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1 /*
2  Authors: Haiwang Yu
3 */
4 #include "Field.h"
6 #include <phfield/PHField.h>
8 #include <TVector3.h> // for TVector3
10 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <limits>
15 namespace genfit
16 {
18  : field_(field)
19 {
20  assert(field_);
21 }
23 //
24 //bool Field::initialize(std::string inname)
25 //{
26 // field_map_r_ = new TH2D("field_map_r_", "B_{r} [kGauss]; z [cm]; r [cm]", 401, -401, 401, 151, -1, 301);
27 // field_map_r_->SetDirectory(0);
28 // field_map_z_ = new TH2D("field_map_z_", "B_{z} [kGauss]; z [cm]; r [cm]", 401, -401, 401, 151, -1, 301);
29 // field_map_z_->SetDirectory(0);
30 // TFile* fin = TFile::Open(, "READ");
31 // if (!fin)
32 // {
33 // LogERROR("Input TFile is invalid!");
34 // return false;
35 // }
36 // TNtuple* T = (TNtuple*) fin->Get("fieldmap");
37 // if (!T)
38 // {
39 // LogERROR("Input filed map NTuple not found!");
40 // ;
41 // return false;
42 // }
43 //
44 // Float_t r;
45 // Float_t z;
46 // Float_t br;
47 // Float_t bz;
48 // T->SetBranchAddress("r", &r);
49 // T->SetBranchAddress("z", &z);
50 // T->SetBranchAddress("br", &br);
51 // T->SetBranchAddress("bz", &bz);
52 //
53 // for (long ientry = 0; ientry < T->GetEntries(); ientry++)
54 // {
55 // //if (T->GetEntry(ientry) < 0) continue;
56 // T->GetEntry(ientry);
57 // //std::cout<<r <<" ,"<<z <<" ,"<<br<<" ,"<<bz<<"\n";
58 // field_map_r_->SetBinContent(
59 // field_map_r_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(z),
60 // field_map_r_->GetYaxis()->FindBin(r),
61 // br * 10);
62 // field_map_z_->SetBinContent(
63 // field_map_z_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(z),
64 // field_map_z_->GetYaxis()->FindBin(r),
65 // bz * 10);
66 // }
67 // fin->Close();
68 //
69 // //field_map_z_->Print("all");
70 //
71 // return true;
72 //}
74 //void Field::plot(std::string option){
75 //
78 // TH2D *hbr = new TH2D("hbr","|B_{r}| [kGauss]; z [cm]; r [cm]",300, -350, 350, 200, 0, 290);
79 // TH2D *hbz = new TH2D("hbz","|B_{z}| [kGauss]; z [cm]; r [cm]",300, -350, 350, 200, 0, 290);
80 // for (double r = 0; r < 300; r+=1)
81 // for (double z = 400; z > -400; z-=1) {
82 // double bx;
83 // double by;
84 // double bz;
85 // get(r, 0, z, bx, by, bz);
86 //
88 //
89 // //std::cout <<"DEBUG: "<<__LINE__<<":"<< r << " ," << z << " ," << br << " ," << bz << "\n";
90 //
91 // hbr->SetBinContent(
92 // hbr->GetXaxis()->FindBin(z),
93 // hbr->GetYaxis()->FindBin(r),
94 // bz*10);
95 // hbz->SetBinContent(
96 // hbz->GetXaxis()->FindBin(z),
97 // hbz->GetYaxis()->FindBin(r),
98 // bz*10);
99 // }
100 //
101 // TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","c0");
102 // c0->Divide(1,2);
103 // c0->cd(1);
104 // hbr->SetStats(0);
105 // hbr->Draw("colz");
106 // c0->cd(2);
107 // hbz->SetStats(0);
108 // hbz->Draw("colz");
109 // c0->Update();
110 //
111 // c0->SaveAs("Field_plot.root");
112 // c0->SaveAs("Field_plot.pdf");
113 //
114 // delete c0;
115 // delete hbr;
116 // delete hbz;
117 //
118 // return;
119 //}
121 TVector3 Field::get(const TVector3& v) const
122 {
123  double x = v.x();
124  double y = v.y();
125  double z = v.z();
126  double Bx;
127  double By;
128  double Bz;
129  get(x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz);
130  return TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
131 }
133 void Field::get(const double& x, const double& y, const double& z, double& Bx, double& By, double& Bz) const
134 {
135  assert(field_);
137  const double Point[] = {x * CLHEP::cm, y * CLHEP::cm, z * CLHEP::cm, 0};
138  double Bfield[] = {std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
139  std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
140  std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
141  std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
142  std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
143  std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
145  field_->GetFieldValue(Point, Bfield);
147  Bx = Bfield[0] / CLHEP::kilogauss;
148  By = Bfield[1] / CLHEP::kilogauss;
149  Bz = Bfield[2] / CLHEP::kilogauss;
151  // double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
152  //
153  // if (fabs(r) > 300 || fabs(z) > 400)
154  // {
155  // Bx = 0;
156  // By = 0;
157  // Bz = 0;
158  // return;
159  // }
160  //
161  // int bin_z = field_map_r_->GetXaxis()->FindBin(z);
162  // int bin_r = field_map_r_->GetYaxis()->FindBin(r);
163  //
164  // Bz = field_map_z_->GetBinContent(bin_z, bin_r);
165  // double Br = field_map_r_->GetBinContent(bin_z, bin_r);
166  //
167  // Bx = x / r * Br;
168  // By = y / r * Br;
169  //
170  // if (r == 0)
171  // {
172  // Bx = 0;
173  // By = 0;
174  // }
176  //std::cout<<"DEBUG: "<<__LINE__<<": "<<z<<","<<r<<","<<bin_z<<","<<bin_r<<": "<<Br<<","<<Bz<<"\n";
177 }
179 } /* End of namespace genfit */