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1 #include "TpcMap.h"
3 #include <climits>
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include <fstream>
6 #include <iomanip>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <sstream>
11 {
12  const char *calibrationroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
13  std::string full_path;
14  if (calibrationroot)
15  {
16  full_path = std::string(calibrationroot) + "/TPC/Mapping/PadPlane/";
17  }
18  else
19  {
20  calibrationroot = getenv("TPCCALIB");
21  if (calibrationroot)
22  {
23  full_path = std::string(calibrationroot) + "/";
24  }
25  else
26  {
27  full_path = "./";
28  }
29  }
31  std::string full_path_r1 = full_path + r1;
32  std::string full_path_r2 = full_path + r2;
33  std::string full_path_r3 = full_path + r3;
34  int status;
35  status = digest_map(full_path_r1, 0);
36  if (status)
37  {
38  std::cout << "reading " << full_path_r1 << " failed" << std::endl;
39  }
40  status = digest_map(full_path_r2, 1);
41  if (status)
42  {
43  std::cout << "reading " << full_path_r2 << " failed" << std::endl;
44  }
45  status = digest_map(full_path_r3, 2);
46  if (status)
47  {
48  std::cout << "reading " << full_path_r3 << " failed" << std::endl;
49  }
50 }
52 int TpcMap::digest_map(const std::string &fileName, const unsigned int section_offset)
53 {
54  std::ifstream infile(fileName, std::ios::in);
56  if (!infile.is_open())
57  {
58  std::cout << "Could not open file: "<< fileName << std::endl;
59  _broken = 1;
60  return -1;
61  }
64  getline(infile, line); // throwaway - we skip the first line
65  // cout << __FILE__<< " " << __LINE__ << ": " << line << endl;
67  int abs_pad = INT_MAX;
68  int Radius = INT_MAX;
69  // int Pad;
70  // int U;
71  // int G;
72  // string Pin;
73  // int PinColID;
74  // int PinRowID;
75  // string PadName;
76  int FEE = INT_MAX;
77  // int FEE_Connector;
78  int FEE_Chan = INT_MAX;
79  // double phi;
80  // double x;
81  // double y;
82  // double PadX;
83  // double PadY;
84  double PadR = NAN;
85  double PadPhi = NAN;
87  while (getline(infile, line))
88  {
89  // cout << line<< endl;
90  std::stringstream ss(line);
93  // 0 26 26
94  // 1 0 0
95  // 2 0 0
96  // 3 1 1
97  // 4 1 1
98  // 5 0 C5
99  // 6 2 2
100  // 7 5 5
101  // 8 0 ZZ.00.000
102  // 9 5 5.0
103  // 10 0 J2
104  // 11 147 147
105  // 12 0 0.005570199740407434
106  // 13 69 69.99891405342764
107  // 14 0 0.38991196551332985
108  // 15 77 77.86043476908294
109  // 16 305 305.14820499531316
110  // 17 314 314.9248709046211
111  // 18 0 0.24982557215053805
113  int index = 0;
114  while (ss.good())
115  {
116  getline(ss, next, ',');
117  if (index == 2)
118  {
119  abs_pad = std::stoul(next);
120  }
121  else if (index == 1)
122  {
123  Radius = stoul(next);
124  }
125  else if (index == 9)
126  {
127  FEE = stoul(next);
128  }
129  else if (index == 11)
130  {
131  FEE_Chan = stoul(next);
132  }
133  else if (index == 17)
134  {
135  PadR = stod(next);
136  }
137  else if (index == 18)
138  {
139  PadPhi = stod(next);
140  }
141  index++;
142  }
144  if (section_offset == 1)
145  {
146  FEE += 6;
147  }
148  if (section_offset == 2)
149  {
150  FEE += 14;
151  }
153  struct tpc_map x
154  {
155  };
156  x.padnr = abs_pad;
157  x.layer = Radius + section_offset * 16 + 7;
158  x.FEE = FEE;
159  x.FEEChannel = FEE_Chan;
160  x.PadR = PadR;
161  x.PadPhi = PadPhi;
163  unsigned int key = 256 * (FEE) + FEE_Chan;
164  tmap[key] = x;
165  // cout << setw(5) << key << setw(5) << FEE << setw(5) << FEE_Chan << " " << PadR << " " << PadPhi << endl;
166  }
167  return 0;
168 }
170 unsigned int TpcMap::getLayer(const unsigned int FEE, const unsigned int FEEChannel, const unsigned int /* packetid */) const
171 {
172  if (FEE >= 26 || FEEChannel > 255)
173  {
174  return 0.;
175  }
176  unsigned int key = 256 * FEE + FEEChannel;
178  std::map<unsigned int, struct tpc_map>::const_iterator itr = tmap.find(key);
179  if (itr == tmap.end())
180  {
181  return 0;
182  }
183  return itr->second.layer;
184 }
186 unsigned int TpcMap::getPad(const unsigned int FEE, const unsigned int FEEChannel, const unsigned int /* packetid */) const
187 {
188  if (FEE >= 26 || FEEChannel > 255)
189  {
190  return 0.;
191  }
192  unsigned int key = 256 * FEE + FEEChannel;
194  std::map<unsigned int, struct tpc_map>::const_iterator itr = tmap.find(key);
195  if (itr == tmap.end())
196  {
197  return -100;
198  }
199  return itr->second.padnr;
200 }
202 double TpcMap::getR(const unsigned int FEE, const unsigned int FEEChannel, const unsigned int /* packetid */) const
203 {
204  if (FEE >= 26 || FEEChannel > 255)
205  {
206  return 0.;
207  }
208  unsigned int key = 256 * FEE + FEEChannel;
210  std::map<unsigned int, struct tpc_map>::const_iterator itr = tmap.find(key);
211  if (itr == tmap.end())
212  {
213  return -100;
214  }
215  return itr->second.PadR;
216 }
218 double TpcMap::getPhi(const unsigned int FEE, const unsigned int FEEChannel, const unsigned int /* packetid */) const
219 {
220  if (FEE > 25 || FEEChannel > 255)
221  {
222  return 0.;
223  }
224  unsigned int key = 256 * FEE + FEEChannel;
226  std::map<unsigned int, struct tpc_map>::const_iterator itr = tmap.find(key);
227  if (itr == tmap.end())
228  {
229  return -100;
230  }
231  return itr->second.PadPhi;
232 }