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3 #include <calobase/RawCluster.h>
4 #include <calobase/RawClusterContainer.h>
5 #include <calobase/RawClusterv1.h>
6 #include <calobase/RawTowerDefs.h> // for encode_towerid, Calorime...
7 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
8 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
9 #include <calobase/TowerInfo.h> // for TowerInfo
10 #include <calobase/TowerInfoContainer.h> // for TowerInfoContainer
13 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h>
15 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
16 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
17 #include <phool/PHNode.h>
18 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
19 #include <phool/PHObject.h>
20 #include <phool/getClass.h>
21 #include <phool/phool.h>
23 #include <algorithm>
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <cstdlib> // for abs
26 #include <exception>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <iterator> // for begin, end
29 #include <list>
30 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<>::valu...
31 #include <stdexcept>
32 #include <utility>
33 #include <vector>
35 bool sort_by_pair_second(const std::pair<int, float> &a, const std::pair<int, float> &b)
36 {
37  return (a.second > b.second);
38 }
41  {2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 33, 37, 41, 44,
42  48, 52, 55, 59, 63, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90};
45  {5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 32, 36, 40, 43, 47,
46  51, 54, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93};
49  -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
50  2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5,
51  5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8,
52  8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11,
53  12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15,
54  15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18,
55  18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21,
56  21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, -1, -1};
58 float RawClusterBuilderTopo::calculate_dR(float eta1, float eta2, float phi1, float phi2)
59 {
60  float deta = eta1 - eta2;
61  float dphi = phi1 - phi2;
62  while (dphi > M_PI)
63  {
64  dphi -= 2 * M_PI;
65  }
66  while (dphi < -M_PI)
67  {
68  dphi += 2 * M_PI;
69  }
70  return sqrt(pow(deta, 2) + pow(dphi, 2));
71 }
74 {
75  int this_layer = get_ilayer_from_ID(ID);
76  int this_eta = get_ieta_from_ID(ID);
77  int this_phi = get_iphi_from_ID(ID);
79  std::vector<int> adjacent_towers;
81  // for both IHCal and OHCal, add adjacent layers in the HCal
82  if (this_layer == 0 || this_layer == 1)
83  {
84  for (int delta_layer = 0; delta_layer <= 1; delta_layer++)
85  {
86  for (int delta_eta = -1; delta_eta <= 1; delta_eta++)
87  {
88  for (int delta_phi = -1; delta_phi <= 1; delta_phi++)
89  {
90  if (delta_layer == 0 && delta_eta == 0 && delta_phi == 0)
91  {
92  continue; // this is the same tower
93  }
95  int test_eta = this_eta + delta_eta;
96  if (test_eta < 0 || test_eta >= _HCAL_NETA)
97  {
98  continue;
99  } // ignore if at the (eta) edge of calorimeter
101  int test_layer = (this_layer + delta_layer) % 2; // wrap around in layer
102  int test_phi = (this_phi + delta_phi + _HCAL_NPHI) % _HCAL_NPHI; // wrap around in phi (add 64 to avoid -1)
104  // disallow "corner" adjacency (diagonal in eta/phi plane and in different layer) if this option not enabled
105  if (!_allow_corner_neighbor && delta_layer == 1 && abs(delta_phi) == 1 && abs(delta_eta) == 1)
106  {
107  if (Verbosity() > 20)
108  {
109  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::get_adjacent_towers_by_ID : corner growth not allowed " << std::endl;
110  }
111  continue;
112  }
114  // add to list of adjacent towers
115  adjacent_towers.push_back(get_ID(test_layer, test_eta, test_phi));
116  }
117  }
118  }
119  }
121  // for IHCal only, also add 4x4 group of EMCal towers
122  if (this_layer == 0 && _enable_EMCal)
123  {
124  int EMCal_phi_start = get_first_matching_EMCal_phi_from_IHCal(this_phi);
125  int EMCal_eta_start = RawClusterBuilderTopo_constants_EMCal_eta_start_given_IHCal[this_eta];
126  int EMCal_eta_end = RawClusterBuilderTopo_constants_EMCal_eta_end_given_IHCal[this_eta];
128  for (int new_eta = EMCal_eta_start; new_eta <= EMCal_eta_end; new_eta++)
129  {
130  for (int delta_phi = 0; delta_phi < 4; delta_phi++)
131  {
132  int new_phi = (EMCal_phi_start + delta_phi + _EMCAL_NPHI) % _EMCAL_NPHI;
134  int EMCal_tower = get_ID(2, new_eta, new_phi);
135  if (Verbosity() > 20)
136  {
137  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::get_adjacent_towers_by_ID : HCal tower with eta / phi = " << this_eta << " / " << this_phi << ", adding EMCal tower with eta / phi = " << new_eta << " / " << new_phi << std::endl;
138  }
139  adjacent_towers.push_back(EMCal_tower);
140  }
141  }
142  }
144  // for EMCal, add adjacent EMCal towers and (usually) one IHCal tower
145  if (this_layer == 2)
146  {
147  // EMCal towers first
148  for (int delta_eta = -1; delta_eta <= 1; delta_eta++)
149  {
150  for (int delta_phi = -1; delta_phi <= 1; delta_phi++)
151  {
152  if (delta_eta == 0 && delta_phi == 0)
153  {
154  continue; // this is the same tower
155  }
157  int test_eta = this_eta + delta_eta;
158  if (test_eta < 0 || test_eta >= _EMCAL_NETA)
159  {
160  continue;
161  } // ignore if at the (eta) edge of calorimeter
163  int test_phi = (this_phi + delta_phi + _EMCAL_NPHI) % _EMCAL_NPHI; // wrap around in phi (add 256 to avoid -1)
165  // add to list of adjacent towers
166  adjacent_towers.push_back(get_ID(this_layer, test_eta, test_phi));
167  }
168  }
170  // now add IHCal towers
171  if (_enable_HCal)
172  {
174  int HCal_phi = get_matching_HCal_phi_from_EMCal(this_phi);
176  if (HCal_eta >= 0)
177  {
178  int IHCal_tower = get_ID(0, HCal_eta, HCal_phi);
179  if (Verbosity() > 20)
180  {
181  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::get_adjacent_towers_by_ID : EMCal tower with eta / phi = " << this_eta << " / " << this_phi << ", adding IHCal tower with eta / phi = " << HCal_eta << " / " << HCal_phi << std::endl;
182  }
183  adjacent_towers.push_back(IHCal_tower);
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  if (Verbosity() > 20)
188  {
189  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::get_adjacent_towers_by_ID : EMCal tower with eta / phi = " << this_eta << " / " << this_phi << ", does not have matching IHCal due to large eta " << std::endl;
190  }
191  }
192  }
193  }
195  return adjacent_towers;
196 }
198 void RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_single_cluster(const std::vector<int> &original_towers)
199 {
200  if (Verbosity() > 2)
201  {
202  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_single_cluster called " << std::endl;
203  }
205  std::map<int, std::pair<int, int> > tower_ownership;
206  for (const int &original_tower : original_towers)
207  {
208  tower_ownership[original_tower] = std::pair<int, int>(0, -1); // all towers owned by cluster 0
209  }
210  export_clusters(original_towers, tower_ownership, 1, std::vector<float>(), std::vector<float>(), std::vector<float>());
212  return;
213 }
215 void RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_clusters(const std::vector<int> &original_towers, std::map<int, std::pair<int, int> > tower_ownership, unsigned int n_clusters, std::vector<float> pseudocluster_sumE, std::vector<float> pseudocluster_eta, std::vector<float> pseudocluster_phi)
216 {
217  if (n_clusters != 1) // if we didn't just pass down from export_single_cluster
218  {
219  if (Verbosity() > 2)
220  {
221  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_clusters called on an initial cluster with " << n_clusters << " final clusters " << std::endl;
222  }
223  }
224  // build a RawCluster for output
225  std::vector<RawCluster *> clusters;
226  std::vector<float> clusters_E;
227  std::vector<float> clusters_x;
228  std::vector<float> clusters_y;
229  std::vector<float> clusters_z;
231  for (unsigned int pc = 0; pc < n_clusters; pc++)
232  {
233  clusters.push_back(new RawClusterv1());
234  clusters_E.push_back(0);
235  clusters_x.push_back(0);
236  clusters_y.push_back(0);
237  clusters_z.push_back(0);
238  }
240  for (int original_tower : original_towers)
241  {
242  int this_ID = original_tower;
243  std::pair<int, int> the_pair = tower_ownership[this_ID];
245  if (Verbosity() > 5)
246  {
247  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_clusters -> assigning tower " << original_tower << " with ownership ( " << the_pair.first << ", " << the_pair.second << " ) " << std::endl;
248  }
249  int this_ieta = get_ieta_from_ID(this_ID);
250  int this_iphi = get_iphi_from_ID(this_ID);
251  int this_layer = get_ilayer_from_ID(this_ID);
252  float this_E = get_E_from_ID(this_ID);
254  int this_key = 0;
255  if (this_layer == 2)
256  {
257  this_key = _EMTOWERMAP_KEY_ETA_PHI[this_ieta][this_iphi];
258  }
259  else
260  {
261  this_key = _TOWERMAP_KEY_LAYER_ETA_PHI[this_layer][this_ieta][this_iphi];
262  }
264  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = _geom_containers[this_layer]->get_tower_geometry(this_key);
266  if (the_pair.second == -1)
267  {
268  // assigned only to one cluster, easy
269  clusters[the_pair.first]->addTower(this_key, this_E);
270  clusters_E[the_pair.first] = clusters_E[the_pair.first] + this_E;
271  clusters_x[the_pair.first] = clusters_x[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_x();
272  clusters_y[the_pair.first] = clusters_y[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_y();
273  clusters_z[the_pair.first] = clusters_z[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_z();
275  if (Verbosity() > 5)
276  {
277  std::cout << " -> tower ID " << this_ID << " fully assigned to pseudocluster " << the_pair.first << std::endl;
278  }
279  }
280  else
281  {
282  // assigned to two clusters! get energy sharing fraction ...
283  float dR1 = calculate_dR(tower_geom->get_eta(), pseudocluster_eta[the_pair.first], tower_geom->get_phi(), pseudocluster_phi[the_pair.first]) / _R_shower;
284  float dR2 = calculate_dR(tower_geom->get_eta(), pseudocluster_eta[the_pair.second], tower_geom->get_phi(), pseudocluster_phi[the_pair.second]) / _R_shower;
285  float r = std::exp(dR1 - dR2);
286  float frac1 = pseudocluster_sumE[the_pair.first] / (pseudocluster_sumE[the_pair.first] + r * pseudocluster_sumE[the_pair.second]);
288  if (Verbosity() > 5)
289  {
290  std::cout << " tower ID " << this_ID << " has dR1 = " << dR1 << " to pseudocluster " << the_pair.first << " , and dR2 = " << dR2 << " to pseudocluster " << the_pair.second << ", so frac1 = " << frac1 << std::endl;
291  }
292  clusters[the_pair.first]->addTower(this_key, this_E * frac1);
293  clusters_E[the_pair.first] = clusters_E[the_pair.first] + this_E * frac1;
294  clusters_x[the_pair.first] = clusters_x[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_x() * frac1;
295  clusters_y[the_pair.first] = clusters_y[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_y() * frac1;
296  clusters_z[the_pair.first] = clusters_z[the_pair.first] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_z() * frac1;
298  clusters[the_pair.second]->addTower(this_key, this_E * (1 - frac1));
299  clusters_E[the_pair.second] = clusters_E[the_pair.second] + this_E * (1 - frac1);
300  clusters_x[the_pair.second] = clusters_x[the_pair.second] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_x() * (1 - frac1);
301  clusters_y[the_pair.second] = clusters_y[the_pair.second] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_y() * (1 - frac1);
302  clusters_z[the_pair.second] = clusters_z[the_pair.second] + this_E * tower_geom->get_center_z() * (1 - frac1);
303  }
304  }
306  // iterate through and add to official container
308  for (unsigned int cl = 0; cl < n_clusters; cl++)
309  {
310  clusters[cl]->set_energy(clusters_E[cl]);
312  float mean_x = clusters_x[cl] / clusters_E[cl];
313  float mean_y = clusters_y[cl] / clusters_E[cl];
314  float mean_z = clusters_z[cl] / clusters_E[cl];
316  clusters[cl]->set_r(std::sqrt(mean_y * mean_y + mean_x * mean_x));
317  clusters[cl]->set_phi(std::atan2(mean_y, mean_x));
318  clusters[cl]->set_z(mean_z);
320  _clusters->AddCluster(clusters[cl]);
322  if (Verbosity() > 1)
323  {
324  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::export_clusters: added cluster with E = " << clusters_E[cl] << ", eta = " << -1 * log(tan(std::atan2(std::sqrt(mean_y * mean_y + mean_x * mean_x), mean_z) / 2.0)) << ", phi = " << std::atan2(mean_y, mean_x) << std::endl;
325  }
326  }
328  return;
329 }
332  : SubsysReco(name)
333 {
334  // geometry defined at run-time
335  _EMCAL_NETA = -1;
336  _EMCAL_NPHI = -1;
338  _HCAL_NETA = -1;
339  _HCAL_NPHI = -1;
340  std::fill(std::begin(_geom_containers), std::end(_geom_containers), nullptr);
341  _noise_LAYER[0] = 0.0025;
342  _noise_LAYER[1] = 0.006;
343  _noise_LAYER[2] = 0.03; // EM
345  _sigma_seed = 4.0;
346  _sigma_grow = 2.0;
347  _sigma_peri = 0.0;
349  _allow_corner_neighbor = true;
351  _enable_HCal = true;
352  _enable_EMCal = true;
354  _do_split = true;
355  _R_shower = 0.025;
357  _local_max_minE_LAYER[0] = 1;
358  _local_max_minE_LAYER[1] = 1;
359  _local_max_minE_LAYER[2] = 1;
361  ClusterNodeName = "TOPOCLUSTER_HCAL";
362 }
365 {
366  try
367  {
368  CreateNodes(topNode);
369  }
370  catch (std::exception &e)
371  {
372  std::cout << PHWHERE << ": " << e.what() << std::endl;
373  throw;
374  }
376  if (Verbosity() > 0)
377  {
378  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with EMCal enable = " << _enable_EMCal << " and I+OHCal enable = " << _enable_HCal << std::endl;
379  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with sigma_noise in EMCal / IHCal / OHCal = " << _noise_LAYER[2] << " / " << _noise_LAYER[0] << " / " << _noise_LAYER[1] << std::endl;
380  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with noise multiples for seeding / growth / perimeter ( S / N / P ) = " << _sigma_seed << " / " << _sigma_grow << " / " << _sigma_peri << std::endl;
381  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with allow_corner_neighbor = " << _allow_corner_neighbor << " (in HCal)" << std::endl;
382  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with do_split = " << _do_split << " , R_shower = " << _R_shower << " (angular units) " << std::endl;
383  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::InitRun: initialized with minE for local max in EMCal / IHCal / OHCal = " << _local_max_minE_LAYER[2] << " / " << _local_max_minE_LAYER[0] << " / " << _local_max_minE_LAYER[1] << std::endl;
384  }
387 }
390 {
391  TowerInfoContainer *towerinfosEM = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC");
392  TowerInfoContainer *towerinfosIH = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALIN");
393  TowerInfoContainer *towerinfosOH = findNode::getClass<TowerInfoContainer>(topNode, "TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALOUT");
395  if (!towerinfosEM)
396  {
397  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
399  }
400  if (!towerinfosIH)
401  {
402  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALIN does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
404  }
405  if (!towerinfosOH)
406  {
407  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALOUT does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
409  }
411  _geom_containers[0] = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
412  _geom_containers[1] = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
413  _geom_containers[2] = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_CEMC");
415  if (!_geom_containers[0])
416  {
417  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERGEOM_HCALIN does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
419  }
420  if (!_geom_containers[1])
421  {
422  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
424  }
425  if (!_geom_containers[2])
426  {
427  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : container TOWERGEOM_CEMC does not exist, aborting " << std::endl;
429  }
431  if (Verbosity() > 10)
432  {
433  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: " << towerinfosEM->size() << " TOWERINFO_CALIB_CEMC towers" << std::endl;
434  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: " << towerinfosIH->size() << " TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALIN towers" << std::endl;
435  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: " << towerinfosOH->size() << " TOWERINFO_CALIB_HCALOUT towers" << std::endl;
437  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: pointer to TOWERGEOM_CEMC: " << _geom_containers[2] << std::endl;
438  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: pointer to TOWERGEOM_HCALIN: " << _geom_containers[0] << std::endl;
439  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: pointer to TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT: " << _geom_containers[1] << std::endl;
440  }
442  if (_EMCAL_NETA < 0)
443  {
444  // define geometry only once if it has not been yet
445  _EMCAL_NETA = _geom_containers[2]->get_etabins();
446  _EMCAL_NPHI = _geom_containers[2]->get_phibins();
448  _EMTOWERMAP_STATUS_ETA_PHI.resize(_EMCAL_NETA, std::vector<int>(_EMCAL_NPHI, -2));
449  _EMTOWERMAP_KEY_ETA_PHI.resize(_EMCAL_NETA, std::vector<int>(_EMCAL_NPHI, 0));
450  _EMTOWERMAP_E_ETA_PHI.resize(_EMCAL_NETA, std::vector<float>(_EMCAL_NPHI, 0));
451  }
453  if (_HCAL_NETA < 0)
454  {
455  // define geometry only once if it has not been yet
456  _HCAL_NETA = _geom_containers[1]->get_etabins();
457  _HCAL_NPHI = _geom_containers[1]->get_phibins();
459  _TOWERMAP_STATUS_LAYER_ETA_PHI.resize(2, std::vector<std::vector<int> >(_HCAL_NETA, std::vector<int>(_HCAL_NPHI, -2)));
460  _TOWERMAP_KEY_LAYER_ETA_PHI.resize(2, std::vector<std::vector<int> >(_HCAL_NETA, std::vector<int>(_HCAL_NPHI, 0)));
461  _TOWERMAP_E_LAYER_ETA_PHI.resize(2, std::vector<std::vector<float> >(_HCAL_NETA, std::vector<float>(_HCAL_NPHI, 0)));
462  }
464  // reset maps
465  // but note -- do not reset keys!
466  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < _EMCAL_NETA; ieta++)
467  {
468  for (int iphi = 0; iphi < _EMCAL_NPHI; iphi++)
469  {
470  _EMTOWERMAP_STATUS_ETA_PHI[ieta][iphi] = -2; // set tower does not exist
471  _EMTOWERMAP_E_ETA_PHI[ieta][iphi] = 0; // set zero energy
472  }
473  }
474  for (int ilayer = 0; ilayer < 2; ilayer++)
475  {
476  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < _HCAL_NETA; ieta++)
477  {
478  for (int iphi = 0; iphi < _HCAL_NPHI; iphi++)
479  {
480  _TOWERMAP_STATUS_LAYER_ETA_PHI[ilayer][ieta][iphi] = -2; // set tower does not exist
481  _TOWERMAP_E_LAYER_ETA_PHI[ilayer][ieta][iphi] = 0; // set zero energy
482  }
483  }
484  }
486  // setup
487  std::vector<std::pair<int, float> > list_of_seeds;
489  // translate towers to our internal representation
490  if (_enable_EMCal)
491  {
492  TowerInfo *towerInfo = nullptr;
493  for (unsigned int iEM = 0; iEM < towerinfosEM->size(); iEM++)
494  {
495  towerInfo = towerinfosEM->get_tower_at_channel(iEM);
496  unsigned int towerinfo_key = towerinfosEM->encode_key(iEM);
497  int ti_ieta = towerinfosEM->getTowerEtaBin(towerinfo_key);
498  int ti_iphi = towerinfosEM->getTowerPhiBin(towerinfo_key);
501  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = _geom_containers[2]->get_tower_geometry(key);
503  int ieta = _geom_containers[2]->get_etabin(tower_geom->get_eta());
504  int iphi = _geom_containers[2]->get_phibin(tower_geom->get_phi());
505  float this_E = towerInfo->get_energy();
507  if (this_E < 1.E-10)
508  {
509  continue;
510  }
512  _EMTOWERMAP_STATUS_ETA_PHI[ieta][iphi] = -1; // change status to unknown
513  _EMTOWERMAP_E_ETA_PHI[ieta][iphi] = this_E;
514  _EMTOWERMAP_KEY_ETA_PHI[ieta][iphi] = key;
516  if (this_E > _sigma_seed * _noise_LAYER[2])
517  {
518  int ID = get_ID(2, ieta, iphi);
519  list_of_seeds.emplace_back(ID, this_E);
520  if (Verbosity() > 10)
521  {
522  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: adding EMCal tower at ieta / iphi = " << ieta << " / " << iphi << " with E = " << this_E << std::endl;
523  std::cout << " --> ID = " << ID << " , check ilayer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(ID) << std::endl;
524  };
525  }
526  }
527  }
529  // translate towers to our internal representation
530  if (_enable_HCal)
531  {
532  TowerInfo *towerInfo = nullptr;
533  for (unsigned int iIH = 0; iIH < towerinfosIH->size(); iIH++)
534  {
535  towerInfo = towerinfosIH->get_tower_at_channel(iIH);
536  unsigned int towerinfo_key = towerinfosIH->encode_key(iIH);
537  int ti_ieta = towerinfosIH->getTowerEtaBin(towerinfo_key);
538  int ti_iphi = towerinfosIH->getTowerPhiBin(towerinfo_key);
541  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = _geom_containers[0]->get_tower_geometry(key);
543  int ieta = _geom_containers[0]->get_etabin(tower_geom->get_eta());
544  int iphi = _geom_containers[0]->get_phibin(tower_geom->get_phi());
545  float this_E = towerInfo->get_energy();
547  if (this_E < 1.E-10)
548  {
549  continue;
550  }
552  _TOWERMAP_STATUS_LAYER_ETA_PHI[0][ieta][iphi] = -1; // change status to unknown
553  _TOWERMAP_E_LAYER_ETA_PHI[0][ieta][iphi] = this_E;
554  _TOWERMAP_KEY_LAYER_ETA_PHI[0][ieta][iphi] = key;
556  if (this_E > _sigma_seed * _noise_LAYER[0])
557  {
558  int ID = get_ID(0, ieta, iphi);
559  list_of_seeds.emplace_back(ID, this_E);
560  if (Verbosity() > 10)
561  {
562  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: adding IHCal tower at ieta / iphi = " << ieta << " / " << iphi << " with E = " << this_E << std::endl;
563  std::cout << " --> ID = " << ID << " , check ilayer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(ID) << std::endl;
564  };
565  }
566  }
568  for (unsigned int iOH = 0; iOH < towerinfosOH->size(); iOH++)
569  {
570  towerInfo = towerinfosOH->get_tower_at_channel(iOH);
571  unsigned int towerinfo_key = towerinfosOH->encode_key(iOH);
572  int ti_ieta = towerinfosOH->getTowerEtaBin(towerinfo_key);
573  int ti_iphi = towerinfosOH->getTowerPhiBin(towerinfo_key);
576  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = _geom_containers[1]->get_tower_geometry(key);
578  int ieta = _geom_containers[1]->get_etabin(tower_geom->get_eta());
579  int iphi = _geom_containers[1]->get_phibin(tower_geom->get_phi());
580  float this_E = towerInfo->get_energy();
582  if (this_E < 1.E-10)
583  {
584  continue;
585  }
587  _TOWERMAP_STATUS_LAYER_ETA_PHI[1][ieta][iphi] = -1; // change status to unknown
588  _TOWERMAP_E_LAYER_ETA_PHI[1][ieta][iphi] = this_E;
589  _TOWERMAP_KEY_LAYER_ETA_PHI[1][ieta][iphi] = key;
591  if (this_E > _sigma_seed * _noise_LAYER[1])
592  {
593  int ID = get_ID(1, ieta, iphi);
594  list_of_seeds.emplace_back(ID, this_E);
595  if (Verbosity() > 10)
596  {
597  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: adding OHCal tower at ieta / iphi = " << ieta << " / " << iphi << " with E = " << this_E << std::endl;
598  std::cout << " --> ID = " << ID << " , check ilayer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(ID) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(ID) << std::endl;
599  };
600  }
601  }
602  }
604  if (Verbosity() > 10)
605  {
606  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < list_of_seeds.size(); n++)
607  {
608  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: unsorted seed element n = " << n << " , ID / E = " << << " / " << << std::endl;
609  }
610  }
612  std::sort(list_of_seeds.begin(), list_of_seeds.end(), sort_by_pair_second);
614  if (Verbosity() > 10)
615  {
616  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < list_of_seeds.size(); n++)
617  {
618  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: sorted seed element n = " << n << " , ID / E = " << << " / " << << std::endl;
619  }
620  }
622  if (Verbosity() > 0)
623  {
624  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: initialized with " << list_of_seeds.size() << " seeds with E > 4*sigma " << std::endl;
625  }
627  int cluster_index = 0; // begin counting clusters
629  std::vector<std::vector<int> > all_cluster_towers; // store final cluster tower lists here
631  while (list_of_seeds.size() > 0)
632  {
633  int seed_ID =;
634  list_of_seeds.erase(list_of_seeds.begin());
636  if (Verbosity() > 5)
637  {
638  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: in seeded loop, current seed has ID = " << seed_ID << " , length of remaining seed vector = " << list_of_seeds.size() << std::endl;
639  }
641  // if this seed was already claimed by some other seed during its growth, remove it and do nothing
642  int seed_status = get_status_from_ID(seed_ID);
643  if (seed_status > -1)
644  {
645  if (Verbosity() > 10)
646  {
647  std::cout << " --> already owned by cluster # " << seed_status << std::endl;
648  }
649  continue; // go onto the next iteration of the loop
650  }
652  // this seed tower now owned by new cluster
653  set_status_by_ID(seed_ID, cluster_index);
655  std::vector<int> cluster_tower_ID;
656  cluster_tower_ID.push_back(seed_ID);
658  std::vector<int> grow_tower_ID;
659  grow_tower_ID.push_back(seed_ID);
661  // iteratively process growth towers, adding > 2 * sigma neighbors to the list for further checking
663  if (Verbosity() > 5)
664  {
665  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: Entering Growth stage for cluster " << cluster_index << std::endl;
666  }
668  while (grow_tower_ID.size() > 0)
669  {
670  int grow_ID =;
671  grow_tower_ID.erase(grow_tower_ID.begin());
673  if (Verbosity() > 5)
674  {
675  std::cout << " --> cluster " << cluster_index << ", growth stage, examining neighbors of ID " << grow_ID << ", " << grow_tower_ID.size() << " grow towers left" << std::endl;
676  }
678  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(grow_ID);
680  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
681  {
682  if (Verbosity() > 10)
683  {
684  std::cout << " --> --> --> checking possible adjacent tower with ID " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " : ";
685  }
686  int test_layer = get_ilayer_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
688  // if tower does not exist, continue
689  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) == -2)
690  {
691  if (Verbosity() > 10)
692  {
693  std::cout << "does not exist " << std::endl;
694  }
695  continue;
696  }
698  // if tower is owned by THIS cluster already, continue
699  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) == cluster_index)
700  {
701  if (Verbosity() > 10)
702  {
703  std::cout << "already owned by this cluster index " << cluster_index << std::endl;
704  }
705  continue;
706  }
708  // if tower has < 2*sigma energy, continue
709  if (get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) < _sigma_grow * _noise_LAYER[test_layer])
710  {
711  if (Verbosity() > 10)
712  {
713  std::cout << "E = " << get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) << " under 2*sigma threshold " << std::endl;
714  }
715  continue;
716  }
718  // if tower is owned by somebody else, continue (although should this really happen?)
719  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) > -1)
720  {
721  if (Verbosity() > 10)
722  {
723  std::cout << "ERROR! in growth stage, encountered >2sigma tower which is already owned?!" << std::endl;
724  }
725  continue;
726  }
728  // tower good to be added to cluster and to list of grow towers
729  grow_tower_ID.push_back(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
730  cluster_tower_ID.push_back(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
731  set_status_by_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID, cluster_index);
732  if (Verbosity() > 10)
733  {
734  std::cout << "add this tower ( ID " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " ) to grow list " << std::endl;
735  }
736  }
738  if (Verbosity() > 5)
739  {
740  std::cout << " --> after examining neighbors, grow list is now " << grow_tower_ID.size() << ", # of towers in cluster = " << cluster_tower_ID.size() << std::endl;
741  }
742  }
744  // done growing cluster, now add on perimeter towers with E > 0 * sigma
745  if (Verbosity() > 5)
746  {
747  std::cout << " RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: Entering Perimeter stage for cluster " << cluster_index << std::endl;
748  }
749  // we'll be adding on to the cluster list, so get the # of core towers first
750  int n_core_towers = cluster_tower_ID.size();
752  for (int ic = 0; ic < n_core_towers; ic++)
753  {
754  int core_ID =;
756  if (Verbosity() > 5)
757  {
758  std::cout << " --> cluster " << cluster_index << ", perimeter stage, examining neighbors of ID " << core_ID << ", core cluster # " << ic << " of " << n_core_towers << " total " << std::endl;
759  }
760  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(core_ID);
762  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
763  {
764  if (Verbosity() > 10)
765  {
766  std::cout << " --> --> --> checking possible adjacent tower with ID " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " : ";
767  }
769  int test_layer = get_ilayer_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
771  // if tower does not exist, continue
772  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) == -2)
773  {
774  if (Verbosity() > 10)
775  {
776  std::cout << "does not exist " << std::endl;
777  }
778  continue;
779  }
781  // if tower is owned by somebody else (including current cluster), continue. ( allowed during perimeter fixing state )
782  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) > -1)
783  {
784  if (Verbosity() > 10)
785  {
786  std::cout << "already owned by other cluster index " << get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) << std::endl;
787  }
788  continue;
789  }
791  // if tower has < 0*sigma energy, continue
792  if (get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) < _sigma_peri * _noise_LAYER[test_layer])
793  {
794  if (Verbosity() > 10)
795  {
796  std::cout << "E = " << get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) << " under 0*sigma threshold " << std::endl;
797  }
798  continue;
799  }
801  // perimeter tower good to be added to cluster
802  cluster_tower_ID.push_back(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
803  set_status_by_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID, cluster_index);
804  if (Verbosity() > 10)
805  {
806  std::cout << "add this tower ( ID " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " ) to cluster " << std::endl;
807  }
808  }
810  if (Verbosity() > 5)
811  {
812  std::cout << " --> after examining perimeter neighbors, # of towers in cluster is now = " << cluster_tower_ID.size() << std::endl;
813  }
814  }
816  // keep track of these
817  all_cluster_towers.push_back(cluster_tower_ID);
819  // increment cluster index for next one
820  cluster_index++;
821  }
823  if (Verbosity() > 0)
824  {
825  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: " << cluster_index << " topo-clusters initially reconstructed, entering splitting step" << std::endl;
826  }
828  int original_cluster_index = cluster_index; // since it may be updated
830  // now entering cluster splitting stage
832  for (int cl = 0; cl < original_cluster_index; cl++)
833  {
834  std::vector<int> original_towers =;
836  if (!_do_split)
837  {
838  // don't run splitting, just export entire cluster as it is
839  if (Verbosity() > 2)
840  {
841  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event: splitting step disabled, cluster " << cluster_index << " is final" << std::endl;
842  }
843  export_single_cluster(original_towers);
844  continue;
845  }
847  std::vector<std::pair<int, float> > local_maxima_ID;
849  // iterate through each tower, looking for maxima
850  for (int tower_ID : original_towers)
851  {
852  if (Verbosity() > 10)
853  {
854  std::cout << " -> examining tower ID " << tower_ID << " for possible local maximum " << std::endl;
855  }
857  // check minimum energy
858  if (get_E_from_ID(tower_ID) < _local_max_minE_LAYER[get_ilayer_from_ID(tower_ID)])
859  {
860  if (Verbosity() > 10)
861  {
862  std::cout << " -> -> energy E = " << get_E_from_ID(tower_ID) << " < " << _local_max_minE_LAYER[get_ilayer_from_ID(tower_ID)] << " too low" << std::endl;
863  }
864  continue;
865  }
867  // examine neighbors
868  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(tower_ID);
869  int neighbors_in_cluster = 0;
871  // check for higher neighbox
872  bool has_higher_neighbor = false;
873  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
874  {
875  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
876  {
877  continue; // only consider neighbors in cluster, obviously
878  }
880  neighbors_in_cluster++;
882  if (get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) > get_E_from_ID(tower_ID))
883  {
884  if (Verbosity() > 10)
885  {
886  std::cout << " -> -> has higher-energy neighbor ID / E = " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " / " << get_E_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) << std::endl;
887  }
888  has_higher_neighbor = true; // at this point we can break -- we won't need to count the number of good neighbors, since we won't even pass the E_neighbor test
889  break;
890  }
891  }
893  if (has_higher_neighbor)
894  {
895  continue; // if we broke out, now continue
896  }
898  // check number of neighbors
899  if (neighbors_in_cluster < 4)
900  {
901  if (Verbosity() > 10)
902  {
903  std::cout << " -> -> too few neighbors N = " << neighbors_in_cluster << std::endl;
904  }
905  continue;
906  }
908  local_maxima_ID.emplace_back(tower_ID, get_E_from_ID(tower_ID));
909  }
911  // check for possible EMCal-OHCal seed overlaps
912  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < local_maxima_ID.size(); n++)
913  {
914  // only look at I/OHCal local maxima
915  std::pair<int, float> this_LM =;
916  if (get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM.first) == 2)
917  {
918  continue;
919  }
921  float this_phi = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM.first)]->get_phicenter(get_iphi_from_ID(this_LM.first));
922  if (this_phi > M_PI)
923  {
924  this_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
925  }
926  float this_eta = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM.first)]->get_etacenter(get_ieta_from_ID(this_LM.first));
928  bool has_EM_overlap = false;
930  // check all other local maxima for overlaps
931  for (unsigned int n2 = 0; n2 < local_maxima_ID.size(); n2++)
932  {
933  if (n == n2)
934  {
935  continue; // don't check the same one
936  }
938  // only look at EMCal local mazima
939  std::pair<int, float> this_LM2 =;
940  if (get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM2.first) != 2)
941  {
942  continue;
943  }
945  float this_phi2 = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM2.first)]->get_phicenter(get_iphi_from_ID(this_LM2.first));
946  if (this_phi2 > M_PI)
947  {
948  this_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
949  }
950  float this_eta2 = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_LM2.first)]->get_etacenter(get_ieta_from_ID(this_LM2.first));
952  // calculate geometric dR
953  float dR = calculate_dR(this_eta, this_eta2, this_phi, this_phi2);
955  // check for and report overlaps
956  if (dR < 0.15)
957  {
958  has_EM_overlap = true;
959  if (Verbosity() > 2)
960  {
961  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event : removing I/OHal local maximum (ID,E,phi,eta = " << this_LM.first << ", " << this_LM.second << ", " << this_phi << ", " << this_eta << "), ";
962  std::cout << "due to EM overlap (ID,E,phi,eta = " << this_LM2.first << ", " << this_LM2.second << ", " << this_phi2 << ", " << this_eta2 << "), dR = " << dR << std::endl;
963  }
964  break;
965  }
966  }
968  if (has_EM_overlap)
969  {
970  // remove the I/OHCal local maximum from the list
971  local_maxima_ID.erase(local_maxima_ID.begin() + n);
972  // make sure to back up one index...
973  n = n - 1;
974  } // otherwise, keep this local maximum
975  }
977  // only now print out full set of local maxima
978  if (Verbosity() > 2)
979  {
980  for (auto this_LM : local_maxima_ID)
981  {
982  int tower_ID = this_LM.first;
983  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event in cluster " << cl << ", tower ID " << tower_ID << " is LOCAL MAXIMUM with layer / E = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(tower_ID) << " / " << get_E_from_ID(tower_ID) << ", ";
984  float this_phi = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(tower_ID)]->get_phicenter(get_iphi_from_ID(tower_ID));
985  if (this_phi > M_PI)
986  {
987  this_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
988  }
989  std::cout << " eta / phi = " << _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(tower_ID)]->get_etacenter(get_ieta_from_ID(tower_ID)) << " / " << this_phi << std::endl;
990  }
991  }
993  // do we have only 1 or 0 local maxima?
994  if (local_maxima_ID.size() <= 1)
995  {
996  if (Verbosity() > 2)
997  {
998  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event cluster " << cl << " has only " << local_maxima_ID.size() << " local maxima, not splitting " << std::endl;
999  }
1000  export_single_cluster(original_towers);
1002  continue;
1003  }
1005  // engage splitting procedure!
1007  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1008  {
1009  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event splitting cluster " << cl << " into " << local_maxima_ID.size() << " according to local maxima!" << std::endl;
1010  }
1011  // translate all cluster towers to a map which keeps track of their ownership
1012  // -1 means unseen
1013  // -2 means seen and in the seed list now (e.g. don't add it to the seed list again)
1014  // -3 shared tower, ignore going forward...
1015  std::map<int, std::pair<int, int> > tower_ownership;
1016  for (int &original_tower : original_towers)
1017  {
1018  tower_ownership[original_tower] = std::pair<int, int>(-1, -1); // initialize all towers as un-seen
1019  }
1020  std::vector<int> seed_list;
1021  std::vector<int> neighbor_list;
1022  std::vector<int> shared_list;
1024  // sort maxima before populating seed list
1025  std::sort(local_maxima_ID.begin(), local_maxima_ID.end(), sort_by_pair_second);
1027  // initialize neighbor list
1028  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < local_maxima_ID.size(); s++)
1029  {
1030  tower_ownership[] = std::pair<int, int>(s, -1);
1031  neighbor_list.push_back(;
1032  }
1034  if (Verbosity() > 100)
1035  {
1036  for (int &original_tower : original_towers)
1037  {
1038  std::pair<int, int> the_pair = tower_ownership[original_tower];
1039  std::cout << " Debug Pre-Split: tower_ownership[ " << original_tower << " ] = ( " << the_pair.first << ", " << the_pair.second << " ) ";
1040  std::cout << " , layer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(original_tower);
1041  std::cout << std::endl;
1042  }
1043  }
1045  bool first_pass = true;
1047  do
1048  {
1049  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1050  {
1051  std::cout << " -> starting split loop with " << seed_list.size() << " seed, " << neighbor_list.size() << " neighbor, and " << shared_list.size() << " shared towers " << std::endl;
1052  }
1053  // go through neighbor list, assigning ownership only via the seed list
1054  std::vector<int> new_ownerships;
1056  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < neighbor_list.size(); n++)
1057  {
1058  int neighbor_ID =;
1060  if (Verbosity() > 10)
1061  {
1062  std::cout << " -> -> looking at neighbor " << n << " (tower ID " << neighbor_ID << " ) of " << neighbor_list.size() << " total" << std::endl;
1063  }
1064  if (first_pass)
1065  {
1066  if (Verbosity() > 10)
1067  {
1068  std::cout << " -> -> -> special first pass rules, this tower already owned by pseudocluster " << tower_ownership[neighbor_ID].first << std::endl;
1069  }
1070  new_ownerships.push_back(tower_ownership[neighbor_ID].first);
1071  }
1072  else
1073  {
1074  std::map<int, bool> pseudocluster_adjacency;
1075  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < local_maxima_ID.size(); s++)
1076  {
1077  pseudocluster_adjacency[s] = false;
1078  }
1079  // look over all towers THIS one is adjacent to, and count up...
1080  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(neighbor_ID);
1082  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
1083  {
1084  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
1085  {
1086  continue;
1087  }
1089  if (tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first > -1)
1090  {
1091  if (Verbosity() > 20)
1092  {
1093  std::cout << " -> -> -> adjacent tower to this one, with ID " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " , is owned by pseudocluster " << tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first << std::endl;
1094  }
1095  pseudocluster_adjacency[tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first] = true;
1096  }
1097  }
1098  int n_pseudocluster_adjacent = 0;
1099  int last_adjacent_pseudocluster = -1;
1100  for (unsigned int s = 0; s < local_maxima_ID.size(); s++)
1101  {
1102  if (pseudocluster_adjacency[s])
1103  {
1104  last_adjacent_pseudocluster = s;
1105  n_pseudocluster_adjacent++;
1106  if (Verbosity() > 20)
1107  {
1108  std::cout << " -> -> adjacent to pseudocluster " << s << std::endl;
1109  }
1110  }
1111  }
1113  if (n_pseudocluster_adjacent == 0)
1114  {
1115  std::cout << " -> -> ERROR! How can a neighbor tower at this stage be adjacent to no pseudoclusters?? " << std::endl;
1116  new_ownerships.push_back(9999);
1117  }
1118  else if (n_pseudocluster_adjacent == 1)
1119  {
1120  if (Verbosity() > 10)
1121  {
1122  std::cout << " -> -> neighbor tower " << neighbor_ID << " is ONLY adjacent to one pseudocluster # " << last_adjacent_pseudocluster << std::endl;
1123  }
1124  new_ownerships.push_back(last_adjacent_pseudocluster);
1125  }
1126  else
1127  {
1128  if (Verbosity() > 10)
1129  {
1130  std::cout << " -> -> neighbor tower " << neighbor_ID << " is adjacent to " << n_pseudocluster_adjacent << " pseudoclusters, move to shared list " << std::endl;
1131  }
1132  new_ownerships.push_back(-3);
1133  }
1134  }
1135  }
1137  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1138  {
1139  std::cout << " -> now updating status of all " << neighbor_list.size() << " original neighbors " << std::endl;
1140  }
1141  // transfer neighbor list to seed list or shared list
1142  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < neighbor_list.size(); n++)
1143  {
1144  int neighbor_ID =;
1145  if ( > -1)
1146  {
1147  tower_ownership[neighbor_ID] = std::pair<int, int>(, -1);
1148  seed_list.push_back(neighbor_ID);
1149  if (Verbosity() > 20)
1150  {
1151  std::cout << " -> -> neighbor ID " << neighbor_ID << " has new status " << << std::endl;
1152  }
1153  }
1154  if ( == -3)
1155  {
1156  tower_ownership[neighbor_ID] = std::pair<int, int>(-3, -1);
1157  shared_list.push_back(neighbor_ID);
1158  if (Verbosity() > 20)
1159  {
1160  std::cout << " -> -> neighbor ID " << neighbor_ID << " has new status " << -3 << std::endl;
1161  }
1162  }
1163  }
1165  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1166  {
1167  std::cout << " producing a new neighbor list ... " << std::endl;
1168  }
1169  // populate a new neighbor list from the about-to-be-owned towers before transferring this one
1170  std::list<int> new_neighbor_list;
1171  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < neighbor_list.size(); n++)
1172  {
1173  int neighbor_ID =;
1174  if ( > -1)
1175  {
1176  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(neighbor_ID);
1178  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
1179  {
1180  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
1181  {
1182  continue;
1183  }
1184  if (tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first == -1)
1185  {
1186  new_neighbor_list.push_back(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
1187  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1188  {
1189  std::cout << " -> queueing up to add tower " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " , neighbor of tower " << neighbor_ID << " to new neighbor list" << std::endl;
1190  }
1191  }
1192  }
1193  }
1194  }
1196  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1197  {
1198  std::cout << " new neighbor list has size " << new_neighbor_list.size() << ", but after removing duplicate elements: ";
1199  new_neighbor_list.sort();
1200  new_neighbor_list.unique();
1201  std::cout << new_neighbor_list.size() << std::endl;
1202  }
1204  // clear neighbor list!
1205  neighbor_list.clear();
1207  // now transfer over new neighbor list
1208  for (; new_neighbor_list.size() > 0;)
1209  {
1210  neighbor_list.push_back(new_neighbor_list.front());
1211  new_neighbor_list.pop_front();
1212  }
1214  first_pass = false;
1216  } while (neighbor_list.size() > 0);
1218  if (Verbosity() > 100)
1219  {
1220  for (int &original_tower : original_towers)
1221  {
1222  std::pair<int, int> the_pair = tower_ownership[original_tower];
1223  std::cout << " Debug Mid-Split: tower_ownership[ " << original_tower << " ] = ( " << the_pair.first << ", " << the_pair.second << " ) ";
1224  std::cout << " , layer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(original_tower);
1225  std::cout << std::endl;
1226  if (the_pair.first == -1)
1227  {
1228  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(original_tower);
1230  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
1231  {
1232  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
1233  {
1234  continue;
1235  }
1236  std::cout << " -> adjacent to add tower " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " , which has status " << tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first << std::endl;
1237  }
1238  }
1239  }
1240  }
1242  // calculate pseudocluster energies and positions
1243  std::vector<float> pseudocluster_sumeta;
1244  std::vector<float> pseudocluster_sumphi;
1245  std::vector<float> pseudocluster_sumE;
1246  std::vector<int> pseudocluster_ntower;
1247  std::vector<float> pseudocluster_eta;
1248  std::vector<float> pseudocluster_phi;
1250  pseudocluster_sumeta.resize(local_maxima_ID.size(), 0);
1251  pseudocluster_sumphi.resize(local_maxima_ID.size(), 0);
1252  pseudocluster_sumE.resize(local_maxima_ID.size(), 0);
1253  pseudocluster_ntower.resize(local_maxima_ID.size(), 0);
1255  for (int &original_tower : original_towers)
1256  {
1257  std::pair<int, int> the_pair = tower_ownership[original_tower];
1258  if (the_pair.first > -1)
1259  {
1260  float this_ID = original_tower;
1261  pseudocluster_sumE[the_pair.first] += get_E_from_ID(this_ID);
1262  float this_eta = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_ID)]->get_etacenter(get_ieta_from_ID(this_ID));
1263  float this_phi = _geom_containers[get_ilayer_from_ID(this_ID)]->get_phicenter(get_iphi_from_ID(this_ID));
1264  // float this_phi = ( get_ilayer_from_ID( this_ID ) == 2 ? geomEM->get_phicenter( get_iphi_from_ID( this_ID ) ) : geomOH->get_phicenter( get_iphi_from_ID( this_ID ) ) );
1265  pseudocluster_sumeta[the_pair.first] += this_eta;
1266  pseudocluster_sumphi[the_pair.first] += this_phi;
1267  pseudocluster_ntower[the_pair.first] += 1;
1268  }
1269  }
1271  for (unsigned int pc = 0; pc < local_maxima_ID.size(); pc++)
1272  {
1273  pseudocluster_eta.push_back( /;
1274  pseudocluster_phi.push_back( /;
1276  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1277  {
1278  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event pseudocluster #" << pc << ", E / eta / phi / Ntower = " << << " / " << << " / " << << " / " << << std::endl;
1279  }
1280  }
1282  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1283  {
1284  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event now splitting up shared clusters (including unassigned clusters), initial shared list has size " << shared_list.size() << std::endl;
1285  }
1286  // iterate through shared cells, identifying which two they belong to
1287  while (shared_list.size() > 0)
1288  {
1289  // pick the first cell and pop off list
1290  int shared_ID =;
1291  shared_list.erase(shared_list.begin());
1293  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1294  {
1295  std::cout << " -> looking at shared tower " << shared_ID << ", after this one there are " << shared_list.size() << " shared towers left " << std::endl;
1296  }
1297  // look through adjacent pseudoclusters, taking two with highest energies
1298  std::vector<bool> pseudocluster_adjacency;
1299  pseudocluster_adjacency.resize(local_maxima_ID.size(), false);
1301  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(shared_ID);
1303  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
1304  {
1305  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
1306  {
1307  continue;
1308  }
1309  if (tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first > -1)
1310  {
1311  pseudocluster_adjacency[tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first] = true;
1312  }
1313  if (tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].second > -1)
1314  { // can inherit adjacency from shared cluster
1315  pseudocluster_adjacency[tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].second] = true;
1316  }
1317  // at the same time, add unowned towers to the list for later examination
1318  if (tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first == -1)
1319  {
1320  shared_list.push_back(this_adjacent_tower_ID);
1321  tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID] = std::pair<int, int>(-3, -1);
1322  if (Verbosity() > 10)
1323  {
1324  std::cout << " -> while looking at neighbors, have added un-examined tower " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " to shared list " << std::endl;
1325  }
1326  }
1327  }
1329  // now figure out which pseudoclustes this shared tower is adjacent to...
1330  int highest_pseudocluster_index = -1;
1331  int second_highest_pseudocluster_index = -1;
1333  float highest_pseudocluster_E = -1;
1334  float second_highest_pseudocluster_E = -2;
1336  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < pseudocluster_adjacency.size(); n++)
1337  {
1338  if (!pseudocluster_adjacency[n])
1339  {
1340  continue;
1341  }
1343  if (pseudocluster_sumE[n] > highest_pseudocluster_E)
1344  {
1345  second_highest_pseudocluster_E = highest_pseudocluster_E;
1346  second_highest_pseudocluster_index = highest_pseudocluster_index;
1348  highest_pseudocluster_E = pseudocluster_sumE[n];
1349  highest_pseudocluster_index = n;
1350  }
1351  else if (pseudocluster_sumE[n] > second_highest_pseudocluster_E)
1352  {
1353  second_highest_pseudocluster_E = pseudocluster_sumE[n];
1354  second_highest_pseudocluster_index = n;
1355  }
1356  }
1358  if (Verbosity() > 5)
1359  {
1360  std::cout << " -> highest pseudoclusters its adjacent to are " << highest_pseudocluster_index << " ( E = " << highest_pseudocluster_E << " ) and " << second_highest_pseudocluster_index << " ( E = " << second_highest_pseudocluster_E << " ) " << std::endl;
1361  }
1362  // assign these clusters as owners
1363  tower_ownership[shared_ID] = std::pair<int, int>(highest_pseudocluster_index, second_highest_pseudocluster_index);
1364  }
1366  if (Verbosity() > 100)
1367  {
1368  for (int &original_tower : original_towers)
1369  {
1370  std::pair<int, int> the_pair = tower_ownership[original_tower];
1371  std::cout << " Debug Post-Split: tower_ownership[ " << original_tower << " ] = ( " << the_pair.first << ", " << the_pair.second << " ) ";
1372  std::cout << " , layer / ieta / iphi = " << get_ilayer_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_ieta_from_ID(original_tower) << " / " << get_iphi_from_ID(original_tower);
1373  std::cout << std::endl;
1374  if (the_pair.first == -1)
1375  {
1376  std::vector<int> adjacent_tower_IDs = get_adjacent_towers_by_ID(original_tower);
1378  for (int this_adjacent_tower_ID : adjacent_tower_IDs)
1379  {
1380  if (get_status_from_ID(this_adjacent_tower_ID) != cl)
1381  {
1382  continue;
1383  }
1384  std::cout << " -> adjacent to add tower " << this_adjacent_tower_ID << " , which has status " << tower_ownership[this_adjacent_tower_ID].first << std::endl;
1385  }
1386  }
1387  }
1388  }
1390  // call helper function
1391  export_clusters(original_towers, tower_ownership, local_maxima_ID.size(), pseudocluster_sumE, pseudocluster_eta, pseudocluster_phi);
1392  }
1394  if (Verbosity() > 1)
1395  {
1396  std::cout << "RawClusterBuilderTopo::process_event after splitting (if any) final clusters output to node are: " << std::endl;
1398  int ncl = 0;
1399  for (RawClusterContainer::ConstIterator hiter = begin_end.first; hiter != begin_end.second; ++hiter)
1400  {
1401  std::cout << "-> #" << ncl++ << " ";
1402  hiter->second->identify();
1403  std::cout << std::endl;
1404  }
1405  }
1408 }
1411 {
1413 }
1416 {
1417  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
1419  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
1420  if (!dstNode)
1421  {
1422  std::cerr << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
1423  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find DST node in RawClusterBuilderTopo::CreateNodes");
1424  }
1426  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
1427  PHCompositeNode *DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TOPOCLUSTER"));
1428  if (!DetNode)
1429  {
1430  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TOPOCLUSTER");
1431  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
1432  }
1437  DetNode->addNode(clusterNode);
1438 }