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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AdaptiveGridTrackDensityTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
11 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <iterator>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <optional>
29 #include <utility>
30 #include <vector>
32 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
33 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
35 namespace Acts {
36 namespace Test {
41  std::srand(seed);
42  Covariance randMat((Covariance::Random() + 1.5 * Covariance::Identity()) *
43  0.05);
45  // symmetric covariance matrix
46  Covariance covMat = 0.5 * (randMat + randMat.transpose());
48  return covMat;
49 }
51 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(compare_to_analytical_solution_for_single_track) {
52  using Vector2 = Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 1>;
53  using Matrix2 = Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 2>;
54  // Using a large track grid so we can choose a small bin size
55  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 4001;
56  // Arbitrary (but small) bin size
57  const float binExtent = 3.1e-4;
58  // Arbitrary impact parameters
59  const float d0 = 0.4;
60  const float z0 = -0.2;
61  Vector2 impactParameters{d0, z0};
64  Matrix2 subCovMat = covMat.block<2, 2>(0, 0).cast<float>();
65  BoundVector paramVec;
66  paramVec << d0, z0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
68  // Create perigee surface
69  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
70  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
72  BoundTrackParameters params1(perigeeSurface, paramVec, covMat,
78  // Empty map
81  // Add track
82  auto trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap);
84  float relTol = 1e-5;
85  float small = 1e-5;
87  auto gaussian2D = [&](const Vector2& args, const Vector2& mus,
88  const Matrix2& sigmas) {
89  Vector2 diffs = args - mus;
90  float coef = 1 / std::sqrt(sigmas.determinant());
91  float expo = -0.5 * diffs.transpose().dot(sigmas.inverse() * diffs);
92  return coef * std::exp(expo);
93  };
95  for (auto const& it : mainDensityMap) {
96  // Extract variables for better readability
97  int zBin = it.first.first;
98  float density = it.second;
99  // Argument for 2D gaussian
100  Vector2 dzVec{0., grid.getBinCenter(zBin, binExtent)};
101  // Compute correct density...
102  float correctDensity = gaussian2D(dzVec, impactParameters, subCovMat);
103  // ... and check if our result is equivalent
104  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(density, correctDensity, relTol, small);
105  }
107  // Analytical maximum of the Gaussian (can be obtained by expressing the
108  // exponent as (az - b)^2 + c and noting correctMaxZ = b/a)
109  float correctMaxZ =
110  -0.5 * (subCovMat(0, 1) + subCovMat(1, 0)) / subCovMat(0, 0) * d0 + z0;
111  // Analytical FWHM of the Gaussian (result similar to
112  //
113  // but the calculation needs to be slightly modified in our case)
114  float correctFWHM = 2. * std::sqrt(2 * std::log(2.) *
115  subCovMat.determinant() / subCovMat(0, 0));
117  // Estimate maximum z position and seed width
118  auto res = grid.getMaxZTPositionAndWidth(mainDensityMap);
119  BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
121  // Extract variables for better readability...
122  float maxZ = res.value().first.first;
123  float fwhm = res.value().second * 2.355f;
125  // ... and check if they are correct (note: the optimization is not as exact
126  // as the density values).
127  float relTolOptimization = 1e-3;
128  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(maxZ, correctMaxZ, relTolOptimization);
129  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwhm, correctFWHM, relTolOptimization);
130 }
133  compare_to_analytical_solution_for_single_track_with_time) {
134  // Number of bins in z- and t-direction
135  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 401;
136  const int temporalTrkGridSize = 401;
137  // Bin extents
138  const float spatialBinExtent = 3.1e-3;
139  const float temporalBinExtent = 3.1e-3;
140  // Arbitrary impact parameters
141  const float d0 = -0.1;
142  const float z0 = -0.2;
143  const float t0 = 0.1;
144  Vector3 impactParameters{d0, z0, t0};
146  // symmetric covariance matrix
147  Covariance covMat = makeRandomCovariance();
149  BoundVector paramVec;
150  paramVec << d0, z0, 0, 0, 0, t0;
151  // Create perigee surface
152  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
153  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
155  BoundTrackParameters params(perigeeSurface, paramVec, covMat,
158  ActsSquareMatrix<3> ipCov = params.impactParameterCovariance().value();
161  spatialBinExtent, temporalBinExtent);
164  // Empty map
166  mainDensityMap;
168  // Add track
169  auto trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params, mainDensityMap);
171  float relTol = 1e-5;
172  float small = 1e-5;
174  auto gaussian3D = [&](const Vector3& args, const Vector3& mus,
175  const SquareMatrix3& sigmas) {
176  Vector3 diffs = args - mus;
177  float coef = 1 / std::sqrt(sigmas.determinant());
178  float expo = -0.5 * diffs.transpose().dot(sigmas.inverse() * diffs);
179  return coef * std::exp(expo);
180  };
182  for (auto const& it : mainDensityMap) {
183  // Extract variables for better readability
184  float z = grid.getBinCenter(it.first.first, spatialBinExtent);
185  float t = grid.getBinCenter(it.first.second, temporalBinExtent);
186  float density = it.second;
187  // Argument for 3D gaussian
188  Vector3 dztVec{0., z, t};
190  // Compute correct density...
191  float correctDensity = gaussian3D(dztVec, impactParameters, ipCov);
193  // ... and check if our result is equivalent
194  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(density, correctDensity, relTol, small);
195  }
197  // The analytical calculations of the following can be found here:
198  //
199  // TODO: upload reference at a better place.
200  // Analytical maximum of the Gaussian
201  ActsSquareMatrix<3> ipWeights = ipCov.inverse();
202  ActsScalar denom =
203  ipWeights(1, 1) * ipWeights(2, 2) - ipWeights(1, 2) * ipWeights(1, 2);
205  ActsScalar zNom =
206  ipWeights(0, 1) * ipWeights(2, 2) - ipWeights(0, 2) * ipWeights(1, 2);
207  ActsScalar correctMaxZ = zNom / denom * d0 + z0;
209  ActsScalar tNom =
210  ipWeights(0, 2) * ipWeights(1, 1) - ipWeights(0, 1) * ipWeights(1, 2);
211  ActsScalar correctMaxT = tNom / denom * d0 + t0;
213  // Analytical FWHM of the Gaussian
214  ActsScalar correctFWHM = 2. * std::sqrt(2 * std::log(2.) / ipWeights(1, 1));
216  // Estimate maximum z position and seed width
217  auto res = grid.getMaxZTPositionAndWidth(mainDensityMap);
218  BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
220  // Extract variables for better readability...
221  float maxZ = res.value().first.first;
222  float maxT = res.value().first.second;
223  float fwhm = res.value().second * 2.355f;
225  // ... and check if they are correct (note: the optimization is not as exact
226  // as the density values).
227  float relTolOptimization = 1e-1;
228  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(maxZ, correctMaxZ, relTolOptimization);
229  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(maxT, correctMaxT, relTolOptimization);
230  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fwhm, correctFWHM, relTolOptimization);
231 }
233 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(seed_width_estimation) {
234  // Dummy track grid size (not needed for this unit test)
235  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 1;
236  float binExtent = 2.;
240  // Empty map
243  // z-position of the maximum density
244  float correctMaxZ = -2.;
246  // Fill map with a triangular track density.
247  // We use an isoscele triangle with a maximum density value of 1 and a width
248  // of 20 mm. The linear approximation we use during the seed width estimation
249  // should be exact in this case.
250  for (int i = -6; i <= 4; i++) {
251  mainDensityMap[std::make_pair(i, 0)] =
252  1.0 - 0.1 * std::abs(correctMaxZ - grid.getBinCenter(i, binExtent));
253  }
255  // Get maximum z position and corresponding seed width
256  auto res = grid.getMaxZTPositionAndWidth(mainDensityMap);
257  BOOST_CHECK(res.ok());
259  // Check if we found the correct maximum
260  float maxZ = res.value().first.first;
261  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(maxZ, correctMaxZ);
263  // Calculate full width at half maximum from seed width and check if it's
264  // correct
265  float fwhm = res.value().second * 2.355f;
266  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fwhm, 10.);
267 }
269 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_adding) {
270  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 15;
272  double binExtent = 0.1; // mm
277  // Create some test tracks in such a way that some tracks
278  // e.g. overlap and that certain tracks need to be inserted
279  // between two other tracks
280  Covariance covMat(Covariance::Identity());
282  BoundVector paramVec0;
283  paramVec0 << 100.0, -0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0;
284  BoundVector paramVec1;
285  paramVec1 << 0.01, -0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0;
286  BoundVector paramVec2;
287  paramVec2 << 0.01, 10.9, 0, 0, 0, 0;
288  BoundVector paramVec3;
289  paramVec3 << 0.01, 0.9, 0, 0, 0, 0;
291  // Create perigee surface
292  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
293  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
295  BoundTrackParameters params0(perigeeSurface, paramVec0, covMat,
297  BoundTrackParameters params1(perigeeSurface, paramVec1, covMat,
299  BoundTrackParameters params2(perigeeSurface, paramVec2, covMat,
301  BoundTrackParameters params3(perigeeSurface, paramVec3, covMat,
304  // Empty map
307  // Track is too far away from z axis and was not added
308  auto trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params0, mainDensityMap);
309  BOOST_CHECK(mainDensityMap.empty());
311  // Track should have been entirely added to both grids
312  trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap);
313  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap.size(), spatialTrkGridSize);
315  // Track should have been entirely added to both grids
316  trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params2, mainDensityMap);
317  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap.size(), 2 * spatialTrkGridSize);
319  // Track 3 has overlap of 2 bins with track 1
320  trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params3, mainDensityMap);
321  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap.size(), 3 * spatialTrkGridSize - 2);
323  // Add first track again, should *not* introduce new z entries
324  trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap);
325  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap.size(), 3 * spatialTrkGridSize - 2);
326 }
328 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(max_z_t_and_width) {
329  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 29;
330  const int temporalTrkGridSize = 29;
332  // spatial and temporal bin extent
333  double binExtent = 0.05;
335  // 1D grid of z values
339  // 2D grid of z and t values
341  cfg2D(binExtent, binExtent);
343  cfg2D);
345  // Create some test tracks
346  Covariance covMat(Covariance::Identity() * 0.005);
348  float z0Trk1 = 0.25;
349  float t0Trk1 = 0.05;
350  float z0Trk2 = -10.95;
351  float t0Trk2 = 0.1;
352  BoundVector paramVec1;
353  paramVec1 << 0.02, z0Trk1, 0, 0, 0, t0Trk1;
354  BoundVector paramVec2;
355  paramVec2 << 0.01, z0Trk2, 0, 0, 0, t0Trk2;
357  // Create perigee surface
358  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
359  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
361  BoundTrackParameters params1(perigeeSurface, paramVec1, covMat,
363  BoundTrackParameters params2(perigeeSurface, paramVec2, covMat,
366  // Empty maps
369  mainDensityMap2D;
371  // Add first track to spatial grid
372  auto trackDensityMap = grid1D.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap1D);
373  auto firstRes = grid1D.getMaxZTPosition(mainDensityMap1D);
374  BOOST_CHECK(firstRes.ok());
375  // Maximum should be at z0Trk1 position ...
376  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*firstRes).first, z0Trk1);
377  // ... and the corresponding time should be set to 0
378  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*firstRes).second, 0.);
380  // Add first track to 2D grid
381  auto trackDensityMap2D = grid2D.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap2D);
382  auto firstRes2D = grid2D.getMaxZTPosition(mainDensityMap2D);
383  BOOST_CHECK(firstRes2D.ok());
384  // Maximum should be at z0Trk1 position ...
385  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*firstRes2D).first, z0Trk1);
386  // ... and the corresponding time should be at t0Trk1
387  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*firstRes2D).second, t0Trk1);
389  // Add second track to spatial grid
390  trackDensityMap = grid1D.addTrack(params2, mainDensityMap1D);
391  // Calculate maximum and the corresponding width
392  auto secondRes = grid1D.getMaxZTPositionAndWidth(mainDensityMap1D);
393  BOOST_CHECK(secondRes.ok());
394  // Trk 2 is closer to z-axis and should thus yield higher density values.
395  // Therefore, the new maximum is at z0Trk2 ...
396  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*secondRes).first.first, z0Trk2);
397  // ... the corresponding time should be set to 0...
398  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*secondRes).first.second, 0.);
399  // ... and it should have a positive width
400  BOOST_CHECK((*secondRes).second > 0);
402  // Add second track to 2D grid
403  trackDensityMap = grid2D.addTrack(params2, mainDensityMap2D);
404  // Calculate maximum and the corresponding width
405  auto secondRes2D = grid2D.getMaxZTPositionAndWidth(mainDensityMap2D);
406  BOOST_CHECK(secondRes2D.ok());
407  // Trk 2 is closer to z-axis and should thus yield higher density values.
408  // Therefore, the new maximum is at z0Trk2 ...
409  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*secondRes2D).first.first, z0Trk2);
410  // ... the corresponding time should be at t0Trk2 ...
411  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*secondRes2D).first.second, t0Trk2);
412  // ... and it should have approximately the same width in z direction
413  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL((*secondRes2D).second, (*secondRes).second, 1e-5, 1e-5);
414 }
416 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(highest_density_sum) {
417  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 29;
419  double binExtent = 0.05; // mm
422  cfg.useHighestSumZPosition = true;
426  // Create some test tracks
427  Covariance covMat(Covariance::Identity() * 0.005);
429  float z0Trk1 = 0.25;
430  float z0Trk2 = -10.95;
431  BoundVector paramVec1;
432  paramVec1 << 0.01, z0Trk1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
433  BoundVector paramVec2;
434  paramVec2 << 0.0095, z0Trk2, 0, 0, 0, 0;
436  // Create perigee surface
437  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
438  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
440  BoundTrackParameters params1(perigeeSurface, paramVec1, covMat,
442  BoundTrackParameters params2(perigeeSurface, paramVec2, covMat,
445  // Empty map
448  // Fill grid with track densities
449  auto trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap);
451  auto res1 = grid.getMaxZTPosition(mainDensityMap);
452  BOOST_CHECK(res1.ok());
453  // Maximum should be at z0Trk1 position
454  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*res1).first, z0Trk1);
456  // Add second track
457  trackDensityMap = grid.addTrack(params2, mainDensityMap);
458  auto res2 = grid.getMaxZTPosition(mainDensityMap);
459  BOOST_CHECK(res2.ok());
460  // Trk 2 is closer to z-axis and should yield higher density values
461  // New maximum is therefore at z0Trk2
462  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*res2).first, z0Trk2);
464  // Add small density values around the maximum of track 1
465  const float densityToAdd = 0.5;
466, 0)) += densityToAdd;
467, 0)) += densityToAdd;
469  auto res3 = grid.getMaxZTPosition(mainDensityMap);
470  BOOST_CHECK(res3.ok());
471  // Trk 2 still has the highest peak density value, however, the small
472  // added densities for track 1 around its maximum should now lead to
473  // a prediction at z0Trk1 again
474  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((*res3).first, z0Trk1);
475 }
477 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(track_removing) {
478  const int spatialTrkGridSize = 29;
479  const int temporalTrkGridSize = 29;
481  int trkGridSize = spatialTrkGridSize * temporalTrkGridSize;
483  // bin extent in z and t direction
484  double binExtent = 0.05;
486  // 1D grid
490  // 2D grid
492  cfg2D(binExtent, binExtent);
494  cfg2D);
496  // Create some test tracks
497  Covariance covMat = makeRandomCovariance();
499  // Define z0 values for test tracks
500  float z0Trk1 = -0.45;
501  float t0Trk1 = -0.15;
502  float z0Trk2 = -0.25;
503  float t0Trk2 = t0Trk1;
505  BoundVector paramVec0;
506  paramVec0 << 0.1, z0Trk1, 0, 0, 0, t0Trk1;
507  BoundVector paramVec1;
508  paramVec1 << 0.1, z0Trk2, 0, 0, 0, t0Trk2;
510  // Create perigee surface
511  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
512  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
514  BoundTrackParameters params0(perigeeSurface, paramVec0, covMat,
516  BoundTrackParameters params1(perigeeSurface, paramVec1, covMat,
519  // Empty maps
522  mainDensityMap2D;
524  // Lambda for calculating total density
525  auto densitySum = [](const auto& densityMap) {
526  float sum = 0.;
527  for (auto it = densityMap.begin(); it != densityMap.end(); it++) {
528  sum += it->second;
529  }
530  return sum;
531  };
533  // Add track 0 to 1D grid
534  auto firstTrackDensityMap1D = grid1D.addTrack(params0, mainDensityMap1D);
535  BOOST_CHECK(not mainDensityMap1D.empty());
536  // Grid size should match spatialTrkGridSize
537  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap1D.size(), spatialTrkGridSize);
538  float firstDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
540  // Add track 0 to 2D grid
541  auto firstTrackDensityMap2D = grid2D.addTrack(params0, mainDensityMap2D);
542  BOOST_CHECK(not mainDensityMap2D.empty());
543  // Grid size should match spatialTrkGridSize
544  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap2D.size(), trkGridSize);
545  float firstDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
547  // Add track 0 again to 1D grid
548  firstTrackDensityMap1D = grid1D.addTrack(params0, mainDensityMap1D);
549  BOOST_CHECK(not mainDensityMap1D.empty());
550  // Grid size should still match spatialTrkGridSize
551  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap1D.size(), spatialTrkGridSize);
552  // Calculate new total density ...
553  float secondDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
554  // ... and check that it's twice as large as before
555  BOOST_CHECK(2 * firstDensitySum1D == secondDensitySum1D);
557  // Add track 0 again to 2D grid
558  firstTrackDensityMap2D = grid2D.addTrack(params0, mainDensityMap2D);
559  BOOST_CHECK(not mainDensityMap2D.empty());
560  // Grid size should still match trkGridSize
561  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap2D.size(), trkGridSize);
562  // Calculate new total density ...
563  float secondDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
564  // ... and check that it's twice as large as before
565  BOOST_CHECK(2 * firstDensitySum2D == secondDensitySum2D);
567  // Remove track 0 from 1D grid
568  grid1D.subtractTrack(firstTrackDensityMap1D, mainDensityMap1D);
569  // Calculate new total density
570  float thirdDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
571  // Density should be old one again
572  BOOST_CHECK(firstDensitySum1D == thirdDensitySum1D);
573  // Grid size should still match spatialTrkGridSize (removal does not change
574  // grid size)
575  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap1D.size(), spatialTrkGridSize);
577  // Remove track 0 from 2D grid
578  grid2D.subtractTrack(firstTrackDensityMap2D, mainDensityMap2D);
579  // Calculate new total density
580  float thirdDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
581  // Density should be old one again
582  BOOST_CHECK(firstDensitySum2D == thirdDensitySum2D);
583  // Grid size should still match trkGridSize (removal does not change grid
584  // size)
585  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap2D.size(), trkGridSize);
587  // Add track 1 to 1D grid (overlaps with track 0!)
588  auto secondTrackDensityMap1D = grid1D.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap1D);
589  int nNonOverlappingBins1D = int(std::abs(z0Trk1 - z0Trk2) / binExtent + 1);
590  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap1D.size(),
591  spatialTrkGridSize + nNonOverlappingBins1D);
592  float fourthDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
594  // Add track 1 to 2D grid (overlaps with track 0!)
595  auto secondTrackDensityMap2D = grid2D.addTrack(params1, mainDensityMap2D);
596  int nNonOverlappingBins2D = nNonOverlappingBins1D * temporalTrkGridSize;
597  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap2D.size(),
598  trkGridSize + nNonOverlappingBins2D);
599  float fourthDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
601  // Remove second track 0 from 1D grid
602  grid1D.subtractTrack(firstTrackDensityMap1D, mainDensityMap1D);
603  float fifthDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
604  // Density should match differences of removed tracks
605  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fifthDensitySum1D, fourthDensitySum1D - firstDensitySum1D,
606  1e-5);
608  // Remove second track 0 from 2D grid
609  grid2D.subtractTrack(firstTrackDensityMap2D, mainDensityMap2D);
610  float fifthDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
611  // Density should match differences of removed tracks
612  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fifthDensitySum2D, fourthDensitySum2D - firstDensitySum2D,
613  1e-5);
615  // Remove track 1 from 1D grid
616  grid1D.subtractTrack(secondTrackDensityMap1D, mainDensityMap1D);
617  // Size should not have changed
618  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap1D.size(),
619  spatialTrkGridSize + nNonOverlappingBins1D);
620  float sixthDensitySum1D = densitySum(mainDensityMap1D);
621  // 1D grid is now empty after all tracks were removed
622  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(sixthDensitySum1D, 0., 1e-4);
624  // Remove track 1 from 2D grid
625  grid2D.subtractTrack(secondTrackDensityMap2D, mainDensityMap2D);
626  // Size should not have changed
627  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mainDensityMap2D.size(),
628  trkGridSize + nNonOverlappingBins2D);
629  float sixthDensitySum2D = densitySum(mainDensityMap2D);
630  // 2D grid is now empty after all tracks were removed
631  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(sixthDensitySum2D, 0., 1e-4);
632 }
634 } // namespace Test
635 } // namespace Acts