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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file UtilitiesJsonConverter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <vector>
22 void Acts::to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const Acts::BinningData& bd) {
23  // Common to all bin utilities
24  j["min"] = bd.min;
25  j["max"] = bd.max;
26  j["option"] = (bd.option == Acts::open ? "open" : "closed");
27  j["value"] = bd.binvalue;
28  int bins = bd.bins();
29  // Write sub bin data if present
30  if (bd.subBinningData != nullptr) {
31  nlohmann::json subjson;
32  to_json(subjson, *bd.subBinningData);
33  j["subdata"] = subjson;
34  j["subadditive"] = bd.subBinningAdditive;
35  // this modifies the bins as bins() returns total number in general
36  if (bd.subBinningAdditive) {
37  bins -= static_cast<int>(subjson["bins"]) + 1;
38  } else {
39  bins /= static_cast<int>(subjson["bins"]);
40  }
41  }
42  // Now distinguish between equidistant / arbitrary
43  if (bd.type == Acts::equidistant) {
44  j["type"] = "equidistant";
45  } else if (bd.type == Acts::arbitrary) {
46  j["type"] = "arbitrary";
47  j["boundaries"] = bd.boundaries();
48  }
49  j["bins"] = bins;
50 }
52 void Acts::from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, BinningData& bd) {
53  // Common to all bin utilities
54  float min = j["min"];
55  float max = j["max"];
56  int bins = j["bins"];
57  std::string valueName = j["value"];
58  auto bValue = j["value"].get<BinningValue>();
59  if (bins == 1 and not(j["type"] == "arbitrary")) {
60  bd = BinningData(bValue, min, max);
61  return;
62  }
63  Acts::BinningOption bOption = (j["option"] == "open") ? open : closed;
64  Acts::BinningType bType =
65  (j["type"] == "equidistant") ? equidistant : arbitrary;
67  std::unique_ptr<BinningData> subBinning = nullptr;
68  bool subBinningAdditive = false;
69  if (j.find("subdata") != j.end()) {
70  subBinningAdditive = j["subadditive"];
71  }
73  if (bType == equidistant) {
74  bd = BinningData(bOption, bValue, bins, min, max, std::move(subBinning),
75  subBinningAdditive);
76  } else {
77  std::vector<float> boundaries = j["boundaries"];
78  bd = BinningData(bOption, bValue, boundaries, std::move(subBinning));
79  }
80 }
82 void Acts::to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const BinUtility& bu) {
83  nlohmann::json jbindata;
84  for (const auto& bdata : bu.binningData()) {
85  jbindata.push_back(nlohmann::json(bdata));
86  }
87  j["binningdata"] = jbindata;
88  if (not bu.transform().isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
89  nlohmann::json jtrf = Transform3JsonConverter::toJson(bu.transform());
90  j["transform"] = jtrf;
91  }
92 }
94 void Acts::from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, Acts::BinUtility& bu) {
95  bu = Acts::BinUtility();
96  if (j.find("transform") != j.end() and not j["transform"].empty()) {
98  bu = Acts::BinUtility(trf);
99  }
100  for (const auto& jdata : j["binningdata"]) {
102  from_json(jdata, bd);
103  bu += Acts::BinUtility(bd);
104  }
105 }