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2 C*********************************************************************
5 C...Calculates full and effective widths of gauge bosons, stores
6 C...masses and widths, rescales coefficients to be used for
7 C...resonance production generation.
9  SUBROUTINE pyinre
11 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
14  INTEGER pyk,pychge,pycomp
15 C...Parameter statement to help give large particle numbers.
16  parameter(ksusy1=1000000,ksusy2=2000000,ktechn=3000000,
17  &kexcit=4000000,kdimen=5000000)
18 C...Commonblocks.
19  common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
20  common/pydat2/kchg(500,4),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
21  common/pydat3/mdcy(500,3),mdme(8000,2),brat(8000),kfdp(8000,5)
22  common/pydat4/chaf(500,2)
23  CHARACTER chaf*16
24  common/pysubs/msel,mselpd,msub(500),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
25  common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
26  common/pyint1/mint(400),vint(400)
27  common/pyint2/iset(500),kfpr(500,2),coef(500,20),icol(40,4,2)
28  common/pyint4/mwid(500),wids(500,5)
29  common/pyint6/proc(0:500)
30  CHARACTER proc*28
31  common/pymssm/imss(0:99),rmss(0:99)
32  SAVE /pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pydat3/,/pydat4/,/pysubs/,/pypars/,
33  &/pyint1/,/pyint2/,/pyint4/,/pyint6/,/pymssm/
34 C...Local arrays and data.
35  dimension wdtp(0:400),wdte(0:400,0:5),wdtpm(0:400),
36  &wdtem(0:400,0:5),kcord(500),pmord(500)
38 C...Born level couplings in MSSM Higgs doublet sector.
39  xw=paru(102)
40  xwv=xw
41  IF(mstp(8).GE.2) xw=1d0-(pmas(24,1)/pmas(23,1))**2
42  xw1=1d0-xw
43  IF(mstp(4).EQ.2) THEN
44  tanbe=paru(141)
45  ratbe=((1d0-tanbe**2)/(1d0+tanbe**2))**2
46  sqmz=pmas(23,1)**2
47  sqmw=pmas(24,1)**2
48  sqmh=pmas(25,1)**2
49  sqma=sqmh*(sqmz-sqmh)/(sqmz*ratbe-sqmh)
50  sqmhp=0.5d0*(sqma+sqmz+sqrt((sqma+sqmz)**2-4d0*sqma*sqmz*ratbe))
51  sqmhc=sqma+sqmw
52  IF(sqmh.GE.sqmz.OR.min(sqma,sqmhp,sqmhc).LE.0d0) THEN
53  WRITE(mstu(11),5000)
54  CALL pystop(101)
56  pmas(35,1)=sqrt(sqmhp)
57  pmas(36,1)=sqrt(sqma)
58  pmas(37,1)=sqrt(sqmhc)
59  alsu=0.5d0*atan(2d0*tanbe*(sqma+sqmz)/((1d0-tanbe**2)*
60  & (sqma-sqmz)))
61  besu=atan(tanbe)
62  paru(142)=1d0
63  paru(143)=1d0
64  paru(161)=-sin(alsu)/cos(besu)
65  paru(162)=cos(alsu)/sin(besu)
66  paru(163)=paru(161)
67  paru(164)=sin(besu-alsu)
68  paru(165)=paru(164)
69  paru(168)=sin(besu-alsu)+0.5d0*cos(2d0*besu)*sin(besu+alsu)/xw
70  paru(171)=cos(alsu)/cos(besu)
71  paru(172)=sin(alsu)/sin(besu)
72  paru(173)=paru(171)
73  paru(174)=cos(besu-alsu)
74  paru(175)=paru(174)
75  paru(176)=cos(2d0*alsu)*cos(besu+alsu)-2d0*sin(2d0*alsu)*
76  & sin(besu+alsu)
77  paru(177)=cos(2d0*besu)*cos(besu+alsu)
78  paru(178)=cos(besu-alsu)-0.5d0*cos(2d0*besu)*cos(besu+alsu)/xw
79  paru(181)=tanbe
80  paru(182)=1d0/tanbe
81  paru(183)=paru(181)
82  paru(184)=0d0
83  paru(185)=paru(184)
84  paru(186)=cos(besu-alsu)
85  paru(187)=sin(besu-alsu)
86  paru(188)=paru(186)
87  paru(189)=paru(187)
88  paru(190)=0d0
89  paru(195)=cos(besu-alsu)
92 C...Reset effective widths of gauge bosons.
93  DO 110 i=1,500
94  DO 100 j=1,5
95  wids(i,j)=1d0
96  100 CONTINUE
97  110 CONTINUE
99 C...Order resonances by increasing mass (except Z0 and W+/-).
100  nres=0
101  DO 140 kc=1,500
102  kf=kchg(kc,4)
103  IF(kf.EQ.0) goto 140
104  IF(mwid(kc).EQ.0) goto 140
105  IF(kc.EQ.7.OR.kc.EQ.8.OR.kc.EQ.17.OR.kc.EQ.18) THEN
106  IF(mstp(1).LE.3) goto 140
107  ENDIF
108  IF(kf/ksusy1.EQ.1.OR.kf/ksusy1.EQ.2) THEN
109  IF(imss(1).LE.0) goto 140
110  ENDIF
111  nres=nres+1
112  pmres=pmas(kc,1)
113  IF(kc.EQ.23.OR.kc.EQ.24) pmres=0d0
114  DO 120 i1=nres-1,1,-1
115  IF(pmres.GE.pmord(i1)) goto 130
116  kcord(i1+1)=kcord(i1)
117  pmord(i1+1)=pmord(i1)
118  120 CONTINUE
119  130 kcord(i1+1)=kc
120  pmord(i1+1)=pmres
121  140 CONTINUE
123 C...Loop over possible resonances.
124  DO 180 i=1,nres
125  kc=kcord(i)
126  kf=kchg(kc,4)
128 C...Check that no fourth generation channels on by mistake.
129  IF(mstp(1).LE.3) THEN
130  DO 150 j=1,mdcy(kc,3)
131  idc=j+mdcy(kc,2)-1
132  kfa1=iabs(kfdp(idc,1))
133  kfa2=iabs(kfdp(idc,2))
134  IF(kfa1.EQ.7.OR.kfa1.EQ.8.OR.kfa1.EQ.17.OR.kfa1.EQ.18.OR.
135  & kfa2.EQ.7.OR.kfa2.EQ.8.OR.kfa2.EQ.17.OR.kfa2.EQ.18)
136  & mdme(idc,1)=-1
137  150 CONTINUE
138  ENDIF
140 C...Check that no supersymmetric channels on by mistake.
141  IF(imss(1).LE.0) THEN
142  DO 160 j=1,mdcy(kc,3)
143  idc=j+mdcy(kc,2)-1
144  kfa1s=iabs(kfdp(idc,1))/ksusy1
145  kfa2s=iabs(kfdp(idc,2))/ksusy1
146  IF(kfa1s.EQ.1.OR.kfa1s.EQ.2.OR.kfa2s.EQ.1.OR.kfa2s.EQ.2)
147  & mdme(idc,1)=-1
148  160 CONTINUE
149  ENDIF
151 C...Find mass and evaluate width.
152  pmr=pmas(kc,1)
153  IF(kf.EQ.25.OR.kf.EQ.35.OR.kf.EQ.36) mint(62)=1
154  IF(mwid(kc).EQ.3) mint(63)=1
155  CALL pywidt(kf,pmr**2,wdtp,wdte)
156  mint(51)=0
158 C...Evaluate suppression factors due to non-simulated channels.
159  IF(kchg(kc,3).EQ.0) THEN
160  wdtp0i=0d0
161  IF(wdtp(0).GT.0d0) wdtp0i=1d0/wdtp(0)
162  wids(kc,1)=((wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))**2+
163  & 2d0*(wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))*(wdte(0,4)+wdte(0,5))+
164  & 2d0*wdte(0,4)*wdte(0,5))*wdtp0i**2
165  wids(kc,2)=(wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2)+wdte(0,4))*wdtp0i
166  wids(kc,3)=0d0
167  wids(kc,4)=0d0
168  wids(kc,5)=0d0
169  ELSE
170  IF(mwid(kc).EQ.3) mint(63)=1
171  CALL pywidt(-kf,pmr**2,wdtpm,wdtem)
172  mint(51)=0
173  wdtp0i=0d0
174  IF(wdtp(0).GT.0d0) wdtp0i=1d0/wdtp(0)
175  wids(kc,1)=((wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))*(wdtem(0,1)+wdtem(0,3))+
176  & (wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))*(wdtem(0,4)+wdtem(0,5))+
177  & (wdte(0,4)+wdte(0,5))*(wdtem(0,1)+wdtem(0,3))+
178  & wdte(0,4)*wdtem(0,5)+wdte(0,5)*wdtem(0,4))*wdtp0i**2
179  wids(kc,2)=(wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2)+wdte(0,4))*wdtp0i
180  wids(kc,3)=(wdtem(0,1)+wdtem(0,3)+wdtem(0,4))*wdtp0i
181  wids(kc,4)=((wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))**2+
182  & 2d0*(wdte(0,1)+wdte(0,2))*(wdte(0,4)+wdte(0,5))+
183  & 2d0*wdte(0,4)*wdte(0,5))*wdtp0i**2
184  wids(kc,5)=((wdtem(0,1)+wdtem(0,3))**2+
185  & 2d0*(wdtem(0,1)+wdtem(0,3))*(wdtem(0,4)+wdtem(0,5))+
186  & 2d0*wdtem(0,4)*wdtem(0,5))*wdtp0i**2
187  ENDIF
189 C...Set resonance widths and branching ratios;
190 C...also on/off switch for decays.
191  IF(mwid(kc).EQ.1.OR.mwid(kc).EQ.3) THEN
192  pmas(kc,2)=wdtp(0)
193  pmas(kc,3)=min(0.9d0*pmas(kc,1),10d0*pmas(kc,2))
194  IF(mstp(41).EQ.0.OR.mstp(41).EQ.1) mdcy(kc,1)=mstp(41)
195  DO 170 j=1,mdcy(kc,3)
196  idc=j+mdcy(kc,2)-1
197  brat(idc)=0d0
198  IF(wdtp(0).GT.0d0) brat(idc)=wdtp(j)/wdtp(0)
199  170 CONTINUE
200  ENDIF
201  180 CONTINUE
203 C...Flavours of leptoquark: redefine charge and name.
204  kflqq=kfdp(mdcy(42,2),1)
205  kflql=kfdp(mdcy(42,2),2)
206  kchg(42,1)=kchg(pycomp(kflqq),1)*isign(1,kflqq)+
207  &kchg(pycomp(kflql),1)*isign(1,kflql)
208  ll=1
209  IF(iabs(kflql).EQ.13) ll=2
210  IF(iabs(kflql).EQ.15) ll=3
211  chaf(42,1)='LQ_'//chaf(iabs(kflqq),1)(1:1)//
212  &chaf(iabs(kflql),1)(1:ll)//' '
213  chaf(42,2)=chaf(42,2)(1:4+ll)//'bar '
215 C...Special cases in treatment of gamma*/Z0: redefine process name.
216  IF(mstp(43).EQ.1) THEN
217  proc(1)='f + fbar -> gamma*'
218  proc(15)='f + fbar -> g + gamma*'
219  proc(19)='f + fbar -> gamma + gamma*'
220  proc(30)='f + g -> f + gamma*'
221  proc(35)='f + gamma -> f + gamma*'
222  ELSEIF(mstp(43).EQ.2) THEN
223  proc(1)='f + fbar -> Z0'
224  proc(15)='f + fbar -> g + Z0'
225  proc(19)='f + fbar -> gamma + Z0'
226  proc(30)='f + g -> f + Z0'
227  proc(35)='f + gamma -> f + Z0'
228  ELSEIF(mstp(43).EQ.3) THEN
229  proc(1)='f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0'
230  proc(15)='f + fbar -> g + gamma*/Z0'
231  proc(19)='f+ fbar -> gamma + gamma*/Z0'
232  proc(30)='f + g -> f + gamma*/Z0'
233  proc(35)='f + gamma -> f + gamma*/Z0'
234  ENDIF
236 C...Special cases in treatment of gamma*/Z0/Z'0: redefine process name.
237  IF(mstp(44).EQ.1) THEN
238  proc(141)='f + fbar -> gamma*'
239  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.2) THEN
240  proc(141)='f + fbar -> Z0'
241  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.3) THEN
242  proc(141)='f + fbar -> Z''0'
243  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.4) THEN
244  proc(141)='f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0'
245  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.5) THEN
246  proc(141)='f + fbar -> gamma*/Z''0'
247  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.6) THEN
248  proc(141)='f + fbar -> Z0/Z''0'
249  ELSEIF(mstp(44).EQ.7) THEN
250  proc(141)='f + fbar -> gamma*/Z0/Z''0'
251  ENDIF
253 C...Special cases in treatment of WW -> WW: redefine process name.
254  IF(mstp(45).EQ.1) THEN
255  proc(77)='W+ + W+ -> W+ + W+'
256  ELSEIF(mstp(45).EQ.2) THEN
257  proc(77)='W+ + W- -> W+ + W-'
258  ELSEIF(mstp(45).EQ.3) THEN
259  proc(77)='W+/- + W+/- -> W+/- + W+/-'
260  ENDIF
262 C...Format for error information.
263  5000 FORMAT(1x,'Error: unphysical input tan^2(beta) and m_H ',
264  &'combination'/1x,'Execution stopped!')
267  END