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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DigitizationAlgorithm.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <array>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <cstdint>
33 #include <ostream>
34 #include <set>
35 #include <stdexcept>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <utility>
41  : ActsExamples::IAlgorithm("DigitizationAlgorithm", level),
42  m_cfg(std::move(config)) {
43  if (m_cfg.inputSimHits.empty()) {
44  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing simulated hits input collection");
45  }
46  if (m_cfg.outputMeasurements.empty()) {
47  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing measurements output collection");
48  }
49  if (m_cfg.outputSourceLinks.empty()) {
50  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing source links output collection");
51  }
53  throw std::invalid_argument(
54  "Missing hit-to-particles map output collection");
55  }
56  if (m_cfg.outputMeasurementSimHitsMap.empty()) {
57  throw std::invalid_argument(
58  "Missing hit-to-simulated-hits map output collection");
59  }
60  if (not m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
61  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tracking geometry");
62  }
63  if (not m_cfg.randomNumbers) {
64  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing random numbers tool");
65  }
68  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing digitization configuration");
69  }
80  // Create the digitizers from the configuration
81  std::vector<std::pair<Acts::GeometryIdentifier, Digitizer>> digitizerInput;
83  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cfg.digitizationConfigs.size(); ++i) {
84  GeometricConfig geoCfg;
87  const auto& digiCfg = m_cfg.digitizationConfigs.valueAt(i);
88  geoCfg = digiCfg.geometricDigiConfig;
89  // Copy so we can sort in-place
90  SmearingConfig smCfg = digiCfg.smearingDigiConfig;
92  std::vector<Acts::BoundIndices> indices;
93  for (auto& gcf : smCfg) {
94  indices.push_back(gcf.index);
95  }
96  indices.insert(indices.begin(), geoCfg.indices.begin(),
97  geoCfg.indices.end());
99  // Make sure the configured input parameter indices are sorted and unique
100  std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end());
102  auto dup = std::adjacent_find(indices.begin(), indices.end());
103  if (dup != indices.end()) {
104  std::invalid_argument(
105  "Digitization configuration contains duplicate parameter indices");
106  }
108  switch (smCfg.size()) {
109  case 0u:
110  digitizerInput.emplace_back(geoId, makeDigitizer<0u>(digiCfg));
111  break;
112  case 1u:
113  digitizerInput.emplace_back(geoId, makeDigitizer<1u>(digiCfg));
114  break;
115  case 2u:
116  digitizerInput.emplace_back(geoId, makeDigitizer<2u>(digiCfg));
117  break;
118  case 3u:
119  digitizerInput.emplace_back(geoId, makeDigitizer<3u>(digiCfg));
120  break;
121  case 4u:
122  digitizerInput.emplace_back(geoId, makeDigitizer<4u>(digiCfg));
123  break;
124  default:
125  throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported smearer size");
126  }
127  }
130 }
133  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
134  // Retrieve input
135  const auto& simHits = m_simContainerReadHandle(ctx);
136  ACTS_DEBUG("Loaded " << simHits.size() << " sim hits");
138  // Prepare output containers
139  // need list here for stable addresses
140  IndexSourceLinkContainer sourceLinks;
141  MeasurementContainer measurements;
143  IndexMultimap<ActsFatras::Barcode> measurementParticlesMap;
144  IndexMultimap<Index> measurementSimHitsMap;
145  sourceLinks.reserve(simHits.size());
146  measurements.reserve(simHits.size());
147  measurementParticlesMap.reserve(simHits.size());
148  measurementSimHitsMap.reserve(simHits.size());
150  // Setup random number generator
151  auto rng = m_cfg.randomNumbers->spawnGenerator(ctx);
153  // Some statistics
154  std::size_t skippedHits = 0;
156  ACTS_DEBUG("Starting loop over modules ...");
157  for (const auto& simHitsGroup : groupByModule(simHits)) {
158  // Manual pair unpacking instead of using
159  // auto [moduleGeoId, moduleSimHits] : ...
160  // otherwise clang on macos complains that it is unable to capture the local
161  // binding in the lambda used for visiting the smearer below.
162  Acts::GeometryIdentifier moduleGeoId = simHitsGroup.first;
163  const auto& moduleSimHits = simHitsGroup.second;
165  const Acts::Surface* surfacePtr =
166  m_cfg.trackingGeometry->findSurface(moduleGeoId);
168  if (surfacePtr == nullptr) {
169  // this is either an invalid geometry id or a misconfigured smearer
170  // setup; both cases can not be handled and should be fatal.
171  ACTS_ERROR("Could not find surface " << moduleGeoId
172  << " for configured smearer");
173  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
174  }
176  auto digitizerItr = m_digitizers.find(moduleGeoId);
177  if (digitizerItr == m_digitizers.end()) {
178  ACTS_VERBOSE("No digitizer present for module " << moduleGeoId);
179  continue;
180  } else {
181  ACTS_VERBOSE("Digitizer found for module " << moduleGeoId);
182  }
184  // Run the digitizer. Iterate over the hits for this surface inside the
185  // visitor so we do not need to lookup the variant object per-hit.
186  std::visit(
187  [&](const auto& digitizer) {
188  ModuleClusters moduleClusters(
189  digitizer.geometric.segmentation, digitizer.geometric.indices,
190  m_cfg.doMerge, m_cfg.mergeNsigma, m_cfg.mergeCommonCorner);
192  for (auto h = moduleSimHits.begin(); h != moduleSimHits.end(); ++h) {
193  const auto& simHit = *h;
194  const auto simHitIdx = simHits.index_of(h);
196  DigitizedParameters dParameters;
198  if (simHit.depositedEnergy() < m_cfg.minEnergyDeposit) {
199  ACTS_VERBOSE("Skip hit because energy deposit to small")
200  continue;
201  }
203  // Geometric part - 0, 1, 2 local parameters are possible
204  if (not digitizer.geometric.indices.empty()) {
205  ACTS_VERBOSE("Configured to geometric digitize "
206  << digitizer.geometric.indices.size()
207  << " parameters.");
208  auto channels = channelizing(digitizer.geometric, simHit,
209  *surfacePtr, ctx.geoContext, rng);
210  if (channels.empty()) {
212  "Geometric channelization did not work, skipping this hit.")
213  continue;
214  }
215  ACTS_VERBOSE("Activated " << channels.size()
216  << " channels for this hit.");
217  dParameters = localParameters(digitizer.geometric, channels, rng);
218  }
220  // Smearing part - (optionally) rest
221  if (not digitizer.smearing.indices.empty()) {
222  ACTS_VERBOSE("Configured to smear "
223  << digitizer.smearing.indices.size()
224  << " parameters.");
225  auto res =
226  digitizer.smearing(rng, simHit, *surfacePtr, ctx.geoContext);
227  if (not res.ok()) {
228  ++skippedHits;
229  ACTS_DEBUG("Problem in hit smearing, skip hit ("
230  << res.error().message() << ")");
231  continue;
232  }
233  const auto& [par, cov] = res.value();
234  for (Eigen::Index ip = 0; ip < par.rows(); ++ip) {
235  dParameters.indices.push_back(digitizer.smearing.indices[ip]);
236  dParameters.values.push_back(par[ip]);
237  dParameters.variances.push_back(cov(ip, ip));
238  }
239  }
241  // Check on success - threshold could have eliminated all channels
242  if (dParameters.values.empty()) {
244  "Parameter digitization did not yield a measurement.")
245  continue;
246  }
248  moduleClusters.add(std::move(dParameters), simHitIdx);
249  }
251  for (auto& [dParameters, simhits] :
252  moduleClusters.digitizedParameters()) {
253  // The measurement container is unordered and the index under which
254  // the measurement will be stored is known before adding it.
255  Index measurementIdx = measurements.size();
256  IndexSourceLink sourceLink{moduleGeoId, measurementIdx};
258  // Add to output containers:
259  // index map and source link container are geometry-ordered.
260  // since the input is also geometry-ordered, new items can
261  // be added at the end.
262  sourceLinks.insert(sourceLinks.end(), sourceLink);
264  measurements.emplace_back(
265  createMeasurement(dParameters, sourceLink));
266  clusters.emplace_back(std::move(dParameters.cluster));
267  // this digitization does hit merging so there can be more than one
268  // mapping entry for each digitized hit.
269  for (auto simHitIdx : simhits) {
270  measurementParticlesMap.emplace_hint(
271  measurementParticlesMap.end(), measurementIdx,
272  simHits.nth(simHitIdx)->particleId());
273  measurementSimHitsMap.emplace_hint(measurementSimHitsMap.end(),
274  measurementIdx, simHitIdx);
275  }
276  }
277  },
278  *digitizerItr);
279  }
281  if (skippedHits > 0) {
283  skippedHits
284  << " skipped in Digitization. Enable DEBUG mode to see more details.");
285  }
287  m_sourceLinkWriteHandle(ctx, std::move(sourceLinks));
288  m_measurementWriteHandle(ctx, std::move(measurements));
289  m_clusterWriteHandle(ctx, std::move(clusters));
290  m_measurementParticlesMapWriteHandle(ctx, std::move(measurementParticlesMap));
291  m_measurementSimHitsMapWriteHandle(ctx, std::move(measurementSimHitsMap));
292  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
293 }
295 std::vector<ActsFatras::Channelizer::ChannelSegment>
297  const GeometricConfig& geoCfg, const SimHit& hit,
299  RandomEngine& rng) const {
300  Acts::Vector3 driftDir = geoCfg.drift(hit.position(), rng);
302  auto driftedSegment =
303  m_surfaceDrift.toReadout(gctx, surface, geoCfg.thickness, hit.position(),
304  hit.direction(), driftDir);
305  auto maskedSegmentRes = m_surfaceMask.apply(surface, driftedSegment);
306  if (maskedSegmentRes.ok()) {
307  auto maskedSegment = maskedSegmentRes.value();
308  // Now Channelize
309  return m_channelizer.segments(gctx, surface, geoCfg.segmentation,
310  maskedSegment);
311  }
312  return {};
313 }
317  const GeometricConfig& geoCfg,
318  const std::vector<ActsFatras::Channelizer::ChannelSegment>& channels,
319  RandomEngine& rng) const {
320  DigitizedParameters dParameters;
322  const auto& binningData = geoCfg.segmentation.binningData();
324  Acts::ActsScalar totalWeight = 0.;
325  Acts::Vector2 m(0., 0.);
326  size_t b0min = SIZE_MAX;
327  size_t b0max = 0;
328  size_t b1min = SIZE_MAX;
329  size_t b1max = 0;
330  // Combine the channels
331  for (const auto& ch : channels) {
332  auto bin = ch.bin;
334 ? 1. : geoCfg.charge(ch.activation, rng);
335  if ( or charge > geoCfg.threshold) {
336  totalWeight += charge;
337  size_t b0 = bin[0];
338  size_t b1 = bin[1];
339  m += Acts::Vector2(charge * binningData[0].center(b0),
340  charge * binningData[1].center(b1));
341  b0min = std::min(b0min, b0);
342  b0max = std::max(b0max, b0);
343  b1min = std::min(b1min, b1);
344  b1max = std::max(b1max, b1);
345  // Create a copy of the channel, as activation may change
346  auto chdig = ch;
347  chdig.bin = ch.bin;
348  chdig.activation = charge;
349  dParameters.cluster.channels.push_back(chdig);
350  }
351  }
352  if (totalWeight > 0.) {
353  m *= 1. / totalWeight;
354  dParameters.indices = geoCfg.indices;
355  for (auto idx : dParameters.indices) {
356  dParameters.values.push_back(m[idx]);
357  }
358  size_t size0 = static_cast<size_t>(b0max - b0min + 1);
359  size_t size1 = static_cast<size_t>(b1max - b1min + 1);
360  auto variances = geoCfg.variances(size0, size1, rng);
361  if (variances.size() == dParameters.indices.size()) {
362  dParameters.variances = variances;
363  } else {
364  dParameters.variances =
365  std::vector<Acts::ActsScalar>(dParameters.indices.size(), -1.);
366  }
368  if (dParameters.variances[0] == -1) {
369  size_t ictr = b0min + size0 / 2;
370  dParameters.variances[0] = std::pow(binningData[0].width(ictr), 2) / 12.0;
371  }
372  if (dParameters.variances[1] == -1) {
373  size_t ictr = b1min + size1 / 2;
374  dParameters.variances[1] = std::pow(binningData[1].width(ictr), 2) / 12.0;
375  }
377  dParameters.cluster.sizeLoc0 = size0;
378  dParameters.cluster.sizeLoc1 = size1;
379  }
381  return dParameters;
382 }