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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootMaterialTrackReader.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
18 #include <cstdint>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <stdexcept>
22 #include <TChain.h>
23 #include <TMathBase.h>
24 #include <TTree.h>
28  : ActsExamples::IReader(),
31  if (m_cfg.fileList.empty()) {
32  throw std::invalid_argument{"No input files given"};
33  }
35  m_inputChain = new TChain(m_cfg.treeName.c_str());
37  // loop over the input files
38  for (const auto& inputFile : m_cfg.fileList) {
39  // add file to the input chain
40  m_inputChain->Add(inputFile.c_str());
41  ACTS_DEBUG("Adding File " << inputFile << " to tree '" << m_cfg.treeName
42  << "'.");
43  }
45  // get the number of entries, which also loads the tree
46  size_t nentries = m_inputChain->GetEntries();
48  bool eventIdPresent =
49  (TTree::kMatch == m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("event_id", &m_eventId));
51  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_x", &m_v_x);
52  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_y", &m_v_y);
53  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_z", &m_v_z);
54  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_px", &m_v_px);
55  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_py", &m_v_py);
56  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_pz", &m_v_pz);
57  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_phi", &m_v_phi);
58  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("v_eta", &m_v_eta);
59  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("t_X0", &m_tX0);
60  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("t_L0", &m_tL0);
61  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_x", &m_step_x);
62  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_y", &m_step_y);
63  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_z", &m_step_z);
64  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_dx", &m_step_dx);
65  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_dy", &m_step_dy);
66  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_dz", &m_step_dz);
67  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_step_length", &m_step_length);
68  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_X0", &m_step_X0);
69  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_L0", &m_step_L0);
70  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_A", &m_step_A);
71  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_Z", &m_step_Z);
72  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("mat_rho", &m_step_rho);
73  if (m_cfg.readCachedSurfaceInformation) {
74  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("sur_id", &m_sur_id);
75  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("sur_x", &m_sur_x);
76  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("sur_y", &m_sur_y);
77  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("sur_z", &m_sur_z);
78  m_inputChain->SetBranchAddress("sur_pathCorrection", &m_sur_pathCorrection);
79  }
81  m_events = eventIdPresent
82  ? static_cast<size_t>(m_inputChain->GetMaximum("event_id") + 1)
83  : nentries;
84  m_batchSize = nentries / m_events;
85  ACTS_DEBUG("The full chain has "
86  << nentries << " entries for " << m_events
87  << " events this corresponds to a batch size of: " << m_batchSize);
88  std::cout << "The full chain has " << nentries << " entries for " << m_events
89  << " events this corresponds to a batch size of: " << m_batchSize
90  << std::endl;
92  // If the events are not in order, get the entry numbers for ordered events
93  if (not m_cfg.orderedEvents) {
94  if (not eventIdPresent) {
95  throw std::invalid_argument{
96  "'event_id' branch is missing in your tree. This is not compatible "
97  "with unordered events."};
98  }
99  m_entryNumbers.resize(nentries);
100  m_inputChain->Draw("event_id", "", "goff");
101  // Sort to get the entry numbers of the ordered events
102  TMath::Sort(m_inputChain->GetEntries(), m_inputChain->GetV1(),
103, false);
104  }
105  m_outputMaterialTracks.initialize(m_cfg.collection);
106 }
109  delete m_inputChain;
111  delete m_step_x;
112  delete m_step_y;
113  delete m_step_z;
114  delete m_step_dx;
115  delete m_step_dy;
116  delete m_step_dz;
117  delete m_step_length;
118  delete m_step_X0;
119  delete m_step_L0;
120  delete m_step_A;
121  delete m_step_Z;
122  delete m_step_rho;
124  delete m_sur_id;
125  delete m_sur_x;
126  delete m_sur_y;
127  delete m_sur_z;
128  delete m_sur_pathCorrection;
129 }
132  return "RootMaterialTrackReader";
133 }
135 std::pair<size_t, size_t>
137  return {0u, m_events};
138 }
141  const ActsExamples::AlgorithmContext& context) {
142  ACTS_DEBUG("Trying to read recorded material from tracks.");
143  // read in the material track
144  if (m_inputChain != nullptr && context.eventNumber < m_events) {
145  // lock the mutex
146  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_read_mutex);
147  // now read
149  // The collection to be written
150  std::unordered_map<size_t, Acts::RecordedMaterialTrack> mtrackCollection;
152  // Loop over the entries for this event
153  for (size_t ib = 0; ib < m_batchSize; ++ib) {
154  // Read the correct entry: startEntry + ib
155  auto entry = m_batchSize * context.eventNumber + ib;
156  if (not m_cfg.orderedEvents and entry < m_entryNumbers.size()) {
157  entry = m_entryNumbers[entry];
158  }
159  ACTS_VERBOSE("Reading event: " << context.eventNumber
160  << " with stored entry: " << entry);
161  m_inputChain->GetEntry(entry);
164  // Fill the position and momentum
165  rmTrack.first.first = Acts::Vector3(m_v_x, m_v_y, m_v_z);
166  rmTrack.first.second = Acts::Vector3(m_v_px, m_v_py, m_v_pz);
168  ACTS_VERBOSE("Track vertex: " << rmTrack.first.first);
169  ACTS_VERBOSE("Track momentum:" << rmTrack.first.second);
171  // Fill the individual steps
172  size_t msteps = m_step_length->size();
173  ACTS_VERBOSE("Reading " << msteps << " material steps.");
174  rmTrack.second.materialInteractions.reserve(msteps);
175  rmTrack.second.materialInX0 = 0.;
176  rmTrack.second.materialInL0 = 0.;
178  for (size_t is = 0; is < msteps; ++is) {
179  ACTS_VERBOSE("====================");
180  ACTS_VERBOSE("[" << is + 1 << "/" << msteps << "] STEP INFORMATION: ");
182  double s = (*m_step_length)[is];
183  if (s == 0) {
184  ACTS_VERBOSE("invalid step length... skipping!");
185  continue;
186  }
188  double mX0 = (*m_step_X0)[is];
189  double mL0 = (*m_step_L0)[is];
191  rmTrack.second.materialInX0 += s / mX0;
192  rmTrack.second.materialInL0 += s / mL0;
194  Acts::MaterialInteraction mInteraction;
195  mInteraction.position =
196  Acts::Vector3((*m_step_x)[is], (*m_step_y)[is], (*m_step_z)[is]);
197  ACTS_VERBOSE("POSITION : " << (*m_step_x)[is] << ", " << (*m_step_y)[is]
198  << ", " << (*m_step_z)[is]);
199  mInteraction.direction =
200  Acts::Vector3((*m_step_dx)[is], (*m_step_dy)[is], (*m_step_dz)[is]);
201  ACTS_VERBOSE("DIRECTION: " << (*m_step_dx)[is] << ", "
202  << (*m_step_dy)[is] << ", "
203  << (*m_step_dz)[is]);
204  mInteraction.materialSlab = Acts::MaterialSlab(
205  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(mX0, mL0, (*m_step_A)[is],
206  (*m_step_Z)[is], (*m_step_rho)[is]),
207  s);
208  ACTS_VERBOSE("MATERIAL: " << mX0 << ", " << mL0 << ", "
209  << (*m_step_A)[is] << ", " << (*m_step_Z)[is]
210  << ", " << (*m_step_rho)[is]);
211  ACTS_VERBOSE("====================");
213  if (m_cfg.readCachedSurfaceInformation) {
214  // add the surface information to the interaction this allows the
215  // mapping to be speed up
216  mInteraction.intersectionID =
217  Acts::GeometryIdentifier((*m_sur_id)[is]);
218  mInteraction.intersection =
219  Acts::Vector3((*m_sur_x)[is], (*m_sur_y)[is], (*m_sur_z)[is]);
220  mInteraction.pathCorrection = (*m_sur_pathCorrection)[is];
221  } else {
222  mInteraction.intersectionID = Acts::GeometryIdentifier();
223  mInteraction.intersection = Acts::Vector3(0, 0, 0);
224  }
225  rmTrack.second.materialInteractions.push_back(std::move(mInteraction));
226  }
227  mtrackCollection[ib] = (std::move(rmTrack));
228  }
229  // Write to the collection to the EventStore
230  m_outputMaterialTracks(context, std::move(mtrackCollection));
231  }
232  // Return success flag
234 }