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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SeedFinderCudaTest.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
14 #include "Acts/Seeding/Seed.hpp"
19 #include <chrono>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <iomanip>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <utility>
26 #include <boost/type_erasure/any_cast.hpp>
27 #include <cuda_profiler_api.h>
29 #include "ATLASCuts.hpp"
30 #include "SpacePoint.hpp"
32 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
34 std::vector<const SpacePoint*> readFile(std::string filename) {
36  int layer;
37  std::vector<const SpacePoint*> readSP;
39  std::ifstream spFile(filename);
40  if (spFile.is_open()) {
41  while (!spFile.eof()) {
42  std::getline(spFile, line);
43  std::stringstream ss(line);
44  std::string linetype;
45  ss >> linetype;
46  float x, y, z, r, varianceR, varianceZ;
47  if (linetype == "lxyz") {
48  ss >> layer >> x >> y >> z >> varianceR >> varianceZ;
49  r = std::hypot(x, y);
50  float f22 = varianceR;
51  float wid = varianceZ;
52  float cov = wid * wid * .08333;
53  if (cov < f22)
54  cov = f22;
55  if (std::abs(z) > 450.) {
56  varianceZ = 9. * cov;
57  varianceR = .06;
58  } else {
59  varianceR = 9. * cov;
60  varianceZ = .06;
61  }
62  SpacePoint* sp =
63  new SpacePoint{x, y, z, r, layer, varianceR, varianceZ};
64  // if(r < 200.){
65  // sp->setClusterList(1,0);
66  // }
67  readSP.push_back(sp);
68  }
69  }
70  }
71  return readSP;
72 }
74 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
75  auto start_pre = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
77  std::string file{"sp.txt"};
78  bool help(false);
79  bool quiet(false);
80  bool allgroup(false);
81  bool do_cpu(true);
82  int nGroupToIterate = 500;
83  int skip = 0;
84  int deviceID = 0;
85  int nTrplPerSpBLimit = 100;
86  int nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit = 2;
88  int opt;
89  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "haf:n:s:d:l:m:qG")) != -1) {
90  switch (opt) {
91  case 'a':
92  allgroup = true;
93  break;
94  case 'f':
95  file = optarg;
96  break;
97  case 'n':
98  nGroupToIterate = atoi(optarg);
99  break;
100  case 's':
101  skip = atoi(optarg);
102  break;
103  case 'd':
104  deviceID = atoi(optarg);
105  break;
106  case 'l':
107  nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit = atoi(optarg);
108  break;
109  case 'm':
110  nTrplPerSpBLimit = atoi(optarg);
111  break;
112  case 'q':
113  quiet = true;
114  break;
115  case 'G':
116  do_cpu = false;
117  break;
118  case 'h':
119  help = true;
120  [[fallthrough]];
121  default: /* '?' */
122  std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-hq] [-f FILENAME]\n";
123  if (help) {
124  std::cout << " -h : this help" << std::endl;
125  std::cout << " -a ALL : analyze all groups. Default is \""
126  << allgroup << "\"" << std::endl;
127  std::cout
128  << " -f FILE : read spacepoints from FILE. Default is \""
129  << file << "\"" << std::endl;
130  std::cout << " -n NUM : Number of groups to iterate in seed "
131  "finding. Default is "
132  << nGroupToIterate << std::endl;
133  std::cout << " -s SKIP : Number of groups to skip in seed "
134  "finding. Default is "
135  << skip << std::endl;
136  std::cout << " -d DEVID : NVIDIA GPU device ID. Default is "
137  << deviceID << std::endl;
138  std::cout << " -l : A limit on the average number of triplets "
139  "per bottom spacepoint: this is used for determining "
140  "matrix size for triplets per middle space point"
141  << nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit << std::endl;
142  std::cout << " -m : A limit on the number of triplets per "
143  "bottom spacepoint: users do not have to touch this for "
144  "# spacepoints < ~200k"
145  << nTrplPerSpBLimit << std::endl;
146  std::cout << " -q : don't print out all found seeds"
147  << std::endl;
148  std::cout << " -G : only run on GPU, not CPU" << std::endl;
149  }
151  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
152  }
153  }
155  std::string devName;
156  ACTS_CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaSetDevice(deviceID));
158  std::ifstream f(file);
159  if (!f.good()) {
160  std::cerr << "input file \"" << file << "\" does not exist\n";
161  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
162  }
164  std::vector<const SpacePoint*> spVec = readFile(file);
166  std::cout << "read " << spVec.size() << " SP from file " << file << std::endl;
168  // Set seed finder configuration
170  // silicon detector max
171  config.rMax = 160._mm;
172  config.deltaRMin = 5._mm;
173  config.deltaRMax = 160._mm;
174  config.deltaRMinTopSP = config.deltaRMin;
175  config.deltaRMinBottomSP = config.deltaRMin;
176  config.deltaRMaxTopSP = config.deltaRMax;
177  config.deltaRMaxBottomSP = config.deltaRMax;
178  config.collisionRegionMin = -250._mm;
179  config.collisionRegionMax = 250._mm;
180  config.zMin = -2800._mm;
181  config.zMax = 2800._mm;
182  config.maxSeedsPerSpM = 5;
183  // 2.7 eta
184  config.cotThetaMax = 7.40627;
185  config.sigmaScattering = 1.00000;
187  config.minPt = 500._MeV;
188  config.impactMax = 10._mm;
189  config = config.toInternalUnits();
192  options.bFieldInZ = 1.99724_T;
193  options.beamPos = {-.5_mm, -.5_mm};
194  options = options.toInternalUnits().calculateDerivedQuantities(config);
196  int numPhiNeighbors = 1;
198  // extent used to store r range for middle spacepoint
199  Acts::Extent rRangeSPExtent;
201  const Acts::Range1D<float> rMiddleSPRange;
203  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> zBinNeighborsTop;
204  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> zBinNeighborsBottom;
206  // cuda
207  cudaDeviceProp prop;
208  ACTS_CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, deviceID));
209  printf("\n GPU Device %d: \"%s\" with compute capability %d.%d\n\n", deviceID,
210, prop.major, prop.minor);
211  config.maxBlockSize = prop.maxThreadsPerBlock;
212  config.nTrplPerSpBLimit = nTrplPerSpBLimit;
213  config.nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit = nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit;
215  // binfinder
216  auto bottomBinFinder = std::make_shared<Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>>(
217  Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>(zBinNeighborsBottom, numPhiNeighbors));
218  auto topBinFinder = std::make_shared<Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>>(
219  Acts::BinFinder<SpacePoint>(zBinNeighborsTop, numPhiNeighbors));
220  Acts::SeedFilterConfig sfconf;
222  config.seedFilter = std::make_unique<Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>>(
223  Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>(sfconf, &atlasCuts));
224  Acts::SeedFinder<SpacePoint> seedFinder_cpu(config);
225  Acts::SeedFinder<SpacePoint, Acts::Cuda> seedFinder_cuda(config, options);
227  // covariance tool, sets covariances per spacepoint as required
228  auto ct = [=](const SpacePoint& sp, float, float,
229  float) -> std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector2> {
230  Acts::Vector3 position(sp.x(), sp.y(), sp.z());
231  Acts::Vector2 variance(sp.varianceR, sp.varianceZ);
232  return std::make_pair(position, variance);
233  };
235  // setup spacepoint grid config
237  gridConf.minPt = config.minPt;
238  gridConf.rMax = config.rMax;
239  gridConf.zMax = config.zMax;
240  gridConf.zMin = config.zMin;
241  gridConf.deltaRMax = config.deltaRMax;
242  gridConf.cotThetaMax = config.cotThetaMax;
243  // setup spacepoint grid options
245  gridOpts.bFieldInZ = options.bFieldInZ;
246  // create grid with bin sizes according to the configured geometry
247  std::unique_ptr<Acts::SpacePointGrid<SpacePoint>> grid =
248  Acts::SpacePointGridCreator::createGrid<SpacePoint>(gridConf, gridOpts);
249  auto spGroup = Acts::BinnedSPGroup<SpacePoint>(
250  spVec.begin(), spVec.end(), ct, bottomBinFinder, topBinFinder,
251  std::move(grid), rRangeSPExtent, config, options);
253  auto end_pre = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
254  std::chrono::duration<double> elapsec_pre = end_pre - start_pre;
255  double preprocessTime = elapsec_pre.count();
256  std::cout << "Preprocess Time: " << preprocessTime << std::endl;
258  //--------------------------------------------------------------------//
259  // Begin Seed finding //
260  //--------------------------------------------------------------------//
262  auto start_cpu = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
264  int group_count;
265  auto groupIt = Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator<SpacePoint>(spGroup, skip);
267  //----------- CPU ----------//
268  group_count = 0;
269  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Seed<SpacePoint>>> seedVector_cpu;
271  if (do_cpu) {
272  decltype(seedFinder_cpu)::SeedingState state;
273  state.spacePointData.resize(spVec.size());
274  for (; groupIt != spGroup.end(); ++groupIt) {
275  const auto [bottom, middle, top] = *groupIt;
276  seedFinder_cpu.createSeedsForGroup(
277  options, state, spGroup.grid(),
278  std::back_inserter(seedVector_cpu.emplace_back()), bottom, middle,
279  top, rMiddleSPRange);
280  group_count++;
281  if (allgroup == false) {
282  if (group_count >= nGroupToIterate)
283  break;
284  }
285  }
286  // auto timeMetric_cpu = seedFinder_cpu.getTimeMetric();
287  std::cout << "Analyzed " << group_count << " groups for CPU" << std::endl;
288  }
290  auto end_cpu = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
291  std::chrono::duration<double> elapsec_cpu = end_cpu - start_cpu;
292  double cpuTime = elapsec_cpu.count();
294  //----------- CUDA ----------//
296  cudaProfilerStart();
297  auto start_cuda = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
299  group_count = 0;
300  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Seed<SpacePoint>>> seedVector_cuda;
301  groupIt = Acts::BinnedSPGroupIterator<SpacePoint>(spGroup, skip);
303  Acts::SpacePointData spacePointData;
304  spacePointData.resize(spVec.size());
306  for (; groupIt != spGroup.end(); ++groupIt) {
307  const auto [bottom, middle, top] = *groupIt;
308  seedVector_cuda.push_back(seedFinder_cuda.createSeedsForGroup(
309  spacePointData, spGroup.grid(), bottom, middle, top));
310  group_count++;
311  if (allgroup == false) {
312  if (group_count >= nGroupToIterate)
313  break;
314  }
315  }
317  auto end_cuda = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
318  std::chrono::duration<double> elapsec_cuda = end_cuda - start_cuda;
319  double cudaTime = elapsec_cuda.count();
321  cudaProfilerStop();
322  std::cout << "Analyzed " << group_count << " groups for CUDA" << std::endl;
324  std::cout << std::endl;
325  std::cout << "----------------------- Time Metric -----------------------"
326  << std::endl;
327  std::cout << " " << (do_cpu ? "CPU" : " ")
328  << " CUDA " << (do_cpu ? "Speedup " : "")
329  << std::endl;
330  std::cout << "Seedfinding_Time " << std::setw(11)
331  << (do_cpu ? std::to_string(cpuTime) : "") << " " << std::setw(11)
332  << cudaTime << " " << std::setw(11)
333  << (do_cpu ? std::to_string(cpuTime / cudaTime) : "") << std::endl;
334  double wallTime_cpu = cpuTime + preprocessTime;
335  double wallTime_cuda = cudaTime + preprocessTime;
336  std::cout << "Wall_time " << std::setw(11)
337  << (do_cpu ? std::to_string(wallTime_cpu) : "") << " "
338  << std::setw(11) << wallTime_cuda << " " << std::setw(11)
339  << (do_cpu ? std::to_string(wallTime_cpu / wallTime_cuda) : "")
340  << std::endl;
341  std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------"
342  << std::endl;
343  std::cout << std::endl;
345  int nSeed_cpu = 0;
346  for (auto& outVec : seedVector_cpu) {
347  nSeed_cpu += outVec.size();
348  }
350  int nSeed_cuda = 0;
351  for (auto& outVec : seedVector_cuda) {
352  nSeed_cuda += outVec.size();
353  }
355  std::cout << "Number of Seeds (CPU | CUDA): " << nSeed_cpu << " | "
356  << nSeed_cuda << std::endl;
358  int nMatch = 0;
360  for (size_t i = 0; i < seedVector_cpu.size(); i++) {
361  auto regionVec_cpu = seedVector_cpu[i];
362  auto regionVec_cuda = seedVector_cuda[i];
364  std::vector<std::vector<SpacePoint>> seeds_cpu;
365  std::vector<std::vector<SpacePoint>> seeds_cuda;
367  // for (size_t i_cpu = 0; i_cpu < regionVec_cpu.size(); i_cpu++) {
368  for (auto sd : regionVec_cpu) {
369  std::vector<SpacePoint> seed_cpu;
370  seed_cpu.push_back(*(sd.sp()[0]));
371  seed_cpu.push_back(*(sd.sp()[1]));
372  seed_cpu.push_back(*(sd.sp()[2]));
374  seeds_cpu.push_back(seed_cpu);
375  }
377  for (auto sd : regionVec_cuda) {
378  std::vector<SpacePoint> seed_cuda;
379  seed_cuda.push_back(*(sd.sp()[0]));
380  seed_cuda.push_back(*(sd.sp()[1]));
381  seed_cuda.push_back(*(sd.sp()[2]));
383  seeds_cuda.push_back(seed_cuda);
384  }
386  for (auto seed : seeds_cpu) {
387  for (auto other : seeds_cuda) {
388  if (seed[0] == other[0] && seed[1] == other[1] && seed[2] == other[2]) {
389  nMatch++;
390  break;
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  }
396  if (do_cpu) {
397  std::cout << nMatch << " seeds are matched" << std::endl;
398  std::cout << "Matching rate: " << float(nMatch) / nSeed_cpu * 100 << "%"
399  << std::endl;
400  }
402  if (!quiet) {
403  if (do_cpu) {
404  std::cout << "CPU Seed result:" << std::endl;
406  for (auto& regionVec : seedVector_cpu) {
407  for (size_t i = 0; i < regionVec.size(); i++) {
408  const Acts::Seed<SpacePoint>* seed = &regionVec[i];
409  const SpacePoint* sp = seed->sp()[0];
410  std::cout << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", " << sp->z()
411  << ") ";
412  sp = seed->sp()[1];
413  std::cout << sp->surface << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", "
414  << sp->z() << ") ";
415  sp = seed->sp()[2];
416  std::cout << sp->surface << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", "
417  << sp->z() << ") ";
418  std::cout << std::endl;
419  }
420  }
422  std::cout << std::endl;
423  }
424  std::cout << "CUDA Seed result:" << std::endl;
426  for (auto& regionVec : seedVector_cuda) {
427  for (size_t i = 0; i < regionVec.size(); i++) {
428  const Acts::Seed<SpacePoint>* seed = &regionVec[i];
429  const SpacePoint* sp = seed->sp()[0];
430  std::cout << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", " << sp->z()
431  << ") ";
432  sp = seed->sp()[1];
433  std::cout << sp->surface << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", "
434  << sp->z() << ") ";
435  sp = seed->sp()[2];
436  std::cout << sp->surface << " (" << sp->x() << ", " << sp->y() << ", "
437  << sp->z() << ") ";
438  std::cout << std::endl;
439  }
440  }
441  }
443  std::cout << std::endl;
444  std::cout << std::endl;
446  return 0;
447 }