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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RawClusterv1.h
4 #include "RawCluster.h"
5 #include "RawClusterDefs.h"
7 #include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
9 #include <cstddef>
10 #include <cstdint>
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <map>
13 #include <utility>
15 class PHObject;
17 class RawClusterv1 : public RawCluster
18 {
19  public:
20  RawClusterv1();
21  ~RawClusterv1() override {}
23  void Reset() override;
24  PHObject* CloneMe() const override { return new RawClusterv1(*this); }
25  int isValid() const override { return towermap.size() > 0; }
26  void identify(std::ostream& os = std::cout) const override;
32  RawClusterDefs::keytype get_id() const override { return clusterid; }
34  float get_energy() const override { return _energy; }
36  size_t getNTowers() const override { return towermap.size(); }
37  RawCluster::TowerConstRange get_towers() const override { return make_pair(towermap.begin(), towermap.end()); }
39  const TowerMap& get_towermap() const override { return towermap; }
40  //
42  CLHEP::Hep3Vector get_position() const override
43  {
44  return CLHEP::Hep3Vector(get_x(), get_y(), get_z());
45  }
47  float get_phi() const override { return _phi; }
48  float get_r() const override { return _r; }
49  float get_z() const override { return _z; }
50  //
51  // //! convert cluster location to psuedo-rapidity given a user chosen z-location
52  // virtual float get_eta(const float z) const;
53  // //! convert cluster E_T given a user chosen z-location
54  // virtual float get_et(const float z) const;
55  //
57  float get_x() const override { return get_r() * std::cos(get_phi()); }
58  float get_y() const override { return get_r() * std::sin(get_phi()); }
59  //
62  float get_ecore() const override { return get_property_float(prop_ecore); }
64  float get_chi2() const override { return get_property_float(prop_chi2); }
66  float get_prob() const override { return get_property_float(prop_prob); }
68  float get_et_iso() const override { return get_property_float(prop_et_iso_calotower_R03); }
70  float get_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) const override;
71  // //! truth cluster's PHG4Particle ID
72  // virtual int get_truth_track_ID() const override { return get_property_int(prop_truth_track_ID); }
73  // //! truth cluster's PHG4Particle flavor
74  // virtual int get_truth_flavor() const override { return get_property_int(prop_truth_flavor); }
75  // // end of getters
82  void set_id(const RawClusterDefs::keytype id) override { clusterid = id; }
84  void addTower(const RawClusterDefs::keytype twrid, const float etower) override;
86  void set_energy(const float energy) override { _energy = energy; }
88  void set_phi(const float phi) override { _phi = phi; }
89  void set_z(const float z) override { _z = z; }
90  void set_r(const float r) override { _r = r; }
91  //
94  void set_ecore(const float ecore) override { set_property(prop_ecore, ecore); }
96  void set_chi2(const float chi2) override { set_property(prop_chi2, chi2); }
98  void set_prob(const float prob) override { set_property(prop_prob, prob); }
100  void set_et_iso(const float e) override { set_property(prop_et_iso_calotower_R03, e); }
102  void set_et_iso(const float et_iso, const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) override;
103  // //! truth cluster's PHG4Particle ID
104  // virtual void set_truth_track_ID(const int i) override { set_property(prop_truth_track_ID, i); }
105  // //! truth cluster's PHG4Particle flavor
106  // virtual void set_truth_flavor(const int f) override { set_property(prop_truth_flavor, f); }
107  //
108  /*
109  *
110  * @} */
111  // end of setters
116  public:
117  bool has_property(const PROPERTY prop_id) const override;
118  float get_property_float(const PROPERTY prop_id) const override;
119  int get_property_int(const PROPERTY prop_id) const override;
120  unsigned int get_property_uint(const PROPERTY prop_id) const override;
121  void set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const float value) override;
122  void set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const int value) override;
123  void set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const unsigned int value) override;
125  protected: // protected is declared twice !?
126  unsigned int get_property_nocheck(const PROPERTY prop_id) const;
127  void set_property_nocheck(const PROPERTY prop_id, const unsigned int ui) { prop_map[prop_id] = ui; }
129  typedef uint8_t prop_id_t;
130  typedef uint32_t prop_storage_t;
131  typedef std::map<prop_id_t, prop_storage_t> prop_map_t;
135  {
136  float fdata;
137  int32_t idata;
138  uint32_t uidata;
140  u_property(int32_t in)
141  : idata(in)
142  {
143  }
144  u_property(uint32_t in)
145  : uidata(in)
146  {
147  }
148  u_property(float in)
149  : fdata(in)
150  {
151  }
153  : uidata(0)
154  {
155  }
157  prop_storage_t get_storage() const { return uidata; }
158  };
162  // end of property map definitions
165  //
166  protected:
170  float _energy;
175  float _r;
176  float _phi;
177  float _z;
179  ClassDefOverride(RawClusterv1, 3)
180 };
182 #endif