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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ProtoDetector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2022-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
13 #include <cstddef>
14 #include <sstream>
15 #include <stdexcept>
18  ptVolume.extent.extend(extent);
19  if (container.has_value()) {
20  for (auto& cv : container.value().constituentVolumes) {
21  ptVolume.extent.extend(cv.extent);
22  cv.extendUp(ptVolume);
23  }
24  }
25 }
28  if (container.has_value()) {
29  for (auto& cv : container.value().constituentVolumes) {
30  cv.extent.set(bValue, extent.min(bValue), cv.extent.max(bValue));
31  cv.propagateMinDown(bValue);
32  }
33  }
34 }
37  if (container.has_value()) {
38  for (auto& cv : container.value().constituentVolumes) {
39  cv.extent.set(bValue, cv.extent.min(bValue), extent.max(bValue));
40  cv.propagateMaxDown(bValue);
41  }
42  }
43 }
46  extent.addConstrain(ptVolume.extent);
47  if (container.has_value()) {
48  for (auto& cv : container.value().constituentVolumes) {
49  cv.extent.addConstrain(extent);
50  }
51  }
52 }
54 void Acts::ProtoVolume::harmonize(bool legacy) {
55  std::vector<BinningValue> otherConstrains;
57  // Deal with the constituents
58  if (container.has_value() and
59  not container.value().constituentVolumes.empty()) {
60  auto& cts = container.value();
62  if (cts.constituentBinning.empty()) {
63  std::string errorMsg = std::string("ProtoVolume '") + name +
64  std::string("' with constituents, but no binning");
65  throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg);
66  }
68  // Check if there are any layers present
69  bool layersPresent = false;
70  for (const auto& cv : cts.constituentVolumes) {
71  if (cv.internal.has_value()) {
72  layersPresent = true;
73  break;
74  }
75  }
77  // If layers are present, it can't be a container in the legacy style
78  auto binValue = cts.constituentBinning[0].binvalue;
79  // Set the first last
80  auto& fVolume = cts.constituentVolumes.front();
81  auto& lVolume = cts.constituentVolumes.back();
83  std::vector<float> borders = {};
85  // The volumes should be harmonized in all other constraining values
86  for (auto obValue : s_binningValues) {
87  if (obValue != binValue and extent.constrains(obValue)) {
88  otherConstrains.push_back(obValue);
89  }
90  }
92  // Legacy conversion - layers are kept untouched
93  if (not layersPresent) {
94  // Set the outer boundaries
95  fVolume.extent.set(binValue, extent.min(binValue),
96  fVolume.extent.max(binValue));
97  lVolume.extent.set(binValue, lVolume.extent.min(binValue),
98  extent.max(binValue));
99  // Align the containers
100  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(fVolume.extent.min(binValue)));
101  for (unsigned int iv = 1; iv < cts.constituentVolumes.size(); ++iv) {
102  auto& lv = cts.constituentVolumes[iv - 1u];
103  ActsScalar zero = lv.extent.min(binValue);
104  ActsScalar low = lv.extent.max(binValue);
106  auto& hv = cts.constituentVolumes[iv];
107  ActsScalar high = hv.extent.min(binValue);
108  ActsScalar mid = 0.5 * (low + high);
109  ActsScalar max = hv.extent.max(binValue);
110  lv.extent.set(binValue, zero, mid);
111  hv.extent.set(binValue, mid, max);
112  borders.push_back(mid);
113  }
114  borders.push_back(cts.constituentVolumes.back().extent.max(binValue));
116  } else if (layersPresent and not legacy) {
117  // Count the gaps
118  std::size_t gaps = 0;
119  std::vector<float> boundaries = {};
120  // New container vector
121  std::vector<ProtoVolume> updatedConstituents;
122  ActsScalar containerMin = extent.min(binValue);
123  if (fVolume.extent.min(binValue) > containerMin) {
125 = name + "-gap-" + std::to_string(gaps++);
126  gap.extent.set(binValue, containerMin, fVolume.extent.min(binValue));
127  updatedConstituents.push_back(gap);
128  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(containerMin));
129  }
130  // Fill the gaps
131  for (unsigned int iv = 1; iv < cts.constituentVolumes.size(); ++iv) {
132  auto& lv = cts.constituentVolumes[iv - 1u];
133  // This volume is one to save
134  updatedConstituents.push_back(lv);
135  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(lv.extent.min(binValue)));
136  // check if a gap to the next is needed
137  ActsScalar low = lv.extent.max(binValue);
138  auto& hv = cts.constituentVolumes[iv];
139  ActsScalar high = hv.extent.min(binValue);
140  if (high > low) {
142 = name + "-gap-" + std::to_string(gaps++);
143  gap.extent.set(binValue, low, high);
144  updatedConstituents.push_back(gap);
145  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(low));
146  }
147  }
148  ActsScalar constituentsMax = lVolume.extent.max(binValue);
149  updatedConstituents.push_back(lVolume);
150  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(constituentsMax));
151  // Check the container min/max setting
152  ActsScalar containerMax = extent.max(binValue);
153  if (constituentsMax < containerMax) {
155 = name + "-gap-" + std::to_string(gaps++);
156  gap.extent.set(binValue, constituentsMax, containerMax);
157  updatedConstituents.push_back(gap);
158  borders.push_back(static_cast<float>(containerMax));
159  }
160  cts.constituentVolumes = updatedConstituents;
161  } else if (legacy and layersPresent) {
162  borders = {0., 1.};
163  }
164  cts.constituentBinning = {
165  BinningData(cts.constituentBinning[0].option, binValue, borders)};
167  // Harmonize downwards
168  for (auto& cv : cts.constituentVolumes) {
169  cv.extent.extend(extent, otherConstrains);
170  cv.harmonize(legacy);
171  }
172  }
173 }
176  std::string subIndent(" ");
177  std::stringstream ss;
178  ss << indent << "> volume: " << name << '\n';
179  ss << indent << " extent: ";
180  ss << extent.toString(indent) << '\n';
181  if (container.has_value()) {
182  auto& cts = container.value();
183  if (not cts.constituentVolumes.empty()) {
184  ss << indent << " container of " << cts.constituentVolumes.size()
185  << " constituents. " << '\n';
186  ss << indent << " constituent binning:" << '\n';
187  for (const auto& cb : cts.constituentBinning) {
188  ss << cb.toString(indent) << '\n';
189  }
190  ss << indent << " constituents are:" << '\n';
191  for (const auto& cv : cts.constituentVolumes) {
192  ss << cv.toString(indent + subIndent) << '\n';
193  }
194  }
195  }
196  return ss.str();
197 }
200  std::string subIndent(" ");
201  std::stringstream ss;
202  ss << indent << "> detector: " << name << '\n';
203  ss << worldVolume.toString(indent + subIndent) << '\n';
204  return ss.str();
205 }