 // convert from calorimeter key to phi bin
225 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::getCaloTowerPhiBin(const unsigned int key)
226 {
227  unsigned int etabin = key >> 16U;
228  unsigned int phibin = key - (etabin << 16U);
229  return phibin;
230 }
232 // convert from calorimeter key to eta bin
233 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::getCaloTowerEtaBin(const unsigned int key)
234 {
235  unsigned int etabin = key >> 16U;
236  return etabin;
237 }
239 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_epd(const unsigned int towerIndex) // convert from tower index to key
240 {
241  int channels_per_sector = 31;
242  int supersector = channels_per_sector * 12;
243  unsigned int supersectornumber = towerIndex / supersector;
244  int sector = ((towerIndex % supersector)) / channels_per_sector;
245  int channel = ((towerIndex % supersector)) % channels_per_sector;
246  unsigned int key = channel + (sector << 5U) + (supersectornumber << 9U);
247  return key;
248 }
250 // convert from arm-rbin-phibin to key
251 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_epd(const unsigned int arm, const unsigned int rbin, const unsigned int phibin)
252 {
253  if (rbin == 0 && phibin > 11)
254  {
255  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " encode_epd invalid phibin value: " << phibin << " where max valid phibin is 11" << std::endl;
256  exit(1);
257  }
259  unsigned int sector = phibin / 2;
260  if (rbin == 0)
261  {
262  sector = phibin;
263  }
265  int channel = 0;
266  if (rbin != 0)
267  {
268  channel = epdchnlmap[rbin][phibin - 2 * sector];
269  }
271  unsigned int key = channel + (sector << 5U) + (arm << 9U);
272  return key;
273 }
275 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_epd(const unsigned int tower_key)
276 {
277  int channels_per_sector = 31;
278  int supersector = channels_per_sector * 12;
279  unsigned int ns_sector = tower_key >> 9U;
280  unsigned int sector = (tower_key - (ns_sector << 9U)) >> 5U;
281  unsigned int channel = tower_key - (ns_sector << 9U) - (sector << 5U);
282  unsigned int index = ns_sector * supersector + sector * channels_per_sector + channel;
283  return index;
284 }
286 // convert from epd key to arm bin
287 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_arm(unsigned int key)
288 {
289  unsigned int arm = key >> 9U;
290  return arm;
291 }
292 // convert from epd key to sector number
293 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_sector(unsigned int key)
294 {
295  unsigned int arm = get_epd_arm(key);
296  unsigned int sector = (key - (arm << 9U)) >> 5U;
297  return sector;
298 }
299 // convert from epd key to r bin
300 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_rbin(unsigned int key)
301 {
302  unsigned int arm = get_epd_arm(key);
303  unsigned int sector = get_epd_sector(key);
304  unsigned int channel = key - (sector << 5U) - (arm << 9U);
305  unsigned int rbin = epd_rmap[channel];
306  return rbin;
307 }
308 // convert from epd key to phi bin
309 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_phibin(unsigned int key)
310 {
311  unsigned int arm = get_epd_arm(key);
312  unsigned int rbin = get_epd_rbin(key);
313  unsigned int sector = get_epd_sector(key);
314  unsigned int channel = key - (sector << 5U) - (arm << 9U);
315  unsigned int phibin = epd_phimap[channel] + 2 * sector;
316  if (rbin == 0)
317  {
318  phibin = sector;
319  }
321  return phibin;
322 }
324 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_zdc(const unsigned int towerIndex)
325 {
326  if (towerIndex > 15)
327  {
328  std::cout << "Attempting to access zdc channel with invalid number " << towerIndex << std::endl;
329  exit(1);
330  }
331  unsigned int key = towerIndex;
332  /*
333  // 3 bits: one for pos/neg z and 2 for the 3 modules
334  unsigned int key;
335  if (towerIndex == 0) key = 0;
336  if (towerIndex == 1) key = 1;
337  if (towerIndex == 2) key = 2;
338  // negative side
339  if (towerIndex == 3)
340  {
341  key = 1 << 2;
342  key += 0;
343  }
344  if (towerIndex == 4)
345  {
346  key = 1 << 2;
347  key += 1;
348  }
349  if (towerIndex == 5)
350  {
351  key = 1 << 2;
352  key += 2;
353  }
354  */
355  return key;
356 }
358 // convert from channel number to smd tower key
359 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_smd(const unsigned int towerIndex)
360 {
361  // 3 bits: one for pos/neg z and 2 for the 3 modules
362  if (towerIndex > 29)
363  {
364  std::cout << "Attempting to access smd channel with invalid number " << towerIndex << std::endl;
365  exit(1);
366  }
367  unsigned int Xpos[2] = {0, 6};
368  unsigned int Ypos[2] = {7, 14};
369  unsigned int Xneg[2] = {15, 23};
370  unsigned int Yneg[2] = {22, 29};
371  unsigned int xyBit = 0;
372  unsigned int fingerIndex = UINT_MAX;
373  unsigned int sideBit = 0;
374  if (towerIndex >= Xpos[0] && towerIndex <= Xpos[1])
375  {
376  xyBit = 0;
377  fingerIndex = towerIndex - Xpos[0];
378  sideBit = 1;
379  }
380  if (towerIndex >= Ypos[0] && towerIndex <= Ypos[1])
381  {
382  xyBit = 1;
383  fingerIndex = towerIndex - Ypos[0];
384  sideBit = 1;
385  }
386  if (towerIndex >= Xneg[0] && towerIndex <= Xneg[1])
387  {
388  xyBit = 0;
389  fingerIndex = towerIndex - Xneg[0];
390  sideBit = 0;
391  }
392  if (towerIndex >= Yneg[0] && towerIndex <= Yneg[1])
393  {
394  xyBit = 1;
395  fingerIndex = towerIndex - Yneg[0];
396  sideBit = 0;
397  }
398  unsigned int key = (sideBit << 4) + (xyBit << 3) + fingerIndex;
399  // key += (sideBit << 4) + (xyBit << 3) + fingerIndex;
400  return key;
401 }
403 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_smd(const unsigned int key)
404 {
405  unsigned int index = 999;
406  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
407  {
408  if (encode_smd(i) == key)
409  {
410  index = i;
411  break;
412  }
413  }
414  return index;
415 }
417 // convert from zdc tower key to channel number
418 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_zdc(const unsigned int key)
419 {
420  unsigned int index = 999;
421  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
422  {
423  if (encode_zdc(i) == key)
424  {
425  index = i;
426  break;
427  }
428  }
429  return index;
430 }
432 // get zdc side, 0 = south, 1 = north
433 int TowerInfoDefs::get_zdc_side(const unsigned int key)
434 {
435  if (key & 8) return 1;
436  return 0;
437 }
439 // convert from calorimeter key to smd side
440 int TowerInfoDefs::get_smd_side(const unsigned int key)
441 {
442  if (key & (1 << 4)) return 1;
443  return -1;
444 }
445 // convert from calorimeter key to smd xy bin
446 int TowerInfoDefs::get_smd_xy(const unsigned int key)
447 {
448  if (key & (1 << 3)) return 0;
449  return 1;
450 }
451 // convert from calorimeter key to smd finger
452 int TowerInfoDefs::get_smd_finger_index(const unsigned int key)
453 {
454  return key & 7;
455 }
457 // 128 channels per side, goes 8 times and 8 charges and so on
458 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::encode_mbd(const unsigned int pmtIndex)
459 {
460  unsigned int arm = pmtIndex / 128;
461  unsigned int type = (pmtIndex % 16) / 8;
462  unsigned int channel = (pmtIndex % 8) + ((pmtIndex / 16) * 8);
463  if (channel > 63) channel -= 64;
465  unsigned int key = (arm << 7) | (type << 6) | channel;
467  return key;
468 }
470 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::decode_mbd(const unsigned int key)
471 {
472  unsigned int arm = (key >> 7) & 0x1;
473  unsigned int type = (key >> 6) & 0x1;
474  unsigned int channel = key & 0x3f;
476  unsigned int index = (arm * 128) + (type * 8) + (channel % 8) + (channel / 8) * 16;
478  return index;
479 }
481 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_mbd_arm(const unsigned int key)
482 {
483  return (key >> 7) & 0x1;
484 }
486 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_mbd_side(const unsigned int key)
487 {
488  return get_mbd_arm(key);
489 }
491 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_mbd_type(const unsigned int key)
492 {
493  return (key >> 6) & 0x1;
494 }
496 unsigned int TowerInfoDefs::get_mbd_channel(const unsigned int key)
497 {
498  return key & 0x3f;
499 }
501 // convienent for interface to geometry class
503 {
504  unsigned int towerkey = encode_emcal(towerIndex);
505  unsigned int etabin = getCaloTowerEtaBin(towerkey);
506  unsigned int phibin = getCaloTowerPhiBin(towerkey);
508  return key;
509 }
511 // convienent for interface to geometry class
513 {
514  unsigned int towerkey = encode_hcal(towerIndex);
515  unsigned int etabin = getCaloTowerEtaBin(towerkey);
516  unsigned int phibin = getCaloTowerPhiBin(towerkey);
518  return key;
519 }
521 // convienent for interface to geometry class
523 {
524  unsigned int towerkey = encode_hcal(towerIndex);
525  unsigned int etabin = getCaloTowerEtaBin(towerkey);
526  unsigned int phibin = getCaloTowerPhiBin(towerkey);
528  return key;
529 }
531 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop