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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file VertexPerformanceWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
30 #include <algorithm>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <cstddef>
33 #include <ios>
34 #include <limits>
35 #include <map>
36 #include <memory>
37 #include <ostream>
38 #include <set>
39 #include <stdexcept>
40 #include <utility>
42 #include <TFile.h>
43 #include <TTree.h>
45 namespace ActsExamples {
46 struct AlgorithmContext;
47 } // namespace ActsExamples
57  : WriterT(config.inputVertices, "VertexPerformanceWriter", level),
58  m_cfg(config) {
59  if (m_cfg.filePath.empty()) {
60  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output filename");
61  }
62  if (m_cfg.treeName.empty()) {
63  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tree name");
64  }
65  if (m_cfg.inputAllTruthParticles.empty()) {
66  throw std::invalid_argument("Collection with all truth particles missing");
67  }
68  if (m_cfg.inputSelectedTruthParticles.empty()) {
69  throw std::invalid_argument(
70  "Collection with selected truth particles missing");
71  }
76  if (m_cfg.useTracks) {
77  if (!m_cfg.inputAssociatedTruthParticles.empty()) {
80  if (!m_cfg.inputTrackParameters.empty()) {
82  } else {
84  }
85  } else {
89  }
90  }
92  // Setup ROOT I/O
93  auto path = m_cfg.filePath;
94  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(path.c_str(), m_cfg.fileMode.c_str());
95  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
96  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + path);
97  }
98  m_outputFile->cd();
99  m_outputTree = new TTree(m_cfg.treeName.c_str(), m_cfg.treeName.c_str());
100  if (m_outputTree == nullptr) {
101  throw std::bad_alloc();
102  } else {
103  // I/O parameters.
104  // Branches related to the 4D vertex position
105  m_outputTree->Branch("truthX", &m_truthX);
106  m_outputTree->Branch("truthY", &m_truthY);
107  m_outputTree->Branch("truthZ", &m_truthZ);
108  m_outputTree->Branch("truthT", &m_truthT);
110  m_outputTree->Branch("recoX", &m_recoX);
111  m_outputTree->Branch("recoY", &m_recoY);
112  m_outputTree->Branch("recoZ", &m_recoZ);
113  m_outputTree->Branch("recoT", &m_recoT);
115  m_outputTree->Branch("resX", &m_resX);
116  m_outputTree->Branch("resY", &m_resY);
117  m_outputTree->Branch("resZ", &m_resZ);
118  m_outputTree->Branch("resT", &m_resT);
120  m_outputTree->Branch("pullX", &m_pullX);
121  m_outputTree->Branch("pullY", &m_pullY);
122  m_outputTree->Branch("pullZ", &m_pullZ);
123  m_outputTree->Branch("pullT", &m_pullT);
125  m_outputTree->Branch("covXX", &m_covXX);
126  m_outputTree->Branch("covYY", &m_covYY);
127  m_outputTree->Branch("covZZ", &m_covZZ);
128  m_outputTree->Branch("covTT", &m_covTT);
129  m_outputTree->Branch("covXY", &m_covXY);
130  m_outputTree->Branch("covXZ", &m_covXZ);
131  m_outputTree->Branch("covXT", &m_covXT);
132  m_outputTree->Branch("covYZ", &m_covYZ);
133  m_outputTree->Branch("covYT", &m_covYT);
134  m_outputTree->Branch("covZT", &m_covZT);
136  // Branches related to track momenta at vertex
137  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_truthPhi", &m_truthPhi);
138  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_truthTheta", &m_truthTheta);
139  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_truthQOverP", &m_truthQOverP);
141  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoPhi", &m_recoPhi);
142  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoPhiFitted", &m_recoPhiFitted);
143  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoTheta", &m_recoTheta);
144  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoThetaFitted", &m_recoThetaFitted);
145  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoQOverP", &m_recoQOverP);
146  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_recoQOverPFitted", &m_recoQOverPFitted);
148  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resPhi", &m_resPhi);
149  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resPhiFitted", &m_resPhiFitted);
150  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resTheta", &m_resTheta);
151  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resThetaFitted", &m_resThetaFitted);
152  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resQOverP", &m_resQOverP);
153  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_resQOverPFitted", &m_resQOverPFitted);
154  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_momOverlap", &m_momOverlap);
155  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_momOverlapFitted", &m_momOverlapFitted);
157  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullPhi", &m_pullPhi);
158  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullPhiFitted", &m_pullPhiFitted);
159  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullTheta", &m_pullTheta);
160  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullThetaFitted", &m_pullThetaFitted);
161  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullQOverP", &m_pullQOverP);
162  m_outputTree->Branch("trk_pullQOverPFitted", &m_pullQOverPFitted);
164  m_outputTree->Branch("nTracksTruthVtx", &m_nTracksOnTruthVertex);
165  m_outputTree->Branch("nTracksRecoVtx", &m_nTracksOnRecoVertex);
167  m_outputTree->Branch("trkVtxMatch", &m_trackVtxMatchFraction);
169  m_outputTree->Branch("nRecoVtx", &m_nRecoVtx);
170  m_outputTree->Branch("nTrueVtx", &m_nTrueVtx);
171  m_outputTree->Branch("nVtxDetectorAcceptance", &m_nVtxDetAcceptance);
172  m_outputTree->Branch("nVtxReconstructable", &m_nVtxReconstructable);
173  }
174 }
177  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
178  m_outputFile->Close();
179  }
180 }
183  m_outputFile->cd();
184  m_outputTree->Write();
185  m_outputFile->Close();
187  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
188 }
191  const SimParticleContainer& collection) const {
192  // map for finding frequency
193  std::map<int, int> fmap;
195  std::vector<int> reconstructableTruthVertices;
197  // traverse the array for frequency
198  for (const auto& p : collection) {
199  int secVtxId = p.particleId().vertexSecondary();
200  if (secVtxId != 0) {
201  // truthparticle from secondary vtx
202  continue;
203  }
204  int priVtxId = p.particleId().vertexPrimary();
205  fmap[priVtxId]++;
206  }
208  // iterate over the map
209  for (auto it : fmap) {
210  // Require at least 2 tracks
211  if (it.second > 1) {
212  reconstructableTruthVertices.push_back(it.first);
213  }
214  }
216  return reconstructableTruthVertices.size();
217 }
220  const SimParticleContainer& collection) const {
221  // Vector to store indices of all primary vertices
222  std::set<int> allPriVtxIds;
223  for (const auto& p : collection) {
224  int priVtxId = p.particleId().vertexPrimary();
225  int secVtxId = p.particleId().vertexSecondary();
226  if (secVtxId != 0) {
227  // truthparticle from secondary vtx
228  continue;
229  }
230  // Insert to set, removing duplicates
231  allPriVtxIds.insert(priVtxId);
232  }
233  // Size of set corresponds to total number of primary vertices
234  return allPriVtxIds.size();
235 }
238  const AlgorithmContext& ctx,
240  // Exclusive access to the tree while writing
241  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_writeMutex);
243  m_nRecoVtx = vertices.size();
245  ACTS_DEBUG("Number of reco vertices in event: " << m_nRecoVtx);
247  // Read truth particle input collection
248  const auto& allTruthParticles = m_inputAllTruthParticles(ctx);
249  // Get number of generated true primary vertices
250  m_nTrueVtx = getNumberOfTruePriVertices(allTruthParticles);
252  ACTS_VERBOSE("Total number of generated truth particles in event : "
253  << allTruthParticles.size());
255  "Total number of generated truth primary vertices : " << m_nTrueVtx);
257  // Read selected truth particle input collection
258  const auto& selectedTruthParticles = m_inputSelectedTruthParticles(ctx);
259  // Get number of detector-accepted true primary vertices
260  m_nVtxDetAcceptance = getNumberOfTruePriVertices(selectedTruthParticles);
262  ACTS_VERBOSE("Total number of selected truth particles in event : "
263  << selectedTruthParticles.size());
264  ACTS_VERBOSE("Total number of detector-accepted truth primary vertices : "
265  << m_nVtxDetAcceptance);
267  std::vector<Acts::BoundTrackParameters> trackParameters;
268  std::vector<SimParticle> associatedTruthParticles;
270  // The i-th entry in associatedTruthParticles corresponds to the i-th entry in
271  // trackParameters. If we know the truth particles associated to the track
272  // parameters a priori:
273  if (m_cfg.useTracks) {
274  if (!m_cfg.inputAssociatedTruthParticles.empty()) {
275  if (!m_cfg.inputTrackParameters.empty()) {
276  trackParameters = m_inputTrackParameters(ctx);
277  } else {
278  const auto& inputTrajectories = m_inputTrajectories(ctx);
280  for (const auto& trajectories : inputTrajectories) {
281  for (auto tip : {
282  if (!trajectories.hasTrackParameters(tip)) {
283  continue;
284  }
285  trackParameters.push_back(trajectories.trackParameters(tip));
286  }
287  }
288  }
290  // Read track-associated truth particle input collection
291  associatedTruthParticles =
292  std::vector<SimParticle>(m_inputAssociatedTruthParticles(ctx).begin(),
293  m_inputAssociatedTruthParticles(ctx).end());
295  auto mismatchMsg = [&](auto level, const auto& extra) {
296  ACTS_LOG(
297  level,
298  "Number of fitted tracks and associated truth particles do not "
299  "match. ("
300  << trackParameters.size()
301  << " != " << associatedTruthParticles.size()
302  << ") Not able to match fitted tracks at reconstructed "
303  "vertex to truth vertex."
304  << extra);
305  };
307  if (associatedTruthParticles.size() < trackParameters.size()) {
308  mismatchMsg(Acts::Logging::ERROR,
309  " Switch to hit based truth matching.");
310  } else if (associatedTruthParticles.size() > trackParameters.size()) {
311  mismatchMsg(Acts::Logging::INFO,
312  " This is likely due to track efficiency < 1");
313  }
314  }
315  // If we don't know which truth particle corresponds to which track a
316  // priori, we check how many hits particles and tracks share. We match the
317  // particle to the track if a fraction of more than truthMatchProbMin of
318  // hits that contribute to the track come from the particle. Note that not
319  // all tracksatVertex have matching parameters in trackParameters in this
320  // case. Equivalently, one could say that not all tracksAtVertex will be
321  // assigned to a truth particle.
322  else {
323  // Get active tips
324  const auto& inputTrajectories = m_inputTrajectories(ctx);
326  std::vector<ParticleHitCount> particleHitCounts;
328  const auto& hitParticlesMap = m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap(ctx);
330  for (const auto& trajectories : inputTrajectories) {
331  for (auto tip : {
332  if (!trajectories.hasTrackParameters(tip)) {
333  continue;
334  }
336  identifyContributingParticles(hitParticlesMap, trajectories, tip,
337  particleHitCounts);
338  ActsFatras::Barcode majorityParticleId =
339  particleHitCounts.front().particleId;
340  size_t nMajorityHits = particleHitCounts.front().hitCount;
343  trajectories.multiTrajectory(), tip);
345  if (nMajorityHits * 1. / trajState.nMeasurements <
346  m_cfg.truthMatchProbMin) {
347  continue;
348  }
350  auto it = std::find_if(allTruthParticles.begin(),
351  allTruthParticles.end(), [&](const auto& tp) {
352  return tp.particleId() == majorityParticleId;
353  });
355  if (it == allTruthParticles.end()) {
356  continue;
357  }
359  const auto& majorityParticle = *it;
360  trackParameters.push_back(trajectories.trackParameters(tip));
361  associatedTruthParticles.push_back(majorityParticle);
362  }
363  }
364  }
365  } else {
366  // if not using tracks, then all truth particles
367  // are associated with the vertex
368  associatedTruthParticles =
369  std::vector<SimParticle>(m_inputAllTruthParticles(ctx).begin(),
370  m_inputAllTruthParticles(ctx).end());
371  }
373  // Get number of track-associated true primary vertices
374  m_nVtxReconstructable =
375  getNumberOfReconstructableVertices(SimParticleContainer(
376  associatedTruthParticles.begin(), associatedTruthParticles.end()));
379  "Total number of reconstructed tracks : " << trackParameters.size());
380  ACTS_INFO("Total number of reco track-associated truth particles in event : "
381  << associatedTruthParticles.size());
382  ACTS_INFO("Total number of reco track-associated truth primary vertices : "
383  << m_nVtxReconstructable);
385  // Loop over all reco vertices and find associated truth particles
386  std::vector<SimParticleContainer> truthParticlesAtVtxContainer;
388  // We compare the reconstructed momenta to the true momenta at the vertex. For
389  // this, we propagate the reconstructed tracks to the PCA of the true vertex
390  // position. Setting up propagator:
393  auto propagator = std::make_shared<Propagator>(stepper);
395  // Loop over reconstructed vertices and see if they can be matched to a true
396  // vertex.
397  for (const auto& vtx : vertices) {
398  // Reconstructed tracks that contribute to the reconstructed vertex
399  const auto tracksAtVtx = vtx.tracks();
401  // Containers for storing truth particles and truth vertices that contribute
402  // to the reconstructed vertex
403  SimParticleContainer particleAtVtx;
404  std::vector<int> contributingTruthVertices;
406  if (m_cfg.useTracks) {
407  for (const auto& trk : tracksAtVtx) {
408  // Track parameters before the vertex fit
409  Acts::BoundTrackParameters origTrack = *(trk.originalParams);
411  // Finding the matching parameters in the container of all track
412  // parameters. This allows us to identify the corresponding particle,
413  // since we expect trackParameters and associatedTruthParticles to
414  // align.
415  bool foundMatchingParams = false;
416  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < trackParameters.size(); ++i) {
417  const auto& params = trackParameters[i].parameters();
419  if (origTrack.parameters() == params) {
420  // We expect that the i-th associated truth particle corresponds to
421  // the i-th track parameters
422  const auto& particle = associatedTruthParticles[i];
423  particleAtVtx.insert(particle);
424  int priVtxId = particle.particleId().vertexPrimary();
425  contributingTruthVertices.push_back(priVtxId);
426  foundMatchingParams = true;
427  break;
428  }
429  }
430  if (!foundMatchingParams) {
431  ACTS_VERBOSE("Track has no matching truth particle.");
432  }
433  } // end loop tracksAtVtx
434  } else {
435  for (const auto& particle : allTruthParticles) {
436  int priVtxId = particle.particleId().vertexPrimary();
437  contributingTruthVertices.push_back(priVtxId);
438  }
439  }
441  // Find true vertex that contributes most to the reconstructed vertex
442  std::map<int, int> fmap;
443  for (int priVtxId : contributingTruthVertices) {
444  fmap[priVtxId]++;
445  }
446  int maxOccurrence = -1;
447  int maxOccurrenceId = -1;
448  for (auto it : fmap) {
449  if (it.second > maxOccurrence) {
450  maxOccurrenceId = it.first;
451  maxOccurrence = it.second;
452  }
453  }
455  // Count number of reconstructible tracks on truth vertex
456  int nTracksOnTruthVertex = 0;
457  for (const auto& particle : associatedTruthParticles) {
458  int priVtxId = particle.particleId().vertexPrimary();
459  if (priVtxId == maxOccurrenceId) {
460  ++nTracksOnTruthVertex;
461  }
462  }
464  // Match reconstructed and truth vertex if the tracks of the truth vertex
465  // make up at least minTrackVtxMatchFraction of the tracks at the
466  // reconstructed vertex.
467  double trackVtxMatchFraction =
468  (m_cfg.useTracks ? (double)fmap[maxOccurrenceId] / tracksAtVtx.size()
469  : 1.0);
470  if (trackVtxMatchFraction > m_cfg.minTrackVtxMatchFraction) {
471  int count = 0;
472  // Get references to inner vectors where all track variables corresponding
473  // to the current vertex will be saved
474  auto& innerTruthPhi = m_truthPhi.emplace_back();
475  auto& innerTruthTheta = m_truthTheta.emplace_back();
476  auto& innerTruthQOverP = m_truthQOverP.emplace_back();
478  auto& innerRecoPhi = m_recoPhi.emplace_back();
479  auto& innerRecoTheta = m_recoTheta.emplace_back();
480  auto& innerRecoQOverP = m_recoQOverP.emplace_back();
482  auto& innerRecoPhiFitted = m_recoPhiFitted.emplace_back();
483  auto& innerRecoThetaFitted = m_recoThetaFitted.emplace_back();
484  auto& innerRecoQOverPFitted = m_recoQOverPFitted.emplace_back();
486  auto& innerResPhi = m_resPhi.emplace_back();
487  auto& innerResTheta = m_resTheta.emplace_back();
488  auto& innerResQOverP = m_resQOverP.emplace_back();
490  auto& innerResPhiFitted = m_resPhiFitted.emplace_back();
491  auto& innerResThetaFitted = m_resThetaFitted.emplace_back();
492  auto& innerResQOverPFitted = m_resQOverPFitted.emplace_back();
494  auto& innerMomOverlap = m_momOverlap.emplace_back();
495  auto& innerMomOverlapFitted = m_momOverlapFitted.emplace_back();
497  auto& innerPullPhi = m_pullPhi.emplace_back();
498  auto& innerPullTheta = m_pullTheta.emplace_back();
499  auto& innerPullQOverP = m_pullQOverP.emplace_back();
501  auto& innerPullPhiFitted = m_pullPhiFitted.emplace_back();
502  auto& innerPullThetaFitted = m_pullThetaFitted.emplace_back();
503  auto& innerPullQOverPFitted = m_pullQOverPFitted.emplace_back();
505  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < associatedTruthParticles.size(); ++j) {
506  const auto& particle = associatedTruthParticles[j];
507  int priVtxId = particle.particleId().vertexPrimary();
508  int secVtxId = particle.particleId().vertexSecondary();
510  if (secVtxId != 0) {
511  // truthparticle from secondary vtx
512  continue;
513  }
514  if (priVtxId == maxOccurrenceId) {
515  // Vertex found, fill variables
517  // Helper function for computing the pull
518  auto pull = [&](const Acts::ActsScalar& diff,
519  const Acts::ActsScalar& variance,
520  const std::string& variableStr,
521  const bool& afterFit = true) {
522  if (variance <= 0) {
523  std::string tempStr;
524  if (afterFit) {
525  tempStr = "after";
526  } else {
527  tempStr = "before";
528  }
529  ACTS_WARNING("Nonpositive variance "
530  << tempStr << " vertex fit: Var(" << variableStr
531  << ") = " << variance << " <= 0.");
532  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
533  }
534  double std = std::sqrt(variance);
535  return diff / std;
536  };
538  const Acts::ActsVector<4>& truePos = particle.fourPosition();
539  // Save reconstructed/true vertex position only in the first iteration
540  // to avoid duplicates
541  if (count == 0) {
542  m_truthX.push_back(truePos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos0]);
543  m_truthY.push_back(truePos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos1]);
544  m_truthZ.push_back(truePos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos2]);
545  m_truthT.push_back(truePos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreeTime]);
547  m_recoX.push_back(vtx.fullPosition()[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos0]);
548  m_recoY.push_back(vtx.fullPosition()[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos1]);
549  m_recoZ.push_back(vtx.fullPosition()[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos2]);
550  m_recoT.push_back(vtx.fullPosition()[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreeTime]);
552  const Acts::ActsVector<4> diffPos = vtx.fullPosition() - truePos;
553  m_resX.push_back(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos0]);
554  m_resY.push_back(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos1]);
555  m_resZ.push_back(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos2]);
556  m_resT.push_back(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreeTime]);
558  Acts::ActsScalar varX = vtx.fullCovariance()(
560  Acts::ActsScalar varY = vtx.fullCovariance()(
562  Acts::ActsScalar varZ = vtx.fullCovariance()(
564  Acts::ActsScalar varTime = vtx.fullCovariance()(
566  m_pullX.push_back(
567  pull(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos0], varX, "X"));
568  m_pullY.push_back(
569  pull(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos1], varY, "Y"));
570  m_pullZ.push_back(
571  pull(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreePos2], varZ, "Z"));
572  m_pullT.push_back(
573  pull(diffPos[Acts::FreeIndices::eFreeTime], varTime, "T"));
575  m_covXX.push_back(varX);
576  m_covYY.push_back(varY);
577  m_covZZ.push_back(varZ);
578  m_covTT.push_back(varTime);
579  m_covXY.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
581  m_covXZ.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
583  m_covXT.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
585  m_covYZ.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
587  m_covYT.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
589  m_covZT.push_back(vtx.fullCovariance()(
592  m_nTracksOnTruthVertex.push_back(nTracksOnTruthVertex);
593  m_nTracksOnRecoVertex.push_back(tracksAtVtx.size());
595  m_trackVtxMatchFraction.push_back(trackVtxMatchFraction);
596  }
598  // Saving the reconstructed/truth momenta. The reconstructed momenta
599  // are taken at the PCA to the truth vertex position -> we need to
600  // perform a propagation.
602  // Perigee at the true vertex position
603  const std::shared_ptr<Acts::PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
604  Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PerigeeSurface>(truePos.head(3));
605  // Setting the geometry/magnetic field context for the event
607  // Lambda for propagating the tracks to the PCA
608  auto propagateToVtx = [&](const auto& params)
609  -> std::optional<Acts::BoundTrackParameters> {
610  auto intersection =
611  perigeeSurface
612  ->intersect(ctx.geoContext, params.position(ctx.geoContext),
613  params.direction(), false)
614  .closest();
615  pOptions.direction = Acts::Direction::fromScalarZeroAsPositive(
616  intersection.pathLength());
618  auto result =
619  propagator->propagate(params, *perigeeSurface, pOptions);
620  if (not result.ok()) {
621  ACTS_ERROR("Propagation to true vertex position failed.");
622  return std::nullopt;
623  }
624  auto& paramsAtVtx = *result->endParameters;
625  return std::make_optional(paramsAtVtx);
626  };
627  // Get the reconstructed track parameters corresponding to the
628  // particle
629  const auto& params = trackParameters[j].parameters();
630  // Check if they correspond to a track that contributed to the vertex.
631  // We save the momenta if we find a match.
632  for (const auto& trk : tracksAtVtx) {
633  if (trk.originalParams->parameters() == params) {
634  const auto& trueUnitDir = particle.direction();
635  Acts::ActsVector<3> trueMom;
636  trueMom.head(2) = Acts::makePhiThetaFromDirection(trueUnitDir);
637  trueMom[2] = particle.qOverP();
638  innerTruthPhi.push_back(trueMom[0]);
639  innerTruthTheta.push_back(trueMom[1]);
640  innerTruthQOverP.push_back(trueMom[2]);
642  // Save track parameters before the vertex fit
643  const auto paramsAtVtx = propagateToVtx(*(trk.originalParams));
644  if (paramsAtVtx != std::nullopt) {
645  Acts::ActsVector<3> recoMom =
646  paramsAtVtx->parameters().segment(Acts::eBoundPhi, 3);
647  const Acts::ActsMatrix<3, 3>& momCov =
648  paramsAtVtx->covariance()->block<3, 3>(Acts::eBoundPhi,
650  innerRecoPhi.push_back(recoMom[0]);
651  innerRecoTheta.push_back(recoMom[1]);
652  innerRecoQOverP.push_back(recoMom[2]);
654  Acts::ActsVector<3> diffMom = recoMom - trueMom;
655  // Accounting for the periodicity of phi. We overwrite the
656  // previously computed value for better readability.
658  recoMom(0), trueMom(0), 2 * M_PI);
659  innerResPhi.push_back(diffMom[0]);
660  innerResTheta.push_back(diffMom[1]);
661  innerResQOverP.push_back(diffMom[2]);
663  innerPullPhi.push_back(
664  pull(diffMom[0], momCov(0, 0), "phi", false));
665  innerPullTheta.push_back(
666  pull(diffMom[1], momCov(1, 1), "theta", false));
667  innerPullQOverP.push_back(
668  pull(diffMom[2], momCov(2, 2), "q/p", false));
670  const auto& recoUnitDir = paramsAtVtx->direction();
671  double overlap =;
672  innerMomOverlap.push_back(overlap);
673  }
675  // Save track parameters after the vertex fit
676  const auto paramsAtVtxFitted = propagateToVtx(trk.fittedParams);
677  if (paramsAtVtxFitted != std::nullopt) {
678  Acts::ActsVector<3> recoMomFitted =
679  paramsAtVtxFitted->parameters().segment(Acts::eBoundPhi, 3);
680  const Acts::ActsMatrix<3, 3>& momCovFitted =
681  paramsAtVtxFitted->covariance()->block<3, 3>(
683  innerRecoPhiFitted.push_back(recoMomFitted[0]);
684  innerRecoThetaFitted.push_back(recoMomFitted[1]);
685  innerRecoQOverPFitted.push_back(recoMomFitted[2]);
687  Acts::ActsVector<3> diffMomFitted = recoMomFitted - trueMom;
688  // Accounting for the periodicity of phi. We overwrite the
689  // previously computed value for better readability.
690  diffMomFitted[0] = Acts::detail::difference_periodic(
691  recoMomFitted(0), trueMom(0), 2 * M_PI);
692  innerResPhiFitted.push_back(diffMomFitted[0]);
693  innerResThetaFitted.push_back(diffMomFitted[1]);
694  innerResQOverPFitted.push_back(diffMomFitted[2]);
696  innerPullPhiFitted.push_back(
697  pull(diffMomFitted[0], momCovFitted(0, 0), "phi"));
698  innerPullThetaFitted.push_back(
699  pull(diffMomFitted[1], momCovFitted(1, 1), "theta"));
700  innerPullQOverPFitted.push_back(
701  pull(diffMomFitted[2], momCovFitted(2, 2), "q/p"));
703  const auto& recoUnitDirFitted = paramsAtVtxFitted->direction();
704  double overlapFitted =;
705  innerMomOverlapFitted.push_back(overlapFitted);
706  }
707  }
708  }
709  count++;
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  } // end loop vertices
715  // fill the variables
716  m_outputTree->Fill();
718  m_truthX.clear();
719  m_truthY.clear();
720  m_truthZ.clear();
721  m_truthT.clear();
722  m_recoX.clear();
723  m_recoY.clear();
724  m_recoZ.clear();
725  m_recoT.clear();
726  m_resX.clear();
727  m_resY.clear();
728  m_resZ.clear();
729  m_resT.clear();
730  m_pullX.clear();
731  m_pullY.clear();
732  m_pullZ.clear();
733  m_pullT.clear();
734  m_covXX.clear();
735  m_covYY.clear();
736  m_covZZ.clear();
737  m_covTT.clear();
738  m_covXY.clear();
739  m_covXZ.clear();
740  m_covXT.clear();
741  m_covYZ.clear();
742  m_covYT.clear();
743  m_covZT.clear();
744  m_truthPhi.clear();
745  m_truthTheta.clear();
746  m_truthQOverP.clear();
747  m_recoPhi.clear();
748  m_recoPhiFitted.clear();
749  m_recoTheta.clear();
750  m_recoThetaFitted.clear();
751  m_recoQOverP.clear();
752  m_recoQOverPFitted.clear();
753  m_resPhi.clear();
754  m_resPhiFitted.clear();
755  m_resTheta.clear();
756  m_resThetaFitted.clear();
757  m_resQOverP.clear();
758  m_resQOverPFitted.clear();
759  m_momOverlap.clear();
760  m_momOverlapFitted.clear();
761  m_pullPhi.clear();
762  m_pullPhiFitted.clear();
763  m_pullTheta.clear();
764  m_pullThetaFitted.clear();
765  m_pullQOverP.clear();
766  m_pullQOverPFitted.clear();
768  m_nTracksOnTruthVertex.clear();
769  m_nTracksOnRecoVertex.clear();
771  m_trackVtxMatchFraction.clear();
773  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
774 }