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2 C*********************************************************************
5 C...Generates pT-ordered timelike final-state parton showers.
7 C...MODE defines how to find radiators and recoilers.
8 C... = 0 : based on colour flow between undecayed partons.
9 C... = 1 : for IPART <= NPARTD only consider primary partons,
10 C... whether decayed or not; else as above.
11 C... = 2 : based on common history, whether decayed or not.
15 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
18  INTEGER pyk,pychge,pycomp
19 C...Parameter statement to help give large particle numbers.
20  parameter(ksusy1=1000000,ksusy2=2000000,ktechn=3000000,
21  &kexcit=4000000,kdimen=5000000)
22 C...Parameter statement for maximum size of showers.
23  parameter(maxnur=1000)
24 C...Commonblocks.
25  common/pypart/npart,npartd,ipart(maxnur),ptpart(maxnur)
26  common/pyjets/n,npad,k(4000,5),p(4000,5),v(4000,5)
27  common/pyctag/nct,mct(4000,2)
28  common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
29  common/pydat2/kchg(500,4),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
30  common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
31  common/pyint1/mint(400),vint(400)
32  SAVE /pypart/,/pyjets/,/pyctag/,/pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pypars/,
33  &/pyint1/
34 C...Local arrays.
35  dimension ipos(2*maxnur),irec(2*maxnur),iflg(2*maxnur),
36  &iscol(2*maxnur),ischg(2*maxnur),ptsca(2*maxnur),imesav(2*maxnur),
37  &pt2sav(2*maxnur),zsav(2*maxnur),shtsav(2*maxnur),
38  &mesys(maxnur,0:2),psum(5),dpt(5,4)
39 C...Statement functions.
40  shat(i,j)=(p(i,4)+p(j,4))**2-(p(i,1)+p(j,1))**2-
41  &(p(i,2)+p(j,2))**2-(p(i,3)+p(j,3))**2
43 C...Initial values. Check that valid system.
44  ptgen=0d0
45  IF(mstj(41).NE.1.AND.mstj(41).NE.2.AND.mstj(41).NE.11.AND.
46  &mstj(41).NE.12) RETURN
47  IF(npart.LE.0) THEN
48  CALL pyerrm(2,'(PYPTFS:) showering system too small')
51  pt2cmx=ptmax**2
53 C...Mass thresholds and Lambda for QCD evolution.
54  pmb=pmas(5,1)
55  pmc=pmas(4,1)
56  alam5=parj(81)
57  alam4=alam5*(pmb/alam5)**(2d0/25d0)
58  alam3=alam4*(pmc/alam4)**(2d0/27d0)
59  pmbs=pmb**2
60  pmcs=pmc**2
61  alam5s=alam5**2
62  alam4s=alam4**2
63  alam3s=alam3**2
65 C...Cutoff scale for QCD evolution. Starting pT2.
66  nflav=max(0,min(5,mstj(45)))
67  pt0c=0.5d0*parj(82)
68  pt2cmn=max(ptmin,pt0c,1.1d0*alam3)**2
70 C...Parameters for QED evolution.
71  aem2pi=paru(101)/paru(2)
72  pt0eq=0.5d0*parj(83)
73  pt0el=0.5d0*parj(90)
75 C...Reset. Remove irrelevant colour tags.
76  nevol=0
77  DO 100 j=1,4
78  psum(j)=0d0
79  100 CONTINUE
80  DO 110 i=mint(84)+1,n
81  IF(k(i,2).GT.0.AND.k(i,2).LT.6) THEN
82  k(i,5)=0
83  mct(i,2)=0
85  IF(k(i,2).LT.0.AND.k(i,2).GT.-6) THEN
86  k(i,4)=0
87  mct(i,1)=0
89  110 CONTINUE
90  nparts=npart
92 C...Begin loop to set up showering partons. Sum four-momenta.
93  DO 210 ip=1,npart
94  i=ipart(ip)
95  IF(mode.NE.1.OR.i.GT.npartd) THEN
96  IF(k(i,1).GT.10) goto 210
97  ELSEIF(k(i,3) THEN
98  IF(k(i,3) goto 210
99  ELSE
100  IF(k(k(i,3),3) goto 210
101  ENDIF
102  DO 120 j=1,4
103  psum(j)=psum(j)+p(i,j)
104  120 CONTINUE
106 C...Find colour and charge, but skip diquarks.
107  IF(iabs(k(i,2)).GT.1000.AND.iabs(k(i,2)).LT.10000) goto 210
108  kcol=isign(kchg(pycomp(k(i,2)),2),k(i,2))
109  kcha=isign(kchg(pycomp(k(i,2)),1),k(i,2))
111 C...Either colour or anticolour charge radiates; for gluon both.
112  DO 160 jsgcol=1,-1,-2
113  IF(kcol.EQ.jsgcol.OR.kcol.EQ.2) THEN
114  jcol=4+(1-jsgcol)/2
115  jcolr=9-jcol
117 C...Basic info about radiating parton.
118  nevol=nevol+1
119  ipos(nevol)=i
120  iflg(nevol)=0
121  iscol(nevol)=jsgcol
122  ischg(nevol)=0
123  ptsca(nevol)=ptpart(ip)
125 C...Begin search for colour recoiler when MODE = 0 or 1.
126  IF(mode.LE.1) THEN
127 C...Find sister with matching anticolour to the radiating parton.
128  irold=i
129  irnew=k(irold,jcol)/mstu(5)
130  move=1
132 C...The following will add MCT colour tracing for unprepped events
133 C...If not done, trace Les Houches colour tags for this dipole
134 C IF (MCT(I,JCOL-3).EQ.0) THEN
136 C...Clean up mother/daughter 'read' tags set by PYCTTR
137 C DO 125 IR=1,N
138 C K(IR,4)=MOD(K(IR,4),MSTU(5)**2)
139 C K(IR,5)=MOD(K(IR,5),MSTU(5)**2)
140 C 125 CONTINUE
143 C...Skip radiation off loose colour ends.
144  130 IF(irnew.EQ.0) THEN
145  nevol=nevol-1
146  goto 160
148 C...Optionally skip radiation on dipole to beam remnant.
149  ELSEIF(mstp(72) THEN
150  nevol=nevol-1
151  goto 160
153 C...For now always skip radiation on dipole to junction.
154  ELSEIF(k(irnew,2).EQ.88) THEN
155  nevol=nevol-1
156  goto 160
158 C...For MODE=1: if reached primary then done.
159  ELSEIF(
160  & irnew.LE.npartd) THEN
162 C...If sister stable and points back then done.
163  ELSEIF(move.EQ.1.AND.k(irnew,jcolr)/mstu(5).EQ.irold)
164  & THEN
165  IF(k(irnew,1).LT.10) THEN
167 C...If sister unstable then go to her daughter.
168  ELSE
169  irold=irnew
170  irnew=mod(k(irnew,jcolr),mstu(5))
171  move=2
172  goto 130
173  ENDIF
175 C...If found mother then look for aunt.
176  ELSEIF(move.EQ.1.AND.mod(k(irnew,jcol),mstu(5)).EQ.
177  & irold) THEN
178  irold=irnew
179  irnew=k(irold,jcol)/mstu(5)
180  goto 130
182 C...If daughter stable then done.
183  ELSEIF(move.EQ.2.AND.k(irnew,jcolr)/mstu(5).EQ.irold)
184  & THEN
185  IF(k(irnew,1).LT.10) THEN
187 C...If daughter unstable then go to granddaughter.
188  ELSE
189  irold=irnew
190  irnew=mod(k(irnew,jcolr),mstu(5))
191  move=2
192  goto 130
193  ENDIF
195 C...If daughter points to another daughter then done or move up.
196  ELSEIF(move.EQ.2.AND.mod(k(irnew,jcol),mstu(5)).EQ.
197  & irold) THEN
198  IF(k(irnew,1).LT.10) THEN
199  ELSE
200  irold=irnew
201  irnew=k(irnew,jcol)/mstu(5)
202  move=1
203  goto 130
204  ENDIF
205  ENDIF
207 C...Begin search for colour recoiler when MODE = 2.
208  ELSE
209  irold=i
210  irnew=k(irold,jcol)/mstu(5)
211  140 IF(k(irnew,jcolr)/mstu(5).NE.irold) THEN
212 C...Step up to mother if radiating parton already branched.
213  IF(k(irnew,2).EQ.k(irold,2)) THEN
214  irold=irnew
215  irnew=k(irold,jcol)/mstu(5)
216  goto 140
217 C...Pick sister by history if no anticolour available.
218  ELSE
219  IF(irold.GT.1.AND.k(irold-1,3).EQ.k(irold,3)) THEN
220  irnew=irold-1
221  ELSEIF(irold.LT.n.AND.k(irold+1,3).EQ.k(irold,3))
222  & THEN
223  irnew=irold+1
224 C...Last resort: pick at random among other primaries.
225  ELSE
226  istep=max(1,min(npart-1,int(1d0+(npart-1)*pyr(0))))
227  irnew=ipart(1+mod(ip+istep-1,npart))
228  ENDIF
229  ENDIF
230  ENDIF
231 C...Trace down if sister branched.
232  150 IF(k(irnew,1).GT.10) THEN
233  irnew=mod(k(irnew,jcolr),mstu(5))
234  goto 150
235  ENDIF
236  ENDIF
238 C...Now found other end of colour dipole.
239  irec(nevol)=irnew
240  ENDIF
241  160 CONTINUE
243 C...Also electrical charge may radiate; so far only quarks and leptons.
244  IF((mstj(41).EQ.2.OR.mstj(41).EQ.12).AND.kcha.NE.0.AND.
245  & iabs(k(i,2)).LE.18) THEN
247 C...Basic info about radiating parton.
248  nevol=nevol+1
249  ipos(nevol)=i
250  iflg(nevol)=0
251  iscol(nevol)=0
252  ischg(nevol)=kcha
253  ptsca(nevol)=ptpart(ip)
255 C...Pick nearest (= smallest invariant mass) charged particle
256 recoiler when MODE = 0 or 1 (but for latter among primaries).
257  IF(mode.LE.1) THEN
258  irnew=0
259  pm2min=vint(2)
260  DO 170 ip2=1,npart+n-mint(53)
261  IF(ip2.EQ.ip) goto 170
262  IF(ip2.LE.npart) THEN
263  i2=ipart(ip2)
264  IF(mode.NE.1.OR.i2.GT.npartd) THEN
265  IF(k(i2,1).GT.10) goto 170
266  ELSEIF(k(i2,3) THEN
267  IF(k(i2,3) goto 170
268  ELSE
269  IF(k(k(i2,3),3) goto 170
270  ENDIF
271  ELSE
272  i2=mint(53)+ip2-npart
273  ENDIF
274  IF(kchg(pycomp(k(i2,2)),1).EQ.0) goto 170
275  pm2inv=(p(i,4)+p(i2,4))**2-(p(i,1)+p(i2,1))**2-
276  & (p(i,2)+p(i2,2))**2-(p(i,3)+p(i2,3))**2
277  IF(pm2inv.LT.pm2min) THEN
278  irnew=i2
279  pm2min=pm2inv
280  ENDIF
281  170 CONTINUE
282  IF(irnew.EQ.0) THEN
283  nevol=nevol-1
284  goto 210
285  ENDIF
287 C...Begin search for charge recoiler when MODE = 2.
288  ELSE
289  irold=i
290 C...Pick sister by history; step up if parton already branched.
291  180 IF(k(irold,3).GT.0.AND.k(k(irold,3),2).EQ.k(irold,2)) THEN
292  irold=k(irold,3)
293  goto 180
294  ENDIF
295  IF(irold.GT.1.AND.k(irold-1,3).EQ.k(irold,3)) THEN
296  irnew=irold-1
297  ELSEIF(irold.LT.n.AND.k(irold+1,3).EQ.k(irold,3)) THEN
298  irnew=irold+1
299 C...Last resort: pick at random among other primaries.
300  ELSE
301  istep=max(1,min(npart-1,int(1d0+(npart-1)*pyr(0))))
302  irnew=ipart(1+mod(ip+istep-1,npart))
303  ENDIF
304 C...Trace down if sister branched.
305  190 IF(k(irnew,1).GT.10) THEN
306  DO 200 ir=irnew+1,n
307  IF(k(ir,3).EQ.irnew.AND.k(ir,2).EQ.k(irnew,2)) THEN
308  irnew=ir
309  goto 190
310  ENDIF
311  200 CONTINUE
312  ENDIF
313  ENDIF
314  irec(nevol)=irnew
315  ENDIF
317 C...End loop to set up showering partons. System invariant mass.
318  210 CONTINUE
319  IF(nevol.LE.0) RETURN
320  psum(5)=sqrt(max(0d0,psum(4)**2-psum(1)**2-psum(2)**2-psum(3)**2))
322 C...Check if 3-jet matrix elements to be used.
323  m3jc=0
324  alpha=0.5d0
325  nmesys=0
326  IF(mstj(47).GE.1) THEN
328 C...Identify source: q(1), ~q(2), V(3), S(4), chi(5), ~g(6), unknown(0).
329  kfsrce=0
330  ipart1=k(ipart(1),3)
331  ipart2=k(ipart(2),3)
332  220 IF(ipart1.EQ.ipart2.AND.ipart1.GT.0) THEN
333  kfsrce=iabs(k(ipart1,2))
334  ELSEIF(ipart1.GT.ipart2.AND.ipart2.GT.0) THEN
335  ipart1=k(ipart1,3)
336  goto 220
337  ELSEIF(ipart2.GT.ipart1.AND.ipart1.GT.0) THEN
338  ipart2=k(ipart2,3)
339  goto 220
340  ENDIF
341  itypes=0
342  IF(kfsrce.GE.1.AND.kfsrce.LE.8) itypes=1
343  IF(kfsrce.GE.ksusy1+1.AND.kfsrce.LE.ksusy1+8) itypes=2
344  IF(kfsrce.GE.ksusy2+1.AND.kfsrce.LE.ksusy2+8) itypes=2
345  IF(kfsrce.GE.21.AND.kfsrce.LE.24) itypes=3
346  IF(kfsrce.GE.32.AND.kfsrce.LE.34) itypes=3
347  IF(kfsrce.EQ.25.OR.(kfsrce.GE.35.AND.kfsrce.LE.37)) itypes=4
348  IF(kfsrce.GE.ksusy1+22.AND.kfsrce.LE.ksusy1+37) itypes=5
349  IF(kfsrce.EQ.ksusy1+21) itypes=6
351 C...Identify two primary showerers.
352  kfla1=iabs(k(ipart(1),2))
353  itype1=0
354  IF(kfla1.GE.1.AND.kfla1.LE.8) itype1=1
355  IF(kfla1.GE.ksusy1+1.AND.kfla1.LE.ksusy1+8) itype1=2
356  IF(kfla1.GE.ksusy2+1.AND.kfla1.LE.ksusy2+8) itype1=2
357  IF(kfla1.GE.21.AND.kfla1.LE.24) itype1=3
358  IF(kfla1.GE.32.AND.kfla1.LE.34) itype1=3
359  IF(kfla1.EQ.25.OR.(kfla1.GE.35.AND.kfla1.LE.37)) itype1=4
360  IF(kfla1.GE.ksusy1+22.AND.kfla1.LE.ksusy1+37) itype1=5
361  IF(kfla1.EQ.ksusy1+21) itype1=6
362  kfla2=iabs(k(ipart(2),2))
363  itype2=0
364  IF(kfla2.GE.1.AND.kfla2.LE.8) itype2=1
365  IF(kfla2.GE.ksusy1+1.AND.kfla2.LE.ksusy1+8) itype2=2
366  IF(kfla2.GE.ksusy2+1.AND.kfla2.LE.ksusy2+8) itype2=2
367  IF(kfla2.GE.21.AND.kfla2.LE.24) itype2=3
368  IF(kfla2.GE.32.AND.kfla2.LE.34) itype2=3
369  IF(kfla2.EQ.25.OR.(kfla2.GE.35.AND.kfla2.LE.37)) itype2=4
370  IF(kfla2.GE.ksusy1+22.AND.kfla2.LE.ksusy1+37) itype2=5
371  IF(kfla2.EQ.ksusy1+21) itype2=6
373 C...Order of showerers. Presence of gluino.
374  itypmn=min(itype1,itype2)
375  itypmx=max(itype1,itype2)
376  iord=1
377  IF(itype1.GT.itype2) iord=2
378  iglui=0
379  IF(itype1.EQ.6.OR.itype2.EQ.6) iglui=1
381 C...Require exactly two primary showerers for ME corrections.
382  nprim=0
383  DO 230 i=1,n
384  IF(k(i,3).EQ.ipart1.AND.k(i,2).NE.k(ipart1,2)) nprim=nprim+1
385  230 CONTINUE
386  IF(nprim.NE.2) THEN
388 C...Predetermined and default matrix element kinds.
389  ELSEIF(mstj(38).NE.0) THEN
390  m3jc=mstj(38)
391  alpha=parj(80)
392  mstj(38)=0
393  ELSEIF(mstj(47).GE.6) THEN
394  m3jc=mstj(47)
395  ELSE
396  iclass=1
397  icombi=4
399 C...Vector/axial vector -> q + qbar; q -> q + V.
400  IF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.1.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
401  & itypes.EQ.3)) THEN
402  iclass=2
403  IF(kfsrce.EQ.21.OR.kfsrce.EQ.22) THEN
404  icombi=1
405  ELSEIF(kfsrce.EQ.23.OR.(kfsrce.EQ.0.AND.
406  & k(ipart(1),2)+k(ipart(2),2).EQ.0)) THEN
407 C...gamma*/Z0: assume e+e- initial state if unknown.
408  ei=-1d0
409  IF(kfsrce.EQ.23) THEN
410  iannfl=ipart1
411  IF(k(iannfl,2).EQ.23) iannfl=k(iannfl,3)
412  IF(iannfl.GT.0) THEN
413  IF(k(iannfl,2).EQ.23) iannfl=k(iannfl,3)
414  ENDIF
415  IF(iannfl.NE.0) THEN
416  kannfl=iabs(k(iannfl,2))
417  IF(kannfl.GE.1.AND.kannfl.LE.18) ei=kchg(kannfl,1)/3d0
418  ENDIF
419  ENDIF
420  ai=sign(1d0,ei+0.1d0)
421  vi=ai-4d0*ei*paru(102)
422  ef=kchg(kfla1,1)/3d0
423  af=sign(1d0,ef+0.1d0)
424  vf=af-4d0*ef*paru(102)
425  xwc=1d0/(16d0*paru(102)*(1d0-paru(102)))
426  sh=psum(5)**2
427  sqmz=pmas(23,1)**2
428  sqwz=psum(5)*pmas(23,2)
429  sbwz=1d0/((sh-sqmz)**2+sqwz**2)
430  vect=ei**2*ef**2+2d0*ei*vi*ef*vf*xwc*sh*(sh-sqmz)*sbwz+
431  & (vi**2+ai**2)*vf**2*xwc**2*sh**2*sbwz
432  axiv=(vi**2+ai**2)*af**2*xwc**2*sh**2*sbwz
433  icombi=3
434  alpha=vect/(vect+axiv)
435  ELSEIF(kfsrce.EQ.24.OR.kfsrce.EQ.0) THEN
436  icombi=4
437  ENDIF
438 C...For chi -> chi q qbar, use V/A -> q qbar as first approximation.
439  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.1.AND.itypes.EQ.5) THEN
440  iclass=2
441  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.3.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
442  & itypes.EQ.1)) THEN
443  iclass=3
445 C...Scalar/pseudoscalar -> q + qbar; q -> q + S.
446  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.1.AND.itypes.EQ.4) THEN
447  iclass=4
448  IF(kfsrce.EQ.25.OR.kfsrce.EQ.35.OR.kfsrce.EQ.37) THEN
449  icombi=1
450  ELSEIF(kfsrce.EQ.36) THEN
451  icombi=2
452  ENDIF
453  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.4.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
454  & itypes.EQ.1)) THEN
455  iclass=5
457 C...V -> ~q + ~qbar; ~q -> ~q + V; S -> ~q + ~qbar; ~q -> ~q + S.
458  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.2.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
459  & itypes.EQ.3)) THEN
460  iclass=6
461  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.3.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
462  & itypes.EQ.2)) THEN
463  iclass=7
464  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.2.AND.itypes.EQ.4) THEN
465  iclass=8
466  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.4.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
467  & itypes.EQ.2)) THEN
468  iclass=9
470 C...chi -> q + ~qbar; ~q -> q + chi; q -> ~q + chi.
471  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.2.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
472  & itypes.EQ.5)) THEN
473  iclass=10
474  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.5.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
475  & itypes.EQ.2)) THEN
476  iclass=11
477  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.5.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
478  & itypes.EQ.1)) THEN
479  iclass=12
481 C...~g -> q + ~qbar; ~q -> q + ~g; q -> ~q + ~g.
482  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.2.AND.itypes.EQ.6) THEN
483  iclass=13
484  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.1.AND.itypmx.EQ.6.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
485  & itypes.EQ.2)) THEN
486  iclass=14
487  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.2.AND.itypmx.EQ.6.AND.(itypes.EQ.0.OR.
488  & itypes.EQ.1)) THEN
489  iclass=15
491 C...g -> ~g + ~g (eikonal approximation).
492  ELSEIF(itypmn.EQ.6.AND.itypmx.EQ.6.AND.itypes.EQ.0) THEN
493  iclass=16
494  ENDIF
495  m3jc=5*iclass+icombi
496  ENDIF
498 C...Store pair that together define matrix element treatment.
499  IF(m3jc.NE.0) THEN
500  nmesys=1
501  mesys(nmesys,0)=m3jc
502  mesys(nmesys,1)=ipart(1)
503  mesys(nmesys,2)=ipart(2)
504  ENDIF
506 C...Store qqbar or l+l- pairs for QED radiation.
507  IF(kfla1.LE.18.AND.kfla2.LE.18) THEN
508  nmesys=nmesys+1
509  mesys(nmesys,0)=101
510  IF(k(ipart(1),2)+k(ipart(2),2).EQ.0) mesys(nmesys,0)=102
511  mesys(nmesys,1)=ipart(1)
512  mesys(nmesys,2)=ipart(2)
513  ENDIF
515 C...Store other qqbar/l+l- pairs from g/gamma branchings.
516  DO 270 i1=1,n
517  IF(k(i1,1).GT.10.OR.iabs(k(i1,2)).GT.18) goto 270
518  i1m=k(i1,3)
519  240 IF(i1m.GT.0.AND.k(i1m,2).EQ.k(i1,2)) THEN
520  i1m=k(i1m,3)
521  goto 240
522  ENDIF
523 C...Move up this check to avoid out-of-bounds.
524  IF(i1m.EQ.0) goto 270
525  IF(k(i1m,2).NE.21.AND.k(i1m,2).NE.22) goto 270
526  DO 260 i2=i1+1,n
527  IF(k(i2,1).GT.10.OR.k(i2,2)+k(i1,2).NE.0) goto 260
528  i2m=k(i2,3)
529  250 IF(i2m.GT.0.AND.k(i2m,2).EQ.k(i2,2)) THEN
530  i2m=k(i2m,3)
531  goto 250
532  ENDIF
533  IF(i1m.EQ.i2m.AND.i1m.GT.0) THEN
534  nmesys=nmesys+1
535  mesys(nmesys,0)=66
536  mesys(nmesys,1)=i1
537  mesys(nmesys,2)=i2
538  nmesys=nmesys+1
539  mesys(nmesys,0)=102
540  mesys(nmesys,1)=i1
541  mesys(nmesys,2)=i2
542  ENDIF
543  260 CONTINUE
544  270 CONTINUE
545  ENDIF
547 C..Loopback point for counting number of emissions.
548  ngen=0
549  280 ngen=ngen+1
551 C...Begin loop to evolve all existing partons, if required.
552  290 imx=0
553  pt2mx=0d0
554  DO 360 ievol=1,nevol
555  IF(iflg(ievol).EQ.0) THEN
557 C...Basic info on radiator and recoil.
558  i=ipos(ievol)
559  ir=irec(ievol)
560  sht=shat(i,ir)
561  pm2i=p(i,5)**2
562  pm2r=p(ir,5)**2
564 C...Invariant mass of "dipole".Starting value for pT evolution.
565  shtcor=(sqrt(sht)-p(ir,5))**2-pm2i
566  pt2=min(pt2cmx,0.25d0*shtcor,ptsca(ievol)**2)
568 C...Case of evolution by QCD branching.
569  IF(iscol(ievol).NE.0) THEN
571 C...Parton-by-parton maximum scale from initial conditions.
572  IF(mstp(72).EQ.0) THEN
573  DO 300 iprt=1,nparts
574  IF(ir.EQ.ipart(iprt)) pt2=min(pt2,ptpart(iprt)**2)
575  300 CONTINUE
576  ENDIF
578 C...If kinematically impossible then do not evolve.
579  IF(pt2.LT.pt2cmn) THEN
580  iflg(ievol)=-1
581  goto 360
582  ENDIF
584 C...Check if part of system for which ME corrections should be applied.
585  imesys=0
586  DO 310 ime=1,nmesys
587  IF((i.EQ.mesys(ime,1).OR.i.EQ.mesys(ime,2)).AND.
588  & mesys(ime,0).LT.100) imesys=ime
589  310 CONTINUE
591 C...Special flag for colour octet states.
592  moct=0
593  IF(k(i,2).EQ.21) moct=1
594  IF(k(i,2).EQ.ksusy1+21) moct=2
596 C...Upper estimate for matrix element weighting and colour factor.
597 C...Note that g->gg and g->qqbar is split on two sides = "dipoles".
598  wtpsgl=2d0
599  colfac=4d0/3d0
600  IF(moct.GE.1) colfac=3d0/2d0
601  IF(iglui.EQ.1.AND.imesys.EQ.1.AND.moct.EQ.0) colfac=3d0
602  wtpsqq=0.5d0*0.5d0*nflav
604 C...Determine overestimated z range: switch at c and b masses.
605  320 izrg=1
606  pt2mne=pt2cmn
607  b0=27d0/6d0
608  alams=alam3s
609  IF(pt2.GT.1.01d0*pmcs) THEN
610  izrg=2
611  pt2mne=pmcs
612  b0=25d0/6d0
613  alams=alam4s
614  ENDIF
615  IF(pt2.GT.1.01d0*pmbs) THEN
616  izrg=3
617  pt2mne=pmbs
618  b0=23d0/6d0
619  alams=alam5s
620  ENDIF
621  zmncut=0.5d0-sqrt(max(0d0,0.25d0-pt2mne/shtcor))
622  IF(zmncut.LT.1d-8) zmncut=pt2mne/shtcor
624 C...Find evolution coefficients for q->qg/g->gg and g->qqbar.
625  evemgl=wtpsgl*colfac*log(1d0/zmncut-1d0)/b0
626  evcoef=evemgl
627  IF(moct.EQ.1) THEN
628  evemqq=wtpsqq*(1d0-2d0*zmncut)/b0
629  evcoef=evcoef+evemqq
630  ENDIF
632 C...Pick pT2 (in overestimated z range).
633  330 pt2=alams*(pt2/alams)**(pyr(0)**(1d0/evcoef))
635 C...Loopback if crossed c/b mass thresholds.
636  IF(izrg.EQ.3.AND.pt2.LT.pmbs) THEN
637  pt2=pmbs
638  goto 320
639  ENDIF
640  IF(izrg.EQ.2.AND.pt2.LT.pmcs) THEN
641  pt2=pmcs
642  goto 320
643  ENDIF
645 C...Finish if below lower cutoff.
646  IF(pt2.LT.pt2cmn) THEN
647  iflg(ievol)=-1
648  goto 360
649  ENDIF
651 C...Pick kind of branching: q->qg/g->gg/X->Xg or g->qqbar.
652  iflag=1
653  IF(moct.EQ.1.AND.evemgl.LT.pyr(0)*evcoef) iflag=2
655 C...Pick z: dz/(1-z) or dz.
656  IF(iflag.EQ.1) THEN
657  z=1d0-zmncut*(1d0/zmncut-1d0)**pyr(0)
658  ELSE
659  z=zmncut+pyr(0)*(1d0-2d0*zmncut)
660  ENDIF
662 C...Loopback if outside allowed range for given pT2.
663  zmnnow=0.5d0-sqrt(max(0d0,0.25d0-pt2/shtcor))
664  IF(zmnnow.LT.1d-8) zmnnow=pt2/shtcor
665  IF(z.LE.zmnnow.OR.z.GE.1d0-zmnnow) goto 330
666  pm2=pm2i+pt2/(z*(1d0-z))
667  IF(z*(1d0-z).LE.pm2*sht/(sht+pm2-pm2r)**2) goto 330
669 C...No weighting for primary partons; to be done later on.
670  IF(imesys.GT.0) THEN
672 C...Weighting of q->qg/X->Xg branching.
673  ELSEIF(iflag.EQ.1.AND.moct.NE.1) THEN
674  IF(1d0+z**2.LT.wtpsgl*pyr(0)) goto 330
676 C...Weighting of g->gg branching.
677  ELSEIF(iflag.EQ.1) THEN
678  IF(1d0+z**3.LT.wtpsgl*pyr(0)) goto 330
680 C...Flavour choice and weighting of g->qqbar branching.
681  ELSE
682  kfq=min(5,1+int(nflav*pyr(0)))
683  pmq=pmas(kfq,1)
684  rootqq=sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-4d0*pmq**2/pm2))
685  wtme=rootqq*(z**2+(1d0-z)**2)
686  IF(wtme.LT.pyr(0)) goto 330
687  iflag=10+kfq
688  ENDIF
690 C...Case of evolution by QED branching.
691  ELSEIF(ischg(ievol).NE.0) THEN
693 C...If kinematically impossible then do not evolve.
694  pt2emn=pt0eq**2
695  IF(iabs(k(i,2)).GT.10) pt2emn=pt0el**2
696  IF(pt2.LT.pt2emn) THEN
697  iflg(ievol)=-1
698  goto 360
699  ENDIF
701 C...Check if part of system for which ME corrections should be applied.
702  imesys=0
703  DO 340 ime=1,nmesys
704  IF((i.EQ.mesys(ime,1).OR.i.EQ.mesys(ime,2)).AND.
705  & mesys(ime,0).GT.100) imesys=ime
706  340 CONTINUE
708 C...Charge. Matrix element weighting factor.
709  chg=ischg(ievol)/3d0
710  wtpsga=2d0
712 C...Determine overestimated z range. Find evolution coefficient.
713  zmncut=0.5d0-sqrt(max(0d0,0.25d0-pt2emn/shtcor))
714  IF(zmncut.LT.1d-8) zmncut=pt2emn/shtcor
715  evcoef=aem2pi*chg**2*wtpsga*log(1d0/zmncut-1d0)
717 C...Pick pT2 (in overestimated z range).
718  350 pt2=pt2*pyr(0)**(1d0/evcoef)
720 C...Finish if below lower cutoff.
721  IF(pt2.LT.pt2emn) THEN
722  iflg(ievol)=-1
723  goto 360
724  ENDIF
726 C...Pick z: dz/(1-z).
727  z=1d0-zmncut*(1d0/zmncut-1d0)**pyr(0)
729 C...Loopback if outside allowed range for given pT2.
730  zmnnow=0.5d0-sqrt(max(0d0,0.25d0-pt2/shtcor))
731  IF(zmnnow.LT.1d-8) zmnnow=pt2/shtcor
732  IF(z.LE.zmnnow.OR.z.GE.1d0-zmnnow) goto 350
733  pm2=pm2i+pt2/(z*(1d0-z))
734  IF(z*(1d0-z).LE.pm2*sht/(sht+pm2-pm2r)**2) goto 350
736 C...Weighting by branching kernel, except if ME weighting later.
737  IF(imesys.EQ.0) THEN
738  IF(1d0+z**2.LT.wtpsga*pyr(0)) goto 350
739  ENDIF
740  iflag=3
741  ENDIF
743 C...Save acceptable branching.
744  iflg(ievol)=iflag
745  imesav(ievol)=imesys
746  pt2sav(ievol)=pt2
747  zsav(ievol)=z
748  shtsav(ievol)=sht
749  ENDIF
751 C...Check if branching has highest pT.
752  IF(iflg(ievol).GE.1.AND.pt2sav(ievol).GT.pt2mx) THEN
753  imx=ievol
754  pt2mx=pt2sav(ievol)
755  ENDIF
756  360 CONTINUE
758 C...Finished if no more branchings to be done.
759  IF(imx.EQ.0) goto 480
761 C...Restore info on hardest branching to be processed.
762  i=ipos(imx)
763  ir=irec(imx)
764  kcol=iscol(imx)
765  kcha=ischg(imx)
766  imesys=imesav(imx)
767  pt2=pt2sav(imx)
768  z=zsav(imx)
769  sht=shtsav(imx)
770  pm2i=p(i,5)**2
771  pm2r=p(ir,5)**2
772  pm2=pm2i+pt2/(z*(1d0-z))
774 C...Special flag for colour octet states.
775  moct=0
776  IF(k(i,2).EQ.21) moct=1
777  IF(k(i,2).EQ.ksusy1+21) moct=2
779 C...Restore further info for g->qqbar branching.
780  kfq=0
781  IF(iflg(imx).GT.10) THEN
782  kfq=iflg(imx)-10
783  pmq=pmas(kfq,1)
784  rootqq=sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-4d0*pmq**2/pm2))
785  ENDIF
787 C...For branching g include azimuthal asymmetries from polarization.
788  asypol=0d0
789  IF(moct.EQ.1.AND.mod(mstj(46),2).EQ.1) THEN
790 C...Trace grandmother via intermediate recoil copies.
791  kfgm=0
792  im=i
793  370 IF(k(im,3).NE.k(im-1,3).AND.k(im,3).NE.k(im+1,3).AND.
794  & k(im,3).GT.0) THEN
795  im=k(im,3)
796  IF( goto 370
797  ENDIF
798  igm=k(im,3)
799  IF(
800  & kfgm=iabs(k(igm,2))
801 C...Define approximate energy sharing by identifying aunt.
802  iau=im+1
803  IF(iau.GT.n-3.OR.k(iau,3).NE.igm) iau=im-1
804  IF(kfgm.NE.0.AND.(kfgm.LE.6.OR.kfgm.EQ.21)) THEN
805  zold=p(im,4)/(p(im,4)+p(iau,4))
806 C...Coefficient from gluon production.
807  IF(kfgm.LE.6) THEN
808  asypol=2d0*(1d0-zold)/(1d0+(1d0-zold)**2)
809  ELSE
810  asypol=((1d0-zold)/(1d0-zold*(1d0-zold)))**2
811  ENDIF
812 C...Coefficient from gluon decay.
813  IF(kfq.EQ.0) THEN
814  asypol=asypol*(z*(1d0-z)/(1d0-z*(1d0-z)))**2
815  ELSE
816  asypol=-asypol*2d0*z*(1d0-z)/(1d0-2d0*z*(1d0-z))
817  ENDIF
818  ENDIF
819  ENDIF
821 C...Create new slots for branching products and recoil.
822  inew=n+1
823  ignew=n+2
824  irnew=n+3
825  n=n+3
827 C...Set status, flavour and mother of new ones.
828  k(inew,1)=k(i,1)
829  k(ignew,1)=3
830  IF(kcha.NE.0) k(ignew,1)=1
831  k(irnew,1)=k(ir,1)
832  IF(kfq.EQ.0) THEN
833  k(inew,2)=k(i,2)
834  k(ignew,2)=21
835  IF(kcha.NE.0) k(ignew,2)=22
836  ELSE
837  k(inew,2)=-isign(kfq,kcol)
838  k(ignew,2)=-k(inew,2)
839  ENDIF
840  k(irnew,2)=k(ir,2)
841  k(inew,3)=i
842  k(ignew,3)=i
843  k(irnew,3)=ir
845 C...Find rest frame and angles of branching+recoil.
846  DO 380 j=1,5
847  p(inew,j)=p(i,j)
848  p(ignew,j)=0d0
849  p(irnew,j)=p(ir,j)
850  380 CONTINUE
851  betax=(p(inew,1)+p(irnew,1))/(p(inew,4)+p(irnew,4))
852  betay=(p(inew,2)+p(irnew,2))/(p(inew,4)+p(irnew,4))
853  betaz=(p(inew,3)+p(irnew,3))/(p(inew,4)+p(irnew,4))
854  CALL pyrobo(inew,irnew,0d0,0d0,-betax,-betay,-betaz)
855  phi=pyangl(p(inew,1),p(inew,2))
856  theta=pyangl(p(inew,3),sqrt(p(inew,1)**2+p(inew,2)**2))
858 C...Derive kinematics of branching: generics (like g->gg).
859  DO 390 j=1,4
860  p(inew,j)=0d0
861  p(irnew,j)=0d0
862  390 CONTINUE
863  pem=0.5d0*(sht+pm2-pm2r)/sqrt(sht)
864  pzm=0.5d0*sqrt(max(0d0,(sht-pm2-pm2r)**2-4d0*pm2*pm2r)/sht)
865  pt2cor=pm2*(pem**2*z*(1d0-z)-0.25d0*pm2)/pzm**2
866  ptcor=sqrt(max(0d0,pt2cor))
867  pzn=(pem**2*z-0.5d0*pm2)/pzm
868  pzg=(pem**2*(1d0-z)-0.5d0*pm2)/pzm
869 C...Specific kinematics reduction for q->qg with m_q > 0.
870  IF(moct.NE.1) THEN
871  ptcor=(1d0-pm2i/pm2)*ptcor
872  pzn=pzn+pm2i*pzg/pm2
873  pzg=(1d0-pm2i/pm2)*pzg
874 C...Specific kinematics reduction for g->qqbar with m_q > 0.
875  ELSEIF(kfq.NE.0) THEN
876  p(inew,5)=pmq
877  p(ignew,5)=pmq
878  ptcor=rootqq*ptcor
879  pzn=0.5d0*((1d0+rootqq)*pzn+(1d0-rootqq)*pzg)
880  pzg=pzm-pzn
881  ENDIF
883 C...Pick phi and construct kinematics of branching.
884  400 phirot=paru(2)*pyr(0)
885  p(inew,1)=ptcor*cos(phirot)
886  p(inew,2)=ptcor*sin(phirot)
887  p(inew,3)=pzn
888  p(inew,4)=sqrt(ptcor**2+p(inew,3)**2+p(inew,5)**2)
889  p(ignew,1)=-p(inew,1)
890  p(ignew,2)=-p(inew,2)
891  p(ignew,3)=pzg
892  p(ignew,4)=sqrt(ptcor**2+p(ignew,3)**2+p(ignew,5)**2)
893  p(irnew,1)=0d0
894  p(irnew,2)=0d0
895  p(irnew,3)=-pzm
896  p(irnew,4)=0.5d0*(sht+pm2r-pm2)/sqrt(sht)
898 C...Boost branching system to lab frame.
899  CALL pyrobo(inew,irnew,theta,phi,betax,betay,betaz)
901 C...Renew choice of phi angle according to polarization asymmetry.
902  IF(abs(asypol).GT.1d-3) THEN
903  DO 410 j=1,3
904  dpt(1,j)=p(i,j)
905  dpt(2,j)=p(iau,j)
906  dpt(3,j)=p(inew,j)
907  410 CONTINUE
908  dpma=dpt(1,1)*dpt(2,1)+dpt(1,2)*dpt(2,2)+dpt(1,3)*dpt(2,3)
909  dpmd=dpt(1,1)*dpt(3,1)+dpt(1,2)*dpt(3,2)+dpt(1,3)*dpt(3,3)
910  dpmm=dpt(1,1)**2+dpt(1,2)**2+dpt(1,3)**2
911  DO 420 j=1,3
912  dpt(4,j)=dpt(2,j)-dpma*dpt(1,j)/max(1d-10,dpmm)
913  dpt(5,j)=dpt(3,j)-dpmd*dpt(1,j)/max(1d-10,dpmm)
914  420 CONTINUE
915  dpt(4,4)=sqrt(dpt(4,1)**2+dpt(4,2)**2+dpt(4,3)**2)
916  dpt(5,4)=sqrt(dpt(5,1)**2+dpt(5,2)**2+dpt(5,3)**2)
917  IF(min(dpt(4,4),dpt(5,4)).GT.0.1d0*parj(82)) THEN
918  cad=(dpt(4,1)*dpt(5,1)+dpt(4,2)*dpt(5,2)+
919  & dpt(4,3)*dpt(5,3))/(dpt(4,4)*dpt(5,4))
920  IF(1d0+asypol*(2d0*cad**2-1d0).LT.pyr(0)*(1d0+abs(asypol)))
921  & goto 400
922  ENDIF
923  ENDIF
925 C...Matrix element corrections for primary partons when requested.
926  IF(imesys.GT.0) THEN
927  m3jc=mesys(imesys,0)
929 C...Identify recoiling partner and set up three-body kinematics.
930  irp=mesys(imesys,1)
931  IF(irp.EQ.i) irp=mesys(imesys,2)
932  IF( irp=irnew
933  DO 430 j=1,4
934  psum(j)=p(inew,j)+p(irp,j)+p(ignew,j)
935  430 CONTINUE
936  psum(5)=sqrt(max(0d0,psum(4)**2-psum(1)**2-psum(2)**2-
937  & psum(3)**2))
938  x1=2d0*(psum(4)*p(inew,4)-psum(1)*p(inew,1)-psum(2)*p(inew,2)-
939  & psum(3)*p(inew,3))/psum(5)**2
940  x2=2d0*(psum(4)*p(irp,4)-psum(1)*p(irp,1)-psum(2)*p(irp,2)-
941  & psum(3)*p(irp,3))/psum(5)**2
942  x3=2d0-x1-x2
943  r1me=p(inew,5)/psum(5)
944  r2me=p(irp,5)/psum(5)
946 C...Matrix elements for gluon emission.
947  IF(m3jc.LT.100) THEN
949 C...Call ME, with right order important for two inequivalent showerers.
950  IF(mesys(imesys,iord).EQ.i) THEN
951  wme=pymael(m3jc,x1,x2,r1me,r2me,alpha)
952  ELSE
953  wme=pymael(m3jc,x2,x1,r2me,r1me,alpha)
954  ENDIF
956 C...Split up total ME when two radiating partons.
957  isprad=1
958  IF((m3jc.GE.16.AND.m3jc.LE.19).OR.(m3jc.GE.26.AND.m3jc.LE.29)
959  & .OR.(m3jc.GE.36.AND.m3jc.LE.39).OR.(m3jc.GE.46.AND.m3jc.LE.49)
960  & .OR.(m3jc.GE.56.AND.m3jc.LE.64)) isprad=0
961  IF(isprad.EQ.1) wme=wme*max(1d-10,1d0+r1me**2-r2me**2-x1)/
962  & max(1d-10,2d0-x1-x2)
964 C...Evaluate shower rate.
965  wps=2d0/(max(1d-10,2d0-x1-x2)*
966  & max(1d-10,1d0+r2me**2-r1me**2-x2))
967  IF(iglui.EQ.1) wps=(9d0/4d0)*wps
969 C...Matrix elements for photon emission: still rather primitive.
970  ELSE
972 C...For generic charge combination currently only massless expression.
973  IF(m3jc.EQ.101) THEN
974  chg1=kchg(pycomp(k(i,2)),1)*isign(1,k(i,2))/3d0
975  chg2=kchg(pycomp(k(irp,2)),1)*isign(1,k(irp,2))/3d0
976  wme=(chg1*(1d0-x1)/x3-chg2*(1d0-x2)/x3)**2*(x1**2+x2**2)
977  wps=2d0*(chg1**2*(1d0-x1)/x3+chg2**2*(1d0-x2)/x3)
979 C...For flavour neutral system assume vector source and include masses.
980  ELSE
981  wme=pymael(11,x1,x2,r1me,r2me,0d0)*max(1d-10,
982  & 1d0+r1me**2-r2me**2-x1)/max(1d-10,2d0-x1-x2)
983  wps=2d0/(max(1d-10,2d0-x1-x2)*
984  & max(1d-10,1d0+r2me**2-r1me**2-x2))
985  ENDIF
986  ENDIF
988 C...Perform weighting with W_ME/W_PS.
989  IF(wme.LT.pyr(0)*wps) THEN
990  n=n-3
991  iflg(imx)=0
992  goto 290
993  ENDIF
994  ENDIF
996 C...Now for sure accepted branching. Save highest pT.
997  IF(ngen.EQ.1) ptgen=sqrt(pt2)
999 C...Update status for obsolete ones. Bookkkep the moved original parton
1000 C...and new daughter (arbitrary choice for g->gg or g->qqbar).
1001 C...Do not bookkeep radiated photon, since it cannot radiate further.
1002  k(i,1)=k(i,1)+10
1003  k(ir,1)=k(ir,1)+10
1004  DO 440 ip=1,npart
1005  IF(ipart(ip).EQ.i) ipart(ip)=inew
1006  IF(ipart(ip) ipart(ip)=irnew
1007  440 CONTINUE
1008  IF(kcha.EQ.0) THEN
1009  npart=npart+1
1010  ipart(npart)=ignew
1011  ENDIF
1013 C...Initialize colour flow of branching.
1014 C...Use both old and new style colour tags for flexibility.
1015  k(inew,4)=0
1016  k(ignew,4)=0
1017  k(inew,5)=0
1018  k(ignew,5)=0
1019  jcolp=4+(1-kcol)/2
1020  jcoln=9-jcolp
1021  mct(inew,1)=0
1022  mct(inew,2)=0
1023  mct(ignew,1)=0
1024  mct(ignew,2)=0
1025  mct(irnew,1)=0
1026  mct(irnew,2)=0
1028 C...Trivial colour flow for l->lgamma and q->qgamma.
1029  IF(iabs(kcha).EQ.3) THEN
1030  k(i,4)=inew
1031  k(i,5)=ignew
1032  ELSEIF(kcha.NE.0) THEN
1033  IF(k(i,4).NE.0) THEN
1034  k(i,4)=k(i,4)+inew
1035  k(inew,4)=mstu(5)*i
1036  mct(inew,1)=mct(i,1)
1037  ENDIF
1038  IF(k(i,5).NE.0) THEN
1039  k(i,5)=k(i,5)+inew
1040  k(inew,5)=mstu(5)*i
1041  mct(inew,2)=mct(i,2)
1042  ENDIF
1044 C...Set colour flow for q->qg and g->gg.
1045  ELSEIF(kfq.EQ.0) THEN
1046  k(i,jcolp)=k(i,jcolp)+ignew
1047  k(ignew,jcolp)=mstu(5)*i
1048  k(inew,jcolp)=mstu(5)*ignew
1049  k(ignew,jcoln)=mstu(5)*inew
1050  mct(ignew,jcolp-3)=mct(i,jcolp-3)
1051  nct=nct+1
1052  mct(inew,jcolp-3)=nct
1053  mct(ignew,jcoln-3)=nct
1054  IF(moct.GE.1) THEN
1055  k(i,jcoln)=k(i,jcoln)+inew
1056  k(inew,jcoln)=mstu(5)*i
1057  mct(inew,jcoln-3)=mct(i,jcoln-3)
1058  ENDIF
1060 C...Set colour flow for g->qqbar.
1061  ELSE
1062  k(i,jcoln)=k(i,jcoln)+inew
1063  k(inew,jcoln)=mstu(5)*i
1064  k(i,jcolp)=k(i,jcolp)+ignew
1065  k(ignew,jcolp)=mstu(5)*i
1066  mct(inew,jcoln-3)=mct(i,jcoln-3)
1067  mct(ignew,jcolp-3)=mct(i,jcolp-3)
1068  ENDIF
1070 C...Daughter info for colourless recoiling parton.
1071  IF(k(ir,4).EQ.0.AND.k(ir,5).EQ.0) THEN
1072  k(ir,4)=irnew
1073  k(ir,5)=irnew
1074  k(irnew,4)=0
1075  k(irnew,5)=0
1077 C...Colour of recoiling parton sails through unchanged.
1078  ELSE
1079  IF(k(ir,4).NE.0) THEN
1080  k(ir,4)=k(ir,4)+irnew
1081  k(irnew,4)=mstu(5)*ir
1082  mct(irnew,1)=mct(ir,1)
1083  ENDIF
1084  IF(k(ir,5).NE.0) THEN
1085  k(ir,5)=k(ir,5)+irnew
1086  k(irnew,5)=mstu(5)*ir
1087  mct(irnew,2)=mct(ir,2)
1088  ENDIF
1089  ENDIF
1091 C...Vertex information trivial.
1092  DO 450 j=1,5
1093  v(inew,j)=v(i,j)
1094  v(ignew,j)=v(i,j)
1095  v(irnew,j)=v(ir,j)
1096  450 CONTINUE
1098 C...Update list of old radiators.
1099  DO 460 ievol=1,nevol
1100  IF(ipos(ievol).EQ.i.AND.irec(ievol) THEN
1101  ipos(ievol)=inew
1102  IF(kcol.NE.0.AND.iscol(ievol).EQ.kcol) ipos(ievol)=ignew
1103  irec(ievol)=irnew
1104  iflg(ievol)=0
1105  ELSEIF(ipos(ievol).EQ.i) THEN
1106  ipos(ievol)=inew
1107  iflg(ievol)=0
1108  ELSEIF(ipos(ievol) THEN
1109  ipos(ievol)=irnew
1110  irec(ievol)=inew
1111  IF(kcol.NE.0.AND.iscol(ievol).NE.kcol) irec(ievol)=ignew
1112  iflg(ievol)=0
1113  ELSEIF(ipos(ievol) THEN
1114  ipos(ievol)=irnew
1115  iflg(ievol)=0
1116  ENDIF
1117 C...Update links of old connected partons.
1118  IF(irec(ievol).EQ.i) THEN
1119  irec(ievol)=inew
1120  iflg(ievol)=0
1121  ELSEIF(irec(ievol) THEN
1122  irec(ievol)=irnew
1123  iflg(ievol)=0
1124  ENDIF
1125  460 CONTINUE
1127 C...q->qg or g->gg: create new gluon radiators.
1128  IF(kcol.NE.0.AND.kfq.EQ.0) THEN
1129  nevol=nevol+1
1130  ipos(nevol)=inew
1131  irec(nevol)=ignew
1132  iflg(nevol)=0
1133  iscol(nevol)=kcol
1134  ischg(nevol)=0
1135  ptsca(nevol)=sqrt(pt2)
1136  nevol=nevol+1
1137  ipos(nevol)=ignew
1138  irec(nevol)=inew
1139  iflg(nevol)=0
1140  iscol(nevol)=-kcol
1141  ischg(nevol)=0
1142  ptsca(nevol)=ptsca(nevol-1)
1143  ENDIF
1145 C...Update matrix elements parton list and add new for g/gamma->qqbar.
1146  DO 470 ime=1,nmesys
1147  IF(mesys(ime,1).EQ.i) mesys(ime,1)=inew
1148  IF(mesys(ime,2).EQ.i) mesys(ime,2)=inew
1149  IF(mesys(ime,1) mesys(ime,1)=irnew
1150  IF(mesys(ime,2) mesys(ime,2)=irnew
1151  470 CONTINUE
1152  IF(kfq.NE.0) THEN
1153  nmesys=nmesys+1
1154  mesys(nmesys,0)=66
1155  mesys(nmesys,1)=inew
1156  mesys(nmesys,2)=ignew
1157  nmesys=nmesys+1
1158  mesys(nmesys,0)=102
1159  mesys(nmesys,1)=inew
1160  mesys(nmesys,2)=ignew
1161  ENDIF
1163 C...Global statistics.
1164  mint(353)=mint(353)+1
1165  vint(353)=vint(353)+ptcor
1166  IF (mint(353).EQ.1) vint(358)=ptcor
1168 C...Loopback for more emissions if enough space.
1169  pt2cmx=pt2
1170  IF(npart.LT.maxnur-1.AND.nevol.LT.2*maxnur-2.AND.
1171  &nmesys.LT.maxnur-2.AND.n.LT.mstu(4)-mstu(32)-5) THEN
1172  goto 280
1173  ELSE
1174  CALL pyerrm(11,'(PYPTFS:) no more memory left for shower')
1175  ENDIF
1177 C...Done.
1178  480 CONTINUE
1180  RETURN
1181  END