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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LinearizedTrackFactoryTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
11 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
34 #include <algorithm>
35 #include <array>
36 #include <cmath>
37 #include <memory>
38 #include <random>
39 #include <tuple>
40 #include <utility>
41 #include <vector>
43 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
44 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
46 namespace Acts {
47 namespace Test {
50 // We will compare analytical and numerical computations in the case of a
51 // (non-zero) constant B-field and a zero B-field.
60 // Create a test context
64 // Vertex x/y position distribution
65 std::uniform_real_distribution<> vXYDist(-0.1_mm, 0.1_mm);
66 // Vertex z position distribution
67 std::uniform_real_distribution<> vZDist(-20_mm, 20_mm);
68 // Vertex time distribution
69 std::uniform_real_distribution<> vTDist(-1_ns, 1_ns);
70 // Track d0 distribution
71 std::uniform_real_distribution<> d0Dist(-0.01_mm, 0.01_mm);
72 // Track z0 distribution
73 std::uniform_real_distribution<> z0Dist(-0.2_mm, 0.2_mm);
74 // Track pT distribution
75 std::uniform_real_distribution<> pTDist(0.4_GeV, 10_GeV);
76 // Track phi distribution
77 std::uniform_real_distribution<> phiDist(-M_PI, M_PI);
78 // Track theta distribution
79 std::uniform_real_distribution<> thetaDist(1.0, M_PI - 1.0);
80 // Track charge helper distribution
81 std::uniform_real_distribution<> qDist(-1, 1);
82 // Track time distribution
83 std::uniform_real_distribution<> tDist(-0.002_ns, 0.002_ns);
84 // Track IP resolution distribution
85 std::uniform_real_distribution<> resIPDist(0., 100_um);
86 // Track angular distribution
87 std::uniform_real_distribution<> resAngDist(0., 0.1);
88 // Track q/p resolution distribution
89 std::uniform_real_distribution<> resQoPDist(0.0, 0.1);
90 // Track time resolution distribution
91 std::uniform_real_distribution<> resTDist(0.1_ns, 0.2_ns);
100 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(linearized_track_factory_test) {
101  // Number of tracks to linearize
102  unsigned int nTracks = 100;
104  // Set up RNG
105  int seed = 31415;
106  std::mt19937 gen(seed);
108  // Constant B-Field and 0 B-field
109  auto constField = std::make_shared<ConstantBField>(Vector3{0.0, 0.0, 2_T});
110  auto zeroField = std::make_shared<NullBField>();
112  // Set up stepper and propagator for constant B-field
113  EigenStepper<> stepper(constField);
114  auto propagator = std::make_shared<HelicalPropagator>(stepper);
116  // Set up stepper and propagator for 0 B-field
117  StraightLineStepper straightStepper;
118  auto straightPropagator =
119  std::make_shared<StraightPropagator>(straightStepper);
121  // Create perigee surface, initial track parameters will be relative to it
122  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface{
123  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3{0., 0., 0.})};
125  // Vertex position and corresponding d0 and z0
126  Vector4 vtxPos;
127  double d0v{};
128  double z0v{};
129  double t0v{};
130  {
131  double x = vXYDist(gen);
132  double y = vXYDist(gen);
133  double z = vZDist(gen);
134  double t = vTDist(gen);
135  d0v = std::hypot(x, y);
136  z0v = z;
137  t0v = t;
138  vtxPos << x, y, z, t;
139  }
141  // Vector storing the tracks that we linearize
142  std::vector<BoundTrackParameters> tracks;
144  // Construct random track emerging from vicinity of vertex position
145  for (unsigned int iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; iTrack++) {
146  // Random charge
147  double q = qDist(gen) < 0 ? -1. : 1.;
149  // Random track parameters
150  BoundVector paramVec;
151  paramVec << d0v + d0Dist(gen), z0v + z0Dist(gen), phiDist(gen),
152  thetaDist(gen), q / pTDist(gen), t0v + tDist(gen);
154  // Resolutions
155  double resD0 = resIPDist(gen);
156  double resZ0 = resIPDist(gen);
157  double resPh = resAngDist(gen);
158  double resTh = resAngDist(gen);
159  double resQp = resQoPDist(gen);
160  double resT = resTDist(gen);
162  // Fill vector of track objects with simple covariance matrix
163  Covariance covMat;
165  covMat << resD0 * resD0, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resZ0 * resZ0, 0., 0., 0.,
166  0., 0., 0., resPh * resPh, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resTh * resTh, 0.,
167  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resQp * resQp, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., resT * resT;
168  tracks.emplace_back(perigeeSurface, paramVec, std::move(covMat),
170  }
172  // Linearizer for constant field and corresponding state
173  AnalyticalLinearizer::Config linConfig(constField, propagator);
174  AnalyticalLinearizer linFactory(linConfig);
175  AnalyticalLinearizer::State linState(constField->makeCache(magFieldContext));
177  NumericalLinearizer::Config numLinConfig(constField, propagator);
178  NumericalLinearizer numLinFactory(numLinConfig);
179  NumericalLinearizer::State numLinState(
180  constField->makeCache(magFieldContext));
182  // Linearizer for 0 field and corresponding state
183  StraightAnalyticalLinearizer::Config straightLinConfig(straightPropagator);
184  StraightAnalyticalLinearizer straightLinFactory(straightLinConfig);
185  StraightAnalyticalLinearizer::State straightLinState(
186  zeroField->makeCache(magFieldContext));
188  StraightNumericalLinearizer::Config numStraightLinConfig(straightPropagator);
189  StraightNumericalLinearizer numStraightLinFactory(numStraightLinConfig);
190  StraightNumericalLinearizer::State numStraightLinState(
191  zeroField->makeCache(magFieldContext));
193  // Lambda for comparing outputs of the two linearization methods
194  // We compare the linearization result at the PCA to "linPoint"
195  auto checkLinearizers = [](auto& lin1, auto& linState1, auto& lin2,
196  auto& linState2, const BoundTrackParameters& track,
197  const Vector4& linPoint,
198  const auto& geometryContext,
199  const auto& fieldContext) {
200  // In addition to comparing the output of the linearizers, we check that
201  // they return non-zero quantities
202  BoundVector vecBoundZero = BoundVector::Zero();
203  BoundSquareMatrix matBoundZero = BoundSquareMatrix::Zero();
204  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 4> matBound2SPZero =
206  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 3> matBound2MomZero =
209  // We check that the entries of the output quantities either
210  // -) have a relative difference of less than "relTol"
211  // or
212  // -) are both smaller than "small"
213  double relTol = 5e-4;
214  double small = 5e-4;
216  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigee =
217  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(VectorHelpers::position(linPoint));
219  const LinearizedTrack linTrack1 =
220  lin1.linearizeTrack(track, linPoint[3], *perigee, geometryContext,
221  fieldContext, linState1)
222  .value();
223  const LinearizedTrack linTrack2 =
224  lin2.linearizeTrack(track, linPoint[3], *perigee, geometryContext,
225  fieldContext, linState2)
226  .value();
228  // There should be no problem here because both linearizers compute
229  // "parametersAtPCA" the same way
230  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(linTrack1.parametersAtPCA, linTrack2.parametersAtPCA,
231  relTol, small);
232  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack1.parametersAtPCA, vecBoundZero);
233  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack2.parametersAtPCA, vecBoundZero);
235  // Compare position Jacobians
236  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL((linTrack1.positionJacobian),
237  (linTrack2.positionJacobian), relTol, small);
238  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack1.positionJacobian, matBound2SPZero);
239  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack2.positionJacobian, matBound2SPZero);
241  // Compare momentum Jacobians
242  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL((linTrack1.momentumJacobian),
243  (linTrack2.momentumJacobian), relTol, small);
244  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack1.momentumJacobian, matBound2MomZero);
245  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack2.momentumJacobian, matBound2MomZero);
247  // Again, both methods compute "covarianceAtPCA" the same way => this
248  // check should always work
249  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(linTrack1.covarianceAtPCA, linTrack2.covarianceAtPCA,
250  relTol, small);
251  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack1.covarianceAtPCA, matBoundZero);
252  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack2.covarianceAtPCA, matBoundZero);
254  // Check whether "linPoint" is saved correctly in the LinearizerTrack
255  // objects
256  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack1.linearizationPoint, linPoint);
257  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(linTrack2.linearizationPoint, linPoint);
259  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(linTrack1.constantTerm, linTrack2.constantTerm, relTol,
260  small);
261  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack1.constantTerm, vecBoundZero);
262  BOOST_CHECK_NE(linTrack2.constantTerm, vecBoundZero);
263  };
265  // Compare linearizers for all tracks
266  for (const BoundTrackParameters& trk : tracks) {
267  BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT("Linearization in constant magnetic field") {
268  checkLinearizers(linFactory, linState, numLinFactory, numLinState, trk,
269  vtxPos, geoContext, magFieldContext);
270  }
271  BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT("Linearization without magnetic field") {
272  checkLinearizers(straightLinFactory, straightLinState,
273  numStraightLinFactory, numStraightLinState, trk, vtxPos,
275  }
276  }
277 }
279 } // namespace Test
280 } // namespace Acts