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1 #include "RawClusterv1.h"
3 #include <phool/phool.h>
5 #include <climits>
6 #include <cmath>
7 #include <cstdlib>
8 #include <limits>
9 #include <string>
11 using namespace std;
14  : RawCluster()
15  , clusterid(0)
16  , _energy(numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN())
17  , _r(numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN())
18  , _phi(numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN())
19  , _z(numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN())
20 {
21 }
24 {
25  clusterid = 0;
26  _z = (numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN());
27  _r = (numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN());
28  _phi = (numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN());
29  _energy = (numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN());
30  prop_map.clear();
31  towermap.clear();
32 }
34 void RawClusterv1::addTower(const RawClusterDefs::keytype twrid, const float etower)
35 {
36  if (towermap.find(twrid) != towermap.end())
37  {
38  cout << "tower 0x" << hex << twrid << ", dec: " << dec
39  << twrid << " already exists, that is bad" << endl;
40  exit(1);
41  }
42  towermap[twrid] = etower;
43 }
45 void RawClusterv1::identify(std::ostream& os) const
46 {
47  os << "RawClusterv1 ID " << get_id() << " consist of " << getNTowers() << " towers with total energy of " << get_energy() << " GeV ";
48  os << "@ (r,phi,z) = (" << get_r() << ", " << get_phi() << ", " << get_z() << "), (x,y,z) = (" << get_x() << ", " << get_y() << ", " << get_z() << ")";
50  for (auto i : prop_map)
51  {
52  PROPERTY prop_id = static_cast<PROPERTY>(i.first);
53  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
54  os << "\t" << prop_id << ":\t" << property_info.first << " = \t";
55  switch (property_info.second)
56  {
57  case type_int:
58  os << get_property_int(prop_id);
59  break;
60  case type_uint:
61  os << get_property_uint(prop_id);
62  break;
63  case type_float:
64  os << get_property_float(prop_id);
65  break;
66  default:
67  os << " unknown type ";
68  break;
69  }
70  os << endl;
71  }
72 }
75 // float RawClusterv1::get_eta(const float z) const
76 //{
77 // if (get_r() <= 0) return numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
78 // return asinh((get_z() - z) / get_r());
79 // }
80 //
82 // float RawClusterv1::get_et(const float z) const
83 //{
84 // if (get_r() <= 0) return numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
85 // return get_energy() * sin(atan2(get_r(), (get_z() - z)));
86 // }
88 bool RawClusterv1::has_property(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
89 {
90  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
91  return i != prop_map.end();
92 }
94 float RawClusterv1::get_property_float(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
95 {
96  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_float))
97  {
98  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
99  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
100  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
101  << " not " << get_property_type(type_float) << endl;
102  exit(1);
103  }
104  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
106  if (i != prop_map.end())
107  {
108  return u_property(i->second).fdata;
109  }
111  return NAN;
112 }
114 int RawClusterv1::get_property_int(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
115 {
116  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_int))
117  {
118  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
119  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
120  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
121  << " not " << get_property_type(type_int) << endl;
122  exit(1);
123  }
124  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
126  if (i != prop_map.end())
127  {
128  return u_property(i->second).idata;
129  }
131  return INT_MIN;
132 }
134 unsigned int
136 {
137  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_uint))
138  {
139  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
140  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
141  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
142  << " not " << get_property_type(type_uint) << endl;
143  exit(1);
144  }
145  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
147  if (i != prop_map.end())
148  {
149  return u_property(i->second).uidata;
150  }
152  return UINT_MAX;
153 }
155 void RawClusterv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const float value)
156 {
157  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_float))
158  {
159  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
160  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
161  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
162  << " not " << get_property_type(type_float) << endl;
163  exit(1);
164  }
165  prop_map[prop_id] = u_property(value).get_storage();
166 }
168 void RawClusterv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const int value)
169 {
170  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_int))
171  {
172  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
173  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
174  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
175  << " not " << get_property_type(type_int) << endl;
176  exit(1);
177  }
178  prop_map[prop_id] = u_property(value).get_storage();
179 }
181 void RawClusterv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const unsigned int value)
182 {
183  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_uint))
184  {
185  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
186  cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
187  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
188  << " not " << get_property_type(type_uint) << endl;
189  exit(1);
190  }
191  prop_map[prop_id] = u_property(value).get_storage();
192 }
193 void RawClusterv1::set_et_iso(const float et_iso, const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower = true)
194 {
195  if (clusterTower)
196  {
197  if (subtracted)
198  {
199  switch (radiusx10)
200  {
201  case 1:
203  break;
204  case 2:
206  break;
207  case 3:
209  break;
210  case 4:
212  break;
213  default:
214  std::string warning = "set_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - radius:" + std::to_string(radiusx10) + " has not been defined";
215  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN(warning.c_str());
216  break;
217  }
218  }
219  else
220  {
221  switch (radiusx10)
222  {
223  case 1:
225  break;
226  case 2:
228  break;
229  case 3:
231  break;
232  case 4:
234  break;
235  default:
236  std::string warning = "set_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - radius:" + std::to_string(radiusx10) + " has not been defined";
237  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN(warning.c_str());
238  break;
239  }
240  }
241  }
242  else
243  {
244  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN("set_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - nonclusterTower algorithms have not been defined");
245  }
246 }
248 unsigned int
250 {
251  prop_map_t::const_iterator iter = prop_map.find(prop_id);
252  if (iter != prop_map.end())
253  {
254  return iter->second;
255  }
256  return UINT_MAX;
257 }
259 float RawClusterv1::get_et_iso(const int radiusx10 = 3, bool subtracted = false, bool clusterTower = true) const
260 {
261  float r;
262  if (clusterTower)
263  {
264  if (subtracted)
265  {
266  switch (radiusx10)
267  {
268  case 1:
270  break;
271  case 2:
273  break;
274  case 3:
276  break;
277  case 4:
279  break;
280  default:
281  std::string warning = "get_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - radius:" + std::to_string(radiusx10) + " has not been defined";
282  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN(warning.c_str());
283  r = NAN;
284  break;
285  }
286  }
287  else
288  {
289  switch (radiusx10)
290  {
291  case 1:
293  break;
294  case 2:
296  break;
297  case 3:
299  break;
300  case 4:
302  break;
303  default:
304  std::string warning = "get_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - radius:" + std::to_string(radiusx10) + " has not been defined";
305  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN(warning.c_str());
306  r = NAN;
307  break;
308  }
309  }
310  }
311  else
312  {
313  PHOOL_VIRTUAL_WARN("get_et_iso(const int radiusx10, bool subtracted, bool clusterTower) - nonclusterTower algorithms have not been defined");
314  r = NAN;
315  }
316  return r;
317 }