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Documentation for sPHENIX simulation software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Simulation.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
28 #include <algorithm>
29 #include <cassert>
30 #include <iterator>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <vector>
34 namespace ActsFatras {
42 template <typename propagator_t, typename interactions_t,
43  typename hit_surface_selector_t, typename decay_t>
48  decay_t decay;
50  interactions_t interactions;
52  hit_surface_selector_t selectHitSurface;
54  std::unique_ptr<const Acts::Logger> logger;
58  std::unique_ptr<const Acts::Logger> _logger)
59  : propagator(propagator_), logger(std::move(_logger)) {}
70  template <typename generator_t>
73  const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx, generator_t &generator,
74  const Particle &particle) const {
75  // propagator-related additional types
76  using Actor = detail::SimulationActor<generator_t, decay_t, interactions_t,
77  hit_surface_selector_t>;
78  using Aborter = typename Actor::ParticleNotAlive;
79  using Result = typename Actor::result_type;
80  using Actions = Acts::ActionList<Actor>;
81  using Abort = Acts::AbortList<Aborter, Acts::EndOfWorldReached>;
82  using PropagatorOptions = Acts::PropagatorOptions<Actions, Abort>;
84  // Construct per-call options.
85  PropagatorOptions options(geoCtx, magCtx);
86  // setup the interactor as part of the propagator options
87  auto &actor = options.actionList.template get<Actor>();
88  actor.generator = &generator;
89  actor.decay = decay;
90  actor.interactions = interactions;
91  actor.selectHitSurface = selectHitSurface;
92  actor.initialParticle = particle;
94  if (particle.hasReferenceSurface()) {
95  auto result = propagator.propagate(
96  particle.boundParameters(geoCtx).value(), options);
97  if (not result.ok()) {
98  return result.error();
99  }
100  auto &value = result.value().template get<Result>();
101  return std::move(value);
102  }
104  auto result =
105  propagator.propagate(particle.curvilinearParameters(), options);
106  if (not result.ok()) {
107  return result.error();
108  }
109  auto &value = result.value().template get<Result>();
110  return std::move(value);
111  }
112 };
123  std::error_code error;
124 };
136 template <typename charged_selector_t, typename charged_simulator_t,
137  typename neutral_selector_t, typename neutral_simulator_t>
138 struct Simulation {
139  charged_selector_t selectCharged;
140  neutral_selector_t selectNeutral;
141  charged_simulator_t charged;
142  neutral_simulator_t neutral;
145  Simulation(charged_simulator_t &&charged_, neutral_simulator_t &&neutral_)
146  : charged(std::move(charged_)), neutral(std::move(neutral_)) {}
184  template <typename generator_t, typename input_particles_t,
185  typename output_particles_t, typename hits_t>
188  const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx, generator_t &generator,
189  const input_particles_t &inputParticles,
190  output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesInitial,
191  output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesFinal, hits_t &hits) const {
192  assert(
193  (simulatedParticlesInitial.size() == simulatedParticlesFinal.size()) and
194  "Inconsistent initial sizes of the simulated particle containers");
196  using SingleParticleSimulationResult = Acts::Result<SimulationResult>;
198  std::vector<FailedParticle> failedParticles;
200  for (const Particle &inputParticle : inputParticles) {
201  // only consider simulatable particles
202  if (not selectParticle(inputParticle)) {
203  continue;
204  }
205  // required to allow correct particle id numbering for secondaries later
206  if ((inputParticle.particleId().generation() != 0u) or
207  (inputParticle.particleId().subParticle() != 0u)) {
208  return detail::SimulationError::eInvalidInputParticleId;
209  }
211  // Do a *depth-first* simulation of the particle and its secondaries,
212  // i.e. we simulate all secondaries, tertiaries, ... before simulating
213  // the next primary particle. Use the end of the output container as
214  // a queue to store particles that should be simulated.
215  //
216  // WARNING the initial particle state output container will be modified
217  // during iteration. New secondaries are added to and failed
218  // particles might be removed. To avoid issues, access must always
219  // occur via indices.
220  auto iinitial = simulatedParticlesInitial.size();
221  simulatedParticlesInitial.push_back(inputParticle);
222  for (; iinitial < simulatedParticlesInitial.size(); ++iinitial) {
223  const auto &initialParticle = simulatedParticlesInitial[iinitial];
225  // only simulatable particles are pushed to the container and here we
226  // only need to switch between charged/neutral.
227  SingleParticleSimulationResult result =
228  SingleParticleSimulationResult::success({});
229  if (initialParticle.charge() != Particle::Scalar(0)) {
230  result = charged.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
231  } else {
232  result = neutral.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
233  }
235  if (not result.ok()) {
236  // remove particle from output container since it was not simulated.
237  simulatedParticlesInitial.erase(
238  std::next(simulatedParticlesInitial.begin(), iinitial));
239  // record the particle as failed
240  failedParticles.push_back({initialParticle, result.error()});
241  continue;
242  }
244  copyOutputs(result.value(), simulatedParticlesInitial,
245  simulatedParticlesFinal, hits);
246  // since physics processes are independent, there can be particle id
247  // collisions within the generated secondaries. they can be resolved by
248  // renumbering within each sub-particle generation. this must happen
249  // before the particle is simulated since the particle id is used to
250  // associate generated hits back to the particle.
251  renumberTailParticleIds(simulatedParticlesInitial, iinitial);
252  }
253  }
255  // the overall function call succeeded, i.e. no fatal errors occured.
256  // yet, there might have been some particle for which the propagation
257  // failed. thus, the successful result contains a list of failed particles.
258  // sounds a bit weird, but that is the way it is.
259  return failedParticles;
260  }
262  private:
264  bool selectParticle(const Particle &particle) const {
265  if (particle.charge() != Particle::Scalar(0)) {
266  return selectCharged(particle);
267  } else {
268  return selectNeutral(particle);
269  }
270  }
276  template <typename particles_t, typename hits_t>
277  void copyOutputs(const SimulationResult &result,
278  particles_t &particlesInitial, particles_t &particlesFinal,
279  hits_t &hits) const {
280  // initial particle state was already pushed to the container before
281  // store final particle state at the end of the simulation
282  particlesFinal.push_back(result.particle);
283  // move generated secondaries that should be simulated to the output
284  std::copy_if(
285  result.generatedParticles.begin(), result.generatedParticles.end(),
286  std::back_inserter(particlesInitial),
287  [this](const Particle &particle) { return selectParticle(particle); });
288  std::copy(result.hits.begin(), result.hits.end(), std::back_inserter(hits));
289  }
305  template <typename particles_t>
306  static void renumberTailParticleIds(particles_t &particles,
307  std::size_t lastValid) {
308  // iterate over adjacent pairs; potentially modify the second element.
309  // assume e.g. a primary particle 2 with generation=subparticle=0 that
310  // generates two secondaries during simulation. we have the following
311  // ids (decoded as vertex|particle|generation|subparticle)
312  //
313  // v|2|0|0, v|2|1|0, v|2|1|0
314  //
315  // where v represents the vertex numbers. this will be renumbered to
316  //
317  // v|2|0|0, v|2|1|0, v|2|1|1
318  //
319  // if each secondary then generates two tertiaries we could have e.g.
320  //
321  // v|2|0|0, v|2|1|0, v|2|1|1, v|2|2|0, v|2|2|1, v|2|2|0, v|2|2|1
322  //
323  // which would then be renumbered to
324  //
325  // v|2|0|0, v|2|1|0, v|2|1|1, v|2|2|0, v|2|2|1, v|2|2|2, v|2|2|3
326  //
327  for (auto j = lastValid; (j + 1u) < particles.size(); ++j) {
328  const auto prevId = particles[j].particleId();
329  auto currId = particles[j + 1u].particleId();
330  // NOTE primary/secondary vertex and particle are assumed to be equal
331  // only renumber within one generation
332  if (prevId.generation() != currId.generation()) {
333  continue;
334  }
335  // ensure the sub-particle is strictly monotonic within a generation
336  if (prevId.subParticle() < currId.subParticle()) {
337  continue;
338  }
339  // sub-particle numbering must be non-zero
340  currId.setSubParticle(prevId.subParticle() + 1u);
341  particles[j + 1u] = particles[j + 1u].withParticleId(currId);
342  }
343  }
344 };
346 } // namespace ActsFatras