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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file IndexedSurfacesSvgConverter.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
13 #include "Acts/Geometry/Extent.hpp"
23 #include <actsvg/core.hpp>
24 #include <actsvg/meta.hpp>
26 #include <tuple>
27 #include <vector>
29 namespace Acts {
31 namespace Experimental {
33 using namespace detail::GridAxisGenerators;
35 // Generate the possible axes in this case
36 static auto s_possibleAxes =
37  std::tuple<EqBound, EqOpen, EqClosed,
38  // All 1D Var options
40  // All 2D EqEq options
44  // All 2D EqVar options
48  // All 2D VarEq options
52  // All 2D VarEq options
57 } // namespace Experimental
59 namespace Svg {
61 using ProtoSurface = actsvg::proto::surface<std::vector<Vector3>>;
64  std::tuple<std::vector<ProtoSurface>, ProtoGrid,
65  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>>;
67 namespace IndexedSurfacesConverter {
69 struct Options {
74 };
86 template <typename surface_container, typename index_grid>
88  const surface_container& surfaces,
89  const index_grid& indexGrid,
90  const Options& cOptions) {
91  // The return surfaces
92  std::vector<ProtoSurface> pSurfaces;
93  pSurfaces.reserve(surfaces.size());
95  // Make a local copy of the grid Options, in case we have to estimate
96  // an additional bound
97  GridConverter::Options gridOptions = cOptions.gridOptions;
98  Extent constrain;
100  // Estimate the radial extension
101  // - for 1D phi
102  // - for 2D z-phi or phi-z
103  bool estimateR =
104  (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 1 and indexGrid.casts[0u] == binPhi) or
105  (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 2 and
106  (indexGrid.casts[0u] == binPhi or indexGrid.casts[1u] == binPhi));
108  for (auto [is, s] : enumerate(surfaces)) {
109  // Create the surface converter options
110  SurfaceConverter::Options sOptions;
111  // Try to see if you have predefined surface styles
112  auto sfIter = cOptions.surfaceStyles.find(s->geometryId());
113  if (sfIter != cOptions.surfaceStyles.end()) {
114 = *sfIter;
115  }
116  auto pSurface = SurfaceConverter::convert(gctx, *s, sOptions);
117  // Run the r estimation
118  if (estimateR) {
119  auto sExtent = s->polyhedronRepresentation(gctx, 4u).extent();
120  if constexpr (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 2u) {
121  pSurface._radii[0u] = sExtent.medium(binR);
122  }
123  constrain.extend(sExtent, {binR});
124  }
125  pSurfaces.push_back(pSurface);
126  }
128  // Adjust the grid options
129  if constexpr (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 1u) {
130  if (indexGrid.casts[0u] == binPhi) {
131  auto estRangeR = constrain.range(binR);
132  std::array<ActsScalar, 2u> rRange = {estRangeR.min(), estRangeR.max()};
133  gridOptions.optionalBound = {rRange, binR};
134  }
135  }
137  // Create the grid
138  ProtoGrid pGrid =
139  GridConverter::convert(indexGrid.grid, indexGrid.casts, gridOptions);
141  auto axes = indexGrid.grid.axes();
143  // Specify the highlight indices
144  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> highlightIndices;
146  // 1D connections
147  if constexpr (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 1u) {
148  for (unsigned int ib0 = 1u; ib0 <= axes[0u]->getNBins(); ++ib0) {
149  typename index_grid::grid_type::index_t lbin;
150  lbin[0u] = ib0;
151  highlightIndices.push_back(indexGrid.grid.atLocalBins(lbin));
152  // Register the bin naming
153  pGrid._bin_ids.push_back(std::string("- bin : [") + std::to_string(ib0) +
154  std::string("]"));
155  }
156  }
157  // 2D connections
158  if constexpr (index_grid::grid_type::DIM == 2u) {
159  for (unsigned int ib0 = 1u; ib0 <= axes[0u]->getNBins(); ++ib0) {
160  for (unsigned int ib1 = 1u; ib1 <= axes[1u]->getNBins(); ++ib1) {
161  typename index_grid::grid_type::index_t lbin;
162  lbin[0u] = ib0;
163  lbin[1u] = ib1;
164  highlightIndices.push_back(indexGrid.grid.atLocalBins(lbin));
165  // Register the bin naming
166  pGrid._bin_ids.push_back(std::string("- bin : [") +
167  std::to_string(ib0) + std::string(", ") +
168  std::to_string(ib1) + std::string("]"));
169  if (estimateR) {
170  pGrid._reference_r = constrain.medium(binR);
171  }
172  }
173  }
174  }
175  return std::tie(pSurfaces, pGrid, highlightIndices);
176 }
191 template <typename surface_container, typename instance_type>
192 void convert(const GeometryContext& gctx, const surface_container& surfaces,
193  const Options& cOptions, ProtoIndexedSurfaceGrid& sgi,
195  [[maybe_unused]] const instance_type& refInstance) {
196  using GridType =
197  typename instance_type::template grid_type<std::vector<std::size_t>>;
198  // Defining a Delegate type
201  using SubDelegateType = Experimental::IndexedSurfacesImpl<GridType>;
203  // Get the instance
204  const auto* instance = delegate.instance();
205  auto castedDelegate = dynamic_cast<const DelegateType*>(instance);
206  if (castedDelegate != nullptr) {
207  // Get the surface updator
208  auto indexedSurfaces = std::get<SubDelegateType>(castedDelegate->updators);
209  auto [pSurfaces, pGrid, pIndices] =
210  convertImpl(gctx, surfaces, indexedSurfaces, cOptions);
211  std::get<0u>(sgi) = pSurfaces;
212  std::get<1u>(sgi) = pGrid;
213  std::get<2u>(sgi) = pIndices;
214  }
215 }
220 template <typename surface_container, typename tuple_type, std::size_t... I>
222  const surface_container& surfaces, const Options& cOptions,
225  const tuple_type& axesTuple, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
226  (convert(gctx, surfaces, cOptions, sgi, delegate, std::get<I>(axesTuple)),
227  ...);
228 }
241 template <typename surface_container>
243  const GeometryContext& gctx, const surface_container& surfaces,
245  const Options& cOptions) {
246  // Prep work what is to be filled
247  std::vector<ProtoSurface> pSurfaces;
248  ProtoGrid pGrid;
249  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> indices;
250  ProtoIndexedSurfaceGrid sgi = {pSurfaces, pGrid, indices};
251  // Convert if dynamic cast happens to work
253  gctx, surfaces, cOptions, sgi, delegate, Experimental::s_possibleAxes,
254  std::make_index_sequence<
255  std::tuple_size<decltype(Experimental::s_possibleAxes)>::value>());
256  // Return the newly filled ones
257  return sgi;
258 }
260 } // namespace IndexedSurfacesConverter
262 namespace View {
270 static inline actsvg::svg::object xy(const ProtoIndexedSurfaceGrid& pIndexGrid,
271  const std::string& identification) {
272  auto [pSurfaces, pGrid, pIndices] = pIndexGrid;
274  // Create the master object
275  actsvg::svg::object xyIndexedGrid;
276  xyIndexedGrid._id = identification;
277  xyIndexedGrid._tag = "g";
279  // The surfaces
280  std::vector<actsvg::svg::object> sObs;
281  for (const auto& s : pSurfaces) {
282  if (pGrid._type == actsvg::proto::grid::e_z_phi) {
283  sObs.push_back(Acts::Svg::View::zrphi(s, s._name));
284  } else {
285  sObs.push_back(Acts::Svg::View::xy(s, s._name));
286  }
287  }
289  // The grid
290  auto gOb =
291  actsvg::display::grid(identification + std::string("_grid"), pGrid);
293  // The connectors
294  actsvg::connectors::connect_action(gOb._sub_objects, sObs, pIndices);
296  // Add them all
297  xyIndexedGrid.add_objects(sObs);
299  auto xmax = xyIndexedGrid._x_range[1u];
300  // The association info boxes
301  for (auto [ig, gTile] : enumerate(gOb._sub_objects)) {
302  // Target surface text
303  std::vector<std::string> binText;
304  binText.push_back("Source:");
305  binText.push_back(pGrid._bin_ids[ig]);
306  binText.push_back("Target:");
307  for (const auto& sis : pIndices[ig]) {
308  binText.push_back(std::string("- object: ") + std::to_string(sis));
309  }
310  // Make the connected text
311  std::string cTextId =
312  identification + std::string("_ct_") + std::to_string(ig);
313  auto cText = actsvg::draw::connected_text(
314  "bla", {static_cast<actsvg::scalar>(1.1 * xmax), 0}, binText,
315  actsvg::style::font{}, actsvg::style::transform{}, gTile);
316  xyIndexedGrid.add_object(cText);
317  }
318  xyIndexedGrid.add_object(gOb);
319  // Return the grid
320  return xyIndexedGrid;
321 }
332 static inline actsvg::svg::object zphi(
333  const ProtoIndexedSurfaceGrid& pIndexGrid,
334  const std::string& identification) {
335  return xy(pIndexGrid, identification);
336 }
338 } // namespace View
339 } // namespace Svg
340 } // namespace Acts