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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SDeltaPtCutStudy.h
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'SDeltaPtCutStudy.h'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 06.29.2023
5 //
6 // Reads in the 'ntp_track' Ntuple
7 // generated by the SVtxEvaluator
8 // class and studies how deltapt/pt
9 // varies with quality cuts.
10 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // standard c includes
16 #include <array>
17 #include <cmath>
18 #include <vector>
19 #include <cassert>
20 #include <cstdlib>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <iostream>
23 // root includes
24 #include <TH1.h>
25 #include <TH2.h>
26 #include <TF1.h>
27 #include <TPad.h>
28 #include <TFile.h>
29 #include <TLine.h>
30 #include <TGraph.h>
31 #include <TError.h>
32 #include <TString.h>
33 #include <TNtuple.h>
34 #include <TLegend.h>
35 #include <TCanvas.h>
36 #include <TVector.h>
37 #include <TPaveText.h>
38 #include <TDirectory.h>
40 using namespace std;
44 // SDeltaPtCutStudy definition ------------------------------------------------
48  // constants
49  enum Const {
50  NPad = 2,
51  NPar = 3,
52  NVtx = 4,
53  NRange = 2,
54  NTypes = 3,
56  };
58  public:
60  // ctor/dtor [*.cc]
64  // main methods [*.cc]
65  void Init();
66  void Analyze();
67  void End();
69  // setters [*.io.h]
70  void SetInputOutputFiles(const TString sInput, const TString sOutput);
71  void SetInputTuples(const TString sTrack, const TString sTruth);
72  void SetGeneralTrackCuts(const uint32_t nInttCut, const uint32_t nMvtxCut, const uint32_t nTpcCut, const double qualCut, const double vzCut, const double ptCut);
73  void SetSigmaFitGuesses(const array<float, Const::NPar> hiGuess, const array<float, Const::NPar> loGuess);
74  void SetNormAndFitRanges(const pair<float, float> norm, const pair<float, float> ptFit, const pair<float, float> deltaFit);
75  void SetPlotRanges(const pair<float, float> ptRange, const pair<float, float> fracRange, const pair<float, float> deltaRange);
76  void SetGeneralStyleParameters(const array<uint32_t, Const::NTypes> arrCol, const array<uint32_t, Const::NTypes> arrMar);
77  void SetGeneralHistParameters(const uint32_t fill, const uint32_t line, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t font, const uint32_t align, const uint32_t center);
78  void SetHistBaseNames(const TString sProj, const TString sDelta, const TString sTrue, const TString sReco, const TString sFrac, const TString sTrack);
79  void SetPlotText(const vector<TString> plotText);
80  void SetEffRebinParameters(const bool doRebin, const size_t nRebin = 2);
81  void SetProjectionParameters(const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>> projParams);
82  void SetFlatCutParameters(const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, bool>> flatParams);
83  void SetPtDependCutParameters(const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, bool>> ptDependParams);
85  private:
87  // io methods [*.io.h]
88  void OpenFiles();
89  void GetTuples();
90  void SaveOutput();
91  void CloseFiles();
93  // system methods [*.sys.h]
94  void InitVectors();
95  void InitTuples();
96  void InitHists();
98  // analysis methods [*.ana.h]
99  void ApplyFlatDeltaPtCuts();
100  void ApplyPtDependentDeltaPtCuts();
101  void FillTruthHistograms();
102  void CreateSigmaGraphs();
103  void CalculateRejectionFactors();
104  void CalculateEfficiencies();
106  // plot methods [*.plot.h]
107  void SetStyles();
108  void MakePlots();
110  // io parameters
111  TFile* fInput;
112  TFile* fOutput;
113  TNtuple* ntTrack;
114  TNtuple* ntTruth;
115  TString sInFile;
116  TString sOutFile;
117  TString sInTrack;
118  TString sInTruth;
120  // general cut parameters
121  uint32_t nInttTrkMin = 1;
122  uint32_t nMVtxTrkMin = 2;
123  uint32_t nTpcTrkMin = 35;
124  double qualTrkMax = 10.;
125  double vzTrkMax = 10.;
126  double ptTrkMin = 0.1;
128  // sigma calculation parameters
129  array<float, Const::NPar> sigHiGuess = {1., -1., 1.};
130  array<float, Const::NPar> sigLoGuess = {1., -1., 1.};
131  array<float, Const::NRange> normRange = {0.2, 1.2};
132  array<float, Const::NRange> ptFitRange = {0.5, 40.};
133  array<float, Const::NRange> deltaFitRange = {0., 0.1};
135  // projection parameters
136  size_t nProj = 0;
137  vector<double> ptProj;
138  vector<TString> sProjSuffix;
139  vector<TString> sPtProj;
140  vector<uint32_t> fColProj;
141  vector<uint32_t> fMarProj;
142  vector<uint32_t> fColFit;
144  // flat delta-pt cut parameters
145  size_t nDPtCuts = 0;
146  size_t iCutToDraw = 0;
147  vector<double> ptDeltaMax;
148  vector<TString> sDPtSuffix;
149  vector<uint32_t> fColCut;
150  vector<uint32_t> fMarCut;
152  // pt-dependent delta-pt cut parameters
153  size_t nSigCuts = 0;
154  size_t iSigToDraw = 0;
155  vector<double> ptDeltaSig;
156  vector<TString> sSigSuffix;
157  vector<uint32_t> fColSig;
158  vector<uint32_t> fMarSig;
159  vector<uint32_t> fColSigFit;
161  // histogram base names
162  TString sPtProjBase = "DeltaPtProj";
163  TString sPtDeltaBase = "DeltaPt";
164  TString sPtTrueBase = "PtTrue";
165  TString sPtRecoBase = "PtReco";
166  TString sPtFracBase = "PtFrac";
167  TString sPtTrkTruBase = "PtTrkTruth";
169  // plot text
170  size_t nTxt = 0;
171  vector<TString> sInfo;
173  // plot range parameters
174  array<float, Const::NRange> rPtRange = {0., 60.};
175  array<float, Const::NRange> rFracRange = {0., 4.};
176  array<float, Const::NRange> rDeltaRange = {0., 0.1};
178  // general histogram style parameters
179  uint32_t fFil = 0;
180  uint32_t fLin = 1;
181  uint32_t fWid = 1;
182  uint32_t fTxt = 42;
183  uint32_t fAln = 12;
184  uint32_t fCnt = 1;
185  uint32_t fColTrue = 923;
186  uint32_t fColPure = 923;
187  uint32_t fColTrk = 809;
188  uint32_t fMarTrue = 20;
189  uint32_t fMarPure = 20;
190  uint32_t fMarTrk = 46;
191  size_t nEffRebin = 5;
192  bool doEffRebin = true;
194  // track tuple addresses
195  float trk_event;
196  float trk_seed;
197  float trk_trackID;
199  float trk_px;
200  float trk_py;
201  float trk_pz;
202  float trk_pt;
203  float trk_eta;
204  float trk_phi;
205  float trk_deltapt;
208  float trk_charge;
209  float trk_quality;
210  float trk_chisq;
211  float trk_ndf;
212  float trk_nhits;
213  float trk_nmaps;
214  float trk_nintt;
215  float trk_ntpc;
216  float trk_nmms;
217  float trk_ntpc1;
218  float trk_ntpc11;
219  float trk_ntpc2;
220  float trk_ntpc3;
221  float trk_nlmaps;
222  float trk_nlintt;
223  float trk_nltpc;
224  float trk_nlmms;
225  float trk_layers;
227  float trk_vx;
228  float trk_vy;
229  float trk_vz;
230  float trk_dca2d;
232  float trk_dca3dxy;
234  float trk_dca3dz;
236  float trk_pcax;
237  float trk_pcay;
238  float trk_pcaz;
240  float trk_gflavor;
241  float trk_gnhits;
242  float trk_gnmaps;
243  float trk_gnintt;
244  float trk_gntpc;
245  float trk_gnmms;
246  float trk_gnlmaps;
247  float trk_gnlintt;
248  float trk_gnltpc;
249  float trk_gnlmms;
250  float trk_gpx;
251  float trk_gpy;
252  float trk_gpz;
253  float trk_gpt;
254  float trk_geta;
255  float trk_gphi;
256  float trk_gvx;
257  float trk_gvy;
258  float trk_gvz;
259  float trk_gvt;
260  float trk_gfpx;
261  float trk_gfpy;
262  float trk_gfpz;
263  float trk_gfx;
264  float trk_gfy;
265  float trk_gfz;
266  float trk_gembed;
269  float trk_nwrong;
272  float trk_ntrutpc;
273  float trk_ntrumms;
289  // truth tuple addresses
290  float tru_event;
291  float tru_seed;
294  float tru_gflavor;
295  float tru_gnhits;
296  float tru_gnmaps;
297  float tru_gnintt;
298  float tru_gnmms;
299  float tru_gnintt1;
300  float tru_gnintt2;
301  float tru_gnintt3;
302  float tru_gnintt4;
303  float tru_gnintt5;
304  float tru_gnintt6;
305  float tru_gnintt7;
306  float tru_gnintt8;
307  float tru_gntpc;
308  float tru_gnlmaps;
309  float tru_gnlintt;
310  float tru_gnltpc;
311  float tru_gnlmms;
312  float tru_gpx;
313  float tru_gpy;
314  float tru_gpz;
315  float tru_gpt;
316  float tru_geta;
317  float tru_gphi;
318  float tru_gvx;
319  float tru_gvy;
320  float tru_gvz;
321  float tru_gvt;
322  float tru_gfpx;
323  float tru_gfpy;
324  float tru_gfpz;
325  float tru_gfx;
326  float tru_gfy;
327  float tru_gfz;
328  float tru_gembed;
330  float tru_trackID;
331  float tru_px;
332  float tru_py;
333  float tru_pz;
334  float tru_pt;
335  float tru_eta;
336  float tru_phi;
337  float tru_deltapt;
340  float tru_charge;
341  float tru_quality;
342  float tru_chisq;
343  float tru_ndf;
344  float tru_nhits;
345  float tru_layers;
346  float tru_nmaps;
347  float tru_nintt;
348  float tru_ntpc;
349  float tru_nmms;
350  float tru_ntpc1;
351  float tru_ntpc11;
352  float tru_ntpc2;
353  float tru_ntpc3;
354  float tru_nlmaps;
355  float tru_nlintt;
356  float tru_nltpc;
357  float tru_nlmms;
359  float tru_vx;
360  float tru_vy;
361  float tru_vz;
362  float tru_dca2d;
364  float tru_dca3dxy;
366  float tru_dca3dz;
368  float tru_pcax;
369  float tru_pcay;
370  float tru_pcaz;
372  float tru_nwrong;
375  float tru_ntrutpc;
376  float tru_ntrumms;
392  // for sigma calculation
393  vector<double> muProj;
394  vector<double> sigProj;
395  vector<vector<double>> muHiProj;
396  vector<vector<double>> muLoProj;
398  // for flat delta-pt cut rejection
399  vector<uint64_t> nNormCut;
400  vector<uint64_t> nNormSig;
401  vector<uint64_t> nWeirdCut;
402  vector<uint64_t> nWeirdSig;
403  vector<double> rejCut;
404  vector<double> rejSig;
406  // for tuple loops
407  uint64_t nTrks;
408  uint64_t nTrus;
410  // general 1d histograms
411  TH1D* hEff;
412  TH1D* hPtTruth;
413  TH1D* hPtDelta;
414  TH1D* hPtTrack;
415  TH1D* hPtFrac;
416  TH1D* hPtTrkTru;
418  // 1d projection & cut-dependent histograms
419  vector<TH1D*> hPtDeltaProj;
420  vector<TH1D*> hPtDeltaCut;
421  vector<TH1D*> hPtDeltaSig;
422  vector<TH1D*> hPtTrackCut;
423  vector<TH1D*> hPtTrackSig;
424  vector<TH1D*> hPtFracCut;
425  vector<TH1D*> hPtFracSig;
426  vector<TH1D*> hPtTrkTruCut;
427  vector<TH1D*> hPtTrkTruSig;
428  vector<TH1D*> hEffCut;
429  vector<TH1D*> hEffSig;
432  // general 2d histograms
438  // 2d cut-dependent histograms
439  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsFracCut;
440  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsFracSig;
441  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsTrueCut;
442  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsTrueSig;
443  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsTrackCut;
444  vector<TH2D*> hPtDeltaVsTrackSig;
445  vector<TH2D*> hPtTrueVsTrackCut;
446  vector<TH2D*> hPtTrueVsTrackSig;
448  // functions
449  vector<TF1*> fPtDeltaProj;
450  vector<TF1*> fMuHiProj;
451  vector<TF1*> fMuLoProj;
453  // general graphs
454  TGraph* grMuProj;
455  TGraph* grSigProj;
456  TGraph* grRejCut;
457  TGraph* grRejSig;
459  // cut-dependent graphs
460  vector<TGraph*> grMuHiProj;
461  vector<TGraph*> grMuLoProj;
463 }; // end SDeltaPtCutStudy definition
465 #endif
467 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------