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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 // Workaround for building on clang+libstdc++
40 #include "Acts/Utilities/Zip.hpp"
42 #include <functional>
43 #include <limits>
44 #include <memory>
45 #include <type_traits>
46 #include <unordered_map>
48 namespace Acts {
52  first,
54  last,
57  firstOrLast,
58 };
66  // Number of passed sensitive surfaces
67  size_t nSensitiveSurfaces = 0;
68  // Number of track states
69  size_t nStates = 0;
70  // Number of (non-outlier) measurements
71  size_t nMeasurements = 0;
72  // Number of outliers
73  size_t nOutliers = 0;
74  // Number of holes
75  size_t nHoles = 0;
76 };
79 template <typename traj_t>
81  using candidate_container_t =
82  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>;
83  using MeasurementSelector =
84  Delegate<Result<std::pair<typename candidate_container_t::iterator,
85  typename candidate_container_t::iterator>>(
86  candidate_container_t& trackStates, bool&, const Logger&)>;
87  using BranchStopper =
108  calibrator.template connect<&detail::voidFitterCalibrator<traj_t>>();
109  updater.template connect<&detail::voidFitterUpdater<traj_t>>();
110  smoother.template connect<&detail::voidFitterSmoother<traj_t>>();
111  branchStopper.connect<voidBranchStopper>();
112  measurementSelector.template connect<voidMeasurementSelector>();
113  }
115  private:
120  static Result<std::pair<
121  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator,
122  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator>>
124  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>& candidates,
125  bool& isOutlier, const Logger& logger) {
126  (void)isOutlier;
127  (void)logger;
128  return std::pair{candidates.begin(), candidates.end()};
129  };
134  static bool voidBranchStopper(
135  const CombinatorialKalmanFilterTipState& tipState) {
136  (void)tipState;
137  return false;
138  }
139 };
143 template <typename source_link_iterator_t>
146  const Surface&)>;
152 template <typename source_link_iterator_t, typename traj_t>
154  using SourceLinkIterator = source_link_iterator_t;
171  const GeometryContext& gctx, const MagneticFieldContext& mctx,
172  std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx,
173  SourceLinkAccessor accessor_,
175  const PropagatorPlainOptions& pOptions, const Surface* rSurface = nullptr,
176  bool mScattering = true, bool eLoss = true, bool rSmoothing = true)
177  : geoContext(gctx),
178  magFieldContext(mctx),
179  calibrationContext(cctx),
180  sourcelinkAccessor(std::move(accessor_)),
181  extensions(extensions_),
182  propagatorPlainOptions(pOptions),
183  smoothingTargetSurface(rSurface),
184  multipleScattering(mScattering),
185  energyLoss(eLoss),
186  smoothing(rSmoothing) {}
192  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext;
194  std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext;
196  std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext;
208  const Surface* filterTargetSurface = nullptr;
211  const Surface* smoothingTargetSurface = nullptr;
216  CombinatorialKalmanFilterTargetSurfaceStrategy::firstOrLast;
219  bool multipleScattering = true;
222  bool energyLoss = true;
225  bool smoothing = true;
226 };
228 template <typename traj_t>
231  traj_t* fittedStates{nullptr};
234  std::shared_ptr<traj_t> stateBuffer;
235  std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy> trackStateCandidates;
239  std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastMeasurementIndices;
243  std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastTrackIndices;
246  std::unordered_map<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, BoundTrackParameters>
250  std::vector<std::pair<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType,
256  std::unordered_map<const Surface*, std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t>>
260  bool filtered = false;
263  bool smoothed = false;
269  bool finished = false;
276 };
300 template <typename propagator_t, typename traj_t>
302  public:
304  CombinatorialKalmanFilter() = delete;
307  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger =
309  : m_propagator(std::move(pPropagator)),
310  m_logger(std::move(_logger)),
311  m_actorLogger{m_logger->cloneWithSuffix("Actor")},
312  m_updaterLogger{m_logger->cloneWithSuffix("Updater")},
313  m_smootherLogger{m_logger->cloneWithSuffix("Smoother")} {}
315  private:
316  using KalmanNavigator = typename propagator_t::Navigator;
321  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger;
322  std::shared_ptr<const Logger> m_actorLogger;
323  std::shared_ptr<const Logger> m_updaterLogger;
324  std::shared_ptr<const Logger> m_smootherLogger;
326  const Logger& logger() const { return *m_logger; }
335  template <typename source_link_accessor_t, typename parameters_t>
336  class Actor {
337  public:
339  using BoundState = std::tuple<parameters_t, BoundMatrix, double>;
340  using CurvilinearState =
341  std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, BoundMatrix, double>;
342  // The source link container type
347  const Surface* filterTargetSurface = nullptr;
350  const Surface* smoothingTargetSurface = nullptr;
355  CombinatorialKalmanFilterTargetSurfaceStrategy::firstOrLast;
358  bool multipleScattering = true;
361  bool energyLoss = true;
364  bool smoothing = true;
379  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
380  typename navigator_t>
381  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
382  const navigator_t& navigator, result_type& result,
383  const Logger& _logger) const {
384  assert(result.fittedStates && "No MultiTrajectory set");
386  if (result.finished) {
387  return;
388  }
390  ACTS_VERBOSE("CombinatorialKalmanFilter step");
392  if (not result.filtered and filterTargetSurface != nullptr and
393  targetReached(state, stepper, navigator, *filterTargetSurface,
394  logger())) {
395  navigator.navigationBreak(state.navigation, true);
396  stepper.releaseStepSize(state.stepping);
397  }
399  // Update:
400  // - Waiting for a current surface
401  auto surface = navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation);
402  if (surface != nullptr and not result.filtered) {
403  // There are three scenarios:
404  // 1) The surface is in the measurement map
405  // -> Select source links
406  // -> Perform the kalman update for selected non-outlier source links
407  // -> Add track states in multitrajectory. Multiple states mean branch
408  // splitting.
409  // -> Call branch stopper to justify each branch
410  // -> If there is non-outlier state, update stepper information
411  // 2) The surface is not in the measurement map but with material or is
412  // an active surface
413  // -> Add a hole or passive material state in multitrajectory
414  // -> Call branch stopper to justify the branch
415  // 3) The surface is neither in the measurement map nor with material
416  // -> Do nothing
417  ACTS_VERBOSE("Perform filter step");
418  auto res = filter(surface, state, stepper, navigator, result);
419  if (!res.ok()) {
420  ACTS_ERROR("Error in filter: " << res.error());
421  result.lastError = res.error();
422  }
423  }
425  // Reset propagation state:
426  // - When navigation breaks and there is still active tip present after
427  // recording&removing track tips on current surface
428  if (navigator.navigationBreak(state.navigation) and not result.filtered) {
429  // Record the tips on current surface as trajectory entry indices
430  // (taking advantage of fact that those tips are consecutive in list of
431  // active tips) and remove those tips from active tips
432  if (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
433  // The last active tip
434  const auto& lastActiveTip = result.activeTips.back().first;
435  // Get the index of previous state
436  auto iprevious =
437  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(lastActiveTip).previous();
438  // Find the track states which have the same previous state and remove
439  // them from active tips
440  while (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
441  const auto& [currentTip, tipState] = result.activeTips.back();
442  if (result.fittedStates->getTrackState(currentTip).previous() !=
443  iprevious) {
444  break;
445  }
446  // Record the tips if there are measurements on the track
447  if (tipState.nMeasurements > 0) {
448  ACTS_VERBOSE("Find track with entry index = "
449  << currentTip << " and there are nMeasurements = "
450  << tipState.nMeasurements
451  << ", nOutliers = " << tipState.nOutliers
452  << ", nHoles = " << tipState.nHoles << " on track");
453  result.lastTrackIndices.emplace_back(currentTip);
454  // Set the lastMeasurementIndex to the last measurement
455  // to ignore the states after it in the rest of the algorithm
456  auto lastMeasurementIndex = currentTip;
457  auto lastMeasurementState =
458  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(lastMeasurementIndex);
459  bool isMeasurement = lastMeasurementState.typeFlags().test(
461  while (!isMeasurement) {
462  lastMeasurementIndex = lastMeasurementState.previous();
463  lastMeasurementState =
464  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(lastMeasurementIndex);
465  isMeasurement = lastMeasurementState.typeFlags().test(
467  }
468  result.lastMeasurementIndices.emplace_back(lastMeasurementIndex);
469  // @TODO: Keep information on tip state around so we don't have to
470  // recalculate it later
471  }
472  // Remove the tip from list of active tips
473  result.activeTips.erase(result.activeTips.end() - 1);
474  }
475  }
476  // If no more active tip, done with filtering; Otherwise, reset
477  // propagation state to track state at last tip of active tips
478  if (result.activeTips.empty()) {
479  ACTS_VERBOSE("Kalman filtering finds "
480  << result.lastTrackIndices.size() << " tracks");
481  result.filtered = true;
482  } else {
483  ACTS_VERBOSE("Propagation jumps to branch with tip = "
484  << result.activeTips.back().first);
485  reset(state, stepper, navigator, result);
486  }
487  }
489  if (endOfWorldReached(state, stepper, navigator, logger()) ||
490  result.pathLimitReached(state, stepper, navigator, logger())) {
491  navigator.targetReached(state.navigation, false);
492  if (result.activeTips.empty()) {
493  // we are already done
494  } else if (result.activeTips.size() == 1) {
495  // this was the last track - we are done
496  ACTS_VERBOSE("Kalman filtering finds "
497  << result.lastTrackIndices.size() << " tracks");
498  result.filtered = true;
499  } else {
500  // remove the active tip and continue with the next
501  result.activeTips.erase(result.activeTips.end() - 1);
502  reset(state, stepper, navigator, result);
503  }
504  }
506  // Post-processing after filtering phase
507  if (result.filtered) {
508  // Return error if filtering finds no tracks
509  if (result.lastTrackIndices.empty()) {
510  // @TODO: Tracks like this should not be in the final output!
511  ACTS_WARNING("No tracks found");
512  result.finished = true;
513  } else {
514  if (not smoothing) {
515  ACTS_VERBOSE("Finish Kalman filtering");
516  // Remember that track finding is done
517  result.finished = true;
518  } else {
519  // Iterate over the found tracks for smoothing and getting the
520  // fitted parameter. This needs to be accomplished in different
521  // propagation steps:
522  // -> first run smoothing for found track indexed with iSmoothed
523  if (not result.smoothed) {
525  "Finalize/run smoothing for track with last measurement "
526  "index = "
527  <<;
528  // --> Search the starting state to run the smoothing
529  // --> Call the smoothing
530  // --> Set a stop condition when all track states have been
531  // handled
532  auto res = finalize(state, stepper, navigator, result);
533  if (!res.ok()) {
534  ACTS_ERROR("Error in finalize: " << res.error());
535  result.lastError = res.error();
536  }
537  result.smoothed = true;
539  // TODO another ugly control flow hack
540  navigator.preStep(state, stepper);
541  }
543  if (result.smoothed) {
544  // Update state and stepper with material effects
545  materialInteractor(navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation),
547  MaterialUpdateStage::FullUpdate);
548  }
550  // -> then progress to target/reference surface and built the final
551  // track parameters for found track indexed with iSmoothed
552  if (result.smoothed and
553  (smoothingTargetSurface == nullptr or
554  targetReached(state, stepper, navigator,
556  result.pathLimitReached(state, stepper, navigator,
557  logger()))) {
559  "Completing the track with last measurement index = "
560  <<;
562  if (smoothingTargetSurface != nullptr) {
563  // Transport & bind the parameter to the final surface
564  auto res =
565  stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *smoothingTargetSurface);
566  if (!res.ok()) {
567  ACTS_ERROR("Error in finalize: " << res.error());
568  result.lastError = res.error();
569  } else {
570  auto fittedState = *res;
571  // Assign the fitted parameters
572  result.fittedParameters.emplace(
574  std::get<BoundTrackParameters>(fittedState));
575  }
576  }
578  // If there are more trajectories to handle:
579  // -> set the targetReached status to false
580  // -> set the smoothed status to false
581  // -> update the index of track to be smoothed
582  if (result.iSmoothed < result.lastMeasurementIndices.size() - 1) {
583  result.smoothed = false;
584  result.iSmoothed++;
585  // Reverse navigation direction to start targeting for the rest
586  // tracks
587  state.options.direction = state.options.direction.invert();
589  // TODO this is kinda silly but I dont see a better solution
590  // with the current CKF control flow
591  operator()(state, stepper, navigator, result, _logger);
592  } else {
593  ACTS_VERBOSE("Finish Kalman filtering and smoothing");
594  // Remember that track finding is done
595  result.finished = true;
596  }
597  }
598  } // if run smoothing
599  } // if there are found tracks
600  } // if filtering is done
601  }
613  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
614  typename navigator_t>
615  void reset(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
616  const navigator_t& navigator, result_type& result) const {
617  auto currentState =
618  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(result.activeTips.back().first);
620  // Reset the stepping state
621  stepper.resetState(state.stepping, currentState.filtered(),
622  currentState.filteredCovariance(),
623  currentState.referenceSurface(),
624  state.options.maxStepSize);
626  // Reset the navigation state
627  // Set targetSurface to nullptr for forward filtering; it's only needed
628  // after smoothing
629  navigator.resetState(
630  state.navigation, state.geoContext, stepper.position(state.stepping),
631  state.options.direction * stepper.direction(state.stepping),
632  &currentState.referenceSurface(), nullptr);
634  // No Kalman filtering for the starting surface, but still need
635  // to consider the material effects here
636  materialInteractor(navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation), state,
637  stepper, navigator, MaterialUpdateStage::FullUpdate);
639  detail::setupLoopProtection(state, stepper, result.pathLimitReached, true,
640  logger());
641  }
657  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
658  typename navigator_t>
659  Result<void> filter(const Surface* surface, propagator_state_t& state,
660  const stepper_t& stepper, const navigator_t& navigator,
661  result_type& result) const {
662  // Initialize the number of branches on current surface
663  size_t nBranchesOnSurface = 0;
665  // Count the number of source links on the surface
666  auto [slBegin, slEnd] = m_sourcelinkAccessor(*surface);
667  if (slBegin != slEnd) {
668  // Screen output message
669  ACTS_VERBOSE("Measurement surface " << surface->geometryId()
670  << " detected.");
672  // Transport the covariance to the surface
673  stepper.transportCovarianceToBound(state.stepping, *surface);
675  // Update state and stepper with pre material effects
676  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, navigator,
677  MaterialUpdateStage::PreUpdate);
679  // Bind the transported state to the current surface
680  auto boundStateRes =
681  stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *surface, false);
682  if (!boundStateRes.ok()) {
683  return boundStateRes.error();
684  }
685  auto boundState = *boundStateRes;
687  // Retrieve the previous tip and its state
688  // The states created on this surface will have the common previous tip
689  size_t prevTip = SIZE_MAX;
690  TipState prevTipState;
691  if (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
692  prevTip = result.activeTips.back().first;
693  prevTipState = result.activeTips.back().second;
694  // New state is to be added. Remove the last tip from active tips
695  result.activeTips.erase(result.activeTips.end() - 1);
696  }
698  // Create trackstates for all source links (will be filtered later)
699  // Results are stored in result => no return value
700  createSourceLinkTrackStates(state.geoContext, result, boundState,
701  prevTip, slBegin, slEnd);
703  // Invoke the measurement selector to select compatible measurements
704  // with the predicted track parameter.
705  // It can modify the trackStateCandidates vector, and will return a pair
706  // of iterators marking the range of accepted measurements (track
707  // states)
708  bool isOutlier = false;
709  auto selectorResult = m_extensions.measurementSelector(
710  result.trackStateCandidates, isOutlier, logger());
712  if (!selectorResult.ok()) {
713  ACTS_ERROR("Selection of calibrated measurements failed: "
714  << selectorResult.error());
715  return selectorResult.error();
716  }
717  auto selectedTrackStateRange = *selectorResult;
719  auto procRes = processSelectedTrackStates(
720  state.geoContext, selectedTrackStateRange.first,
721  selectedTrackStateRange.second, result, isOutlier, prevTipState,
722  nBranchesOnSurface);
724  if (!procRes.ok()) {
726  "Processing of selected track states failed: " << procRes.error())
727  return procRes.error();
728  }
730  if (nBranchesOnSurface > 0 and not isOutlier) {
731  // If there are measurement track states on this surface
732  ACTS_VERBOSE("Filtering step successful with " << nBranchesOnSurface
733  << " branches");
734  // Update stepping state using filtered parameters of last track
735  // state on this surface
736  auto ts = result.fittedStates->getTrackState(
737  result.activeTips.back().first);
738  stepper.update(state.stepping,
740  state.options.geoContext, ts),
741  ts.filtered(), ts.filteredCovariance(), *surface);
742  ACTS_VERBOSE("Stepping state is updated with filtered parameter:");
743  ACTS_VERBOSE("-> " << ts.filtered().transpose()
744  << " of track state with tip = "
745  << result.activeTips.back().first);
746  }
747  // Update state and stepper with post material effects
748  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, navigator,
749  MaterialUpdateStage::PostUpdate);
750  } else if (surface->associatedDetectorElement() != nullptr ||
751  surface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
752  // No splitting on the surface without source links. Set it to one
753  // first, but could be changed later
754  nBranchesOnSurface = 1;
756  // Retrieve the previous tip and its state
757  size_t prevTip = SIZE_MAX;
758  TipState tipState;
759  if (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
760  prevTip = result.activeTips.back().first;
761  tipState = result.activeTips.back().second;
762  }
764  // The surface could be either sensitive or passive
765  bool isSensitive = (surface->associatedDetectorElement() != nullptr);
766  bool isMaterial = (surface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr);
767  std::string type = isSensitive ? "sensitive" : "passive";
768  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detected " << type
769  << " surface: " << surface->geometryId());
770  if (isSensitive) {
771  // Increment of number of passed sensitive surfaces
772  tipState.nSensitiveSurfaces++;
773  }
774  // Add state if there is already measurement detected on this branch
775  // For in-sensitive surface, only add state when smoothing is
776  // required
777  bool createState = false;
778  if (smoothing) {
779  createState = (tipState.nMeasurements > 0 or isMaterial);
780  } else {
781  createState = (tipState.nMeasurements > 0 and isSensitive);
782  }
783  if (createState) {
784  // New state is to be added. Remove the last tip from active tips now
785  if (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
786  result.activeTips.erase(result.activeTips.end() - 1);
787  }
788  // No source links on surface, add either hole or passive material
789  // TrackState. No storage allocation for uncalibrated/calibrated
790  // measurement and filtered parameter
791  auto stateMask =
792  ~(TrackStatePropMask::Calibrated | TrackStatePropMask::Filtered);
794  // Increment of number of processed states
795  tipState.nStates++;
796  size_t currentTip = SIZE_MAX;
797  if (isSensitive) {
798  // Increment of number of holes
799  tipState.nHoles++;
800  }
802  // Transport & bind the state to the current surface
803  auto res = stepper.boundState(state.stepping, *surface);
804  if (!res.ok()) {
805  ACTS_ERROR("Error in filter: " << res.error());
806  return res.error();
807  }
808  const auto boundState = *res;
809  // Add a hole or material track state to the multitrajectory
810  currentTip = addNonSourcelinkState(stateMask, boundState, result,
811  isSensitive, prevTip);
813  // Check the branch
814  if (not m_extensions.branchStopper(tipState)) {
815  // Remember the active tip and its state
816  result.activeTips.emplace_back(currentTip, tipState);
817  } else {
818  // No branch on this surface
819  nBranchesOnSurface = 0;
820  }
821  }
823  // Update state and stepper with material effects
824  materialInteractor(surface, state, stepper, navigator,
825  MaterialUpdateStage::FullUpdate);
826  } else {
827  // Neither measurement nor material on surface, this branch is still
828  // valid. Count the branch on current surface
829  nBranchesOnSurface = 1;
830  }
832  // Reset current tip if there is no branch on current surface
833  if (nBranchesOnSurface == 0) {
834  ACTS_DEBUG("Branch on surface " << surface->geometryId()
835  << " is stopped");
836  if (not result.activeTips.empty()) {
837  ACTS_VERBOSE("Propagation jumps to branch with tip = "
838  << result.activeTips.back().first);
839  reset(state, stepper, navigator, result);
840  } else {
841  ACTS_VERBOSE("Stop Kalman filtering with "
842  << result.lastMeasurementIndices.size()
843  << " found tracks");
844  result.filtered = true;
845  }
846  }
848  return Result<void>::success();
849  }
858  template <typename source_link_iterator_t>
860  result_type& result,
861  const BoundState& boundState,
862  size_t prevTip,
863  source_link_iterator_t slBegin,
864  source_link_iterator_t slEnd) const {
865  const auto& [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] = boundState;
867  result.trackStateCandidates.clear();
868  if constexpr (std::is_same_v<
869  typename std::iterator_traits<
870  source_link_iterator_t>::iterator_category,
871  std::random_access_iterator_tag>) {
872  result.trackStateCandidates.reserve(std::distance(slBegin, slEnd));
873  }
875  result.stateBuffer->clear();
877  using PM = TrackStatePropMask;
879  // Calibrate all the source links on the surface since the selection has
880  // to be done based on calibrated measurement
881  for (auto it = slBegin; it != slEnd; ++it) {
882  // get the source link
883  const auto sourceLink = *it;
885  // prepare the track state
886  PM mask = PM::Predicted | PM::Jacobian | PM::Calibrated;
888  if (it != slBegin) {
889  // not the first TrackState, only need uncalibrated and calibrated
890  mask = PM::Calibrated;
891  }
894  "Create temp track state with mask: " << std::bitset<
895  sizeof(std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>) * 8>(
896  static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>>(mask)));
897  size_t tsi = result.stateBuffer->addTrackState(mask, prevTip);
898  // CAREFUL! This trackstate has a previous index that is not in this
899  // MultiTrajectory Visiting brackwards from this track state will
900  // fail!
901  auto ts = result.stateBuffer->getTrackState(tsi);
903  if (it == slBegin) {
904  // only set these for first
905  ts.predicted() = boundParams.parameters();
906  if (boundParams.covariance()) {
907  ts.predictedCovariance() = *boundParams.covariance();
908  }
909  ts.jacobian() = jacobian;
910  } else {
911  // subsequent track states can reuse
912  auto& first = result.trackStateCandidates.front();
913  ts.shareFrom(first, PM::Predicted);
914  ts.shareFrom(first, PM::Jacobian);
915  }
917  ts.pathLength() = pathLength;
919  ts.setReferenceSurface(boundParams.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
921  // now calibrate the track state
922  m_extensions.calibrator(gctx, calibrationContext, sourceLink, ts);
924  result.trackStateCandidates.push_back(ts);
925  }
926  }
938  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::const_iterator
939  begin,
940  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::const_iterator
941  end,
942  result_type& result, bool isOutlier, const TipState& prevTipState,
943  size_t& nBranchesOnSurface) const {
944  using PM = TrackStatePropMask;
946  std::optional<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy> firstTrackState{
947  std::nullopt};
948  for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
949  auto& candidateTrackState = *it;
951  PM mask = PM::All;
953  if (it != begin) {
954  // subsequent track states don't need storage for these
955  mask = ~PM::Predicted & ~PM::Jacobian;
956  }
958  if (isOutlier) {
959  mask &= ~PM::Filtered; // outlier won't have separate filtered
960  // parameters
961  }
963  // copy this trackstate into fitted states MultiTrajectory
964  typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy trackState =
965  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(
966  result.fittedStates->addTrackState(
967  mask, candidateTrackState.previous()));
969  "Create SourceLink output track state #"
970  << trackState.index() << " with mask: "
971  << std::bitset<sizeof(std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>) *
972  8>{
973  static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>>(
974  mask)});
976  if (it != begin) {
977  // assign indices pointing to first track state
978  trackState.shareFrom(*firstTrackState, PM::Predicted);
979  trackState.shareFrom(*firstTrackState, PM::Jacobian);
980  } else {
981  firstTrackState = trackState;
982  }
984  // either copy ALL or everything except for predicted and jacobian
985  trackState.allocateCalibrated(candidateTrackState.calibratedSize());
986  trackState.copyFrom(candidateTrackState, mask, false);
988  auto typeFlags = trackState.typeFlags();
989  if (trackState.referenceSurface().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
990  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MaterialFlag);
991  }
992  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::ParameterFlag);
994  // Inherit the tip state from the previous and will be updated
995  // later
996  TipState tipState = prevTipState;
997  size_t currentTip = trackState.index();
999  // Increment of number of processedState and passed sensitive surfaces
1000  tipState.nSensitiveSurfaces++;
1001  tipState.nStates++;
1003  if (isOutlier) {
1005  "Creating outlier track state with tip = " << currentTip);
1006  // Set the outlier flag
1007  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag);
1008  // Increment number of outliers
1009  tipState.nOutliers++;
1010  // No Kalman update for outlier
1011  // Set the filtered parameter index to be the same with predicted
1012  // parameter
1013  trackState.shareFrom(PM::Predicted, PM::Filtered);
1015  } else {
1016  // Kalman update
1017  auto updateRes = m_extensions.updater(
1018  gctx, trackState, Direction::Forward, *updaterLogger);
1019  if (!updateRes.ok()) {
1020  ACTS_ERROR("Update step failed: " << updateRes.error());
1021  return updateRes.error();
1022  }
1024  "Creating measurement track state with tip = " << currentTip);
1025  // Set the measurement flag
1026  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag);
1027  // Increment number of measurements
1028  tipState.nMeasurements++;
1029  }
1031  // Check if need to stop this branch
1032  if (not m_extensions.branchStopper(tipState)) {
1033  // Put tipstate back into active tips to continue with it
1034  result.activeTips.emplace_back(currentTip, tipState);
1035  // Record the number of branches on surface
1036  nBranchesOnSurface++;
1037  }
1038  }
1039  return Result<void>::success();
1040  }
1053  const BoundState& boundState,
1054  result_type& result, bool isSensitive,
1055  size_t prevTip) const {
1056  // Add a track state
1057  auto currentTip = result.fittedStates->addTrackState(stateMask, prevTip);
1059  "Create "
1060  << (isSensitive ? "Hole" : "Material") << " output track state #"
1061  << currentTip << " with mask: "
1062  << std::bitset<sizeof(std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>) *
1063  8>{
1064  static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<TrackStatePropMask>>(
1065  stateMask)});
1066  // now get track state proxy back
1067  auto trackStateProxy = result.fittedStates->getTrackState(currentTip);
1069  const auto& [boundParams, jacobian, pathLength] = boundState;
1070  // Fill the track state
1071  trackStateProxy.predicted() = boundParams.parameters();
1072  if (boundParams.covariance().has_value()) {
1073  trackStateProxy.predictedCovariance() = *boundParams.covariance();
1074  }
1075  trackStateProxy.jacobian() = jacobian;
1076  trackStateProxy.pathLength() = pathLength;
1077  // Set the surface
1078  trackStateProxy.setReferenceSurface(
1079  boundParams.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
1080  // Set the filtered parameter index to be the same with predicted
1081  // parameter
1083  // Set the track state flags
1084  auto typeFlags = trackStateProxy.typeFlags();
1085  if (trackStateProxy.referenceSurface().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
1086  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::MaterialFlag);
1087  }
1088  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::ParameterFlag);
1089  if (isSensitive) {
1090  typeFlags.set(TrackStateFlag::HoleFlag);
1091  }
1093  trackStateProxy.shareFrom(TrackStatePropMask::Predicted,
1094  TrackStatePropMask::Filtered);
1096  return currentTip;
1097  }
1111  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
1112  typename navigator_t>
1113  void materialInteractor(const Surface* surface, propagator_state_t& state,
1114  const stepper_t& stepper,
1115  const navigator_t& navigator,
1116  const MaterialUpdateStage& updateStage) const {
1117  if (surface == nullptr) {
1118  return;
1119  }
1121  // Indicator if having material
1122  bool hasMaterial = false;
1124  if (surface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
1125  // Prepare relevant input particle properties
1126  detail::PointwiseMaterialInteraction interaction(surface, state,
1127  stepper);
1128  // Evaluate the material properties
1129  if (interaction.evaluateMaterialSlab(state, navigator, updateStage)) {
1130  // Surface has material at this stage
1131  hasMaterial = true;
1133  // Evaluate the material effects
1135  energyLoss);
1137  // Screen out material effects info
1138  ACTS_VERBOSE("Material effects on surface: "
1139  << surface->geometryId()
1140  << " at update stage: " << updateStage << " are :");
1141  ACTS_VERBOSE("eLoss = "
1142  << interaction.Eloss * interaction.navDir << ", "
1143  << "variancePhi = " << interaction.variancePhi << ", "
1144  << "varianceTheta = " << interaction.varianceTheta
1145  << ", "
1146  << "varianceQoverP = " << interaction.varianceQoverP);
1148  // Update the state and stepper with material effects
1149  interaction.updateState(state, stepper, addNoise);
1150  }
1151  }
1153  if (not hasMaterial) {
1154  // Screen out message
1155  ACTS_VERBOSE("No material effects on surface: " << surface->geometryId()
1156  << " at update stage: "
1157  << updateStage);
1158  }
1159  }
1171  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
1172  typename navigator_t>
1173  Result<void> finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
1174  const navigator_t& navigator,
1175  result_type& result) const {
1176  // The measurement tip of the track being smoothed
1177  const auto& lastMeasurementIndex =
1180  // Get the indices of the first states (can be either a measurement or
1181  // material);
1182  size_t firstStateIndex = lastMeasurementIndex;
1183  // Count track states to be smoothed
1184  size_t nStates = 0;
1185  result.fittedStates->applyBackwards(lastMeasurementIndex, [&](auto st) {
1186  bool isMeasurement =
1187  st.typeFlags().test(TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag);
1188  bool isOutlier = st.typeFlags().test(TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag);
1189  // We are excluding non measurement states and outlier here. Those can
1190  // decrease resolution because only the smoothing corrected the very
1191  // first prediction as filtering is not possible.
1192  if (isMeasurement && !isOutlier) {
1193  firstStateIndex = st.index();
1194  }
1195  nStates++;
1196  });
1197  // Return error if the track has no measurement states (but this should
1198  // not happen)
1199  if (nStates == 0) {
1200  ACTS_ERROR("Smoothing for a track without measurements.");
1201  return CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::SmoothFailed;
1202  }
1203  // Screen output for debugging
1204  ACTS_VERBOSE("Apply smoothing on " << nStates
1205  << " filtered track states.");
1207  // Smooth the track states
1208  auto smoothRes =
1209  m_extensions.smoother(state.geoContext, *result.fittedStates,
1210  lastMeasurementIndex, *smootherLogger);
1211  if (!smoothRes.ok()) {
1212  ACTS_ERROR("Smoothing step failed: " << smoothRes.error());
1213  return smoothRes.error();
1214  }
1216  // Return in case no target surface
1217  if (smoothingTargetSurface == nullptr) {
1218  return Result<void>::success();
1219  }
1221  // Obtain the smoothed parameters at first/last measurement state
1222  auto firstCreatedState =
1223  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(firstStateIndex);
1224  auto lastCreatedMeasurement =
1225  result.fittedStates->getTrackState(lastMeasurementIndex);
1227  // Lambda to get the intersection of the free params on the target surface
1228  auto target = [&](const FreeVector& freeVector) -> SurfaceIntersection {
1229  return smoothingTargetSurface
1230  ->intersect(
1231  state.geoContext, freeVector.segment<3>(eFreePos0),
1232  state.options.direction * freeVector.segment<3>(eFreeDir0),
1233  true, state.options.targetTolerance)
1234  .closest();
1235  };
1237  // The smoothed free params at the first/last measurement state.
1238  // (the first state can also be a material state)
1239  auto firstParams = MultiTrajectoryHelpers::freeSmoothed(
1240  state.options.geoContext, firstCreatedState);
1241  auto lastParams = MultiTrajectoryHelpers::freeSmoothed(
1242  state.options.geoContext, lastCreatedMeasurement);
1243  // Get the intersections of the smoothed free parameters with the target
1244  // surface
1245  const auto firstIntersection = target(firstParams);
1246  const auto lastIntersection = target(lastParams);
1248  // Update the stepping parameters - in order to progress to destination.
1249  // At the same time, reverse navigation direction for further stepping if
1250  // necessary.
1251  // @note The stepping parameters is updated to the smoothed parameters at
1252  // either the first measurement state or the last measurement state. It
1253  // assumes the target surface is not within the first and the last
1254  // smoothed measurement state. Also, whether the intersection is on
1255  // surface is not checked here.
1256  bool useFirstTrackState = true;
1258  case CombinatorialKalmanFilterTargetSurfaceStrategy::first:
1259  useFirstTrackState = true;
1260  break;
1261  case CombinatorialKalmanFilterTargetSurfaceStrategy::last:
1262  useFirstTrackState = false;
1263  break;
1264  case CombinatorialKalmanFilterTargetSurfaceStrategy::firstOrLast:
1265  useFirstTrackState = std::abs(firstIntersection.pathLength()) <=
1266  std::abs(lastIntersection.pathLength());
1267  break;
1268  default:
1269  ACTS_ERROR("Unknown target surface strategy");
1270  return KalmanFitterError::SmoothFailed;
1271  }
1272  bool reverseDirection = false;
1273  if (useFirstTrackState) {
1274  stepper.resetState(state.stepping, firstCreatedState.smoothed(),
1275  firstCreatedState.smoothedCovariance(),
1276  firstCreatedState.referenceSurface(),
1277  state.options.maxStepSize);
1278  reverseDirection = firstIntersection.pathLength() < 0;
1279  } else {
1280  stepper.resetState(state.stepping, lastCreatedMeasurement.smoothed(),
1281  lastCreatedMeasurement.smoothedCovariance(),
1282  lastCreatedMeasurement.referenceSurface(),
1283  state.options.maxStepSize);
1284  reverseDirection = lastIntersection.pathLength() < 0;
1285  }
1286  // Reverse the navigation direction if necessary
1287  if (reverseDirection) {
1289  "Reverse navigation direction after smoothing for reaching the "
1290  "target surface");
1291  state.options.direction = state.options.direction.invert();
1292  }
1293  const auto& surface = useFirstTrackState
1294  ? firstCreatedState.referenceSurface()
1295  : lastCreatedMeasurement.referenceSurface();
1298  "Smoothing successful, updating stepping state to smoothed "
1299  "parameters at surface "
1300  << surface.geometryId() << ". Prepared to reach the target surface.");
1302  // Reset the navigation state to enable propagation towards the target
1303  // surface
1304  // Set targetSurface to nullptr as it is handled manually in the actor
1305  navigator.resetState(
1306  state.navigation, state.geoContext, stepper.position(state.stepping),
1307  state.options.direction * stepper.direction(state.stepping), &surface,
1308  nullptr);
1310  detail::setupLoopProtection(state, stepper, result.pathLimitReached, true,
1311  logger());
1313  return Result<void>::success();
1314  }
1319  source_link_accessor_t m_sourcelinkAccessor;
1322  SurfaceReached targetReached{std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()};
1328  const Logger* actorLogger{nullptr};
1330  const Logger* updaterLogger{nullptr};
1332  const Logger* smootherLogger{nullptr};
1334  const Logger& logger() const { return *actorLogger; }
1335  };
1337  template <typename source_link_accessor_t, typename parameters_t>
1338  class Aborter {
1339  public:
1343  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
1344  typename navigator_t, typename result_t>
1345  bool operator()(propagator_state_t& /*state*/, const stepper_t& /*stepper*/,
1346  const navigator_t& /*navigator*/, const result_t& result,
1347  const Logger& /*logger*/) const {
1348  if (result.finished) {
1349  return true;
1350  }
1351  return false;
1352  }
1353  };
1355  public:
1378  template <typename source_link_iterator_t, typename start_parameters_t,
1379  typename track_container_t, template <typename> class holder_t,
1380  typename parameters_t = BoundTrackParameters>
1382  const start_parameters_t& initialParameters,
1384  tfOptions,
1386  -> Result<std::vector<
1387  typename std::decay_t<decltype(trackContainer)>::TrackProxy>> {
1388  using TrackContainer = typename std::decay_t<decltype(trackContainer)>;
1389  using SourceLinkAccessor =
1392  // Create the ActionList and AbortList
1393  using CombinatorialKalmanFilterAborter =
1395  using CombinatorialKalmanFilterActor =
1397  using Actors = ActionList<CombinatorialKalmanFilterActor>;
1398  using Aborters = AbortList<CombinatorialKalmanFilterAborter>;
1400  // Create relevant options for the propagation options
1401  PropagatorOptions<Actors, Aborters> propOptions(tfOptions.geoContext,
1402  tfOptions.magFieldContext);
1404  // Set the trivial propagator options
1405  propOptions.setPlainOptions(tfOptions.propagatorPlainOptions);
1407  // Catch the actor
1408  auto& combKalmanActor =
1409  propOptions.actionList.template get<CombinatorialKalmanFilterActor>();
1410  combKalmanActor.filterTargetSurface = tfOptions.filterTargetSurface;
1411  combKalmanActor.smoothingTargetSurface = tfOptions.smoothingTargetSurface;
1412  combKalmanActor.smoothingTargetSurfaceStrategy =
1413  tfOptions.smoothingTargetSurfaceStrategy;
1414  combKalmanActor.multipleScattering = tfOptions.multipleScattering;
1415  combKalmanActor.energyLoss = tfOptions.energyLoss;
1416  combKalmanActor.smoothing = tfOptions.smoothing;
1417  combKalmanActor.actorLogger = m_actorLogger.get();
1418  combKalmanActor.updaterLogger = m_updaterLogger.get();
1419  combKalmanActor.smootherLogger = m_smootherLogger.get();
1420  combKalmanActor.calibrationContext = &tfOptions.calibrationContext.get();
1422  // copy source link accessor, calibrator and measurement selector
1423  combKalmanActor.m_sourcelinkAccessor = tfOptions.sourcelinkAccessor;
1424  combKalmanActor.m_extensions = tfOptions.extensions;
1426  // Run the CombinatorialKalmanFilter.
1427  auto stateBuffer = std::make_shared<traj_t>();
1429  typename propagator_t::template action_list_t_result_t<
1431  inputResult;
1433  auto& r =
1434  inputResult.template get<CombinatorialKalmanFilterResult<traj_t>>();
1436  r.fittedStates = &trackContainer.trackStateContainer();
1437  r.stateBuffer = stateBuffer;
1438  r.stateBuffer->clear();
1440  auto result = m_propagator.template propagate(
1441  initialParameters, propOptions, false, std::move(inputResult));
1443  if (!result.ok()) {
1444  ACTS_ERROR("Propagation failed: " << result.error() << " "
1445  << result.error().message()
1446  << " with the initial parameters: \n"
1447  << initialParameters.parameters());
1448  return result.error();
1449  }
1451  auto& propRes = *result;
1454  auto combKalmanResult = std::move(
1455  propRes.template get<CombinatorialKalmanFilterResult<traj_t>>());
1459  // -> filtering for track finding;
1460  // -> surface targeting to get fitted parameters at target surface.
1461  // This is regarded as a failure.
1462  // @TODO: Implement distinguishment between the above two cases if
1463  // necessary
1464  if (combKalmanResult.lastError.ok() and not combKalmanResult.finished) {
1465  combKalmanResult.lastError = Result<void>(
1466  CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::PropagationReachesMaxSteps);
1467  }
1469  if (!combKalmanResult.lastError.ok()) {
1470  ACTS_ERROR("CombinatorialKalmanFilter failed: "
1471  << combKalmanResult.lastError.error() << " "
1472  << combKalmanResult.lastError.error().message()
1473  << " with the initial parameters: \n"
1474  << initialParameters.parameters());
1475  }
1477  std::vector<typename TrackContainer::TrackProxy> tracks;
1479  for (auto tip : combKalmanResult.lastMeasurementIndices) {
1480  auto it = combKalmanResult.fittedParameters.find(tip);
1481  if (it == combKalmanResult.fittedParameters.end()) {
1482  continue;
1483  }
1485  auto track = trackContainer.getTrack(trackContainer.addTrack());
1486  track.tipIndex() = tip;
1488  const BoundTrackParameters& parameters = it->second;
1489  track.parameters() = parameters.parameters();
1490  track.covariance() = *parameters.covariance();
1491  track.setReferenceSurface(parameters.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
1493  calculateTrackQuantities(track);
1495  tracks.push_back(track);
1496  }
1498  return tracks;
1499  }
1500 };
1502 } // namespace Acts