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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BFieldMapUtilsTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
20 #include <array>
21 #include <cstddef>
22 #include <random>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <vector>
26 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
30 namespace Acts {
32 using namespace detail;
34 namespace Test {
36 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bfield_creation) {
37  // create grid values
38  std::vector<double> rPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
39  std::vector<double> xPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
40  std::vector<double> yPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
41  std::vector<double> zPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
43  // create b field in rz
44  std::vector<Acts::Vector2> bField_rz;
45  for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
46  bField_rz.push_back(Acts::Vector2(i, i));
47  }
49  auto localToGlobalBin_rz = [](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ,
50  std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
51  return ( * +;
52  };
53  // create b field map in rz
54  auto map_rz =
55  Acts::fieldMapRZ(localToGlobalBin_rz, rPos, zPos, bField_rz, 1, 1, false);
56  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
57  std::vector<size_t> nBins_rz = {rPos.size(), zPos.size()};
58  std::vector<double> minima_rz = {0., 0.};
59  std::vector<double> maxima_rz = {3., 3.};
60  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getNBins() == nBins_rz);
61  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
62  // assigned to the left boundary)
63  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getMin() == minima_rz);
64  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
65  // always assigned to the left boundary)
66  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getMax() == maxima_rz);
68  auto localToGlobalBin_xyz = [](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ,
69  std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
70  return ( * ( * +
71 * +;
72  };
74  rPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
75  xPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
76  yPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
77  zPos = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
79  // create b field in xyz
80  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> bField_xyz;
81  for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++) {
82  bField_xyz.push_back(Acts::Vector3(i, i, i));
83  }
85  // create b field map in xyz
86  auto map_xyz = Acts::fieldMapXYZ(localToGlobalBin_xyz, xPos, yPos, zPos,
87  bField_xyz, 1, 1, false);
88  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
89  std::vector<size_t> nBins_xyz = {xPos.size(), yPos.size(), zPos.size()};
90  std::vector<double> minima_xyz = {0., 0., 0.};
91  std::vector<double> maxima_xyz = {3., 3., 3.};
92  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getNBins() == nBins_xyz);
93  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
94  // assigned to the left boundary)
95  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getMin() == minima_xyz);
96  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
97  // always assigned to the left boundary)
98  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getMax() == maxima_xyz);
100  // check if filled value is expected value in rz
101  Acts::Vector3 pos0_rz(0., 0., 0.);
102  Acts::Vector3 pos1_rz(1., 0., 1.);
103  Acts::Vector3 pos2_rz(0., 2., 2.);
104  auto value0_rz = map_rz.getField(pos0_rz).value();
105  auto value1_rz = map_rz.getField(pos1_rz).value();
106  auto value2_rz = map_rz.getField(pos2_rz).value();
107  // calculate what the value should be at this point
108  auto b0_rz =
109{{0, 0}}, {{rPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
110  auto b1_rz =
111{{1, 1}}, {{rPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
112  auto b2_rz =
113{{2, 2}}, {{rPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
114  Acts::Vector3 bField0_rz(b0_rz.x(), 0., b0_rz.y());
115  Acts::Vector3 bField1_rz(b1_rz.x(), 0., b1_rz.y());
116  Acts::Vector3 bField2_rz(0., b2_rz.x(), b2_rz.y());
117  // check the value
118  // in rz case field is phi symmetric (check radius)
119  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(perp(value0_rz), perp(bField0_rz), 1e-9);
120  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value0_rz.z(), bField0_rz.z(), 1e-9);
121  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(perp(value1_rz), perp(bField1_rz), 1e-9);
122  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value1_rz.z(), bField1_rz.z(), 1e-9);
123  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(perp(value2_rz), perp(bField2_rz), 1e-9);
124  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value2_rz.z(), bField2_rz.z(), 1e-9);
126  // check if filled value is expected value in rz
127  Acts::Vector3 pos0_xyz(0., 0., 0.);
128  Acts::Vector3 pos1_xyz(1., 1., 1.);
129  Acts::Vector3 pos2_xyz(2., 2., 2.);
130  auto value0_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos0_xyz).value();
131  auto value1_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos1_xyz).value();
132  auto value2_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos2_xyz).value();
133  // calculate what the value should be at this point
134  auto b0_xyz =
135  {{0, 0, 0}}, {{xPos.size(), yPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
136  auto b1_xyz =
137  {{1, 1, 1}}, {{xPos.size(), yPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
138  auto b2_xyz =
139  {{2, 2, 2}}, {{xPos.size(), yPos.size(), zPos.size()}}));
140  // check the value
141  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value0_xyz, b0_xyz);
142  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value1_xyz, b1_xyz);
143  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value2_xyz, b2_xyz);
145  // checkx-,y-,z-symmetry - need to check close (because of interpolation
146  // there can be small differences)
147  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value0_xyz, b0_xyz, 1e-9);
148  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value1_xyz, b1_xyz, 1e-9);
149  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(value2_xyz, b2_xyz, 1e-9);
150 }
152 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(bfield_symmetry) {
153  // create grid values
154  std::vector<double> rPos = {0., 1., 2.};
155  std::vector<double> xPos = {0., 1., 2.};
156  std::vector<double> yPos = {0., 1., 2.};
157  std::vector<double> zPos = {0., 1., 2.};
158  // the bfield values in rz
159  std::vector<Acts::Vector2> bField_rz;
160  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
161  bField_rz.push_back(Acts::Vector2(i, i));
162  }
163  // the field map in rz
164  auto map_rz = Acts::fieldMapRZ(
165  [](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
166  return ( * +;
167  },
168  rPos, zPos, bField_rz, 1, 1, true);
170  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
171  std::vector<size_t> nBins_rz = {rPos.size(), 2 * zPos.size() - 1};
172  std::vector<double> minima_rz = {0., -2.};
173  std::vector<double> maxima_rz = {2., 2.};
174  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getNBins() == nBins_rz);
175  auto vec = map_rz.getNBins();
176  auto vec0 = map_rz.getMin();
177  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
178  // assigned to the left boundary)
179  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getMin() == minima_rz);
180  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
181  // always assigned to the left boundary)
182  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getMax() == maxima_rz);
184  // the bfield values in xyz
185  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> bField_xyz;
186  for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
187  bField_xyz.push_back(Acts::Vector3(i, i, i));
188  }
189  // the field map in xyz
190  auto map_xyz = Acts::fieldMapXYZ(
191  [](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
192  return ( * ( * +
193 * +;
194  },
195  xPos, yPos, zPos, bField_xyz, 1, 1, true);
197  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
198  std::vector<size_t> nBins_xyz = {2 * xPos.size() - 1, 2 * yPos.size() - 1,
199  2 * zPos.size() - 1};
200  std::vector<double> minima_xyz = {-2., -2., -2.};
201  std::vector<double> maxima_xyz = {2., 2., 2.};
202  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getNBins() == nBins_xyz);
203  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
204  // assigned to the left boundary)
205  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getMin() == minima_xyz);
206  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
207  // always assigned to the left boundary)
208  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getMax() == maxima_xyz);
210  Acts::Vector3 pos0(1.2, 1.3, 1.4);
211  Acts::Vector3 pos1(1.2, 1.3, -1.4);
212  Acts::Vector3 pos2(-1.2, 1.3, 1.4);
213  Acts::Vector3 pos3(1.2, -1.3, 1.4);
214  Acts::Vector3 pos4(-1.2, -1.3, 1.4);
216  auto value0_rz = map_rz.getField(pos0).value();
217  auto value1_rz = map_rz.getField(pos1).value();
218  auto value2_rz = map_rz.getField(pos2).value();
219  auto value3_rz = map_rz.getField(pos3).value();
220  auto value4_rz = map_rz.getField(pos4).value();
222  auto value0_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos0).value();
223  auto value1_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos1).value();
224  auto value2_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos2).value();
225  auto value3_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos3).value();
226  auto value4_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos4).value();
228  // check z- and phi-symmetry
229  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value1_rz), 1e-10);
230  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value1_rz.z(), 1e-10);
231  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value2_rz), 1e-10);
232  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value2_rz.z(), 1e-10);
233  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value3_rz), 1e-10);
234  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value3_rz.z(), 1e-10);
235  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value4_rz), 1e-10);
236  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value4_rz.z(), 1e-10);
238  // checkx-,y-,z-symmetry - need to check close (because of interpolation
239  // there can be small differences)
240  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value1_xyz, 1e-10);
241  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value2_xyz, 1e-10);
242  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value3_xyz, 1e-10);
243  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value4_xyz, 1e-10);
244 }
248  bfield_symmetry_random,
249  bdata::random(
250  (bdata::seed = 0,
251  bdata::distribution = std::uniform_real_distribution<>(-10., 10.))) ^
252  bdata::random((bdata::seed = 0,
253  bdata::distribution =
254  std::uniform_real_distribution<>(-10., 10.))) ^
255  bdata::random((bdata::seed = 0,
256  bdata::distribution =
257  std::uniform_real_distribution<>(-20., 20.))) ^
258  bdata::xrange(10),
259  x, y, z, index) {
260  (void)index;
262  std::vector<double> rPos;
263  std::vector<double> xPos;
264  std::vector<double> yPos;
265  std::vector<double> zPos;
266  double maxR = 20.;
267  double maxZ = 30.;
268  double maxBr = 10.;
269  double maxBz = 20.;
270  size_t nBins = 10;
271  double stepR = maxR / nBins;
272  double stepZ = maxZ / nBins;
273  double bStepR = maxBr / nBins;
274  double bStepZ = maxBz / nBins;
276  for (size_t i = 0; i < nBins; i++) {
277  rPos.push_back(i * stepR);
278  xPos.push_back(i * stepR);
279  yPos.push_back(i * stepR);
280  zPos.push_back(i * stepZ);
281  }
282  // bfield in rz
283  std::vector<Acts::Vector2> bField_rz;
284  for (size_t i = 0; i < nBins * nBins; i++) {
285  bField_rz.push_back(Acts::Vector2(i * bStepR, i * bStepZ));
286  }
287  // the map in rz
288  auto map_rz = Acts::fieldMapRZ(
289  [](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
290  return ( * +;
291  },
292  rPos, zPos, bField_rz, 1, 1, true);
294  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
295  std::vector<size_t> nBins_rz = {rPos.size(), 2 * zPos.size() - 1};
296  std::vector<double> minima_rz = {0., -((nBins - 1) * stepZ)};
297  std::vector<double> maxima_rz = {(nBins - 1) * stepR, (nBins - 1) * stepZ};
298  BOOST_CHECK(map_rz.getNBins() == nBins_rz);
299  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
300  // assigned to the left boundary)
301  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(map_rz.getMin(), minima_rz, 1e-10);
302  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
303  // always assigned to the left boundary)
304  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(map_rz.getMax(), maxima_rz, 1e-10);
306  // bfield in xyz
307  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> bField_xyz;
308  for (size_t i = 0; i < nBins * nBins * nBins; i++) {
309  bField_xyz.push_back(Acts::Vector3(i * bStepR, i * bStepR, i * bStepZ));
310  }
311  // the map in xyz
312  auto map_xyz = Acts::fieldMapXYZ(
313  [](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
314  return ( * ( * +
315 * +;
316  },
317  xPos, yPos, zPos, bField_xyz, 1, 1, true);
318  // check number of bins, minima & maxima
319  std::vector<size_t> nBins_xyz = {2 * xPos.size() - 1, 2 * yPos.size() - 1,
320  2 * zPos.size() - 1};
321  std::vector<double> minima_xyz = {
322  -((nBins - 1) * stepR), -((nBins - 1) * stepR), -((nBins - 1) * stepZ)};
323  std::vector<double> maxima_xyz = {(nBins - 1) * stepR, (nBins - 1) * stepR,
324  (nBins - 1) * stepZ};
325  BOOST_CHECK(map_xyz.getNBins() == nBins_xyz);
326  // check minimum (should be first value because bin values are always
327  // assigned to the left boundary)
328  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(map_xyz.getMin(), minima_xyz, 1e-10);
329  // check maximum (should be last value + 1 step because bin values are
330  // always assigned to the left boundary)
331  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(map_xyz.getMax(), maxima_xyz, 1e-10);
333  Acts::Vector3 pos0(x, y, z);
334  Acts::Vector3 pos1(x, y, -z);
335  Acts::Vector3 pos2(-x, y, z);
336  Acts::Vector3 pos3(x, -y, z);
337  Acts::Vector3 pos4(-x, -y, z);
339  auto value0_rz = map_rz.getField(pos0).value();
340  auto value1_rz = map_rz.getField(pos1).value();
341  auto value2_rz = map_rz.getField(pos2).value();
342  auto value3_rz = map_rz.getField(pos3).value();
343  auto value4_rz = map_rz.getField(pos4).value();
345  // check z- and phi-symmetry
346  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value1_rz), 1e-10);
347  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value1_rz.z(), 1e-10);
348  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value2_rz), 1e-10);
349  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value2_rz.z(), 1e-10);
350  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value3_rz), 1e-10);
351  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value3_rz.z(), 1e-10);
352  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(perp(value0_rz), perp(value4_rz), 1e-10);
353  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_rz.z(), value4_rz.z(), 1e-10);
355  auto value0_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos0).value();
356  auto value1_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos1).value();
357  auto value2_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos2).value();
358  auto value3_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos3).value();
359  auto value4_xyz = map_xyz.getField(pos4).value();
361  // checkx-,y-,z-symmetry - need to check close (because of interpolation
362  // there can be small differences)
363  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value1_xyz, 1e-10);
364  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value2_xyz, 1e-10);
365  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value3_xyz, 1e-10);
366  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(value0_xyz, value4_xyz, 1e-10);
367 }
368 } // namespace Test
369 } // namespace Acts