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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CylindricalTrackingGeometry.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 // Workaround for building on clang+libstdc++
38 #include <functional>
39 #include <vector>
41 namespace Acts {
42 namespace Test {
45  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext;
50  using DetectorStore = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DetectorElementStub>>;
69  std::vector<const Surface*> surfacesRing(
70  DetectorStore& detStore, double moduleHalfXminY, double moduleHalfXmaxY,
71  double moduleHalfY, double moduleThickness, double moduleTilt,
72  double ringRadius, double ringZ, double zStagger, int nPhi) {
73  std::vector<const Surface*> layerSurfaces;
75  // Module material from input
76  MaterialSlab moduleMaterial(makeSilicon(), moduleThickness);
78  // Create a new surface material
79  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> moduleMaterialPtr =
80  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>(
81  new Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(moduleMaterial));
83  // The rectangle/trapezoid bounds for all modules
84  std::shared_ptr<PlanarBounds> mBounds = nullptr;
85  if (moduleHalfXminY == moduleHalfXmaxY) {
86  mBounds = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(moduleHalfXminY, moduleHalfY);
87  } else {
88  mBounds = std::make_shared<TrapezoidBounds>(moduleHalfXminY,
89  moduleHalfXmaxY, moduleHalfY);
90  }
92  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / nPhi;
94  for (int im = 0; im < nPhi; ++im) {
95  // Get the moduleTransform
96  double phi = -M_PI + im * phiStep;
97  auto mModuleTransform = Transform3(
98  Translation3(ringRadius * std::cos(phi), ringRadius * std::sin(phi),
99  ringZ + (im % 2) * zStagger) *
100  AngleAxis3(phi - 0.5 * M_PI, Vector3::UnitZ()) *
101  AngleAxis3(moduleTilt, Vector3::UnitY()));
103  // Create the detector element
104  auto detElement = std::make_unique<const DetectorElementStub>(
105  mModuleTransform, mBounds, moduleThickness, moduleMaterialPtr);
107  layerSurfaces.push_back(&detElement->surface());
108  detStore.push_back(std::move(detElement));
109  }
111  return layerSurfaces;
112  }
127  std::vector<const Surface*> surfacesCylinder(
128  DetectorStore& detStore, double moduleHalfX, double moduleHalfY,
129  double moduleThickness, double moduleTiltPhi, double layerRadius,
130  double radialStagger, double longitudinalOverlap,
131  const std::pair<int, int>& binningSchema) {
132  std::vector<const Surface*> layerSurfaces;
134  // Module material from input
135  MaterialSlab moduleMaterial(makeSilicon(), moduleThickness);
137  // Create a new surface material
138  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> moduleMaterialPtr =
139  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>(
140  new Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(moduleMaterial));
142  // The rectangle bounds for all modules
143  auto mBounds = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(moduleHalfX, moduleHalfY);
145  // Create the module centers
146  auto moduleCenters =
147  modulePositionsCylinder(layerRadius, radialStagger, moduleHalfY,
148  longitudinalOverlap, binningSchema);
150  for (auto& mCenter : moduleCenters) {
151  // The association transform
152  double modulePhi = VectorHelpers::phi(mCenter);
153  // Local z axis is the normal vector
154  Vector3 moduleLocalZ(cos(modulePhi + moduleTiltPhi),
155  sin(modulePhi + moduleTiltPhi), 0.);
156  // Local y axis is the global z axis
157  Vector3 moduleLocalY(0., 0., 1);
158  // Local x axis the normal to local y,z
159  Vector3 moduleLocalX(-sin(modulePhi + moduleTiltPhi),
160  cos(modulePhi + moduleTiltPhi), 0.);
161  // Create the RotationMatrix
162  RotationMatrix3 moduleRotation;
163  moduleRotation.col(0) = moduleLocalX;
164  moduleRotation.col(1) = moduleLocalY;
165  moduleRotation.col(2) = moduleLocalZ;
166  // Get the moduleTransform
167  auto mModuleTransform =
168  Transform3(Translation3(mCenter) * moduleRotation);
169  // Create the detector element
170  auto detElement = std::make_unique<const DetectorElementStub>(
171  mModuleTransform, mBounds, moduleThickness, moduleMaterialPtr);
173  layerSurfaces.push_back(&detElement->surface());
174  detStore.push_back(std::move(detElement));
175  }
176  return layerSurfaces;
177  }
181  std::vector<Vector3> modulePositionsCylinder(
182  double radius, double zStagger, double moduleHalfLength, double lOverlap,
183  const std::pair<int, int>& binningSchema) {
184  int nPhiBins = binningSchema.first;
185  int nZbins = binningSchema.second;
186  // prepare the return value
187  std::vector<Vector3> mPositions;
188  mPositions.reserve(nPhiBins * nZbins);
189  // prep work
190  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / (nPhiBins);
191  double minPhi = -M_PI + 0.5 * phiStep;
192  double zStart = -0.5 * (nZbins - 1) * (2 * moduleHalfLength - lOverlap);
193  double zStep = 2 * std::abs(zStart) / (nZbins - 1);
194  // loop over the bins
195  for (size_t zBin = 0; zBin < size_t(nZbins); ++zBin) {
196  // prepare z and r
197  double moduleZ = zStart + zBin * zStep;
198  double moduleR =
199  (zBin % 2) != 0u ? radius - 0.5 * zStagger : radius + 0.5 * zStagger;
200  for (size_t phiBin = 0; phiBin < size_t(nPhiBins); ++phiBin) {
201  // calculate the current phi value
202  double modulePhi = minPhi + phiBin * phiStep;
203  mPositions.push_back(Vector3(moduleR * cos(modulePhi),
204  moduleR * sin(modulePhi), moduleZ));
205  }
206  }
207  return mPositions;
208  }
210  // @brief Call operator for the creation method of the tracking geometry
211  std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> operator()() {
212  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
214  Logging::Level surfaceLLevel = Logging::INFO;
215  Logging::Level layerLLevel = Logging::INFO;
216  Logging::Level volumeLLevel = Logging::INFO;
218  // configure surface array creator
219  auto surfaceArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const SurfaceArrayCreator>(
220  getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", surfaceLLevel));
221  // configure the layer creator that uses the surface array creator
222  LayerCreator::Config lcConfig;
223  lcConfig.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreator;
224  auto layerCreator = std::make_shared<const LayerCreator>(
225  lcConfig, getDefaultLogger("LayerCreator", layerLLevel));
226  // configure the layer array creator
227  LayerArrayCreator::Config lacConfig;
228  auto layerArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const LayerArrayCreator>(
229  lacConfig, getDefaultLogger("LayerArrayCreator", layerLLevel));
231  // tracking volume array creator
233  auto tVolumeArrayCreator =
234  std::make_shared<const TrackingVolumeArrayCreator>(
235  tvacConfig,
236  getDefaultLogger("TrackingVolumeArrayCreator", volumeLLevel));
237  // configure the cylinder volume helper
239  cvhConfig.layerArrayCreator = layerArrayCreator;
240  cvhConfig.trackingVolumeArrayCreator = tVolumeArrayCreator;
241  auto cylinderVolumeHelper = std::make_shared<const CylinderVolumeHelper>(
242  cvhConfig, getDefaultLogger("CylinderVolumeHelper", volumeLLevel));
244  // ----------------- build a beam pipe -----------------------------------
245  MaterialSlab beamPipeMaterial(makeBeryllium(), 0.8_mm);
246  PassiveLayerBuilder::Config bplConfig;
247  bplConfig.layerIdentification = "BeamPipe";
248  bplConfig.centralLayerRadii = std::vector<double>(1, 19.);
249  bplConfig.centralLayerHalflengthZ = std::vector<double>(1, 1000.);
250  bplConfig.centralLayerThickness = std::vector<double>(1, 0.8);
251  bplConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {
252  std::make_shared<const HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(beamPipeMaterial)};
253  auto beamPipeBuilder = std::make_shared<const PassiveLayerBuilder>(
254  bplConfig, getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeLayerBuilder", layerLLevel));
255  // create the volume for the beam pipe
257  bpvConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper;
258  bpvConfig.volumeName = "BeamPipe";
259  bpvConfig.layerBuilder = beamPipeBuilder;
260  bpvConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {1_mm, 1_mm};
261  bpvConfig.buildToRadiusZero = true;
262  bpvConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
263  auto beamPipeVolumeBuilder = std::make_shared<const CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
264  bpvConfig, getDefaultLogger("BeamPipeVolumeBuilder", volumeLLevel));
266  // create the bounds and the volume
267  auto beamPipeBounds =
268  std::make_shared<const CylinderVolumeBounds>(0., 25., 1100.);
269  auto beamPipeVolume = beamPipeVolumeBuilder->trackingVolume(
270  geoContext, nullptr, beamPipeBounds);
272  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
273  // some prep work for the material
274  // Layer material properties - thickness, X0, L0, A, Z, Rho
275  MaterialSlab lProperties(makeSilicon(), 1.5_mm);
277  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> layerMaterialPtr =
278  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>(
279  new Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(lProperties));
281  std::vector<double> pLayerRadii = {32., 72., 116., 172.};
282  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> pLayerBinning = {
283  {16, 14}, {32, 14}, {52, 14}, {78, 14}};
284  std::vector<double> pModuleTiltPhi = {0.145, 0.145, 0.145, 0.145};
285  std::vector<double> pModuleHalfX = {8.4, 8.4, 8.4, 8.4};
286  std::vector<double> pModuleHalfY = {36., 36., 36., 36.};
287  std::vector<double> pModuleThickness = {0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15};
289  std::vector<LayerPtr> pLayers;
291  for (size_t ilp = 0; ilp < pLayerRadii.size(); ++ilp) {
292  std::vector<const Surface*> layerSurfaces =
293  surfacesCylinder(detectorStore, pModuleHalfX[ilp], pModuleHalfY[ilp],
294  pModuleThickness[ilp], pModuleTiltPhi[ilp],
295  pLayerRadii[ilp], 2_mm, 5_mm, pLayerBinning[ilp]);
297  // Make a shared version out of it
298  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> layerSurfacePtrs;
299  layerSurfacePtrs.reserve(layerSurfaces.size());
300  for (auto& sf : layerSurfaces) {
301  layerSurfacePtrs.push_back(sf->getSharedPtr());
302  }
304  // create the layer and store it
305  ProtoLayer protoLayer(geoContext, layerSurfaces);
306  protoLayer.envelope[binR] = {0.5, 0.5};
307  auto pLayer = layerCreator->cylinderLayer(
308  geoContext, std::move(layerSurfacePtrs), pLayerBinning[ilp].first,
309  pLayerBinning[ilp].second, protoLayer);
310  auto approachSurfaces = pLayer->approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces();
311  auto mutableOuterSurface =
312  const_cast<Acts::Surface*>(;
313  mutableOuterSurface->assignSurfaceMaterial(layerMaterialPtr);
315  pLayers.push_back(pLayer);
317  } // loop over layers
319  // layer array
320  auto pLayerArray = layerArrayCreator->layerArray(geoContext, pLayers, 25.,
321  300., arbitrary, binR);
322  auto pVolumeBounds =
323  std::make_shared<const CylinderVolumeBounds>(25., 300., 1100.);
324  // create the Tracking volume
325  auto pVolume = TrackingVolume::create(Transform3::Identity(), pVolumeBounds,
326  nullptr, std::move(pLayerArray),
327  nullptr, {}, "Pixel::Barrel");
329  // The combined volume
330  auto detectorVolume = cylinderVolumeHelper->createContainerTrackingVolume(
331  geoContext, {beamPipeVolume, pVolume});
333  // create and return the geometry
334  return std::make_shared<const TrackingGeometry>(detectorVolume);
335  }
336 };
338 } // namespace Test
339 } // namespace Acts