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2 C*********************************************************************
5 C...Initializes treatment of multiple interactions, selects kinematics
6 C...of hardest interaction if low-pT physics included in run, and
7 C...generates all non-hardest interactions.
11 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
14  INTEGER pyk,pychge,pycomp
15 C...Commonblocks.
16  common/pyjets/n,npad,k(4000,5),p(4000,5),v(4000,5)
17  common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
18  common/pydat2/kchg(500,4),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
19  common/pysubs/msel,mselpd,msub(500),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
20  common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
21  common/pyint1/mint(400),vint(400)
22  common/pyint2/iset(500),kfpr(500,2),coef(500,20),icol(40,4,2)
23  common/pyint3/xsfx(2,-40:40),isig(1000,3),sigh(1000)
24  common/pyint5/ngenpd,ngen(0:500,3),xsec(0:500,3)
25  common/pyint7/sigt(0:6,0:6,0:5)
26  SAVE /pyjets/,/pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pysubs/,/pypars/,/pyint1/,
27  &/pyint2/,/pyint3/,/pyint5/,/pyint7/
28 C...Local arrays and saved variables.
29  dimension nmul(20),sigm(20),kstr(500,2),vintsv(80)
30  SAVE xt2,xt2fac,xc2,xts,irbin,rbin,nmul,sigm,p83a,p83b,p83c,
31  &cq2i,cq2r,pik,bdiv,b,plowb,phighb,pallb,s4a,s4b,s4c,powip,
32  &rpwip,b2rpdv,b2rpmx,bavg,vnt145,vnt146,vnt147
34 C...Initialization of multiple interaction treatment.
35  IF(mmul.EQ.1) THEN
36  IF(mstp(122).GE.1) WRITE(mstu(11),5000) mstp(82)
37  isub=96
38  mint(1)=96
39  vint(63)=0d0
40  vint(64)=0d0
41  vint(143)=1d0
42  vint(144)=1d0
44 C...Loop over phase space points: xT2 choice in 20 bins.
45  100 sigsum=0d0
46  DO 120 ixt2=1,20
47  nmul(ixt2)=mstp(83)
48  sigm(ixt2)=0d0
49  DO 110 itry=1,mstp(83)
50  rsca=0.05d0*((21-ixt2)-pyr(0))
51  xt2=vint(149)*(1d0+vint(149))/(vint(149)+rsca)-vint(149)
52  xt2=max(0.01d0*vint(149),xt2)
53  vint(25)=xt2
55 C...Choose tau and y*. Calculate cos(theta-hat).
56  IF(pyr(0).LE.coef(isub,1)) THEN
57  taut=(2d0*(1d0+sqrt(1d0-xt2))/xt2-1d0)**pyr(0)
58  tau=xt2*(1d0+taut)**2/(4d0*taut)
59  ELSE
60  tau=xt2*(1d0+tan(pyr(0)*atan(sqrt(1d0/xt2-1d0)))**2)
62  vint(21)=tau
63  CALL pyklim(2)
64  ryst=pyr(0)
65  myst=1
66  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)) myst=2
67  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)+coef(isub,9)) myst=3
68  CALL pykmap(2,myst,pyr(0))
69  vint(23)=sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-xt2/tau))*(-1)**int(1.5d0+pyr(0))
71 C...Calculate differential cross-section.
72  vint(71)=0.5d0*vint(1)*sqrt(xt2)
73  CALL pysigh(nchn,sigs)
74  sigm(ixt2)=sigm(ixt2)+sigs
75  110 CONTINUE
76  sigsum=sigsum+sigm(ixt2)
77  120 CONTINUE
78  sigsum=sigsum/(20d0*mstp(83))
80 C...Reject result if sigma(parton-parton) is smaller than hadronic one.
81  IF(sigsum.LT.1.1d0*sigt(0,0,5)) THEN
82  IF(mstp(122).GE.1) WRITE(mstu(11),5100)
83  & parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90),sigsum
84  parp(82)=0.9d0*parp(82)
85  vint(149)=4d0*(parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90))**2/
86  & vint(2)
87  goto 100
89  IF(mstp(122).GE.1) WRITE(mstu(11),5200)
90  & parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90), sigsum
92 C...Start iteration to find k factor.
93  yke=sigsum/max(1d-10,sigt(0,0,5))
94  p83a=(1d0-parp(83))**2
95  p83b=2d0*parp(83)*(1d0-parp(83))
96  p83c=parp(83)**2
97  cq2i=1d0/parp(84)**2
98  cq2r=2d0/(1d0+parp(84)**2)
99  so=0.5d0
100  xi=0d0
101  yi=0d0
102  xf=0d0
103  yf=0d0
104  xk=0.5d0
105  iit=0
106  130 IF(iit.EQ.0) THEN
107  xk=2d0*xk
108  ELSEIF(iit.EQ.1) THEN
109  xk=0.5d0*xk
110  ELSE
111  xk=xi+(yke-yi)*(xf-xi)/(yf-yi)
112  ENDIF
114 C...Evaluate overlap integrals. Find where to divide the b range.
115  IF(mstp(82).EQ.2) THEN
116  sp=0.5d0*paru(1)*(1d0-exp(-xk))
117  sop=sp/paru(1)
118  ELSE
119  IF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
120  deltab=0.02d0
121  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
122  deltab=min(0.01d0,0.05d0*parp(84))
123  ELSE
124  powip=max(0.4d0,parp(83))
125  rpwip=2d0/powip-1d0
126  deltab=max(0.02d0,0.02d0*(2d0/powip)**(1d0/powip))
127  so=0d0
128  ENDIF
129  sp=0d0
130  sop=0d0
131  bsp=0d0
132  sohigh=0d0
133  ibdiv=0
134  b=-0.5d0*deltab
135  140 b=b+deltab
136  IF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
137  ov=exp(-b**2)/paru(2)
138  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
139  ov=(p83a*exp(-min(50d0,b**2))+
140  & p83b*cq2r*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2r))+
141  & p83c*cq2i*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2i)))/paru(2)
142  ELSE
143  ov=exp(-b**powip)/paru(2)
144  so=so+paru(2)*b*deltab*ov
145  ENDIF
146  IF(ibdiv.EQ.1) sohigh=sohigh+paru(2)*b*deltab*ov
147  pacc=1d0-exp(-min(50d0,paru(1)*xk*ov))
148  sp=sp+paru(2)*b*deltab*pacc
149  sop=sop+paru(2)*b*deltab*ov*pacc
150  bsp=bsp+b*paru(2)*b*deltab*pacc
151  IF(ibdiv.EQ.0.AND.paru(1)*xk*ov.LT.1d0) THEN
152  ibdiv=1
153  bdiv=b+0.5d0*deltab
154  ENDIF
155  IF(b.LT.1d0.OR.b*pacc.GT.1d-6) goto 140
156  ENDIF
157  yk=paru(1)*xk*so/sp
159 C...Continue iteration until convergence.
160  IF(yk.LT.yke) THEN
161  xi=xk
162  yi=yk
163  IF(iit.EQ.1) iit=2
164  ELSE
165  xf=xk
166  yf=yk
167  IF(iit.EQ.0) iit=1
168  ENDIF
169  IF(abs(yk-yke).GE.1d-5*yke) goto 130
171 C...Store some results for subsequent use.
172  bavg=bsp/sp
173  vint(145)=sigsum
174  vint(146)=sop/so
175  vint(147)=sop/sp
176  vnt145=vint(145)
177  vnt146=vint(146)
178  vnt147=vint(147)
179 C...PIK = PARU(1)*XK = (VINT(146)/VINT(147))*sigma_jet/sigma_nondiffr.
180  pik=(vnt146/vnt147)*yke
182 C...Find relative weight for low and high impact parameter.
183  plowb=paru(1)*bdiv**2
184  IF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
185  phighb=pik*0.5*exp(-bdiv**2)
186  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
187  s4a=p83a*exp(-bdiv**2)
188  s4b=p83b*exp(-bdiv**2*cq2r)
189  s4c=p83c*exp(-bdiv**2*cq2i)
190  phighb=pik*0.5*(s4a+s4b+s4c)
191  ELSEIF(parp(83).GE.1.999d0) THEN
192  phighb=pik*sohigh
193  b2rpdv=bdiv**powip
194  ELSE
195  phighb=pik*sohigh
196  b2rpdv=bdiv**powip
197  b2rpmx=max(2d0*rpwip,b2rpdv)
198  ENDIF
199  pallb=plowb+phighb
201 C...Initialize iteration in xT2 for hardest interaction.
202  ELSEIF(mmul.EQ.2) THEN
203  vint(145)=vnt145
204  vint(146)=vnt146
205  vint(147)=vnt147
206  IF(mstp(82).LE.0) THEN
207  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.1) THEN
208  xt2=1d0
209  sigrat=xsec(96,1)/max(1d-10,vint(315)*vint(316)*sigt(0,0,5))
210  IF(mint(141) sigrat=sigrat*
211  & vint(317)/(vint(318)*vint(320))
212  xt2fac=sigrat*vint(149)/(1d0-vint(149))
213  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.2) THEN
214  xt2=1d0
215  xt2fac=vnt146*xsec(96,1)/max(1d-10,sigt(0,0,5))*
216  & vint(149)*(1d0+vint(149))
217  ELSE
218  xc2=4d0*ckin(3)**2/vint(2)
219  IF(ckin(3).LE.ckin(5) xc2=0d0
220  ENDIF
222 C...Select impact parameter for hardest interaction.
223  IF(mstp(82).LE.2) RETURN
224  142 IF(pyr(0)*pallb.LT.plowb) THEN
225 C...Treatment in low b region.
226  mint(39)=1
227  b=bdiv*sqrt(pyr(0))
228  IF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
229  ov=exp(-b**2)/paru(2)
230  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
231  ov=(p83a*exp(-min(50d0,b**2))+
232  & p83b*cq2r*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2r))+
233  & p83c*cq2i*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2i)))/paru(2)
234  ELSE
235  ov=exp(-b**powip)/paru(2)
236  ENDIF
237  vint(148)=ov/vnt147
238  pacc=1d0-exp(-min(50d0,pik*ov))
239  xt2=1d0
240  xt2fac=vnt146*vint(148)*xsec(96,1)/max(1d-10,sigt(0,0,5))*
241  & vint(149)*(1d0+vint(149))
242  ELSE
243 C...Treatment in high b region.
244  mint(39)=2
245  IF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
246  b=sqrt(bdiv**2-log(pyr(0)))
247  ov=exp(-b**2)/paru(2)
248  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
249  s4rndm=pyr(0)*(s4a+s4b+s4c)
250  IF(s4rndm.LT.s4a) THEN
251  b=sqrt(bdiv**2-log(pyr(0)))
252  ELSEIF(s4rndm.LT.s4a+s4b) THEN
253  b=sqrt(bdiv**2-log(pyr(0))/cq2r)
254  ELSE
255  b=sqrt(bdiv**2-log(pyr(0))/cq2i)
256  ENDIF
257  ov=(p83a*exp(-min(50d0,b**2))+
258  & p83b*cq2r*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2r))+
259  & p83c*cq2i*exp(-min(50d0,b**2*cq2i)))/paru(2)
260  ELSEIF(parp(83).GE.1.999d0) THEN
261  144 b2rpw=b2rpdv-log(pyr(0))
262  accip=(b2rpw/b2rpdv)**rpwip
263  IF(accip.LT.pyr(0)) goto 144
264  ov=exp(-b2rpw)/paru(2)
265  b=b2rpw**(1d0/powip)
266  ELSE
267  146 b2rpw=b2rpdv-2d0*log(pyr(0))
268  accip=(b2rpw/b2rpmx)**rpwip*exp(-0.5d0*(b2rpw-b2rpmx))
269  IF(accip.LT.pyr(0)) goto 146
270  ov=exp(-b2rpw)/paru(2)
271  b=b2rpw**(1d0/powip)
272  ENDIF
273  vint(148)=ov/vnt147
274  pacc=(1d0-exp(-min(50d0,pik*ov)))/(pik*ov)
275  ENDIF
276  IF(pacc.LT.pyr(0)) goto 142
277  vint(139)=b/bavg
279  ELSEIF(mmul.EQ.3) THEN
280 C...Low-pT or multiple interactions (first semihard interaction):
281 C...choose xT2 according to dpT2/pT2**2*exp(-(sigma above pT2)/norm)
282 C...or (MSTP(82)>=2) dpT2/(pT2+pT0**2)**2*exp(-....).
283  isub=mint(1)
284  vint(145)=vnt145
285  vint(146)=vnt146
286  vint(147)=vnt147
287  IF(mstp(82).LE.0) THEN
288  xt2=0d0
289  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.1) THEN
290  xt2=xt2fac*xt2/(xt2fac-xt2*log(pyr(0)))
291 C...Use with "Sudakov" for low b values when impact parameter dependence.
292  ELSEIF(mstp(82) THEN
293  IF(xt2.LT.1d0.AND.exp(-xt2fac*xt2/(vint(149)*(xt2+
294  & vint(149)))).GT.pyr(0)) xt2=1d0
295  IF(xt2.GE.1d0) THEN
296  xt2=(1d0+vint(149))*xt2fac/(xt2fac-(1d0+vint(149))*log(1d0-
297  & pyr(0)*(1d0-exp(-xt2fac/(vint(149)*(1d0+vint(149)))))))-
298  & vint(149)
299  ELSE
300  xt2=-xt2fac/log(exp(-xt2fac/(xt2+vint(149)))+pyr(0)*
301  & (exp(-xt2fac/vint(149))-exp(-xt2fac/(xt2+vint(149)))))-
302  & vint(149)
303  ENDIF
304  xt2=max(0.01d0*vint(149),xt2)
305 C...Use without "Sudakov" for high b values when impact parameter dep.
306  ELSE
307  xt2=(xc2+vint(149))*(1d0+vint(149))/(1d0+vint(149)-
308  & pyr(0)*(1d0-xc2))-vint(149)
309  xt2=max(0.01d0*vint(149),xt2)
310  ENDIF
311  vint(25)=xt2
313 C...Low-pT: choose xT2, tau, y* and cos(theta-hat) fixed.
314  IF(mstp(82).LE.1.AND.xt2.LT.vint(149)) THEN
315  IF(mint(82).EQ.1) ngen(0,1)=ngen(0,1)-mint(143)
316  IF(mint(82).EQ.1) ngen(isub,1)=ngen(isub,1)-mint(143)
317  isub=95
318  mint(1)=isub
319  vint(21)=0.01d0*vint(149)
320  vint(22)=0d0
321  vint(23)=0d0
322  vint(25)=0.01d0*vint(149)
324  ELSE
325 C...Multiple interactions (first semihard interaction).
326 C...Choose tau and y*. Calculate cos(theta-hat).
327  IF(pyr(0).LE.coef(isub,1)) THEN
328  taut=(2d0*(1d0+sqrt(1d0-xt2))/xt2-1d0)**pyr(0)
329  tau=xt2*(1d0+taut)**2/(4d0*taut)
330  ELSE
331  tau=xt2*(1d0+tan(pyr(0)*atan(sqrt(1d0/xt2-1d0)))**2)
332  ENDIF
333  vint(21)=tau
334  CALL pyklim(2)
335  ryst=pyr(0)
336  myst=1
337  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)) myst=2
338  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)+coef(isub,9)) myst=3
339  CALL pykmap(2,myst,pyr(0))
340  vint(23)=sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-xt2/tau))*(-1)**int(1.5d0+pyr(0))
341  ENDIF
342  vint(71)=0.5d0*vint(1)*sqrt(vint(25))
344 C...Store results of cross-section calculation.
345  ELSEIF(mmul.EQ.4) THEN
346  isub=mint(1)
347  vint(145)=vnt145
348  vint(146)=vnt146
349  vint(147)=vnt147
350  xts=vint(25)
351  IF(iset(isub).EQ.1) xts=vint(21)
352  IF(iset(isub).EQ.2)
353  & xts=(4d0*vint(48)+2d0*vint(63)+2d0*vint(64))/vint(2)
354  IF(iset(isub).GE.3.AND.iset(isub).LE.5) xts=vint(26)
355  rbin=max(0.000001d0,min(0.999999d0,xts*(1d0+vint(149))/
356  & (xts+vint(149))))
357  irbin=int(1d0+20d0*rbin)
358  IF(isub.EQ.96.AND.mstp(171).EQ.0) THEN
359  nmul(irbin)=nmul(irbin)+1
360  sigm(irbin)=sigm(irbin)+vint(153)
361  ENDIF
363 C...Choose impact parameter if not already done.
364  ELSEIF(mmul.EQ.5) THEN
365  isub=mint(1)
366  vint(145)=vnt145
367  vint(146)=vnt146
368  vint(147)=vnt147
369  150 IF(mint(39).GT.0) THEN
370  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.3) THEN
371  expb2=pyr(0)
372  b2=-log(pyr(0))
373  vint(148)=expb2/(paru(2)*vnt147)
374  vint(139)=sqrt(b2)/bavg
375  ELSEIF(mstp(82).EQ.4) THEN
376  rtype=pyr(0)
377  IF(rtype.LT.p83a) THEN
378  b2=-log(pyr(0))
379  ELSEIF(rtype.LT.p83a+p83b) THEN
380  b2=-log(pyr(0))/cq2r
381  ELSE
382  b2=-log(pyr(0))/cq2i
383  ENDIF
384  vint(148)=(p83a*exp(-min(50d0,b2))+
385  & p83b*cq2r*exp(-min(50d0,b2*cq2r))+
386  & p83c*cq2i*exp(-min(50d0,b2*cq2i)))/(paru(2)*vnt147)
387  vint(139)=sqrt(b2)/bavg
388  ELSEIF(parp(83).GE.1.999d0) THEN
389  powip=max(2d0,parp(83))
390  rpwip=2d0/powip-1d0
391  prob1=powip/(2d0*exp(-1d0)+powip)
392  160 IF(pyr(0).LT.prob1) THEN
393  b2rpw=pyr(0)**(0.5d0*powip)
394  accip=exp(-b2rpw)
395  ELSE
396  b2rpw=1d0-log(pyr(0))
397  accip=b2rpw**rpwip
398  ENDIF
399  IF(accip.LT.pyr(0)) goto 160
400  vint(148)=exp(-b2rpw)/(paru(2)*vnt147)
401  vint(139)=b2rpw**(1d0/powip)/bavg
402  ELSE
403  powip=max(0.4d0,parp(83))
404  rpwip=2d0/powip-1d0
405  prob1=rpwip/(rpwip+2d0**rpwip*exp(-rpwip))
406  170 IF(pyr(0).LT.prob1) THEN
407  b2rpw=2d0*rpwip*pyr(0)
408  accip=(b2rpw/rpwip)**rpwip*exp(rpwip-b2rpw)
409  ELSE
410  b2rpw=2d0*(rpwip-log(pyr(0)))
411  accip=(0.5d0*b2rpw/rpwip)**rpwip*exp(rpwip-0.5d0*b2rpw)
412  ENDIF
413  IF( .pyr(0)) goto 170
414  vint(148)=exp(-b2rpw)/(paru(2)*vnt147)
415  vint(139)=b2rpw**(1d0/powip)/bavg
416  ENDIF
418 C...Multiple interactions (variable impact parameter) : reject with
419 C...probability exp(-overlap*cross-section above pT/normalization).
420 C...Does not apply to low-b region, where "Sudakov" already included.
421  vint(150)=1d0
422  IF(mint(39).NE.1) THEN
423  rncor=(irbin-20d0*rbin)*nmul(irbin)
424  sigcor=(irbin-20d0*rbin)*sigm(irbin)
425  DO 180 ibin=irbin+1,20
426  rncor=rncor+nmul(ibin)
427  sigcor=sigcor+sigm(ibin)
428  180 CONTINUE
429  sigabv=(sigcor/rncor)*vint(149)*(1d0-xts)/(xts+vint(149))
430  IF(mstp(171).EQ.1) sigabv=sigabv*vint(2)/vint(289)
431  vint(150)=exp(-min(50d0,vnt146*vint(148)*
432  & sigabv/max(1d-10,sigt(0,0,5))))
433  ENDIF
434  IF(mstp(86).EQ.3.OR.(mstp(86).EQ.2.AND.isub.NE.11.AND.
435  & isub.NE.12.AND.isub.NE.13.AND.isub.NE.28.AND.isub.NE.53
436  & .AND.isub.NE.68.AND.isub.NE.95.AND.isub.NE.96)) THEN
437  IF(vint(150).LT.pyr(0)) goto 150
438  vint(150)=1d0
439  ENDIF
441 C...Generate additional multiple semihard interactions.
442  ELSEIF(mmul.EQ.6) THEN
443  isubsv=mint(1)
444  vint(145)=vnt145
445  vint(146)=vnt146
446  vint(147)=vnt147
447  DO 190 j=11,80
448  vintsv(j)=vint(j)
449  190 CONTINUE
450  isub=96
451  mint(1)=96
452  vint(151)=0d0
453  vint(152)=0d0
455 C...Reconstruct strings in hard scattering.
456  nmax=mint(84)+4
457  IF(iset(isubsv).EQ.1) nmax=mint(84)+2
458  IF(iset(isubsv).EQ.11) nmax=mint(84)+2+mint(3)
459  nstr=0
460  DO 210 i=mint(84)+1,nmax
461  kcs=kchg(pycomp(k(i,2)),2)*isign(1,k(i,2))
462  IF(kcs.EQ.0) goto 210
463  DO 200 j=1,4
464  IF(kcs.EQ.1.AND.(j.EQ.2.OR.j.EQ.4)) goto 200
465  IF(kcs.EQ.-1.AND.(j.EQ.1.OR.j.EQ.3)) goto 200
466  IF(j.LE.2) THEN
467  ist=mod(k(i,j+3)/mstu(5),mstu(5))
468  ELSE
469  ist=mod(k(i,j+1),mstu(5))
470  ENDIF
471  IF( goto 200
472  IF(kchg(pycomp(k(ist,2)),2).EQ.0) goto 200
473  nstr=nstr+1
474  IF(j.EQ.1.OR.j.EQ.4) THEN
475  kstr(nstr,1)=i
476  kstr(nstr,2)=ist
477  ELSE
478  kstr(nstr,1)=ist
479  kstr(nstr,2)=i
480  ENDIF
481  200 CONTINUE
482  210 CONTINUE
484 C...Set up starting values for iteration in xT2.
485  xt2=4d0*vint(62)/vint(2)
486  IF(mstp(82).LE.1) THEN
487  sigrat=xsec(isub,1)/max(1d-10,vint(315)*vint(316)*sigt(0,0,5))
488  IF(mint(141) sigrat=sigrat*
489  & vint(317)/(vint(318)*vint(320))
490  xt2fac=sigrat*vint(149)/(1d0-vint(149))
491  ELSE
492  xt2fac=vnt146*vint(148)*xsec(isub,1)/
493  & max(1d-10,sigt(0,0,5))*vint(149)*(1d0+vint(149))
494  ENDIF
495  vint(63)=0d0
496  vint(64)=0d0
497  vint(143)=1d0-vint(141)
498  vint(144)=1d0-vint(142)
500 C...Iterate downwards in xT2.
501  220 IF(mstp(82).LE.1) THEN
502  xt2=xt2fac*xt2/(xt2fac-xt2*log(pyr(0)))
503  IF(xt2.LT.vint(149)) goto 270
504  ELSE
505  IF(xt2.LE.0.01001d0*vint(149)) goto 270
506  xt2=xt2fac*(xt2+vint(149))/(xt2fac-(xt2+vint(149))*
507  & log(pyr(0)))-vint(149)
508  IF(xt2.LE.0d0) goto 270
509  xt2=max(0.01d0*vint(149),xt2)
510  ENDIF
511  vint(25)=xt2
513 C...Choose tau and y*. Calculate cos(theta-hat).
514  IF(pyr(0).LE.coef(isub,1)) THEN
515  taut=(2d0*(1d0+sqrt(1d0-xt2))/xt2-1d0)**pyr(0)
516  tau=xt2*(1d0+taut)**2/(4d0*taut)
517  ELSE
518  tau=xt2*(1d0+tan(pyr(0)*atan(sqrt(1d0/xt2-1d0)))**2)
519  ENDIF
520  vint(21)=tau
521  CALL pyklim(2)
522  ryst=pyr(0)
523  myst=1
524  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)) myst=2
525  IF(ryst.GT.coef(isub,8)+coef(isub,9)) myst=3
526  CALL pykmap(2,myst,pyr(0))
527  vint(23)=sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-xt2/tau))*(-1)**int(1.5d0+pyr(0))
529 C...Check that x not used up. Accept or reject kinematical variables.
530  x1m=sqrt(tau)*exp(vint(22))
531  x2m=sqrt(tau)*exp(-vint(22))
532  IF(vint(143)-x1m.LT.0.01d0.OR.vint(144)-x2m.LT.0.01d0) goto 220
533  vint(71)=0.5d0*vint(1)*sqrt(xt2)
534  CALL pysigh(nchn,sigs)
535  IF(mint(141) sigs=sigs*vint(320)
536  IF(sigs.LT.xsec(isub,1)*pyr(0)) goto 220
538 C...Reset K, P and V vectors. Select some variables.
539  DO 240 i=n+1,n+2
540  DO 230 j=1,5
541  k(i,j)=0
542  p(i,j)=0d0
543  v(i,j)=0d0
544  230 CONTINUE
545  240 CONTINUE
546  rflav=pyr(0)
547  pt=0.5d0*vint(1)*sqrt(xt2)
548  phi=paru(2)*pyr(0)
549  cth=vint(23)
551 C...Add first parton to event record.
552  k(n+1,1)=3
553  k(n+1,2)=21
554  IF(rflav.GE.max(parp(85),parp(86))) k(n+1,2)=
555  & 1+int((2d0+parj(2))*pyr(0))
556  p(n+1,1)=pt*cos(phi)
557  p(n+1,2)=pt*sin(phi)
558  p(n+1,3)=0.25d0*vint(1)*(vint(41)*(1d0+cth)-vint(42)*(1d0-cth))
559  p(n+1,4)=0.25d0*vint(1)*(vint(41)*(1d0+cth)+vint(42)*(1d0-cth))
560  p(n+1,5)=0d0
562 C...Add second parton to event record.
563  k(n+2,1)=3
564  k(n+2,2)=21
565  IF(k(n+1,2).NE.21) k(n+2,2)=-k(n+1,2)
566  p(n+2,1)=-p(n+1,1)
567  p(n+2,2)=-p(n+1,2)
568  p(n+2,3)=0.25d0*vint(1)*(vint(41)*(1d0-cth)-vint(42)*(1d0+cth))
569  p(n+2,4)=0.25d0*vint(1)*(vint(41)*(1d0-cth)+vint(42)*(1d0+cth))
570  p(n+2,5)=0d0
572  IF(rflav.LT.parp(85).AND.nstr.GE.1) THEN
573 C....Choose relevant string pieces to place gluons on.
574  DO 260 i=n+1,n+2
575  dmin=1d8
576  DO 250 istr=1,nstr
577  i1=kstr(istr,1)
578  i2=kstr(istr,2)
579  dist=(p(i,4)*p(i1,4)-p(i,1)*p(i1,1)-p(i,2)*p(i1,2)-
580  & p(i,3)*p(i1,3))*(p(i,4)*p(i2,4)-p(i,1)*p(i2,1)-
581  & p(i,2)*p(i2,2)-p(i,3)*p(i2,3))/max(1d0,p(i1,4)*p(i2,4)-
582  & p(i1,1)*p(i2,1)-p(i1,2)*p(i2,2)-p(i1,3)*p(i2,3))
583  IF(istr.EQ.1.OR.dist.LT.dmin) THEN
584  dmin=dist
585  ist1=i1
586  ist2=i2
587  istm=istr
588  ENDIF
589  250 CONTINUE
591 C....Colour flow adjustments, new string pieces.
592  IF(k(ist1,4)/mstu(5).EQ.ist2) k(ist1,4)=mstu(5)*i+
593  & mod(k(ist1,4),mstu(5))
594  IF(mod(k(ist1,5),mstu(5)).EQ.ist2) k(ist1,5)=
595  & mstu(5)*(k(ist1,5)/mstu(5))+i
596  k(i,5)=mstu(5)*ist1
597  k(i,4)=mstu(5)*ist2
598  IF(k(ist2,5)/mstu(5).EQ.ist1) k(ist2,5)=mstu(5)*i+
599  & mod(k(ist2,5),mstu(5))
600  IF(mod(k(ist2,4),mstu(5)).EQ.ist1) k(ist2,4)=
601  & mstu(5)*(k(ist2,4)/mstu(5))+i
602  kstr(istm,2)=i
603  kstr(nstr+1,1)=i
604  kstr(nstr+1,2)=ist2
605  nstr=nstr+1
606  260 CONTINUE
608 C...String drawing and colour flow for gluon loop.
609  ELSEIF(k(n+1,2).EQ.21) THEN
610  k(n+1,4)=mstu(5)*(n+2)
611  k(n+1,5)=mstu(5)*(n+2)
612  k(n+2,4)=mstu(5)*(n+1)
613  k(n+2,5)=mstu(5)*(n+1)
614  kstr(nstr+1,1)=n+1
615  kstr(nstr+1,2)=n+2
616  kstr(nstr+2,1)=n+2
617  kstr(nstr+2,2)=n+1
618  nstr=nstr+2
620 C...String drawing and colour flow for qqbar pair.
621  ELSE
622  k(n+1,4)=mstu(5)*(n+2)
623  k(n+2,5)=mstu(5)*(n+1)
624  kstr(nstr+1,1)=n+1
625  kstr(nstr+1,2)=n+2
626  nstr=nstr+1
627  ENDIF
629 C...Global statistics.
630  mint(351)=mint(351)+1
631  vint(351)=vint(351)+pt
632  IF (mint(351).EQ.1) vint(356)=pt
634 C...Update remaining energy; iterate.
635  n=n+2
636  IF(n.GT.mstu(4)-mstu(32)-10) THEN
637  CALL pyerrm(11,'(PYMULT:) no more memory left in PYJETS')
638  mint(51)=1
640  ENDIF
641  mint(31)=mint(31)+1
642  vint(151)=vint(151)+vint(41)
643  vint(152)=vint(152)+vint(42)
644  vint(143)=vint(143)-vint(41)
645  vint(144)=vint(144)-vint(42)
646 C...Allow FSR for UE
647  IF(mstp(152).EQ.1) CALL pyshow(n-1,n,sqrt(parp(71))*pt)
648  IF(mint(31).LT.240) goto 220
649  270 CONTINUE
650  mint(1)=isubsv
651  DO 280 j=11,80
652  vint(j)=vintsv(j)
653  280 CONTINUE
654  ENDIF
656 C...Format statements for printout.
657  5000 FORMAT(/1x,'****** PYMULT: initialization of multiple inter',
658  &'actions for MSTP(82) =',i2,' ******')
659  5100 FORMAT(8x,'pT0 =',f5.2,' GeV gives sigma(parton-parton) =',1p,
660  &d9.2,' mb: rejected')
661  5200 FORMAT(8x,'pT0 =',f5.2,' GeV gives sigma(parton-parton) =',1p,
662  &d9.2,' mb: accepted')
665  END