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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Corrections.cxx
1 #define SDMULT 1
2 #define CANVASW 800
3 #define CANVASH 700
5 #include <TCanvas.h>
6 #include <TColor.h>
7 #include <TCut.h>
8 #include <TExec.h>
9 #include <TF1.h>
10 #include <TFile.h>
11 #include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>
12 #include <TH1F.h>
13 #include <TH2F.h>
14 #include <TH3F.h>
15 #include <TLatex.h>
16 #include <TLegend.h>
17 #include <TLine.h>
18 #include <TMath.h>
19 #include <TObjString.h>
20 #include <TROOT.h>
21 #include <TRandom3.h>
22 #include <TStyle.h>
23 #include <TTree.h>
24 #include <TTreeIndex.h>
26 #include <fstream>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <sstream>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <vector>
32 #include "/sphenix/user/hjheng/TrackletAna/analysis/plot/sPHENIXStyle/sPhenixStyle.C"
34 using namespace std;
36 void calccorr(const TString infilename, int CentLow = -1, int CentHigh = 10, bool applyc = false, bool applyg = false, bool applym = false, TString estag = "", TString putag = "", bool debug = false)
37 {
38  // Options
39  // int layer = TString(argv[1]).Atoi();
40  // int CentLow = TString(argv[2]).Atoi();
41  // int CentHigh = TString(argv[3]).Atoi();
42  // bool applyc = false; // external corrections
43  // bool applyg = false; // geometric correction
44  // bool applym = false; // acceptance map
45  // TString estag = "";
46  // TString putag = "";
47  // bool debug = false; // printout for debugging
49  gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
50  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
51  gStyle->SetPalette(kThermometer);
53  system(Form("mkdir -p ./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d", CentLow, CentHigh));
55  TFile *finput = new TFile(infilename, "read");
56  TTree *tinput = (TTree *)finput->Get("minitree");
58  TFile *fcorr = 0;
59  TFile *faccep = 0;
60  TFile *fes = 0;
61  TFile *fpu = 0;
63  if (applyc)
64  {
65  fcorr = new TFile(Form("./plot/corrections/Cent%dto%d/correction_hists.root", CentLow, CentHigh));
66  cout << "[INFO] Applying correction factors" << endl;
68  // if (applyg)
69  // {
70  // // faccep = new TFile(Form("output/acceptances/%s/acceptance-%i.root", accepdir, type));
71  // cout << "[INFO] Applying geometric correction" << endl;
72  // }
73  }
75  // if (applym)
76  // {
77  // cout << "[INFO] Applying external acceptance maps" << endl;
78  // }
80  // if (estag.EqualTo(""))
81  // {
82  // // fes = new TFile(Form("output/correction-%s-%i.root", estag, type));
83  // cout << "[INFO] Applying external event selection corrections" << endl;
84  // }
86  // if (putag.EqualTo(""))
87  // {
88  // // fpu = new TFile(Form("output/pileup-%s.root", putag));
89  // cout << "[INFO] Applying pileup corrections" << endl;
90  // }
92  TCut csel;
93  if (CentLow == CentHigh)
94  {
95  csel = Form("Centrality_mbd==%d", CentLow);
96  }
97  else
98  {
99  csel = Form("Centrality_mbd>=%d && Centrality_mbd<=%d", CentLow, CentHigh);
100  }
101  TCut vsel = "PV_z<=0 && PV_z>=-50";
102  TCut osel = "trig";
103  TCut psel = "process==0";
104  TCut esel = vsel && csel && osel;
105  TCut gsel = vsel && csel && psel;
107  TH1::SetDefaultSumw2();
109  /* Setup bins for correction histograms */
110  int neta = 68;
111  float etamin = -3.4;
112  float etamax = 3.4;
113  float etab[neta + 1];
114  for (int i = 0; i <= neta; i++)
115  etab[i] = i * (etamax - etamin) / neta + etamin;
116  int nvz = 50;
117  float vzmin = -45;
118  float vzmax = 5;
119  float vzb[nvz + 1];
120  for (int i = 0; i <= nvz; i++)
121  vzb[i] = i * (vzmax - vzmin) / nvz + vzmin;
122  int nmult = 15; // Tracklet multiplicity
123  float multb[nmult + 1] = {0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 350, 550, 800, 1100, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3100, 3800, 5000};
124  /* Setup histograms */
125  TH3F *h3WEhadron = new TH3F("h3WEhadron", "h3WEhadron", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb); // Gen-hadron - passing event selection
126  TH3F *h3WGhadron = new TH3F("h3WGhadron", "h3WGhadron", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb); // Gen-hadron - passing gen-level selection
127  TH3F *h3WEraw = new TH3F("h3WEraw", "h3WEraw", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb); // raw reco-tracklets, before alpha correction, passing esel (vz cut, trigger)
128  TH3F *h3WEcorr = new TH3F("h3WEcorr", "h3WEcorr", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb); // after alpha correction; corr = raw * alpha
129  /* Acceptance & efficiency correction - alpha */
130  TH3F *h3alpha = new TH3F("h3alpha", "h3alpha", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb); // h3WEhadron (gen-hadron passing evt selection) / h3WEraw
131  TH3F *h3alphafinal = new TH3F("h3alphafinal", "h3alphafinal", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb);
132  /* Vertex distribution: reweighting */
133  TH1F *h1WEvz = new TH1F("h1WEvz", "h1WEvz", nvz, vzb); // v_z distribution passing event selection
134  TH2F *h2WEvzmult = new TH2F("h2WEvzmult", "h2WEvzmult", nvz, vzb, nmult, multb); // v_z v.s tracklet multiplicity distribution passing event selection
135  /* Acceptance region */
136  TH2F *h2amapxev_prealpha; // Before alpha correction is applied, for checking
137  TH2F *h2amapxev = new TH2F("h2amapxev", "h2amapxev", neta, etab, nvz, vzb);
138  TH3F *h3amapxemv = new TH3F("h3amapxemv", "h3amapxemv", neta, etab, nmult, multb, nvz, vzb);
139  /* Trigger efficiency */
140  TH1F *h1teff = new TH1F("h1teff", "h1teff", nmult, multb);
141  TH1F *h1WGOXteff = new TH1F("h1WGOXteff", "h1WGOXteff", nmult, multb); // passing (gsel && osel)
142  TH1F *h1WGXteff = new TH1F("h1WGXteff", "h1WGXteff", nmult, multb); // passing gsel
143  /* Single diffractive event fraction */
144  TH1F *h1sdf = new TH1F("h1sdf", "h1sdf", nmult, multb);
145  TH1F *h1WEsdf = new TH1F("h1WEsdf", "h1WEsdf", nmult, multb);
146  TH1F *h1WENGsdf = new TH1F("h1WENGsdf", "h1WENGsdf", nmult, multb);
147  /* Empty correction */
148  TH1F *h1empty = new TH1F("h1empty", "h1empty", neta, etab);
149  /* Alpha factor in 1D and 2D (for checking) */
150  TH1F *h1alpha[neta][nvz];
151  TF1 *falpha[neta][nvz];
152  TH2F *h2alpha_multb[nmult];
153  for (int i = 0; i < neta; i++)
154  {
155  for (int j = 0; j < nvz; j++)
156  {
157  h1alpha[i][j] = new TH1F(Form("alpha_etabin%i_vzbin%i", i, j), Form("alpha_etabin%i_vzbin%i", i, j), nmult, multb);
158  falpha[i][j] = new TF1(Form("falpha_etabin%i_vzbin%i", i, j), "[0]+[1]/(x+[2])+[3]/(x*x)", 1, 12000);
159  }
160  }
161  for (int k = 0; k < nmult; k++)
162  {
163  h2alpha_multb[k] = new TH2F(Form("alphafinal2D_multbin%d", k), Form("alphafinal2D_multbin%d", k), neta, etab, nvz, vzb);
164  }
165  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
167  if (applyc)
168  {
169  delete h2amapxev;
170  delete h1teff;
171  delete h1sdf;
172  delete h1empty;
174  h2amapxev = (TH2F *)fcorr->Get("h2amapxev")->Clone();
175  h1teff = (TH1F *)fcorr->Get("h1teff")->Clone();
176  h1sdf = (TH1F *)fcorr->Get("h1sdf")->Clone();
177  h1empty = (TH1F *)fcorr->Get("h1empty")->Clone();
179  for (int i = 0; i < neta; i++)
180  {
181  for (int j = 0; j < nvz; j++)
182  {
183  delete h1alpha[i][j];
184  delete falpha[i][j];
186  h1alpha[i][j] = (TH1F *)fcorr->Get(Form("alpha_etabin%i_vzbin%i", i, j));
187  falpha[i][j] = (TF1 *)fcorr->Get(Form("falpha_etabin%i_vzbin%i", i, j));
188  }
189  }
190  }
192  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
194  TH2F *haccepmc = 0;
195  TH2F *haccepdata = 0;
196  TH2F *hgaccep = 0;
198  if (applyg)
199  {
200  haccepmc = (TH2F *)faccep->Get("hmccoarse");
201  haccepdata = (TH2F *)faccep->Get("hdatacoarse");
202  hgaccep = (TH2F *)haccepmc->Clone("hgaccep");
203  hgaccep->Divide(haccepdata);
204  }
205  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
206  /* nevents: for normalization */
207  // Number of events passing event selection and gen-level selection
208  TH1F *h1WEGevent = new TH1F("h1WEGevent", "", nvz, vzb);
209  int nWEGentry = tinput->Draw("PV_z>>h1WEGevent", "pu0_sel" * (esel && gsel), "goff");
210  float nWEGevent = h1WEGevent->Integral(-1, -1);
211  // Number of events passing gen-level selection
212  TH1F *h1WGevent = new TH1F("h1WGevent", "", nvz, vzb);
213  tinput->Draw("PV_z>>h1WGevent", "pu0_sel" * (gsel), "goff");
214  float nWGevent = h1WGevent->Integral(-1, -1);
216  cout << "[INFO] weighted events: " << nWEGevent << ", entries: " << nWEGentry << endl;
217  if (nWEGentry < 1)
218  {
219  cout << "[ERROR] No events selected - stopping" << endl;
220  return;
221  }
223  cout << "[INFO] Setup the acceptance maps" << endl;
224  /* set acceptance maps */
225  tinput->Project("h1WEvz", "PV_z", "pu0_sel" * (esel));
226  tinput->Project("h2WEvzmult", "NRecotkl_Raw:PV_z", "pu0_sel" * (esel));
228  // const int *amap = 0;
229  // if (applym)
230  // {
231  // amap = ext_accep_map(type);
232  // }
234  for (int i = 1; i <= neta; i++)
235  {
236  for (int j = 1; j <= nvz; j++)
237  {
238  // cout << "[check] setup h2amapxev and h3amapxemv: (nvz - j) * neta + i - 1 = " << (nvz - j) * neta + i - 1 << endl;
239  if (!applyc || h2amapxev->GetBinContent(i, j) != 0)
240  {
241  // if (applym && !amap[(nvz - j) * neta + i - 1])
242  // {
243  // h2amapxev->SetBinContent(i, j, 0);
244  // h2amapxev->SetBinError(i, j, 0);
245  // continue;
246  // }
248  h2amapxev->SetBinContent(i, j, h1WEvz->GetBinContent(j));
249  h2amapxev->SetBinError(i, j, 0);
250  for (int k = 1; k <= nmult; k++)
251  h3amapxemv->SetBinContent(i, k, j, h2WEvzmult->GetBinContent(j, k));
252  }
253  }
254  }
256  h2amapxev_prealpha = (TH2F *)h2amapxev->Clone("h2amapxev_prealpha");
258  /* generator-level hadrons */
259  tinput->Project("h3WEhadron", "PV_z:NRecotkl_Raw:GenHadron_eta", "pu0_sel && abs(GenHadron_eta)<4" * (esel));
260  tinput->Project("h3WGhadron", "PV_z:NRecotkl_Raw:GenHadron_eta", "pu0_sel && abs(GenHadron_eta)<4" * (gsel));
261  /* reconstructed tracklets */
262  tinput->Project("h3WEraw", "PV_z:NRecotkl_Raw:recotklraw_eta", "pu0_sel" * (esel));
264  /* calculate alpha corrections */
265  cout << "[INFO] Calculate the alpha correction" << endl;
266  if (!applyc)
267  {
268  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
269  {
270  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
271  {
272  if (h2amapxev->GetBinContent(x, z) == 0)
273  {
274  if (debug)
275  printf(" # acceptance region: eta: %2i, vz: %2i is 0\n", x, z);
276  continue;
277  }
279  int count = 0;
281  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
282  {
283  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetBinContent(y, 0);
284  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetBinError(y, 0);
286  if (h3WEraw->GetBinContent(x, y, z) != 0 && h3WEhadron->GetBinContent(x, y, z) != 0)
287  {
288  double raw = h3WEraw->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
289  double rawerr = h3WEraw->GetBinError(x, y, z);
290  double truth = h3WEhadron->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
291  double trutherr = h3WEhadron->GetBinError(x, y, z);
293  double alpha = truth / raw;
294  double alphaerr = alpha * sqrt(rawerr / raw * rawerr / raw + trutherr / truth * trutherr / truth);
295  if (debug)
296  printf(" ^ alpha calculation: eta: %2i, vz: %2i, ntl: %2i, alpha: %5.3f [%5.3f], alpha/alphaerr: %5.3f, raw/truth: %9.2f/%9.2f\n", x, z, y, alpha, alphaerr, (alpha / alphaerr), raw, truth);
298  // if (alpha > 0 && ((alpha / alphaerr > 5 && alpha < 3) || (alpha < 2)))
299  if (alpha > 0)
300  {
301  h3alpha->SetBinContent(x, y, z, alpha);
302  h3alpha->SetBinError(x, y, z, alphaerr);
303  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetBinContent(y, alpha);
304  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetBinError(y, alphaerr);
305  }
306  else
307  {
308  if (debug)
309  printf(" ! alpha not used\n");
310  }
312  ++count;
313  }
314  }
316  // if (cmax - cmin > 16 && count < nmult / 2)
317  // if (count < nmult / 2)
318  if (0)
319  {
320  if (debug)
321  printf(" # ! acceptance map: eta: %2i, vz: %2i set to 0 (bad acceptance/statistics)\n", x, z);
322  h2amapxev->SetBinContent(x, z, 0);
323  }
324  }
325  }
327  for (int j = 0; j < nvz; j++)
328  {
329  for (int i = 0; i < neta; i++)
330  {
331  falpha[i][j]->SetParameter(0, 0.84);
332  falpha[i][j]->SetParLimits(1, 1, 256);
333  falpha[i][j]->SetParLimits(2, 0, 512);
334  falpha[i][j]->SetParLimits(3, -64, 128);
335  falpha[i][j]->SetLineWidth(1);
336  falpha[i][j]->SetLineColor(46);
337  h1alpha[i][j]->Fit(falpha[i][j], "M Q", "", 8, 7000);
338  h1alpha[i][j]->Fit(falpha[i][j], "M E Q", "", 8, 7000);
339  falpha[i][j] = h1alpha[i][j]->GetFunction(Form("falpha_%i_%i", i, j));
340  }
341  }
343  /* Trigger & offline selection */
344  cout << "[INFO] Calculate the trigger & offline selection efficiency" << endl;
345  tinput->Project("h1WGXteff", "NRecotkl_Raw", "pu0_sel" * (gsel));
346  tinput->Project("h1WGOXteff", "NRecotkl_Raw", "pu0_sel" * (gsel && osel));
347  h1teff = (TH1F *)h1WGOXteff->Clone("h1teff");
348  h1teff->Divide(h1WGXteff);
350  /* Single diffractive event fraction (complement of gen selection) */
351  cout << "[INFO] Calculate the single diffractive event fraction" << endl;
352  tinput->Project("h1WENGsdf", "NRecotkl_Raw", "pu0_sel" * (esel && !gsel));
353  tinput->Project("h1WEsdf", "NRecotkl_Raw", "pu0_sel" * (esel));
354  h1sdf = (TH1F *)h1WENGsdf->Clone("h1sdf");
355  h1sdf->Divide(h1WEsdf);
357  /* vertexing efficiency */
358  }
360  // /* external single-diffractive fraction */
361  // if (fes)
362  // {
363  // delete h1sdf;
364  // delete h1teff;
365  // delete h1empty;
366  // h1sdf = (TH1F *)fes->Get("h1sdf")->Clone();
367  // h1teff = (TH1F *)fes->Get("h1teff")->Clone();
368  // h1empty = (TH1F *)fes->Get("h1empty")->Clone();
369  // }
371  /* Apply alpha correction */
372  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << "[INFO] Apply the alpha correction" << endl;
373  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
374  {
375  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
376  {
377  if (h2amapxev->GetBinContent(x, z) == 0)
378  continue;
380  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
381  {
382  double raw = h3WEraw->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
383  double rawerr = h3WEraw->GetBinError(x, y, z);
385  double alpha = h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetBinContent(y);
386  double alphaerr = h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetBinError(y);
388  if (debug)
389  printf(" ^ alpha application: eta: %2i, vz: %2i, ntl: %2i, alpha: %5.3f [%5.3f], raw: %9.2f\n", x, z, y, alpha, alphaerr, raw);
391  if (alpha == 0 && falpha[x - 1][z - 1] != 0)
392  {
393  alpha = falpha[x - 1][z - 1]->Eval((multb[y] + multb[y - 1]) / 2);
394  if (debug)
395  printf(" # alpha from histogram is 0 -> check fit value: %.3f\n", alpha);
396  }
398  if (alpha == 0)
399  {
400  for (int k = 0; k < y; k++)
401  {
402  alpha = h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetBinContent(y - k);
403  alphaerr = h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetBinError(y - k);
404  if (debug)
405  printf(" # check other bin: %.3f, bin: %2i\n", alpha, y - k);
406  if (alpha != 0)
407  break;
408  }
409  }
411  // if (alpha <= 0 || alpha > 3.6)
412  // {
413  // if (debug)
414  // printf(" ! invalid value: %.3f, reset to 1\n", alpha);
415  // alpha = 1;
416  // }
418  if (applyg)
419  {
420  double gaccepdata = haccepdata->GetBinContent(x, z);
421  double gaccepmc = haccepmc->GetBinContent(x, z);
423  if (gaccepdata && gaccepmc)
424  {
425  alpha = alpha * gaccepmc / gaccepdata;
426  alphaerr = alphaerr * gaccepmc / gaccepdata;
427  if (debug)
428  printf(" & apply geo accep: %.3f", gaccepmc / gaccepdata);
429  }
430  else
431  {
432  if (debug)
433  printf(" ! geo accep error: eta: %2i, vz: %2i\n", x, z);
434  }
435  }
437  if (debug)
438  printf(" + alpha applied: [ %.3f ]\n", alpha);
440  h3alphafinal->SetBinContent(x, y, z, alpha);
441  h3alphafinal->SetBinError(x, y, z, alphaerr);
442  h2alpha_multb[y - 1]->SetBinContent(x, z, alpha);
443  h2alpha_multb[y - 1]->SetBinError(x, z, alphaerr);
445  double ncorr = raw * alpha;
446  double ncorrerr = rawerr * alpha;
448  h3WEcorr->SetBinContent(x, y, z, ncorr);
449  h3WEcorr->SetBinError(x, y, z, ncorrerr);
450  }
452  bool valid = false;
453  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
454  {
455  if (h3alphafinal->GetBinContent(x, y, z) != 1)
456  valid = true;
457  }
459  if (!valid)
460  {
461  if (debug)
462  printf(" # ! acceptance map: eta: %2i, vz: %2i set to 0 (invalid alpha)\n", x, z);
463  h2amapxev->SetBinContent(x, z, 0);
464  }
465  }
467  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
468  {
469  if (h2amapxev->GetBinContent(x, z) == 0)
470  {
471  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
472  {
473  h3alphafinal->SetBinContent(x, y, z, 0);
474  h3alphafinal->SetBinError(x, y, z, 0);
475  h2alpha_multb[y - 1]->SetBinContent(x, z, 0);
476  h2alpha_multb[y - 1]->SetBinError(x, z, 0);
478  h3WEcorr->SetBinContent(x, y, z, 0);
479  h3WEcorr->SetBinError(x, y, z, 0);
480  }
482  if (faccep)
483  hgaccep->SetBinContent(x, z, 0);
484  }
485  }
486  }
488  /* 2d corrected, raw tracklets - project to eta and v_z*/
489  TH2D *h2WEcorr = (TH2D *)h3WEcorr->Project3D("zx");
490  h2WEcorr->SetName("h2WEcorr");
491  TH2D *h2WEraw = (TH2D *)h3WEraw->Project3D("zx");
492  h2WEraw->SetName("h2WEraw");
494  /* draw geometric acceptance */
495  // if (faccep)
496  // {
497  // TCanvas *cga = new TCanvas("cga", "", CANVASW, CANVASH);
498  // hgaccep->Draw("colz");
499  // cga->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/layer%d_CentBin%dto%d/ga.png", layer, CentLow + 1, CentHigh - 1));
500  // }
502  /* project 1d acceptance */
503  TH1F *h1accep2xe = (TH1F *)h2amapxev->ProjectionX();
504  h1accep2xe->SetName("h1accep2xe");
505  h1accep2xe->Scale(1. / h1accep2xe->GetMaximum());
507  /* reconstructed tracklets */
508  TH1F *h1WEraw = (TH1F *)h3WEraw->Project3D("x");
509  h1WEraw->SetName("h1WEraw");
510  h1WEraw->Scale(1. / nWEGevent, "width");
511  h1WEraw->Divide(h1accep2xe);
513  TH1F *h1WEcorr = (TH1F *)h3WEcorr->Project3D("x");
514  h1WEcorr->SetName("h1WEcorr");
515  h1WEcorr->Scale(1. / nWEGevent, "width");
516  h1WEcorr->Divide(h1accep2xe);
518  /* generator-level hadrons */
519  TH1F *h1WGhadron = (TH1F *)h3WGhadron->Project3D("x");
520  h1WGhadron->SetName("h1WGhadron");
521  h1WGhadron->Scale(1. / nWGevent, "width");
523  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
524  /* calculate final results */
525  cout << "[INFO] Calculate final results with trigger and SDF corrections" << endl;
526  TH2F *h2WEtcorr = new TH2F("h2WEtcorr", "", neta, etab, nmult, multb);
528  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
529  {
530  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
531  {
532  double sum = 0, sumerr = 0;
533  double mcsum = 0, mcsumerr = 0;
535  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
536  {
537  if (h2amapxev->GetBinContent(x, z) != 0)
538  {
539  sum += h3WEcorr->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
540  double err = h3WEcorr->GetBinError(x, y, z);
541  sumerr = sqrt(sumerr * sumerr + err * err);
542  }
543  }
545  h2WEtcorr->SetBinContent(x, y, sum);
546  h2WEtcorr->SetBinError(x, y, sumerr);
547  }
548  }
550  /* Apply trigger, sd fraction corrections */
551  for (int y = 1; y <= nmult; y++)
552  {
553  double sdfrac = h1sdf->GetBinContent(y);
554  double trigeff = h1teff->GetBinContent(y);
556  double totalc = (1 - sdfrac * SDMULT) / trigeff;
558  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
559  {
560  if (trigeff != 0)
561  {
562  h2WEtcorr->SetBinContent(x, y, h2WEtcorr->GetBinContent(x, y) * totalc);
563  h2WEtcorr->SetBinError(x, y, h2WEtcorr->GetBinError(x, y) * totalc);
564  }
566  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
567  {
568  if (h2amapxev->GetBinContent(x, z) != 0)
569  {
570  if (trigeff != 0)
571  h3amapxemv->SetBinContent(x, y, z, h3amapxemv->GetBinContent(x, y, z) * totalc);
572  }
573  else
574  {
575  h3amapxemv->SetBinContent(x, y, z, 0);
576  }
577  }
578  }
579  }
581  /* project 2d acceptances */
582  TH1F *h1accep3xe = (TH1F *)h3amapxemv->Project3D("x");
583  h1accep3xe->SetName("h1accep3xe");
585  TH1F *h1WEtcorr = (TH1F *)h2WEtcorr->ProjectionX();
586  h1WEtcorr->SetName("h1WEtcorr");
587  h1WEtcorr->Scale(1., "width");
588  h1WEtcorr->Divide(h1accep3xe);
590  /* Calculate/apply empty correction */
591  cout << "[INFO] Calculate and apply the empty correction" << endl;
592  if (!applyc && !fes)
593  {
594  h1empty = (TH1F *)h1WGhadron->Clone("h1empty");
595  h1empty->Divide(h1WEtcorr);
596  }
598  TH1F *h1WEprefinal = (TH1F *)h1WEtcorr->Clone("h1WEprefinal");
599  h1WEprefinal->Multiply(h1empty);
601  TH1F *h1WEfinal = (TH1F *)h1WEprefinal->Clone("h1WEfinal");
602  if (fpu)
603  {
604  TH1F *h1pu = (TH1F *)fpu->Get("h1pu")->Clone("h1pu");
605  h1WEfinal->Multiply(h1pu);
606  }
608  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
609  /* Make checking plots */
610  cout << "[INFO] Making checking plots: intermediate steps" << endl;
611  TGraphAsymmErrors *trigeff = new TGraphAsymmErrors(h1WGXteff, h1WGOXteff);
612  TGraphAsymmErrors *sdfrac = new TGraphAsymmErrors(h1WENGsdf, h1WEsdf);
613  int nw = 3, nh = 3;
614  TCanvas *ccheck = new TCanvas("ccheck", "ccheck", nw * 400, nh * 400);
615  ccheck->Divide(nw, nh);
616  TLatex *t = new TLatex();
617  t->SetTextAlign(23);
618  /* Vertex distribution (passing esel)*/
619  ccheck->cd(1);
620  h1WEvz->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
621  h1WEvz->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
622  h1WEvz->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, h1WEvz->GetMaximum() * 1.2);
623  h1WEvz->SetLineColor(1);
624  h1WEvz->Draw("histtext");
625  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h1WEvz->GetName());
626  /* Vertex distribution (passing esel) in 2D (eta,v_z), before applying alpha */
627  ccheck->cd(2);
628  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.13);
629  h2amapxev_prealpha->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
630  h2amapxev_prealpha->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
631  h2amapxev_prealpha->Draw("colztext45");
632  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h2amapxev_prealpha->GetName());
633  /* vz v.s tracklet multiplicity distribution passing esel; for 3D acceptance map */
634  ccheck->cd(3);
635  gPad->SetLogy();
636  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.13);
637  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.13);
638  h2WEvzmult->GetYaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
639  h2WEvzmult->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
640  h2WEvzmult->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Tracklet multiplicity");
641  h2WEvzmult->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.1);
642  h2WEvzmult->Draw("colztext");
643  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h2WEvzmult->GetName());
644  /* Trigger efficiency */
645  ccheck->cd(4);
646  gPad->SetLogx();
647  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12);
648  trigeff->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
649  trigeff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tracklet multiplicity");
650  trigeff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
651  trigeff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
652  trigeff->SetMarkerStyle(20);
653  trigeff->SetMarkerColor(1);
654  trigeff->SetLineColor(1);
655  trigeff->Draw("ALPE");
656  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, "Trigger efficiency");
657  /* Single-diffractive fraction */
658  ccheck->cd(5);
659  gPad->SetLogx();
660  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12);
661  sdfrac->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
662  sdfrac->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tracklet multiplicity");
663  sdfrac->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("SD event fraction");
664  sdfrac->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
665  sdfrac->SetMarkerStyle(20);
666  sdfrac->SetMarkerColor(1);
667  sdfrac->SetLineColor(1);
668  sdfrac->Draw("ALPE");
669  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, "SD event fraction");
670  /* Acceptance, after applying alpha */
671  ccheck->cd(6);
672  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.13);
673  h2amapxev->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
674  h2amapxev->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
675  h2amapxev->Draw("colztext45");
676  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, Form("%s_postalpha", h2amapxev->GetName()));
677  /* Project the 2D acceptance to 1D*/
678  ccheck->cd(7);
679  // gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("1.3f");
680  h1accep2xe->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
681  h1accep2xe->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("A.U");
682  h1accep2xe->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, h1accep2xe->GetMaximum() * 1.2);
683  h1accep2xe->SetLineColor(1);
684  h1accep2xe->Draw("histtext");
685  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h1accep2xe->GetName());
686  /* Reco-tracklet after alpha, trigger, and SDF correction in (eta, tracklet multiplicity) */
687  ccheck->cd(8);
688  gPad->SetLogy();
689  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.13);
690  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.13);
691  h2WEtcorr->GetYaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
692  h2WEtcorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
693  h2WEtcorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Tracklet multiplicity");
694  h2WEtcorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.1);
695  h2WEtcorr->Draw("colz");
696  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h2WEtcorr->GetName());
697  /* Empty event correction */
698  ccheck->cd(9);
699  h1empty->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
700  h1empty->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio");
701  h1empty->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(h1empty->GetMinimum(0) * 0.7, h1empty->GetMaximum() * 1.2);
702  h1empty->SetLineColor(1);
703  h1empty->Draw("histtext");
704  t->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, h1empty->GetName());
705  for (int i = 0; i < nw * nw; i++)
706  {
707  ccheck->cd(i + 1);
708  gPad->SetTickx();
709  gPad->SetTicky();
710  }
711  ccheck->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/Check_Intermediate.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh));
713  /* Draw 1D alpha and fits */
714  cout << "[INFO] Making checking plots: 1D alpha and fits" << endl;
715  TLatex *t1 = new TLatex();
716  t1->SetTextAlign(23);
717  TCanvas *cfalphavz = new TCanvas("cfalphavz", "", 2000, 1600);
718  cfalphavz->Divide(5, 4);
720  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
721  {
722  cfalphavz->Clear("d");
723  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
724  {
725  cfalphavz->cd(z);
726  gPad->SetLogx();
727  gPad->SetTickx();
728  gPad->SetTicky();
729  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->GetMaximum() * 2.5);
730  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
731  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerSize(1);
732  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerColor(1);
733  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetLineColor(1);
734  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->Draw();
736  TLine *l = new TLine(multb[0], 1, multb[nmult], 1);
737  l->SetLineColorAlpha(38, 0.7);
738  l->Draw("same");
740  t1->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, Form("%.1f < #eta < %.1f, %.1f < v_{z} < %.1f", etab[x - 1], etab[x], vzb[z - 1], vzb[z]));
741  }
743  cfalphavz->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/alpha1Dfit-etabin%i.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh, x - 1));
744  }
746  TCanvas *cfalphaeta = new TCanvas("cfalphaeta", "", 2400, 2400);
747  cfalphaeta->Divide(6, 6);
749  for (int z = 1; z <= nvz; z++)
750  {
751  cfalphaeta->Clear("d");
752  for (int x = 1; x <= neta; x++)
753  {
754  cfalphaeta->cd(x);
755  gPad->SetLogx();
756  gPad->SetTickx();
757  gPad->SetTicky();
758  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
759  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerSize(1);
760  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetMarkerColor(1);
761  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->SetLineColor(1);
762  h1alpha[x - 1][z - 1]->Draw();
764  TLine *l = new TLine(multb[0], 1, multb[nmult], 1);
765  l->SetLineColorAlpha(38, 0.7);
766  l->Draw("same");
768  t1->DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 1.0, Form("%.1f < #eta < %.1f, %.1f < v_{z} < %.1f", etab[x - 1], etab[x], vzb[z - 1], vzb[z]));
769  }
771  cfalphaeta->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/alpha1Dfit-vzbin%i.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh, z));
772  }
774  /* Draw 2D alpha (eta, vz), inclusive tracklet multiplicity */
775  cout << "[INFO] Making checking plots: 2D alpha (eta, vz), inclusive tracklet multiplicity" << endl;
776  TCanvas *calpha = new TCanvas("calpha", "calpha", CANVASW, CANVASH);
777  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.18);
778  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12);
779  calpha->cd();
780  TH2D *h2alphafinal = (TH2D *)h2WEcorr->Clone("h2alphafinal");
781  h2alphafinal->Divide(h2WEraw);
782  h2alphafinal->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
783  h2alphafinal->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
784  h2alphafinal->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha (#eta, v_{z})");
785  h2alphafinal->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
786  h2alphafinal->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 3);
787  gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("1.3f");
788  h2alphafinal->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
789  h2alphafinal->SetContour(1000);
790  h2alphafinal->Draw("colz");
791  calpha->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/alpha2D_inclTklMult.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh));
793  for (int k = 0; k < nmult; k++)
794  {
795  calpha->Clear();
796  calpha->cd();
797  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
798  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z} (cm)");
799  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1);
800  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#alpha (#eta, v_{z})");
801  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
802  // h2alpha_multb[k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(h2alphafinal->GetMinimum(0), h2alphafinal->GetMaximum());
803  h2alpha_multb[k]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 3);
804  gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("1.3f");
805  h2alpha_multb[k]->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
806  h2alpha_multb[k]->SetContour(1000);
807  h2alpha_multb[k]->Draw("colz");
808  calpha->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/alpha2D_TklMultb%d.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh, k));
809  }
811  /* Analysis stages - Closure test*/
812  vector<TH1F *> vechist = {h1WGhadron, h1WEraw, h1WEcorr, h1WEtcorr, h1WEfinal};
813  vector<const char *> vcolor{"#20262E", "#1C82AD", "#1F8A70", "#FC7300", "#EFA3C8"};
814  vector<int> vlwidth = {3, 3, 3, 2, 2};
815  vector<int> vstyle = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2};
816  TCanvas *cstage = new TCanvas("cstage", "cstage", CANVASW, CANVASH);
817  gPad->SetRightMargin(0.05);
818  gPad->SetTopMargin(0.05);
819  gPad->SetTickx();
820  gPad->SetTicky();
821  // cstage->SetLogy();
822  TH1F *hframe = new TH1F("hframe", "", 1, etamin, etamax);
823  float ymax = -1;
824  for (size_t i = 0; i < vechist.size(); i++)
825  {
826  if (vechist[i]->GetMaximum() > ymax)
827  ymax = vechist[i]->GetMaximum();
828  }
829  hframe->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, ymax * 1.6);
830  // hframe->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1, ymax * 150);
831  hframe->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
832  hframe->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dN/d#eta");
833  hframe->Draw();
834  for (size_t i = 0; i < vechist.size(); i++)
835  {
836  vechist[i]->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor(vcolor[i]));
837  vechist[i]->SetLineWidth(vlwidth[i]);
838  vechist[i]->SetLineStyle(vstyle[i]);
839  vechist[i]->Draw("hist same");
840  }
842  TLegend *l1 = new TLegend(0.18, 0.68, 0.5, 0.92);
843  l1->SetHeader(Form("Closure test: Centrality %d to %d", CentLow, CentHigh, "l"));
844  l1->AddEntry(h1WGhadron, "Truth", "l");
845  l1->AddEntry(h1WEraw, "Reco-tracklets before corrections", "l");
846  l1->AddEntry(h1WEcorr, "Corrected for #alpha", "l");
847  l1->AddEntry(h1WEtcorr, "Corrected for #alpha, trigger & sdf", "l");
848  l1->AddEntry(h1WEfinal, "Corrected for #alpha, trigger & sdf, and empty event (final)", "l");
849  l1->SetTextSize(0.033);
850  l1->SetFillStyle(0);
851  l1->SetBorderSize(0);
852  l1->Draw();
853  cstage->Draw();
854  cstage->SaveAs(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/Closure.pdf", CentLow, CentHigh));
856  /* Write histograms to file*/
857  TFile *outf = new TFile(Form("./plot/corrections/CentBin%dto%d/correction_hists.root", CentLow, CentHigh), "recreate");
858  outf->cd();
859  h2amapxev->Write();
860  h1WGhadron->Write();
861  h1WEraw->Write();
862  h1WEcorr->Write();
863  h1WEtcorr->Write();
864  h1WEfinal->Write(); // Final result, reco-tracklet after alpha, trg&sdf, empty event corrections
865  trigeff->Write();
866  sdfrac->Write();
867  h1teff->Write();
868  h1WGOXteff->Write();
869  h1WGXteff->Write();
870  h1sdf->Write();
871  h1WEsdf->Write();
872  h1WENGsdf->Write();
873  h1empty->Write();
874  for (int i = 0; i < neta; i++)
875  {
876  for (int j = 0; j < nvz; j++)
877  {
878  if (falpha[i][j])
879  falpha[i][j]->Write();
880  if (h1alpha[i][j])
881  h1alpha[i][j]->Write();
882  }
883  }
885  for (int k = 0; k < nmult; k++)
886  h2alpha_multb[k]->Write();
888  outf->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
889  outf->Close();
890 }
892 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
893 {
894  // Usage: ./result 12 -1 20
895  // calccorr(int layer = 12, int CentLow = -1, int CentHigh = 20, bool applyc = false, bool applyg = false, bool applym = false, TString estag = "", TString putag = "", bool debug = false)
897  gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat();
898  TString input = "/sphenix/user/hjheng/TrackletAna/minitree/INTT/TrackletMinitree_ana398_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams/sim/TrackletAna_minitree_merged.root";
899  calccorr(input, 5, 95, false, false, false, "", "", false);
900  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
901  {
902  gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat();
903  int cent = 5 * (2 * i + 1);
904  calccorr(input, cent, cent, false, false, false, "", "", false);
905  }
907  return 0;
908 }