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1 /******************************************************************************
2 * *
3 * vHLLE : a 3D viscous hydrodynamic code *
4 * version 1.0, November 2013 *
5 * by Iurii Karpenko *
6 * contact: *
7 * For the detailed description please refer to: *
8 * *
9 * *
10 * This code can be freely used and redistributed, provided that this *
11 * copyright appear in all the copies. If you decide to make modifications *
12 * to the code, please contact the authors, especially if you plan to publish *
13 * the results obtained with such modified code. Any publication of results *
14 * obtained using this code must include the reference to *
15 * arXiv:1312.4160 [nucl-th] or the published version of it, when available. *
16 * *
17 *******************************************************************************/
19 #pragma once
20 #include <iosfwd>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include "inc.h"
23 class EoS;
25 // returns an index of pi^{mu nu} mu,nu component in a plain 1D array
26 int index44(const int &i, const int &j);
28 // this class stores the information about an individual hydro cell
29 class Cell {
30  private:
31  // Q usually denotes the conserved quantities, T^{0i}
32  // here, Q, Qh, Qprev etc. ~tau*T^{0i}, like Hirano'01
33  double Q[7]; // final values at a given timestep
34  double Qh[7]; // half-step updated values
35  double Qprev[7]; // values at the end of previous timestep
36  double pi[10], piH[10]; // pi^{mu nu}, WITHOUT tau factor, final (pi) and
37  // half-step updated (piH)
38  double Pi,
39  PiH; // Pi, WITHOUT tau factor, final (Pi) and half-step updated (PiH)
40  double pi0[10], piH0[10]; // // pi^{mu nu}, WITHOUT tau factor, auxiliary
41  double Pi0, PiH0; // viscous, WITHOUT tau factor, auxiliary
42  double flux[7]; // cumulative fluxes
43  Cell *next[3]; // pointer to the next cell in a given direction
44  Cell *prev[3]; // pointer to the previous cell in a given direction
45  double m[3]; // extend of matter propagation inside cell [0...1]
46  double dm[3]; // auxiliary
47  int ix, iy, iz; // cell coordinate on the grid
48  // viscCorrCut: flag if the viscous corrections are cut for this cell:
49  // 1.0 = uncut, < 1 : cut by this factor
50  double viscCorrCut;
52  public:
53  Cell();
54  ~Cell() {};
55  inline void setPos(int iix, int iiy, int iiz) {
56  ix = iix;
57  iy = iiy;
58  iz = iiz;
59  }
60  inline int getX(void) { return ix; }
61  inline int getY(void) { return iy; }
62  inline int getZ(void) { return iz; }
64  inline void setQ(double *_Q) {
65  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) Q[i] = _Q[i];
66  if (Q[T_] < 0.) {
67  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) Q[i] = 0.;
68  }
69  }
70  inline void setQh(double *_Qh) {
71  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) Qh[i] = _Qh[i];
72  if (Qh[T_] < 0.) {
73  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) Qh[i] = 0.;
74  }
75  }
77  // getter and setter methods for the class members
78  inline double getpi(const int &i, const int &j) { return pi[index44(i, j)]; }
79  inline double getpiH(const int &i, const int &j) {
80  return piH[index44(i, j)];
81  }
82  inline double getpi0(const int &i, const int &j) {
83  return pi0[index44(i, j)];
84  }
85  inline double getpiH0(const int &i, const int &j) {
86  return piH0[index44(i, j)];
87  }
88  inline double getPi(void) { return Pi; }
89  inline double getPiH(void) { return PiH; }
90  inline double getPi0(void) { return Pi0; }
91  inline double getPiH0(void) { return PiH0; }
93  inline void setpi(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
94  pi[index44(i, j)] = val;
95  }
96  inline void setpiH(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
97  piH[index44(i, j)] = val;
98  }
99  inline void setpi0(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
100  pi0[index44(i, j)] = val;
101  }
102  inline void setpiH0(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
103  piH0[index44(i, j)] = val;
104  }
105  inline void addpi0(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
106  pi0[index44(i, j)] += val;
107  }
108  inline void addpiH0(const int &i, const int &j, const double &val) {
109  piH0[index44(i, j)] += val;
110  }
111  inline void setPi(const double &val) { Pi = val; }
112  inline void setPiH(const double &val) { PiH = val; }
113  inline void setPi0(const double &val) { Pi0 = val; }
114  inline void setPiH0(const double &val) { PiH0 = val; }
115  inline void addPi0(const double &val) { Pi0 += val; }
116  inline void addPiH0(const double &val) { PiH0 += val; }
118  inline void getQ(double *_Q) {
119  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) _Q[i] = Q[i];
120  }
121  inline void getQh(double *_Qh) {
122  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) _Qh[i] = Qh[i];
123  }
124  inline void saveQprev(void) {
125  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) Qprev[i] = Q[i];
126  }
127  inline void setNext(int i, Cell *c) { next[i - 1] = c; }
128  inline void setPrev(int i, Cell *c) { prev[i - 1] = c; }
129  inline Cell *getNext(int i) { return next[i - 1]; }
130  inline Cell *getPrev(int i) { return prev[i - 1]; }
132  inline void setAllM(double value) { m[0] = m[1] = m[2] = value; }
133  inline void addM(int dir, double inc) {
134  m[dir - 1] += inc;
135  if (m[dir - 1] > 0.9)
136  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m[i] = 1.;
137  }
138  inline double getM(int dir) { return m[dir - 1]; }
139  inline double getMaxM(void) { return std::max(m[0], std::max(m[1], m[2])); }
140  inline void setDM(int dir, double value) { dm[dir - 1] = value; }
141  inline double getDM(int dir) { return dm[dir - 1]; }
143  inline void setpi0(double values[4][4]) {
144  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
145  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) pi0[index44(i, j)] = values[i][j];
146  }
147  inline void setpiH0(double values[4][4]) {
148  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
149  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) piH0[index44(i, j)] = values[i][j];
150  }
152  // get the energy density, pressure, charge densities and flow velocity
153  // components (e,p,n,v) from conserved quantities Q in the centre of the cell
154  void getPrimVar(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p, double &_nb,
155  double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx, double &_vy,
156  double &_vz);
157  // (e,p,n,v) at cell's left boundary in a given direction dir
158  void getPrimVarLeft(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p, double &_nb,
159  double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx, double &_vy,
160  double &_vz, int dir);
161  // (e,p,n,v) at cell's right boundary in a given direction dir
162  void getPrimVarRight(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p,
163  double &_nb, double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx,
164  double &_vy, double &_vz, int dir);
166  // (e,p,n,v) from half-step updated Qh at cell's left boundary in a given
167  // direction
168  void getPrimVarHLeft(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p,
169  double &_nb, double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx,
170  double &_vy, double &_vz, int dir);
171  // (e,p,n,v) from half-step updated Qh at cell's right boundary in a given
172  // direction
173  void getPrimVarHRight(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p,
174  double &_nb, double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx,
175  double &_vy, double &_vz, int dir);
176  // (e,p,n,v) from half-step updated Qh at cell's centre
177  void getPrimVarHCenter(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p,
178  double &_nb, double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx,
179  double &_vy, double &_vz);
180  // (e,p,n,v) at the previous timestep and cell's centre
181  void getPrimVarPrev(EoS *eos, double tau, double &_e, double &_p, double &_nb,
182  double &_nq, double &_ns, double &_vx, double &_vy,
183  double &_vz);
184  // calculate and set Q from (e,n,v)
185  void setPrimVar(EoS *eos, double tau, double _e, double _nb, double _nq,
186  double _ns, double _vx, double _vy, double _vz);
188  // update the cumulative fluxes through the cell
189  inline void addFlux(double Ft, double Fx, double Fy, double Fz, double Fnb,
190  double Fnq, double Fns) {
191  flux[T_] += Ft;
192  flux[X_] += Fx;
193  flux[Y_] += Fy;
194  flux[Z_] += Fz;
195  flux[NB_] += Fnb;
196  flux[NQ_] += Fnq;
197  flux[NS_] += Fns;
198  }
199  inline void clearFlux(void) {
200  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) flux[i] = 0.;
201  }
202  void updateByFlux(); // Q = Q + flux
203  void updateQtoQhByFlux(); // Qh = Q + flux
204  inline void setViscCorrCutFlag(double value) { viscCorrCut = value; }
205  inline double getViscCorrCutFlag(void) { return viscCorrCut; }
206  void Dump(double tau); // dump the contents of the cell into dump.dat
207 };