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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HoughTransformSeeder.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 // @file HoughTransformSeeder.hpp
10 // @author Riley Xu then modified to ACTS by Jahred Adelman
11 // @brief Implements track-seeding using a Hough transform.
12 //
13 // Using the Lorentz force equation, one can relate the phi of a track and the
14 // coordinate of a single hit:
15 //
16 // A * q / pT = sin(phi_track - phi_hit) / r
17 //
18 // where
19 // A : 3 * 10^-4 GeV / (c*mm*e) for the ATLAS B field (to be configured)
20 // q : charge of the particle
21 // pT : transverse momentum
22 // r : cylindrical radius of the hit from the beamline
23 // phi : in radians
24 //
25 // Here, q/pT and phi_track (ie at phi at perigee) are unknown. This equation
26 // forms a line in q/pT vs phi_track spac since the sin function above can be
27 // approximated with sin(x) ~ x. Each hit will have its own line based on its
28 // position (phi and r). However, note that hits belonging to the same track
29 // will have lines that intersect at the track's q/pT and phi. In this manner,
30 // we can conduct pattern -matching by looking for intersections of these pT-phi
31 // lines.
32 //
33 // In other words, given some assumed q/pT for the track one can take the phi
34 // and r for a hit and convert that to what the phi(perigee) for a track must
35 // have been. We loop over the q/pT bins, and at the true value all the hits
36 // should line up in the same bin
37 //
38 // To easily find intersections, we first pixelate (equivalently, we make a 2d
39 // histogram from) the graph of all the hit's lines in q/pT vs phi_track space.
40 // We then apply a convolution (i.e. a scanning window) to pick out points with
41 // multiple lines going through them. These points become our seed.
42 //
43 // In principle the Hough transform can be used for an entire region (i.e. .2
44 // phi x .2 eta) or larger. However this can lead to an excessive number of
45 // hits/lines in the transform houghHist, leading to spurious intersections.
46 // Instead, we can use multiple transforms that each cover a slice in z0, and
47 // simply combine all the seeds found. These are the subregions
48 //
49 // References:
50 // Martensson Thesis:
51 //
52 //
54 // We adopt the following nomenclature within this class:
55 // houghHist: The 'graph' in q/pT vs phi_track space, filled with a line
56 // calculated as above for each hit. point: A specific q/pT and phi_track
57 // bin in the above houghHist; i.e. what is normally called a pixel
58 // but I don't want to confuse this with the detector type. A
59 // point's value is the number of lines that go through it.
60 //
61 // For the first iteration, x refers to phi_track, and y refers to q/pT,
62 // although this should remain flexible. These are set via the variables m_par_x
63 // and m_par_y.
64 //
65 // NOTE: y=0 represents the lowest q/pT bin, x=0 represents the lowest
66 // phi(perigee) bin
67 // houghHist[y=0][x=0] : lowest q/pT and lowest phi_track bin
68 // houghHist[y=size-1][x=0] : highest q/pT and lowest phi_track bin
69 //
71 #pragma once
87 #include <cstddef>
88 #include <memory>
89 #include <string>
90 #include <unordered_set>
91 #include <utility>
92 #include <vector>
94 namespace ActsExamples {
95 struct AlgorithmContext;
96 } // namespace ActsExamples
102 using FieldCorrector = Acts::Delegate<ResultDouble(
103  unsigned, double, double)>; // (unsigned region, double y, double r)
104 using LayerIDFinder = Acts::Delegate<ResultUnsigned(
105  double)>; // (double r) this function will map the r of a measurement to a
106  // layer.
107 using SliceTester = Acts::Delegate<ResultBool(
108  double, unsigned, int)>; // (double z,unsigned layer, int slice) returns
109  // true if measurement in slice
111 namespace Acts {
112 class TrackingGeometry;
113 }
115 namespace ActsExamples {
122 // The unsigned is a counter that will point to a spacepoint or to a measurement
123 // object
133 enum HoughHitType { SP = 0, MEASUREMENT = 1 };
138  unsigned layer;
139  double phi;
140  double radius;
141  double z;
142  std::vector<Index> indices;
144  HoughMeasurementStruct(unsigned l, double p, double r, double thez,
145  std::vector<Index>& i, HoughHitType t)
146  : layer(l), phi(p), radius(r), z(thez), indices(i), type(t) {}
147 };
149 thread_local std::vector<std::shared_ptr<HoughMeasurementStruct>>
153 class HoughTransformSeeder final : public IAlgorithm {
154  public:
155  struct Config {
163  std::vector<std::string> inputSpacePoints;
171  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry;
179  std::vector<Acts::GeometryIdentifier> geometrySelection;
184  // Subregions are ways to divide up hits for the Hough Transform. Just as
185  // one simple example, one may consider that hits with z < 50 mm belong to
186  // one subregion, and hits with z > -50 mm belong to a second subregion.
187  // Note that hits even in this toy example belong to more than one
188  // subregion. But since not all hits are considered this provides a way to
189  // reduce potential combinatorics
191  std::vector<int> subRegions = {
192  -1}; // -1 for entire region (no slicing), but this can be more than
193  // one region if data are sliced
195  unsigned nLayers = 10; // total number of layers
197  float xMin = 0; // minphi
198  float xMax = 2 * 3.14159; // maxphi
199  float yMin = -1.0; // min q/pt, -1/1 GeV
200  float yMax = 1.0; // max q/pt, +1/1 GeV
210  unsigned houghHistSize_x = 7000; // i.e. number of bins in phi_track
211  unsigned houghHistSize_y = 216; // i.e. number of bins in q/pT
216  std::vector<unsigned> hitExtend_x = {
217  1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
218  0, 0, 0, 0}; // Hit lines will fill extra bins in x by this amount on
219  // each side, size == nLayers
222  std::vector<int> threshold = {
223  9}; // Minimum number of measurements per bin to accept as a
224  // prototrack/seed. Right now this is a single number, can be
225  // expanded in the future if we want to be more clever
227  int localMaxWindowSize = 0; // Only create candidates from a local maximum
229  double kA = 0.0003; // Assume B = 2T constant. Can apply corrections to
230  // this with fieldCorrection function
231  // This 3e-4 comes from the 2T field when converted to
232  // units of GeV / (c*mm*e)
234  // it's up to the user to connect these to the functions they want to use
238  };
250  ProcessCode execute(const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const final;
253  const Config& config() const { return m_cfg; }
255  double getMinX() const { return m_cfg.xMin; }
256  double getMaxX() const { return m_cfg.xMax; }
257  double getMinY() const { return m_cfg.yMin; }
258  double getMaxY() const { return m_cfg.yMax; }
259  unsigned getThreshold() const {
260  return m_cfg.threshold[0]; // for now this is just one number in the
261  // vector, can be more in the future
262  }
263  std::vector<int> getSubRegions() const { return m_cfg.subRegions; }
265  double yToX(double y, double r,
266  double phi) const; // calculate the hough equation
268  private:
270  std::unique_ptr<const Acts::Logger> m_logger;
271  const Acts::Logger& logger() const { return *m_logger; }
274  "OutputProtoTracks"};
275  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReadDataHandle<SimSpacePointContainer>>>
279  "InputMeasurements"};
282  this, "InputSourceLinks"};
287  double m_step_x; // step size of the bin boundaries in x
288  double m_step_y; // step size of the bin boundaries in y
291  std::vector<double> m_bins_x; // size == m_houghHistSize_x + 1.
292  std::vector<double> m_bins_y; // size == m_houghHistSize_y + 1
295  // Core functions, the second/ one calls the first one per layer
296  HoughHist createLayerHoughHist(unsigned layer, int subregion) const;
297  HoughHist createHoughHist(int subregion) const;
300  // Helpers
301  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> yToXBins(size_t yBin_min, size_t yBin_max,
302  double r, double phi,
303  unsigned layer)
304  const; // given y bins, return x bins passed that need to be filled in
305  // the HoughHist, including extensions
307  unsigned getExtension(unsigned y, unsigned layer) const; // return extensions
308  bool passThreshold(HoughHist const& houghHist, unsigned x,
309  unsigned y) const; // did we pass extensions?
310  void drawHoughHist(HoughHist const& houghHist,
311  std::string const& name); // for making pretty plots
312  std::vector<std::vector<int>> getComboIndices(std::vector<size_t>& sizes)
313  const; // useful to find all candidates from given bins that pass
314  // (looping over hit combinatorics)
316  // functions to clean up the code and convert SPs and measurements to the
317  // HoughMeasurement format
318  void addMeasurements(const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const;
319  void addSpacePoints(const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const;
320 };
322 } // namespace ActsExamples