Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file trackSummaryAnalysis.C
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <bitset>
10 #include <fstream>
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <limits>
13 #include <map>
14 #include <string>
15 #include <vector>
17 #include <TCanvas.h>
18 #include <TChain.h>
19 #include <TF1.h>
20 #include <TFile.h>
21 #include <TH1F.h>
22 #include <TH2F.h>
23 #include <TH3F.h>
24 #include <TLegend.h>
25 #include <TMath.h>
26 #include <TStyle.h>
27 #include <TTree.h>
28 #include <TVectorF.h>
30 #include "CommonUtils.h"
31 #include "TreeReader.h"
33 using namespace ROOT;
54  const std::vector<std::string>& inFiles, const std::string& inTree,
55  const std::string& outFile, const std::string& inConfig = "",
56  const std::string& outConfig = "", unsigned long nEntries = 0,
57  unsigned int nPeakEntries = 0, float pullRange = 6.,
58  unsigned int nHistBins = 61, unsigned int nPhiBins = 10,
59  const std::array<float, 2>& phiRange = {-M_PI, M_PI},
60  unsigned int nEtaBins = 10, const std::array<float, 2>& etaRange = {-3, 3},
61  const std::vector<double>& ptBorders =
62  {0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()},
63  const std::bitset<7>& residualPulls = std::bitset<7>{"1111111"},
64  const std::bitset<5>& auxiliary = std::bitset<5>{"11111"}) {
65  // Load the tree chain
66  TChain* treeChain = new TChain(inTree.c_str());
67  for (const auto& inFile : inFiles) {
68  treeChain->Add(inFile.c_str());
69  // Open root file written by RootTrajectoryWriter
70  std::cout << "*** Adding file: " << inFile << std::endl;
71  }
73  if (treeChain->GetEntries() == 0) {
74  std::cout << "xxx No entries found ... bailing out." << std::endl;
75  return -1;
76  }
78  TCanvas* rangeCanvas =
79  new TCanvas("rangeCanvas", "Range Estimation", 100, 100, 620, 400);
81  TrackSummaryReader tracks(treeChain, true);
83  // Loop over the entries of the keys
84  unsigned long entries = estimateEntries(*tracks.tree, nEntries);
85  unsigned long peakEntries = estimateEntries(*tracks.tree, nPeakEntries);
87  // Temporary counter
88  unsigned int histBarcode = 0;
90  // Deduction
91  unsigned int nPtBins = ptBorders.size() - 1;
93  // One time initialization of the residual and pull handles
94  using ResidualPulls = std::vector<ResidualPullHandle>;
95  ResidualPulls baseResidualPulls = {};
97  if (residualPulls.test(0)) {
98  // A standard d0Handle
99  ResidualPullHandle d0Handle;
100  d0Handle.tag = "d0";
101  d0Handle.residualStr = "d_{0}^{rec} - d_{0}^{true}";
102  d0Handle.residualUnit = "[mm]";
103  d0Handle.errorStr = "#sigma(d_{0})";
104  d0Handle.rangeDrawStr = "eLOC0_fit-t_d0";
105  d0Handle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-10,10)";
106  d0Handle.value = ResidualAccessor{tracks.eLOC0_fit, tracks.t_d0};
107  d0Handle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_eLOC0_fit};
108  d0Handle.accept = AcceptAll{};
109  // Push it
110  baseResidualPulls.push_back(d0Handle);
111  }
113  if (residualPulls.test(1)) {
114  // A standard z0Handle
115  ResidualPullHandle z0Handle;
116  z0Handle.tag = "z0";
117  z0Handle.residualStr = "z_{0}^{rec} - z_{0}^{true}";
118  z0Handle.residualUnit = "[mm]";
119  z0Handle.errorStr = "#sigma(z_{0})";
120  z0Handle.rangeDrawStr = "eLOC1_fit-t_z0";
121  z0Handle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-10,10)";
122  z0Handle.value = ResidualAccessor{tracks.eLOC1_fit, tracks.t_z0};
123  z0Handle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_eLOC1_fit};
124  z0Handle.accept = AcceptAll{};
125  // Push it
126  baseResidualPulls.push_back(z0Handle);
127  }
129  if (residualPulls.test(2)) {
130  // A standard phi0Handle
131  ResidualPullHandle phi0Handle;
132  phi0Handle.tag = "phi0";
133  phi0Handle.residualStr = "#phi_{0}^{rec} - #phi_{0}^{true}";
134  phi0Handle.errorStr = "#sigma(phi_{0})";
135  phi0Handle.rangeDrawStr = "ePHI_fit-t_phi";
136  phi0Handle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-0.01,0.01)";
137  phi0Handle.value = ResidualAccessor{tracks.ePHI_fit, tracks.t_phi};
138  phi0Handle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_ePHI_fit};
139  phi0Handle.accept = AcceptAll{};
140  // Push it
141  baseResidualPulls.push_back(phi0Handle);
142  }
144  if (residualPulls.test(3)) {
145  // A standard theta0Handle
146  ResidualPullHandle theta0Handle;
147  theta0Handle.tag = "theta0";
148  theta0Handle.residualStr = "#theta_{0}^{rec} - #theta_{0}^{true}";
149  theta0Handle.errorStr = "#sigma(theta_{0})";
150  theta0Handle.rangeDrawStr = "eTHETA_fit-t_theta";
151  theta0Handle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-0.01,0.01)";
152  theta0Handle.value = ResidualAccessor{tracks.eTHETA_fit, tracks.t_theta};
153  theta0Handle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_eTHETA_fit};
154  theta0Handle.accept = AcceptAll{};
155  // Push it
156  baseResidualPulls.push_back(theta0Handle);
157  }
159  if (residualPulls.test(4)) {
160  // The standard qop Handle
161  ResidualPullHandle qopHandle;
162  qopHandle.tag = "qop";
163  qopHandle.residualStr = "q/p^{rec} - q/p^{true}";
164  qopHandle.residualUnit = "[GeV^{-1}]";
165  qopHandle.errorStr = "#sigma(q/p)";
166  qopHandle.rangeDrawStr = "eQOP_fit-t_charge/t_p";
167  qopHandle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-0.1,0.1)";
168  qopHandle.value =
169  QopResidualAccessor{tracks.eQOP_fit, tracks.t_charge, tracks.t_p};
170  qopHandle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_eQOP_fit};
171  qopHandle.accept = AcceptAll{};
172  // Push it
173  baseResidualPulls.push_back(qopHandle);
174  }
176  if (residualPulls.test(5)) {
177  // The pt measurement
178  ResidualPullHandle tHandle;
179  tHandle.tag = "t";
180  tHandle.residualStr = "t^{rec} - t^{true}";
181  tHandle.residualUnit = "[ns]";
182  tHandle.errorStr = "#sigma(t})";
183  tHandle.rangeDrawStr = "eT_fit - t_time";
184  tHandle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-10.,10.)";
185  tHandle.value = ResidualAccessor{tracks.eT_fit, tracks.t_time};
186  tHandle.error = DirectAccessor<float>{tracks.err_eT_fit};
187  tHandle.accept = AcceptAll{};
188  // Push it
189  baseResidualPulls.push_back(tHandle);
190  }
192  if (residualPulls.test(6)) {
193  // The pt measurement
194  ResidualPullHandle ptHandle;
195  ptHandle.tag = "pt";
196  ptHandle.residualStr = "p_{T}^{rec} - p_{T}^{true}";
197  ptHandle.residualUnit = "[GeV]";
198  ptHandle.errorStr = "#sigma(p_{T})";
199  ptHandle.rangeDrawStr = "1./abs(eQOP_fit) * sin(eTHETA_fit) - (1./t_pT)";
200  ptHandle.rangeMaxStr = "(1000,-10.,10.)";
201  ptHandle.value =
202  PtResidualAccessor{tracks.eQOP_fit, tracks.eTHETA_fit, tracks.t_pT};
203  ptHandle.error = PtErrorAccessor{tracks.eQOP_fit, tracks.err_eQOP_fit,
204  tracks.eTHETA_fit, tracks.err_eTHETA_fit};
205  ptHandle.accept = AcceptAll{};
206  // Push it
207  baseResidualPulls.push_back(ptHandle);
208  }
210  using Auxiliaries = std::vector<SingleHandle>;
211  Auxiliaries baseAuxilaries;
213  if (auxiliary.test(0)) {
214  // Chi2/ndf
215  SingleHandle chi2ndf;
216  chi2ndf.tag = "chi2ndf";
217  chi2ndf.label = "#Chi^{2}/ndf";
218  chi2ndf.bins = nHistBins;
219  chi2ndf.range = {0., 5.};
220  chi2ndf.value =
222  chi2ndf.accept = AcceptAll{};
223  // Push it
224  baseAuxilaries.push_back(chi2ndf);
225  }
227  if (auxiliary.test(1)) {
228  // Measurements
229  SingleHandle measurements;
230  measurements.tag = "measurements";
231  measurements.label = "#(measurements)";
232  measurements.rangeDrawStr = "nMeasurements";
233  measurements.value = DirectAccessor<unsigned int>{tracks.nMeasurements};
234  measurements.accept = AcceptAll{};
235  estimateIntegerRange(measurements, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakEntries,
236  250, 5, ++histBarcode);
237  // Push it
238  baseAuxilaries.push_back(measurements);
239  }
241  if (auxiliary.test(2)) {
242  // Holes
243  SingleHandle holes;
244  holes.tag = "holes";
245  holes.label = "#(holes)";
246  holes.rangeDrawStr = "nHoles";
247  holes.value = DirectAccessor<unsigned int>{tracks.nHoles};
248  holes.accept = AcceptAll{};
249  estimateIntegerRange(holes, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakEntries, 10, 2,
250  ++histBarcode);
251  // Push it
252  baseAuxilaries.push_back(holes);
253  }
255  if (auxiliary.test(3)) {
256  // Holes
257  SingleHandle outliers;
258  outliers.tag = "outliers";
259  outliers.label = "#(outliers)";
260  outliers.rangeDrawStr = "nOutliers";
261  outliers.value = DirectAccessor<unsigned int>{tracks.nOutliers};
262  outliers.accept = AcceptAll{};
263  estimateIntegerRange(outliers, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakEntries, 10,
264  2, ++histBarcode);
265  // Push it
266  baseAuxilaries.push_back(outliers);
267  }
269  if (auxiliary.test(4)) {
270  // Holes
271  SingleHandle shared;
272  shared.tag = "shared";
273  shared.label = "#(shared)";
274  shared.rangeDrawStr = "nSharedHits";
275  shared.value = DirectAccessor<unsigned int>{tracks.nSharedHits};
276  shared.accept = AcceptAll{};
277  estimateIntegerRange(shared, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakEntries, 10, 2,
278  ++histBarcode);
279  // Push it
280  baseAuxilaries.push_back(shared);
281  }
283  // Preparation phase for handles
285  nlohmann::json handle_configs;
286  if (not inConfig.empty()) {
287  std::ifstream ifs(inConfig.c_str());
288  handle_configs = nlohmann::json::parse(ifs);
289  }
299  auto handleRange = [&](ResidualPullHandle& handle, const TString& handleTag, unsigned int peakE) -> void {
300  bool rangeDetermined = false;
301  if (not inConfig.empty()) {
302  if (handle_configs.contains((handleTag).Data())) {
303  auto handle_config = handle_configs[(handleTag).Data()];
304  handle.range = handle_config["range"].get<std::array<float, 2>>();
305  rangeDetermined = true;
306  }
307  }
308  if (not rangeDetermined) {
309  estimateResiudalRange(handle, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakE,
310  ++histBarcode);
311  }
313  if (not outConfig.empty()) {
314  nlohmann::json range_config;
315  range_config["range"] = handle.range;
316  handle_configs[(handleTag).Data()] = range_config;
317  }
318  };
319 #else
325  auto handleRange = [&](ResidualPullHandle& handle, const TString& handleTag,
326  unsigned long peakEntries) -> void {
327  estimateResiudalRange(handle, *rangeCanvas, *tracks.tree, peakEntries,
328  ++histBarcode);
329  };
330 #endif
332  // Full Range handles - they accept all tracks
333  ResidualPulls fullResidualPulls = baseResidualPulls;
334  // Range Estimation and booking histogram
335  for (auto& fHandle : fullResidualPulls) {
336  // The full tag
337  TString handleTag(fHandle.tag + std::string("_all"));
338  handleRange(fHandle, handleTag, peakEntries);
339  // Book histograms
340  bookHistograms(fHandle, pullRange, nHistBins, ++histBarcode);
341  // The Histogram names
342  TString residualN = TString("res_") + handleTag;
343  TString pullN = TString("pull_") + handleTag;
344  // Style and name
345  setHistStyle(fHandle.residualHist);
346  fHandle.residualHist->SetName(residualN);
347  setHistStyle(fHandle.pullHist);
348  fHandle.pullHist->SetName(pullN);
349  }
351  // Regional/Binned handles
352  using ResidualPullsVector = std::vector<ResidualPulls>;
353  using ResidualPullsMatrix = std::vector<ResidualPullsVector>;
355  // Eta-Pt residual/pull handles
356  ResidualPullsVector ptResidualPulls =
357  ResidualPullsVector(nPtBins, baseResidualPulls);
358  ResidualPullsMatrix etaPtResidualPulls =
359  ResidualPullsMatrix(nEtaBins, ptResidualPulls);
361  // Eta-Phi residual/pull handles
362  ResidualPullsVector phiResidualPulls =
363  ResidualPullsVector(nPhiBins, baseResidualPulls);
364  ResidualPullsMatrix etaPhiResidualPulls =
365  ResidualPullsMatrix(nEtaBins, phiResidualPulls);
367  Auxiliaries fullAuxiliaries = baseAuxilaries;
369  // Histogram booking for full range auxiliaries
370  for (auto& fAuxiliary : fullAuxiliaries) {
371  fAuxiliary.hist =
372  new TH1F(fAuxiliary.tag.c_str(), fAuxiliary.tag.c_str(),
373  fAuxiliary.bins, fAuxiliary.range[0], fAuxiliary.range[1]);
374  fAuxiliary.hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fAuxiliary.label.c_str());
375  fAuxiliary.hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
376  setHistStyle(fAuxiliary.hist);
377  }
379  using AuxiliariesVector = std::vector<Auxiliaries>;
380  using AuxiliariesMatrix = std::vector<AuxiliariesVector>;
382  // Eta-Pt auxiliaries
383  AuxiliariesVector ptAuxiliaries = AuxiliariesVector(nPtBins, baseAuxilaries);
384  AuxiliariesMatrix etaPtAuxiliaries =
385  AuxiliariesMatrix(nEtaBins, ptAuxiliaries);
387  // Eta-Phi auxiliaries
388  AuxiliariesVector phiAuxiliaries =
389  AuxiliariesVector(nPhiBins, baseAuxilaries);
390  AuxiliariesMatrix etaPhiAuxiliaries =
391  AuxiliariesMatrix(nEtaBins, phiAuxiliaries);
393  // Loop over the binned handles & fill the acceptors
394  float phiStep = (phiRange[1] - phiRange[0]) / nPhiBins;
395  float etaStep = (etaRange[1] - etaRange[0]) / nEtaBins;
397  TVectorF phiVals(nPhiBins + 1);
398  TVectorF etaVals(nEtaBins + 1);
399  TVectorF ptVals(nPtBins + 1);
401  phiVals[0] = phiRange[0];
402  etaVals[0] = etaRange[0];
403  ptVals[0] = ptBorders[0];
406  std::cout << "*** Handle Preparation: " << std::endl;
407  progress_display handle_preparation_progress(
408  nPhiBins * nEtaBins * nPtBins * baseResidualPulls.size());
409 #endif
411  std::string land = " && ";
414  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nPhiBins; ++iphi) {
415  // Prepare the phi range for this batch
416  float phiMin = phiRange[0] + iphi * phiStep;
417  float phiMax = phiRange[0] + (iphi + 1) * phiStep;
418  phiVals[iphi + 1] = phiMax;
420  // Acceptance range
421  AcceptRange phiBin{tracks.t_phi, {phiMin, phiMax}};
422  // Name tag
423  TString phiTag = "_phi";
424  phiTag += iphi;
425  // Range cut string
426  std::string phiCut = "t_phi >= ";
427  phiCut += std::to_string(phiMin);
428  phiCut += land;
429  phiCut += std::string("t_phi < ");
430  phiCut += std::to_string(phiMax);
432  for (unsigned int ieta = 0; ieta < nEtaBins; ++ieta) {
433  // Prepare the eta ragne for this batch
434  float etaMin = etaRange[0] + ieta * etaStep;
435  float etaMax = etaRange[0] + (ieta + 1) * etaStep;
436  etaVals[ieta + 1] = etaMax;
437  // Acceptance range
438  AcceptRange etaBin{tracks.t_eta, {etaMin, etaMax}};
439  // Name tag
440  TString etaTag = "_eta";
441  etaTag += ieta;
442  // Range cut string
443  std::string etaCut = "t_eta >= ";
444  etaCut += std::to_string(etaMin);
445  etaCut += land;
446  etaCut += std::string("t_eta < ");
447  etaCut += std::to_string(etaMax);
449  // Combined eta/phi acceptance
450  AcceptCombination etaPhiBin{etaBin, phiBin};
451  TString etaPhiTag = etaTag + phiTag;
453  for (unsigned int ipt = 0; ipt < nPtBins; ++ipt) {
454  // Acceptance range for this pT bin
455  float ptMin = static_cast<float>(ptBorders[ipt]);
456  float ptMax = static_cast<float>(ptBorders[ipt + 1]);
457  AcceptRange ptBin{tracks.t_pT, {ptMin, ptMax}};
459  float upperPtBorder =
460  ptBorders[ipt + 1] == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
461  ? 100.
462  : ptBorders[ipt + 1];
463  ptVals[ipt + 1] = upperPtBorder;
464  // Name tag
465  TString ptTag = "_pt";
466  ptTag += ipt;
468  // Range cut string
469  std::string ptCut = "t_pT >= ";
470  ptCut += std::to_string(ptMin);
471  ptCut += land;
472  ptCut += std::string("t_pT < ");
473  ptCut += std::to_string(ptMax);
475  // Combined eta/pt acceptance
476  AcceptCombination etaPtBin{etaBin, ptBin};
478  for (unsigned int iresp = 0; iresp < baseResidualPulls.size();
479  ++iresp) {
480  // Eta-Pt handles -- restrict for iphi == 0
481  if (iphi == 0) {
482  auto& etaPtHandle = etaPtResidualPulls[ieta][ipt][iresp];
483  // Create the handle tag
484  TString handleTag(etaPtHandle.tag + etaTag + ptTag);
485  // Accept range and range cut
486  etaPtHandle.accept = etaPtBin;
487  etaPtHandle.rangeCutStr = ptCut + land + etaCut;
488  handleRange(etaPtHandle, handleTag, peakEntries);
489  bookHistograms(etaPtHandle, pullRange, nHistBins, ++histBarcode);
491  // Set name and style/
492  TString residualN = TString("res_") + handleTag;
493  TString pullN = TString("pull_") + handleTag;
494  // Range histogram does not exist when read in from configuration
495  if (etaPtHandle.rangeHist != nullptr) {
496  TString rangeN = TString("range_") + handleTag;
497  setHistStyle(etaPtHandle.rangeHist);
498  etaPtHandle.rangeHist->SetName(rangeN);
499  }
500  setHistStyle(etaPtHandle.residualHist);
501  etaPtHandle.residualHist->SetName(residualN);
502  setHistStyle(etaPtHandle.pullHist);
503  etaPtHandle.pullHist->SetName(pullN);
504  }
505  // Eta-Phi handles --- restrice for ipt == 0
506  if (ipt == 0) {
507  auto& etaPhiHandle = etaPhiResidualPulls[ieta][iphi][iresp];
508  // Create the handle tag
509  TString handleTag(etaPhiHandle.tag + etaTag + phiTag);
510  etaPhiHandle.accept = etaPhiBin;
511  handleRange(etaPhiHandle, handleTag, peakEntries);
512  bookHistograms(etaPhiHandle, pullRange, nHistBins, ++histBarcode);
514  // Set name and style
515  TString residualN = TString("res_") + handleTag;
516  TString pullN = TString("pull_") + handleTag;
518  // Range histogram does not exist when read in from configuration
519  if (etaPhiHandle.rangeHist != nullptr) {
520  TString rangeN = TString("range_") + handleTag;
521  setHistStyle(etaPhiHandle.rangeHist);
522  etaPhiHandle.rangeHist->SetName(rangeN);
523  }
524  setHistStyle(etaPhiHandle.residualHist);
525  etaPhiHandle.residualHist->SetName(residualN);
526  setHistStyle(etaPhiHandle.pullHist);
527  etaPhiHandle.pullHist->SetName(pullN);
528  }
531  ++handle_preparation_progress;
532 #endif
533  }
535  // Auxiliary plots
536  for (unsigned int iaux = 0; iaux < baseAuxilaries.size(); ++iaux) {
537  // Eta-Pt handles - restrict to iphi == 0
538  if (iphi == 0) {
539  auto& etaPtAux = etaPtAuxiliaries[ieta][ipt][iaux];
540  etaPtAux.accept = etaPtBin;
541  TString handleTag(etaPtAux.tag + etaTag + ptTag);
542  etaPtAux.hist =
543  new TH1F(handleTag.Data(), etaPtAux.tag.c_str(), etaPtAux.bins,
544  etaPtAux.range[0], etaPtAux.range[1]);
545  etaPtAux.hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(etaPtAux.label.c_str());
546  etaPtAux.hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
547  setHistStyle(etaPtAux.hist);
548  }
550  // Eta-Phi handles - restrict to ipt == 0
551  if (ipt == 0) {
552  auto& etaPhiAux = etaPhiAuxiliaries[ieta][iphi][iaux];
553  etaPhiAux.accept = etaPhiBin;
554  TString handleTag(etaPhiAux.tag + etaTag + phiTag);
555  etaPhiAux.hist = new TH1F(handleTag.Data(), etaPhiAux.tag.c_str(),
556  etaPhiAux.bins, etaPhiAux.range[0],
557  etaPhiAux.range[1]);
558  etaPhiAux.hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(etaPhiAux.label.c_str());
559  etaPhiAux.hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
560  setHistStyle(etaPhiAux.hist);
561  }
562  }
563  }
564  }
565  }
568  if (not outConfig.empty()) {
569  std::ofstream config_out;
571  config_out << handle_configs.dump(4);
572  }
573 #endif
576  std::cout << "*** Event Loop: " << std::endl;
577  progress_display event_loop_progress(entries);
578 #endif
580  for (unsigned long ie = 0; ie < entries; ++ie) {
582  ++event_loop_progress;
583 #endif
585  // Make sure you have the entry
586  tracks.tree->GetEntry(ie);
587  size_t nTracks = tracks.hasFittedParams->size();
588  for (size_t it = 0; it < nTracks; ++it) {
589  if (tracks.hasFittedParams->at(it)) {
590  // Residual handlesL
591  // Full range handles
592  for (auto& fHandle : fullResidualPulls) {
593  fHandle.fill(it);
594  }
596  // Eta-Pt handles
597  for (auto& etaBatch : etaPtResidualPulls) {
598  for (auto& ptBatch : etaBatch) {
599  for (auto& bHandle : ptBatch) {
600  bHandle.fill(it);
601  }
602  }
603  }
605  // Eta-Phi handles
606  for (auto& etaBatch : etaPhiResidualPulls) {
607  for (auto& phiBatch : etaBatch) {
608  for (auto& bHandle : phiBatch) {
609  bHandle.fill(it);
610  }
611  }
612  }
613  }
615  // Auxiliary handles:
616  // Full range handles
617  for (auto& fAuxiliary : fullAuxiliaries) {
618  fAuxiliary.fill(it);
619  }
621  // Eta-Pt handles
622  for (auto& etaBatch : etaPtAuxiliaries) {
623  for (auto& ptBatch : etaBatch) {
624  for (auto& bHandle : ptBatch) {
625  bHandle.fill(it);
626  }
627  }
628  }
630  // Eta-Phi handles
631  for (auto& etaBatch : etaPhiAuxiliaries) {
632  for (auto& phiBatch : etaBatch) {
633  for (auto& bHandle : phiBatch) {
634  bHandle.fill(it);
635  }
636  }
637  }
638  }
639  }
641  // The output file section
642  auto output = TFile::Open(outFile.c_str(), "recreate");
643  output->cd();
645  // Full range handles : residual and pulls
646  for (auto& fHandle : fullResidualPulls) {
647  if (fHandle.rangeHist != nullptr) {
648  fHandle.rangeHist->Write();
649  }
650  fHandle.residualHist->Write();
651  fHandle.pullHist->Write();
652  }
654  // Full range handles : auxiliaries
655  for (auto& fAuxiliary : fullAuxiliaries) {
656  fAuxiliary.hist->SetName(fAuxiliary.hist->GetName() + TString("_all"));
657  fAuxiliary.hist->Write();
658  }
660  struct SummaryHistograms {
661  TH2F* fillStats = nullptr;
663  std::vector<TH2F*> residualRMS;
664  std::vector<TH2F*> residualMean;
665  std::vector<TH2F*> pullSigma;
666  std::vector<TH2F*> pullMean;
668  std::vector<TH2F*> auxiliaries;
669  };
681  auto analyseBins = [&](ResidualPullsMatrix& residualPullsMatrix,
682  AuxiliariesMatrix& auxiliaryMatrix,
683  const TString& matrixTag, const TVectorF& outerBorders,
684  const TVectorF& innerBorders,
685  const TString& fXTitle = "#eta",
686  const TString& sXTitle = "#phi") -> void {
687  // The summary histogram set
688  SummaryHistograms summary;
690  // 2D handles ---------------------------
691  unsigned int nOuterBins = outerBorders.GetNrows() - 1;
692  auto outerValues = outerBorders.GetMatrixArray();
693  unsigned int nInnerBins = innerBorders.GetNrows() - 1;
694  auto innerValues = innerBorders.GetMatrixArray();
696  TString statN = TString("entries") + matrixTag;
697  summary.fillStats =
698  new TH2F(statN, "", nOuterBins, outerValues, nInnerBins, innerValues);
701  progress_display analysis_progress(nOuterBins * nInnerBins);
702 #endif
704  // Prepare by looping over the base bHandles - residuals
705  for (auto& bHandle : baseResidualPulls) {
706  // Create a unique handle tag
707  TString handleTag = TString(bHandle.tag) + matrixTag;
708  // ... and names
709  TString residualRMSN = TString("res_rms_") + handleTag;
710  TString residualMeanN = TString("res_mean_") + handleTag;
711  TString pullSigmaN = TString("pull_sigma_") + handleTag;
712  TString pullMeanN = TString("pull_mean_") + handleTag;
714  TH2F* residualRMS = new TH2F(residualRMSN, "", nOuterBins, outerValues,
715  nInnerBins, innerValues);
716  TH2F* residualMean = new TH2F(residualMeanN, "", nOuterBins, outerValues,
717  nInnerBins, innerValues);
718  TH2F* pullSigma = new TH2F(pullSigmaN, "", nOuterBins, outerValues,
719  nInnerBins, innerValues);
720  TH2F* pullMean = new TH2F(pullMeanN, "", nOuterBins, outerValues,
721  nInnerBins, innerValues);
722  // Booked & ready
723  summary.residualRMS.push_back(residualRMS);
724  summary.residualMean.push_back(residualMean);
725  summary.pullSigma.push_back(pullSigma);
726  summary.pullMean.push_back(pullMean);
727  }
729  // Prepare by looping over the base handles - auxiliaries
730  for (auto& aHandle : baseAuxilaries) {
731  // Create a unique handle tag
732  TString auxiliaryTag = TString(aHandle.tag) + matrixTag;
733  TH2F* auxHist = new TH2F(auxiliaryTag, auxiliaryTag, nOuterBins,
734  outerValues, nInnerBins, innerValues);
735  summary.auxiliaries.push_back(auxHist);
736  }
738  unsigned int io = 0;
739  for (auto& outerBatch : residualPullsMatrix) {
740  unsigned int ii = 0;
741  for (auto& innerBatch : outerBatch) {
742  // residual/pull loop
743  unsigned int iresp = 0;
744  for (auto& bHandle : innerBatch) {
745  // Range estimates / could be empty if read from configuration
746  if (bHandle.rangeHist != nullptr) {
747  bHandle.rangeHist->Write();
748  }
749  // Fill the stats
750  if (iresp == 0) {
751  summary.fillStats->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, bHandle.accepted);
752  }
754  // Residuals
755  // Get RMS/ RMSError
756  float rrms = bHandle.residualHist->GetRMS();
757  float rrerr = bHandle.residualHist->GetRMSError();
758  float rmean = bHandle.residualHist->GetMean();
759  float rmerr = bHandle.residualHist->GetMeanError();
760  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, rrms);
761  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->SetBinError(io + 1, ii + 1, rrerr);
762  summary.residualMean[iresp]->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, rmean);
763  summary.residualMean[iresp]->SetBinError(io + 1, ii + 1, rmerr);
764  bHandle.residualHist->Write();
765  // Pulls
766  bHandle.pullHist->Fit("gaus", "q");
767  TF1* gauss = bHandle.pullHist->GetFunction("gaus");
768  if (gauss != nullptr) {
769  float pmu = gauss->GetParameter(1);
770  float pmerr = gauss->GetParError(1);
771  float psigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
772  float pserr = gauss->GetParError(2);
773  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, psigma);
774  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->SetBinError(io + 1, ii + 1, pserr);
775  summary.pullMean[iresp]->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, pmu);
776  summary.pullMean[iresp]->SetBinError(io + 1, ii + 1, pmerr);
777  }
778  bHandle.pullHist->Write();
779  ++iresp;
780  }
782  // auxilaiary loop
783  auto auxiliaryBatch = auxiliaryMatrix[io][ii];
784  unsigned int iaux = 0;
785  for (auto& aHandle : auxiliaryBatch) {
786  float value = aHandle.hist->GetMean();
787  float error = aHandle.hist->GetMeanError();
788  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->SetBinContent(io + 1, ii + 1, value);
789  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->SetBinError(io + 1, ii + 1, error);
790  aHandle.hist->Write();
792  ++iaux;
793  }
795  ++analysis_progress;
796 #endif
797  ++ii;
798  }
799  ++io;
800  }
809  auto writeProjections = [](const TH2F& h2, const TString& fXTitleP = "#eta",
810  const TString& fYTitleP = "sigma",
811  const TString& sXTitleP = "#phi",
812  const TString& sYTitleP = "sigma") -> void {
813  const TString& fTag = "_pX";
814  const TString& sTag = "_pY";
816  unsigned int nBinsX = h2.GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
817  unsigned int nBinsY = h2.GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
818  if (fTag != "") {
819  TH1D* pX =
820  dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(h2.ProjectionX((h2.GetName() + fTag).Data()));
821  setHistStyle(pX);
822  if (pX != nullptr) {
823  pX->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitleP.Data());
824  pX->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(fYTitleP.Data());
825  pX->Write();
826  }
827  // Bin-wise projections
828  for (unsigned int iy = 1; iy <= nBinsY; ++iy) {
829  pX = dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(h2.ProjectionX(
830  (h2.GetName() + fTag + sTag + (iy - 1)).Data(), iy, iy));
831  setHistStyle(pX);
832  if (pX != nullptr) {
833  pX->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitleP.Data());
834  pX->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(fYTitleP.Data());
835  pX->Write();
836  }
837  }
838  }
839  if (sTag != "") {
840  TH1D* pY =
841  dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(h2.ProjectionY((h2.GetName() + sTag).Data()));
842  setHistStyle(pY);
843  if (pY != nullptr) {
844  pY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitleP.Data());
845  pY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sYTitleP.Data());
846  pY->Write();
847  }
848  // Bin-wise projections
849  for (unsigned int ix = 1; ix <= nBinsX; ++ix) {
850  pY = dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(h2.ProjectionY(
851  (h2.GetName() + sTag + fTag + (ix - 1)).Data(), ix, ix));
852  setHistStyle(pY);
853  if (pY != nullptr) {
854  pY->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitleP.Data());
855  pY->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sYTitleP.Data());
856  pY->Write();
857  }
858  }
859  }
860  };
862  setHistStyle(summary.fillStats);
863  summary.fillStats->Write();
865  // Write mapped residual/pull histograms and their projections
866  for (unsigned int iresp = 0; iresp < baseResidualPulls.size(); ++iresp) {
867  // Get the handle for writing out
868  auto bHandle = baseResidualPulls[iresp];
870  TString rrms = TString("RMS[") + bHandle.residualStr + TString("] ") +
871  bHandle.residualUnit;
872  TString rmu = TString("#mu[") + bHandle.residualStr + TString("] ") +
873  bHandle.residualUnit;
875  TString psigma = TString("#sigma[(") + bHandle.residualStr +
876  TString(")/") + bHandle.errorStr + TString("]");
877  TString pmu = TString("#mu[(") + bHandle.residualStr + TString(")/") +
878  bHandle.errorStr + TString("]");
880  // 2D map histograms
881  setHistStyle(summary.residualRMS[iresp]);
882  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitle);
883  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitle);
884  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(rrms);
885  summary.residualRMS[iresp]->Write();
887  setHistStyle(summary.residualMean[iresp]);
888  summary.residualMean[iresp]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitle);
889  summary.residualMean[iresp]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitle);
890  summary.residualMean[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(rmu);
891  summary.residualMean[iresp]->Write();
893  setHistStyle(summary.pullSigma[iresp]);
894  adaptColorPalette(summary.pullSigma[iresp], 0., 4., 1., 0.1, 104);
895  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitle);
896  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitle);
897  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 4.);
898  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(psigma);
899  summary.pullSigma[iresp]->Write();
901  setHistStyle(summary.pullMean[iresp]);
902  adaptColorPalette(summary.pullMean[iresp], -1., 1., 0., 0.1, 104);
903  summary.pullMean[iresp]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitle);
904  summary.pullMean[iresp]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitle);
905  summary.pullMean[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1., 1.);
906  summary.pullMean[iresp]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(pmu);
907  summary.pullMean[iresp]->Write();
909  // Write the projection histograms
910  writeProjections(*summary.residualRMS[iresp], fXTitle, rrms, sXTitle,
911  rrms);
912  writeProjections(*summary.residualMean[iresp], fXTitle, rmu, sXTitle,
913  rmu);
914  writeProjections(*summary.pullSigma[iresp], fXTitle, psigma, sXTitle,
915  psigma);
916  writeProjections(*summary.pullMean[iresp], fXTitle, pmu, sXTitle, pmu);
917  }
919  // Write mapped auxiliary histograms and their projections
920  for (unsigned int iaux = 0; iaux < baseAuxilaries.size(); ++iaux) {
921  setHistStyle(summary.auxiliaries[iaux]);
922  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fXTitle);
923  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(sXTitle);
924  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
925  baseAuxilaries[iaux].label.c_str());
926  summary.auxiliaries[iaux]->Write();
928  writeProjections(*summary.auxiliaries[iaux], fXTitle,
929  baseAuxilaries[iaux].label, sXTitle,
930  baseAuxilaries[iaux].label);
931  }
933  return;
934  };
936 // The handle matrices
938  std::cout << "*** Bin/Projection Analysis: " << std::endl;
939 #endif
940  analyseBins(etaPtResidualPulls, etaPtAuxiliaries, TString("_eta_pt"), etaVals,
941  ptVals, "#eta", "p_{T} [GeV]");
942  analyseBins(etaPhiResidualPulls, etaPhiAuxiliaries, TString("_eta_phi"),
943  etaVals, phiVals, "#eta", "#phi");
945  output->Close();
947  return 1;
948 }