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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BoundaryCheckBenchmark.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <chrono>
16 #include <functional>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <random>
19 #include <vector>
21 using namespace Acts;
23 int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv[]*/) {
24  // === PROBLEM DATA ===
26  // Trapezoidal area of interest
27  const Vector2 poly[] = {{0.4, 0.25}, {0.6, 0.25}, {0.8, 0.75}, {0.2, 0.75}};
29  // Covariance matrix which specifies "soft" boundary check tolerance
31  cov << 0.2, 0.02, 0.15, 0.02;
33  // Random tests cover the ((0, 0), (1, 1)) rectangle. 20% of that area is
34  // covered by the trapezoid and most of it is covered by a 3*sigma tolerance
35  // given the above covariance matrix.
36  std::mt19937 rng(42);
37  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> axis(0, 1);
38  auto random_point = [&]() -> Vector2 {
39  return Vector2(axis(rng), axis(rng));
40  };
42  // This point is inside the area
43  const Vector2 center(0.5, 0.5);
44  // This point is still inside the area, but close to an edge
45  const Vector2 edge_inside(0.401, 0.251);
46  // This point is just a bit outside, should be considered "in" by tolerance
47  const Vector2 edge_outside(0.399, 0.249);
48  // This point should always be considered outside the area
49  const Vector2 far_away(-1000., -1000.);
51  // === BENCHMARKS ===
53  // Number of benchmark runs
54  constexpr int NTESTS = 5'000;
56  // Some checks are much slower, so we tune down benchmark iterations
57  constexpr int NTESTS_SLOW = NTESTS / 10;
59  // Conversely, no-op tests are so fast that we need to tune up iterations
60  constexpr int NTESTS_NOOP = NTESTS * 10;
62  // We use this to switch between iteration counts
63  enum class Mode { NoCheck, FastOutside, SlowOutside };
65  // Benchmark output display
66  auto print_bench_header = [](const std::string& check_name) {
67  std::cout << check_name << ":" << std::endl;
68  };
69  auto print_bench_result = [](const std::string& bench_name,
70  const Acts::Test::MicroBenchmarkResult& res) {
71  std::cout << "- " << bench_name << ": " << res << std::endl;
72  };
74  // Benchmark runner
75  auto run_bench = [&](auto&& iteration, int num_iters,
76  const std::string& bench_name) {
77  auto bench_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(iteration, num_iters);
78  print_bench_result(bench_name, bench_result);
79  };
80  auto run_bench_with_inputs = [&](auto&& iterationWithArg, auto&& inputs,
81  const std::string& bench_name) {
82  auto bench_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(iterationWithArg, inputs);
83  print_bench_result(bench_name, bench_result);
84  };
85  auto run_all_benches = [&](const BoundaryCheck& check,
86  const std::string& check_name, const Mode mode) {
87  // Announce a set of benchmarks
88  print_bench_header(check_name);
90  // Pre-determined "interesting" test points
91  int num_inside_points = 0;
92  int num_outside_points = 0;
93  switch (mode) {
94  case Mode::NoCheck:
95  num_inside_points = NTESTS_NOOP;
96  num_outside_points = NTESTS_NOOP;
97  break;
98  case Mode::FastOutside:
99  num_inside_points = NTESTS;
100  num_outside_points = NTESTS;
101  break;
102  case Mode::SlowOutside:
103  num_inside_points = NTESTS;
104  num_outside_points = NTESTS_SLOW;
105  };
106  run_bench([&] { return check.isInside(center, poly); }, num_inside_points,
107  "Center");
108  run_bench([&] { return check.isInside(edge_inside, poly); },
109  num_inside_points, "Inside edge");
110  run_bench([&] { return check.isInside(edge_outside, poly); },
111  num_outside_points, "Outside edge");
112  run_bench([&] { return check.isInside(far_away, poly); },
113  num_outside_points, "Far away");
115  // Pre-rolled random points
116  std::vector<Vector2> points(num_outside_points);
117  std::generate(points.begin(), points.end(), random_point);
118  run_bench_with_inputs(
119  [&](const auto& point) { return check.isInside(point, poly); }, points,
120  "Random");
121  };
123  // Benchmark scenarios
124  run_all_benches(BoundaryCheck(false), "No check", Mode::NoCheck);
125  run_all_benches(BoundaryCheck(true), "No tolerance", Mode::FastOutside);
126  run_all_benches(BoundaryCheck(true, true, 0.6, 0.45), "Abs. tolerance",
127  Mode::SlowOutside);
128  run_all_benches(BoundaryCheck(cov, 3.0), "Cov. tolerance", Mode::SlowOutside);
130  return 0;
131 }