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defineReconstructionPerformance.C File Reference
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TEfficiency.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include "CommonUtils.h"
#include "TreeReader.h"
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void defineReconstructionPerformance (const std::string &inputSimParticleFileName="performance_track_finder.root", const std::vector< std::string > &inputTrackSummaryFileNames={"tracksummary_ckf.root"}, const std::vector< std::string > &trackSummaryFileLegends={"CKF with reco seeds"}, const std::string &simParticleTreeName="track_finder_particles", const std::string &trackSummaryTreeName="tracksummary_ckf", unsigned int nHitsMin=9, unsigned int nMeasurementsMin=6, double ptMin=0.5, double truthMatchProbMin=0.5)

Function Documentation

void defineReconstructionPerformance ( const std::string &  inputSimParticleFileName = "performance_track_finder.root",
const std::vector< std::string > &  inputTrackSummaryFileNames = {"tracksummary_ckf.root"},
const std::vector< std::string > &  trackSummaryFileLegends = {"CKF with reco seeds"},
const std::string &  simParticleTreeName = "track_finder_particles",
const std::string &  trackSummaryTreeName = "tracksummary_ckf",
unsigned int  nHitsMin = 9,
unsigned int  nMeasurementsMin = 6,
double  ptMin = 0.5,
double  truthMatchProbMin = 0.5 

This script/function reads all the reconstructed tracks from e.g. 'tracksummary_ckf.root' and the (possibly selected) truth particles from e.g. 'track_finder_particles.root' (which contains the info of 'nHits'), and defines the efficiency, fake rate and duplicaiton rate. It aims to make custom definition and tuning of the reconstruction performance easier. Multiple files for the reconstructed tracks are allowed.

NB: It's very likely that fiducal cuts are already imposed on the truth particles. Please check the selection criteria in the truth fitting example which writes out the 'track_finder_particles.root'. For instance, if the truth particles are already required to have pT > 1 GeV, it does not make sense to have ptMin = 0.5 GeV here.

Definition at line 35 of file defineReconstructionPerformance.C.

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