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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file defineReconstructionPerformance.C
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <array>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <tuple>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include <TCanvas.h>
16 #include <TEfficiency.h>
17 #include <TFile.h>
19 #include "CommonUtils.h"
20 #include "TreeReader.h"
36  const std::string& inputSimParticleFileName =
37  "performance_track_finder.root",
38  const std::vector<std::string>& inputTrackSummaryFileNames =
39  {"tracksummary_ckf.root"},
40  const std::vector<std::string>& trackSummaryFileLegends =
41  {"CKF with reco seeds"},
42  const std::string& simParticleTreeName = "track_finder_particles",
43  const std::string& trackSummaryTreeName = "tracksummary_ckf",
44  unsigned int nHitsMin = 9, unsigned int nMeasurementsMin = 6,
45  double ptMin = 0.5, double truthMatchProbMin = 0.5) {
46  gStyle->SetOptFit(0011);
47  gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
48  gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.18);
49  gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05);
50  gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.1);
51  gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15);
52  gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05, "xy");
53  gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "xy");
54  gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1., "x");
55  gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.5, "y");
56  gStyle->SetNdivisions(505, "y");
58  // Check the inputs are valid
59  if (inputTrackSummaryFileNames.size() != trackSummaryFileLegends.size()) {
60  throw std::invalid_argument(
61  "Please specify the legends you want to show for all the track files");
62  }
64  // Open the files for reading
65  TFile* particleFile = TFile::Open(inputSimParticleFileName.c_str(), "read");
66  // The number of track files to read
67  unsigned int nTrackFiles = inputTrackSummaryFileNames.size();
68  std::vector<TFile*> trackFiles;
69  trackFiles.reserve(nTrackFiles);
70  for (const auto& fileName : inputTrackSummaryFileNames) {
71  trackFiles.push_back(TFile::Open(fileName.c_str(), "read"));
72  }
74  // Define variables for tree reading (turn on the events sorting since we have more than one root files to read)
75  ParticleReader pReader(
76  (TTree*)particleFile->Get(simParticleTreeName.c_str()), true);
77  std::vector<TrackSummaryReader> tReaders;
78  tReaders.reserve(nTrackFiles);
79  for (const auto& trackFile : trackFiles) {
80  tReaders.emplace_back((TTree*)trackFile->Get(trackSummaryTreeName.c_str()), true);
81  }
83  std::vector<size_t> nEvents;
84  nEvents.reserve(nTrackFiles);
85  for (const auto& tReader : tReaders) {
86  size_t entries = tReader.tree->GetEntries();
87  nEvents.push_back(entries);
88  }
90  // Define the efficiency plots
91  std::vector<TEfficiency*> trackEff_vs_eta;
92  std::vector<TEfficiency*> fakeRate_vs_eta;
93  std::vector<TEfficiency*> duplicateRate_vs_eta;
94  std::vector<TEfficiency*> trackEff_vs_pt;
95  std::vector<TEfficiency*> fakeRate_vs_pt;
96  std::vector<TEfficiency*> duplicateRate_vs_pt;
98  for (int i = 0; i < nTrackFiles; ++i) {
99  trackEff_vs_eta.push_back(new TEfficiency(
100  Form("trackeff_vs_eta_%i", i), ";Truth #eta [GeV/c];Efficiency", 40, -4, 4));
101  fakeRate_vs_eta.push_back(new TEfficiency(
102  Form("fakerate_vs_eta_%i", i), ";#eta [GeV/c];fake rate", 40, -4, 4));
103  duplicateRate_vs_eta.push_back(new TEfficiency(
104  Form("duplicaterate_vs_eta_%i", i), ";#eta [GeV/c];Duplicate rate", 40, -4, 4));
105  trackEff_vs_pt.push_back(new TEfficiency(
106  Form("trackeff_vs_pt_%i", i), ";Truth pt [GeV/c];Efficiency", 40, 0, 100));
107  fakeRate_vs_pt.push_back(new TEfficiency(
108  Form("fakerate_vs_pt_%i", i), ";pt [GeV/c];fake rate", 40, 0, 100));
109  duplicateRate_vs_pt.push_back(new TEfficiency(
110  Form("duplicaterate_vs_pt_%i", i), ";pt [GeV/c];Duplicate rate", 40, 0, 100));
111  }
113  // Set styles
114  for (int i = 0; i < nTrackFiles; ++i) {
115  auto color = i + 1;
116  setEffStyle(trackEff_vs_eta[i], color);
117  setEffStyle(fakeRate_vs_eta[i], color);
118  setEffStyle(duplicateRate_vs_eta[i], color);
119  setEffStyle(trackEff_vs_pt[i], color);
120  setEffStyle(fakeRate_vs_pt[i], color);
121  setEffStyle(duplicateRate_vs_pt[i], color);
122  }
124  // The particles in each event
125  std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<ParticleInfo>> particles;
127  // Loop over the track files
128  for (unsigned int ifile = 0; ifile < nTrackFiles; ++ifile) {
129  std::cout << "Processing track file: " << inputTrackSummaryFileNames[ifile]
130  << std::endl;
132  // The container from track-particle matching info (Flushed per event)
133  std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<RecoTrackInfo>> matchedParticles;
135  // Loop over the events to fill plots
136  for (size_t i = 0; i < nEvents[ifile]; ++i) {
137  if (i % 10 == 0) {
138  std::cout << "Processed events: " << i << std::endl;
139  }
141  // Get the tracks
142  tReaders[ifile].getEntry(i);
144  // Get the particles (do nothing if the particles for this event already
145  // read)
146  auto it = particles.find(i);
147  if (it == particles.end()) {
148  particles.emplace(i, pReader.getParticles(i));
149  }
151  // Loop over the tracks
152  // The fake rate is defined as the ratio of selected truth-matched tracks
153  // over all selected tracks
154  for (size_t j = 0; j < tReaders[ifile].nStates->size(); ++j) {
155  bool hasFittedParameters = tReaders[ifile].hasFittedParams->at(j);
156  auto nMeasurements = tReaders[ifile].nMeasurements->at(j);
157  auto nOutliers = tReaders[ifile].nOutliers->at(j);
158  auto nHoles = tReaders[ifile].nHoles->at(j);
159  auto theta = tReaders[ifile].eTHETA_fit->at(j);
160  auto qop = tReaders[ifile].eQOP_fit->at(j);
161  auto pt = std::abs(1 / qop) * std::sin(theta);
162  auto eta = std::atanh(std::cos(theta));
163  auto nMajorityHits = tReaders[ifile].nMajorityHits->at(j);
164  auto majorityParticleId = tReaders[ifile].majorityParticleId->at(j);
166  // Select the track, e.g. you might also want to add cuts on the
167  // nOutliers, nHoles
168  if ((!hasFittedParameters) or nMeasurements < nMeasurementsMin or
169  pt < ptMin) {
170  continue;
171  }
173  // Fill the fake rate plots
174  if (nMajorityHits * 1. / nMeasurements >= truthMatchProbMin) {
175  matchedParticles[majorityParticleId].push_back(
176  {eta, pt, nMajorityHits, nMeasurements});
177  fakeRate_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(false, eta);
178  fakeRate_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(false, pt);
179  } else {
180  fakeRate_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(true, eta);
181  fakeRate_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(true, pt);
182  }
183  } // end of all tracks
185  // Loop over all selected and truth-matched tracks
186  // The duplicate rate is defined as the ratio of duplicate tracks among
187  // all the selected truth-matched tracks (only one track is 'real'; others
188  // are 'duplicated')
189  for (auto& [id, matchedTracks] : matchedParticles) {
190  // Sort all tracks matched to this particle according to majority prob
191  // and track quality
192  std::sort(matchedTracks.begin(), matchedTracks.end(),
193  [](const RecoTrackInfo& lhs, const RecoTrackInfo& rhs) {
194  if (lhs.nMajorityHits > rhs.nMajorityHits) {
195  return true;
196  }
197  if (lhs.nMajorityHits < rhs.nMajorityHits) {
198  return false;
199  }
200  if (lhs.nMeasurements > rhs.nMeasurements) {
201  return true;
202  }
203  return false;
204  });
205  // Fill the duplication rate plots
206  for (size_t k = 0; k < matchedTracks.size(); ++k) {
207  auto eta = matchedTracks[k].eta;
208  auto pt = matchedTracks[k].pt;
209  if (k == 0) {
210  duplicateRate_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(false, eta);
211  duplicateRate_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(false, pt);
212  } else {
213  duplicateRate_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(true, eta);
214  duplicateRate_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(true, pt);
215  }
216  }
217  } // end of all selected truth-matched tracks
219  // Loop over all truth particles in this event
220  // The efficiency is defined as the ratio of selected particles that have
221  // been matched with reco
222  for (const auto& particle : particles[i]) {
223  auto nHits = particle.nHits;
224  auto eta = particle.eta;
225  auto pt =;
226  if (nHits < nHitsMin or pt < ptMin) {
227  continue;
228  }
229  uint64_t id = particle.particleId;
231  // Fill the efficiency plots
232  auto ip = matchedParticles.find(id);
233  if (ip != matchedParticles.end()) {
234  trackEff_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(true, eta);
235  trackEff_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(true, pt);
236  } else {
237  trackEff_vs_eta[ifile]->Fill(false, eta);
238  trackEff_vs_pt[ifile]->Fill(false, pt);
239  }
240  } // end of all particles
242  matchedParticles.clear();
243  } // end of all events
244  } // end of all track files
246  std::cout << "All good. Now plotting..." << std::endl;
248  // The legends
249  std::vector<TLegend*> legs;
250  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
251  TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.4, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9);
252  legend->SetBorderSize(0);
253  legend->SetFillStyle(0);
254  legend->SetTextFont(42);
255  legs.push_back(legend);
256  }
257  // Add entry for the legends
258  for (int i = 0; i < nTrackFiles; ++i) {
259  legs[0]->AddEntry(trackEff_vs_eta[i],
260  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
261  legs[1]->AddEntry(fakeRate_vs_eta[i],
262  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
263  legs[2]->AddEntry(duplicateRate_vs_eta[i],
264  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
265  legs[3]->AddEntry(trackEff_vs_pt[i],
266  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
267  legs[4]->AddEntry(fakeRate_vs_pt[i],
268  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
269  legs[5]->AddEntry(duplicateRate_vs_pt[i],
270  Form("%s", trackSummaryFileLegends[i].c_str()), "lp");
271  }
273  // Now draw the plots
274  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("recoPerf", " ", 1500, 800);
275  c1->Divide(3, 2);
277  float scaleRangeMax = 1.15;
278  for (int i = 0; i < nTrackFiles; ++i) {
279  std::string mode = (i == 0) ? "" : "same";
280  c1->cd(1);
281  trackEff_vs_eta[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
282  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
283  legs[0]->Draw();
284  }
285  adaptEffRange(trackEff_vs_eta[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
287  c1->cd(2);
288  fakeRate_vs_eta[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
289  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
290  legs[1]->Draw();
291  }
292  adaptEffRange(fakeRate_vs_eta[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
294  c1->cd(3);
295  duplicateRate_vs_eta[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
296  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
297  legs[2]->Draw();
298  }
299  adaptEffRange(duplicateRate_vs_eta[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
301  c1->cd(4);
302  trackEff_vs_pt[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
303  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
304  legs[3]->Draw();
305  }
306  adaptEffRange(trackEff_vs_pt[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
308  c1->cd(5);
309  fakeRate_vs_pt[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
310  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
311  legs[4]->Draw();
312  }
313  adaptEffRange(fakeRate_vs_pt[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
315  c1->cd(6);
316  duplicateRate_vs_pt[i]->Draw(mode.c_str());
317  if (i == nTrackFiles - 1) {
318  legs[5]->Draw();
319  }
320  adaptEffRange(duplicateRate_vs_pt[i], 1, scaleRangeMax);
321  }
323  c1->Update();
324 }