Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackSummary.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <array>
13 #include <bitset>
14 #include <cmath>
15 #include <exception>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <optional>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <vector>
23 #include <TApplication.h>
24 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
25 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
27 #define BOOST_AVAILABLE 1
28 #if ((BOOST_VERSION / 100) % 1000) <= 71
29 // Boost <=1.71 and lower do not have progress_display.hpp as a replacement yet
30 #include <boost/progress.hpp>
33 #else
34 // Boost >=1.72 can use this as a replacement
35 #include <boost/timer/progress_display.hpp>
38 #endif
41 #include "trackSummaryAnalysis.C"
43 using namespace boost::program_options;
48 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
49  std::cout << "*** ACTS Perigee parameters and Track summary plotting "
50  << std::endl;
52  try {
53  options_description description("*** Usage:");
55  // Add the program options
56  auto ao = description.add_options();
57  ao("help,h", "Display this help message");
58  ao("silent,s", bool_switch(), "Silent mode (without X-window/display).");
59  ao("events,n", value<unsigned long>()->default_value(0),
60  "(Optionally) limit number of events to be processed.");
61  ao("peak-events,p", value<unsigned long>()->default_value(0),
62  "(Optionally) limit number of events for the range peaking.");
63  ao("input,i", value<std::vector<std::string>>()->required(),
64  "Input ROOT file(s) containing the input TTree.");
65  ao("tree,t", value<std::string>()->default_value("tracksummary"),
66  "Input TTree/TChain name.");
67  ao("output,o", value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
68  "Output ROOT file with histograms");
69  ao("hist-bins", value<unsigned int>()->default_value(61),
70  "Number of bins for the residual/pull histograms");
71  ao("pull-range", value<float>()->default_value(5.),
72  "Number of sigmas for the pull range.");
73  ao("eta-bins", value<unsigned int>()->default_value(10),
74  "Number of bins in eta.");
75  ao("eta-range",
76  value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX")->default_value({-3.0, 3.0}),
77  "Range for the eta bins.");
78  ao("phi-bins", value<unsigned int>()->default_value(10),
79  "Number of bins in phi.");
80  ao("phi-range",
81  value<Interval>()->value_name("MIN:MAX")->default_value({-M_PI, M_PI}),
82  "Range for the phi bins.");
83  ao("pt-borders", value<VariableReals>()->required(),
84  "Transverse momentum borders.");
85  ao("config-output", value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
86  "(Optional) output histogram configuration json file.");
87  ao("config-input", value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
88  "(Optional) input histogram configuration json file.");
89  // Define all parameters (overwrites individual parameters)
90  ao("all", bool_switch(),
91  "Process all residual/pull and auxiliary parameters");
92  // Define the parameters for the residual/pull analysis
93  std::vector<std::string> resPullPars = {"d0", "z0", "phi0", "theta0",
94  "qop", "time", "pt"};
95  for (const auto& rp : resPullPars) {
96  ao(rp.c_str(), bool_switch(),
97  (std::string("Residual/pulls for ") + rp).c_str());
98  }
99  // Define the auxiliary track information
100  std::vector<std::string> auxPars = {"chi2ndf", "measurements", "holes",
101  "outliers", "shared"};
102  for (const auto& aux : auxPars) {
103  ao(aux.c_str(), bool_switch(),
104  (std::string("Auxiliary information for ") + aux).c_str());
105  }
107  // Set up the variables map
108  variables_map vm;
109  store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).run(), vm);
111  if (vm.count("help") != 0u) {
112  std::cout << description;
113  return 1;
114  }
116  notify(vm);
118  // Events
119  unsigned long nEntries = vm["events"].as<unsigned long>();
120  unsigned long nPeakEntries = vm["peak-events"].as<unsigned long>();
122  // Parse the parameters
123  auto iFiles = vm["input"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
124  auto iTree = vm["tree"].as<std::string>();
125  auto oFile = vm["output"].as<std::string>();
127  // Configuration JSON files
128  auto configInput = vm["config-input"].as<std::string>();
129  auto configOutput = vm["config-output"].as<std::string>();
131  float pullRange = vm["pull-range"].as<float>();
132  unsigned int nHistBins = vm["hist-bins"].as<unsigned int>();
133  unsigned int nEtaBins = vm["eta-bins"].as<unsigned int>();
135  auto etaInterval = vm["eta-range"].as<Interval>();
136  std::array<float, 2> etaRange = {
137  static_cast<float>(etaInterval.lower.value_or(-3)),
138  static_cast<float>(etaInterval.upper.value_or(3.))};
140  unsigned int nPhiBins = vm["phi-bins"].as<unsigned int>();
141  auto phiInterval = vm["phi-range"].as<Interval>();
142  std::array<float, 2> phiRange = {
143  static_cast<float>(phiInterval.lower.value_or(-M_PI)),
144  static_cast<float>(phiInterval.upper.value_or(M_PI))};
146  auto ptBorders = vm["pt-borders"].as<VariableReals>().values;
147  if (ptBorders.empty()) {
148  ptBorders = {0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()};
149  }
151  TApplication* tApp =
152  vm["silent"].as<bool>()
153  ? nullptr
154  : new TApplication("TrackSummary", nullptr, nullptr);
156  std::bitset<7> residualPulls;
157  std::bitset<5> auxiliaries;
158  if (vm["all"].as<bool>()) {
159  residualPulls = std::bitset<7>{"1111111"};
160  auxiliaries = std::bitset<5>{"11111"};
161  } else {
162  // Set the bit for the chosen parameters(s)
163  for (unsigned int iresp = 0; iresp < resPullPars.size(); ++iresp) {
164  if (vm[resPullPars[iresp]].as<bool>()) {
165  residualPulls.set(iresp);
166  }
167  }
168  // Set the bit for the chosen auxiliaries
169  for (unsigned int iaux = 0; iaux < auxPars.size(); ++iaux) {
170  if (vm[auxPars[iaux]].as<bool>()) {
171  auxiliaries.set(iaux);
172  }
173  }
174  }
176  // Run the actual resolution estimation
177  switch (trackSummaryAnalysis(
178  iFiles, iTree, oFile, configInput, configOutput, nEntries, nPeakEntries,
179  pullRange, nHistBins, nPhiBins, phiRange, nEtaBins, etaRange, ptBorders,
180  residualPulls, auxiliaries)) {
181  case -1: {
182  std::cout << "*** Input file could not be opened, check name/path."
183  << std::endl;
184  } break;
185  case -2: {
186  std::cout << "*** Input tree could not be found, check name."
187  << std::endl;
188  } break;
189  default: {
190  std::cout << "*** Successful run." << std::endl;
191  };
192  }
194  if (tApp != nullptr) {
195  tApp->Run();
196  }
198  } catch (std::exception& e) {
199  std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
200  }
202  std::cout << "*** Done." << std::endl;
203  return 1;
204 }